Cómo hacer un hábito irresistible de cumplir // How to make an irresistible habit of compliance

in Blog to Grow2 years ago

Hola, querido hiver.

Con la vuelta al cole que nos viene dentro de nada, regresan los buenos propósitos de apuntarnos al gimnasio, empezar a estudiar un idioma o aprender a tocar un instrumento. ¿Te suena familiar? Pretendemos incorporar a nuestra rutina actividades que no estamos acostumbrados a realizar, con el añadido de que venimos de una relajación general de nuestras obligaciones.

No hace falta mucha imaginación para saber que la gran mayoría fracasa con estas buenas intenciones. ¿Por qué, si es lo que las personas quieren hacer? Porque, como dice el refrán, nos es lo mismo predicar que dar trigo. En este post intentaré darte algunas ideas para que te resulte más sencillo implementar un hábito positivo o dejar de realizar uno negativo.

Fuente Imagen

Definición de hábito

Los hábitos son acciones que realizamos de forma repetitiva, a menudo inconscientemente. Cuando llevamos a cabo una serie de hábitos en un momento concreto y con un orden determinado, pasamos a hablar de rutinas.

Cuanto más repitamos un hábito, más reforzamos la identidad que asociamos a esa conducta. Las pequeñas victorias continuas tienen un efecto mucho más profundo que los grandes empujones no continuados en el tiempo.

A los seres humanos se nos da de maravilla imaginar y fatal transformar esas ensoñaciones en realidad con nuestro esfuerzo y dedicación. Por eso es importante repetir hasta conseguir que nos salga sin pensar, porque si pensamos se nos va la imaginación y… vuelta a empezar con el bucle.

Los 4 pasos de la conducta

Cada acción que realizamos sigue un proceso compuesto por los siguientes pasos:

  1. Aparece una señal que desencadena el proceso en nuestro cerebro.
  2. Sentimos el anhelo o deseo de obtener una satisfacción futura. El anhelo puede ser también al contrario, la necesidad de que desaparezca algo que nos incomoda.
  3. Damos nuestra respuesta en forma de conducta o acción.
  4. Obtenemos una recompensa que supone satisfacer el anhelo del paso 2.

Para conseguir mejores hábitos se puede intervenir en cualquiera de las fases anteriores.
Con el fin de que puedas visualizarlo mejor, supondremos que quiero instaurar el hábito de realizar estiramientos todos los días. Debajo de cada técnica incluiré un ejemplo basado en ese objetivo.

Intervenciones en función de cada paso

1. Intervención en la señal: Hacer obvio el hábito

¿Cuántas veces quieres hacer algo y cuando llega el momento se te olvida? Te falta la señal que provoca que el proceso se desencadene. Por otra parte, una vez inicias la acción, cada segundo que pasas desarrollándola generas una inercia que te acerca al éxito de tu objetivo. El misterio es cómo comenzar ese ciclo virtuoso. Es tan sencillo como:

  • Encadenar el hábito deseado a otro hábito que ya tengas interiorizado y forme parte de tu rutina. Funciona igual si lo encadenas antes o después.
    Ejemplo: como ya salgo a caminar por el parque, al llegar a casa y antes de ducharme y cambiarme de ropa, haré los estiramientos.

  • Convertir la señal que desencadena el proceso en parte del contexto, así al verla te pondrás en marcha casi sin pensar.
    Ejemplo: dejo la colchoneta que utilizo para hacerlos sobre la cama, así cuando vuelva de mi caminata por el parque la veré y los realizaré antes de ducharme y cambiarme de ropa.

Como ves se pueden utilizar ambas técnicas para adquirir un mismo hábito. Igualmente sirven para eliminar los hábitos nocivos que quieras dejar de realizar. En ese caso, en lugar de encadenar el hábito lo que harás será sustituirlo por otro hábito que sea incompatible y ocultar al máximo las posibles señales del ambiente.

El ejemplo típico de abandono de un hábito negativo es dejar de fumar. Cuando tengas ganas de fumar un cigarrillo, sustitúyelo por comer un caramelo sin azúcar. Así mantienes la boca ocupada. Además, esconde de la vista el paquete de tabaco y el mechero, estarás eliminando la señal del ambiente. Este simple gesto ahorra muchos cigarrillos, de esto puedo dar fe.

2. Intervención en el anhelo: Hacer atractivo el nuevo hábito

Quieres que tu hábito sea tan irresistible que sea un placer caer en él. Para lograrlo, estas son las propuestas de James Clear:

  • Integrar el nuevo hábito que quieras realizar con una acción que necesites hacer. Esta servirá de señal. Esta técnica funciona mejor si primero cumples con lo que necesitas, utilizando el hábito como recompensa.
    Ejemplo: al regresar de comprar el pan diario, haré los estiramientos.

  • Unirte a un ambiente en el que tu conducta sea aprobada y con el que compartas intereses.
    Ejemplo: cuando haga los estiramientos, me haré una foto y la colgaré en un grupo de Facebook dedicado al ejercicio físico.

  • Crear un ritual para asociar un hábito atractivo con un sentimiento positivo.
    Ejemplo: al hacer los estiramientos, pondré música suave de fondo y prenderé una vela aromática.

3. Intervención en la respuesta: Hacer sencilla la realización del nuevo hábito

Ya he señalado arriba que lo que importa es repetir el hábito, cuantas más veces mejor. Como somos perezosos por naturaleza, a menos energía invirtamos en iniciar la acción, más fácil nos resultará. Poco a poco se irá convirtiendo en parte de nuestra rutina.

Aquí nos encontramos con la gran enemiga: la procrastinación. Siempre encontramos una buena excusa para dejar para mañana lo que podemos hacer hoy. El remedio implacable es la regla de los dos minutos. Oblígate a practicar tu nuevo hábito solo durante dos minutos. ¿Recuerdas lo que he dicho sobre la inercia? Al final de ese par de minutos, te resultará más fácil continuar con tu hábito que frenarlo.

4. Intervención en la recompensa: Hacer satisfactorio el nuevo hábito

Huelga decir que tendemos a repetir aquello que nos da placer y satisfacción. Si eres capaz de conseguirlo con tu nuevo hábito, nada te podrá parar. Es importante que seas consciente de tus avances, y que te fijes más en lo que vas consiguiendo y menos en lo que te falta por alcanzar. ¿Cómo conseguirlo?

  • Lleva un registro de hábitos y no rompas la cadena. Puedes utilizar una aplicación en tu móvil, hay variedad para elegir, pero sirve igual trazar una cruz o un punto en tu calendario cada día que cumples. En el momento en que se vayan acumulando los días, va a ser más doloroso y costoso renunciar a cumplir contigo mismo.

  • Busca a una persona a la que rendir cuentas. Escribe en un papel tu compromiso a realizar ese hábito, lo más concreto que puedas. Si no cumples, tendrás que sufrir un “castigo” a cambio.
    Ejemplo: me comprometo a realizar los estiramientos como mínimo cinco días a la semana durante un mes. Si llegada la fecha XX no he cumplido, tendré que invitar a (nombre de la persona) a cenar.

Tu fuerza de voluntad, tu esfuerzo y tu constancia serán los que consigan que tus hábitos mejoren. No existen atajos ni trucos milagrosos, como tampoco se sustituye por nada la satisfacción que sientes al lograr incorporar en tu vida hábitos que sabes que son beneficiosos.

No es necesario que para cada hábito que quieras realizar apliques todas estas técnicas. Haz tu propia selección, toma nota de tu evolución en el proceso y corrige cada vez que te desvíes. Cada cual debemos encontrar lo que nos funciona mejor. Tu experiencia guiará tus pasos.


Libro Hábitos atómicos de James Clear

Aviso: Todo lo publicado en este post es de mi autoría, excepto los elementos en los que doy crédito a su/s autor/es. Por tanto, en caso de plagio o difusión sin mi permiso, ejerceré mis derechos de autor si así lo estimo oportuno.
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Hello, dear hiver.

With school back in the near future, the good old resolutions to join the gym, start studying a language or learn to play an instrument are back. Sound familiar? We intend to incorporate activities into our routine that we are not used to doing, with the added bonus that we are coming from a general relaxation of our obligations.

It doesn't take much imagination to realise that the vast majority fail with these good intentions. Why, if it's what people want to do? Because, as the saying goes, it is not the same to preach as to give wheat. In this post I will try to give you some ideas to make it easier for you to implement a positive habit or stop doing a negative one.

Source Image

Definition of habit

Habits are actions that we perform repeatedly, often unconsciously. When we carry out a series of habits at a specific time and in a specific order, we talk about routines.

The more we repeat a habit, the more we reinforce the identity we associate with that behaviour. Small, continuous victories have a much more profound effect than big, non-continuous pushes over time.

Human beings are wonderful at imagining and fatal at transforming those dreams into reality with our effort and dedication. That is why it is important to repeat until we get it without thinking, because if we think we lose our imagination and... back to the beginning of the loop.

The 4 steps of behaviour

Every action we perform follows a process composed of the following steps:

  1. A signal appears that triggers the process in our brain.
  2. We feel the craving or desire for future satisfaction. The longing can also be the opposite, the need for something that makes us uncomfortable to disappear.
  3. We give our response in the form of behaviour or action.
  4. We obtain a reward which means satisfying the craving from step 2.

To achieve better habits you can intervene at any of the above stages.
In order to help you visualise it better, let's assume that I want to get into the habit of stretching every day. Below each technique I will include an example based on that goal.

Interventions according to each step

1. Intervention on the signal: Making the habit obvious

How often do you want to do something and when the time comes you forget? You are missing the signal that triggers the process. On the other hand, once you initiate the action, every second you spend doing it generates an inertia that brings you closer to the success of your goal. The mystery is how to start that virtuous cycle. It is as simple as:

  • Chain the desired habit to another habit that you already have internalised and is part of your routine. It works the same if you chain it before or after.
    Example: as I already go for a walk in the park, when I get home and before showering and changing clothes, I will do the stretching.

  • Make the signal that triggers the process part of the context, so that when you see it, you will get going almost without thinking.
    Example: I leave the mat I use to do them on the bed, so when I come back from my walk in the park I will see it and do them before I shower and change clothes.

As you can see, both techniques can be used to acquire the same habit. They can also be used to eliminate harmful habits that you want to stop. In this case, instead of chaining the habit, you will replace it with another habit that is incompatible and hide the possible environmental signals as much as possible.

The typical example of giving up a negative habit is quitting smoking. When you feel like smoking a cigarette, replace it with a sugar-free candy. This keeps your mouth busy. Also, hide the packet of cigarettes and the lighter out of sight, you will be removing the signal from the environment. This simple gesture saves a lot of cigarettes, I can attest to that.

2. Craving intervention: Make the new habit attractive.

You want your habit to be so irresistible that it is a pleasure to fall into it. To achieve this, here are James Clear's suggestions:

  • Integrate the new habit you want to do with an action you need to do. This will serve as a signal. This technique works best if you do what you need to do first, using the habit as a reward.
    Example: When I come back from buying my daily bread, I will do my stretches.

  • Join an environment in which your behaviour is approved and with which you share interests.
    Example: When I do my stretches, I will take a picture of myself and post it in a Facebook group dedicated to physical exercise.

  • Create a ritual to associate an attractive habit with a positive feeling.
    Example: When stretching, I'll play soft music in the background and light a scented candle.

3. Response intervention: Make it easy to do the new habit.

I have already pointed out above that what matters is to repeat the habit, the more times the better. As we are naturally lazy, the less energy we invest in initiating the action, the easier it will become. Little by little it will become part of our routine.

Here we meet the great enemy: procrastination. We always find a good excuse to put off until tomorrow what we can do today. The relentless remedy is the two-minute rule. Force yourself to practice your new habit for only two minutes. Remember what I said about inertia? At the end of that couple of minutes, you'll find it easier to continue your habit than to stop it.

4. Reward intervention: Make the new habit satisfying.

It goes without saying that we tend to repeat what gives us pleasure and satisfaction. If you are able to achieve this with your new habit, nothing can stop you. It is important to be aware of your progress, and to focus more on what you are achieving and less on what you have yet to achieve. How to achieve this?

  • Keep track of your habits and don't break the chain. You can use an application on your mobile, there are a variety to choose from, but it is equally useful to draw a cross or a dot on your calendar every day that you meet your goals. As the days pile up, it will become more painful and costly to give up on yourself.

  • Find someone to be accountable to. Write down on paper your commitment to the habit, as concretely as you can. If you don't follow through, you will have to suffer a "punishment" in return.
    Example: I commit to stretching at least five days a week for a month. If on XX date I have not complied, I will have to invite (name of person) to dinner.

Your willpower, your effort and your perseverance will be what will make your habits improve. There are no shortcuts or miracle tricks, just as there is no substitute for the satisfaction you feel when you manage to incorporate habits into your life that you know are beneficial.

It is not necessary that for every habit you want to do, you have to apply all these techniques. Make your own selection, take note of your evolution in the process and correct every time you deviate. Each of us must find what works best for us. Your experience will guide your steps.


Book Atomic Habits by James Clear

Notice: Everything published in this post is of my authorship, except for the elements in which I give credit to its author/s. Therefore, in case of plagiarism or dissemination without my permission, I will exercise my copyright if I deem it appropriate.
Translated with (free version) www.DeepL.com/Translator
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As we are naturally lazy, the less energy we invest in initiating the action, the easier it will become.

Hahah, yeah, it is like this, but maybe not just because we are lazy, but because we are getting better in what we are doing and more confident, so also more satisfied :))

This is more positive point of view, hehe. That satisfaction is precisely what make us lazy! We tend to expend as little energy as possible, not only physically but also mentally. Routines and habits help us to achieve this. ☺️

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Thank you for the support. 🤗

Excelente reseña, @palomap3 Yo me dedico profesionalmente a ayudar a la gente a adoptar hábitos nuevos y alcanzar metas, y lo que has escrito es tremendo - acertada como siempre. ¡Muchas gracias!


Soy terapeuta ocupacional, los hábitos son parte fundamental de nuestro tratamiento así que los conozco bien. 😅
Tienen un enorme poder a la hora de llevar una vida satisfactoria, somos lo que hacemos.
Gracias por tu visita y por tu feedback. Un abrazote. 🤗

@paloma, no sabía eso. ¡Excelente! Tenemos mucho en común. Oye, tengo una idea. Te escribo por Discord

¡He pensado lo mismo! Tenemos mucho en común y seguro que nuestras visiones son complementarias.
Bienvenidas esas ideas. 😊


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Me ha gustado mucho tu post y el libro de referencia es muy bueno para alcanzar nuevos hábitos!

Gracias, me alegra que te haya gustado. Tenía recelo en leer este libro pero me sorprendió para bien. Es sencillo y al mismo tiempo se basa en buenas referencias.

fatal at transforming those dreams

Might be they lack motivation or self-confidence but one can implement your formula of making chain of good habits. If we can relate the good stuff with one another scheduled be more schedule. I always connected my hygiene, dressing and healthy breakfast with my university classes but later when the classes were disconnected I often skip hairstyling and breakfast 😶 I don't know but that schedule made everything good as my habit.

Also replacing cigarette with sugar candy hehe it's cool idea Nah. By the way it's all mind game and I am truly agreed that rewards influence our behaviour. Conditioned behaviour experiment by Palov hehe.

imaginations hehe. Have a great day ahead 🍀Can I say I found the 4th clue of #dreemport and it's human are wonderful at

They are still just common sense advice, which is the least common of the senses, haha.

You're absolutely right, it's a mental thing. If you set your mind to it hard enough, you achieve your goals.

OMG, I have to look for some clues!!! I hope I'm on time, I'll have to be quick... Thanks for the heads up! 🤗

Haha, common sense is not common for common people lol. You can be a Dreemie pirate as more clues are going to be revealed soon 😆 see you in PYPT.

Nice write up ✍️✍️
Reading from @dreemport

Thank you for your visit, @sommylove. 😀

Welcome 🤗

Personally, I'm a creature of habits and routines, but after the summer vacation, I always have problems building up my working habits... I suppose that's normal, but it still has a demotivational effect as we think that we are lazy...
Thanks for sharing your views and tips on how to build healthy habits!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post!

Comment Footer.jpg

This is absolutely normal. In a few days we will build up our routines again. Modern society pretends to sell us that routine is boring, but in reality it is necessary to store up enough energy to do great things. 😊

Thank you for your visit and support, much appreciated. 🤗

Habits can truly be stopped just like the part about smoking you mentioned and we can pick on a positive habit also with the techniques listed.

Waltzed in through dreemport.

All it takes is a good reason and we can achieve any habit we set our minds to. We are stronger than we think.
Thank you for your visit, dreemer!! 😁

Yes we are.. You are welcome🤗🤗

This is a really good read, recently I started using an exercise bike, in order to get myself a bit fitter, something I've wanted for a while. One thing that got me onto it is music, I listen to headphones every day for about 30 minutes to an hour. I decided instead of sitting in a chair or walking around the house for that time, I would do what I need to do in the mornings and then as a treat, I would listen to music. Granted, I don't go on the bike every day, but I have been doing it, just to build up that repetition.

I think this post will help people get into some good habits and achieve some goals they have placed for themselves.


Your strategy is excellent! We don't really need anyone to teach us, if we really want to do something we find a way. I am sure you will do it!!

Thank you for your visit and commenting. 🤗

You're right, I think it comes down to wanting to do it sometimes. You're welcome, thanks for the post!


No wonder the words were familiar! I love that book and I've been reflecting on my habits and identify a lot since I've read that book!

The book is already a classic in the area of self-improvement, hehe. I enjoyed it too. 😁

Buen post @palomap3! el tema de los hábitos es algo que me apasiona. Y el libro de James Clear es claro y fácil de entender para tomar el control de nuestros hábitos.

Para mi el conocer el funcionamiento de los hábitos supuso un antes y un después a la hora de enfocar mis metas y en mi desarrollo personal. Lo descubrí con otro gran libro que se llama El poder de los Hábitos de Charles Duhigg, que seguro también conoces y puede que hasta leído.

Un abrazo

A mí es que me viene de profesión, jeje. Soy terapeuta ocupacional y los hábitos son una de nuestras herramientas, dan una enorme información de cómo nos conducimos por la vida.

Tenía recelo de leer un libro de divulgación justo por haber estudiado tanto la ocupación humana, pero me sorprendió gratamente porque las referencias que utiliza son buenas y está muy bien expuesto.

El otro libro que mencionas, sí que me suena pero no lo he leído. Tomo nota, si va recomendado de tu parte merece la pena. ¡Abrazo de vuelta! 🤗

Thank you so much. I read Atomic Habits this year and I must say it is fascinating. Our habits play a major role in our life. Recently, I changed my habits and I realise I have been meeting up with some of my goals. Thank you for this post.

!via dreemport

I am so glad you are improving your habits. They are the basis of everything we do. Habits can help us and make our lives easier or, on the contrary, they can be a hindrance.
A little effort every day goes a long way. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your visit and for your feedback, I really appreciate it. 🤗

Great post Paloma 🙌 I need to get back into a few more habits myself... I'm going to try some of these tips❣️ I think my HIIT session needs to be the full 25 minutes though !LOLZ !ALIVE

I had to look up what HIIT is, that's my level, LOOL! 🤣🤣

What works best is chaining, in a few days you feel like you're missing something if you don't do it.

I look forward to hearing about your progress. 😘❤️

Yeah, I really love this concept!!! will definitely let you know 💗 !PIZZA

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(2/10)@palomap3! to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

The first time I got a universal remote control I thought to myself
This changes everything.

Credit: marshmellowman

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ
(1/4)@palomap3, I sent you an on behalf of @samsmith1971

Maravillosos ejercicios para fomentar los buenos hábitos. Muchísimo éxito, que gran aporte para la semana. @palomap3 Un abrazote.

Gracias por tus palabras, amables como siempre. Un abrazote para terminar bien la semana. 🤗

Te felicito que buen post para ayudarnos a adquirir buenos hábitos
👏🤗🤩🌸🌸🌼😜✨🌹🥰🌹✨😜🌼🤩👏🤗🌸🌼✨🥰🌹✨😜🌼🌸👏🤩🌸🌼✨🌹🥰😜🌼🌸🤗👏🤗🌸😜✨🥰Hola amiga @palomap4

Gracias por tu visita, siempre bienvenida querida @yraimadiaz 🤗


An bookmarked to share with clients ;)

Also... I'm going to meditate now because you are so on it with this and it fits perfectly and even reading this made me aware enough to return to a routine that was working far better than a third (yep, third!) cup of coffee.

I think you may have cemented a real change for me with this one, P. I'll let you know in another week if I pull it off because I'm gonna use this to fix it permanently and this makes absolute sense.

Nicely done and how do you even know all this good stuff? :)

Yes, please tell me if it helps you to make that change happen. And if it doesn't, it's also good to know so I can look for the reason 😉.

My secret 🤫 to know about this is that I am an occupational therapist and habits are one of the basic tools of our treatments. I have had to study and analyse them many times. 😅

Thank you for always being there. A very big kiss. ♥️🥰