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What is #threadcast?

Threadcast is a room where specific activities are carried out... Is just like going live on TikTok or YouTube live...

On Leo we call it threadcast. It can serve different purpose...

Thanks you

If only I had unlimited RC I wonder have filled this up to thousands.

Wasn't checking my RC when I started the YouTube threadcast. Within 2 days I was down to 15.


That's why I haven't put up a Threadcast for 2 days now. But good job my friend.

Ask @taskmaster4450le if he can delegate you some extra :)

To who. The thread is not showing up/indexing.

its was @falcon97 who said he ran out when doing ai summaries

Okay I can delegate some to him

delegated some RCOh thanks my G, @taskmaster4450le

Here comes the storm


Make use of it! We need to break 250k in december

Give me just 5 minutes let me set my N8n up. You're gonna be shocked 😈

Its coming this morning ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️... As early!

Mark my words people, we're setting a new record today with the summarizer.

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