There are 3 pages

what's really wild is

i've worked a corporate job for 10 years and never once felt like i did something that mattered. 3 days on the VSC team and i feel like i'm really a part a of something special.

wild how a vibe and a little respect can change everything.


Glad to hear that you enjoy your new job! You are working on something really important for Hive!

absolutely. gotta push this place forward.

I hope to see behind the scenes Leoshorts when its launches :)

interesting idea

Yes, think I might not be the only one interested in whats going on :)

Thread Day #135

Quintou e finalmente os jogos olímpicos estão entre nós. Hoje tem estreia do Time Brasil agora, às 9h, handball feminino! A adm tá completamente olimpizada hahahaha


Vêm conferir mais uma postagem incrível criada por nosso colaborador @wiseagent

Our friends @mengao, @vaipraonde and @xvlad are there! Everything that is happening there must be sensational!

Good for them :)

@vaipraonde trouxe uma galera para o nosso grupo de whatsapp, muito bom, acredito que podem ser novos usuários constantes por aqui!

@xvlad and @mengao representaram. Os caras são feras.

Top demais, esses eventos são bons demais para espalhar o que é a Hive e para nós brasileiros uma chance de novas pessoas entrarem e nos ajudarem a crescer!

A seleção feminina de handball ganhou, começou bem :)

Boa tarde pessoal!

Férias de julho acabando...

Nem fala, eu vou voltar pro trabalho mês que vem, a depre ja vem pra pegar kkk

Complicado kkkkkkkkk

Bom dia!

Olha aí, o Brasil começando com o pé direito. Venceu a Espanha.

Caso alguém tenha cotas no fundo SMRE11, ta rolando uma votação pra remover a taxa de performance do fundo o que deve aumentar a rentabilidade dos cotistas.

Precisamos trocar mais informações sobre os fundos, eu comprei alguns já, to com uns 1k investido kkk, a patroa pode nem sonhar com isso haha

kkkk pq man? é um investimento relativamente seguro

Ahhh ela não entende muito desses trem, é igual a hive, para ela é perca de tempo kkk, prefiro nao fica falando sobre aonde to investindo a grana haha


daqui um tempo, pega uma parte dos dividendos e leva ela pra jantar e deplis vc conta

garanto que ela muda de idiea kkk

huahuahuahuha boa ideia xD tenho certeza que ela vai se empolgar bastante com isso kkk

Na minha opinião, quando ela souber, acredito que irá gostar da surpresa.

Mano pior q vira e mexe eu explico as coisas meio que com outras palavras, mas nenhum interesse dela kkk, ela é bem voada com esse negocio de investimentos e tudo mais

Quando tu tiver uns 100k, vc vai avisar ela. A dúvida é... Ela irá ficar feliz ou com raiva já que não tinha avisado antes?

kkkkkkkkkkk acho que a única certeza possível é a meu enterro e lapide kkk

Esses são o que comprei no momento, to focando no que custam mais barato primeiro, depois que tiver com um patrimonio legal, quero começar a comprar as cotas dos que custam mais caro.

Eu to com IFRA11, SMRE11, PMIS11, CDII11

Valeu, anotei aqui, aos poucos vou expandindo meu patrimônio!

Quem tem o direito de voto? Todos os cotistas?

Sim, todos os cotistas tem direito a voto

Acho que o sono está me vencendo pois digitei "bem" e o teclado aqui do celular colocou "nem" kkkkk...

Editei lá, mas não sei se isso vai de fato atualizar a mensagem.

Vlw pela informação. No futuro próximo espero embarcar nesse universo do FII.

Vlw! Nem interessante isso.

wow o. Good one

Eita, a proposta do Splinterlands perdeu o financiamento

Essa novela de splinterlands ainda vai longe kkk

Parece que vai mesmo!

Eu já nem invisto tem tempo no jogo, sinceramente meus objetivos é dividendos de token ou savings, não sei bem nem porque ainda jogo o spt... bem, vamos ver como será

Eu jogo mais por diversão mesmo
Eu gosto de amassar uns cara no brawl

Critérios que estão sendo estudados para a nova leaderboard da InLeo

qualquer coisa que envolva critérios de pontuação na InLeo eu passo reto kkk

kkkkk essa eu tenho que concordar xD

kkkk traumatizou

Eu perdi total o contato com o handball mas eu gostava muito desse esporte na minha adolescência

Cheguei até a jogar um bom tempo como goleiro. Não recomendo kkkkkkkkkkkkk

Eu so joguei handball no ensino médio, mas achava legal, bem dinâmico e agitado, isso é bom rs

É bem legal

Mas o goleiro sofre muito kkk

kkk com certeza, po agora deu maior saudade do ensino medio kkk

encontro HiveBR com handball amador. quem topa? KKKKKKKKK

kkkkkkkkkk seria incrível haha, poderíamos fazer um de futebol tamb, so o desastre kkk

eu joguei por muitos e muitos anos na época da escola, como ponta direita e foi assim que eu consegui uma lesão ferrada no joelho e uma panturrilha maior que a outra kkkkkkk

Bom dia galera! Boa quinta!

E vai Brasil!

Luciano Hang, o famoso "veio da Havan" foi condenado a 1 ano e 4 meses de prisão por injúrias mas a pena foi convertida a indenização e prestação de servicos a sociedade

Queria ter ido no Rio BLockchain... pelo menos tem gente representando a #hivebr

Bem legal ver a galera lá, queria ter mais condição e coragem de pegar o avião e ir lá também kkk, mas vou de um passo de cada vez.

O cerco está se fechando pra Carla Zambelli... parece que ela foi escanteada até mesmo pelas pessoas que apoiou e está isolada.... será que cai?

O mercado Oxxo está presente na sua cidade? É uma loucura o tanto que eles são agressivos.

Aqui em São Paulo tem tantos que, em alguns lugares, estando em frente a uma unidade você consegue ver outra sem precisar se mover

Alguém está no projeto PWR? Me lembro de ter ouvido falar logo que lançou mas não me aprofundei muito

vc fala do token pwr? Se for esse eu tenho um pouco de swap.hive x pwr na pool, ai rende um pouco de pwr por dia, ao que dizem, futuramente havera pagamento de dividendos tmb, mas nao sei se é verdade isso.

É verdade sim. Conversei com o criador do projeto agora e ele confirmou

Queda das treasures dos EUA direcionou recursos aos emergentes. Dolar arrefecendo.

Índice de confiança do consumidor também subiu

Alimentos pesaram menos no bolso do brasileiro em Julho. Bom sinal

Good morning, InLeo friends.

I am hopping on before I start seeing patients and end up getting caught up in the day.

How are your goals coming along for the week?

#gmfrens #freecompliments #cent #ctp

"What is good about it?" - @bradleyarrow

Yes, I am what is good about it :) !DOOK

GM frens, goals coming along. Thank you Fren.



Good Morning John! Have a great day! So far so good here.

Thanks, Lisa.
It's good to hear things are going well.

I like the new threadcasts that you are starting.

My day/goals are going great. Hope same for you. Have a great day with your patients.

Thank you, @emjeak

It has been going well today.


Good morning! !DOOK security here. You missed the dailydook tag. !LOL

How do you look for Will Smith in the snow?
Just follow the fresh prints.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of chaosmagic23

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@beststart, I sent you an

Good to see you stopping by. My today's goal is coming along nicely so far.

That is awesome, @fexonice


Today in #historyonleo

On July 25, 1992, the opening ceremonies of the Games of the XXV Olympiad are held in Barcelona, Spain. The Barcelona Olympics were the first ever in which professional athletes were allowed to participate, and the first Games since 1972 in which every member nation of the International Olympic Committee competed. In all, 169 countries fielded teams, the most in the history of the Olympics.


Just under 2 hours left for the

crypto-shots tournament

where you can win $HIVE

Ask questions, get answers, do your bragging in this #threadcast

Q: Is it free?

A: Yes! You log in with your Hive account and you play for free. Free to earn


Friday and Saturday require pvp alpha pass. These can be found here
or on .. also available as L1 HIVE NFTs soon! #excited

Get you guns out.

Was busy today, suspected a blood clot, so had to go to the doctor.

They said nothing is wrong 🤞🏻

I was missing you there. Good that there's nothing wrong. !BBH

I have become very used to playing on a daily basis, and today I haven't played. Believe me, I missed playing it. And it didn't help that I was sitting in the waiting room when the tournament was on 😅

At some point 4 players were online. I can't play every day due to my shifts.

Nice! Seems like some of them is back from holiday 😄
If you can, then play during the weekends. There's double rewards 😁

@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/20)@caspermoeller89! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.

(html comment removed: )

Ran through AI. Original image in comment

Nice! Gonna drop it in the AI threadcast :)

Amazing that the AI made it look pretty much like me. Except I don't wear glasses (only sun glasses)

#GoodMorning lions! Here drinking some mates in this cold morning in Buenos Aires

#Spanish #Photo #Selfie #breakfast #Argentina

I dropped your selfie in the selfie threadcast. A great place to get involved with this type of content.

Is this user posting the thread daily right? Cool

Yes @bradleyarrow does it daily. If taking selfies drop them in there. Helps the engagement as a few of us comment on them.

Its a good mechanic! Instead doing solo posts having people managing tags could be a good concept on a community driven platform!

Threadcasts are extremely undervalued. They have great potential to form around different topics.

and folks, that is how it works :)

Damn! So many new things to learn! Glad you are around to give me a hand!

(I anser this like an hour ago but the response stuck cuz i didnt login my keychain LOL)

There is a lot going on that is why we have the engagement. The great thing about threads is you can ask questions and get answers.

Way to share, and thread MOAR !DOOK

oh I haven't had mate in a long long time!

haha i need like 2 litres daily to work at peak eficiency =P

Photo from just now

I will! Im not used to leave the house too much! Im trying to go out more often and this could be a great oportunity!

I'm glad I can be thebopportunity

You're making me miss it a bit.... I will have to find some soon

hellow everyone im new here

Welcome to inleo. Feel free to ask about anything you don't understand.

Hello and welcome!

Welcome to Leo. Glad you are joining the party. It is an easy group of people to interact with. Just dive in and thread away.

Welcome to threads and Inleo!
Feel free to ask any questions!

Welcome to inleo! You wwill definitely like it here.

#askonleo, people staying alone, do you think meal prepping takes too much time and energy for the outcome? And if you stay with friends or family, would you be #cooking as much if you were alone??

As for me, I don't mind eating out but considering cost and hygiene I try to eat in as often as I can. P.s - it is hard :( #rants

For me it was easier when I was alone than now at home.

I also did "meal preps" so I actually cooked less. With family that is harder because you need where to store all that food

People that I know who cook for family mostly store them in refrigerators, make some powdered and some dried to ease themselves of stress.
Regardless of passion and talent, cooking is a skill that very few people have. I admire your strength and hope that you figure out a way to store prepped meals.

I have two refried but still not enough space for prepped and fresh, also with power outages I can't have much sensitive food there. Also drying is too much work to keep ingredients, not really full meals. It ends up being better just cooking every day normally.

If prepping food normally is what works for you presently then that's fine.
Besides, nothing beats freshly cooked home-food.

The name of the token or game makes me immediately think of its "Surecoin" counterpart. 🤣😂


Source: CryptoFam-eng Telegram Channel


I think the possibilities are even higher to make money from virtual money. Although people shouldn't have hubris...

Fiat currency is also virtual money.

A big portion of. The context refers to crypto.

Yes, but since fiat is also virtual money, everyone should have already known that real profits can be brought by virtual money.

#newsonleo #liotes

Progress !!

Coinbase's Base Deploys Fault Proofs on Testnet in Progress Towards Decentralization

Base, the ETH Layer 2 network developed by Coinbase, announced deployment of fault proofs on Sepolia testnet

link ⬇️

Source: Crypto News Telegram Channel


Somebdy help save that cat! 🐱😹

New Episode of #photocast 42th

Do you get it? A #threadcast to share your photos 📸

This is a space for you to share your own original photos and appreciate everyone's art!

As an artist you always should strive to be the best photographer you can be!

The more photos the merrier!

  • Share your own original Photos
  • Comment and share your opinions on other people photos
  • Connect with new Photographers
  • Don't forget to use the hashtag #photographers when sharing a photo

A #photographers community threadcast


Back in the day of steemit there were these black and white #photography challenges: #photographers

Maybe you need to come up with a challenge like that in here :D

yep I think you're

After tomorrow, I don’t go back to work until next Friday and four of those days we will be in Daytona where the hotel we are staying at is on the beach so looking forward to that wholeheartedly 🌞 this was a photo taken in one of our past beach visits.

#photography #photographers

It sounds like a good time coming :D That is a nice beach!

Looking forward to it 🙏🏼 Happy Thursday @sergiomendes

Wow, never seen something like this before

that one looks peculiar :D

yeah that's right it's a strange grass flower, at first glance it looks like an animal's spine 😀

I wish I would see a turtle! Its a long time I have not seen any

This one we called Bruiser because it had a big scratch on its back

When all nature wants to do is make Love #photographers

we love when nature is passionate!

lol yes! Isn't that so funny.. saw it on a walk near where I live, I had to take a picture.

Hope that everyone's join in :D

Thanks same here... let me know if you would rather I not post self promoted threadcasts like this.... I promise I will not abuse this power!


The Answer!


If the photocasts only had a topic 😉

If I can't get photos here being open to all the photos, imagine with a topic! LOL ZERO photos then

Was bored and thought I could share my view while being on in the bathroom 😅

This image made me remember the huge pile of laundry I was trying to forget 😂

Haha sorry for that 😅

thankfully we don’t have smelly media 💩

And this is what we call! microblogging nowadays! I would love to see more stuff like this in everyone's feeds!

I will be dropping some posts. Get ready to go drop a comment, a like and reblog it

Leave tips and your opinions about the blog posts. That is fine. We are here to help each other

There is a new episode out here for everyone. I hope you are having a beautiful day #photographers

Do you know if the scheduling post function in INLEO works?

Never tried it, so i dont know sir.

no it doesn't work


Still making some final tweaks here (certain categories aren't populating correctly) but you can see generally how points break down

  1. Threads
  3. Blog Posts
  4. Referrals
  5. Staking $LEO (coming soon)

The above 5 activities each earn you points the more you do them each month

I guess mabe its not relevant, but could we somehow also measure and score activity done on Leodex? Like buying selling and LP?

This leaderboard is for tracking on-site engagement for

LP'ing is a financial tool. It should (and is) incentivized on

You think you are right 👏

I forgot if this has been answered already, but are there prizes or just bragging rights for being top x for a month?

There will be bounties

do I get points for my existing stake? Don’t make me power down just to power up again 😂

Nope, it's an ongoing metric. Power up to earn points in the current cycle

So, if the bet is on the account allocated for curating LEO, then I'm out of luck :)


I mean that I bet all the LEO that I get on an account that is not burdened with other coins, and this will not be reflected in bonuses or points :) !VSC

@barski has sent VSC to @khaleelkazi

This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
Join our photography communityVisual Shots
Check here to view or trade VSC Tokens
Be part of our Curation Trail

@barski ha enviado VSC a @khaleelkazi

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
Consulte aquí para ver o intercambiar VSC Tokens
Se parte de nuestro Trail de Curación

Uses: 20/25

Everything is stacked here :)

Will Leoshort count as threads?

Yes but we may add a whole new category since it is more intensive than creating a thread

Yeah thats probably the right move 👍

I just read my introductory post on Hive, and I was whaoo by it. It was over two years ago and I saw some errors in what I wrote. I am glad for the growth, reading it was interesting cause it felt like I was reading someone else post #cent

I wish I knew what I know now. That's what you will be saying after reading your 2yrs introduction post. Change is only constant. Best wishes.

Very true 😅


A look at the August 7th, 1984 issue of PC Magazine.

#retrocomputing #PC #DOS #computers


Highlights include a review of the Kaypro 4 Plus 88 which includes DOS and CP/M support, new PC compatibles from Compaq and Canon, and much more.

#gmfrens, here is the Motivation, Inspiration, Success #threadcast for 7/24/2024 brought to you by @my1440, one of my other brands. Share your memes, videos, quotes, etc. in the comments! #motivationsonleo #inspirationonleo #successonleo #motivation #inspiration #success

Motivation is gud! !DOOK

Yes, it is. What motivates you?

Life itself. Like in nature. Like a frog. :) !DOOK

It could be worse: you could be like @bradleyarrow.

And you don't want to be like him.. !DOOK

No. But there is things worse than that too.

I hope so ! lol

I love this GIF, it's giving the same vibes of @stickupboys GIFs.

Hahaha, that was swift, now I know there is a connection, I love the colour tones.

If you are down, think about what Leo has planned over the next month.

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.

Leonardo da Vinci

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.

Thomas Carlyle

Never give up. That is the morale of the story.

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

"When one worldview dominates your thinking, you'll try to explain every problem you face through that worldview. Read widely and realize there are many answers."
James Clear from 3-2-1 Thursday Newsletter

"A great relationship is not only finding the person you have fun with, but also finding the person you want to be bored with. The beauty of long-term relationships is often hidden in boring, ordinary moments."
James Clear from 3-2-1 Thursday Newsletter

"Some projects benefit from early action. If you're writing a book, it's easy to spend a lot of time brainstorming titles and dreaming up an outline, but it's better to simply write. The book discovers itself as you go. Yes, you'll need to go back and organize things, but this is easier to do once you have material. The key is to act first and then organize your thinking.

Other projects benefit from early planning. The best way to build a skyscraper is to plan carefully. If you start placing steel beams on day one, you're guaranteed to run into problems. It is harder to make changes once you've begun. You'll need to tear it down and start over again. The key is to organize your thinking and then act.

Do you need early action or early planning?"

James Clear from 3-2-1 Thursday Newsletter

Choose to focus your time, energy and conversation around people who inspire you, support you and help you to grow you into your happiest, strongest, wisest self.

Karen Salmansohn

There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King.

Orison Swett Marden

If I could talk to my younger self, I would just say that the path to great things is filled with a lot of stumbles, suffering, and challenges along the way. But if you have the right attitude and know that hard times will pass - and you get up each time - you will reach your destination.

Jonny Kim

I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.

Marla Gibbs

Accepting all that you are will lead you to live your best life and will allow you to be free and your true authentic self.

Camille Kostek

I feel like my story just proves how important not only social media is, but how important it is to be your authentic self. Because when you're really truly your authentic self, the right people will find you. And when they find you, it will be for exactly who you are.

Bria Vinaite

Beauty means expression and being your most authentic self.

Paloma Elsesser

I wake up and play a different person every day. Playing all these different characters and trying to figure out who your true authentic self is at the core of that as you're playing all these different roles, and man, that self-awareness starts to come into effect. And you start to see who you really are.

Eliza Dushku

When you're not rooted in your authentic self, you believe what someone tells you. You'll fall for it.

Tabitha Brown

Nobody owes anything to anybody. You are your authentic self to whom and when you choose to be, and if you don't know somebody, then why would you explain to them how you live your life?

Sean Hayes

Time management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives. Priority management is the answer to maximizing the time we have.

John C. Maxwell

I've actually not read any books on time management.

Elon Musk

I am definitely going to take a course on time management... just as soon as I can work it into my schedule.

Louis E. Boone

You've got to know what you want. This is central to acting on your intentions. When you know what you want, you realize that all there is left then is time management. You'll manage your time to achieve your goals because you clearly know what you're trying to achieve in your life.

Patch Adams

I tend not to look at Twitter in the morning; I try to force myself not to, for time management. I'll look at it on the way to work.

Lawrence O'Donnell

The secret to modern life is finding the measure in time management. I have two kids, career and I travel, and I don't think my life is any different than most couples. The most valuable commodity now for many people is time and how to parcel that out.

Hugh Jackman

So during those first moments of the day, which are yours and yours alone, you can circumvent these boundaries and concentrate fully on spiritual matters. And this gives you the opportunity to plan the time management of the entire day.

Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Time management is surely the most critical aspect of acing multiple arenas: home, work, and family.

Sonali Bendre

Be Patient 🤘🏽

“You’re going to lose, if you want to go fast.” - Gary Vee


OpenAI insights have emerged- a former employee leaked the company's plans for 5 years ahead.

Details in the comment!

#outreach #technology #cent

The leaked documents

I am not in a productive mode today. But I am poor and poor people don't get to rest! LOL

That's the vibe :( sadly!

You should start selling a photography online course. Seen gurus talking about how easy it is to make millions 😅

$49.95 for a limited time only.

I am not a PRO and I don't like to trick people!

I am poor too 😆😆😆

the majority of us are lol

you steal my words man, same condition here :( we have to work until we make it shine! !pimp

You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@mango-juice just slapped you with , @sergiomendes.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Está mañana le dimos con todo a esos 5 km #hiverun #spanish

Felicitaciones. Sigue así.
##hiverun #spanish

Muchas gracias.

Felicidades, a seguir dándole fuerte 💪🏻😎

Así es, vamos con todo.

Me alegra que te unas al reto de los 5 kilómetros. Si se puede 💪

Gracias amiga, me alegra también verte activa en el reto, vamos con todo xD

Más nada, sigamos sumando kilómetros, saludos 🤗

ON! 🎥It's about time, lions! The #threadcast is

Thread Day #03 | Join uns! #themovieclub

Did anyone watch Inception?

That is a film I havent seen all the way through. I will have to find it.

I watched inception and it is a great movie.

That seems to be the consensus.

Hell yes! It's a fantastic movie! Watch it as soon as you can.


Yeah. Many have said as such.

Without a doubt, it is one of the best movies of Christopher Nolan's career (so far).


And he did a lot of good stuff. He had a lot of success.

Yeah. I hope he continues to make great movies.


Wth why havent you seen all of it? Great movie

I got interrupted a couple times when watching it and never went all the way through.

It was like Back to School in the 80s...I saw the film hundreds of times in pieces because it was always on during parties but I never saw the whole thing until years later.

Yes! Very good movie. My wife and I liked it.

That is what most are saying. I looked for it last night but it wasnt on the app I looked. I will find it.

Hollywood is a lost empire. That's a fact!


You and @taskmaster4450le seems to agree on that.

Maybe we will see the rise of Nollywood or Bollywood ? :D

I can see the rise of Nollywood 👀

The fragmentation of media is pushing it to the digital realm. We will see no more central locations for entertainment (video).

That makes a lof of sense.


That is why I am so excited for Leoshorts. Starting a library on here. Fragment things even more.

The cards will be above the table.


Imagine what will be possible when mixed reality becomes a thing.

This is gonna be mind-blowing! 🤯


It will really do a lot and provide a great deal of #technology expansion.

Maybe, it's gonna be a win-win game.


I guess Bollywood has a lot of potential. Who knows?! 🤔


The right mindset. 💡


Every movie can teach you a lesson (or more).


Get ready, lions! The Meme Wars is coming! 🔥


What is the best time of day to watch movies? 🤔


Tell me a movie that left you jaw-dropped.


Can't wait to watch Nicole Kidman's new movie, Babygirl.


The hype around this movie is too much, but I think a disappointment could be coming.


Dont say that, loved the first one!

Well, the first one is really good! I'm not so sure about the second one. 👀


Movies are everywhere.


It's great to see Brazil making more and more movies.


Art the clown is back! 🤡 🩸


What would be a reasonable price for a movie ticket? 🤔


Sometimes, I guess movies can be better than books.


They are quicker.

Sometimes, more than they should.


People who work in independent cinema need more space and recognition.


Cinema (in its essence) has never been, is not and will never be about money.


The future of cinema depends on the creativity of unknowns.


I hate side conversations while a movie is showing (whether at home, in the theater or anywhere else).


Its more okay if you are watching a movie at home but at the cinema its not okay!

I kinda agree with that, but I prefer silence anyway. 😅


One of the most iconic scenes from this classic Disney animation.


I am going to watch Gotti, with John Travolta.

Anyone see it?

It's not his best movie by far, but it's worth watching at least once.


Yeah I turned it off, not because of the film but had something else to do. Your assessment is correct.

Watch it as soon as you can.


This Gotti movie is running really slow.

I told you (later, but I told you 😅).


"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment" —Jim Rohn

Powered Up 113.9 #hive

Very nice. Keep pushing forward.


Excellent. Consistency is the key.

Okay folks, let's do this.

Here's the #threadcast for #newsonleo today, Thursday, July 25th, 2024.

Share all news related to

  • Business

  • Sports

  • Crypto

  • Local News.

  • International News.

  • History.

  • Every Thing News.

  • News from the grapevine

#freecompliments #thread2earn

It's really crazy.

It's a path of no return. We are seeing many developments in various sectors with AI on a large scale.

Is Axis Bank's share price fall a knee-jerk reaction?.

Axis Bank investors seem concerned about the surge in the credit cost
Personal loans and credit card loans grew much faster than the overall loan book growth.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn #world #hivenaija

Tata Motors, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation, Axis Bank, Nestle India among most active stocks.

The Sensex lost 109.08 points, or -0.14, to settle at 80148.88, while the Nifty lost 7.4 points, or -0.03, to close at 24413.5.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn #stock

Wealth Destroyer! Media stock Zee Entertainment Enterprises lost 50% of investor wealth just in 2024 YTD.

Zee Entertainment's shares have dropped significantly in 2024, falling by 50% due to the collapse of its merger with Sony and financial strain. The company aims to raise funds through FCCBs and reported improved earnings in Q4FY24.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

Aprameya Engineering IPO subscribed over 3x on the first bidding day led by QIBs; check GMP.

Aprameya Engineering IPO opens on July 25 with a price band of ₹56-58 per share. The company specialises in healthcare infrastructure projects and has no similar competitors in India.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

RNFI Services IPO share allotment to be finalised today: How to check status? A step-by-step guide.

The company is a technology-driven platform offering financial solutions in both B2B and B2B2C segments through an integrated model via its online portal and mobile application. The RNFI Services IPO saw a robust demand, being subscribed to over 221 times.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

Execution challenges may weigh on L&T's growth prospects.

Profitability in Q1 was led by robust execution of international projects, while domestic ones remained subdued on account of labour shortages during the general elections.
L&T is struggling to balance growth, working capital and margins, according to analysts at Ambit Capital.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

Esprit Stones IPO to open tomorrow; price band set at ₹82–87 apiece.

Esprit Stones IPO is priced at ₹82–87 per share, with a ₹10 face value. At least 1600 shares are up for bid, and multiples of those are also available.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

Suzlon Energy shares jump 2%, surge over 16% in one month; what's driving the rally?

The company's shares have delivered a multibagger return of 231 per cent over the past year and have risen by 64 per cent in the past six months. In last one month, the stock has grown over 15.69 per cent.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn #world

Tata, Vedanta, other business groups join the market upswing to beat Sensex this year.

India Inc’s titans join the market rally and shower impressive rewards on shareholders.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

SEBI warns stock exchanges to be ‘extra cautious’ while approving SME IPOs.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn #world

Are railway, power, and defence PSU stocks still attractive after Budget 2024?

Experts foresee positive outlook for power PSU stocks due to capacity expansion, policy support, infrastructure development, and strong financial performance. Government's emphasis on renewable energy projects and improving DISCOMs' financial health are seen as key drivers for power PSUs.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

PSU gas stock hits 6% upper circuit after robust Q1 show, annual returns at 65%; Do you own?

Shares of the PSU gas major gained over six per cent to hit a fresh 52-week high mark at ₹368 apiece on the BSE.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

IDBI Bank share price climbs 7% to cross ₹100 mark for the first time in 10 years.

IDBI Bank stock hits ₹100 mark after 10 years, gaining 51% this year. The bank reported a healthy set of numbers for the June quarter ending number (Q1FY25), with a 40% YoY jump in its standalone net profit to ₹1,719 crore.


#newsonleo #freecompliments #thread2earn

Da shorts are coming!
Da shorts are coming!

Task. There are children here. Put some pants on!

Sorry. I was following the lead of @l337m45732

He said to let it all hang out.

Hmm I thought you meant something different.

Damn I confuse easily.

which one is task here ? 😜

The cute one of course.

all of them are cute Sir

Can't wait to shoot the shot.

That can be taken a few different ways.

Tell me some of them.

LOL not fit for non adult audiences.




@taskmaster is keeping everyone in suspense, lololol! #freecompliments

I have nothing to do with it. LOL

may be some clue lol

Dont have any inside info either. Everything I espouse is purely speculation.

I guess it's part of big Friday release

Absolutely looking forward to it, sharing videos directly without a middleman, lol 😆

That will be a great day. We will see how long until it rolls out.

JD, one of China's largest e-commerce groups, will issue Hong Kong dollar stablecoin on public blockchain. JD ranked first in the sandbox list of three stablecoin issuers announced earlier by Hong Kong.

#newsonleo #cent

Lucky dude!
#pob #cent

Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 7/25/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.

Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.

meta Ai update

Mark Zuckerberg has announced a fascinating update to Meta AI, enabling users to create personalised images of themselves in various settings and styles. The feature is now available in several new regions and supports multiple languages.

Watch out for Meta in the #ai race. A lot going on with them.

Microsoft bing #ai is also advancing

We will see. The problem with generative AI is it is not a great mirror for information inputted. It can do that. Generative AI creates new information from the data provided. That is where it is most powerful.

you're right, bing is mostly good at generating pictures, unlike meta #ai that can provide data and information.

I really hate something about AI (at least the previous chat gtp, free version) is that I ask it to execute the same prompt for different data presented on te same format as the first one, and it starts changing the results, and it's really complicated to get to to do the same again once it starts changing. No idea why it does it

Because generative AI is not a mirror of the data it is trained upon. It can do search for some thing but it is really a tool that turns data it is trained upon into new information.

It uses weights and probabilities to figure out what is desired. Hence, as more than a basic search it isnt great. Yet it can be a great creative aid. That is why you can ask it to create you a poem (or code) and it will. It has a much larger window them.

Yeah, but I asked it to extract something and just retrieve that information... then it started to do things that were never asked.

That is the point. It doesnt mirror information. It takes data that trained it and "thinks". That is where the hallucinations. It is weighing what it thinks is the best answer, sometimes going in directions that we dont even ask.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to find another way to manage the information. Excel might be better than AI still hahaha

Go really old school....go to the library.

Are you old enough to know what one of them is?

That is why hallucinations will continue to be a problem. The model is only trains on the data, doesnt "memorize" it. Over time, as more is fed in, it gets better.

1/ 🧵
In the Anthropic console (, there is a tool that helps you generate better prompts.

#promptingtips #ai

It seems #ai is working on helping people to generate prompts.

Ideogram allows you to view what it creates and add to it.

Using AI for improving prompts by simply prompting for it has been a thing for a while, but it indeed seems that more are actually putting it in the UI now.

PS make sure to read the rest of the threads in this threadstorm. It's pretty cool

Let's say you want a good prompt to generate article summaries. Simply input something like Summarize articles into 10 bullet points max.

3/ 🧵
You will then get a very detailed prompt. Here's the result in this example:

"You are tasked with summarizing an article into a concise list of key points. Here's how to approach this task:

First, carefully read the following article:


Now, follow these steps to create an effective summary:

  1. Identify the main topic and central argument or purpose of the article.
  2. Look for the most important facts, ideas, and supporting points.
  3. Pay attention to section headings, topic sentences, and concluding statements as they often contain key information.
  4. Prioritize information that is crucial to understanding the article's main message.
  5. Avoid including minor details or examples unless they are essential to the overall understanding.

4/ 🧵
Create a summary of the article using no more than 10 bullet points. Each bullet point should:

  • Be concise and to the point (ideally one sentence, no more than two)
  • Capture a distinct and important idea from the article
  • Be written in your own words, not copied directly from the text
  • Follow a logical order that reflects the structure and flow of the original article

If the article is short or simple, you may use fewer than 10 bullet points. Only use as many as necessary to capture the essential information.

Present your summary within

tags, with each bullet point on a new line, preceded by a dash (-)."

Recently I started using to better reformulate what I want in a prompt to generate an image.

I think that for what I wanted, it improved a little hahaha...

BEERHey @mightpossibly, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Microsoft has launched a significant update to Bing Search by integrating AI capabilities. This new feature aims to provide accurate and comprehensive responses directly on the search page, combining traditional results with AI-generated answers.

More research on AI coming up 😎

LOL Google promised the same thing and they botched it up.

Let's keep our fingers crossed 🤞

Google Maps has introduced several new features aimed at improving navigation and user experience in India. These updates include AI-driven narrow road avoidance, flyover navigation, EV charging station information, metro ticket bookings, simplified incident reporting and curated lists from local experts.

We are going to see a lot mapping of the world taking place. This is something that I believe, like most things with data, will accelerate.

Vacation in space: Orbiting hotel set to open in 2025 | Banfield

#newsonleo #technology #space

So finally we have space dining.

Except the food doesnt stay on the plate due to a lack of gravity.

That will be fun, we dont need plate then

ha ha ha ha......😁😁😁

Where may we get one of those!? !DOOK

But Task, I believe they will do something so that gravity is not a problem within these hotels.

It would be very disappointing if several films and series show how to do it and these companies don't provide it.

They have to spin then in a way that it creates a gravity like state.

Yes that's right. I've seen this type of spaceship in some films.

If the situation is like this I will go hahaha...

Room service, tips... Many things will be in space in the future.

You going to visit it? I can see you and the kids on vacation there.

The day I have enough money to allow me to go on this type of trip, it will be incredible to go with my family.

Now the hotel needs to be accessible, at a not so exorbitant price. I would have the courage to go and you?

We will see how space travel progresses. It will not be likely until 2050 if it is.

I don't know, I hope it's a little closer than that, but this prediction is actually more acceptable.

How much will it cost me to obtain a space?

Maybe a few hundred thousand dollars.

After purchasing a plot of land, call a surveying service and determine the exact boundaries of your land #photography

Stick and string. Amazing #technology

Yes, exactly, in this simplicity comes peace and self-confidence, without this it is difficult to move on to the next stage :) !VSC

Some of the greatest innovations are the simplest.

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Let's say, in some cases, how. for example, when breaking up the perimeter of a site, they are irreplaceable :) !BEER

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Uses: 15/25


If alcohol negatively affects short-term memory...
What does alcohol do?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of barski

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@gifu, I sent you an

My wife is now very technologically baking krutsu in a gas oven, the aroma from this technology can drive you crazy 😃 #technology

LOL it is the aroma of #technology. Pretty good.

And the technology of satiety :) !VSC

prompt was focused on artificial intelligence. It was interesting to see people's thoughts on where we are headed. Here's my entry
Today's @leogrowth writing

I seem to have gotten carried away and automatically used the tag photography instead of #technology, if necessary, I will delete the messages.

No worries. It helps the photography tag which you are posting photos.

I lost my vigilance by placing two tags as a template in such an innovation as a translator, I didn’t notice at all that I was using the wrong tag #technology !VSC

Again. Not the end of the world and it does align. It isnt as if you were not doing photos. So it all gels in my view.

Plus it helps out @sergiomendes and his tag.

OpenAI announces a search engine called SearchGPT; Alphabet shares dip

OpenAI announced a prototype of its SearchGPT search engine on Thursday.

OpenAI on Thursday announced a prototype of its own search engine, called SearchGPT, which aims to give users "fast and timely answers with clear and relevant sources."

The company said it eventually plans to integrate the tool, which is currently being alpha-tested with a small group of users, into its viral chatbot, ChatGPT.

#ai #technology #chatgpt #openai #search

So basically an agent with access to web search tool, neatly packaged as an AI search engine. I think we will see a lot more of this. I.e.applications based on LLMs that have been given access to certain tools like web browsing, code execution, github-repository indexing etc.

Do you think it is a valuable add? Is it a threat to Google?

I definitely think it's valuable, and it shouldn't be a big problem for Google as they could simply add similar functionality to their own searches

They tried to do that and it was horrific. LOL

Is there information on this floor, but with an explanation about whether to hammer it in with a nail, or screw it in with a screw, or glue it on? :) !BEER

Digital versions of that.

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on

Thank God that in a hardware store you can still find material, not digital nails, a hammer and a file :) !BEER

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE and on HIVE Engine.If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on

When it comes to Tesla, I am not as excited about Robotaxi as many others. To me, the #technology is more important when it comes to Robotrucking.

This means the Semi is going to have a significant impact when the two are combined.

#tesla #autonomy

Robotrucking is likely to have a substantial effect The combination of Tesla's Semi with advanced technology could transform logistics and freight operations significantly(or it could completely fail). Long haul trucking is really bad for peoples health as well.

That is what I think. We are likely to see a major impact since 100% of cargo is moved that way at som e point.

I believe this will be beneficial. Long-haul truck drivers are, in my opinion, twice as likely to be overweight. My only concern is all those drivers being displaced and not having a job or a job that pays as well.

Yeah. Plus think about the efficiency. There are regulations on what truckers can drive and when they need down time. That will be not the case with autonomy.

It also could cut the costs.

We'll talk about installing a concrete pad tomorrow :) #technology

Imagine the day when that is humanoid robots doing it.

Going to be a while but I have a feeling it will get there by 2040.

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE and on HIVE Engine.If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on

They are not able to make emergency decisions if necessary, for example, when an experienced builder decides that it is necessary to add another bag of cement, focusing on the viscosity of the concrete :) !BEER

Generative AI is, at its core, a creative tool, not an answering tool.

It is impossible to stop #technology even if we wanted to. That is why legislating things with tech never works.

Xiaomi cria fábrica sem humanos trabalhando | Cientistas criam robô para entrar e destruir o câncer

Xiaomi creates factory without humans working | Scientists create robot to enter and destroy cancer

#newsonleo #technology

The area where I'm neither a fish nor a bird :) !VSC

Glad you arent either. Both are difficult.

It's just an area that hasn't properly intersected with my interests :) !VSC

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Uses: 11/25

25 Jul 2024
AI system improves breast cancer staging
The new AI tech offers a cheap and dependable way to predict disease progression.
#technology #medicine #breastcancer #newsonleo

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed an AI system to improve the categorisation of breast cancer. The new technology, led by G.V. Shivashankar from PSI and Caroline Uhler from MIT, aims to provide a reliable and cost-effective method for predicting the progression of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC).


CrowdStrike backlash over $10 apology voucher
3 hours ago Liv McMahon, Graham Fraser & Natalie Sherman
BBC News
#technology #cybersecurity #crowdstrike

CrowdStrike is facing fresh backlash after giving staff and firms they work with a $10 UberEats voucher to say sorry for a global IT outage that caused chaos across airlines, banks and hospitals last week.
The cybersecurity company - whose software update on Friday affected 8.5 million computers worldwide - said in an email to its partners that it recognised the incident had caused extra work.
"To express our gratitude, your next cup of coffee or late night snack is on us!" CrowdStrike wrote, directing people to use a code to access the $10 credit.


United States
Trump, Republicans court crypto votes and dollars at 'Bitcoin 2024'
By Stephanie Kelly , Suzanne McGee and Hannah Lang
July 25, 20245:11 AM CDTUpdated 3 hours ago
#technology #politics #crypto

NASHVILLE, July 25 (Reuters) - Republican nominee and former U.S. President Donald Trump once blasted cryptocurrency, calling it a "scam." Now, he is headlining one of the industry's biggest conferences.
Trump, who made the comment in 2021, will speak on Saturday, the last day of the three-day Bitcoin 2024 convention in Nashville. Republican former candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee and Senator Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming will also speak.


Boards, Policy & Regulation
Social Impact
Meta oversight board tells company to clean up rules on AI-generated pornography By Katie Paul
July 25, 20245:20 AM CDTUpdated 2 hours ago

#technology #meta #newsonleo

NEW YORK, July 25 (Reuters) - Meta's (META.O), opens new tab Oversight Board on Thursday said the company's rules were "not sufficiently clear" in barring sexually explicit AI-generated depictions of real people and called for changes to stop such imagery from circulating on its platforms.
The board, which is funded by the social media giant but operates independently, issued its ruling after reviewing two pornographic fakes of famous women created using artificial intelligence and posted on Meta's Facebook and Instagram.


Why Tesla are building Robotaxi (Model 2) with revolutionary “unboxed” method

#technology #tesla #manufacturing #automotive

AT&T is Shutting Down DSL Internet & Classic Home Phone Service in Some Areas

#att #newsonleo #internet #dsl

A lot going on with Tesla Energy. I will be making a video about it later today.

Intron Health gets backing for its speech recognition tool that recognizes African accents

Intron Health has created what it claims to be Africa’s largest clinical database, which comprises 3.5 million audio clips (16,000 hours) from over 18,000 contributors, mainly healthcare practitioners, representing 29 countries and 288 accents.

Voice recognition is getting integrated in nearly all facets of modern living, but there remains a big gap: speakers of minority languages, and those with thick accents or speech disorders like stuttering are typically less able to use speech recognition tools that control applications, transcribe or automate tasks, among other functions.

#newsonleo #intronhealth #technology #ai #language

Lodestar's robotic arm will be an orbital 'first responder' for satellites in need

Satellites are among our most critical infrastructure, providing everything from GPS to disaster coordination, yet their inherent inaccessibility leaves

Satellites are among our most critical infrastructure, providing everything from GPS to disaster coordination, yet their inherent inaccessibility leaves them vulnerable to relatively simple technical issues or attacks. London-based Lodestar is looking to change that with a “first responder” service in space using advanced robotic sentries.

#robotics #lodestar #satellite #space #technology

Revolut receives long-awaited UK banking license

This is a significant milestone for the London-based fintech company, particularly since it has been trying to secure this license since 2021.

Revolut has been granted a banking license from the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) in the U.K. This is a significant milestone for the London-based fintech company, particularly since it has been trying to secure this license since 2021.

Revolut has 45 million customers around the world, but its home market remains its most important one, with 9 million clients. The fintech also offers more products and services in the U.K. than in many other markets.

#technology #crypto #revolut #banking

GenAI doesn’t just enhance or classify information, it combines it to create new information.

#technology #ai

Information is no longer a monopoly of humans.

  • Data is the raw, unprocessed representation of some phenomenon.

  • Information is the interpretation of that data in a way that has meaning.

Generative AI basically allows computers to make new information.


Popularization of philately was at one time a technology of propaganda and a technology of raising public awareness in various areas. #technology

Philately as a technology attracted various hobbyists, even chess players #technology

Postage stamps are a mini reference book, which is essentially a compass for further information search #technology

They tell a great deal about the culture, economy, and view of the world at a given time period.

That's right, with the character limitation I have to be consistent :) !VSC

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Uses: 10/25

The technology that allows you to learn about many technologies is undoubtedly philately. #technology

The stamps provided information about animals that live within the borders of the country where the stamp was issued #technology

As generative #ai expands its capabilities, we are going to see more utility. This is where the personal AI assistant comes in.

We are going to see the creative realm the first impacted.

In case you didnt know this site is just awesome. An AI directory with good filters to search!

Good to know. Thanks. Keep spreading the news.

I can talk hours about tech and politics =P

True revolution is going to start next year when everyone have his own hardware NPU (neural processing unit)

All computing from 2 months ahead is going to be build with AI native chipsets

Today you have to pay for real AI use

my question for today: Is end-to-end encryption always beneficial?

Russians unveil space hotel

#newsonleo #space

@taskmaster4450le this news is from 12 years ago about Russia opening a hotel in space.

I don't know if this really happened, as it's in English, but I think you can understand it better.

These ideas for a hotel in space are quite old, apparently.

Not likely. A lot of those plans havent turned out. Look at Virgin Galactic and see how Richard Branson had large ideas and they didnt work out.

You're right, taking the idea off paper and applying and building it is something completely different and more complicated.

But if 15 or even 20 years ago this type of project was being worked on and studied, today we would be much more advanced. But... the solution is to wait for the technology to be more precise and for competent people to be in charge of it.

That is the nature of technology. Most does not work out but that which does makes a different.

Apart from the other technologies that would revolutionize the world and the government finds a way to eliminate everything and then the inventor doesn't even know anything about him anymore.

At these times I remember Nikola Tesla. I know he contributed a lot to his creations, but some of his inventions mysteriously "disappeared".

Some would even help our lives today with free electricity, but the government would never let that happen, as they want people to need the state to live.


Paris 2024: para-athlete uses exoskeleton to carry Olympic torch

The Atalante X, an exoskeleton used by the parathlete, uses a technology that leaves users' hands free and has self-stabilization tools, ensuring greater safety for people with disabilities.

As a prototype tester, the paralympian participates in the Cybathlon competitions, where people with disabilities use assistive technologies to perform daily activities.

Wandercraft was founded in 2012 by a group of engineers to create more efficient solutions than wheelchairs, aiming to provide more mobility and independence to people with limited mobility.

#newsonleo #technology #olympics #sports


New delivery robot brings grocery purchases to the customer's door

The robot is designed to run on roads, as well as on bike paths, sidewalks and inside stores, something that is possible due to AI training and low-cost passive sensors with high-resolution depth perception and object detection.

The electric model is 1 meter high, 1.8 meters long and 67 centimeters wide – so it shouldn't pose a major obstacle to other traffic while heading to customers.

Vayu Robotics was founded in 2021 by “engineers, technologists and business leaders with decades of industry experience developing and commercializing cutting-edge automotive sensors, autonomous vehicles and robotics technology.”

#newsonleo #technology #robot


Japan uses AI to evaluate employee smiles in supermarkets

At the beginning of the month, AEON, a supermarket chain in Japan, announced the implementation of an artificial intelligence (AI) system to evaluate the behavior and standardize employee smiles in its 240 units in the country. The company is the first in the world to adopt the measure, and hopes to improve the level of customer satisfaction.

Developed by InstaVR, an AI solutions company for human resources, the system was named Smile-kun (which can be translated as Mr. Smile). The technology analyzes more than 450 characteristics – including facial expressions, volume, softness and tone of voice of employees – and trains the team to standardize their attitude when serving the public.

#newsonleo #technology


My robot friend: how AI assistants are shaping our relationships

Imagine the scene: you arrive home after a tiring day and, instead of finding emptiness, you are greeted by a friendly voice from your virtual assistant. “Hi, how was your day?” asks the device. It seems trivial, but this interaction is already changing how we connect with technology and, by extension, the world around us.

Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant aren't just useful tools; they are becoming an integral part of our daily routines. They help us organize our schedules, play our favorite music, adjust the lighting in the house and even tell jokes to liven up the day. And the most impressive? They do all of this in a way that feels increasingly natural and intuitive.

#newsonleo #technology #ai

🐱Cats are afraid of nothing.

#leoshorts #technology

That is why they talk about the cats being curious.

Can't believe this is real


O futuro dos empregos será assim | Quando robôs e IA assumirem o controle o mundo não será o mesmo

The future of jobs will be like this | When robots and AI take over the world will not be the same

#newsonleo #technology

Depending on the complexity of the house project, or its availability, the design time depends #photography

Selecting a house design: New house design, standard paid design, free standard house design, whatever was available. #photography

Projectors, the Ministry of Construction, the district construction inspection, firefighters, police, environmentalists, land surveyors, stages of registration of a completed project #photography

When all the signatures and seals are collected, you sign a contract with the builders and start work on building a house, but this is a broad topic for conversation. #photography

You can hire a foreman and a supplier to ensure the smooth running of the construction, or you can do it yourself if you have experience and hire only rough physical labor #technology

The technology of communication with the local population helps the technology of building a house, because you will need to find a guard to protect the materials and auxiliary workers #technology

They steal it right from your yard?

And this happens, people have a lot of things disappearing from their yards, power tools, lumber and even cows :) !BEER

If it isnt nailed down, they will take it.

Therefore, during the construction period it would be economically reasonable to hire a security guard from the local population, but this is not a complete guarantee :) !VSC

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

The design architectural bureau will require a geodetic survey of the site from you, and you have already done it. #photography

Geodetic survey helped me find out that the road stole part of my land, useful technology #photography

When the boundaries of the land plot are defined, register the land documents with all the necessary authorities. #photography

Your neighbors may dispute the size of your land plot, but satellite coordinates do not lie, a miser pays twice #photography

When choosing a plot of land, your future neighbors will not be the last factor, ask about them #photography

When choosing a site, consider the wind rose, amount of precipitation groundwater, soil fertility neighboring infrastructure important points #photography

House construction technology stage 1 - choosing a land plot taking into account its geography and economic benefits #photography

Overview of various poultry farming technologies is a very extensive, interesting and useful topic for discussion #technology

A technology that has evolved very little over many centuries is beekeeping, which consists of a fusion of many technologies #technology

If someone tells you that animal husbandry is not technological, spit in their face :) #technology

Viticulture, winemaking, very technological in striving to achieve the best results #technology

Printing postage stamps is a responsible business, but sometimes mediocre images end up in the printing of postage stamps, as it seems #technology

Some countries depict other people's achievements on postage stamps and make money from it #technology

The technology of digging a pit for building a house has not changed for centuries, the mechanisms for selecting soil are being improved #technology

The sand cushion provides compensation for the loads of the future foundation of the house, the height is 0.15 meters at a depth of 1.35 meters #technology

The technology for producing forms for printing postage stamps is expensive and not all countries can afford it #technology

The quality of perforation depends on the quality of the huge shaft studded with needles that delimit the templates. here we see a defect #technology

What's the new points rewards about, does it translate to a pay check at the end of a month?

Are you only driven by earning rewards here?

Can someone not ask for understanding of what he doesn't know about or is the word reward offensive?

ofc you can, I just dont understand why it would come a paycheck from being on the leaderboard?

How many other web platforms give you a paycheck dependent on your activity?

No, but I definitely like them 🤣

Threads are already sticky imo!

And its okay to like the rewards, so do I. Just dont like how its framed. Leaderboard isnt there for just reward farming imo.

I don't need more incentives personally as there are already potential upvotes. Though I get that Inleo would like to up their numbers through even more incentives..
Not sure about which height of rewards we're talking though.

And just like that you have framed it in a better way :)

Hmmm typical Web 2.0 mindset.


Today was supposed to be a regular work day for me, not until I got a call from my colleague, saying our office was vandalized and was also looted.

At this juncture, i don't know what to do, am super confused. They stole every single valuables including my MacBook pro 💔

1🧵 They're Fighting Mosquitoes With Mosquito, it could be both good and bad #threadstorm #outreach

2🧵Scientists use bacteria to stop mosquitoes from spreading diseases like malaria, but there are concerns about ecological and ethical issues.

3🧵 Click the link below and get your mind blown by this development:

If you want to feel less disappointed by the conducts of politicians, start by putting little or no trust in them.


Don't set expectations too high and you'll indeed experience less disappointments!

Ethereum price tanks after spot etf launch.


Plenty of opportunity. I just did a long order on ADA. Think it will be good too

How about some rice, or vegetables for lunch? #food #lunch #life

Nice. Enjoy your lunch.

You are warmly invited.

Muskempire Daily #combo

#cent #tap2earn

I just started it, don't even know how to play it. 😅

Just click here and there.


Check the city and invest in 3 stocks. Check the daily quests too.

Yeah, I just click on anything I see

I found one that is more interesting!


#moneygardenai #cent

Frankenstein lost a body building competition
He misunderstood the objective.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@luchyl, I sent you an

What is it called when a writer is sick of writing?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg



@luchyl, I sent you an

I wonder when the last time you played #DCity on Hive was. 🤔😏


Might try this one next!

Waiting on the coffee to brew.

Same here... ☕ Looks like me when I had long hair and woke up in the morning.

So you didn't sleep enough last night? Lol

Coffee you'll get.😂

Someone has filmed you after you had your coffee .

1/🧵 President Biden's decision not to run in 2024 marks a pivotal moment in US politics. His departure reshapes the Democratic landscape and puts VP Kamala Harris at the forefront. With Biden's health concerns and party pressures, this move reflects a strategic shift. #threadstorm #cent

2/🧵 Biden's legacy focus on achievements like Supreme Court reforms and global diplomacy sets ambitious targets for his remaining tenure. The public remains divided, favoring continuity but uncertain about the path forward. Harris faces the challenge of unifying the party.

3/🧵 Trump's swift response underscores the intensity of the upcoming election season. His critique of Biden's speech and characterization of Harris set the stage for a fiercely contested campaign. The dynamics are set for a critical juncture in American politics.

There are 3 pages