Is December slack time 😅 only 8 days to get those numbers back up, although not sure impression on threads are right since I got some reply I guess people do see them
I set a goal on LPUD December last week that I wanted 10K Leo stacked before 2025. My LP last week was I think 400 LEo. I'm glad that I have been able to achieve 55% of the goal within 1 week. Hoping to achieve the rest this week.
Looks like you may have to buy a few to make it, but keep on going you're on the right track. And if you only make it close to 10k that is still an achievement!
Penn State becomes the 2nd team to reach the college football playoffs quarterfinals with a blow-out win over SMU, 38-10. After two pick-6's in the 1st half, the Nittany Lions led 28-0 at half and cruised from there. They'll face 3-seed, Boise State, in the Fiesta Bowl on New Year's Eve. Notre Dame, winners last night, get 2-seed, Georgia, on New Year's Day. #sportsonleo
Here in this post I have related some really huge and tasty objectives for this new 2025, we must learn more about Splinterlands and know how to identify our sources of income and opportunities.
I wish you could read this post so we can talk a little more about all this, it is important to know how to diversify, although I usually say also about the stake day in SPT L2 token.
My Premium is running out... And It's been almost a week since @leo.voter visited me.
If I go deeper into this, maybe I only received 6 or at most 7 upvotes by the INLEO curation team.
I don't know what the situation is like with you, but I think I understand and respect those who stopped paying #premium.
I think the question of "quality" is very subjective and I think the team behind @leo.voter needs to change the way they support those who usually support the community.
In your current cycle of premium (28 days, 22 hours) - you have made $48 in upvotes. We have a dashboard that literally tracks this information to ensure that you exceed the $10 per month cost of premium in author rewards if you are:
Im just not sure, just asking but at the end of day I think as long as I can make back the $10 and some more Im fine with it, I try track my numbers myself every month on excel and usually I do get from four to six upvotes from @leo.voter and Im ok with it, but thats just how I manage my account 🤷
We who are early supporters get that benefit but eventually with more premium would be less frecuent, since its more base on the amount of hp delegated, idk just an idea
yes close to 4 to 6 votes from leo.voter per month, sometimes it has been more, Im going to add it to my excel to specifically track it per month for future reference
I understand, but clearly those $48 in upvotes are not net HBD.
But Khal, this print that someone sent to you doesn't mean it's about me. Where is my name?
I believe that if this information were more transparent, I think it would help everyone to better understand this form of support that the curation team provides on the platform.
I’m not saying it’s bad to subscribe only for upvotes. I think that’s a great thing about premium. I hope you keep earning a lot on inleo.
I do think with effort almost everyone can earn HBD. It might take some time but that’s what is so great about this platform. Come with nothing and start earning and build. No outside resources needed.
Don't worry, I understood your point. Premium is something good for the platform and we have numerous benefits and having it helps us to have more visibility.
I just started to "question" the methods that the curation team has been adopting in recent months. I don't know if you know, but there are some people who are "centralizing" some upvotes and I don't agree with that. If you want to read about it, this:
I'm not asking, much less demanding, to have upvotes every day from leo.voter... But there was a time when I received 1 in 10 days. I practically started from scratch at the end of January and I'm happy with my result of having 7k LP, but I'm not satisfied. I try to contribute to the community whenever I can.
There's a lot of features and reasons to go premium
If one is only in it for the votes, probably best to not be premium (even though I can show with evidence the Coyote is getting $48 in his current cycle of premium)
agreed. I enjoy the features and votes. However the main reason I’m premium is to support the inleo team and the leo token. I know that’s probably different than most.
Na manhã deste sábado, Erick Pulgar publicou uma nota oficial por meio de seu Instagram e afirmou que não está nos seus planos voltar a jogar no Chile. O volante do Flamengo está de férias com a família em seu país natal e se posicionou após algumas notícias da imprensa chilena.
O jogador está clube desde 2022 e tem contrato até dezembro de 2025. A renovação foi pauta no Flamengo neste ano, mas as partes ainda não chegaram a um acordo. Pulgar se sente desvalorizado no âmbito financeiro, visto que tem um dos menores salários do meio-campo.
Em nota, o jogador descartou o retorno ao Chile - a imprensa chilena noticiou o interesse do Colo-Colo recentemente. O ge apurou que o volante acredita que ainda tem mercado na Europa e uma saída para o Velho Continente não está descartada.
Filipe Luís é um grande defensor da permanência de Pulgar no elenco. Em coletiva, o treinador tratou o jogador como "nível Barcelona". Na ocasião, um repórter brincou dizendo que a declaração seria uma traição ao Atlético de Madrid, clube que Filipe tem enorme identificação.
O treinador sorriu e continuou a brincadeira: "Ele (Pulgar) é o Busquets", referindo-se ao espanhol que é companheiro de Messi e Suárez no Inter Miami e que foi uma das referências do Barça de Guardiola. Mas, com a troca de gestão, as conversas por renovação passarão pelo aval de José Boto, diretor de futebol escolhido por Luiz Eduardo Baptista, o Bap, presidente eleito para o próximo triênio.
Pulgar chegou ao Flamengo após passagem pelo Galatasaray e contratado junto à Fiorentina, que detinha seus direitos econômicos. O chileno custou R$ 15 milhões e se tornou titular absoluto do time a partir da chegada de Jorge Sampaoli em abril de 2023.
O volante fez 101 partidas (com 64 vitórias, 22 empates e 15 derrotas), dois gols marcados e nove assistências. Pulgar conquistou quatro títulos: uma Libertadores, duas Copas do Brasil e um Carioca.
O Fluminense não foi o único clube brasileiro que tentou a contratação de Richarlison nesta janela. O Vasco nos últimos dias também fez contato e propôs uma transferência por empréstimo, mas o atacante está nos planos do Tottenham. No momento, as conversas estão encerradas.
O Vasco apostava no lado torcedor de Richarlison para convencê-lo. Nascido em Nova Venécia, no Espírito Santo, o atacante de 27 anos já admitiu em outras ocasiões que torce pelo Vasco e que tem o sonho de vestir a camisa cruz-maltina quando voltar ao futebol brasileiro.
Caso recebesse o sinal verde para avançar na negociação, o Vasco tinha o plano de oferecer ao Tottenham o mesmo modelo de negócio feito com o Aston Villa no caso de Philippe Coutinho: um empréstimo válido por um ano.
Dessa forma, além obviamente de reforçar o ataque com um jogador de Copa do Mundo, o clube poderia voltar a alavancar seu quadro de sócios. Depois da contratação de Coutinho, o Vasco foi de 45 mil para mais de 62 mil associados, um salto de 38%.
Fábio Carille ainda não foi apresentado oficialmente no Vasco e sequer tem uma data definida para ir ao Rio de Janeiro e dar início aos trabalhos presencialmente no clube. No entanto, mesmo à distância, o novo treinador já foi envolvido no debate sobre reforços e destravou o planejamento vascaíno para a temporada 2025.
Até o momento, o movimento do Vasco no mercado foi pontual. O clube acertou a contratação do zagueiro Lucas Freitas, que jogou o Brasileirão deste ano emprestado ao Juventude, e encaminhou acerto com Tchê Tchê, que está em fim de contrato com o Botafogo. Ambos chegam ao clube sem custo.
De resto, a diretoria vascaína promoveu muitas sondagens, buscou informações sobre jogadores, mas com poucas investidas. O clube aguardava a definição de quem seria o treinador na próxima temporada para traçar o perfil de jogadores e consultar a preferência do novo técnico. Carille já apresentou nomes do seu agrado e que, na sua opinião, podem contribuir para a equipe.
Nas conversas preliminares com o treinador, o Vasco mencionou os valores altos que estão sendo pedidos e reconheceu a dificuldade na busca de reforços no mercado. Em especial, para jogadores que atuam como ponta, posição carente no elenco e cuja reposição é uma das prioridades do clube.
Cuello a princípio era considerado o plano A da diretoria vascaína, que ainda tenta convencer o Athletico a reduzir os valores para uma eventual transferência. Os clubes seguem em conversas.
Os primeiros jogadores do Vasco se reapresentam no próximo sábado, dia 27, para dar início à preparação para os primeiros jogos do Campeonato Carioca. Esse grupo será formado em sua maioria por garotos da base, mas contará com um ou outro atletas do elenco principal. O restante estica as férias até o dia 6 de janeiro.
O Minas emplacou a nona vitória consecutiva diante do Sesi-Bauru na Arena UniBH, por 3 sets a 2, em um jogaço de tirar o fôlego, em partida atrasada da 10ª rodada da Superliga Masculina de Vôlei. As parciais foram de 25/21, 23/25, 25/23, 20/25 e 15/13.
O levantador iraniano Javad, do time mineiro, ganhou o troféu Viva Vôlei como melhor em quadra. Já o destaque da equipe paulista foi o oposto Darlan, que fez 27 pontos em quadra.
Com a vitória, o Minas chega à vice-liderança com 26 pontos e iguala o líder Cruzeiro, que fica à frente pelo critério de desempate. Já o Sesi-Bauru conhece sua segunda derrota consecutiva e fecha o primeiro turno na quinta posição, com 18 pontos.
Os times só voltam a jogar no ano que vem. Os mineiros recebem o São José no dia 8 de janeiro, às 21h30, enquanto os paulistas visitam o Neurologia Ativa no dia 9 de janeiro, também às 21h30, em Goiânia.
O time mineiro mostrou sua força desde os primeiros pontos. Embora o início tenha sido parelho, o melhor momento da equipe bauruense no primeiro set foi quando estava atrás do placar, por 9 a 6, e emendou três pontos seguidos, empatando a partida. Depois, os donos da casa embalaram duas séries de três pontos consecutivos e construíram uma folga para fechar o período em 25 a 21.
O segundo set teve um Sesi-Bauru mais agressivo. O time paulista foi quem iniciou o segundo período pontuando e, mesmo voltando mais ligado, as equipes intercalavam entre somar dois pontos seguidos cada durante a partida, com destaque para Darlan, autor de oito pontos.
Já na metade do set, ficou evidente como a partida estava acirrada, com as alternâncias dos pontos. Quando a equipe bauruense ficou à frente, por 12 a 11, o time mineiro emplacou três tentos seguidos, o que foi repetido pela equipe paulista do ponto 17 ao 20.
O placar era de 23 a 20 para o Sesi-Bauru e, apesar da rápida reação do time mineiro em igualar o placar, não foi suficiente para segurar a evolução dos visitantes, que voltaram com outra postura e finalizaram o período em 25 a 23.
No terceiro set, a sequência de três pontos se tornou comum entre as equipes, que repetiram o feito mais de duas vezes no período. Desta vez, o intervalo fez bem ao time de Minas, que chegou a embalar quatro pontos consecutivos, saindo de 5 a 7 para 9 a 7 diante do rival.
Os visitantes buscaram a virada no 11 a 10, mas os mineiros voltaram a abrir vantagem e chegaram a ter um 19 a 17, após uma sequência tripla, revertendo um 16 a 17. O Sesi respondeu com três pontos seguidos e virou para 21 a 20.
Porém, o ace do jogador Willian devolveu a virada para os mineiros no 22 a 21. Destaque da etapa anterior, Darlan errou um ataque no 24 a 22. Logo em seguida, o oposto se recuperou e fez o ponto do 24 a 23, mas os mandantes foram eficientes em fechar em 25 a 23.
O Sesi-Bauru foi soberano no quarto período e venceu com tranquilidade. Os visitantes foram superiores do início ao fim do set. A diferença entre as equipes ficou explícita quando o time paulista fez cinco pontos consecutivos, deixando o placar em 17 a 11.
Com os donos da casa sempre atrás do placar no período, a equipe de Bauru finalizou com a maior diferença no placar de todos os sets, encerrando em 25 a 20, com mais uma atuação acima da média do oposto Darlan.
A partida foi definida no tie-break e, apesar de um quarto período muito abaixo, o Minas fez valer o favoritismo e venceu o duelo. O destaque do time paulista, Darlan teve atenção redobrada do adversário e parou duas vezes no bloqueio dos mandantes.
Nos primeiros cinco pontos, as equipes revezavam quem ficava à frente do placar. Quando a diferença chegou a 9 a 4, o técnico do Sesi-Bauru, Anderson Rodrigues, pediu tempo, e a equipe esboçou uma reação, conseguindo diminuir para 9 a 6.
No momento crucial da partida, o Minas ampliou o placar e ficou à frente até o final. Mesmo com o rival não baixando a guarda, os mineiros decretaram a vitória por 3 sets a 2 em uma parcial final de 15 a 13.
Paul Pogba segue como assunto no Corinthians. Mesmo sem uma negociação oficial pela contratação do jogador, torcedores ficaram ainda mais animados depois de uma publicação feita por Memphis Depay em uma rede social.
Recentemente, um site de acompanhantes sinalizou com a possibilidade de ajudar o clube na contratação de Pogba. No entanto, a parceria foi negada pelo Timão.
Conforme mostrou o ge na semana passada, a direção corintiana não se anima com a possibilidade de contratar Pogba. O clube vê o meio de campo bem servido e considera o investimento de risco alto pelo período de inatividade (ele não atua há mais de um ano) e pelas polêmicas extracampo.
A atuação do Timão na janela de transferências deve ser tímida. A direção estuda a chegada de até quatro reforços pontuais: defesa, lateral esquerda, meio-campo e ataque são setores com lacunas identificadas e que necessitam de mais peças para a comissão técnica de Ramón Díaz.
The NBA will never be as good as it was watching from the 70's through the 90's, it just can't be matched with the modern era of over-paid soft stars, non-strategy 3 point ball, no-calls, and Coaches that are more player-life coahces than actual coaches. At least we got to experience how great it was with the Jordan era, watching TNT/TBS/USA and just enjoying every minute.. lol imagine that, enjoying even 20 minutes solid of a modern NBA game.
It's hard to watch a game now. I had NBA League Pass and couldn't watch games with the Grizzlies,Pelicans,Pacers, Hornets,Cavaliers,Hawks,76ers and I live in Kentucky but I apparently fall into the blackout area for all these teams. How the hell can I cheer on my team when I can't watch them even when I pay and now the games aren't on regular TV and TNT is like 1 night a week. Can't have good ratings when nobody can watch the games.
Players like Jordan and Kobe wanted to win every game. This meant trying to play in every game. This meant trying to compete in every game. This meant trying to figure out each opponent every game to find a way to win. They didn't care about stats. They weren't trying to cheat their way to win. They wanted to beat you into submission. That was compelling basketball. I would much rather return to the 'dead ball' era than continue on this trend of mindless, stale, uncompetitive and repetitive basketball.
All of Adam Silver’s changes have sucked…save the 65 game rule that makes guys play at least 65 games. BUT the fact you need that rule at all speaks to the level of softness and the entitlement of the players in the league. They don’t play physical, they settle for deep 3’s damn near every possession. They flop around the court when barely touched - if at all, and travel almost every time down the court. None of the players care, they’re so rich it doesn’t matter if they win championship or not. They can’t even be bothered to play at least 65 games a year - which is why that rule was set ️. Basketball is dying and the glory days of the 80’s-90’s is looooooong gone.
KG's part in the beginning reminds me of something I said in a previous video of yours. The rules got loosened so much that scoring is so out of hand that we can have games where two dudes each score 35, two more score 20 and two more score 12 and that team still loses by 15 without overtime. In the same week we had the record for threes made in a game AND threes missed in a game.
Basketball was a very big part of my life, during the late 80's-early 90's, the NBA was not to miss. Strategy, Rivalry and Honor were all that mattered. Today the NBA is something quite foreign to me, there is no life, no strategy, no honor. The players are a monster made by management and the system, and they are grossly overpaid to put in very little effort. This had to happen of course because from the ashes, a rebirth will come to life.
Dezembro é o momento de descanso para os campeões do Brasil e da América pelo Botafogo. Os atletas ganharam 30 dias de férias e aproveitam para curtir de formas diferentes esse período.
Enquanto alguns sequer voltaram para o Brasil com o elenco após a eliminação na Copa Intercontinental, outros vieram no avião fretado antes de voltar para as raízes.
O craque do Campeonato Brasileiro e da Libertadores nem voltou ao Brasil após a eliminação na Copa Intercontinental. Foi direto para Paris tirar alguns dias de descanso junto com a noiva. Já de volta ao Rio de Janeiro, ele agora foca na preparação para 2025.
O zagueiro que vai voltar ao Lyon no começo de 2025 foi para os Emirados Árabes Unidos com a família. Ele já jogou no país pelo Al-Wasl e chegou a assistir a uma partida do clube.
O centroavante Igor Jesus e o lateral-esquerdo Cuiabano voltaram às raízes em Cuiabá. Eles ainda aproveitaram as férias para fazerem o bem e visitaram o hospital do câncer da capital mato-grossense.
A flurry of moves has taken place today at the first base position Saturday.
Josh Naylor was traded to the Diamondbacks for RHP Slade Cecconi and a competitive round B draft pick.
Naylor will replace Christian Walker — who signed a three-year deal with the Astros earlier this week — at first base for the Diamondbacks. The left-hander slashed .243/.320/.456 with 31 homers with 108 RBIs.
Meanwhile, Cleveland nets Cecconi, the 33rd overall pick from the 2020 draft. The righty has a 6.06 ERA in 104 career innings, but the Cleveland organization is known for fixing pitchers and could work their magic with Cecconi.
To replace Naylor, the Guardians signed Carlos Santana to a one-year, $12 million contract. The switch hitter returns to Cleveland after a four-year hiatus, after slashing .238/.328/.420 with 23 homers.
Both deals hold massive implications for the Mets. Paul Goldschmidt, Walker, and Santana are all off the market, leaving few free-agent first baseman for New York.
Pete Alonse from the heart to the met fan is very stong. Pete is still learning to go to the opposite field which he showed against milvaukee in the playoffs.. This is a good note.. So where was he in May? Alonso's record is .240 with 172 K's. Striking out once every 5 at bats especially with runners on 1st and 2nd with less than 2 outs destroying rallies. It's not just once, its routine... The one home run was on a 3-1 count favoriing the hitter in the playoffs, not 2-2, 1-2... To turn down a contract last year which is fair and still just waiting for a big contract more than he deserves os unacce[table with numeric value but also morally.. Him using tactics hold up mets search for pitching I can prove that. His selfishness is starting to rub off on the knowledgable met fan. Personally I don't like it
’ve seen enough. Blow it up. For approximately the last 3-4 seasons the identity of this core: Mika Zibanejad, Artemi Panarin, & Kreider has been softer than Farrah Facet’s hair conditioner. Trouba’s post fight, “Enough!’ A9Throw glove) something has gotta change woke the Rangers from apathy. That card was played already. Teams have caught up with the Rangers. They know, pounce on them early. They know this team is not physical. They also know the forwards don’t help the defense.
I’m very happy for Kakko.
building apps that ties into the ecosystem, building upon and adding value to existing features. Adding massive amounts of data through the ai-summaries project
One of the things I do is to publish from the inleo interface and when I collect the rewards of the post I get leo, plus with the threads I add to grow my account where I already have 410 Leo
we just staying active, bought a premium and power up all our free Leo rewards. We are a bsc token using Leo for exposure, we might in the future establish a Leo/gifu pool
Engage, educate and nude users to invest in $LEO and everything else related. On top of that I try to HODL as much as possible. The there is the occasional feedback I offer.
INLEO has always been go-to niche consistently for the past 2 years. I simply love microblogging. I love engaging with other and do contribute to witty, humorous comment from time to time.
As much as possible I try to post from, I also encourage you to post here. I do content curation and give tips and suggestions for users to improve.
I keep a good amount of LEO in stake as I am also starting to buy premium. Next year I will try not to lose any power-ups.
Making quality threads, interacting with the community on daily basis and promoting Inleo on other platforms to create awareness and possibly attract more people here. I set a goal to bring 50 new users in a month.
Just interacting normally on, up voting things I like and find interesting, asking questions, posting blogs and thoughts, and welcoming new people. I wish I knew more ways and things I can do, but I'm relatively new here too.
not with me he's not. I'm watching him like a hawk. He's gonna get out of hand in 7 weeks when pitchers and catchers report and I'm gonna have not of that!!!
2️⃣ Exchange any coin to $DASH (or vice versa) on Exolix.
3️⃣ Fill out this Google form: (linked in the comments)1️⃣ Follow exolix_com and @Dashpay on X.
🎁 Four lucky winners will each receive $50 in $DASH!
❗️ This offer is valid for 24 hours only, so don’t miss out! Winners will be announced tomorrow.
no free lunch everywhere. What's free is getting paid for by someone. Who's paying for me to have money for posting on Hive I've been wondering about this
Hive is still in "distribution mode", just like WhatsApp was for years. However, inflation is reduced by 0.01% per every 250,000 blocks or approximately 0.5% annually, which means the only way to acquire HIVE one day will be to exchange it with someone else for something.
In 2024, according to statistics, some cryptocurrencies grew a lot in value, but their networks didn’t gain many new users. This shows how important it is to focus on active, quality users rather than just price growth. I will put the article in the 2nd layer thread below.
I think keeping it simple is the strategy for me and my family too. Although we do plan on going out but plan cancelled because the whole family will get together and if the whole family has to come it's going to be a long day.
Puedo decir con total seguridad que en este nuevo año 2025 se vienen cosas realmente enormes con asuntos de Marketing Digital. Me gustaría crear contenido en YouTube y que sea realmente de calidad. Con esto comprare $LEO sin duda. #spanish
It was a fantastic memecoin that made so many people richer e.g via their airdrops , and the amazing part is that the team behind the token do not make too much noise but the token is promising
In Apple TV+'s Silo, porters play a crucial role in the underground society, delivering goods and messages throughout the structure 📦 They have access to every level, making them vital for communication and logistics within the Silo #silo, #appletv, #porters, #linkincomments, #tvonleo, #skiptvads, #randommedianews
I was mining some coins on telegram airdrop project where I even investment 1 TON, as the mining ended I was awarded a total value of $3,256, but the problem now is that they are asking for 5 TON as withdrawal fees.
According to the data compiled by Bitcoin Magazine, U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs together bought 4,349.7 BTC worth $423.6 million as Bitcoin’s price was going down. In the same period, Bitcoin mining produced 2,250 BTC
I'm also fucked off 😆
RIP Ricky Henderson
I set a goal on LPUD December last week that I wanted 10K Leo stacked before 2025. My LP last week was I think 400 LEo. I'm glad that I have been able to achieve 55% of the goal within 1 week. Hoping to achieve the rest this week.
Awesome!! Very nice work!
Thanks man, you're my role model
Oh goodness! That's a lot of pressure. If I start doing weird things stop modeling! 🤣

Haha!! Hilarious!

Reminds me of another creepy stalker (but great) stalker song.
hahahahahahahahahaha this is the perfect song
Nicely done 👍. Powered up 23+ my self not that much but I love lions!

its awesome. Little Drops of Leo makes a mighty Leocean
You are doing very well with that goal, where you are sure to achieve it and have a powerful account.
Yes sir, thanks my G.
Looks like you may have to buy a few to make it, but keep on going you're on the right track. And if you only make it close to 10k that is still an achievement!
Thanks ma men, that's very encouraging. I'm watching for a dip this week then I'd make the extra purchases.
You're welcome 😁
@senorcoconut likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/1)@falcon97! to your account on behalf of @senorcoconut.
(html comment removed:
Penn State becomes the 2nd team to reach the college football playoffs quarterfinals with a blow-out win over SMU, 38-10. After two pick-6's in the 1st half, the Nittany Lions led 28-0 at half and cruised from there. They'll face 3-seed, Boise State, in the Fiesta Bowl on New Year's Eve. Notre Dame, winners last night, get 2-seed, Georgia, on New Year's Day. #sportsonleo
#threadstorm #outreach #splinterlands #profit 1/🧵
What Are The Ways To Generate Profit Effectively?
Here in this post I have related some really huge and tasty objectives for this new 2025, we must learn more about Splinterlands and know how to identify our sources of income and opportunities.
I wish you could read this post so we can talk a little more about all this, it is important to know how to diversify, although I usually say also about the stake day in SPT L2 token.
It really sounds very interesting the idea of generating income in LEODEX by trading, I think the integration with $DASH is great!
$LEO is my best investment! 👍
Hive Author makes to Forbes Digital Assets Magazine!
#dash #forbes
My Premium is running out... And It's been almost a week since @leo.voter visited me.
If I go deeper into this, maybe I only received 6 or at most 7 upvotes by the INLEO curation team.
I don't know what the situation is like with you, but I think I understand and respect those who stopped paying #premium.
I think the question of "quality" is very subjective and I think the team behind @leo.voter needs to change the way they support those who usually support the community.
In your current cycle of premium (28 days, 22 hours) - you have made $48 in upvotes. We have a dashboard that literally tracks this information to ensure that you exceed the $10 per month cost of premium in author rewards if you are:
this right here?
Mine is like this... Khal unfortunately shows me a print that doesn't mean it's directly about me.
Someone sent him that print. This should be more transparent.
Im just not sure, just asking but at the end of day I think as long as I can make back the $10 and some more Im fine with it, I try track my numbers myself every month on excel and usually I do get from four to six upvotes from @leo.voter and Im ok with it, but thats just how I manage my account 🤷
It's nice to know that you do your own monitoring. I was just checking the days I received the upvote. Excel is a good resource.
I'm not demanding to receive upvotes every day from the INLEO team, but I just found it strange.
We who are early supporters get that benefit but eventually with more premium would be less frecuent, since its more base on the amount of hp delegated, idk just an idea
Just out of curiosity, are those votes you receive monthly, right?
yes close to 4 to 6 votes from leo.voter per month, sometimes it has been more, Im going to add it to my excel to specifically track it per month for future reference
I understand, but clearly those $48 in upvotes are not net HBD.
But Khal, this print that someone sent to you doesn't mean it's about me. Where is my name?
I believe that if this information were more transparent, I think it would help everyone to better understand this form of support that the curation team provides on the platform.
This information is all transparently on chain
You earned $48 in upvotes since going premium
That = $24 HBD
That's enough to buy premium
That is your account history on our dashboard. We have the data
Okay, thanks for your information.
isnt that shown on the user dashboard? Just want to clarify for myself ✌️
It's not accurate enough on that dashboard, we use actual onchain SQL data for the curation
do you only sub to premium for the upvote? I know some do?
What are the other features worth?
Tell me one thing, how can I pay for Premium if I don't receive upvotes?
I'm here for LEO, Premium is a resource and to have it, I have to pay for it. I don't have resources anywhere else to pay 10 HBD.
Not everyone is able to get HBD. I'm sorry to tell you this.
I’m not saying it’s bad to subscribe only for upvotes. I think that’s a great thing about premium. I hope you keep earning a lot on inleo.
I do think with effort almost everyone can earn HBD. It might take some time but that’s what is so great about this platform. Come with nothing and start earning and build. No outside resources needed.
Don't worry, I understood your point. Premium is something good for the platform and we have numerous benefits and having it helps us to have more visibility.
I just started to "question" the methods that the curation team has been adopting in recent months. I don't know if you know, but there are some people who are "centralizing" some upvotes and I don't agree with that. If you want to read about it, this:
I'm not asking, much less demanding, to have upvotes every day from leo.voter... But there was a time when I received 1 in 10 days. I practically started from scratch at the end of January and I'm happy with my result of having 7k LP, but I'm not satisfied. I try to contribute to the community whenever I can.
any extra data the inleo teamcan share regularly would be wonderful.
I totally agree with that. I think that in this aspect, there should be better transparency. That would help a lot.
There's a lot of features and reasons to go premium
If one is only in it for the votes, probably best to not be premium (even though I can show with evidence the Coyote is getting $48 in his current cycle of premium)
agreed. I enjoy the features and votes. However the main reason I’m premium is to support the inleo team and the leo token. I know that’s probably different than most.
@sugarelys Así fue el senderismo a Los Tronadores! 🌊 [ESP/ENG] #lifestyle #life #hobbies #fitness #neoxian #spanish #gosh
Esto es realmente muy cierto, donde sueles conseguir estas imagenes? Pinterest? Como las consigues en Google?
Buenas noches..
En mi facebook
Ha! I knew it. 😅👍
When I first read about the IMF deal and the loan they'll get from the IMF, I thought El Salvador should use that money to buy more Bitcoin.
I guess now they just couldn't resist such a sweet dip 😋 and went back to their good old ways.
What a legend.
What a rebel
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #163
December 21
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Incomodado com sua situação no Flamengo, Pulgar descarta volta ao Chile: "Não está nos planos"
Na manhã deste sábado, Erick Pulgar publicou uma nota oficial por meio de seu Instagram e afirmou que não está nos seus planos voltar a jogar no Chile. O volante do Flamengo está de férias com a família em seu país natal e se posicionou após algumas notícias da imprensa chilena.
#sports #flamengo
O jogador está clube desde 2022 e tem contrato até dezembro de 2025. A renovação foi pauta no Flamengo neste ano, mas as partes ainda não chegaram a um acordo. Pulgar se sente desvalorizado no âmbito financeiro, visto que tem um dos menores salários do meio-campo.
Em nota, o jogador descartou o retorno ao Chile - a imprensa chilena noticiou o interesse do Colo-Colo recentemente. O ge apurou que o volante acredita que ainda tem mercado na Europa e uma saída para o Velho Continente não está descartada.
Filipe Luís é um grande defensor da permanência de Pulgar no elenco. Em coletiva, o treinador tratou o jogador como "nível Barcelona". Na ocasião, um repórter brincou dizendo que a declaração seria uma traição ao Atlético de Madrid, clube que Filipe tem enorme identificação.
O treinador sorriu e continuou a brincadeira: "Ele (Pulgar) é o Busquets", referindo-se ao espanhol que é companheiro de Messi e Suárez no Inter Miami e que foi uma das referências do Barça de Guardiola. Mas, com a troca de gestão, as conversas por renovação passarão pelo aval de José Boto, diretor de futebol escolhido por Luiz Eduardo Baptista, o Bap, presidente eleito para o próximo triênio.
Pulgar chegou ao Flamengo após passagem pelo Galatasaray e contratado junto à Fiorentina, que detinha seus direitos econômicos. O chileno custou R$ 15 milhões e se tornou titular absoluto do time a partir da chegada de Jorge Sampaoli em abril de 2023.
O volante fez 101 partidas (com 64 vitórias, 22 empates e 15 derrotas), dois gols marcados e nove assistências. Pulgar conquistou quatro títulos: uma Libertadores, duas Copas do Brasil e um Carioca.
Vasco faz contato e propõe empréstimo de Richarlison, mas Tottenham conta com o brasileiro
O Fluminense não foi o único clube brasileiro que tentou a contratação de Richarlison nesta janela. O Vasco nos últimos dias também fez contato e propôs uma transferência por empréstimo, mas o atacante está nos planos do Tottenham. No momento, as conversas estão encerradas.
#sports #vasco
O Vasco apostava no lado torcedor de Richarlison para convencê-lo. Nascido em Nova Venécia, no Espírito Santo, o atacante de 27 anos já admitiu em outras ocasiões que torce pelo Vasco e que tem o sonho de vestir a camisa cruz-maltina quando voltar ao futebol brasileiro.
Caso recebesse o sinal verde para avançar na negociação, o Vasco tinha o plano de oferecer ao Tottenham o mesmo modelo de negócio feito com o Aston Villa no caso de Philippe Coutinho: um empréstimo válido por um ano.
Dessa forma, além obviamente de reforçar o ataque com um jogador de Copa do Mundo, o clube poderia voltar a alavancar seu quadro de sócios. Depois da contratação de Coutinho, o Vasco foi de 45 mil para mais de 62 mil associados, um salto de 38%.
!summarize #juliusrandle #brunson #nynkicks #nba #timberwolves
!summarize #nba #prospects
Novo técnico, Carille debate sobre reforços e destrava planejamento do Vasco para 2025
Fábio Carille ainda não foi apresentado oficialmente no Vasco e sequer tem uma data definida para ir ao Rio de Janeiro e dar início aos trabalhos presencialmente no clube. No entanto, mesmo à distância, o novo treinador já foi envolvido no debate sobre reforços e destravou o planejamento vascaíno para a temporada 2025.
#sports #VASCO
Até o momento, o movimento do Vasco no mercado foi pontual. O clube acertou a contratação do zagueiro Lucas Freitas, que jogou o Brasileirão deste ano emprestado ao Juventude, e encaminhou acerto com Tchê Tchê, que está em fim de contrato com o Botafogo. Ambos chegam ao clube sem custo.
De resto, a diretoria vascaína promoveu muitas sondagens, buscou informações sobre jogadores, mas com poucas investidas. O clube aguardava a definição de quem seria o treinador na próxima temporada para traçar o perfil de jogadores e consultar a preferência do novo técnico. Carille já apresentou nomes do seu agrado e que, na sua opinião, podem contribuir para a equipe.
Nas conversas preliminares com o treinador, o Vasco mencionou os valores altos que estão sendo pedidos e reconheceu a dificuldade na busca de reforços no mercado. Em especial, para jogadores que atuam como ponta, posição carente no elenco e cuja reposição é uma das prioridades do clube.
Cuello a princípio era considerado o plano A da diretoria vascaína, que ainda tenta convencer o Athletico a reduzir os valores para uma eventual transferência. Os clubes seguem em conversas.
Os primeiros jogadores do Vasco se reapresentam no próximo sábado, dia 27, para dar início à preparação para os primeiros jogos do Campeonato Carioca. Esse grupo será formado em sua maioria por garotos da base, mas contará com um ou outro atletas do elenco principal. O restante estica as férias até o dia 6 de janeiro.
!summarize #nyknicks #dontedivincenzo #nba
!summarize #miklbridges #nyknicks #nba
!summarize #nba #zionwilliamson
Minas supera os 27 pontos de Darlan, bate o Sesi-Bauru e vence a 9ª seguida na Superliga Masculina
O Minas emplacou a nona vitória consecutiva diante do Sesi-Bauru na Arena UniBH, por 3 sets a 2, em um jogaço de tirar o fôlego, em partida atrasada da 10ª rodada da Superliga Masculina de Vôlei. As parciais foram de 25/21, 23/25, 25/23, 20/25 e 15/13.
#SPORTS #volleyball
O levantador iraniano Javad, do time mineiro, ganhou o troféu Viva Vôlei como melhor em quadra. Já o destaque da equipe paulista foi o oposto Darlan, que fez 27 pontos em quadra.
Com a vitória, o Minas chega à vice-liderança com 26 pontos e iguala o líder Cruzeiro, que fica à frente pelo critério de desempate. Já o Sesi-Bauru conhece sua segunda derrota consecutiva e fecha o primeiro turno na quinta posição, com 18 pontos.
Os times só voltam a jogar no ano que vem. Os mineiros recebem o São José no dia 8 de janeiro, às 21h30, enquanto os paulistas visitam o Neurologia Ativa no dia 9 de janeiro, também às 21h30, em Goiânia.
O time mineiro mostrou sua força desde os primeiros pontos. Embora o início tenha sido parelho, o melhor momento da equipe bauruense no primeiro set foi quando estava atrás do placar, por 9 a 6, e emendou três pontos seguidos, empatando a partida. Depois, os donos da casa embalaram duas séries de três pontos consecutivos e construíram uma folga para fechar o período em 25 a 21.
O segundo set teve um Sesi-Bauru mais agressivo. O time paulista foi quem iniciou o segundo período pontuando e, mesmo voltando mais ligado, as equipes intercalavam entre somar dois pontos seguidos cada durante a partida, com destaque para Darlan, autor de oito pontos.
Já na metade do set, ficou evidente como a partida estava acirrada, com as alternâncias dos pontos. Quando a equipe bauruense ficou à frente, por 12 a 11, o time mineiro emplacou três tentos seguidos, o que foi repetido pela equipe paulista do ponto 17 ao 20.
O placar era de 23 a 20 para o Sesi-Bauru e, apesar da rápida reação do time mineiro em igualar o placar, não foi suficiente para segurar a evolução dos visitantes, que voltaram com outra postura e finalizaram o período em 25 a 23.
No terceiro set, a sequência de três pontos se tornou comum entre as equipes, que repetiram o feito mais de duas vezes no período. Desta vez, o intervalo fez bem ao time de Minas, que chegou a embalar quatro pontos consecutivos, saindo de 5 a 7 para 9 a 7 diante do rival.
Os visitantes buscaram a virada no 11 a 10, mas os mineiros voltaram a abrir vantagem e chegaram a ter um 19 a 17, após uma sequência tripla, revertendo um 16 a 17. O Sesi respondeu com três pontos seguidos e virou para 21 a 20.
Porém, o ace do jogador Willian devolveu a virada para os mineiros no 22 a 21. Destaque da etapa anterior, Darlan errou um ataque no 24 a 22. Logo em seguida, o oposto se recuperou e fez o ponto do 24 a 23, mas os mandantes foram eficientes em fechar em 25 a 23.
O Sesi-Bauru foi soberano no quarto período e venceu com tranquilidade. Os visitantes foram superiores do início ao fim do set. A diferença entre as equipes ficou explícita quando o time paulista fez cinco pontos consecutivos, deixando o placar em 17 a 11.
Com os donos da casa sempre atrás do placar no período, a equipe de Bauru finalizou com a maior diferença no placar de todos os sets, encerrando em 25 a 20, com mais uma atuação acima da média do oposto Darlan.
A partida foi definida no tie-break e, apesar de um quarto período muito abaixo, o Minas fez valer o favoritismo e venceu o duelo. O destaque do time paulista, Darlan teve atenção redobrada do adversário e parou duas vezes no bloqueio dos mandantes.
Nos primeiros cinco pontos, as equipes revezavam quem ficava à frente do placar. Quando a diferença chegou a 9 a 4, o técnico do Sesi-Bauru, Anderson Rodrigues, pediu tempo, e a equipe esboçou uma reação, conseguindo diminuir para 9 a 6.
No momento crucial da partida, o Minas ampliou o placar e ficou à frente até o final. Mesmo com o rival não baixando a guarda, os mineiros decretaram a vitória por 3 sets a 2 em uma parcial final de 15 a 13.
!summarize #nyknicks #joshhart
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!summarize #anthonyedwards #minnestora #timberwolves #nba
!summarize #nyknicks #defense #nba
Memphis registra ligação com Pogba na companhia de diretor do Corinthians e agita torcida
Paul Pogba segue como assunto no Corinthians. Mesmo sem uma negociação oficial pela contratação do jogador, torcedores ficaram ainda mais animados depois de uma publicação feita por Memphis Depay em uma rede social.
#sports #corinthians
Recentemente, um site de acompanhantes sinalizou com a possibilidade de ajudar o clube na contratação de Pogba. No entanto, a parceria foi negada pelo Timão.
Conforme mostrou o ge na semana passada, a direção corintiana não se anima com a possibilidade de contratar Pogba. O clube vê o meio de campo bem servido e considera o investimento de risco alto pelo período de inatividade (ele não atua há mais de um ano) e pelas polêmicas extracampo.
A atuação do Timão na janela de transferências deve ser tímida. A direção estuda a chegada de até quatro reforços pontuais: defesa, lateral esquerda, meio-campo e ataque são setores com lacunas identificadas e que necessitam de mais peças para a comissão técnica de Ramón Díaz.
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!summarize #nikolajokic #losangeles #lakers #nba
!summarize #angelresse #caitlinclark #wnba
The NBA will never be as good as it was watching from the 70's through the 90's, it just can't be matched with the modern era of over-paid soft stars, non-strategy 3 point ball, no-calls, and Coaches that are more player-life coahces than actual coaches. At least we got to experience how great it was with the Jordan era, watching TNT/TBS/USA and just enjoying every minute.. lol imagine that, enjoying even 20 minutes solid of a modern NBA game.
It's hard to watch a game now. I had NBA League Pass and couldn't watch games with the Grizzlies,Pelicans,Pacers, Hornets,Cavaliers,Hawks,76ers and I live in Kentucky but I apparently fall into the blackout area for all these teams. How the hell can I cheer on my team when I can't watch them even when I pay and now the games aren't on regular TV and TNT is like 1 night a week. Can't have good ratings when nobody can watch the games.
Players like Jordan and Kobe wanted to win every game. This meant trying to play in every game. This meant trying to compete in every game. This meant trying to figure out each opponent every game to find a way to win. They didn't care about stats. They weren't trying to cheat their way to win. They wanted to beat you into submission. That was compelling basketball. I would much rather return to the 'dead ball' era than continue on this trend of mindless, stale, uncompetitive and repetitive basketball.
All of Adam Silver’s changes have sucked…save the 65 game rule that makes guys play at least 65 games. BUT the fact you need that rule at all speaks to the level of softness and the entitlement of the players in the league. They don’t play physical, they settle for deep 3’s damn near every possession. They flop around the court when barely touched - if at all, and travel almost every time down the court. None of the players care, they’re so rich it doesn’t matter if they win championship or not. They can’t even be bothered to play at least 65 games a year - which is why that rule was set ️. Basketball is dying and the glory days of the 80’s-90’s is looooooong gone.
KG's part in the beginning reminds me of something I said in a previous video of yours. The rules got loosened so much that scoring is so out of hand that we can have games where two dudes each score 35, two more score 20 and two more score 12 and that team still loses by 15 without overtime. In the same week we had the record for threes made in a game AND threes missed in a game.
Basketball was a very big part of my life, during the late 80's-early 90's, the NBA was not to miss. Strategy, Rivalry and Honor were all that mattered. Today the NBA is something quite foreign to me, there is no life, no strategy, no honor. The players are a monster made by management and the system, and they are grossly overpaid to put in very little effort. This had to happen of course because from the ashes, a rebirth will come to life.
!summarize #michaeljordan #nba #chiacgo #bulls
!summarize #bensimmons #nba
!summarize #joshnaylor #mlb #guardians #cleveland
De Paris ao deserto: jogadores do Botafogo curtem férias após temporada histórica
Dezembro é o momento de descanso para os campeões do Brasil e da América pelo Botafogo. Os atletas ganharam 30 dias de férias e aproveitam para curtir de formas diferentes esse período.
#sports #botafogo
Enquanto alguns sequer voltaram para o Brasil com o elenco após a eliminação na Copa Intercontinental, outros vieram no avião fretado antes de voltar para as raízes.
O craque do Campeonato Brasileiro e da Libertadores nem voltou ao Brasil após a eliminação na Copa Intercontinental. Foi direto para Paris tirar alguns dias de descanso junto com a noiva. Já de volta ao Rio de Janeiro, ele agora foca na preparação para 2025.
O zagueiro que vai voltar ao Lyon no começo de 2025 foi para os Emirados Árabes Unidos com a família. Ele já jogou no país pelo Al-Wasl e chegou a assistir a uma partida do clube.
O centroavante Igor Jesus e o lateral-esquerdo Cuiabano voltaram às raízes em Cuiabá. Eles ainda aproveitaram as férias para fazerem o bem e visitaram o hospital do câncer da capital mato-grossense.
Uma parte considerável do grupo, formada pelos "gringos", foi para Dubai curtir o deserto entre família e amigos.
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!summarize #ohiostate #tennessee #playoff #college #football
!summarize #smu #mustang #accchampionship #clemsontigers #college
!summarize #losangeles #cal #unlv #college #football #bowlgame
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!summarize #michigan #ohiostate #2024 #football #college
!summarize #chrisssimms #nfl #football
!summarize #nfl #ravens #steelers #highlights
Josh Naylor Traded to Arizona, Carlos Santana Signs Deal with Cleveland
A flurry of moves has taken place today at the first base position Saturday.
Josh Naylor was traded to the Diamondbacks for RHP Slade Cecconi and a competitive round B draft pick.
Naylor will replace Christian Walker — who signed a three-year deal with the Astros earlier this week — at first base for the Diamondbacks. The left-hander slashed .243/.320/.456 with 31 homers with 108 RBIs.
Meanwhile, Cleveland nets Cecconi, the 33rd overall pick from the 2020 draft. The righty has a 6.06 ERA in 104 career innings, but the Cleveland organization is known for fixing pitchers and could work their magic with Cecconi.
#mlb #cleveland #arizone #carlossantana #joshnaylor
To replace Naylor, the Guardians signed Carlos Santana to a one-year, $12 million contract. The switch hitter returns to Cleveland after a four-year hiatus, after slashing .238/.328/.420 with 23 homers.
Both deals hold massive implications for the Mets. Paul Goldschmidt, Walker, and Santana are all off the market, leaving few free-agent first baseman for New York.
!summarize #joshnaylor #seattle #mariners #cleveland #guardians
!summarize #joshnaylor #cleveland #mlb #guardians
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!summarize #nba #ratings #players
!summarize #knuckleball #philniekro #mlb #pitcher #halloffame
!summarize #adriangonzalez #mlb
Pete Alonse from the heart to the met fan is very stong. Pete is still learning to go to the opposite field which he showed against milvaukee in the playoffs.. This is a good note.. So where was he in May? Alonso's record is .240 with 172 K's. Striking out once every 5 at bats especially with runners on 1st and 2nd with less than 2 outs destroying rallies. It's not just once, its routine... The one home run was on a 3-1 count favoriing the hitter in the playoffs, not 2-2, 1-2... To turn down a contract last year which is fair and still just waiting for a big contract more than he deserves os unacce[table with numeric value but also morally.. Him using tactics hold up mets search for pitching I can prove that. His selfishness is starting to rub off on the knowledgable met fan. Personally I don't like it
!summarize #bowl #ncaa #college #football #bowlgames
!summarize #jongruden #nyjets #nfl
!summarize #joeschoen #nygiants #generalmanager #nfl
!summarize #joshnaylor #cleveland #guardians #mlb
!summarize #rickeyhenderson #as #oakland #death
!summarize #formula1 #engines #racing
!summarize #nyrangers #kaapokakko #nhl #hockey
!summarize #nyrangers #kaken #trade #nhl
’ve seen enough. Blow it up. For approximately the last 3-4 seasons the identity of this core: Mika Zibanejad, Artemi Panarin, & Kreider has been softer than Farrah Facet’s hair conditioner. Trouba’s post fight, “Enough!’ A9Throw glove) something has gotta change woke the Rangers from apathy. That card was played already. Teams have caught up with the Rangers. They know, pounce on them early. They know this team is not physical. They also know the forwards don’t help the defense.
I’m very happy for Kakko.
!summarize #nba
!summerize #mlb #nyyankees #paulgoldschmidt
!summarize #mlb #relief #pitchers
!summarize #nyknicks #dantedevincenzo #nba
!summarize #exercise #weightlifting
!summarize #rickeyhenderson #oakland #as #mlb #death
!summarize #felixhernandez #seattle #mariners #pitcher #mlb #halloffame
!summarize #rickeyhenderson #legacy #mlb #baseball
!summarize #juansoto #nymets #mlb #contract
!summarize #carmeloanthony #nba #halloffame
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!summarize #nymets #petealonso #alexbregman #mlb
!summarize #rickeyhenderson #mlb #death #oakland #as
!summarize #joshnaylor #carlossantana #cleveland #guardians #arizona #diamonbacks
!summarize #college #football #ohiostate #tennessee
!summarize #nymets #petealonso #wfan #mlb
!summarize #wnba #caitlinclark
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building apps that ties into the ecosystem, building upon and adding value to existing features. Adding massive amounts of data through the ai-summaries project
Followed after reading, always good to see people building out features!
Appreciate it!
The apps you're building are truly special. Keep up the good work
thank you!
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buying tokens every day, pushing the platform on some social media accounts, creating content...but also, trying to upvote as many threads as i can...
You are Jongo! Keep up the good work
Staking every $LEO I can get my hands on and using the front end as much as possible moving away
Great work. $LEO is so undervalued
One of the things I do is to publish from the inleo interface and when I collect the rewards of the post I get leo, plus with the threads I add to grow my account where I already have 410 Leo
Keep growing your account. 410 LEO is great, push for more. $250M market cap for LEO will happen
That sounds very good. Would you recommend a way to earn more tokens.
Posting and replying to threads while voting on newbies and interesting posts. Oh yeah, and I'm also buying LSTR. 😁
I see you buying $LSTR ;)
Don't stop
I didn't. Bought a little more... 😁
I’m trying to build up some more Leo to add to the liquidity on leodex
$LEO is the best asset to own in 2025
i sure hope you are right. It would be awesome to be curating threads when $LEO hit $1.5
we just staying active, bought a premium and power up all our free Leo rewards. We are a bsc token using Leo for exposure, we might in the future establish a Leo/gifu pool
It would be great to see a LEO:GIFU pool!
All 4 of these are critical to growing INLEO. Keep up the good work
Engage, educate and nude users to invest in $LEO and everything else related. On top of that I try to HODL as much as possible. The there is the occasional feedback I offer.
I helped fix few bugs for #dash launch.
You're working hard and HODLing... Very commendable
Telling my friends about all the benefits of $and inviting them with my referral link to inleo
INLEO has always been go-to niche consistently for the past 2 years. I simply love microblogging. I love engaging with other and do contribute to witty, humorous comment from time to time.
INLEO is the best place to spend your time on #web3
As much as possible I try to post from, I also encourage you to post here. I do content curation and give tips and suggestions for users to improve.
I keep a good amount of LEO in stake as I am also starting to buy premium. Next year I will try not to lose any power-ups.
That's great!
Keep up with the Premium re-subs. I think it's the most valuable thing you can do when combined with being active on the platform
I mainly use the front-end now since it's smoother than before!
I also use my website to drive traffic and onboard new users 😀
LOVE to hear it!
INLEO is everything
I don't sell any of my LEO, I just stake them. I'm also looking to buy 😀
Keep stacking $LEO till we hit a $250M Market Cap. It's the way
Writing an exclusive long form content series here that is relevant to my Twitter Audience.
Nice banner
Making quality threads, interacting with the community on daily basis and promoting Inleo on other platforms to create awareness and possibly attract more people here. I set a goal to bring 50 new users in a month.
Engagement on INLEO is everything. Thank you for doing this
If you bring in 50 new users a month, you'd be a legendary Lion.
We'll start watching and curating your threads, keep onboarding new users!
Mainly thread everyday about anything and engage with people om a rehgular basis. Its both fun and rewarding 🦁
I actively seek out your threads when I check in here periodically!
You're one of the best users on INLEO, keep it up
Thank you, only plan to level up 👏🦁
Slowly I'm moving small assets to inleo it's so simple to use and that's what I love simple things!
That's amazing. $LEO is on it's way to a $250M Market Cap
Just interacting normally on, up voting things I like and find interesting, asking questions, posting blogs and thoughts, and welcoming new people. I wish I knew more ways and things I can do, but I'm relatively new here too.
Telling my friends about all the benefits of $hive and inviting them with my referral link to inleo
Keep pushing
Howdy Threads!
Been away for 24 hours....What did I miss? We rich yet?
I'm on @jimmy.adames watch as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary so you didn't miss much.
ha ha ha ha ha ha he's keeping a low profile?
I’ve been threading all day although sporadically. Active Saturday 🤘🏽
not with me he's not. I'm watching him like a hawk. He's gonna get out of hand in 7 weeks when pitchers and catchers report and I'm gonna have not of that!!!
$HIVE back to 30 cents +
!pimp #cent
Not yet, but richer than yesterday!
slow and steady!!!
I keep reusing this GIF and am going to have to stop...but it is so awesome!
referral updates galore
Time to scale
we're getting there I hope it keeps rising
we're almost
Told the Ork Chef his food was bland
RIP to him
RIP to the baseball legend. , I am not a huge fan of baseball but my dad is a huge fan of baseball and I grew up watching alot of baseball games
Anti-fooders are a menace to society.

...I guess I'm a menace.
Anyone else?
I check the ingredients very often.
@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/50)@gubbahomestead! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.
(html comment removed:
Who likes chocolate? 🙋♀️
I love them, I could spend the whole time eating them, however, due to gym issues I don't eat much.
maaaaaan you have made my day. I don't like chocolate, I love it and this has perfect look
I don't just like it, I love it
How do you get Leo from LeoDex back to InLeo to stake it?
On LeoDex I have arb.Leo or aLeo
Go to
Click on "or transfer them back"
In the boxes type in your user name and the amount of LEO you would like to send back. Then click the transfer button.
After this mine automagically prompts my CTRL wallet open and asks for authorization etc.
Not sure how it works for metamask, nor if you can do it with keystore.
Little Drops of Leo makes a mighty Leocean
Let's goooo
It's all adding up!
Crypto math is funny.
Exactly, I bought at 0.58 yesterday and it now adds up to 0.77
1984- George Orwell
Another drop! Good 👍
oh a nice little play on words there
Yep, thanks 😏
Good night fren <3
Goodnight to you too
are you able to power up your Leo from inleo
I have been finding it hard to do so I just use the keychain app
yep, you can if you login with hivesigner or hive keychain.
But with Leo Auth you can't perform transactions. At least that's what I know
I understand now
Chiefs are now 14-1 after beating the Texans 🏈
Win Dash with this giveaway from Exolix! 👀
Follow the instructions below for how to win 👇
2️⃣ Exchange any coin to $DASH (or vice versa) on Exolix.
3️⃣ Fill out this Google form: (linked in the comments)1️⃣ Follow exolix_com and @Dashpay on X.
🎁 Four lucky winners will each receive $50 in $DASH!
❗️ This offer is valid for 24 hours only, so don’t miss out! Winners will be announced tomorrow.
thanks for your information
Here's the link to the form:
TANSTAAFL - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
we need t shirts with this. Lol
no free lunch everywhere. What's free is getting paid for by someone. Who's paying for me to have money for posting on Hive I've been wondering about this
Hive is still in "distribution mode", just like WhatsApp was for years. However, inflation is reduced by 0.01% per every 250,000 blocks or approximately 0.5% annually, which means the only way to acquire HIVE one day will be to exchange it with someone else for something.
Wait so that means that curation and value for value in this community will end?
Author & Curation rewards will be reduced by 0.01% per every 250,000 blocks until it reaches 0.95%.
Value for value never ends. Create value... exchange for value.
oh thank God then the only main way for me is to keep giving Value to the platform
im going to make meme of this it is worthy. Free lunch don't exist
I have to make a mug with this and gift it to the people I don't have enough cash to gift expensive stuff for Christmas and see their reactions 🤣🤣🤣
we found this on a hiking tour.

#hiking #xmas #cent
Work Ethic
This is the way.
Una flor muy bonito y sobre todo ese color en el borde, la cual permite que sea llamativa.
Gracias, si es la rosa del desierto
Gran flor
Win some #splinterlands SPS governance tokens in our latest giveaway! Enter to win via the article found in the comments. Good luck!! #gosh
In 2024, according to statistics, some cryptocurrencies grew a lot in value, but their networks didn’t gain many new users. This shows how important it is to focus on active, quality users rather than just price growth. I will put the article in the 2nd layer thread below.
When everything is going down Hive just pops a 30% spike for some reason over 30c $HIVE
Christmas is just a couple days ahead, incredible! I feel like I'm still in the middle of the year.
How are you preparing for the holidays?
This time we are not doing much at home, keeping it simple
Hi, @tsunsica,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
I think keeping it simple is the strategy for me and my family too. Although we do plan on going out but plan cancelled because the whole family will get together and if the whole family has to come it's going to be a long day.
Puedo decir con total seguridad que en este nuevo año 2025 se vienen cosas realmente enormes con asuntos de Marketing Digital. Me gustaría crear contenido en YouTube y que sea realmente de calidad. Con esto comprare $LEO sin duda. #spanish
Realmente me gustaría hacer algo de música pronto, asi que manténganse activos por aquí mi hermosa familia en #threads..
#spanish #music 🚀
Excellent job with the referrals, but one question the rewards they give did you manage to withdraw them?
The only “memecoin” I hold is $DOG
I as well. It has not treated me too well, or should I say that I bought poorly? 🤣
I earned some $Dog token from the airdrop and I refused to sell it because I believe the token will do better in the future
Is $D0G tokens different from dogs token. ?
$DOG is a memecoin that looks promising so I think you made the right move
It was a fantastic memecoin that made so many people richer e.g via their airdrops , and the amazing part is that the team behind the token do not make too much noise but the token is promising
Gud to hear man. :)
Trust me , you won't regret hodling the $dog coin
Dune: Prophecy reveals Desmond Hart as a child of both Harkonnen and Atreides bloodlines, adding complexity to the franchise's lore 🏰 This twist builds on the genetic significance of these families, impacting the universe's power dynamics #dune, #desmondhart, #bloodlines, #linkincomments, #tvonleo, #skiptvads, #randommedianews
Read More:
In Apple TV+'s Silo, porters play a crucial role in the underground society, delivering goods and messages throughout the structure 📦 They have access to every level, making them vital for communication and logistics within the Silo #silo, #appletv, #porters, #linkincomments, #tvonleo, #skiptvads, #randommedianews
Read More:
Good night Hivers.
@palabras1 Seguir Es la ÚNICA Opción [Esp/Eng Subtitled] #spanish #deportes #video #running #trainning #sports #gosh
I was mining some coins on telegram airdrop project where I even investment 1 TON, as the mining ended I was awarded a total value of $3,256, but the problem now is that they are asking for 5 TON as withdrawal fees.
Sounds like a scam.
That went south for the Steelers in the second half 31-17 Ravens lead.
According to the data compiled by Bitcoin Magazine, U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs together bought 4,349.7 BTC worth $423.6 million as Bitcoin’s price was going down. In the same period, Bitcoin mining produced 2,250 BTC
#etf #bitcoin #cent
#rip Ricky Henderson. The greatest base-stealer of all time. He was 65 yrs old.
So young.
Rest well brave warrior
Graffiti art in my city
The combination of colors is top tier!
Urban street #art #photography
Welcome Dash Community
You are now one of us… the cryptocurrency tribe…
Just an unpopular question: What's the use cases of Bitcoin BTC?
Bitcoin Use Cases
Remittance & P2P Digital Payments. ...
Energy Monetization. ...
Inclusive Finance & social impact. ...
Anti-Censorship & Corruption. ...
Investment, Inflation Hedge & Store of value. ...
I agree with most of those, but it's not so inclusive when the fees skyrocket due to market activity or ordinal minting
This is not an unpopular question, it's a old question from 10 years ago.
$HIVE mooning
The hive was triggered, that's the move and the price that was expected.
why do you think it is happening??