O Flamengo não deu chances ao Botafogo na final da Supercopa do Brasil. A vitória por 3 a 1 no Mangueirão deu ao Rubro-Negro o seu terceiro título da competição, a 17ª conquista nacional do clube, que só é superado pelo Palmeiras, dono de 20 taças neste âmbito. Com 12 troféus, o Corinthians é o terceiro colocado
Neste levantamento, que conta com 74 clubes de todas as regiões do país, o ge listou todas as competições chanceladas pela CBF: as quatro divisões do Campeonato Brasileiro, Copa do Brasil e Supercopa do Brasil, e alguns torneios extintos, como a Copa dos Campeões, Torneio dos Campeões, Taça Brasil e Torneio Roberto Gomes Pedrosa.
Dentre os estados, São Paulo lidera com folga no total de conquistas (72), seguido por Rio de Janeiro (39), Minas Gerais (26), Rio Grande do Sul (15) e Paraná (11). Os paulistas têm também a maior diversidade de vencedores: 19 clubes já ergueram taças nacionais.
Das 27 unidades da federação, dez nunca conheceram o sabor de um título desse calibre. Acre, Amapá, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins, Piauí, Sergipe, Espirito Santo, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul sonham com a primeira conquista.
O futebol! O esporte mais popular do mundo, com uma história rica e fascinante que remonta a séculos. Vamos mergulhar na trajetória do futebol, desde suas origens até os dias de hoje.
Os jogos de bola têm uma longa história que remonta à antiguidade. Em civilizações como a egípcia, a grega e a romana, existiam jogos que envolviam a utilização de bolas feitas de materiais como couro, madeira ou pedra.
Um dos jogos mais antigos conhecidos é o "Tlachtli", praticado pelos astecas no México por volta de 1000 a.C. O jogo era disputado por duas equipes que tentavam passar a bola por um aro vertical, utilizando os pés, os joelhos e os cotovelos.
Durante a Idade Média, o futebol medieval se desenvolveu na Europa, especialmente na Inglaterra. O jogo era disputado por equipes de vilarejos e cidades, e o objetivo era levar a bola até um local determinado, geralmente uma igreja ou um castelo.
O futebol medieval era um jogo violento e desorganizado, com regras poucas e flexíveis. Os jogadores utilizavam qualquer parte do corpo para controlar a bola, e o jogo era frequentemente interrompido por brigas e disputas.
No final do século XVIII, o futebol começou a se tornar mais organizado e estruturado. Em 1863, a Football Association (FA) foi fundada na Inglaterra, e as primeiras regras oficiais do futebol foram estabelecidas.
As regras da FA proibiam o uso das mãos, exceto para o goleiro, e estabeleciam o tamanho e o peso da bola. Além disso, as regras definiam a duração do jogo, o número de jogadores e as penalidades para os jogadores que cometessem faltas.
A partir da segunda metade do século XIX, o futebol começou a se disseminar pelo mundo. O esporte foi introduzido na Europa continental, na América do Sul e na África, e rapidamente se tornou popular.
A primeira partida internacional de futebol foi disputada em 1872, entre a Inglaterra e a Escócia. A partir daí, o futebol se tornou um esporte global, com competições internacionais e clubes de todo o mundo.
A primeira Copa do Mundo foi disputada em 1930, no Uruguai, e contou com a participação de 13 equipes. A partir daí, a Copa do Mundo se tornou o maior evento esportivo do mundo, com uma audiência global de bilhões de pessoas.
Hoje em dia, o futebol é um esporte multibilionário, com clubes e ligas de todo o mundo. O esporte é jogado por milhões de pessoas, desde crianças em campos de futebol locais até profissionais em estádios gigantescos.
A tecnologia também mudou o futebol, com a introdução de recursos como o árbitro de vídeo (VAR), que ajuda a tomar decisões mais precisas, e a análise de dados, que permite aos treinadores e jogadores tomar decisões mais informadas.
A história do futebol é longa e fascinante, desde suas origens na antiguidade até o esporte global que conhecemos hoje. O futebol é mais do que apenas um esporte - é uma paixão, uma cultura e uma forma de vida para milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo.
Bicampeão mundial com o Santos em 1962 e 1963, o ex-jogador Lima faleceu nesta segunda-feira. Conhecido como Curinga da Vila, o ídolo eterno do Peixe estava internado há um mês por conta de problemas nos rins e no coração. Ele tinha 83 anos.
O Santos decretou luto oficial de sete dias e bandeira hasteada a meio mastro. O velório será realizado a partir das 22h desta segunda-feira, no Salão de Mármore do clube. A cremação será na terça-feira, às 11h, na Memorial Necrópole Ecumênica de Santos.
Antônio Lima dos Santos atuou pelo Peixe entre 1961 e 1971. Entre as conquistas, além do bicampeonato mundial e estão o bicampeonato da Copa Conmebol Libertadores da América (1962 e 1963) e a Recopa Mundial de 1968. É considerado hexacampeão brasileiro (1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965 e 1968) e heptacampeão paulista (1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968 e 1969).
Nascido em São Sebastião do Paraíso, no estado de Minas Gerais, Lima começou a carreira atuando em times juvenis amadores de São Paulo. Numa dessas equipes, ele foi observado por Osvaldinho, ex-jogador do Palmeiras, que o encaminhou as divisões amadoras do Juventus.
Lima assinou o primeiro contrato profissional com o Moleque Travesso aos 16 anos. O técnico da equipe grená, José Carlos Bauer, o “Gigante do Maracanã”, percebeu a qualidade do jovem lateral do time de aspirantes e o promoveu para a equipe principal.
Foi defendendo o Juventus que o Curinga da Vila Lima viu Pelé marcar um dos gols mais icônicos da carreira, no dia 2 de agosto de 1959. Com a camisa 10 do Santos, o Rei chapelou três adversários e marcou um golaço.
Nessa partida, Lima atuou no meio de campo, mas costumava jogar na lateral direita, e foi para essa posição que o técnico Lula o indicou para o Santos, em 1961. Como meio-campista, o ídolo santista foi titular da seleção Brasileira na Copa do Mundo de 1966.
Pelo Santos foram 692 jogos, marcou 63 gols, sendo o 4º jogador do Alvinegro que mais vezes esteve em campo defendendo o time de Vila Belmiro, ficando atrás apenas de Pelé, Zito e Pepe. Com a camisa da Seleção Brasileira disputou 18 partidas e marcou seis gols.
Depois do Santos, Lima defendeu o Jalisco Gadalajara, do México, entre 1971 e 1974. Após isso, ele ainda atuou pelo Fluminense e pelo Tampa Bay Rowdies, dos Estados Unidos. Se aposentou pela Portuguesa Santista.
Ao se aposentar, prestou diversos serviços ao Santos, como coordenador e treinador nas categorias de base. Como ídolo eterno, Lima participava de eventos e ações de marketing do clube. No ano passado, o ex-jogador participou das apresentações do meia Otero e do zagueiro Luan Peres.
This is the second episode of the weekly MUSIC Threadcast!
Welcome to our HIVE MUSIC MONDAYS, where we celebrate the love for music! 🎧 🎵
Share your favorite music!
Every Monday, you can share your favorite tracks – whether they're from Hive, YouTube, SoundCloud, or any other platform. Let's discover and enjoy great music together! 🎶🎼
Post a link to your favorite music in the comments (3Speak, YouTube, etc.)
Engage with others and explore new tunes!
Let's fill Mondays with music and motivation from now on! 🚀
Thanks for this! I would prefer video links to YouTube or 3Speak next time, because people can directly click on it and letting it play without having to leave INLEO. Hope to see you next monday! :)
I am sooo thankful for showing me this!! I searched for more stuff in this genre and it´s awesome! I am happy and in a good mood and I found my new inspiration for sure!!! Thank you!
Im happy you like it! You know tunes in this genre are really energetic but I also enjoy the other part thats more emotional, slo, mellow and deep stuff like this one:
Daredevil: Born Again teases a bold Marvel moment as Kingpin proposes to Vanessa while being arrested, this significant scene adds layers to their relationship and sets up intriguing dynamics for the series, showcasing how personal stakes intertwine with larger criminal plots in the MCU. Read More in ➡️ #linkincomments
The DashPay wallet showcases Dash Evolution's first new features: usernames and contact lists! 🤯
Here's a step-by-step process for setting up the wallet from scratch: downloading, backing up, buying some Dash, registering a username, adding friends, and making private payments.
If you haven't tried it out yet, come follow along. Welcome to the future of digital cash! ⚡️💵
I bet Elon got to DC, asked where all the money was going, and nobody could answer.
So he asks how payments are made and it turns out one department does them all. Obviously he’s like, “great, there, I want to go there.”
#elonmusk #cent
Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War expands its anime legacy with intense battles and character arcs setting up exciting possibilities for future adaptations within the iconic franchise. Read more ➡️ linkincomments
From season 4 is highly anticipated after season 3's shocking finale, fans are recommended to watch HBO's The Leftovers during the wait as both shows share themes of mystery and community amidst supernatural events. Read More in ➡️ #linkincomments
We just wrote this article that talks extensively about the power of GIFs and the impact they can have on your brand if they are your brand's signature.
#gifu #gifs
If you want to expand your brand horizon but don't know how to go about it,? We'll advise you to try GIFs, other than the contemporary ads you're used to.
GIFs can aid your brand's recognition, marketing, and community engagement, and they're relatively cheaper.
"Having tried cases before juries in Delaware, fostered relationships with judges, and educated lawyers there, I share this sentiment with care: Delaware is in jeopardy of losing its reputation as the top choice for incorporation in the
How are you doing today?
I didn´t have time the whole day for INLEO or Hive.
But now I am home, I had dinner and will do some Hive stuff and then play computer games. 😍🎮
What are you up to?
“Canada and Mexico will face significant economic challenges due to the tariffs announced on Saturday. Their approach aims to ensure that Americans feel the effects as well.”
thanks man! For this one finishing it. Not going to race it as I don’t have enough time to recover for the city marathon in april (where I hope to break 3:20:00)
Some people put their money in share market, some go with fixed deposit or recurring deposit in banks and some use some other instruments available. All are good for fait currency but in case of cryptocurrency I find a safe way. which is passive income source and the returns are also good. The other good benefit is that the price of the token do not varies because of the nature of the token, Yes I am talking about the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) Saving, which has 15% Annual Percentage Rate ( APR ) and the token are pegged with the USD value.1/3🧵 #threadstorm
Till now I am holding 1709 HBD in saving. Two days back also I claimed the monthly saving rewards which were approximately the 21.4 HBD. To claim on time and to automate the process I am using the @keychain , which has the option to automate the claim system which helps a lot to be on time. Every single day of claim missing means we are loosing the interest on this unclaimed amount. This may looks very small amount but if you calculate it for a year time you will understand, its power of compounding.
I think I learned my lessons back in 2022 and don't need to learn anything new other than being careful not to lose my capital. I learned how playing between stablecoins and normal crypto is very important to survival and profit making.
You have to do something really amazing for ppl to remmember you after death, thats what the movie is all about, cool to have Jonathan Majors back on the big screen
NASA’s Asteroid Bennu Sample Reveals Mix of Life’s Ingredients
Studies of rock and dust from asteroid Bennu delivered to Earth by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft have revealed molecules that, on our planet, are key to life, as well as a history of saltwater that could have served as the “broth” for these compounds to interact and combine.
The findings do not show evidence for life itself, but they do suggest the conditions necessary for the emergence of life were widespread across the early solar system, increasing the odds life could have formed on other planets and moons.
(...) Among the most compelling detections were amino acids – 14 of the 20 that life on Earth uses to make proteins – and all five nucleobases that life on Earth uses to store and transmit genetic instructions in more complex terrestrial biomolecules, such as DNA and RNA, including how to arrange amino acids into proteins.
Freedom of speech is in danger:
In June 2024 a man in the UK was arrested for posting "offensive" comments on Facebook. do you think you're safe?
#news #politics
Police arrested him on "suspicion of improper use of communications network" and jailed him for 20 months. This is insanity!
Lets remember folks that this happened in one of the most developed countries on this planet.
source: reuters.com
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #201
February 3
Solid comeback win for my #chelseafc at home against London rivals West Ham.
The win moves Chelsea back into Champions League places in 4th position.
CFC gave up a soft goal at the end of the 1st half but players battled back with effort!
The competition is increasingly exciting.
!summarize #likadoncic #dallas #lalakers #nba #trade #mansion
Hi, @taskmaster4450le,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
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!summarize #lalakers #nba #doncic #dallas #mavericks
Flamengo chega ao 17º título nacional e se aproxima do Palmeiras; veja ranking
O Flamengo não deu chances ao Botafogo na final da Supercopa do Brasil. A vitória por 3 a 1 no Mangueirão deu ao Rubro-Negro o seu terceiro título da competição, a 17ª conquista nacional do clube, que só é superado pelo Palmeiras, dono de 20 taças neste âmbito. Com 12 troféus, o Corinthians é o terceiro colocado
#sports #flamengo
Neste levantamento, que conta com 74 clubes de todas as regiões do país, o ge listou todas as competições chanceladas pela CBF: as quatro divisões do Campeonato Brasileiro, Copa do Brasil e Supercopa do Brasil, e alguns torneios extintos, como a Copa dos Campeões, Torneio dos Campeões, Taça Brasil e Torneio Roberto Gomes Pedrosa.
Dentre os estados, São Paulo lidera com folga no total de conquistas (72), seguido por Rio de Janeiro (39), Minas Gerais (26), Rio Grande do Sul (15) e Paraná (11). Os paulistas têm também a maior diversidade de vencedores: 19 clubes já ergueram taças nacionais.
Das 27 unidades da federação, dez nunca conheceram o sabor de um título desse calibre. Acre, Amapá, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins, Piauí, Sergipe, Espirito Santo, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul sonham com a primeira conquista.
Como o futebol surgiu?
O futebol! O esporte mais popular do mundo, com uma história rica e fascinante que remonta a séculos. Vamos mergulhar na trajetória do futebol, desde suas origens até os dias de hoje.
As Origens: Jogos de Bola na Antiguidade
Os jogos de bola têm uma longa história que remonta à antiguidade. Em civilizações como a egípcia, a grega e a romana, existiam jogos que envolviam a utilização de bolas feitas de materiais como couro, madeira ou pedra.
Um dos jogos mais antigos conhecidos é o "Tlachtli", praticado pelos astecas no México por volta de 1000 a.C. O jogo era disputado por duas equipes que tentavam passar a bola por um aro vertical, utilizando os pés, os joelhos e os cotovelos.
A Idade Média e o Futebol Medieval
Durante a Idade Média, o futebol medieval se desenvolveu na Europa, especialmente na Inglaterra. O jogo era disputado por equipes de vilarejos e cidades, e o objetivo era levar a bola até um local determinado, geralmente uma igreja ou um castelo.
O futebol medieval era um jogo violento e desorganizado, com regras poucas e flexíveis. Os jogadores utilizavam qualquer parte do corpo para controlar a bola, e o jogo era frequentemente interrompido por brigas e disputas.
A Criação das Regras Oficiais
No final do século XVIII, o futebol começou a se tornar mais organizado e estruturado. Em 1863, a Football Association (FA) foi fundada na Inglaterra, e as primeiras regras oficiais do futebol foram estabelecidas.
As regras da FA proibiam o uso das mãos, exceto para o goleiro, e estabeleciam o tamanho e o peso da bola. Além disso, as regras definiam a duração do jogo, o número de jogadores e as penalidades para os jogadores que cometessem faltas.
A Disseminação do Futebol pelo Mundo
A partir da segunda metade do século XIX, o futebol começou a se disseminar pelo mundo. O esporte foi introduzido na Europa continental, na América do Sul e na África, e rapidamente se tornou popular.
A primeira partida internacional de futebol foi disputada em 1872, entre a Inglaterra e a Escócia. A partir daí, o futebol se tornou um esporte global, com competições internacionais e clubes de todo o mundo.
A Criação da FIFA e a Copa do Mundo
Em 1904, a Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) foi fundada, com o objetivo de promover e regular o futebol em todo o mundo.
A primeira Copa do Mundo foi disputada em 1930, no Uruguai, e contou com a participação de 13 equipes. A partir daí, a Copa do Mundo se tornou o maior evento esportivo do mundo, com uma audiência global de bilhões de pessoas.
O Futebol Moderno
Hoje em dia, o futebol é um esporte multibilionário, com clubes e ligas de todo o mundo. O esporte é jogado por milhões de pessoas, desde crianças em campos de futebol locais até profissionais em estádios gigantescos.
A tecnologia também mudou o futebol, com a introdução de recursos como o árbitro de vídeo (VAR), que ajuda a tomar decisões mais precisas, e a análise de dados, que permite aos treinadores e jogadores tomar decisões mais informadas.
A história do futebol é longa e fascinante, desde suas origens na antiguidade até o esporte global que conhecemos hoje. O futebol é mais do que apenas um esporte - é uma paixão, uma cultura e uma forma de vida para milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo.
!summarize #sports #news
A SportsThreadcast?
#sports news from Germany - the only relevant one is #football - what US calls #soccer https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cgq0lp8l078o
what is the aim of the sports threadcast then? Waht are we talking about?
You can bring any type of sports news. It could be just to share or even bring up a topic for discussion.
Feel free, you are always welcome.
!summarize #sports #news
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Lima, bicampeão mundial pelo Santos, morre aos 83 anos
Bicampeão mundial com o Santos em 1962 e 1963, o ex-jogador Lima faleceu nesta segunda-feira. Conhecido como Curinga da Vila, o ídolo eterno do Peixe estava internado há um mês por conta de problemas nos rins e no coração. Ele tinha 83 anos.
#sports #rip #santos
O Santos decretou luto oficial de sete dias e bandeira hasteada a meio mastro. O velório será realizado a partir das 22h desta segunda-feira, no Salão de Mármore do clube. A cremação será na terça-feira, às 11h, na Memorial Necrópole Ecumênica de Santos.
Antônio Lima dos Santos atuou pelo Peixe entre 1961 e 1971. Entre as conquistas, além do bicampeonato mundial e estão o bicampeonato da Copa Conmebol Libertadores da América (1962 e 1963) e a Recopa Mundial de 1968. É considerado hexacampeão brasileiro (1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965 e 1968) e heptacampeão paulista (1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968 e 1969).
Nascido em São Sebastião do Paraíso, no estado de Minas Gerais, Lima começou a carreira atuando em times juvenis amadores de São Paulo. Numa dessas equipes, ele foi observado por Osvaldinho, ex-jogador do Palmeiras, que o encaminhou as divisões amadoras do Juventus.
Lima assinou o primeiro contrato profissional com o Moleque Travesso aos 16 anos. O técnico da equipe grená, José Carlos Bauer, o “Gigante do Maracanã”, percebeu a qualidade do jovem lateral do time de aspirantes e o promoveu para a equipe principal.
Foi defendendo o Juventus que o Curinga da Vila Lima viu Pelé marcar um dos gols mais icônicos da carreira, no dia 2 de agosto de 1959. Com a camisa 10 do Santos, o Rei chapelou três adversários e marcou um golaço.
Nessa partida, Lima atuou no meio de campo, mas costumava jogar na lateral direita, e foi para essa posição que o técnico Lula o indicou para o Santos, em 1961. Como meio-campista, o ídolo santista foi titular da seleção Brasileira na Copa do Mundo de 1966.
Pelo Santos foram 692 jogos, marcou 63 gols, sendo o 4º jogador do Alvinegro que mais vezes esteve em campo defendendo o time de Vila Belmiro, ficando atrás apenas de Pelé, Zito e Pepe. Com a camisa da Seleção Brasileira disputou 18 partidas e marcou seis gols.
Depois do Santos, Lima defendeu o Jalisco Gadalajara, do México, entre 1971 e 1974. Após isso, ele ainda atuou pelo Fluminense e pelo Tampa Bay Rowdies, dos Estados Unidos. Se aposentou pela Portuguesa Santista.
Ao se aposentar, prestou diversos serviços ao Santos, como coordenador e treinador nas categorias de base. Como ídolo eterno, Lima participava de eventos e ações de marketing do clube. No ano passado, o ex-jogador participou das apresentações do meia Otero e do zagueiro Luan Peres.
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Hi, @coyotelation,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
A SportsThreadcast?
🎶 Weekly Hive MUSIC Threadcast #2!
This is the second episode of the weekly MUSIC Threadcast!
Welcome to our HIVE MUSIC MONDAYS, where we celebrate the love for music! 🎧 🎵
Share your favorite music!
Every Monday, you can share your favorite tracks – whether they're from Hive, YouTube, SoundCloud, or any other platform. Let's discover and enjoy great music together! 🎶🎼
Post a link to your favorite music in the comments (3Speak, YouTube, etc.)
Engage with others and explore new tunes!
Let's fill Mondays with music and motivation from now on! 🚀
#threadcast #music #hive #community #sound #vibes #raven #hmm
This remix by knifehandchop of a venetian snares track called Milk it's really awesome:
Let's shake heads lions😎
Oh yeah Foo Fighters also good!
They're awesome!
new music that I upload yesterday
Thanks for sharing!!
Your welcome
A Music Threadcast?
Yes every monday now here on INLEO. :)
Better late then never
Yes that´s also nice music! Thanks for submitting! !PIZZA
Missed Monday and this entire great initiative - so video links or posts? I just drop my post from yesterday around #Popclassics - new series :-).
Thanks for this! I would prefer video links to YouTube or 3Speak next time, because people can directly click on it and letting it play without having to leave INLEO. Hope to see you next monday! :)
kk, understood :-)
Architects - Animals
#metel #musicThanks! Always interesting to see what others are listening to!
Carcosa - Nihilus
#metal #musicThanks for this submission!! =) !PIZZA
As I Lay Dying - Whitewashed Tomb
#metal #musicThe new hyperpop sound is really cool, this new track is so catchy that I can't get it out of my head 😂
I am sooo thankful for showing me this!! I searched for more stuff in this genre and it´s awesome! I am happy and in a good mood and I found my new inspiration for sure!!! Thank you!
Im happy you like it! You know tunes in this genre are really energetic but I also enjoy the other part thats more emotional, slo, mellow and deep stuff like this one:
That´s also nice!! I would really love to do some energetic stuff like the ones you showed me first. It will be freaking hard, but I have to try it!
This is giving me so much inspiration for my own tracks! Thanks so much for this!!
same, this whole hyper pop scene has some good tracks that inspire me too, right now this track is also cool by Sebi
in the same hyper pop vibe, anotoki!
same vibe in hyperpop type beat
another hyper pop banger
Wow awesome sounds! Never heard this before but I love the synths!
Another good new track in the same hyper pop-ish style
Also nice, but I like to listen to more "Party" songs, faster, like the first one you suggested. :D
2hollis has some energetic stuff the "jeans" song is full of that party vibe:
Yes I already heard this song and it´s great!
A song I play with my first band. But we play it more reggae. 💃
#music #hmm #raven
It's a tremendous classic from the 80s. Very good taste.😎
Yes it´s awesome! I love the 80s music!
A funny song by The Offspring that reminds me of my school time.
#music #hmm #raven
A cover I love and used to play with my old band.
#music #hmm #raven
This cover is a classic! I remember those days like it was yesterday, the whole nu metal wave was epic!
Oh yeah it was!! :) !PIZZA
I really like the background of this song, the lyrics and the video.
#music #hmm #raven
this song lighten me up every time! !BBH
Me too!
it bring me back to 2020, good memories!
this song is amazing.
One of the best songs of all time for me! This is MUSICAL MAGIC! 😍 🎉
#music #hmm #raven
Some of my own music: My new single Fireflies was released last friday.
#music #hmm #raven
I will start with a cover I really like. Not only because of the girl in the video. 😜
#music #hmm #raven
Mashups are great! And I love this one!
#music #hmm #raven
Big fan of the Disney movie ENCANTO. I love the music in this movie!!
#music #disney #encanto #hmm #raven
This is a cover I play with my second band.
#music #hmm #raven
A Music Threadcast?
Just harvested 84 SPS from Lands.

One passive way to earn token.
#splinterlands #sps #play2earn
it seems very interesting way to earn splintershards. thanks for the motivation.
Congrats on a nice harvest. How much is one SPS now
its $0.006625
A lot 😎
Let me know when you're sick of seeing these photos from behind the scenes on film sets...
Here's more from Law & Order. Court room and elevator banks:
#hollywood #moviemagic
I love behind the scenes content! Keep it coming
Lol, awesome thanks!!! Will do, as long as I'm still working on it.
Daredevil: Born Again teases a bold Marvel moment as Kingpin proposes to Vanessa while being arrested, this significant scene adds layers to their relationship and sets up intriguing dynamics for the series, showcasing how personal stakes intertwine with larger criminal plots in the MCU. Read More in ➡️ #linkincomments
#daredevilbornagain, #kingpin, #tvonleo, #skiptvads, #randommedianews
Read More: https://screenrant.com/mcu-daredevil-kingpin-propose-while-being-arrested-marvel-show/ #skiptvads
have you done one ore more things on this list:
I did all of the above
Done All except upload short
then you know what to do ;)
Never share someone's article, but I have done all the rest on your list.
then you know what to do ;)
I will try to do all before calling it a day. Inshaa Allaah
ambitious! I like that!
I wish all lions were like you 🤩
done excpet short part
Hi, @solymi,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Hehe #meme #memes #leomemes #notmymeme
This is a nice one
All I see are 2 hammer sharks
The DashPay wallet showcases Dash Evolution's first new features: usernames and contact lists! 🤯
Here's a step-by-step process for setting up the wallet from scratch: downloading, backing up, buying some Dash, registering a username, adding friends, and making private payments.
If you haven't tried it out yet, come follow along. Welcome to the future of digital cash! ⚡️💵
#dash #crypto
Cool, I will check it out!
Register a username and add @thedesertlynx, maybe he'll send some Dash.
LFG 🚀. Setting up my wallet as of now
Cool! Friend @thedesertlynx when you do
Lately, I've been taken some speculative bets on a lot of Brokers / Market Makers.
It has performed tremendously well lately. Just need an additional 5/10% pop and I will make huge profits.
Please pump my bags! $IBKR $SCHW $HOOD $VIRTU
#investing #cent #bbh #crypto #stocks
Engaging on thread can even be more rewarding than making long form post at times. See the screenshot below. Imagine getting 100 of that everyday.

love to see this
The community has really been doing much better curating threads
Thank you for your comment.
are you able to recover you premium money without blogging?
Blogging doesn't get upvotes everyday, sometimes it's once in 4 days. But for thread you can be sure you are making something at the end of the day.
you're Right
Engagement is the key
wow, awesome, let me give that a try for a week and see
Threading is also way more fun!
So he asks how payments are made and it turns out one department does them all. Obviously he’s like, “great, there, I want to go there.”
#elonmusk #cent
Having spent 7 years engaged in the cryptocurrency space, the perspective remains that this is a prime buying opportunity. What about others?
Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War expands its anime legacy with intense battles and character arcs setting up exciting possibilities for future adaptations within the iconic franchise. Read more ➡️ linkincomments
#bleachanime, #thousandyearbloodwar, #tvonleo, #skiptvads , #randommedianews
Read More: https://collider.com/bleach-thousand-year-blood-war-franchise-future/
How far with the Inleo proposal?
We are close mate!
We did our part!
on discord, someone made a screenshot of it and it's now 3% away
This is how AI things get done! 😆 😀
#ai #chatgpt #deepseek #meme
jajaja loved Silicon Valley and its true he did the same cloning all kind of projects
From season 4 is highly anticipated after season 3's shocking finale, fans are recommended to watch HBO's The Leftovers during the wait as both shows share themes of mystery and community amidst supernatural events. Read More in ➡️ #linkincomments
#fromseries, #theleftovershbo, #tvonleo, #skiptvads, #randommedianews
Read More: https://screenrant.com/from-season-4-the-leftovers-hbo-max-streaming-recommendation/

We just wrote this article that talks extensively about the power of GIFs and the impact they can have on your brand if they are your brand's signature.
#gifu #gifs
If you want to expand your brand horizon but don't know how to go about it,? We'll advise you to try GIFs, other than the contemporary ads you're used to.
GIFs can aid your brand's recognition, marketing, and community engagement, and they're relatively cheaper.
Let us at Gifu make your brand some custom-made GIFs that will go on to preach the gospel of your brand to a wider audience.
Talking about financial freedom while imposing a single outcome isn’t right. Not ideal, Bitcoin.
Train with purpose💪

#Hive #Actifit #Fitness #Purpose
How did you guys get this candid photograph of me? 😜
We followed you for three weeks, documenting your every move. It was a real team effort
😂 A true invasion of privacy, love it!
Following the recent judicial actions involving Tesla shareholders, the last four companies established or acquired have been incorporated in Nevada.
The repercussions of activism are evident, as Delaware faces the consequences with fewer businesses opting for incorporation there.
The risks associated with incorporating in Delaware have become too significant.
"Having tried cases before juries in Delaware, fostered relationships with judges, and educated lawyers there, I share this sentiment with care: Delaware is in jeopardy of losing its reputation as the top choice for incorporation in the
Is Ethereum likely to be above or below $3,000 when Bitcoin returns to $100,000?
looks like below :(
Who else recalls when $ETH was around $80?
Investment is not equated with gambling when caution is exercised, such as refraining from wagering essential funds on the latest trending stock.
Warren said if you know what you doing, it's no longer risky.
Holding strong and watching closely. Sometimes doing nothing is the best trade.
Crypto is recovering
so sad for those who sold out of panic.
Why do you think the word rollercoaster in crypto is a cliche
Good evening everyone! ❤️
How are you doing today?
I didn´t have time the whole day for INLEO or Hive.
But now I am home, I had dinner and will do some Hive stuff and then play computer games. 😍🎮
What are you up to?
#inleo #today #monday #gaming #hive #raven
I just finished some stuff on hive. Ready to comment and reblog
Sounds good! =) I still need to finish a song and then I will go back to Hive also. :)
Have a delicious dinner, enjoy the fun games. Almost time here to call it a night.
Thank you! =) I am also tired already, but I hope to be able to stay awake some more, I want to use my time. :D Sleep well!
Thank you 🙏 sleep well too after some relaxing
Thank you! 🥰
good luck
A day late but here is a !BBH for you!
It's understandable to feel overwhelmed at times. Taking a moment to breathe can help.
Yeah I had to go offline for a while over the weekend
jajajaja but WHY???
#meme , #skiptvads
so that it's easily identifiable ? haha
Probably wanting to let people know that Karen is here so they wouldn't approach and would stay away.
Will Americans even perceive the impact of a Canadian tariff?
If 1.5% of imports rises by 25%, is it even noticeable?
I think it's more than that. 10-20% of American imports come from Canada.
“Canada and Mexico will face significant economic challenges due to the tariffs announced on Saturday. Their approach aims to ensure that Americans feel the effects as well.”
When there's fear surrounding purchases, that's precisely the moment to consider buying. Embrace the fear.
Gpx of my coast marathon (this sunday) released today. The whole straight line next to the sea is in the sand 🤣😅 #running
Oh thats gonna be rough! Hope you have a amazing race! Whats your goal?
thanks man! For this one finishing it. Not going to race it as I don’t have enough time to recover for the city marathon in april (where I hope to break 3:20:00)
Ah okay, keep focus in the big target. It can also be quiet fun to run races without any specific goals and just enjoy :D
Wont it be super windy when its by the sea?
yeah! The wind and the temperature are going to be a big challenge. For now the expectation of experienced temperature is -3C 😅😎
#gmfrens. What are you doing today? How is it till now?
will go out on a date after work 😉
Wish me luck
Hope you nail it!! 😁
its in the bag now
There you go!
bloody markets, so I went to earn some svam FIAT to buy magic internet moneys.
That is good, I even stayed at home, to earn some FIAT to buy internet magic money.
staying at home to earn FIAT is nice, I am constantly on the lookout for jobs like that.
#meme #run
How to create a meme is the next tutorial i'm working ok. see you soon... #meme #tutorial
1/🧵 The Reality of Public #Hospitals: Are We Just a Number?
Having #health issues make it imminent to go for a check up but those public hospitals are man made horrors beyond comprehensive
The way they treat patient nowadays
#outreach #threadstorm
2/ is The reason why I prefer staying at home, try not to get sick or other health problems
There in public hospitals they don't treat you as patient or take seriously if you're in normal condition and have some other condition
3/ Nowadays patients are more like numbers while private hospitals are beyond reach of average person
I've shared my recent health checkup experience in this blog here:
The AI space is getting hotter and hotter...
#ai #chatgpt #deepseek #meme
The new AI is sweeping all before it.
Some people put their money in share market, some go with fixed deposit or recurring deposit in banks and some use some other instruments available. All are good for fait currency but in case of cryptocurrency I find a safe way. which is passive income source and the returns are also good. The other good benefit is that the price of the token do not varies because of the nature of the token, Yes I am talking about the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) Saving, which has 15% Annual Percentage Rate ( APR ) and the token are pegged with the USD value.1/3🧵 #threadstorm
#outreach #passiveincome #hbdsaving #saving
Till now I am holding 1709 HBD in saving. Two days back also I claimed the monthly saving rewards which were approximately the 21.4 HBD. To claim on time and to automate the process I am using the @keychain , which has the option to automate the claim system which helps a lot to be on time. Every single day of claim missing means we are loosing the interest on this unclaimed amount. This may looks very small amount but if you calculate it for a year time you will understand, its power of compounding.
Check my latest post where I shared my views on same.
@amphlux and the divine act of coding. A very interesting read! Give it some love, will ya?
i really need to work on my fatfingers on the phone. 😂😂😂 you are being warched by a kamrea😂🙃
After recent #market turmoil I've reflected on my journal and realised my asset selection is S-tier but I'm not good at exiting
basically it's the only problem, I don't exit.. I just baghold to zero profit and turn into losses eventually.
What you've learnt?
I think I learned my lessons back in 2022 and don't need to learn anything new other than being careful not to lose my capital. I learned how playing between stablecoins and normal crypto is very important to survival and profit making.
Good day Lions,
This week is starting in a very volatile fashion but it presents a lot of opportunities I am sure.
#cent #crypto #bbh #hive #inleo #bitcoin
I think it is good sale to buy more coins
We're getting closer to a bottom for sure!
Thanks my friend, the same to you.
Stake Based Curation
Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.
For more info check below ⬇️
Stake based curation parameters
You have to do something really amazing for ppl to remmember you after death, thats what the movie is all about, cool to have Jonathan Majors back on the big screen
#moviesonleo , #trailer , #magazinedreams2025 , #skiptvads
#elonmusk #trump #cent #pepe #kekmiusmaximus
📰 Stay updated with today's #crypto headlines and express your thoughts below 👇
💡 $XRP, $DOGE, and $ADA fall by 25%, erasing gains made in December
💡 #Bitcoin reaches $92K, while $ETH hits $2,250 during market instability
💡 #21Shares has submitted a request for a spot Polkadot ETF, aiming for #SEC approval
Trump quiere elecciones, ¿por qué Europa está en silencio?
Hold elections in Ukraine or go! Trump has a deadline?
#politics #war #inleo
NASA’s Asteroid Bennu Sample Reveals Mix of Life’s Ingredients
Studies of rock and dust from asteroid Bennu delivered to Earth by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft have revealed molecules that, on our planet, are key to life, as well as a history of saltwater that could have served as the “broth” for these compounds to interact and combine.
The findings do not show evidence for life itself, but they do suggest the conditions necessary for the emergence of life were widespread across the early solar system, increasing the odds life could have formed on other planets and moons.
(...) Among the most compelling detections were amino acids – 14 of the 20 that life on Earth uses to make proteins – and all five nucleobases that life on Earth uses to store and transmit genetic instructions in more complex terrestrial biomolecules, such as DNA and RNA, including how to arrange amino acids into proteins.
Crypto took a beating this weekend, Bitcoin fell 8%, and top altcoins like ETH dropped over 20%. Trump’s tariff war is spooking markets
Who’s buying the dip?
Freedom of speech is in danger:
In June 2024 a man in the UK was arrested for posting "offensive" comments on Facebook. do you think you're safe?
#news #politics
Police arrested him on "suspicion of improper use of communications network" and jailed him for 20 months. This is insanity!
Lets remember folks that this happened in one of the most developed countries on this planet.
source: reuters.com