I'm not the sort of man who ignores that need addressing, within myself or externally. I'm great at drawing a line through something negative, unimportant or unproductive and moving on, but ignoring a task I know I'll have to do or thoughts and feelings I know I'll have to address...Nope, that's not my way. But sometimes...
I've been ignoring my side gate for far too long.
This gate was hung incorrectly in respect of the fence post it latches and is difficult to open and close because of it. The gate is hinged off the brick wall and closes against the fence post which is the problem as the post is not perpendicular to the ground; it angles inwards to the brick wall at the top causing the gate frame to touch against it on closing. I have had to force it open and closed for far too long, and can't count how many times I've said, "I'm going to fix that gate this weekend."
Well, "I'm going to fix that gate this weekend." Seriously.
I can actually confirm, "I fixed that gate this weekend." At last.
I was out last night for dinner, I went here and had a reasonably late night so I slept in (to 07:00h) and while eating breakfast thought about the day and considered ignoring the gate again or cowboying-the-fuck-up and getting it done. The cowboy in me won out.
I'd like to say the job required manly manliness but it wasn't all that difficult. I used a couple of power tools which is always fun, an angle grinder and impact driver, and a ratchet tie-down strap.

I decided that rather than removing and resetting the fence post (it's concreted into the ground with pavers around it) I'd simply detach the fencing panel, undo the two horizontal fencing rails attached to the post and use the ratchet strap (2.5 tonne capacity) to lever ("bend") the fencepost over a little more perpendicular to the ground (and more parallel to the wall) which would give the gate additional clearance. I also used the grinder on a part of the latch which was fouling on the gate frame and cut back a little of the gate sheeting panel at the top also. It was all pretty simple, I had to cut back the fence rails a little to account for the angle change and I put it all back together. I had thought I may have to heat the 50x50mm fence post to get the bend into it but it came back enough (and stayed there) without heating the steel.
The fix isn't ideal; totally ideal would be to remove the fence post completely and reset it perpendicular however the second best thing is what I have done and it worked out well. The gate now opens and closes perfectly and without effort, and I've maintained the look of the gate meaning I didn't butcher it, and that's the main thing.
While I was on that side of the house I took some time to talk to my vegetables and grabbed a couple of shots as well. Below are oranges, snow peas, one of my legit cauliflowers and one of my tomatoes just starting to get going for the spring. Everything is looking really great though, and I'm happy with the progress. There's always more to do, but I can't complain considering how well my effort repays me.

Have you ever neglected a task?
I guess there's always something better to do and sometimes things get forgotten; I don't think there's any shame in it, depending on what it is, and as long as nothing truly important is neglected then maybe it's ok. It's annoyed me that I avoided rectifying that gate, I've been angry at myself for avoiding it but just always had so much else to do.
Is there DIY stuff at your house you've not done but should, or have you done any recently? Feel free to talk about it in the comments, show an image or not, or just talk about something you have ignored lately that you shouldn't have...or just say hello or whatever feels right for you.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[All original and AI free]
Al images in this post are my own.
What a colourful weekend!
Great job! It reminded me of those arrangements I made with my family, also with doors, in Argentina. The garden is 20 x 50 meters and there was always a lot of work, a lot!
I love the Greek restaurant, I took another look at it and the cowboy song is great!
Yes, I think we all leave something undone because there is something nicer or more fun to do, but in the end it has to be done, it's like the frog, better to do it as soon as possible.
I don't forget the priority tasks or I don't leave them, but others that are not so important sometimes I forget them, they are left for later.
Recently something that I left and was not a priority was to arrange some plants, they had grown too much, they were fine but I decided to divide them into 3 pots and I made three hahaha.
Another one is a computer program that I want to learn and practice, but I'm already working on it.
Note: I love tomato plants, they have a special aroma!
Thanks Galen!
The Greek on Halifax was legit, a really great restaurant. The food was tasty, the setting nice (on old warehouse building with exposed red brick and timber everywhere) and the waitress was really cool, a lot of fun. Over all it was really great night indeed.
It was back to reality today though, a heap of jobs including the gate which took me about 90 minutes. I relaxed a little too, a long lunch in the alfresco area, coffee and a tiny piece if cheesecake, then back into it. A decent Sunday.
Making three plants out of one seems like good value to me, well done on that, more plants for no financial outlay!
Hopefully you have a good Sunday. I'm on the couch waiting for the Dutch Formula One Grand Prix to start in a couple hours, just watching the pre-race show.
Have a good one.
I'm not going to throw plants away hahaha no way! hahaha
I think I'll go here today if the weather stays as it is.
You can tell I like museums? hahaha
Formula One!!!! More memories from when I was about 6 years old, my grandfather was fascinated by it. And I like it too hahaha although I don't know anything about cars hahahahaha
That looks pretty cool; I like museums and art galleries too, and have been fortunate enough to visit some of the best of them in many countries. Life is not to be wasted.
I love car racing, there can never be too much of it.
There were 4 floors, very good exhibitions! But one was from Argentina, an exhibition of photographs from the 30's, it was excellent!
I hope it was a great weekend. And now for another great week!
I had a good weekend really,no complaints. The week...hmm, let's see how it goes.
It will go great! Me now to my hike... near the sea.
Nothing to add much, but my dad always insisted on getting the things carried out the moment it get discoved....and me being the ultimate carrier...so now I am kind of picking up all things the moment it was suppose to do.....unless and untill it was not in my hand
Yep, I tend to be that way at times also, just get it done, but it doesn't always work out. I had to wait until about now anyway as the ground expands and contract which changes the spacing in the gaps. In summer the gate works fine. I figured I'd wait until it was at it's worst then rectify it. Do it right the first time style.
It's a good practice to attend to things quickly though as small problems become larger ones quite rapidly. I guess you know that though.
Thanks for commenting.
This year has been tough... So I have a lot of stuff around the house that got neglected.
I lost, in order of occurrence: my ex-wife(my kid's mother so that's why it hurts), a cat, a father-in-law and an uncle. Beyond that my wife got retrenched and another cat got an abscess in its face.
Kids have had to deal with losing their mother and then the rest happened as well, like my wife needing to deal with losing her father.
It was just too much.
All gardening stopped.
All DIY stopped.
Its been a season of that. I feel around 6 months of constantly being tumbled the moment I start standing up. But I have not stopped getting up agian. So... we will get there.
I have recently made progress in the garden again and I have managed to complete... 5 or so little DIY jobs. Small jobs, but feels good.
Things happen and then other tings don't happen, I get it. Life kicks us in the balls and then lines up for another shot sometimes.
I think you're going ok, a few little things here and there and you'll feel good about it and that'll gain momentum. It won't stop kicks in the nuts but it'll help you be a little more prepared when they happen.
Good luck.
For sure.
It's all I know how to do.
One step at a time.
Great photos. Your garden is looking good. Love the blossoms photo as well! Also, great work on the DIY project!
I try not to delay projects that I can do. Sometimes there just isn't enough time in the day, but it will get added and re-added to my daily schedule everyday until I make the time to do it. In that way I suppose I am nagging myself.
Projects that I can't do for some reason, usually because I am waiting for someone or something else, can be stressful for me because I want to do them but can't. I know it's out of my hands, but that sense of stress can be tough to deal with and can make me feel overwhelmed when too many of those things come at once.
All the more reason why I always try to do everything within my power to do as soon as possible.
There's something nice about blossoms, bittersweet too as they don't last long...although that Japanese Cherry tree comes out looking so great even just with leaves...it's in for a bumper season this year I think...Also, the bees were happy yesterday, they love blossoms.
Delaying DIY potentially makes the problem worse; I used to have a large in-ground swimming pool (which I hated cleaning and maintaining) and a couple times I left it a little too long. Not good...costly.) I ended up paying someone to maintain it for me...also costly, but at least it was swim-ready 24/7. I really don't like neglecting the important things, although at times I have to prioritise due to time constraints.
I understand your stress-factor scenario...I'm like that too, and waiting on others to do things is an impediment also. I guess we have to focus on what we can control though right?
Brother, what a topic. I will tell you that I currently live with my wife @ylaffittep. We have a well repaired downstairs house (although in houses there is always something to do) but upstairs we are under construction, of course I get that task. But I either hive write and work for the state or I repair. Difficult decision, isn't it? It has to be the former for now because repairing doesn't put food on the table. But it is in the plans and hopefully Hive will be part of that budget.
The disorder is because nothing can be voted on. Everything works in construction and everything is very
Oh yeah, there's a few days of DIY there huh? Lol.
I wonder what you're planning on doing with that space, what will you use it for?
The thing with DIY, or anything really, is that it takes time and often we need to invest our time elsewhere for various reasons: Health, work, relationships and so on. DIY burns money, not generates it, so if you have to prioritise work I'd say that's the best thing to do. The DIY will be there when you get the chance.
that space is planned as a living room, or is the first idea hahahahahah.
Good plan...almost there, just a little more work to do. 😉
Those are really nice looking fruits and vegetables. But I like the pink flowers more; they look like Sakura Blossoms. As for the tasks, I think I've neglected a lot of cleaning in the house, as well as some other chores. I'm hoping I get the inspiration to do them soon.
The tree is a prunus serrulata (Japanese cherry) and sits to one side of the front of my house. As you can see I've pruned it back but in no time it'll be a lot bigger. At Christmas time I put white fairy lights in it but all yeae round it's kit from below with a flood light. It's nice.
Household chores, yeah that's not my favourite thing to do but I tend to just get into it and get it done. It's a nice feeling to have a nice clean and tidy space in which to reside. All the best with your chores.
There's a Spanish saying that goes No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy, which translates to Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today
I do sometimes if I know the task is going to take quite a while and I do not have the time to do so at the moment, or I do not have the correct tools. But I keep it on my list and try to go for it soon, as it is bugging my mind all the time until it gets done.
We have the same saying, I can pronounce ours though. Lol.
I had to leave this until it was at it's worst, when the winter made the ground swell and the angles as bad as they'll get. In summer it works fine. So I have an excuse for my tardiness, but I prefer getting things done quickly. I make lists too.
I can officially tell you that my passion fruit plants have sprouted. And the rosemary I planted might make it.
Galenkp I'm a mess. These topics put me to shame. But I am determined to get better. Whether I succeed or not, it's another five pesos.
Your fruits and veggies look very healthy. And beautiful. I congratulate you.
Passion fruit on vanilla ice cream...Just saying! (I can't have it though, sugar and all.) And, yay for that rosemary, she seems like a fighter! 😁
I put a lot into my garden and considering how busy I always am it's not easy. I get up super early to fit everything in. Since starting on Hive (June 2017) it's been even harder. I find the DIY and gardening enjoyable though, the reward is worth the effort...The reward is the effort sometimes.
Well... I'll go to sleep and see if I can follow your example. A 1% daily improvement should pay off in the medium to long term.
1% a day is a good margin!
Night then.
oyee! That cauliflower is appetizing.😍
I think it's something that happens to all of us. Procrastinating is an instinct hahahahahahahahahah.😎
The good thing is to know how to put a stop to time and dedicate yourself to what needs to be done at the moment, without buts, without thinking about what's coming.💪 Good job.🙏
I'm not much of a procrastinator to be honest, I've had a lot to do though lately and the gate was low on the list of priorities. It got done today though and that's that, I'll not have to worry about it again.
My vegetables are all looking really good at currently, the whole garden is really, it's all the hard work I've put in I guess.
Thanks for your comment, I hope you've had a good weekend so far.
I can imagine your garden. In my house in the country I also have one, now it is abandoned and it saddens me. I am living close to where I study and work, even though I have a tree there is not enough space for much more than a few tomatillos on the roof.
I am not complaining, I have a tree. I just miss the orchard.
I tend to procrastinate the things I like the least, like tidying closets and stuff, I superimpose on it chores that I enjoy more, like fixing something or painting anything. hahaha😂
I think it's a nice place, somewhere people feel comfortable and nurtured (me and the few I ever allow into my home.)
Orchards are lovely places to spend time, I understand why you miss it. A picnic on a blanket in the orchard in springtime...Seems like a legit thing to me...and way better than chores!
Yes, it's a legitimate thing to do; like everything I bring, the fresh food, playing with my dog, the birds. I will try to create a nice space where I am.
To you congratulations for your space.
Your post has made me reflect on the danger of procrastination. Sometimes we postpone important tasks just to carry out other more pleasant ones at the moment. When there is no alternative, we decide to carry out these pending tasks and we realize that it really would have been less expensive in time and effort to complete them at the time.
That's sometimes the case, for sure. Leaving things undone happens for many reasons, lack of time, bigger priorities, no funds or skills, lack of materials and tools, the weather and so on...and sometimes laziness too. I guess a person needs to determine what's most important and put their time into them which is what I do, prioritisation.
Great! You have done a good job and it has turned out well. Once again it shows that a problem can have more than one solution. Not always the one we find has to be the right one, but if it solves the problem then it will have been worth it. Now we have another problem: the pole is still humpbacked hahaha. Just kidding, although if it is visually noticeable then it does affect aesthetically.
I have several pending too, but as you say something prevents its prominence and it goes to a second, third and more planes. But well, their time will come when it bothers me a lot as it happened with your door. 😂
The humpbacked post...hmm, yeah I thought that through. I don't think anyone would notice though, it only had to move 13-14mm and I think it's noticeable, besides if anyone sees that post it means they're inside my property as it can't be seen from outside the fenceline and if that was the case they'd have far bigger issues to contend with then that post. (Me and my home security methods.)
I think safety comes before aesthetics, so I hope you'll be very careful if you plan to do anything with that post 😉.
Don't worry about the post, worry about the safety of the person who jumped my fence and feels the force of my home-security measures. In fact, don't worry about their safety, what happens to them will be their own fault.
Oh yes, you know that in translation I sometimes lose the meaning of words? I didn't understand this! Of course the security of the home comes first. Sorry for the confusion, it seems that I didn't give importance to what was necessary. 🙏
No worries, I figured that was the case.
I've been wondering, is English taught in schools? I know that in many European countries it is and people speak and read it quite well. Is that the case in Cuba?
English language teaching is very poor, just the basics. I couldn't read a post in English, because between the idiomatic phrases I don't know and the words that play on a text with writing resources I don't think I would understand even 10% of it.
Nice looking veggies and citrus !
I used to keep things up pretty well, but as I've gotten older, my procrastination skills have really advanced. It doesn't matter if the task is not complicated, it can still be put off till another time. Funny though, when I finally take care of a couple of things in one day that I have put off forever, even if they took practically no time at all, I feel very accomplished and decide I don't need to do anything else that day if I don't want too. LOL !! It's disgusting how much I do that, but I just told it like I was so very proud of it.
Maybe I am.
I'm not lazy, I just enjoy doing nothing. 😄
Funny though, when I finally take care of a couple of things in one day that I have put off forever, even if they took practically no time at all, I feel very accomplished and decide I don't need to do anything else that day
This cracked me up for some reason.
Procrastination happens I guess, we all do it. For me it tends to be that something else has to take priority, or even I'm so busy I simply want to do something else, or nothing. Mostly I just get things done though, sometimes.
I love that on a single page I can explore the deep politics of this platform and at the same time enjoy your master skill photography and talks of conversations with plants =D
As for tasks never complete... Too many. I still rent so I'm always a bit hesitant to put things up even though they said it's fine... Homeownership will definitely become project-based for me heh
It's difficult for renters, but as a landlord I'm always careful about what the tenant is permitted to do; there's many good reasons for some caution. Having said that, I'm a generous landlord and am happy to work with tenants and their needs/wants within the framework of my investment needs and what's right for the property itself. Balance. Unfortunately, some tenants only think of themselves and get uppity when I refuse permission to do things, and I deal with that too.
When you get your own place you'll be able to DIY to your heart's content.
Haha yeah... I was always a good tenant, did most stuff myself except when a big flood rotted an entire wall.
That's the fun bit - though mostly in the garden for me =D
Now I know how you feel when I post Spring pictures in May. I'm glad somebody is getting something done. Mostly it's been a bitter start to the school year here. I will eventually get to posting. I'm glad you posted this. On the other side of the world it is the end of summer and a humid transition into the fall. I get reflective and I will get to writing something again. That's just how the seasons work. I will check the weekend community and see if there is something interesting.
You're out of hibernation! Lol.
it's a better use of the points than self-voting with them.You'll get to posting when you can and want to, sometimes other things are more pressing or important. Thanks for dropping by, I wondered where you'd gotten to. I'm still tagging you as a points-supporter for the #weekend-engagement, thank for for that generosity once again...
Glad the points are being circulated. I think there are not many options in spending points but promotion, gift or boost. It might be fun to boost other posts than my own. I've only done it a couple times with surprise curation. Now you've got me looking in the mirror and remembering when I started. I would have loved a boost like that. One way to use points is to help new users. It takes more effort, but I will keep it in mind. ❤️
The 150 points to each user (450 weekly, but did 600 this week) is a small thing altjoigh I believe there's some benefit to those who get them and generally people probably try a little harder to be on that list. That's not a bad thing.
What was really cool, was that others did what you did and donated points for me to use. I tag them in the Monday as I do you post too. That's community in action.
Well, I often repair lights of my house, having slight problems.
And due to this nature of mine now, whenever any electronic stuff like light or bulb is having a slight problem, my mama says me to repair it. Which often annoys me now, but I do it because I never say no to mama.
The situation with me is that even if I don't want to do some DIY I have to do it because I am a obedient guy.
Knowing how to do simple jobs can save time and money. I learned to do a lot of things as a kid, I grew up in that environment, and then built on it when I got kicked out of home to fend for myself at seventeen and a half. I know some stuff now, but never enough.
Hey, what? got kicked from home to fend for yourself, I haven't heard of anything like that in our area.
Yeah, at seventeen and a half.
I see.
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Glad to know the Inner Cow Boy won and that you worked out to fix the Door, AS you said the fix is not ideal, but it still does the same work and now the door is working perfectly, that's the main thing. I like the watch you are wearing. How much did it cost you?
The watch is:
You can look up the cost in your location on the internet as what paid for it won't be relevant to your country.
Oh, it's Casio.
wow your harvest is very impressive. Is it also because of the climate? in my city has a hot enough climate that I can not grow this type of plant
The climate and the effort I put into it also.