I am more perturbed at the fact that I wasted my time reading something I already read. There's so much more out there being proven that's worthy of my time than rehashing stuff that's readily available to anyone who wants to search rumble for it.
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I don't think it's right to try to complain to someone that you chose to read what they posted. Again, please take responsibility for your own actions here. Not everything on the internet is for you or for any particular individual. As I have already said, I am posting these vidoes for people on Twitter who, even including well known Doctors, are between 12 months and 20 years behind the rest of us who are aware of something approaching actual reality.
POSH allows the sharing of old posts and let's you earn POSH + Hive from the comments if you get traction on Twitter. Reposting/rewording content is frowned upon and can get you blacklisted from @hivewatchers. How is "not being shadowbanned on Twitter anymore" a reason to repost old news you accept rewards on?
When making these posts I actually didn't even give the topics you are pointing to a thought whatsoever, partially because I don't subscribe personally to the rules that were inserted into the Steem communty's perspectives by whoever did so when Hive was launched - without consultation of the community and investors.
However, my intention here is in no way to 'self plagiarise' (a complete bastardisation of English and logic) - or to 'extract funds' - I only have one goal, which is to store important information in an uncensored location to allow me to propagated it as much as possible.
Hive has been designed since inception, to motivate investment by inspiring people by the thought that they can gain reach through upvotes/curation and therefore it is totally expected and intended that virtually everyone will accept rewards where possible. There is no point in making posts if no-one reads them.
Is there a way to reliably gain reach on hive without rewards? Not that I am aware of?
It really saddens me that there is such a lack of vision among people here, what can I say.
To clarify further, I spent 18 hours per day last year, every day - without a day off - unable to leave my house at all because I was caring for my Dying dad and there was a total lack of carers available. I wiped the shit from his ass every day and I reminded him who he was every day as the brain damage from the shots worsened. He died in no small part due to having his immune system destroyed by these evil shots.
I also spent months in the hospital with him when he was too weak to feed himself and the hospital staff were too lazy / distracted to feed him. I was the only visitor in the hospital that I saw for 3 months because they weren't letting most people in and the majority of other people who could come in were too gutless to enter the building for fear of being infected. I helped countless old men in there who cried and shook my hand. I had nurses asking me 'why are you so compassionate?'... BECAUSE I AM A REAL HUMAN BEING YOU FREAKS.
The only thing on my mind is fixing the planet and ridding it of the unconscious evil that has taken over the majority of people who think they are righteous and 'have made all the right decisions'.
That is my only motive here. Do what you like.
Okay well sorry for your loss, I can't begin to understand what that must be like and not to sound insensitive but it's not really relevant to the situation.
While I do appreciate your attempts to bring in traffic to your posts and hive from #web2 (not so much your snarky remarks about downvotes which I blocked you for), it's quite common practice that reposting/rehashing old content isn't allowed by the majority of the community. Hive rewards are unique as they give a person stake and there's no evergreen rewards (yet at least) in the form we are used to with #web2 (adrevenue on old content, etc). Which means that reposting content, possibly getting you the same rewards by the same upvoters/stake is a form of abuse. If you want to do that without getting downvotes you could forfeit rewards to hive.fund or null through beneficiaries, else it looks like you're just doing it for the post rewards, not to mention the autovotes who may not be aware they're reposts and apparently 100% self-votes with @resonator. If they're not reposts then I won't be downvoting these posts early but still keep an eye to see that they don't get overrewarded in my opinion considering the engagement/consumption they seem to receive. By the sound of the comments and your sudden posting spree and your responses it seemed like you weren't denying them not being reposts.
As for resonator, I can vote with that account. Maybe I should just upvote stabiliser like Marky in order to avoid any possibility of having curation reduced by other people's downvotes, while all I do is downvote others all day like a psychopath. Maybe if everyone copies him Hive will really take off - such social and community building skill - so deserving of support. lol.
Can't speak for his activity but it looks like those comments also get downvoted and people still upvote them because of the value the stabilizer brings to the ecosystem. During days where there's not that much to curate or we've been voting the same authors too often we find ourselves casting a couple votes on them as well as it's quite a win for Hive and things don't need to be overrewarded all the time. I think it's a good thing that Hive can be flexible with the reward pool where stakeholders can adjust what gets rewarded during certain periods that may bring the ecosystem and at the same time regular users the best outcome long term.
There's plenty of stuff to upvote other than that, though, resonator started off well with curation from what I remember but seems to have gotten a bit lazy lately.
Marky, from what I have seen, votes absolutely nothing other than stabiliser and has been doing that for many months. The only other votes he casts are downvotes, which he does constantly. I can't even imagine being so backwards of a person.. How can you sit all day doing nothing in the community but downvoting?
It is a strategy so that he doesn't have to put any time into the community and can increase his curation percentage at the same time. It's obvious.
Resonator curation can take between 1 and 2 hours per day. Lately, the quality of posts on Hive that fit the scope of Resonator voting has dropped very low - the majority of posts are people just taking news stories and slightly adjusting them, with no additional insight or useful information. This is part of why I have taken the time to gain presence on Twitter and have been speaking directly with some of the most well known people on the web (in the spaces I focus into) - to try to get more capable content creators here that will boost SEO and bring excitement/growth. I feel like saying that marketing and communism are somewhat opposites. :/
I am with @starkerz when it comes to the value in Hive. The value is primarily in free speech and the power we gain through free speech cannot be matched by any amount of money. However, only those who speak out and use free speech will ever really know this in a meaningful way.
In short, the downvoting sprees of the past have destroyed the base of what once made this platform promising for a large percentage of the population. You may not be one of those people and you may think differently to the people who have shunned Hive by now, but the reality is that the world is waking up to the truth of what I have been saying all the way through COVID - it will not be long before it is undeniable by all but the pharma execs who should be executed for what they have been doing. This is an unprecedented opportunity for learning and growth among the human population - so is also a potentially make or break moment for Hive. I'm pretty sure that Musk fully understands this and he isn't going to miss an opportunity to leave Hive in the dust. We can either support those who dedicate themselves to truth and free speech or not - for me there is no possible way to choose the latter.
I don't even know if they are reposts and I don't think anyone else here does either - that is partially because the informational tools on hive are so limited - I often resort to having to search steemit.com in google for my older posts and then load them into peakd and google has deleted at least 50% of my older posts from it's index and my Hive posts aren't all indexed either. It's possible some of the videos were posted several years ago, I genuinely don't know.
I can easily just not use Hive and help grow other networks instead, I may do that - or I may not. It's terrifying to me that I actually consider Twitter and Elon Musk to be more supporting of free will than a site I once considered to be built for anarchists. A man who literally paid large sums of money to abduct primates and torture them for profit in the name of making himself into lawnmower man.. disturbing.
As I said, do what you want. The 'snarky' comments were in response to your comments about autovotes because the situation you described was almost identical to the one that Azircon used as justification to downvote me to oblivion, so in fact were not really snarky, just speaking from experience - you would have known that if you didn't block me because I explained it a bit to Bird moments after you blocked me.
I wouldn't say Hive was built for anarchists, just that that was the general crowd it managed to gather early on and a lot of stake in anarchist's wallets possibly, much still left today. Either way, Hive is for anything and everything but doesn't mean that anything/everything needs to be rewarded as much.
and yeah, most people know my stance on autovotes in general, they're not great, and while I do downvote some posts here and there, sometimes my own or have learned to forfeit rewards on some posts, downvotes aren't fun for anyone involved and may need some fine-tuning eventually. For now they're not that common and most are used carefully/without malicious intent/ulterior motives or as revenge, but they're quite needed in some cases even with the headaches they may bring to both the downvoter and the downvoted person.
Either way, it's difficult to trust you're doing this for the immutability considering your cries of censorship in the past (even when posts were only downvoted days after most of the attention they'd get from hot/trending), you accepting rewards on possible reposts and self-voting them and stating you're just doing this to bring traffic to Hive from #web2.
Hive was an anarcho capitalist design by Dan & Ned - They stated it many times in public and it was part of how it was sold to the world. That's why it attracted anarcho people.
Those people gradually left as other minded people came in and tried to mess with the design without an appreciation for actual freedom. What is rewarded is up to the community and always has been. As I have said before, the free downvotes are a reasonable idea up to a point, but they currently are way too open to abuse - basically they should be reduced in scale. Just as the valuation of upvotes on posts is subjective, so is downvoting - so what appears to be abusive downvoting to one person may not be to someone else.
Since I built the downvote monitoring tool I can see very well who downvotes who and I am sure that most people never see that data. To me I am pretty clear that there is a wealth of abusive downvoting happening regularly.
As far as autovoting goes, I have no idea who autovotes me, I have never asked for it.. but none the less it was used as a phoney excuse to shut down discussion of serious scientific matters by people who's agenda seems extremely shady.
Of course I am uploading to 3speak for immutability, I know the people that run it and so have far more trust in it than any other video service. Everyone I know who has sought to share information that is counter to the gov position has been partially or totally cancelled from Web 2 sites - in fact I know people who fared far worse than that too and who barely survived physically. I am also sharing for reach and to propagate information.
Aside from possibly reposting some videos, which no-one has actually demonstrated but which may have happened - nothing I have done violates any rules (even the made up ones that the community never agreed to and that no contract exists for).
Far more concerning to me than any rewards is the mindset here to be honest. I mentioned my time in hospital because I am clear that the vast majority of people, having been through that, would not see life in the same way again and would be far more of my current mindset.
In the grand scheme of things, money is completely meaningless and 99% of what humans are doing on Earth is pointless - the only thing that is important is learning about ourselves to heal ourselves and to not get caught up in the trap of limiting thinking and in particular, other people's attempt to limit and control us... which leads only to our own demise every single time. People who don't understand this (which is most people it seems) are probably not people I should be around any more.
How about you go fuck yourself.
I've always found your post to be credible. You want to lose that credibility I can just chose not to follow you if you'd like. Part of that credibility comes from operating under the same standards as anyone else. Not that that was my first objective in objecting to your rehash as you wouldn't be the first to self plagiarize your own work and I don't get paid enough unless I get aggravated to say something, it just doesn't pay because certain people will get away with anything anyway. That's what you did, you aggravated me because if I did what you did I, and many others, wouldn't get away with it. You can do like the rest of us pee-ons and put links in your twitter feed that leads them to your original. So you insulted my intelligence like I didn't know there was any other way for you to get the information out without re-posting it. Whatever. You've done lost my respect. I don't have time to waste on you. I usually just by pass these deja vu moments but yours are to lengthy to risk. Not to mention it makes my blood boil you get those kinds of rewards for doing it, others maybe they make a buck or two, maybe less, I actually go away with a chuckle because eventually someone catches up to their buck or two, but yours aren't even funny.
it makes far more sense to me to turn against the people that enforce such stupid rules than to turn against people who have been attacked extensively for trying to help people.