
I've heard of clanging and banging, "Pounding the weights."

But I'm fairly certain that's the kind of weight that'll pound you.

Its like something from day of the dead. Funk that zombie apocalypse!

Imagine that thing chasing you going, "Gobble gobble."

No amount of pills and counselling would fix that stress disorder...

That made me snort! lol. Yes, that would be a haunting for a very long time. Every time you closed your eyes you would see and hear it.

If you survived that is

Have you ever been cow tipping? They should actually call it, "You're about to get trampled and will most likely be running for your life soon plus you'll probably fall in fresh shit and ruin your clothes but it's funny to the people watching who know better."

I haven't!! I was faced down by a herd of cows a while ago when cutting across a field and ever since then have had a healthy respect for them!!

I almost shat myself!!!

I grew up knowing more cows than people. I know how to live as one with those beasts. Just don't bug them when it's dark...