How To Get More Energized - 10 Tips !

in #life9 years ago

Our daily lives can get so busy and stressful that feeling exhausted, flabby, tired or weak can happen quite regularly. 

Especially when spending all day on the computer (writing Steemit Posts?!), we sometimes feel like we lack energy, and aren't as productive as we'd like to be.

So here are 10 Tips on how to get more energized in your daily life!

1.) Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  

Your mom might have told you that already when you were a kid, but it’s really true!   Try to start your day with a breakfast that is high in protein, has some carbs, only little sugar and enough fluids! Coffee might wake you up but dehydrates you, so if you choose to drink coffee be sure to make up for it with even more water. A breakfast smoothie with lots of fresh fruit is also a quick way to get your daily dose of vitamins!

2.) Eat a light dinner, 2-3 hours before going to bed!

When we eat, we give our body fuel. We need lots of fuel in the morning and during lunch to go about on our day, but we don’t need a lot when we get home from work and relax on the couch. So eating a tiny breakfast & lunch but a big dinner isn’t very healthy!
If you fall asleep while your digestion is still working, you often wake up dull and lazy the next morning.
Eating a full breakfast, medium lunch and a snack for dinner (or something low-carb) is probably your best bet.

3.) Make use of power naps!

Very short naps under 20 minutes can actually work wonders for our concentration.
If you have the opportunity to take a short power nap in the afternoon, you will experience waking up much more refreshed! Take care that you don’t sleep for too long though, everything over 25 minutes might get you into a level of sleep that is too deep, and end up waking up groggy! 

4.) Drink ENOUGH water!

I have already dedicated a whole post to drinking enough water, because it's so important and so many of us don't do it! Water is important for almost every mechanism in your body to function correctly.
It improves your concentration, your skin, digestion, immune system, and much more.
And it makes you more awake and gives you MORE ENERGY  in general!

5.) Shake it off!

It has been scientifically proven that dancing reduces your stress level and leaves you feeling more energized.
So why not start your day with a little dance-off while brushing your teeth or preparing breakfast? 

6.) Treat yourself!

Make time for a little spa session during the week, to fill up your energy after a stressful day! This could be a simply bath or hot shower, a head massage, or meditation. Take some time to step back, relax, and re-fuel! 

7.)  Stay Active!

This is no secret – working out is a key factor in feeling more energized. Try to get at least 30 minutes of MOVEMENT into your daily life! Don’t have time for that? Maybe combine it by riding your bike to your job or when running errands. 

8.) Get ENOUGH Sleep!

Waking up tired because you didn’t get enough sleep is probably the worst way to start your day. Try to sleep about 7-8 hours each night (not too little, not too much) to wake up feeling refreshed and energized. 

9.) Get some SUN!

Now depending on where you live, this might not be easy. (Speaking from experience in Germany!)
The sun is our biggest energy source, sunshine instantly lifts our mood and improves our health! But even on a cloudy day, the light level is much higher than inside our offices our homes. So if you’re feeling groggily, go out, take a walk and get some fresh air.
Even when the weather is terrible, the fresh air alone will always get you pumped up more.
You will return with much more energy! 

10.) Don’t worry too much!

This might be easier said than done, but worry is one of the biggest factors that drains our energy. The wise Dan Zadra once said: “worry is a misuse of your imagination”, and that’s so true. You don’t achieve anything by worrying. You don’t know what is going to happen, nor will you be able to influence it by worrying. So just stop and focus on the present!  

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© Sirwinchester


nice suggestion :)
but I want add one more before doing it all good idea to visit your physician to make some test to be sure what you don't have a more serious health issue.
I hope my comment was not offensive

you are right when you are chronically tired it might be something more serious. thanks for the input!

great addition! We should all do a check up to see if our body and also mind are in a good condition.

Welcome to steemit

Hi Sirwinchester, love that post (again) a great valuable content for all, i just post my first story and i think you might like it ....have a great life ..cheers..

Thank you for reminding me! Will write this in my notebook and try making it habit to follow after this daily. Our most valuable source truly is energy. If you don't have the energy to do something there's nothing you can do before you have recharged! and some very useful tips on "how to"

glad you liked it, we should all try to make maximize our potential!

The most important:

  1. Be happy.

Good to see you back Mrs S - haven't seen you in my feed for a couple days at least!

Its just hard from the start but when you start doing it, your mind will be reminding you all the time and all of it will become a very simple daily routine.

Good advice! Refer to my article on Steemsomnia for additional tips! Also, drinking a glass of water before bed and upon waking up has done me a world of good!

great advice. And yes I agree with the glass of water!

Nice phrase you coined there - Steemsomnia! I just upvoted your article there, and recommend people here to go read it.

It is pretty tough to change our everyday routine because we are used to our daily basis. Being exhausted is never a great feeling so we all should listen to your words and change our life into a healthier and also longer one!

glad you liked it. our body is our capital so we should treat it well!

Another great informative and caring post. A healthier you and me, and a healthier steemit community means longevity, more creativity and energy to be shared. Upvoted

thank you, glad to hear that you liked it! Our health is our most important asset, but nowadays many people seem to have forgotten that!

Sleep is the most important. I meditate myself to sleep every night and i feel energized after only six hours.

I'm into meditation as well, it has so many benefits! Great suggestion!

Meditation will result to having a peace of mind and peace of mind is everything.

Thx 4 posting
It is easy to abuse Our body
This post here will get Us Steemians back on track!

that would be awesome! Always trying to help!

Yeah because most of the time we thought that it was alright, in the end it was just our minds who told us that it was alright.

Thanks @sirwinchester, although i already know these things but i kind of forgotten it. Thanks for reminding. The thing that i dont have here is drinking lots of water because i dont like going back and forth to the comfort room.

you're welcome, glad I could help you out! And yes I agree with the water, it can be annoying at first, but I guess you'll get used to it

Actually i have tried it already and will do it again.

Also, when eat a lot before bed time, we felt hungry upon waking up in the morning.

that's right. If one is really hungry before bed one could try a little snack like yogurt, but a big meal is not the best option!

Ha! You're so right, I've literally been losing sleep thanks to Steemit! I stay up too late, then manage to "bounce right of bed" a couple of hours earlier than I was just two weeks ago! I actually told someone recently "it's getting unhealty..."
Good post Sir - I've made myself resume the morning walk largely for that reason, and to get sun like you say (Vitamin D - no substitute as a mood enhancer!). I'll try "dancing" t the music you recommended me to play in a previous post.
Best, Guy

I feel like so many steemers have the same problem - steemit is just TOO addicting ;)
Thanks for your feedback glad you liked it, try having a rich healthy breakfast as well before starting to work on any steemit posts!

Yeah because i think this a common problem to people who spend a lots of time in front of computer, we usually forgot that we need to take care of ourselves and focus on finishing what we are doing in front of computer.

Excellent suggestions. There is also journaling to really get pumped about engaging with life. I use something called the 5 minute journal combined with Bullet Journal methods to create a collection of things that excite me and things that I am grateful for. It makes for a great read when I'm not feeling myself :)

didn't know you wake up flabby when eating before bed. interesting!

thank you, it's quite interesting to learn how our body functions and how we can use it better!

great advice, I'll definitely try it out! thanks for sharing!

let me know how it went!

I often feel so exhausted and tired - thanks for sharing, I'm sure this will help a lot of people!

glad that you enjoyed it, always trying to help!

these tips are easy to execute, but we just often forget to drink more or workout! thanks for the reminder!

they're all easy and quick, we just often make excuses and tell us we're too busy! But health is so important!

10 golden tips for beautiful life. Thank you!

glad you enjoyed it!

Great tips. But, it doesn't work with my working schedule. Thanks.

Yes I know we're all very busy, but you could at least try to get a full breakfast (maybe prepare it and take on the go), drink enough water and workout 2-3 times a week. that alone can already help!

Its all about time management and putting yourself into consideration not just the thing that you are doing.

what an interesting and informative post, I always love the topics you choose. upvoted!

thank you, appreciate it!

I can definitely agree that getting SUN helps!
Even if I just sit on the balcony in the sun for 5 minutes without moving - I feel so much better afterwards!

exactly, the sun is our number 1 source of life & energy!

I remember when i was a child my parents would encourage me to go out early in the morning when the sun is up to gain vitamins.

I tried drinking 2 liters a day for 3 months and it honestly changed my life!

amazing! More people should give that a try!

Its because water has oxygen and oxygen is a perfect healer.

Good reminders of what is good for us. I have to remind myself to drink enough water as it makes all the difference in how one feels.

definitely, maybe try an App or a Timer or take a big bottle of water with you that you have to finish throughout the day!

Good post, but personally I don't agree with number because personally I feel vastly better when I skip breakfast compared to eating almost anything at all. I agree with the rest though! :)

I used to skip breakfast as well and felt absolutely fine - I guess everyone is different. But it's been scientifically proven that we have more energy if we fuel up in the mornings. Maybe you should try a big glass of water and a light snack like fruit for breakfast (Even if you're not that hungry). Drinking is easier than eating

What an interesting post. It can help a lot for my daily doings. Thank you for sharing this. It catch my attention :)
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Follow me at @zionuziriel .. Thank you and God bless us always in the STEEMIT community.

You've got my upvote and I am following you. Just do the same
Follow me at @zionuziriel .. Thank you and God bless us always in the STEEMIT community.

Thank you, glad to hear that you liked it! You should definitely try some of these tips and let me know how it went. I think drinking enough water is probably the most important part!

Yes it is. Water is the best therapy of all.

Dancing while doing the housework is a great way to squeeze a little movement into your day (and make the chores less tedius).
And for anyone who just dislikes drinking water try popping a slice of fresh lemon in the glass, it'll taste better and if you do it first thing in the morning it helps wake you up.

An extended story on #5 Shake it off would be interesting, backed with the snippets from research.

“Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper”

So true, feeling so exhuasted after a long day of work, not to mention the pressure and stress and adding it up with very tiredsome paper works that has to be done. Just now i know that theres that saying that you mention and it does really true. Why thinking too much when in fact it cnt solve the problem. So, i have this one too "let the problem, problem its problem" coz if we think and think about the problem which we dont have the solution for now it couldnt help, but instead it can give us headache and all kind of ache, hahaha. So, lets energized "steemiters" we still have a long way to go to do what we had to do. Your tips is so helpful and lets do it!!!!! Lets have more and lots of energy to do the "steemitians" way.

It's all said!

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