No One Seems to Know What Constitutes a Healthy Diet
It has to be one of the biggest global conspiracies that we find ourselves in an era where we can sequence the human genome, put robots on mars and make our poop disappear with a simple press of a button and yet feel like there's no real scientific consensus on what broadly constitutes a nutritionally healthy diet. Bacon and eggs make for a fine breakfast...except the bacon will give you cancer...but the eggs are a good source of protein...except the yoke will clog your a good way though, because your arteries can't function without the vitamins B2, D and Zinc contained in eggs...except everything other than kale gives you an extreme case of dandruff where eventually your entire head disintegrates into flakes and you die.
If you eat this piece of paper you get the combined benefits of all these diets
Sound familiar? It's like all our Newtons and Einsteins went exclusively into maths and physics, while every nutritionists and cardiologists were, at one point, aspiring astrologists but failed their tarot card reading exams. Thus, they had to pursue their lifelong passion of bullshitting others in their new professions instead. Why the hell does this appear to be the case?
The Science Is Contentious
The science behind food may not appear to be as deep or advanced as cramming billions of transistors onto a chip, engineering a self learning computer or building a lightsabre, but in many ways, just like long division, it is more difficult. The problem lies in isolating causes and effects as the data in this area is very convoluted. For instance, the relationship between saturated fat and heart disease is difficult to draw conclusively considering there are so many other factors like smoking, environmental factors, variations in genes among individual, other dietary intake etc. that could contribute to the causal link.
I just want to go to Taco Bell
Where there are so many variables at play, longitudinal scientific studies can often establish a stronger correlation between bowel cancer and consuming yellow M&Ms than red ones. Distinguishing causation from correlation can feel like sorting snails based on gender (they're hermaphrodites) outside of very obvious cases. This is why nutritionists can generally agree that getting wasted on a bottle of Listerine a day is perhaps not great for your long term health, but can't reach a consensus on whether half a glass of red wine is healthy or not, especially if some of them are wasted from chugging a bottle of Listerine themselves.
Food Industry
The multi billion dollar food industry's hunger to exploit our sense of concern about healthy eating is only matched by our own hunger after finishing one of their meals. For example, there is no scientific definition of 'organic' with respect to food, it is entirely a marketing term. Yet these days the 'organic food' industry has grown exponentially into the billions. On top of all this, we have fad diets endorsed by celebrities all fighting for our attention - the Paleo diet boasts the quickest weight loss results, the Atkins diet promises to keep weight off in the long run, while the Fruit Cleansing diet supports up to 4000 transactions per second and is only 5% away from activating segregated witness.
Don't get too excited, it's not Democrats vs Trump's approval ratings
It's not wonder we can't find the facts under all this noise. The voices of the competent and honest experts are being drowned out by the dishonest and competent as well as the honest and incompetent experts and are insufficiently aided by the dishonest but incompetent ones who, through dumb luck, just happen to be right as well. Most of the information that seeps through are merely marketing gimmicks trying to sell us something. While I'd like to think I'm too smart to be susceptible to this type of manipulation, the 3 piece deep fried deluxe chicken meal with a diet coke I had for lunch speaks otherwise.
My Recommendation
Well considering that everything other than a bottle of Listerine a day is a contender for a healthy diet, I'm pretty much above reproach here whatever my recommendation. Our taste pallet and appetite were evolved to suit an environment where there was a scarce supply for caloric intake, rather than an excess of it as there is today. Things that our ancestors desperately needed just to survive like sugar and fat, are now slowly killing us. On that basis, I would hazard a guess that most foods you enjoy are probably bad for you and foods you despise are all superfoods. So if you love ice cream and hate Brussels sprouts then just grit your teeth and embrace a diet that's exclusively comprised of the mini cabbage. Unless of course, you actually enjoy Brussels sprouts, then you should avoid them at all costs for they'll probably give you herpes.
mmmm....just like how mama use to make it
Of course the more disgusting you find the food the better it is for your health. You're likely to develop an extraordinary constitution and physique as well if you gave up burgers and fries and ventured into the wilderness to adopt a strict diet of diarrhoea juice being wrung out of a large clump of elephant turd directly into your mouth, a la Bear Grylls. But what would I know? I'm really just as confused as everyone else, so you might want to take everything I say with a grain of salt, not that anyone actually knows whether that's good for you or not...
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I find it pretty Ironical that half of the world is in dilemma what a healthy diet is and what to eat, while half of the world has nothing to eat.
Great point! I was just leaving a restaurant yesterday and I noticed the outside tables were full of mostly uneaten food that people had just left, like several plates of chips with tacos uneaten near them. I must say it made me sad.
Yes, very well put
although I think we've made some gains in fighting poverty and famine over the last couple of decades, there's still a lot of work left to be done
@trafalgar lol on this
well .. I like eating healthy food but I found out that some of the food I'm eating actually falls on certain "diet tags" - all I know is that Im eating healthy cause YOLO and though am eating healthy - I indulge on the poisons of the food industry once in a while cause YOLO haha
as for what's healthy - it all depends on your body
we aint all the same - one man's poison could be a meds to the other yeah I wrote it the other way around whatever~~ like ginseng is said to be superfood but it would send one with a kidney problem to his grave or cucumber - is alkaline but no good for those who have arthritis and though ginger can cure and prevent cancer it would not be good to anyone with a liver problem and suffering from ulcer - I guess... one will have to know and be aware of whats good and bad for them - in my case .. eat all you want hahah YOLO but I don't really do that either cause YOLO and my health is my best asset so I choose to eat healthy more often and if you happen to be creative in the kitchen - what tastes and looks like shit could actually be turned into something chic and yum wink wink
True that.
The truth has competition from the agenda - which makes it all very confusing and controversial.
Diet should be adjusted to match the goals of the individual. Balance and moderation are key. When you strip away all the bullshit, simple physics leaves you with one thing: Calories in vs. calories out.
Want to gain weight? Increase your intake beyond your caloric expenditure.
Wait to lose weight? Eat less than you burn off.
It's that simple. Genetics may play a role requiring you to tweak things a bit, but no one is exempt from the laws of nature.
Most people, with the exception of professional athletes and the like, need not concern themselves with the optimization of their diet through macro-nutrient ratios and meal timing.
Now as far as a balanced daily diet goes, I believe that eating meals made with fresh greens and lean proteins is the way to go, but we are highly adaptable omnivorous creatures with digestive systems that have evolved to handled all sorts of diets.
That Big Mac combo probably won't kill you every once in a blue moon.
Restricting your diet to contain exclusively vegetables probably won't extend your life by several years.
All things in moderation, folks.
Anyways, I'm gonna go smoke some cat turds.
From my experience and the enviroment around me,
I noticed that different diets work better or worse for different people.
A diet that works with one person may not work as good for another.
This is another good point. I remember reading about an all starch diet, but I definitely know people that that wouldn't work for. On the other hand, I know many people who do certain diets that don't eat any starches at all. I couldn't go through the day like that.
ya individual genetic variation also serve to complicate things
almonds not great if you have a nut allergy, for example :)
This is a subject that has been on my mind a lot, though not for the usual reasons, like weight loss.
Actually, it all begins with my going on fourteen year old son.
He hit puberty at twelve, and began to grow, not just physically but mentally. About a year into it he stopped eating meat and began veering away from processed food. He is currently five foot ten, size 15 feet, 190 pounds with just a bit of baby fat left. His brain works so fast, even my husband (who is only five eleven btw) who has a mensa level IQ is sometimes floored by the concepts he grasps and the things he comes up with. Me? Forget it, that kid blows me away. When I asked him what made him decide on the food thing he told me "They are poisoning us, if you want to resonate at a higher frequency, quit eating the shit they push, mom. If you want your body to be at its optimum physical capacity..." here he paused for effect, "quit eating the shit they push." You might cringe at the idea of him swearing and me allowing it, but let me tell you that he is so supremely socially gifted and confident, on top of appearing and behaving like someone much older, my rules for how he should be are straight out the window. Especially since he actually doesn't swear that often, just when he wants to make a point, ha!
Needless to say, I did stop eating meat soon after him, and am slowly pushing out processed foods and stuff filled with additives, and it is making a huge impact already.
Farmer's markets, farm stands, and luckily for us a large Amish community complete with grocery stores nearby, makes it a lot more possible and affordable, so definitely don't take this as me preaching, I'm not that way, I believe in live and let live. The day I preach to someone about or judge someone on how they should live is the day that I'm perfect--which means never ;) It's just my own personal experiences and current beliefs, basically some 'food' for thought. And I realize that it's not always so easy for people to get their hands on natural, untampered with, organic foods. Especially without paying an arm and a leg for it.
(And I'm not there yet anyway, today I broke and had a bowl of Frosted Flakes and I gotta say taste wise? They are grreaattt, LOL!)
Hey good on him! I think there are non health reasons to adopt a vegetarian diet too
I think we raise like 60 billion chickens on the planet just to slaughter and eat them in a couple of months. I'm no tree hugging hippy, but that can't represent the moral epitome of humankind in the grand scheme of things. One day we'll probably look back and see it as one of those stupid irrational things they did in the past like duels and burning people at the stake. Would be nice if we threw war in there too, that's probably the dumbest of the lot and is taking forever to rid of.
Yeah, exactly. I didn't want to go into it too much, especially since that comment was monstrous LOL, but the meat industry is pretty damn barbaric. And I am totally with you-on not considering myself a tree hugging hippie LOL, but also thinking we should have evolved past war by now. Hopefully the age of crypto and blockchain will prove to be a huge step in the direction of ridding this place of the kind of greed that war is based on. And don't get me started on How in the hell are there still so many ignorant people who persist in race predjudice? It's ludicrous. We're all spirit beings wearing these meat suits like costumes, that's all they are, costumes of varying appearances. Nothing makes that more apparent to me than this site--I have more friends on here from other countries then I do the U.S., yet another reason I would love to see steemit catch on and become the premiere social media site, because it is the only one that is truly global.
well said, you should hang out with groot
what rhymes with peep?
hahaha. funny conversation :-)
Resteemed :-)
I think one of the other factors that causes the variation (in addition to bad research, misreporting, confounders etc) is variation between different individuals. Much of this is likely to genetic differences and a person's microbiome compared to others.
ya that's probably true too
genetics would play a pretty big role in making it even more difficult to sort it all out and everyone has slightly different ideal foods
I think so but I also think your own genetics are only part of the issue. In many ways the bacteria in your gut are just as important for how you process and react to food.
Another brilliant post!
I did a post about food too, but completely forgot to talk about the colour of the Listerene...
lol thanks for reading sift
I am so amazed at you @trafalgar
The way you write for a post is so great, I want to be like you and can learn from your way.
Good job!!!
you are truly too kind
thank you so much for reading =)
You are also a good person, seen the way you speak.
I like your way @trafalgar
Thank you again!!!
There is no one diet fits all.. trial and error is the best way to find out! And it goes without saying that fresh veggies and fruits should be a big part of it! Great read!
Very good article, please allow for resteem @trafalgar
thank you so much, you're too kind =)
I think that no one got the right answer here... Thank you for sharing this awesome post, @trafalgar! Upvoted & Followed you as well!
that's very likely true, thanks for reading!
The science of of a healthy diet is not as confusing as the main stream makes it seem.
Dr Michael Greger 's work is all based on peer reviewed scientific research. His presentation 'Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death' is both informative and entertaining:
He also runs the website
The one thing that seems to hold true, if it has a barcode or a commercial, avoid it. For years the food pyramid has been manipulated by lobbyists. The more money to be made in an item the more lobbying that happens. In what world do you get an item made from eggs & milk that doesn't need refrigeration or have an expiration date? Don't think for one moment science can't update the food pyramid. The question becomes how much does it take to override the pay offs Dow & RoundUp have made? How much would it take for the news to report that "a country" refused American product? They do, but you don't pay attention when it's considered page 12 news, IF you read the paper? What "all beef patty" do you know that goes from white to brown when cooked? A 60% tofu burger treated with amonia... Buy from your local farmers guys...
Sounds like a pretty good ground rule
The only things more contentious than diet is religion and politics. About the only commonality we've seen amongst healthy diets is generally low sugar. Of course, the fruitarians blow that off, but damn near everyone else seems to hold low sugar in common. While we're (obviously) proponents of Paleo, I'd say Paleo's more a great place to start off than a perfect diet and more than likely to improve your health. It ain't failsafe (no diet is), but clean meat and lots of veggies won't steer you too wrong. Thanks for posting this up!
thanks for the insight, it was mainly a satirical piece
I use that term broadly for any topic I don't really understand but want to moan about lol
My thoughts are 1) Food in moderation. 2) Grown garden foods and meat from your own hobby farm. 3) Stay away from pop, GMO, MSG, packaged food, processed food, and fast food. 4) If it is truly given to us from GOD and not tapered with by man it is good. 5) Put your ashes on your gardens so you can get the 90 minerals and vitamins you do not get from the restaurants. There is a doctor out there name Dr. Joel Wallach who has the DVD out there called DEAD DOCTORS DON'T LIE. Check it out. It is an eye opener. AMERICA IS SICK. They can make more money off us and kill us off faster by giving us bad food, bad diets and only treat the symptoms of the deceases out their rather than the cause. Hell you can make $750,00 treating the symptoms or $300 treating the cause, what would most folks do? IT ALL GOES BACK TO MONEY FOLKS! Blessings.
haha ya I suppose a lot of that is true
when money gets involved the incentives no longer align with providing the more accurate advice
The system is designed to be corrupt. The food we eat, the air we breath, the programmed information we put in our heads and our souls. It is up to us to rise above it, think outside the corrupt box and take responsibility. Thanks for the great article.
Thanks for checking it all out
while I may not be that cynical I do think there's too much of a conflict of interest between promoting health and profit maximisation
In my opinion though, healthy diet is dependent upon a lot of factors. Only a nutritionist or some health professional can dictate what's best for someone.
yes, except i think some of the info is conflicting on that level as well
When it comes to nutrition, I have one simple rule: Avoid strong-tasting foods, as this usually reveals that the food is processed and contains too much salt / sugar / fat.
ya I think this is true :)
hahaha he's like ashing in them
too bad I flushed my own chocolate donuts down this morning already
Circle of life my man. Some fish is "enjoying" them right now.
Coffee and fruit compound Vit C, Then eating twice in a day.
haha sounds like a good secret recipe for health
seem like my body , haha i was drank coffee for several years, and eating each fruit compound vit c, then my bosy never come to fat
there is a lot of disinfo out there and we have been misguided by "official" recommendations for decades which they now admit aren't the best choiceslol I think it is difficult for everyone.. a woman I came across last week told me she was allergic to vegetables :/ I couldn't even imagine how I would navigate such a difficulty ...
"foods you despise are all superfoods" <--- bingo lol ! great post!!!
haha sometimes I feel like I'm allergic to everything except KFC :)
You write about serious things fun! I like! I am on this subject read the book Hiromi Shinya "ABOUT THE HARM "HEALTHY FOOD" or how to live up to 100 years without getting sick?" I interested your opinion!
haha I'll have a look when I get the chance
thanks for reading
I really hate the business of health. We live in a society where you can't trust scientists who study food. Big businesses hire scientists or pay off scientists to find results that make their foods or diet appear healthy and safe while trying to hush the scientists who condemn them. If they can get data that says their foods are good for health then they make a lot of money, even if the data isn't completely truthful. On another note there are a lot of stories where people who live to be 100 years old credit bacon. One lady lived to 116 and ate bacon daily.
ya it's sort of despicable
makes it too difficult to sort the fact from the fiction
Yeah, there is definitely a conspiracy behind diets and the food industry. There should be no reason for humans not to know what the most optimal diet is for them. And yet, here we are, with people claiming to have evidence that one kind of diet is best, and other people claiming that the exact opposite is best.
I think grandma knows best.
haha thanks a lot
yeah it's unnecessarily complicated because we're all getting conflicting information by competing food companies as well as some well intended experts
It's all about how the medical industry is set-up and run. The model of a healthy population will implode the health industry. We can't be healthy while the medical/health model go broke!
It's all a real sham!
I eat all food but all of is healthy. That's because the most products that I get are domestic and I know people who produce that vegetables, fruits or meat. All started and finished in a radius of 10 kilometers around me
Actually, domestic food is much cheaper here than anything else
haha well lucky you :)
The primary risk factor for heart disease is high cholesterol. The amount of cholesterol from diet should be no more than that found in one egg per day. We make all the cholesterol our bodies need. It doesn't matter whether you buy your meat from the store or from your local farmer. Cardiologists call cholesterol the "animals revenge" for good reason. Google "what is the only diet that has been scientifically proven to reverse heart disease". You will find it is a low fat plant based diet.
Very good and interesting post! Food is our fuel and needs to be variable and of good quality to keep us "running smoothly"
Why doesn't that apply to cats? I fed mine the same can of Whiskas every day for the last decade and a half and she's in find health :)
Haha that piece of paper looks delicious!
Listerine is my favorite food, especially the green. If I do not consume it every day, I feel that I'm missing something. lol
Seriously, I think we have to eat a little bit of everything, in few amounts and several times a day (6). And of course, consume lots of water. 3lts per day is what I drink.
I also think that, as you mentioned, the food industry is too powerful and they get into our minds very easily. Little can be done against that.
I hope you have a beautiful Wednesday my friend!
haha the original yellow Listerine is the worst
it's honestly too intense for me, my eyes water when I use that stuff
I use the kids one :p doesn't burn as much
Lol you are so cute!!! Barby or batman???haha
Just like Louis C.K. once said, if a nut allergies will kill you then you are supposed to be dead. Where are good old times when main cause of deaths were bear maulings.
haha true but I like a bit of contrast in life too
I like seeing people smash down two triple cheese burgers then go home and have some gluten free kale juice lol
I always crack up when I read your posts. You are a very entertaining and creative writer. I enjoy your post very much. I tend to enjoy your posts while eating some red M&M's. It helps on my hemorrhoids.
haha thank you very much for reading =)
If i'm honest I do prefer the orange Skittles and I don't like the red ones :p
Thank you 🙂
It is simple. Eat more Ewok.
Interesting post...thanks for sharing
raw vegan diet! been vegan for the last 6 months and feel great. Awaken a higher conciousness when you throw out the meat and dairy and feel much better in the process. Truly the best and quickest way to heal your body is by not putting anything into it. Dry fast, water fast, juice fast all are very helpful in a quick boost to your health. Eating raw vegan isnt easy with how conditioned we are that we need meat and protein or we don't function at a high capacity but once you start eating much more fruits and veggies and cleansing the body out the mind and body start to feel much better.
From what Ive seen in my half century on this planet, no one gets out alive. If I have a burger and fries, I try to throw a salad in there to balance out the good and the bad. If you just eat all salads you will most likely add to your life....sitting on Steemit in the nursing home for a extra year or two.
There is so much confusion when it comes to healthy food choices and what works for one person may not work for another. Some people do wonderfully when they don't eat any carbs while others, like me, feel off without a healthy amount of carbs. I was watching a documentary called "in search of the perfect human diet" and it was fascinating! Would definitely recommend it.
I think we all should pay much attention to our diet so great post.
Hello! First of all I have to say that non Steemit/Crypto related posts are great!
My thoughts on diet:
I ve no specific comment about diet. you know that i am they have to take good habits and keeping their food for high dangerous things inside (many things that we have to mention)
Oh my goodness, seriously... I feel so frustrated with all of the information out there!!!
The "Healthiest" diet would be one closest to nature. No processed foods, no gmo's, all organic, no pesticides. And while I would love to say that is the diet that I and my family consume....sadly it is not. Our society has pushed processed quick convenience foods into our homes. Our government subsidizes mass gmo production crops, we consume said crops. The pesticides sprayed on these crops and the chemical changes we make to the actual food parts themselves have started to interact with our DNA causing auto immune disorders. We are causing our own health problems. Infectious diseases are now being replaced with these auto immune disorders. And it is so hard to stop. Today's economy basically needs 2 working parents to support the home, pay the bills, raise the kids, etc. We consume pre packaged "food" because time is often scarce and spread thin. Personally, If I was not forced to spend most of my day trying to make money to pay the bills, I would spend more time on organic gardens and preparing fresh whole foods for my family.....but wonder woman I am not. The way to health, is to go back to basics. Our ancestors lived to nearly 100 years Japan, even longer. big pharma and the government are playing puppeteers with us all, as they control the FDA, who gets in power, who gets money for crops, ect. It is all intertwined....and it is disgusting. Support your local organic farmer.
Great post! I was hoping you were going to exploit some new hidden food item that could cure all ailments and make me skinny at the end of your post. I was simply asking too much, or maybe not enough? Who knows... Either way, I can't agree with your want for taco bell. I once loved their food, then one day I found a bug cooked into my cinna-twists. That was the end of my love for taco bell. I have since adapted to street tacos on the regular.
Has anyone noticed other countries pay way more attention to health compared to the US? It seems like Australia and New Zealand are always improving and companies who really value health are on the rise out there. In America...crickets. Anyone else notice this?