All of us have had those mornings that just start off wrong.
Usually one piddly event triggers it – maybe you spill coffee on your shirt, or see a negative news story that really pisses you off, or even stub your toe.
So begins the downward spiral. Before you know it that bad morning turns into a bad day and, more often than we care to admit, a bad week. It's a cycle where a downward trend becomes viciously self-reinforcing.
Welcome, my friends, to the doom loop. Now let’s explore a way to snuff it out.
Guided meditations can be a very effective tool in helping you get out of the doom loop rut and achieve a more positive mindset. Here's a simple guided meditation you can try to prevent the dreaded doom loop before it gets out of control:
Doom Loop Killer Meditation
Duration: Approximately 10-15 minutes
Find a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
Deep Breathing: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise as you fill your lungs. Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth. Repeat this several times to help calm your mind.
Body Scan: Slowly shift your attention to your body. Start from your toes and gradually work your way up, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. As you become aware of these sensations, imagine them melting away with each exhale.
Focus on the Present Moment: Bring your attention to the present moment. Notice the sounds around you, the feeling of the ground or cushion beneath you, and the sensation of your breath moving in and out.
Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations to yourself silently or out loud. Choose statements that counter the negative thoughts you've been experiencing. For example:
- "I am in control of my thoughts and emotions."
- "I let go of worries that don't serve me."
- "I choose to focus on the present moment and stay positive."
Visualize a Positive Outcome: Imagine a situation where you typically get caught in the doom loop. Visualize yourself responding to that situation calmly and positively. Picture yourself overcoming challenges with confidence and grace.
Gratitude: Shift your focus to the things you're grateful for. Begin with simple things like your breath, the support of loved ones, or the opportunities you have. Cultivating gratitude can help shift your mindset away from negativity.
Return to the Breath: Whenever you notice your thoughts starting to drift back to the doom loop, gently guide your focus back to your breath. Let go of any judgments about your thoughts and simply observe them without getting attached.
Closing: Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few more deep breaths. When you're ready, open your eyes.
Remember, practicing guided meditation is a skill that takes time to develop. Consistency is key, so try to make this a regular part of your routine. You can explore different types of guided meditations, such as mindfulness, loving-kindness, or body scan, to find the ones that resonate best with you and help prevent the doom loop before it begins.

A wonderful side effect of breaking the doom loop is, eventually, you become a spark of positivity in a world that desperately needs it instead of that dark cloud that adds to everyone else's sorrows.
Thanks for reading. All for now. Trust your instincts, invest in you, live boldly, and take chances.
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Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.
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Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.
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Let’s Keep In Touch

Great stuff. I have had mornings like that for sure. I can think of one just a while ago that I just kept dropping everything I put in my hands. It was annoying. I'm pretty lucky that I have a relatively easy 30 minute drive to work each day. It gives me the chance to shake off a lot of that stuff. It works the same in reverse on the way home. I have a pretty short memory when it comes to stuff like that thankfully!
Thanks! Yes, thankfully I can usually shake the small stuff off. It's the bigger things that usually get me caught in the Doom Loop.
It's uncanny that I'm seeing this now because I had a bit of a problem writing a short fiction I needed to post yesterday and I texted my friend with tears and told her I was stuck and I couldn't write it. She said these exact things you were saying, though not so elaborately and told me to affirm with my eyes close, "I can continue writing. I can do it. I can complete it." Like ten times.
It worked. It worked so beautifully because I believed it would and I couldn't have been happier.✨
I'm so glad to hear it worked. We all need more friends like yours!
Thanks for the tics
They are very good with anxious people who see everything through a pessimistic lens.
I'll be doing it to see if in. I'll be doing it to see if this cloud comes down and they feel like releasing lightning. ⛈️
Gracias por los tics
Son muy buenos con personas con ansiedad que ven todo con lente pesimistas
Lo estaré haciendo a ver si en. Baja está nube que tienen gana de soltar relámpago ⛈️
You're welcome. I hope it works for you!
Doom loop meditation seems perfect way of getting rid of negative thoughts and welcome positive ones.
Thanks friend for this great meditation.
You're welcome!
Excellent post, invites a great reflection
What you say is very true, an isolated episode could be a trigger for a bad day. These tips that you share about meditation are an excellent way to prevent unpleasant events
Have a beautiful afternoonHow are you dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon
Hello my friend. Today was a travel day and I've been up since 3am but it was a good day. I'm in Montreal now for the next few days. I hope you have a great weekend!
We have a phrase;
How you start the day, it goes in that way
Therefore, we may need such mediation during the day :)
I like that phrase. Very wise indeed.
I tried a few times to start practicing meditation but I always failed on the step "Focus on the present". My biggest problem I guess, and also the most frequent reason when I cannot fall asleep in the night.
But I saved your post in the bookmarks, hoping to not forget about it when I need it.
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoThat first step is usually the hardest. Usually the easiest way to focus on the present is to focus on your breath. I hope it helps!
I think I really needed this guided meditation because throughout this month my world seem to be spiralling out of control. I am stuck with my thoughts and negative energies here and there. I think I will try practicing this and see if it helps.
So many people are in need of this now only because we're all so bombarded by negativity. I hope it helps!
This is so important. Be the change you want to see. Joy is contagious, as is anxiety. This human tendency has been used mercilessly by the medical industrial syndicate of late.
If more of us would meditate, fewer of us would fall prey to the fear that is sown in order to keep us enslaved.
Sorry to get into my favorite subject on an upbeat post!
I agree. I truly believe that if we all just worked on ourselves the world would work itself out eventually. It would also wake people up to how much the establishment controls us, the two of which go very much hand in hand.
As humans we experience this almost everyday that pisses one off but then we need to derive a positive mindset in doing things in other not to give room for the negative ones to occur.
I believe that the human being needs more of these exercises. It is so hard for us to let go, to get out of the spiral, not to panic. I heard these days that when a person is in the sea and feels that he could drown, ideally he should calm down and then his body will surely float. But it is easier for man to despair than to calm down. These days, because of stress, my back was aching all over. I simply lay down on the floor, closed my eyes and just listened to my breathing. I fell asleep. When I woke up I was as good as new! It's amazing how human beings gain by just disconnecting. Sometimes it can be difficult because of the burdens we carry, but it's worth a try. A great day, my friend. Hugs
It is difficult, Nancy, because we're bombarded with so much negativity. I'm glad you've found a way to heal yourself. A lot of people would've gone to a doctor and would be prescribed a muscle relaxer. Meditation is so much better. Thanks and I wish you a wonderful weekend!
This is great information and more importantly so for these crazy times in which we live. So many people are feeling hopeless and anxious, I think we need group sessions in city parks nationwide lol.
I love the idea of group sessions!
How timely you wrote about meditation, I need it now. Thank you
You're welcome!
For me, the ultimate location for this is a hottub. The "white" noise of the hottub is more clearing (to me) than true quiet.
On the flip-side, the risk is that someone always wants to join in the hottub. So you just need to set boundaries.
I can understand that. A stream or the ocean does the very same thing to me.
Lately I have been facing issues having a productive meditation due to a lot of stuff Rollini through my mind but I think this tips are just what I need right now
Of course, you have said this truth, this is how it happens to all of us, when the morning starts, due to worries, a person is forced to think many wrong things, then later when a person thinks in the same way. So then a person thinks that the coming time will be good if we continue to work hard in life, then one day we will get success because when a living person is alive, he faces a hundred problems and it is better here. That a person should work hard and believe in himself, then all these problems will disappear one day.
This seems helpful. I love body scans and have been missing them in my (randomly picked) guided meditations of late. So today, I may just try this. I'm finding it difficult to conduct my own meditations, as of yet, even though I mostly fall asleep when others are doing them xD So this will no doubt come in handy!
I hope it worked for you!
Guided meditations are incredible. I like to use Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditations. The one where you activate your energy centers being one of my favorite. Thanks for sharing one of the meditations you deploy. As you rightfully stated: consistency is key!
I'll have to check into Dr. Dispenza's work. I do Kriya Yoga and it sounds similar, through breathwork you learn to move the energy up and down the chakras.
Sadness and happiness come from the heart. So here it is important to manage the heart. You are right, meditation is one way to make the heart happy. Thank you for your advice, Eric. Have a nice day.
You're welcome, Eliana. Meditation is very similar to prayer, in my mind. I wish you a wonderful Friday!
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