Wakeena Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon, spring 2017
After 20+ years of a sometimes consistent but a mostly spotty meditation practice, last year I decided to see if meditating every day made a difference.
The short answer is an unequivocal yes. For me daily meditation was and is well worth the 30 minutes a day I give to it both in the short term and the long term and I found that the results compounded quickly.
My first test was for 30 days and honestly, I didn’t begin with any lofty goals. My only reason was to see if it made a difference for me which would help me know whether I should drop it or make room for it.
Those initial 30 days last December yielded much more than I expected and I wrote about it in this post. After that, I just simply kept going. It was a small decision but a very good one and here I am a year later having only missed a handful of days.
view of Mt. Jefferson as seen from 7000 ft. up on Mt Hood, Oregon autumn 2017
The first few months produced the most pronounced results but in retrospect I see that the improvements within myself and my life kept expanding all year but I didn’t notice them as much.
I heard Josh Radnor (from How I Met Your Mother) on the 10% Happier podcast awhile back and his teacher captured this well. He said that the results that are happening with you may not be obvious day to day but if you could compare side by side your mind and consciousness now with that of a year ago, the difference would be incredibly obvious and furthermore it would be absolutely intolerable for you as you are now to inhabit your former state! My experience has been true to this.
creek along Wakeena Trail, Columbia River Gorge, spring 2017
So what does “make a difference” mean for me? What were my results?
A feeling that I’m not sure how else to describe except to say that life feels more buffered and supported, I trust the process of life a bit more.
More present and feel more pluck for life, quicker to smile from a genuine place (although this could be as much from Steemit as from anything else ;-).
Increased focus and mental clarity - this is a BIG one
As Eckhart Tolle has said many times and in many ways, the power of focus should not be underestimated. Good focus solves a whole host of seemingly unrelated challenges. My mind clutters less quickly and I’m not as overwhelmed. Overwhelm has always been a huge problem for me because my life is extremely full yet I engage in everything I do deeply so I can’t handle lots of different things at once. Overwhelm has swallowed far too much of my time and energy and diminishing its frequency makes a big difference. It still happens but less often and I can bounce back more quickly.
More emotional resilience and increased capacity to adapt to the demands of life. I take things less personally and I feel less like a puppet with someone else pulling the strings. For the last 4 years or so I’d been feeling a sort of powerlessness about the course of my life and lived with a low grade despair as a consequence. Thankfully this seems to have lifted and I feel empowered in planning and decision-making and a general excitement about life. (Steemit has something to do with this too).
Have more of an objective perspective in difficult situations that would have previously caused me to react in anger or defense. Yes I still have these extreme feelings but I seem to have a few moments to notice these feelings before responding rather than just to have a knee-jerk reaction. I feel my anger, sadness, love, excitement deeply as always, but also now know how to let it move through me and I don’t hang on to it.
Quality of my sleep is better and I sleep through the night
All my adult life I have been a nervous sleeper and have gone through months of 4-5 hour nights. When traveling or any new factors entered in my life, my sleep would go into a tailspin. At some point in the last year I tried to remember the last time I had trouble sleeping through the night I realized it was before I began my 30 day meditation test. As you can imagine, sustained good sleep is amazing and I have found that over time I now need about an hour less sleep each night. I should also note that eating less sugar and more healthy fat for the previous 6 months had already lessened my sleeping troubles by about half.
On this note, I want to acknowledge that over the course of a year, I always grow and expand. There are always many factors that play into this growth but the improvements I’ve listed are at least in part a direct result of my meditation practice. They are also be supported by diet, Qi Gong and other ways I work towards self-mastery too, but my experience gives me clear feedback about the important role meditation has played.
Although I do not believe that meditation affects everyone the same way nor is it the magic bullet for everyone, it certainly has done a lot for me. If you’re at all interested, I would recommend at least giving it a try to see how if it’s something that works well for you!
Arcadia Beach, Oregon spring 2016
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by the queen of the custom gif, @stellabelle
Hey natureofbeing! I really enjoyed that post ;) Such clarity, such simplicity. Meditation can help us to enjoy life, just this moment as it is. BTW I love the gif @stellabelle created for you, captures you perfectly!
Incredible post, Ruth! I’m so glad you stuck with it and experienced so many benefits! I’ve been meditating regularly for 23 years now and it just keeps getting better and better.
Omg 23 years..! ... your consistency is remarkable ...
that really is something isn't it?!!
Time flies when you find something so undeniably therapeutic to this earthly existence.
Yah, it's really a process one must get use too by trying it at least once in a while.
It really helps.
thanks Eric, 23 years is a long time and I can imagine that the benefits are exponential as time goes on! I wish I had stuck with it way back when I learned, but I'm sure it helped even if sporadic - meditation is good for me and I have a special love for it these days, it's such an island.
Great post, and I'm happy to read how this has improved your everyday. After meditating the last four years I recognize your experience. :) Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much @level.north and it's great to hear that you're 4 years in!
I absolutely love this post! I have had a very spotty meditation record as well, but recently began doing mindfulness excercises! Your post has inspired me to try and fet back into practice! You seem like a very genuine and thoughtful person :) thank you for sharing your experience! I also live in Portland, so all of your pictures are beautiful and very relatable!
And you live in Portland??? I think you are the first other Portland steemian I've met, do you know others? I've been wanting to do a NW meet-up thinking that there are more steemians in Seattle, but if we can get a few here to meet that would be so great.@nickh725, I'm so glad that my post is inspiring you to get back into practice!
You are also the first person I have met on here from Portland! There are probably more out there, but I have not found them yet! I would love to do a meet up! I think it would be really fun to see what the community is like and what interests we all share! :)
there have to be more of us Portlanders here on Steemit! And who knows, probably even a few more in this region. Maybe it's a good idea to put out a post at some point in hopes of finding others. I've messaged you on steemitchat so we can talk meetup. Happy new year!
Yeah! I think that's a great idea! I'll check out your message :) Happy new year to you too!
I met some portlanders on here! But now i cant remember where. I am from montana and there is a ton of flight-to-portland, so I know a lot of people in portland... do i count? Cuz i think there are like 3 montanans on here :)
Encouraging post, I now feels a need to meditate on a regular basis. I have, during the past ten years or so been in and out in meditation. But I haven't practiced this regularly. And in busy times like it often is I tend to "forget" to meditate. Stupid, when I need it the most, which I can tell from how you think meditation makes a difference in your life. I clearly see the value in meditating regularly, if not every day, at least specific days every week.
Thanks for this inspiring post my friend💜
I understand so well what you describe here - "forgetting" to meditate and when we need it most! For 20+ years it's been that way for me and yes it's much better than nothing, but the yields are only as powerful as the practice. Funnily enough, these days when I think I don't have time, I remind myself that 20 minutes of meditation is 3 x more restful than that same amount of sleep, so better to lose the sleep. I also should mention that when really pressed for time, I sometimes only do 10 minutes. The consistency for me is more important than the amount of time, so 10 minutes is much better than nothing.
I really appreciate your support and always thoughtful comments, thanks so much!
I am inspired. I have been dancing around the notion of starting a meditation practice for a couple of years now without actually committing. The rewards and benefits you’ve found are compelling. The benefit of better sleep is not one I had heard before. That alone.....! Thank you for sharing your experience. If you have any advice for beginners, about fitting that half hour into a full life, or about anything you deem helpful, I am interested. Thanks again.
firstly, for beginners support can be important so finding a teacher or a class can be ideal, OR simply using an app is great too. There are so many different types of apps that offer guided meditations, or mindfulness guidance that you can then use on your own. I've heard good things about the 10%happier app and headspace too.Hello @ducksaplenty, So glad this is useful for you! I do have a few thoughts to offer -
the second thing is how to find the time in an already full life. I feel like everyday I need an extra 3 hours so I completely understand! And I know that all of these great benefits are hard to remember when carving out the time. I remind myself that 20 minutes of meditation is worth 3x the same amount of sleep so I tell myself that I can go to bed later if I need that time. I also allow myself to only do 10 minutes if in a real pinch or even to do it at another time of day (as long as I actually show up for this self-promise) so as not to miss it entirely. I've found that for me the everyday consistency is more important than the actual amount of time meditating.
I hope that helps @ducksaplenty!
Hi @natureofbeing! Yes, your comments were very helpful. Especially the notion that some is better than none in your daily practice. Gentleness with oneself is a good idea in so many areas.
I did try headspace during one of my forays into meditation, and I liked some things about it. One thing I liked was the attempt to make the concepts more accessible. Ultimately though, an app wasn't a fit for me.
I'm an audiophile though and like to listen to Pema Chodron and use her meditation techniques. If you are in Oregon as your pictures seem to indicate, say hello to that lovely place. I am an Oregonian transplanted to the Midwest. Thanks for the response.
And now I properly read it!
We've talked about meditation before so you know how I feel about it and I totally agree with everything.
30' is a lot for me, but I'm trying to not lose my morning and evening meditation 5-10' each at least.
And yes - it takes time to see a difference. But I did from almost the start. Maybe I was very dedicated! :)
I wanna be more consistent this new year, and not skip practices at all. I'm convinced that it'll help!
I noticed better focus indeed. Never had a problem with sleep anyway - stress is after me always though...but doesn't mess with my sleep much, thank God! :)
I think 5-10 is great and twice a day is even better, good for you for keeping this up! Great to hear that you've had and continue to have good results. My practice is supposed to be twice a day and maybe one day I'll do that but for now I am doing what is realistic for me instead of ideal because I want to stick with it.
It's a great blessing not to have problems with sleep, I envy that! My sleep problems were from childhood traumas and finally they seem to be gone. The two changes of diet and meditation provided the magic cocktail and I'm SO glad to be sleeping well these days, it makes all the difference. (of course I still lose far too much sleep reading and writing on steemit, but that's by choice :-)
Okay, the Universe must be giving me a message, because this is the second post in a row I've seen about meditation! It's something I keep meaning to do, because I know so many people who have gotten so much out of it (much like you), but it falls out of my brain about two seconds after I consider it. Okay, Universe - message received! LOL!
And thanks for the heads-up about the 10% Happier podcast- I'm going to check that out now too.
Bright blessings to you!
Lol :-)
Bright blessings to you too!
I tried for two whole seconds this morning, but...
LoL!!! The key is to let them happen, don't try to control your thoughts (like trying to tame the sea0 but simply take your attention and put it back on your mantra or breath or whatever you are using. No one can control her/his mind, it's fruitless but it turns out to be very powerful to take one's attention away from the thoughts over and over again.
I am house sitting and there is this great book here called Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by Dan Harris, and it talks about how people usually give up right away for just that reason! He talks about the mind like a chattering chipmunk in our heads. He writes, “Meditation is not always about reaching a special state. Getting lost over and over again is meditation. At least at first.”
Excellent points, @natureofbeing and @dflo! Once I'm rid of this nasty cold virus that popped up fast and furious, I'll give it a serious go again. Thanks for the encouragement!
Meditation has lead to a wide range of benefits for many and @natureofbeing lays out some great details above.
Here's a quote that's great:
Thank you for your continued contribution to the community @natureofbeing as Steemit grows into 2018 and beyond.
Everyone be sure to check back and follow @natureofbeing for the newest ideas and content about meditation and much more.
Listening to nature also is a kind of meditation.
thank you @thebeachedwhale!
This is a really encouraging post! I have been on vacation for a week and i thought I would start meditating but I still keep putting it off for one reason or another. This is inspiring and what a better time to try a new practice than the new year.
So glad to hear it!!! best wishes to you with this and don't get discouraged, just keep showing up for it :-)
As humans, the need for meditation cannot be overemphasized. As rational beings, creatures with thinking capacity, it is very important that we sometimes ruminate deeply.
These moments of meditation helps us connect with our inner self even more, gives us opportunity to have a conversation with our minds and nature too.
so true @idunique!
Meditation is the only freedom from stress, tension and anxiety . Your results are outstanding . Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Stay healthy..
Exactly, it goes a long way in deflating accumulated stress, and ridding the mind of irrelevant issues. In fact, it's a time to cleans our thought.
thank you @kartiksingh, cheers to your health as well!
But, maybe it's not a magic bullet for everyone but still... I am sure it can helps also to regain controle of it's life.... :-/ Need to start. Don't know really how to start. Will try. Added it on my 2018 list :D@natureofbeing Hello! I just discover your blog post about meditation :) Do you know Vipassana Meditation ? Have you heard about that? I did it severals times when younger... but since few years I can't meditate. Your post inspire me to try to start again... When I see how great are the consequences in your life...
Hello @roxane, thanks for reading my post! When I was 18 I went on a Vipassana silent retreat for 5 days and wasn't really able to integrate it very well. Maybe I was too young, or maybe it was the time in my life or perhaps I needed a more individual teacher, but then later at age 25 I learned Transcendental Meditation which has been a good practice for me. However, there are so many different kinds and they are all good in different ways, I suppose we just have to find what resonates with us.
If you are inclined to try it, you might try using an app like 10%happier or headspace or one of the many meditation apps to see if there is a style you prefer to begin with. Or maybe take a class or join a group? I say all of this because I think good support is very helpful in the beginning. If I can help in any way please don't hesitate to reach out!
This is amazing Ruth. Thanks for sharing your beautiful mind in practice with all of us. I feel I've been hustling all my life, but haven't necessarily achieved more. Lately I've been exerting conscious effort to slow myself down a bit, and can already feel the difference.
Living in the now - loving in the now, savoring the moment, does make tons of difference. I will give this some thought for 2018.
For now I am satisfied being less anxious about my diary for next week :-)
Ah yes, living in the now and really savoring it all IS indeed magical isn't it!! I know what you mean about hustling yet not achieving...and it's can be stressful. Cheers to some lovely presence and peace in this coming year! and thanks for your support @steemitph.
I’m inspired! I have on a few occasions had feeble attempts at meditation, but as of yet have not stuck to it. But I’m determined to give it another try.
There's no such thing as a feeble attempt ;-), all attempts are good! Even if it's only 5 minutes everyday to begin with that's something to feel good about for sure. Good luck!
Literally, life changing. It is so worth forfeiting 30 minutes of the iphone for centering self before the, as I like to call it "Mighty Throne of God."
It's taking the time to hear with the Third Ear, and see with the Third Eye, that heightens one's awareness of what's real, and what's not.
Please, smh...don't even think I know anything about the elusive "ILLUMINATI"...I assure you, that for every good sign or verbiage, there's the alternate. In fact, I like to think of my third Unction as purely born of the Holy Spirit.
Great post and pics, too! The @stellabelle gif is worth every penny and more...love it!
Btw, few people equate Oregon with beautiful beaches; but, this is the second time in as many days, that I've seen such.
Lol, this is so true and usually where we would be putting our time if not meditating!!
and this is such a great description!!
ps. the Oregon coast is extraordinarily beautiful!!
Wonderful post! When the meditation much changed me from a nervous and sharp girl, I've become soft and conscious person, start to get involved in spiritual information and books. Very good meditation calmed my mind and wandering thoughts developed in me compassion and love. Here the paradox is that for six months I can't bring myself to sit down and meditate. Sometimes I think that I started to meditate during the day making some business. I suspect that meditation gave me as of the moment here and now.
Sounds like some really lovely changes - I like that description of going from a nervous and sharp person to more soft and aware. Cheers to a very happy new year!
Thank you! You have understood my idea! ❤❤❤
This is a great post, it effectively brings to attention some key benefits of meditation. I upvoted. I've been frequently meditating for 8 years. I also write about it and recommend it to people all the time. It's especially great how you mention that it has improved your quality of sleep. I know many people that do not fall asleep easily and their embrace the suffering or take substances to sleep. I try to express to them that meditation can exponentially increase the value of their sleep. How do you prefer to meditate? I prefer to lay down. I also practice mindfulness and transcendental techniques. Happy New Year
Wonderful to hear that you're a seasoned meditator, I'll look at your writings! Yes sleep is very good for sure.
I sometimes do my TM (transcendental meditation) seated in a comfy chair - not slouching but in an upright position but as is comfortable, no strain, or I sit on a blanket on the floor with my legs crossed and my back against the wall. I always use a blanket too because I get cold.
Great to see content on meditation.
I dedicated a couple years of my life to meditation and while I did many types of meditation I actually SAT in silent meditation for about 4 hours a day for a couple years.
Totally life changing and I would have a shit life if I had not dedicated my self to a life of consciousness.
"a life of consciousness" is a great way to put it, it captures so many ways that we build our presence and yes, totally life-changing for me and probably everyone who engages with this kind of practice!. and 4 hours is a lot...
happy new year @quinneaker, cheers to a magnificent 2018!
Wow may I say the shot of the falls is incredible!
I may not do a rigorous ritual of meditation, but I will say a quiet time in the shower is foundational in sorting my thoughts and getting creative ideas.
Thanks, it's amazing what an iphone can capture! Honestly these falls are so lovely, that it was hard not to get a good shot.
I agree - the shower is marvelous :-)
Nice post bro....keep meditating....what type of meditation you do ?Is that mindfulness? I also do meditation by observing inner world..... though,emotions etc.(observing the mind).......plz share with me how you do meditation.
I WIll read this later!
Wow awesome! Congratulations on completing a year of consistent practice!
thank you @josephsavage!
very beautiful, natural and healthy. Thanks
Story and a nice picture, the angle of the photo in the natural results are really pretty @natureofbeing.
your post is very beautiful, please help from you to upvote my account
nice post
Thank you. This photo shared this photo is very nice. This is an awesome photo, and you're really a good photographer.
thank you @sojibul!
Your post inspired me to try meditation again. I did it a few times and eventually gave up on it but I think it was somewhat beneficial. Now I know that consistency is key.
best wishes with it, yes consistency makes a HUGE difference! even if you only meditate 10 minutes a day, it's worth a lot.
Natural beauty is the most beautiful thing ....loved your blog @natureofbeing
thank you @sid9999!
wow you are amazing..i think you are a multi talented one
how sweet, thank you!
Meditation ⭐️ + Nature ⭐️ = Super Powers
Wow that sounds really life changing! Could you share a few tools or books that you used to start and learn it? I've never tried it for a longer time, but every time I travel I meet people beeing so inspired and balanced through meditation.
Great photos. Makes me miss the pacific northwest. I grew up in seattle so these photos look very familiar. Following you now! Keep it up.
You have convinced me to seek meditation on a daily basis!
I really want to thank you for your hospitality at STEEM Park on New Years Day, I spent the morning in the park and it was nice to see the names of all the sponsors. Thanks for being a great human!
I have noticed when I meditate I often become detached from negative emotions. Thank you for sharing your experience with the rest of us and I have also re-steemed your post.
The Columbia River Gorge is one of my favorite places on the planet. I found it to be one of the best places to ground and to meditate. I truly miss it and wish to return. Uprooted and followed you today. Thanks for your efforts.
Hi Dan, so glad this post nudged you a little to remember your previous experience with meditation! I can imagine that as a traveler having a life where everyday is so different, a consistent daily practice can offer you an internal stability anytime anywhere.
Congratulations on the 750 followers AND the decision to go full time as a travel blogger, that's really amazing!! I'll definitely take a look at your post. Also, thanks for all of the kind mentions, it always feels so good to know that I've helped.
Also on another note - as you travel, how do you access the currency you earn here on steemit? Is it transferred to a bank acct or a credit card or how does it work for you?
I've closed my accts with bank of america in favor of a really great credit union but unfortunately I can't transfer btc from coinbase to them so I am looking for another way and am curious how others manage it.
Dan, this answer is worth its weight in gold or ...maybe in btc!! THANK YOU!!! Best advice I've received thus far. I recommend making a post about your money methods while traveling - you've got some very valuable information that could be very helpful!
Also, it's so interesting to hear about how travel and the freedom it offers gives you so much stability. It is definitely counterintuitive in a way, yet it also makes sense the way you describe it. I truly feel burdened by the endless bills and responsibilities weigh on me so heavily and really rob me of a lot of energy and joy so I can relate a little bit. I suppose if I felt physically safer traveling it would be easier for me to enjoy it which would probably mean traveling with a male. In the past I've had some very close calls traveling alone. In any case, my mind is opening while reading about your experiences.
And how did the meditation go? btw, sitting in lotus with a straight back is great if it's comfortable for you, but don't feel that somehow your experience is less if you sit in a chair or as I do on a blanket on the floor in a loose crosslegged position against a wall. This way I'm working towards a lotus a little at a time but have the wall to support me. Discomfort can be used as a focal point for meditation but it's not for everyone. Anyway, whatever works for you is grand and I look forward to hearing about it! Have an awesome New year celebration!