I had the same diagnose too.... but one nutritionist suggested me to completely remove gluten from my food.
And it works for me. Now after 3 months living on gluten free diet I don't need to take L-tiroxines at all. my TSH is normal now
Maybe my advice would helpful for you too
Amazing! Yes, I am off gluten completely now. I have tried it in the past for quite a long time, but didn't notice a difference--but I was so sick then, it's hard to know if it was helping or not.
I will also do a food elimination diet when I'm back home in a few weeks--really hoping I can keep my dairy.. BUT.. more than anything, I just want to be well.
I am so glad you found something that worked so quickly! xx, Kay
also you can make allergy tests - maybe you have some hidden never diagnosed allergy?
say, for soy, maybe some nuts or dairy, and these products triggers your immune defence?
Yeah exactly. I think it might be a couple of those, or a few. Eggs are another big one. Please not dairy and eggs! lol. It would suck, but I'd do anything to well now.
Initially I was very sad because I couldn't imagine my life without half and half, kefir and cheese.... but now? I'm not sad at all. The coconut milk is amazing, a goat cheese is soft and tasty. Milk from nuts is just great. I didn't miss them now.
Especially when I feel good. and finally I even started to lose my weight
So don't worry about food which made you sick
Thanks. That's really encouraging--I am definitely willing in order to be well, and there really are so many good things! Before I cut out the gluten, it was so hard to imagine going without it, but I had the exact same experience you're describing. Not a big deal once you adjust. Of course, once in a while I miss it, but hardly ever, and if it makes me sick.. not worth it! xx
Yes, gluten free diet works good. You should also consider cascade fasting but consultations with your doctor are needed first. It can help you to shorten the period of treatment and also be good for the immunity and other systems.
I've got a good system going now, but am always open to suggestions. What is cascade fasting?
For example:
1 day fasting - 2 days eating.
2 days fasting - 3 days eating.
3 days fasting - 4 days eating.
4 days fasting - 5 days eating.
5 days fasting - break of Dry Fast
So the point is that you gradually increase the period of fasting. Read more
Interesting! I have done some things like that, and it seems to help a little. I'll keep in mind. Thanks for the info and the link!