I was finally diagnosed, just last month, with hypothyroidism and what we think is Hashimoto's (an "autoimmune" disorder). This diagnosis came after years of debilitating fatigue and a slew of other awful symptoms. It completely changed the course of my life, as I haven't been able to either keep a regular job or throw myself whole-heartedly into my artistic work. The effects have been devastating in ways it's hard to even communicate. I almost couldn't graduate from university (it worked out in the end), lost a lot of relationships, and have been financially stressed for more than 4 years straight.
I am now finally able to start treating it, but it will likely take about 3-6 months to have things steady, and it will always be something I have to monitor.
So, that was great news, although also painful knowing that so many hard years didn't have to be that way--but more on that another day.
But I was still a bit stuck, and concerned about my life and my finances and my future, when my mom of all people told me about Steemit (seriously, we know it's inspired when it comes from her, and she would agree! She is not computer-savvy or on the cutting edge of tech at all. But she is smart, and she loves me--that truly is what matters the most.). She has been trying hard to think of something I could do to help me currently and help me get my artistic work off the ground.
When you've got nothing to lose, you jump right in. And so I did, with both feet and a LOT of my time.
I was confident that this could be a place where I could commit to spending time, because I could do it authentically as a writer and an artist, and that that would be welcome and celebrated. The possibility of money of course was motivating, but only because it was also something I could see myself doing genuinely, that would give me life rather than exhaust me like most things. In my worst health times, I have somehow almost always been able to do my writing and artistic work, even if I don't really have it in me even to stand and wash the dishes (yes, it has been that bad at points).
The truth is, I love interacting with people, and I love writing, singing, taking and editing photos on my phone. This is all just true. It is really and truly like a dream come true that these passions may both help me make a reasonable bit of income in a really hard time after a long, hard season, as well as help me build a community of people who support my work and help get me started as the "little guy."
So the lesson here? In a big way, "oh happy fault." It might just be the case that due to what is essentially a real disability (the fatigue and environmental sensitivity really can be that bad), I may have wonderfully stumbled onto what can truly be my focus this next while, and what offers great potential and promise in me being able to to do my artistic work successfully.
..as well as a bunch of new, intelligent, gifted, funny friends!
I joined Steemit just last week, and am overwhelmed by the positive response and support of both my writing and my music. This is a place where you can truly hope to share what you have to give, and it has this magical capacity of bringing the best out of people.
I can't wait to see how things unfold in the coming weeks and months.
If you're interested in taking a look/listen and haven't had a chance yet, I have quite a few videos up already as well. Your support truly means the world to me, in any way you are able to give it. I also have free downloads available through my website of my original work.
Thanks again.
(All work on my Steem blog, in any presented form, is always copyrighted, so in your interests and mine, please use proper attribution.)
I had the same diagnose too.... but one nutritionist suggested me to completely remove gluten from my food.
And it works for me. Now after 3 months living on gluten free diet I don't need to take L-tiroxines at all. my TSH is normal now
Maybe my advice would helpful for you too
Amazing! Yes, I am off gluten completely now. I have tried it in the past for quite a long time, but didn't notice a difference--but I was so sick then, it's hard to know if it was helping or not.
I will also do a food elimination diet when I'm back home in a few weeks--really hoping I can keep my dairy.. BUT.. more than anything, I just want to be well.
I am so glad you found something that worked so quickly! xx, Kay
also you can make allergy tests - maybe you have some hidden never diagnosed allergy?
say, for soy, maybe some nuts or dairy, and these products triggers your immune defence?
Yeah exactly. I think it might be a couple of those, or a few. Eggs are another big one. Please not dairy and eggs! lol. It would suck, but I'd do anything to well now.
Initially I was very sad because I couldn't imagine my life without half and half, kefir and cheese.... but now? I'm not sad at all. The coconut milk is amazing, a goat cheese is soft and tasty. Milk from nuts is just great. I didn't miss them now.
Especially when I feel good. and finally I even started to lose my weight
So don't worry about food which made you sick
Thanks. That's really encouraging--I am definitely willing in order to be well, and there really are so many good things! Before I cut out the gluten, it was so hard to imagine going without it, but I had the exact same experience you're describing. Not a big deal once you adjust. Of course, once in a while I miss it, but hardly ever, and if it makes me sick.. not worth it! xx
Yes, gluten free diet works good. You should also consider cascade fasting but consultations with your doctor are needed first. It can help you to shorten the period of treatment and also be good for the immunity and other systems.
I've got a good system going now, but am always open to suggestions. What is cascade fasting?
For example:
1 day fasting - 2 days eating.
2 days fasting - 3 days eating.
3 days fasting - 4 days eating.
4 days fasting - 5 days eating.
5 days fasting - break of Dry Fast
So the point is that you gradually increase the period of fasting. Read more
Interesting! I have done some things like that, and it seems to help a little. I'll keep in mind. Thanks for the info and the link!
I hope that you will recover quickly and easily :)
Thank you so much! xx
This made my heart happy. What a great story and so awesome for you. Thanks to you I flagged my first spammer on one of my posts yesterday lol. Normally I would just pay them no mind and ignore them but after reading your post I said, "Hell nahhhh, not letting these guys pollute our Steemit.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Haha - oh no I've created a monster. I did flag someone, and then realize just how hard it actually is! I ended up unflagging them and giving them a second chance. lol! I'm wondering if we should take the approach of warning people a lot? I pretend to be so hardball but I'm SUCH a wretched softie lol! Literally laughing out loud now.
I am too soft, I need to be a bit more hardball. The little red flag is still next to his name. I will enjoy just looking at it from time to time like my own little trophy. Maybe next one will get a bit more slack in the form of a warning. hahaha
1 I know what this diagnosis mean... My close friend has the same. She have passed through a long treatment course and now she feels herself much better.
What can i say also. A big big BIG patience and understanding needed from your relatives and friends. The most hard thing for most people is to understand and accept that patient can not control his mood swings and hysteria.
2 Ginger and tumeric are very good in treatment of autoimmune disorders. I have some so my advice comes from my own experience. That worked for me much better than any pills. And ginger, mmm, goes so great with the tea. I know some good recipe for a hot drink made from ginger and lemons. It can make any strong cold to go away in a matter of a day. If you like ginger i will be happy to share my ginger recipes with you.
Keep your head up, Kay. You will be fine. I see the bright future waiting for you.
Thanks so much for sharing! Luckily, while I have had to deal with discouragement, I don't think it's been as extreme as for your poor friend! But I have needed a lot of patience.. it's hard for people to understand you aren't just tired and so you often have to back out of things. Some people have been amazing.. others less so. But ultimately, I've grown a lot as a person. I'm so grateful for the tips and the real hope that I will be better!
Warm hugs for you from cold faraway Russia)))
Where I live shares the same latitude as Siberia! I know what cold is! :)
Siberia is not the coldest part of Russia believe me))))) But if you experience some -40 may be, may be) Hey, anyway there is no need to underestimate the warmness of the hugs i've sent you. I've tried so hard to make them real warm, well, now i'm depressed)))
lol. I have definitely lived through -40 most winters of my life!
Oh, great we have a good chances to survive nuclear winter))))
Oh dear, first of all you are beautiful :)
Secondly, I disagree on "maybe things could have been different" part. I think you are exactly where you are supposed to be in this moment. Maybe something nice that you have experienced throughout these hard years would not happen if you took a different route. Either way here we are, we can not go back and we can not change the past, neither we can jump into the future. What is left for us is to make the best from the present and you are already doing your best! In that way, trust me, you will not regret anything. Keep it up! Prioritize! ;) Sending love your way :*
Thank you so much! And you are totally right. I actually plan to write a post about that at some point :). Xx, Kay
I will keep my eyes wide open for that post! :D xo
It's really so important.. we are so small and rarely know what is actually good for us. Everything touches everything else!
Butterfly effect! ;) or Karma...
Haha! That silly little butterfly gland..
Hahahh :)
Some of what you speak of really reminds me of my health a while back. That's pretty much exactly where I was, plus some issues that seemed like borderline diabetes. Some lifestyle changes (diet, etc.) really helped with those things, but sadly, I have some issues that are still essentially debilitating.
Really, if I had the money to set up my environment and nutrition however I needed them to be, I probably could get a whole lot better than I am (perhaps even almost fully well!), but in poverty, you've got very few cards in your hand. Organic foods are expensive, and if your neighborhood is dangerous, you can't just go out for a stroll if you need to. We can hardly even afford the supplements I need.
So I have plenty of hope, and I really believe a lot of things can be cured, but in my case, we need a major miracle to make it happen. Pretty much an ongoing miracle. But then we've been living on miracles for the last 10 years, so... it's not like it's unrealistic to hope. God doesn't run out of miracles, so we have no reason to run out of hope.
Keep that hope, friend! I really do understand--having health issues is such a spiralling thing. The lack of ability to make money to get what you need is a real thing most people don't understand. It is very easy to be stuck. Just do the very best you can.
Any way you could find a way to get tested for this?
Hoping for a miracle for you.. I've often felt just the same way! I really am with you on this one. xx
I only have access to "poor person health care" ... which means basically, unless what you have is the flu or a common cold, good luck getting answers. (At least where I live.)
Gotcha. Sigh. That is so hard.
I like what St. Therese said: If it's impossible, then it's no longer difficult. (You just give it to God.) ^_^
haha. super cute :).
Positive vibes and nothing less to you friend! 🙌🏻💜🙌🏻
I love the encouragement culture here! Hope you're having a good day, dear! xx
You too lil songbird :)
Upvoted ! (post hardfork:) Keep creating :) You're very talented.
haha! The hard fork is craaaaazy. Thank you so much! xx
So sorry to hear about your health condition. I won't call it a problem, because you seem to have the heart of a lion and the soft voice of an angel. I sincerely wish you a fast recovery so you can take back your life and enjoy it to the max. In such trying times, we realize the value of our health; it's worth all the money in the world. I send you many hugs and kisses (you're beautiful after all 😉).
haha. Thank you for all of your kind words. I like being told I have the heart of a lion. It's true--we realize the value of everything in a different way when we can't take it all for granted. I'm excited to have a chance to "take back my life" now--it really feels that way.
very touching story.wish you all the best and a quick recovery..xxx
Kay, I had no idea you were ill. As a sufferer of another autoimmune disease (Ankylosing Spondylitis), I can empathize with your struggles. hang in there and know we have you in our hearts and minds! I'll do my best to try to get your work to a wider audience!