There are 14 pages

yes ofcourse, EOS is a competition of steem , because EOS is making a platform and apps that are like karma which is competition of steemit, dtube and also making is a competition of twitter.

Looking at the concept i feel EOS is not the competitor of steem and while the project is also different so it cannot be the competitor as steem is more better than EOS because steem has given the platform where everyone can get a chance to build their reputation and earn money.

yes eos will be the future

Who receives the Steem new account creation fee?

New account creation requires paying some STEEM; does this go to a witness, or to the reward pool, or is it just destroyed?

As of HF19, the new account creation fee is powered up into the newly created account.

I was scammed a couple of years ago into sending my CS:GO skins to an account without ever receiving a payment. Now, at the time I thought I was well versed in the art of the scam, and would never fall for something like that, but this was something new that I hadn't seen before.

The scammer contacted me on Steam, and asked if I wanted to sell my skins. I was weary at first because it sounded like an obvious scam, but I delayed him for a day and he stayed with me, no matter how much I tried to lengthen the time. Most scammers leave after a couple minutes if you mess with them, but this dude stayed up nearly 24h with me. He had good english, something that's rare amongst CS:GO scammers since most are Russian. And the guy offered to go first, sending me money over PayPal before I sent him the skins. But instead of the money, he sent one of those requests where he has 21 days to cancel the transaction before I received anything. I didn't know that was a thing, since it was apparently a near feature and hadn't gone popular in the world of scamming yet. He sent me a request that showed +$120 USD in my PayPal, with my PayPal balance still at 0. I sent him the skins, because I thought it was real, and he blocked me. 18 days later he canceled that transaction. PayPal refuses to help with these cases in getting the other party the money because they claim the credit card linked to the account that he sent me the money from could be stolen.

All in all, don't send any items, whether they be physical or not, to someone unless you have received the money and see your PayPal balance at the number it was before + the new money. If it doesn't show the new money, don't agree to the transaction.

I have been scammed many times in online field and then i have understand online fields properly. I have the list of scam sites where you can stay away from such sites.


  1. ZEDEX:- Zedex is the cryptocurrency platform was made for payment system and it give me withdraw until i gave them customers and then never paid with my ROI i have still 25000$ in my zedex account and such a big amount still i cannot withdraw.

  2. Magic Bitcoin:- Magic bitcoin is also a cryptocurrency from India and they where also for the purpose for payment and recharge gateway and i have 2500 MBTC coins in my wallet and still after 2 years also i am unable to withdraw my coins.

3)ESKYWAY:- This was the website for medical data feeling operation and i invested 7000 INR in such site and i have worked hard for them for data feeling and they have closed their office and run away so i have been scammed at offline and online both in this site.

4)LCC:- Lcc is for the product based company for buying and selling of products where they scammed me with 2000$ and this is also my worst experience as they have scammed my hard worked money. The owner Manish kasana is now arrested in Delhi jail but nothing has come after return of our money.

15 years ago a dude in Lumbridge told that if i give him my full rune, he can trim it to gold. He was level 97 and i was 15, so of course i trusted him :D

Learned lesson was that noobs are stupid. In the same year, santa hats were dropped. I used the knowledge and went to lummy to buy santa hats from noobs for 10k. I think i managed to buy about 20 of them :D

What is the Utility of Kyber Network Coin?

Kyber Network has its own token which is KNC or Kyber Network Coin. What is its utility? What gives this token value?

To understand what Kyber Network coin is first you have to know what is Kyber Network. If you have ever exchanged steem for fiat money or other cryptos then you know how escrow works.. Kyber Network is a similar thing but is based on ethereum. To be more exact it is based on EBP- Ethereum Based Protocol.

There are some features that differentiates kyber from all other exchange networks. It has a instantaneous exchange system and fast, high conversion rate.

How it works is suppose, you owe your brother 50 steem.. Today he asked you to repay him.. But you only have bitcoin while he wants it in steem. So you use KN to settle the transaction and ask it to convert 50 steem worth bitcoin into steem. Now KN first checks if you have added enough bitcoin to convert including fees. If it matches what your brother asked for KN will convert and send the steem to your brother.. But it completes the whole process in a few seconds.

Now KNC-Kyber Network Crystal token or Kyber network coin is a ERC-20 based token and it is charged as a transaction fee. It is gathered into the reserved pool and used for covering operational costs.. Or it is rewarded to third parties who bring transaction volume to the network..

the Kyber Network ecosystem subsists of many stakeholders that wish to use the network. These stake holders can be broken down into 3 areas; supply side stakeholders, demand side stakeholders and independent stakeholders.

Demand-side Stakeholders

End users

Wallet providers

Decentralised applications integrating the Kyber Network Exchange

Supply-side Stakeholders:

Reserve Managers

Reserve Contributors

Projects with ERC20 tokens wishing to be listed

Independent Stakeholders

Token holders

Kyber Network development team

litecoin is the 1st successful clone of bitcoin with a shorter 1/4 block production time window, and 4x the number max coins (10min/4 = 2.5min, and 4 x 21 million = 84 million), and many variants and improvement later a smaller hash cost.

In summary, because litecoin is successful bitcoin clone (instead of a btc hardfork), it has became the preferred test ground on new updates to the bitcoin family, for example lets say there is a rapid growth of transaction (say it goes 10x for ltc and btc) and litecoin may be force to hf and upgrade it's blocksize to say 2Mb and when successfully done so, perhaps bitcoin will follow later.

honestly @littleboy i though you were a crypto expert by now, i think you're just asking to test out @musing ya?

Bitcoin is the virtual currency used for payments. Bitcoin is also called crypto currency which is a digital payment tool. while Litecoin is a crypto currency created in 2011 using open software (Open-Source Software) under the MIT / X11 license. Mining can be done using a GPU graphics card with a Scrypt-based PoW (Proof-of-Work) algorithm. Meanwhile, according to's official website, Litecoin is the P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Internet currency that allows instant payment payments close to zero to anyone in the world.

Litecoin is Open-Source (open for general development), and is a fully decentralized global pay network without central authority. Compelling mathematical algorithms secure networks and empower individuals to control their own finances. Litecoin has faster transaction confirmation times and better storage efficiencies than other leading cryptographic currencies. With substantial industry support, trading volume and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven commercial medium with Bitcoin.

There are lots of visible differences between litecoin and bitcoin..Litecoin was created by Charles Lee in an attempt to create an improved crypto that is similar to bitcoin in essence but without all the excessive bits . Some comprehensive differences between Litcoin and bitcoin are as follows.( I am using data from

Algortihm- Bitcoin uses a SHA-256 which has great capabilities of parallel processing. Litecoin uses an algorithm named SCRYPT which has similar patterns to SHA-256 but hash processing are more serialised.

Transaction Time- Litecoin is more faster than bitcoin which allows litcoin to handle more blocks in the same amount of time bitcoin needs.

Coin limit- Bitcoins limit is 21 milliin where litecoin has a limit of 84 million.

Block time- Litecoin takes 2.5 minutes to confirm a block where Bitcoin needs 10 minutes.

Market cap- Bitcoins marketcap is over 10 billion USD where litecoins cap is more than 540 million.

Block reward details- Bitcoins are halved around 0.21 million blocks and litecoins has a halve ration of 0.84 million blocks..

There are plenty other differences between them but these are more notable.. If you want to invest or anything don't take ideas from this answer.. Do a more in-depth analysis..

One of the main differences is Litecoin has a shorter average block time of about 2.5 minutes, while Bitcoin's average block time is 10 minutes. This essentially means that transactions are sent on average every 2.5 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. Blocks, when mined, contain some of that currency to pay the miners, and that's how the crypto is mined.

Litecoin also uses the scrypt algorithm, as opposed to Bitcoin using SHA-256. Bitcoin is more suited for ASIC mining, while scrypt is generally very memory intensive, and normally better suited for GPU mining.

Why is Steem price going down?

Why is Steem price going down (July, 2018)?

You can find this blog to hopefully explain what is going on-

There are many whales right now powering down, including @ned, the Steemit founder and CEO. As of 4 months ago, there was about $8m SP being actively powered down, and $6m SP being powered up. This imbalance in Steem being taken out of the system and Steem being put in ends with about 2m SP more then there were before the power ups and downs.

Now, for people to suddenly power down everything, there had to be a price drop or some sort of bad news, leading many whales to attempt to jump ship ASAP. As soon as some people try to sell off massive amounts of Steem, the Steem price will drop to compensate. But with the Steem price so low, you get paid a lot less then if the Steem price was high, so you might need to power down some SP to pay the bills. But when people power down, they introduce much more Steem into the system to sell of to pay their bills. And we're back where we started. It's a long loop of getting scared and selling off Steem, and can only stop with some good news or all of the people wanting to powering down finishing.

Price is going down as I am interested in buying at lower price, so market is doing me a favor. You can take the advantage too.

How to calculate vests to Steem Power?

How to covert vests to Steem power? Are there any good web apps that will provides a GUI for that?

I'm surprised you haven't found this nifty tool yet.

There are hundreds of tools out there about steem. It is hard to filter them.

I know 1 steem= aproximativ 2000 vest right now and almost all time is this rate
u can go to the link and get whatever you want,

Any recommendations for a mobile game (Android) that fit a commute on a train?

Ideal characteristics:

  • Offline (though okay if needs intermittent access to internet say to start a new level etc)
  • One-handed play (in case the train is crowded)
  • Fun (goes without saying...)

Based on your conditions which is similar to mine meaning i also choose games based on the conditions you described, I can suggest you atleast hundred games.. But that would be unnecessary and over the top.. So ill instead give you my top 10 favorite ones

  1. Alto's adventure.
    2.The room(trilogy)
  2. Badland
  3. infinite loop
  4. Dan the man
    6.Monument valley
  5. Thomas was alone.
  6. The cave.
  7. Monument valley 2.
    10.Leos fortune.

There are too many other games which I could give you as honorable mentions. But this ten should set you up for months I hope.. if you like any of them you are welcome😊😊

I'll check these out, thanks!

I'd advise against playing games in your free time since you can use it for much better stuff..

But if you must, why not play games and learn things at the same time? Khan Academy, Duolingo, Memrise, Codecademy are all "gaming apps" that gamify the learning experience. Plus they come in bite-sized 3-5 minute modules so it' perfect for the commute.

Maybe, but work is hard enough as it is in terms of learning, and I'd rather do lighter activities in that case. That said, I have done Duolingo and agree that it's great.

sure thing!

Well sorry i can't help you in that case..

This is hard to answer, but to have a universal basic income the money needs to come from somewhere. The idea with governments starting a ubi would be plausible because they collect taxes from their citizens, which they can use to pay the citizens a livable wage. With the blockchain, where would the money come from? If you were to create something like this with blockchain technology, it would have to be constantly funded and powered by investments into the coin itself, with the price of the coin rising with more buyers but dropping much more because of all the people who received free rewards for existing. In theory, it could be possible, but it would require so much money to come from somewhere, without the program being able to make any money other than selling the coin.

As far as I know, clinics dont have patient beds or room to house patients overnight.

If it's a place you go in and out and be done without being there overnight, that's a clinic. Need to stay there for the night, that's a hospital.

I've seen some large clinic with beds and rooms though, But i think its a naming convention error.

There is a big difference between hospital and clinic.

1)Small rooms
2)Less patient
3)No emergency Case

  1. No beds
    5)No patient room
  2. Less fees
  3. Small medical problems are covered
  4. one doctor only
  5. No operation done


  1. Large rooms
  2. More patient
  3. Emergency cases only
  4. Rooms with bed to leave at light
  5. Has patient room to cure his health
  6. More charges according to problem
    7)Major cases like accident, diseases , and heart problems are covered
    8)More doctors are available for treatment
    9)Operation theater are available in case of emergency

The hospital is a professional health care institution whose services are provided by doctors, nurses, and other health professionals.
Duties as well as functions of the hospital, namely:
Carry out medical services, medical support services,
Carry out additional medical services, additional medical support services,
Implementing the medical services of the judiciary,
Carry out specialized medical services,
Carry out health referral services,
Carry out dental services,
Implement social medical services,
Conducting health education services,
Carry out emergency and outpatient and outpatient services (observation),
Implement inpatient services,
Carry out administrative services,
Conducting medical education,
Helping general medical education,
Helping specialist medical education,
Helping health research and development,
Assisting epidemiological investigation activities,
These tasks and functions relate to classes and types of hospitals in Indonesia consisting of public hospitals and special hospitals, classes a, b, c, d. in the form of bodies and as regional technical implementing units. hospital class changes may occur in connection with the decline in hospital performance set by the health minister while CLINIC

  1. of the hospital or health institution in which the patient is treated and obtains medical advice and the place of medical students to observe the case of the illness suffered by the patients;
  2. special treatment centers: - family planning; - lung disease;
  3. health organizations engaged in the provision of curative health services (diagnosis and treatment), usually to one type of health disorder

Not all of you know the difference between hospitals and clinics. This is also not surprising given that both agencies do have a list of equations and, of course, differences. Differences in medical actions that can be done by hospitals and clinics.
Speed ​​in taking a decision, the hospital can make quick decisions, especially if the decision is related to the emergency or dead condition of a patient. While in the clinic, they need time or several tests to ascertain what circumstances or follow up actions to the patient. For example, an accident victim who needs serious medical follow-up, such as surgery or even amputations, will be directly treated at the hospital. The same is not true in the clinic given the availability and limitations of medical personnel and facilities. When the patient is allowed to go, the hospital really makes sure the patient's condition is fully recovered and able to go home, and asks the patient to check on the situation. While at the clinic, you can go home immediately after checking the doctor's problem and go back for further examination. Clinics are actually more of a check and basic treatment, while hospitals cover basic to complex care. Who is responsible, the hospital is usually established by an institution, can be government or private, and has its own system and its own set of rules. The clinic is established by a physician and or an association in which they themselves determine the policy at the clinic.

What is your favorite obscure indie title? and what is so special about it?

it should be relatively unknown but more importantly it must be an indie title

Pi(1998), directed by Darren Aronofsky, would be my pick. I hated the movie in my first watch but that was the time when my watchlist was rather slim and I wasn't wise enough to truly grasp the subject matter. After many years of movies experience I gave it a rewatch and I was truly amazed how with such a low budget Aronofsky was able to give an intense, bizarre and somewhat horrifying experience to moviegoers .


The special thing about the movie is really it's bizarreness. A genius' quest to find a pattern in "pi" and hence unlock a code to Wall Street that begins to transform into an adventure that could answer the biggest questions of Human Existence and GOD plus atypical cinematography that revolves around a man sickened of genius are truly the spirit of the movie.

looks like most people are choosing movies, I have not watched any indie movie that I know of (that I know that it is indie), My favorite obscure indie title would be a video game called Stories the path of destinies. it is a good game and I am currently replaying it to make a review on it. It would be a pleasure if you check it out.

Never heard of it, sounds interesting though. I'll give it a go after reading your review on it. Be sure to post the link in reply. Thank you.

anyway the film really sounds interesting.

Coincidentaly I wrote and posted some reviews about my favourite indie flicks. One of them was "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind". My indie watchlist isn't that rich. I have watched at most 20 some indie movies. Maybe that's why this one carved a line somewhere in me.

When you first see its poster you will think this must be another of Jim Carreys comedy ones. But you will think otherwise if you just watch the first 2-3 minutes. If you havnt watched it yet anthing related to the movie I say will spoil it for you..So if haven't allready just watch it and I can promise it wouldn't be a waste your time.

Thanks for suggesting that indie flick, however i was envisioning video games. That goes too, I just did not think of any other indie titles except for video games

How many unique visitors visit musing everyday?

How many unique visitors visit musing everyday? What is the average for the last few days?

@musing got an answer for this?

How do you promote new applications that you feel add value to the blockchain?

I make it a point to discuss new use cases and applications that I feel add value to the blockchain as a way to expand the user base and help grow the STEEM ecosystem as a whole. Once we see the new developments like Communities, SMTs, and Oracles roll out, I believe that most of these applications will be much more user friendly and less dependent on stake weight of the users for rewards distribution. My question is if and how you are currently promoting the platforms, such as DLive,, Dtube, and Dsound or any of the others to bring new users onto the STEEM blockchain, and if you are not currently doing that, do you plan to once the new updates coming with SMTs get released?

What I've been doing lately is the following. I've revived my usage of Twitter and I've began to share articles (mine and from other authors) on there using the tag #mysteem

The idea is to not shill Steemit as many do, but to show articles, videos, music, etc that is hosted on our Steem blockchain. In other words, show the car running, not talk about how the car can do 0-60 in 3 seconds.

I'm calling it a soft promotion, because it's mean to spark curiosity while at the same time not engaging in the typical overpromise/under deliver behaviors I think are toxic to the crypto ecosystem.

The best way to promote new platforms is to use them, show there is a community that actively uses it, and share it with friends. Not shill, share. Byteball could be much more popular and well liked if it didn't have such an aggressive referral system. Share cool articles you like on Steemit, show people the benefits of using it when it is appropriate. The difference between sharing and shilling. Don't bring up these platforms randomly to get more people to use it, but show why it should have value. The more people see how useful it is, the more they will be inclined to use it, benefiting everyone. Advertise it like many advertise Byteball, getting your post about it to the front page and commenting your referral link on every post and you will slowly cause people to never want to interact with the platform, no matter how great it is.

Do Musing have plans for a SMT?

Do anyone know if @musing has plans to create an SMT once this is available?

I asked that specific Question to the developer jonching on discord. Here's what he said:

and yeah we'll have an smt

He is the core developer. So, yeah Musing will have an SMT Token in future.

Awesome, thanks for letting me know!

Musing team has been active and they must have considered SMTs when developing i think they would have preferred SMTs over current system as it limits them in multiple ways. i really hope so they are eagerly waiting for SMTs as it will have a huge impact on content based sites.

Yeah, an SMT would be a good fir for Musing ;)

How many dapps are based on Steem?

How many dapps are based on Steem?
i have used some ,like dtube, ....
Can you list others like this:


Thank you very much.

I guess what you mean is how many apps are under steem blockchain,well there is a website

called,what this website does is that it helps you to find all the apps/projects

that are under the steem blockchain and you can

discover new apps that are built on steem,and there are manu options you can choose from

which even makes steem blockhain to be an interesting blockchain...

Steem Projects states as follows,

Steem Projects is a directory of 392 apps, sites and tools build by Steem community.

Every month, a new dapp is being developed and released. I exactly don't know the exact numbers but Steem Projects - tries to compile all of it.

There are alot of apps that are built for the steem

blockchain and some of these apps can be used

to be earning steady income while some can be

used to make you steemit experience to become easier as a steemian,so that is why it is good to use some of these apps to enjoy their

benefits, is another good platform you can use if you can review good apps..

They have a blog explaining this choice here:

Here's what I think are good reasons for doing so:

  1. Brand Awareness. Think about the state before the airdrop was announced. Barely anyone knew about it. Now people are sick of it. In this respect the airdrop was a wild success. Steem has quite a large amount of users and engagement, and is a logical choice for this purpose.

  2. Ease of integration. Via steem connect you saw how seamless it was to attest that you own the corresponding steem account.

  3. General Adoption strategy. This is related to (1), but cryptocurrencies need adoption to succeed. They know already that most people will choose to cash out immediately. But we see a clever use of a smart contract that locks your funds for a year which is to say that if byteball becomes successful, it will still have users in a year that may make the choice to stay instead of cash out (seriously you all, back up your wallets redundantly, please).

Byteball didn't have mining nor an ICO. Byteball team premined the entire supply and decided to airdrop them to Bitcoin holders and also to some other communities.

But they still have about 35% that isn't distributed yet. So, they want to airdrop it in a way that brings value to their coin but also has a fair distribution to ensure decentralization. That's why they decided to airdrop to steem users.

Byteball's team member @punctured recently hinted in a reply to me about that:

All investors in Byteball are aware of the undistributed funds, and that all of it is to be distributed for free. I am sure that when the dust settles, this Steem campaign will have proven to be far more valuable than the initial airdrops to BTC holders. We have already seen impressive amount of content being created and people engaging on Byteball communities. Needless to say, some of the exploits caught the attention of developer communities like and Utopian. Having developers become aware of a platform allowing anyone to build on top of it really isnt all that bad.

I believe that byteball is a good cryptocurrency s

ame way steem is also a very good cryptocurrency,i feel they decided to create the special airdrop for steemians because they

respect the steem community,they see a great future in the steem blockchain and they would really love to be involved with the steem

community and also use that as a way of promoting their crypto,well i have not benefited

from the airdrop because i am a new member but i love the fact that many people have benefited from the airdrop,some people even earned as much as 120$ worth of byteballs and that is a good news i must say...

i dont know really but i get messages from different persons that have you collected free 30 dollar coins and i dont know its real or fake.

if you give hair to some organisation , then you have some proof that you have donated hairs and if someone take your hair and do crime, then at the time of criminal activity , you were not there obviously so you can prove that you were not there .

Top ten movies that are tranding now and which movie can you watch over and over without getting tired?

This is just to know movies I need to watch and I don't wanna keep searching when I have the wonderful musing community

There are various movies in Hindi as well as in English which are trending now .
The movie I watch several times without being tired is any man the wasp,Sanju,race3,incredible 2 and many more are there in trending but the above mention movies are the best movies which are trending and we watch ove4 and over without getting tired.

Ant-Man the wasp is a nice movie which has a great story in which Ant-Man story continues from American civil war.

I can watch The Shawshank Redemption a million times without getting bored. Same with the Lord of the Rings movies.

Wow that's an interesting one... If it's at this particular juncture, I would still choose stocks as the less risky, proven choice. Crypto is tempting because it is early and there is so much potential there. However.... I'm pretty risk averse, and:

It is easier to diversify within stocks vs crypto, at least right now.

There is more regulation for stocks, which means you don't have to hedge against possible exit scams as much.

The laws or ownership structure ties you to partial ownership of the company. This point is slightly less on my mind because I've heard even in this scenario, if a company goes down small stockholders are probably the last to see any penny of what's left.

stocks.. definitely stocks. i never believed in "crypto investment" because the 2 words don't make sense together. There is nothing to invest in crypto unless you put your money in projects, not the tokens themselves.

It is always wise to keep in mind that crypto is defintely in a bubble because the speculation money, what i call "stupid money" does not coincide with the reception and user adoption to it. 90% of the "crypto" people only know that crypto might make them money so they jumped on the bandwagon.

I literally saw someone go from calling himself "forex guru" to "crypto expert" within a year as bitcoin rose to 10k figures a year back, all while i sat on the sidelines and wonder how the heck does a charlaton like him gets so much love (and money to boot).

Stocks, definitely stocks, even though as today's climate there's nowhere im putting money there because as we all know, a crash is imminent.

Hey, but i only got 2 choices right?

Wow this question is lovely and thought provoking,if i am giving only two options to pick

from which is stocks or crypto,i will excitedly invest

my money on cryptocurrency market because it is more profitable in my own opinion and it gives

me an opprtunity as an investor to determine if i want to invest on a short term basis,middle term

basis or a long term basis,the benefit of this is that it will make me to be able to plan ahead and know

how i want to to enter the market and when i should be expecting the profits on my investment

or i should know what type of profits i should expect on the investment..

I would go with the crypto I I have excess money and if not I would go with the stocks.

Cryptomarket is highly volatile and we could be on the roads in seconds while the stocks are not that volatile.

Moreover my country is yet to legalize crypto and I couldn't invest my savings because what if my country announces illegal!

The returns in crypto would be super high and super fast sometimes.

Finally the whole depends on the type of money I have 'Savings' or 'excess'. Excess here indicates that the loss doesn't turn my life.

Not so because the indication of 50K usd will be more and if we talk about bitcoin future price prediction according to me i think the price can maximum reach 25000$ in 2018 end . If we get some rules of ETF approval then we might experience a massive bull and it can cross even 50k usd very very easy if ETF is approved

I do not believe bitcoin will hit that high of a mark this year. There is just not a lot of hype or exciting news to really pump the price. I believe in 2020 when the next bitcoin halving occurs we will see the price rise a lot do to that.

Is there a way to hear your own pitch when performing while mic'd?

Asking for a friend, but recently while performing live in a small pit orchestra there are many times where she cannot hear the pitch from her instrument due to effects from echoing from the amplified sounds. I was wondering if there was a simple device that could allow her to hear the pitch from her cello directly to be able to get immediate feedback?

I suspect this question isn't specific to cello also.

Steemit Inc. haven't given an estimated date for release yet, so no one really knows at this point. They have been working on it for over a year now, so hopefully it will be soon.

Java is a computer programming language that can run on multiple platforms, from PC to smartphones and mobile devices. This programming language was developed by Sun Microsystem's The Green Project in 1991. And up to now, Java has become one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world, and the most widely used programming languages.

The popularity of Java as one of the best programming languages ​​does not appear for no reason, but because of the advantages of Java itself, for example as it can run on various platforms, more easily understood, and has a complete library that will greatly facilitate the programmers when operating.

The Java name itself was chosen because one of Java's originator, James Gosling, was very fond of pure coffee that was directly milled from a coffee grinder, where it came from Java, Indonesia. And the island of Java (Java) which eventually became the name of one of the best and most popular programming languages ​​in the world.

If you're just starting out, with no previous programming experience, I would recommend learning python. It is a very popular programming language which has a lot of applications in technologies such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

If you have a little experience with Object Oriented Programming, then you can learn C and C++. C++ is a powerful language and a lot can be achieved with it. But it is not usually recommended for a beginner who is just starting out. You can achieve almost anything with the concepts of classes and pointers.

If are an intermediate programmer with experience in C++ or python, check out Java. Java is an object oriented language which is always among the top five programming languages. You can easily create window based applications with Java using libraries such as JavaFX or Swing.

If you're into blockchain development, do check out Solidity. It is a contract based programming language based on Javascript. Solidity is one among the most popular programming languages for developing blockchain based apps.

We can't actually answer the question of which programming language is the best. The only answer we can find is which one is the one you love most and find fun to work with. Only then can you really learn without feeling daunted.

To start learning, C++. It provides many of the basics that you need for other languages.

Now, best languages to code in would depend on what you're doing. Building a game that you want to be cross-platform? Java works well for that. Want to make a website? A mix of HTML and JavaScript will do nicely.

Java and Html

PHP The language of this one program is usually used to create professional websites. Even classmates Facebook, WordPress, and Digg-reportedly use PHP in its development. In addition to being able to make the website become dynamic, PHP can also be used for free, so that's what makes the computer program language this one is widely used by developers in the world. And keep in mind that PHP was first developed by Rasmus Lerdrorf.

Fruit lovers must be familiar with this type of fruit, has a soft skin and purplish red, and fruit flesh with small seeds. Dragon fruit is not originally from Indonesia, but from South America. It's just that over time, finally the fruit cultivation of this one is then able to penetrate into Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. This round, oval-shaped fruit like this egg can usually be found in tropical and subtropical areas, just like other fruits, the dragon fruit is also one of the exotic fruits that offer so many amazing benefits for hair, for the skin and even for our health you know! Helpful To Moisturize The Skin

For the dry skin, you should get used to eating dragon fruit, because the dragon fruit does have a very high water content, compared to other fruit. So with the high water content in this fruit is able to provide hydration to our skin, especially for those who have dry skin and face. The trick is enough to add this sweet dragon fruit into the daily diet, and this fruit can keep our skin moist.

and Consumption of Dragon Fruits Can Be Healthy Hair

Hair becomes the crown of women, but men also feel more confident with healthy hair. Know that dragon fruits (especially those with red meat) contain more antioxidants and enzymes that can make our hair much smoother and healthier. So, if we have less healthy hair and not sparkle, then can fix it by consuming dragon fruit on a regular basis. Can be juiced every day, or also using dragon fruit all over the hair and scalp should apply a regular hair mask. Then let stand for at least 20 minutes before rinsed with plain water, then after that we can wash hair by using shampoo as usual. This treatment can be done once a week in order to provide additional nutritional intake for hair.

The fear of failure and competition leads athletes to take supplements to enhance their skills and to get stronger.

There is a common belief that if they take steroids or supplements, they will perform better in their tasks.

They are usually guided by their medical practitioner to take drugs which will make them improve their skills on the field. Statistics and performance charts are compared with high performing athletes and then they are addressed drugs to make their body stronger and agile as similar to the high performing athletes.

Fear plays an important part and also peer pressure, wherein even naturally able athletes are mentally brainwashed to take steroids in order to perform better in a faster way.

It is incorrect and should not be entertained as steroids not only effects their physical body in the long run, but also depletes the competition as the athletes taking steroids become superior to the other players in an unfair way.

because steroids give you boost and sleepness energy , steroids give you result that take years to get.

Steroids are like a strength enhancer than makes someone to become stronger and also build muscles,i think some steroids are not allowed in

sport and anybody caught using them are usually penalized,i think steroids are just like many other

drugs that work but do have very risky side effects,many steroids do hage dangerous side effects though the side effects might be more

dangerous or less dangerous depending on each individual immune system,but i do not consider steroids as a good drugs to be using...

Why can't I answer my own questions?

As a popular niche writer on quora, I enjoy their encouraged practice of asking a question and then answering it myself. It gets people thinking a writing. I could do this when I started it seems I can't. What's up with that?

Then what would be the point? If you ask and answer on your own then why ask in the first place? It would be like selling something to ones self. It would compromise the whole purpose of why musing was created.

Musing had an option like this not so long ago... Many spammers abused it. You know the only reason behind self answering would be to get upvotes. I will not take names but many users who self answered are still here. They had the quality of writing good and valuable answers and in the process they would have helped others.. But the only thing they chose was asking questions and answered on their own. They even just copy pasted the whole thing from quora or wikihow. But that option don't exist anymore. Musing moderators removed it.

My advice to those spammers if you are reading this would be, just try to write helpful aanswerss and add value to our community. Help us grow and grow with us. If you cant there are plenty other spamming options online. Leave and don't use the valuable space here that could be useful to others.

As I said in my question..this is a practice that is actually promoted on quora. It gets people writing and putting up their own opinions. I see now why it is not good now here and why I end up writing on quora quite a bit more at this point. I wrote because I like to write.

It's too bad the spammers and greedy ones here are ruining it. I am sure that it will continue to get better as we go. Thanks for your answer.

First thing i hear about it ... is that really so ? That's pretty sad, i had a few ready, yes i like to add my own opinion too, if not simply to give something to reflect too. I mean you ask for peoples opinion it doesnt mean you dont have one yourself.
All in the name of teh spamz huh ?

sad ... its like letting terrorists win and give in to their demands, im sorry to hear that ...

so there's little point in trying to start a discussion then ? only to ask questions you can't find on google ?

im really sorry to hear that


Yep, me too. There are lots of questions that I have asked on quora and then posted my answer after many others have answered. And there are instances where I posted it right away and then many others answered. It works and the only reason it doesn't here is that there is $ involved and bots....and blocking someone on quora is a complete blockage. I suppose this makes a difference as well.

I don't know exactly how old musing is but if steem isnt three years yet (if i read correctly then its gonna be pretty young too) the problem with systems is that the moment it becomes a system you have a rule-SET (set ruleset lol) which means there's bound to be openings, no matter what kind of construct you try, it will always be virtually impossible to avoid any and all kinds of abuse , you can elaborate in the comment section though , i see, when you post a question. But i think there's a psychological factor that counts here too, the difference between one and zero, i think people would be bound to flock to the streams with more answers so 1 is already a lot more than zero there, IF it piques the intrest

its becoming a bit hard to follow at the moment ... all the replies , if i post an answer to my blog then i get the reply there too but if i dont i have to come check on musing wether i did or not.

And this is only the beginning right, with the #steemstem U.I. up and coming (im sure im gonna use that, its one of my fields of fascination, ive been complaining for years there's no one here to ask those questions too and now they're here, in my living room hahah)

im trying to work (line by line) on my own personal info parser , if its one the same blockchain with the same handle it should be possible to get all posts and related linked comments and replies from any U.I into one feed i suppose but

i'm not really a software engineer and mostly made of chaos

so that might take some time :p

i also urgently need a whaltevote i can split into 100 votes a day lol ... or talk less ... hmz ... i doubt that's going to happen

Because if you have a question, you dont know the answer of it , so if you cant have an answer thatswhy you ask other to give you the clarity about it.

I believe that someone should have a good reason for asking a question and they should wait

for people that have the answers to the question to give a good answer to the question they have asked,it does not make a good sense to answer a question which you asked because if the person

knows the answer to the question then why did they now ask the question in the first place,?so i think it is good not to allow people answer their own questions...

No, Delegated Steem Power are Steem Power that does not belong to you whose effect are applied to you. So while you do vote with the vesting of the extra Steem Power, only the the original owner of the Steem Power can do anything to it. Either add more delegated SP or withdraw them back to their own account.

No! If you look closely at your wallet, Delegated Steem Power is separated from your Natural Steem Power with a parenthesis. What these means is that while you are enjoying the benefits of the added Steem Power (increase on upvote worth and bandwidth increase), it still is technically "not yours", thus it's not counted when power down.

No.Power down is only youre steempower without delegated steem

What are they looking for in a relationship?
It is one of the complex problems and there are no easy answers, but it must be remembered that even though the circulating period and the world around us change, we can actually assume what men or women might seek in a relationship.
The principle of beginning to foster a relationship is interest, love and love affection without expectation of reward.

The man deep in the corner of the heart to desire a girlfriend or friend of women who can be trusted, faithful and may share personal things. Men are also looking for women who have a balance between the nature of being a woman who is feminine and in the same time firm and strong.

They like women who are gentle, compassionate, mature, merciful and at the same time steadfast, self-assertive and wise.

A firm friend and a supporter. The man will look for the mother and mother possible for his children. Men also women may be made friends boast and share humor. Clever jokes and able to communicate with very important characteristics. Men like women who can support them instead of furniture, which are firm but not suffering or angry. vice versa with women

Friends who say it,A man likes a woman who can stimulate and challenge a minda, not just to surrender to fate in continuing the relationship. Commitment, intimacy and long-term relationships are also important to them. Men also like relationships that prioritize respectful elements of respect and understanding that bring benefits to both parties. In fact men actually attract friends in all their relationships, just as women would also want the same thing as a man .

  • Each of them looking for trust

trust is the first thing required in a relationship. Whether it's a long-distance relationship or for those who are married and live in a house. Trust is a strong foundation that must exist in a relationship.

  • Sense of security
    for a woman of course with a companion would expect a sense of security. No exception for independent women. Included also for men. Safety at home and outdoors.

  • Comfortable
    maybe this is the first thing you feel when making sure you have a relationship. But it is also the thing that every time we need in a relationship. Even to death separate. Without a sense of comfort will not run a relationship even though new corn or aging is long.

  • Communication
    not just for couples who go through. long distance relationship but for those who are also one house or already married. It's not just how good communication is needed, but also the attitude of communicating in this, we know when it's time to talk and we know when it's quiet and listening.

Relationship is basically supporting each other. Every individual is different from one another and they have different need. But on can simply it by saying most men look for moral support and encouragement from their partners while women look for care and affection..

This is just generalisation.. but when it comes to real deal there are many factors that comes in play.

Trust and Honesty
and many other things
But perhaps the most important thing is future..

Where do you wanna take the relationship?
You can't stay at same place because with each passing moment you are changing and your partner is too so, things and dynamics between you and your partner will change and by future mean how to do you want to handle the changes and whether it means the same to your partner.

PS: sorry if I confused you even more. :-)

A man cannot and does not like to guess the feelings or thoughts of his partner. Better, talk what it is.

Therefore, smooth communication becomes an important factor. Without it, undergo a relationship as if building a sand castle. Not sturdy, too easy to collapse.

Generally, men also need to be given freedom. Because life is not about love only. Take time for friends, hobbies and other activities. Men also want the same thing for their partner.

It can be concluded, men actually need to be accompanied by someone who makes them comfortable. Full of warmth and understanding. A female figure whose existence can make a feeling of confusion free from chaos

Many things, depending on the type of relationship

In relationship we have to look after many things because it will decide our life and we cannot get another life partner after our marriage and this may happen after divorce.

My thoughts are different because in relationship person should not look whether she or he is beautiful or handsome but look after his or her nature and how he or she is reacting with other people.

As i am boy i will use word she to express i am in relationship as i will look whether she is having sympathy for other. I will be looking whether she is angry in talking with someone. Because some girls are angry in front of boys without understanding their nature and just they are simply getting in problems.

I will look out the maturity or girl whether she is happy in her life or simply dealing with small things or she is mature enough to be in a relationship.

Who's easily said that undergoing a relationship it's easy. Of course each person will say that the relationship is not easy. Many stories, hurdles, even bad memories good memories happened and has passed. Each relationship has a story each.

Then, what the heck is in fact looking for in a relationship?

each of them looking for the trust the trust is the first thing needed in a relationship. Well that's undergoing the long-distance relationship or for those who are married and live in a home. Trust is the foundation that must exist in a relationship.

a sense of security
For a woman naturally with a companion certainly expect a sense of security. No exception for women who are independent. Including for. men. A sense of security when at home and when outside the home.

This might be something comfortable on taste first time ensure underwent a relationship. But this is also the case that any time we need in a relationship. Even until death separates. Without any sense of comfort will not run the relationship even though new whole corn or long.

Not only for couples who are undergoing. long distance relationship but for them also which one home or already preclude. Not just a good way of communicating that is needed, but also the attitude of communicating in this case, we know when it's time to talk and we know when it's time still and listen.

No love is wrong, but is how to live in love

A sense of comfort is the main point that you will feel when you've met the right partner. Instead of always being filled with the same interactive discussions and activities, sitting together despite being busy with each other's world will still make you feel at home next to him. Maybe you're doing your college assignment, then she accompanied you while reading her favorite manga.

Although there is no conversation between you, you remain calm. Because for you are happy it is simple. The existence of a permanent partner makes you happy even though both of you are not doing the same activity.

who easily says that a relationship is easy. Of course everyone will say that a relationship is not easy. Many stories, obstacles, happy memories and even bad memories that have happened and have been passed. Each relationship has its own story.

Then, what exactly is looking for in a relationship?

each of them looking for trust

trust is the first thing required in a relationship. Whether it's a long-distance relationship or for those who are married and live in a house. Trust is a strong foundation that must exist in a relationship.

What is your favorite junk food?

I was thinking about junk food today because it is National Junk Food Day.

  1. Vada /Samosa Pav :- This Indian Junk food delicacy is famous since it is economic and tasty at the same time. It is made out of potatoes and certain Indian spices. The main potato ingredient is fried with gram flour and placed in an Indian bread along with other spices or Chutneys. Yummmyyy

  2. Pav Bhaji :- This is another spicy Indian Junk food which uses a variety of vegetables and a lots of butter. Vegetables like tomatoes, cabbage, onions, green peas, carrots , potatoes are grinded together with spices and are served with the Indian bread fried in butter.

  3. Dabeli :- This pungent and spicy dish is primarily considered to have originated from Gujurat, India. Once consumed it has multiple flavours, which is heavenly.

  4. Franky :- There are varieties of franky's available ranging from Veg, egg to non veg and they also add different kinds of sauces to this dish.

These are the primary four junk foods that I like besides other foods like bhajiya, pani puri etc.

Thank you for sharing, I love learning about foods from different countries. I have never eaten Indian food, because they tend to be spicy. Maybe one day, I will be courageous and try it. Thank you for sharing,

There are non spicy food as well. Indian food consists of nutrition and fatty foods as well. We need to be extremely careful while consuming as we can always get over weight Do try it and get in touch with me if you need any guidance. Happy to help :)

Thank you for letting me know that there is non-spicy Indian food! I will have to find a Indian restaurant near me to try some out, I appreciate your offer for guidance.

@emergehealthier You are most welcome. Try the Indian dish "Idli". I believe it has been awarded by a huge organization as the best breakfast in the world.

junk food I like a lot, but I do not often eat it, junk food that I love one of them burger, now makuran garbage is very easy to meet and with a cheap price. junk food can be found in restaurants or in street stalls or roadside stalls.
masyaeakat now prefer to eat its fast food and delicious without thinking of the consequences of eating it at a later date, they want everything fast and practical.

I love a good juicy burger! I don't usually get them from fast food restaurants, because of the low quality. It is sad that convenience of food generally means lower nutritional quality. Thank you for sharing.

altogether, thank you also have read the little article I made ,, everyone has the right to get a decent health and it all depends on us how we maintain and consume healthy and nutritious food without having expensive, expensive food is not necessarily healthy and cheap is not necessarily unhealthy.

I agree that nutritional food should be available for all. I know that price doesn't always reflect nutritional value.

I stopped by your page, to read the little article you mentioned, but I don't know the language you wrote in.

thank you for not understanding what I write, I will try to improve my writing let you and others understand the intent of my writing .. regards my respect

It is always good to improve your writing. I wasn't comment on the writing itself, I meant the language. I only read English, your posts on steepshot are in your native language.

my favorite junk food is red sauce pasta , i love it

I do too! I make my own red sauce, so it is healthier than stuff sold in stores. Thank you for sharing.

My favorite junk food is pizza as i once in a week visit my near store to US pizza and have a combo meal or if i did not get time to visit i order at home and have fun with cold drinks. So pizza is my favorite food

Pizza shops are the best. We get a spinach and feta calzone and pepperoni pizza once a week. What is your favorite type of pizza?.

No will be considered as a replacement for Quora. But well you can also say that it is a replacement for other platforms like StackOverflow and yahoo answers. is going to be the first Q/A platform in the blockchain. There is a possibility that there can be similar platforms emerging in the future, but as of now will be the first one of its type.

No, I don't think so. AskReddit is a lot different compared to, and from what I understand, most people here on Musing ask question to things they need help with, rather than getting the opinion on a matter. I think it's a lot better to compare Musing with Quora.

What is your most stupidest fear??

One of mine is , sleeping with my feet out side the covers when laying on a bed.

I personally believe that there is no such thing as "stupid" in terms of fear or phobias.

I have a somewhat arachnophobia which means I 'm afraid to be near a spider, no matter how small it is. To some people it might be stupid or funny because I am obviously the bigger one. However my fear is my fear. I freak out whenever I see one.

I love your answer ,but I guess I meant an abnormal fear like mine. A fear that is. Not common....

The fear of heights. It's really annoying to have :P

I know what you mean. I had to hold on to the bottom of a train bridge theat was at the least 300 feet above the land Bellow as a train went by. It was hard time hold onto a bridge that shook as if an earthquake was active. Ever sense I have had a hard time with higher places unless there is something to hold onto .... However I don't think this qualifies as a "stupid fear"

I guess you're right; maybe it's more like a rational fear. But mine kicks in a bit sooner than what would probably be rational :P

I hear ya!

can not eat much

Would you be willing to share with us the deeper part of your fear? Like why, and how you came to this fear?

Most everybody fears death to a degree. The individuals who assert generally are likely either unequipped for human feeling or deceiving themselves. It's customized science hard-coded into our DNA.

One thing individuals neglect to acknowledge is that it is valuable. Dread is a survival outlook developed through our predecessors over centuries. It prevents us from going for broke and helps keep you and your friends and family sheltered.

The issue with fear is that if left unchecked it can overpower the mind.

The secret to beating it is to compartmentalize it. Sherlock Holmes likes to call the mind a "cerebrum loft," where you hold furniture and must keep up a spotless domain. Dread unchecked is an extraordinary enormous mess that attacks and overpowers your loft.

You will likely pack it into a little zone of your cerebrum. Regard fear as data, and spotlight on what you have to do straightaway. You clearly are not going to cleanse it in profoundly unpleasant circumstances, however in any event you can set it to the side while you deal with the issue.

Even though fear of death to me is not a "stupid fear" it is an important fear. I also agree that a lot of our fears are encoded inside us. You haven't told us what you fear, is it fear of death for you?

There are several strategies to relieve pain when vaccine infection is given to our parts of the body strategies like rubbing on the parts were injection is given.

If the bleeding is coming then we have to rub on that with ice so it can stop the bleeding and we can have a good way is to rub the parts with the help of hands on it so we feel relieve in pain.

It can vary a bit depending on the type of vaccine you get. General pain relief pills are probably going to make is a bit less painful. Local pain-numbing cream might also be a good idea, but this might not be a good mix with the vaccine you just took, so ask a doctor first!

Well there are few methods one can apply after seeking advice from his/ her health expert. However, one of the following could be helpful.
One can use some pain killer for instance relieve.
Alternatively, some exercise can also be helpful in relieving the pain.
Some health experts also advice cold therapy o the area of injection for some of the vaccines.

enough exercise

How would exercise relieve the pain from a vaccine?

Do we need to make SBD worth 1 USD? If so, what's the best way to do so?

As we know SBD which is supposed to be valued at 1 USD worth more right now (1.25 USD at the time of writing).

Whether IRL or on phone i usually bring up next days plans "So, tomorrow we meet at X pm at X place ?"

If i have alcoholic friends over i just tell them i'm all out of whiskey

So far pretending to fall asleep gives the best results

Generally I will casually ask something like "What time were you planning on heading out?" in a conversation. This usually prompts them to respond and ask something like "Why, do you have to be somewhere?", at which point you can bring up leaving.

If that doesn't work there's always the classic move of texting a friend and asking them to call you in 5 minutes about some "emergency".

Those are the best ways in my opinion, but you could also just modify the first method to be more direct, saying "By the way, I have somewhere to be at 4."

Start hitting on them with really bad breath.

Top #1 turn off in majority of surveys show bad-breath has the best olfactory memory and unpleasant negative subconscious retention factor.

Do not do this if you are Super Attractive - it will back-fire, this technique is for average looking people only :P

An easy way to do it is to tell them that you have something important you need to do very soon. But the easiest way is probably just to tell them the truth, and that you want them to leave now. Why bother with the lies if they are unwanted in the first place?

You shouldn't have to make excuses in your own house. You can just say "well, i'm gonna kick you out for today" without giving an explanation. There's nothing impolite about that (unless it would be people you invited and you kick them out after five minutes lol)

That's what i say (not that i have many guests in the last years, i just dont let anyone in hahah)

just say it, without excusing yourself as if you would need to in your own house. It might take some practice and get you some cultural goosebumps if you have been "trained" to be "polite" (polite usually means lying, have you ever noticed that ? parents tell their children not to lie BUT to be polite, but if you have to be 'polite' more often than not it comes down to lying, or masquing ...)

But when you can do it without getting your solar plexus in a knot in the end you'll respect yourself more and believe it or not people will respect you more too.

No need to get angry or tell lies, jus say "I'm going to kick you out now for today" or "Id like you to leave now for today" or simply "Id like you to leave now"

with no "because" attached

in your own house

Adding markdown formattting syntax would be a lovely and great idea and would love to see the

feature on,there are also some other

features i would love to see on,such

things are the ability for someone to add a smiley to their questions or answers,the ability for

someone to see how many views a question or answer received,i would also love to see the

features whereby people can add pictures and videos to their answers,i believe that

can or will soon have all this wonderful features which will make better...

I agree with all of these notions! I think it would add some flair to , as well as attract more users who like to get creative with their formatting. Surely this would add some appeal. I can't see markdown formatting syntax being a bad thing at all, as well as emoji additions. Thanks for your answer :)

'Cardio' vs 'yoga' which one do you prefer?

Running and dancing are the cardio I refer to.

I prefer doing yoga...

It's productive: No measure of lifting weights will influence my arms as solid as holding up my own body to weight in yoga. Yoga enables you to raise your pulse, fortify your muscles, and extend them out at the same time.

Yoga is definitely not a focused game! I favor yoga to the rec center as I avoid anything that includes setting myself against others. In yoga it doesn't make a difference what any other person is doing. There is no looking at or contending on the grounds that there is just you.

Yoga will enable you to get in shape: Rehearsing yoga alters your opinion: It changes the way you approach life, your body, and eating. Yoga demonstrates to you proper methodologies to value your body for the greater part of the astounding things that it can improve the situation you and focuses you toward needing to fill your body with the most ideal fuel as opposed to prepared low quality nourishment. Also, altering your opinion about your body and the nourishments you feed it will be a substantially more successful weight reduction instrument than consuming a bundle of calories in a forceful kick-boxing class and after that thoughtlessly pushing through equivalent or more calories soon thereafter.

No wounds: In yoga, you figure out how to join your body and brain. This enables you to move easily and focus on how your body is feeling consistently, so you move in a way that feels bravo and not one that places you in places your body wouldn't like to be. The outcome? Damage free, solid, sound, entire you.

Al last I simply need you to elucidate your disarray whether to pick yoga or exercise center. I propose you to go for Yoga since it has numerous positive point instead of negative. You will feel unwind and quiet subsequent to doing yoga yet after exercise center you will get yourself tad tired. Pick the one that spares your chance, influences you to feel extraordinary, and encourages you shed pounds.


Research has shown that Yoga or some types of Yoga exercises are bad for health. According to recent research, Yoga can cause joint injury. Telegraph reported in June 2017:

The 5,000 year-old Indian discipline is said to boost physical and mental wellbeing, ...

However, in a recent study yoga caused musculoskeletal pain - mostly in the arms - in more than one in ten participants.

Professor Evangelos Pappas, of Sydney University, the study's lead researcher said: "Yoga may be a bit more dangerous than previously thought.

"Our study found the incidence of pain caused by yoga is more than 10 percent per year - which is comparable to the rate of all sports injuries combined among the physically active population.

"However people consider it to be a very safe activity. This injury rate is up to 10 times higher than has previously been reported."

Cardio on the other hand do not have these risks unless you are pushing against your limit. Our hearts are made of muscles. Doing Cardio exercises improve our heart and regular physical activity. Cardio is bad only if you are doing it to the extreme:

At extremes, cardiovascular exercise can contribute to cardiac plaque, irregular heartbeats and heart disease.

For me, if it is about 'fitness', and not just outer, but 'inner fitness'. 'Cardio' and 'yoga' both work effectively on phsyical fitness in different ways. 'Cario' speeds you up, gets things going, pumps the blood and the energy of 'action'. I prefer the 'slowing down' process of yoga. There is no rush or speed in yoga, each move is mindfully made and the effect on physical fitness is profound (if slower and less 'dramatic'). This slowing down in yoga allows for a state of calm to develop in which, for example, meditation and healing can take place!

Depends on your age, if someone is young enough to pump their heart then they prefer and if you are old or more than 45, i advised to do yoga. although yoga is more beneficial than cardio, when a person keep practicing yoga , he/she will getting better lifestyle , posture and also digestion with good sleep. all in all yoga will make you fit in long term and also give everything you want in your life.

Yoga is best medicine of life as this give you a peaceful and stressful day everyday and can help you to get multiple times faster boost and it has also a solution for cancer and many other diseases.
I only prefer yoga because it is time saving and you can do it home also in a room where there is full of silent and no one is there to disturb you within 30 minutes.
Wake up early in morning and just start doing exercise daily and start getting motivated from different videos of YOGA.

Cardio - I love to do.
Yoga - I love to watch girls in Yoga Pants :p

Its very intresting question i prefer Yoga because yoga is the daily dose for having our mind fresh and it can make our day more better then yesterday.
Yoga can help us from making our mind out from stress and it can also be have some rules you should have to do it early in the morning and can have a better mind fresh.
I would advice you donot go for cardio you have have a free yoga and get benefit from it.

The best one for YOU would be whatever you'll stay with, and have the capacity to do reliably.

All things considered, all these are instruments that let you accomplish marginally unique objectives. From what I've watched, the best return (regarding wellness and general wellbeing) for time spent in the long haul is a regimen that is around 60% weight preparing and body weight work out, 10% high power cardio (HIIT, paddling, high force cycling, dashing, and so on.) and 30% low force cardio (strolling, low force cycling, yoga, and so on.). I should likewise accentuate the significance of keeping up a sound eating regimen constantly.

Yoga will supplement a weight preparing and cardio program well, by keeping up legitimate portability and adaptability. In any case, at that point a great deal of "prehab" and portability particular activities can do that as well.

I'm in no way, shape or form putting down yoga here, yet I for one believe that in the event that you can center your mind well while doing any kind of activity (by being at the time and concentrating on what you're doing, and on your development), do what's necessary froth rolling and prehab work, and spend a couple of minutes (20 minutes is sufficient) in calm contemplation consistently, that will give you a ton of the advantages that a yoga session will.

Wow cardio is something i love doing then yoga is

something i also love doing too,but if i am to pick one of them i will pick yoga,yoga is more of

combinations of using it as a form of excercise then also another source of inspiration,whenever i

do yoga i do find this inner peace in me,i feel excited whenever i am doing yoga,yoga makes

me feel on top of the world,it makes me feel brand-new and it makes me stay motivated and

focused in whatever i want to do at that monent,so yes i prefer yoga...

An Existence Security Protection Design is only a plan that guarantees the budgetary prosperity of

your family and friends and family when you are not any more alive.

In the dialect of protection, an existence security

protection design is the essential kind of extra security design. They function as an awesome

monetary item to protect your families or friends and family monetarily, by giving a higher disaster protection cover at a lower premium.

You are allowed to pay the premium for an

existence security protection design in one go or routinely according to the life coverage conspire that you select.

Life assurance protection, regularly called a term protection gives your family money related

reinforcement when you are not around to care for them, making them monetarily autonomous.

When you pay a particular premium in the wake of profiting a strategy, a specialist co-op discharges a singular amount sum or passing advantages or the guaranteed total in case of your disastrous demise inside the tenor.

Having an existence assurance protection design is an awesome method to live tranquil when you don't recognize what will happen tomorrow. In your nonappearance, at any rate somebody will be there to clear a path for a quick monetary reinforcement.

How do I bring consistency in my writing?

I had been trying to bring consistency in my writing. I want to write a story with 6-8 episodes. But my writing style changes with each episode.
How do I bring the consistency Inthe story telling?

Like the old ant-age goes consistency bring consistency

as a novice writer, don't set big goals set tiny ones....hell set micro ones

don't do a 2000 word Curie, or a Chapter in a Harry Potter Novel, do a 500 word, hell do a 200 word, even better do a 50-100 word write-up, every day....even a journal of what you are currently thinking is better than nothing.

why because there is 1 sure way to growing consistent, CONFIDENCE, and there is few surely way to build confidence by practicing.

forget all the fancy stuff, do micro-target, and do it consistently

you will naturally gravitate to better techniques, better material, better influence, better everything as you "confidence" grows.....aka practice makes perfect.

and perfect practice....that makes excellence.

test me if i'm wrong or this for next 40 days....write a 50-100 spew...BUT must be everyday. if you don't see any change contact me, I'll come upvote your post.....if you do, contact me also, and I'll also upvote you post.......but the key, every least a little

For consistency in our writing we have to

  1. Realize that writing has a large effect on personality, this is the most important thing, we need to understand why writing is important. Based on experience in a business community. I see many people who undergo business but have less education background. Well from the people, not the least of which are visible within a few years his personality grew so incredible that one of his because of consistent writing.

How to think, how to act and many aspects of the person's self in that change. His personality changed and over them, then changed his fortune capacity be increased.

  1. When getting an idea directly written
    Well when we understand that writing has a large effect on the capacity of self, of course we become increasingly eager not to write.

Then when we already know about how petingnya writes, the classic constraints of the budding writers is the absence of ideas. The fact that we truly have a lot of ideas that it struck in the head, but we did not catch the trajectory of those ideas.

It is therefore that we are not running out of ideas to write, we need to note down every idea that comes to head, either through paper or notes on your mobile phone.

  1. Read
    No one writer who do not read. Read the open horizon of the world, can make reading the emotions of readers was upset, angry, happy, sad, motivated and others. Reading gives a tremendous impact for the reader. And then when people who don't write is very important to read, especially for writers.

Read and write is a unity that can not be separated like two sides of the coin. I never read a blog, the blog written in a very unattractive, its poor structure, grammar his ' incredible ' and the discussion does not have a clear flow. From there I'm sure that the author of the blog is not a reader.

Because a writer must read. From reading we will see how the art in his writing, Word structure, improving vocabulary and reading can also be our inspiration in writing. By reading we can write down the repeated what we've read and fix it into a better writing again. In addition to other benefits is a reading that we write back will stick in the memory of the brain more with better.

Besides the good news is there are millions of books and also the writings of the existing world, both offline and online are available, so that it feels so much like this time is not relevant any more reasons not to have an idea of writing.

There are few step which I think one should consider while writing a story. Some of which are summarized below:

First of all if you want to write a story try to write in one sitting. If the story is long and con not be finished in one sitting try to focus on one project at a time.
Build the theme of your story first and then try to develop the story based on your theme.
Develop character of the story as story is based on the characters stronger the character better the story.
Don’t focus to finalizing the story at first place. Prepare the initial draft or out line and then develop.
After writing the story take a critical look on the story from the point of view of reader.

I think the obvious thing to do is practice more on your writing. If your entire writing style changes that much in the span of a short time, then you haven't really found your own writing style yet. So keep writing, and you will eventually find your own style!

What is a credible journalism course than can be taken online?

I would like to hone my editing skills as well as get a certificate that is recognized that might help to get me in touch with people I would like to interview.


How to persuade others effectively?

Often regrets, sometimes said to become emotional catharsis, and forget the original intention of persuasion, no effect

Influence is extraordinary compared to other division of human brain research that should be aced. Because of billions of individuals having billion suppositions, its an unquestionable requirement to inspire individuals to accomplish something that you need them to, that is the craft of influence.

There are various things that impact us to state yes! In the wake of perusing and watching I discovered 6 run of the mill factors that can be extremely enticing.

Correspondence - The commitment to give back what you have gotten from others. This is the best procedure most neighborliness space individuals utilize. Be it giving taxi benefit, or giving mint post supper, this expands the odds of a client giving more tip or more appraisals for your inn/motel.

The way to this, is to be the first to give and make sure that it is customized and unforeseen.

Shortage - Individuals need a greater amount of those things that are less. This is the thing that huge goliaths call "Constrained Version". Be it olympics or a hero motion picture, they will induce the fans to purchase something that speaks to their considerations about the same.

The best illustration is of English Aviation routes, they declared that they would never again run twice London to New York accord flights since it was uneconomical. Following day, deals broke all record. Peculiar however evident.

Specialist - Individuals will take after the lead of trustworthy and learned specialists. That is the means by which most counsels and tutors acquire their day by day bread. That is the reason specialists and physiotherapists hang up their degree on the divider, to convince individuals to take after their projects. It is constantly critical to motion to other what makes you tenable. Information and specialist is imperative before you attempt to convince them.

Consistency - Actuated by searching for and requesting little beginning duties that can be made. When trying to impact utilizing consistency, the influencer will search for intentional dynamic and open responsibilities and gets those in composing.

Loving - Individuals want to state to those they like. Be that as it may, what make one like somebody? Search for comparable thoughts amongst you and your objective.

Accord - Individuals will search for activities of other to decide their own. Telling others that somebody as them did what you need them to do, will complete things for you effortlessly. Individuals tail others, sheep mindset.

How can I convince others?

The ability to have someone to convince others, someone's point of view in such a way as to be accepted by others. The way that people can convince something to others, invite someone to become a co-worker or an investor is very important owned by every individual, knowing and mastering this capability helps in launching business, to develop business become more advanced, how to invite someone to convince to cooperate in various fields being undertaken. Everyone is usually very confident about ideas and work can be done alone, ideas and work can be done alone, surely you also need help from some colleagues who are good in their respective fields and how appropriate to invite them and convince them to help you finish the idea or work you want to. Inviting someone to join you will have an impact on you in solving the problem and it is very easy to get things done.

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Let's try to put musing on trendings?

I will upvote all your answer if you publish them

Musing is looking for new creators and you can apply to be one in their discord server, which can be found here:

Before applying, I would recommend that you spend time on musing both answering and asking questions, you should know how musing works. The leader picks the curators and you just have to be a good fit. Having experience is the best way to do that.

Taken from the guide on what to say when you apply:

As a reminder, simply list the following
~ Steemit username
~ Country you are from
~ Why you're a good fit

How can I convert Vests to SP in Steemjs?

I'm using SteemJS and want to find the amount of SP a particular user has. I can easily calculate their total Vests by using the Vests a user has, adding the received vests and subtracting the delegated vests.

Once I have that number, I need to use this function to convert Vests to SP:

var steemPower = steem.formatter.vestToSteem(vestingShares, totalVestingShares, totalVestingFundSteem);

vestingShares is the amount of Vests that a user has, but what is totalVestingFundSteem and totalVestingFundSteem and how can I find them using SteemJS?

You could try this:

totalVestingShares = 0;
totalVestingFundSteem = 0;

steem.api.getDynamicGlobalProperties((err, result) => {
totalVestingShares = result.total_vesting_shares;
totalVestingFundSteem = result.total_vesting_fund_steem;

steem.api.getAccounts(['rishi556', 'clauxklein'], function(err, result) {
if (!err) {
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; ++ i) {
var steemPower = steem.formatter.vestToSteem(result[i].vesting_shares, totalVestingShares, totalVestingFundSteem);
log(result[i].name + "'s SteemPower is " + steemPower);


} else {
log("Steem API Error: ", err);

Thanks, this worked exactly like I needed it to.

I don't know much about this. However you can connect with the steemdevelopers in their discord server They will be eager to help.

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