Airdrop 2 Complete

in #dlux4 years ago

We are pleased to announce DLUX is now held by over 2,000 accounts who actively contribute to Hive Governance in the form of Proposal Votes!

Screenshot from 2021-02-27 11-43-39.png

Below are the current LIQUID balances for the DLUX ecosystem. You can manage your DLUX wallet at Utilize the DEX to trade your tokens.

Airdrop 3 should be hitting tomorrow. Welcome new owners!

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@a0i 10.000 @a1-shroom-spores 157.429 @aagabriel 10.000 @aaliyahholt 0.731 @aaronhawk 0.001 @aaronsuncamacho 0.555 @abachon 1.405 @abal643 0.008 @abbak7 10.000 @abdex9 0.015 @abdullahyusuf 0.451 @abdulmath 1.308 @abdulwahab4004 0.015 @abdulwajid1978 0.002 @abh12345 1488.132 @abhisheksss571 0.024 @abigail-dantes 0.969 @abis28 0.394 @abisai 0.788 @aboutcoolscience 10.000 @abudar 0.008 @acadainstante 0.201 @accountsdump 0.015 @accusta 0.003 @ace108 10.000 @acesontop 1.596 @achim03 7.152 @achimmertens 3547.350 @acidyo 33010.000 @ackhoo 8.856 @ackza 21750.658 @acont 2.866 @acredwine 0.005 @actifit 10.000 @actifit-dlux 199.281 @actifit-peter 10.000 @actioncats 3.525 @active-truth 0.117 @adailydose 0.162 @adasq 0.020 @adetorrent 2.008 @adexbafo 0.046 @adi.pisces 0.429 @adikhen 0.105 @adimantong 0.023 @adonisabril 10.000 @adonisr 1.337 @adriansky 0.225 @adventureready 10.000 @adysscheryl 0.144 @aemile-kh 0.228 @afiqsejuk 0.028 @afrikanprince 0.181 @afterglow 1.553 @afturner 0.472 @agentfingers 0.101 @aggroed 10.000 0.010 @agudima 0.009 @aguilax 0.005 @agustiarismail 0.104 @ahmadmanga 3.610 @ahmadmangazap 0.766 @ahrakeen 0.001 @aikiado 0.096 @ailindigo 0.624 @ainsuphaur 0.060 @aiqabrago 0.084 @airdropme 0.006 @airhawk-exchange 0.010 @airiam 0.084 @airmatti 0.255 @aitommylr 1.228 @aiziqi 1.604 @ajayyy 0.006 @ajks 0.038 @akangsulim 0.006 @akasyofa 0.005 @akbarbadsha 0.055 @akdx 1.230 @akilie1029 0.009 @akipponn 0.312 @akumagai 0.950 @alandesign 0.066 @alapok 0.131 @albanna 0.021 @alcibiades 0.708 @ale.dri 0.526 @alejandramonzon 0.296 @alejandrararita 0.039 @alejoroa29 0.001 @alequandro 4.474 @alex-hm 0.129 @alex-rourke 0.022 @alexa57 0.384 @alexanderfluke 4.598 @alexandrabauer 5.194 @alexandraioana26 1.089 @alexbalan 0.231 @alexkopareiko 0.315 @alexs1320 0.081 @alexsandr 3.154 @alexvan 10.000 @alexvanaken 28.701 @alexwonderful 0.025 @alexworld 0.674 @ali-h 0.237 @alinalazareva 1.249 @alinares 0.367 @alitas 0.326 @aljif7 3.242 @allcapsonezero 5.703 @allitservices 0.539 @almightymelon 0.264 @almightymelon2nd 0.020 @almightymelon3rd 0.021 @alokkumar121 10.000 @alokzoom 0.024 5.627 @alphacore 2.714 @alrashel 0.095 @altonos 10.000 @altouq 10.000 @altrosa 362.477 @altumvalorem 0.015 @alucian 0.477 @alvarogonz 0.030 @amaponian 0.155 @amart29 1.255 @ambarvegas 2.422 @ambifokus 0.134 @ambiguity 2.954 @ambyr00 10.000 @amestyj 1.196 @amico.sports 0.114 @aminealaoui 0.015 @amityconcord 10.000 @ammonite 115.970 @amphlux 8.733 @amr008 4.350 @amr008.leo 5.000 @amuchtar 0.013 @ana-maria 1.186 @anaclark 5.433 @anadolu 1.011 @anafae 4.578 @anakmf10 0.102 @anarcist 0.149 @anarcist69 7.347 @ancolie 2.986 @anderssinho 1.095 @andrarchy 6.024 @andreanerazzurro 0.047 @andreistalker 0.066 @andrepol 0.354 @andres03 0.058 @andrewmusic 2.639 @angel35mm 0.418 @angelveselinov 138.714 @anggayuzan 0.032 @anikethreddy 0.004 @anjanida 0.113 @anli 0.151 @anneporter 0.446 @anroja 0.195 @ansoe 0.005 @anthoni523 0.007 @anthonyadavisii 10.000 @anthonyadavisleo 0.001 @antikus369 4.424 @antisocialist 9.407 @antoniarhuiz 2.714 @antoniojoseha 1.492 @antonireviewer 0.108 @anttn 4.106 @anwars 0.226 @anyx 10.000 @aotearoa 5.348 @apeboy 0.296 @apostle-thomas 0.066 @appalachain 6.489 @appukuttan66 0.021 @apshamilton 10.000 @arcange 15.000 @archbitsmith 4.838 @arcticgypsy 0.001 @ardrow 0.020 @arena10 0.183 @arhat 1.105 @ariefm 0.005 @aristak 0.058 @arlettemsalase 0.220 @aro.steem 4.039 @arrozymangophoto 0.200 @arrrds 0.056 @arslan.saleem 0.015 @artcentral 10.000 @artcreator 0.188 @arte-sano 0.001 @artemislives 4.651 @artemisshares 0.447 @artmentor 0.127 @artmom 3.490 @artpoet 0.367 @arunava 2.054 @arvid000 0.004 @arvindkumar 3.277 @ash 10.000 @ashleykalila 0.833 @ashtv 10.000 @asia-pl 0.588 @asimpleman 0.246 @askmihai 1.373 @asosiasisteem 0.003 @assasin 1.760 @astrea 0.264 @astrizak 0.578 @astrolabio 0.019 @athomewithcraig 0.455 10.000 @atomcollector 5.870 @atongis 2.713 @ats-david 6368.715 @audiohive-me 0.108 @aurynthenorse 0.060 @aussieninja 3.934 @austindro 6366.669 @autobodhi 5.418 @autocrat 0.204 @autodidatta14 0.254 @ava77 0.758 @awah 3.818 @awie 0.185 @axeman 0.049 @ayjoe 0.029 @ayrleana 0.034 @azazqwe 1.418 @azizbd 0.987 @azmielbanjary 0.216 @azuremoon 4.545 @b-s 3392.179 @badbitch 0.440 @badge-868686 0.008 @badmusgreene 0.551 @badpupper 1.423 @badseedalchemist 0.399 @bagofincome 5.000 @bahrizul 0.006 @baiboua 1.002 @bait002 2.118 @bakingjazzpower 0.231 @baltai 0.019 @balte 10.000 @balusteem 0.005 @bambuka 10.000 @barbara-orenya 10.000 @barbz 2.596 @barge 10.000 @barrenwolfsbane 0.088 @barrylangdon 0.098 @bartheek 10.000 @barvon 0.043 @battleaxe 0.326 @battlegames 0.570 @bboyady 1.884 @bbrewer 0.080 @bckc-capital-llc 5.037 @bdmillergallery 10.000 @beachready 10.000 @bearbear613 5.043 @bearded-benjamin 0.128 @bearmol 0.413 @beats4change 0.441 @becstasadventure 0.021 @beehivetrader 1.286 @beerguide 0.515 @beesmartblog 0.368 @beggars 1.519 @belemo 1.356 @belkisd 0.003 @bellapris 0.010 @benevolence1 0.001 @bengiles 10.000 @bengy 5.803 @benitrade 0.015 @bergkinder 1.974 @berien 0.232 @bertrayo 2.136 @besheda 0.334 @besold 1.052 @bestbroplayer 10.000 @betterthanhome 5.861 @bettervision 0.005 @beverages 1.559 @bflanagin 6.107 @bghandmade 0.089 @bhattg 4.897 @bhuz 10.000 @bib15hash 0.013 @bigcarrillo 2.168 @bigtakosensei 3.225 @bil.prag 15.000 @billybohner 0.351 @binkyprod 3.656 @birdinc 0.003 @birdwatcher 10.000 @bireuen.berkarya 0.004 @bireuen.sports 0.016 @bitcoinflood 10.000 @bitcoingodmode 0.117 @bitcoinmarketss 0.001 @bitcoinroute 0.408 @bitcome 0.001 @bitduck86 2000.000 @biti 1.789 @bitius 0.093 @bitrocker2020 10.000 @bizventures 0.350 @bjjfanatics 0.009 @black095 0.012 @blackbird2106 0.010 @blackflame23 0.259 @blackheart1 0.363 @blacklux 0.850 @blacks 7.970 @bladebaabji 0.007 @blameshane 0.011 @blaynescrypto 762.572 @blessedman939 0.013 @blesspatrick 0.005 @blewitt 10.000 @blezyn 5.000 @blind-spot 5.938 @bliss11 2.683 @blockanarchist1 0.300 @blockchainstudio 0.005 @blockchainyouth 1.273 @blockcryptochain 479.733 @blockfund 0.005 @blockops 8.305 10.000 @blogging-team 0.739 @blokz 0.913 @blue.rabbit 10.000 @blueeyes8960 10.000 @bluenarcolepsy 0.012 @bluerobo 5.253 @boatsports90 4.586 @bobby.madagascar 14372.546 @bobcat 0.633 @bobinson 10.000 @bobthebuilder2 5.064 @bokkar78 0.050 @bolajija 0.002 @bonnie30 0.033 @borepstein 3.330 @borislavzlatanov 7.076 @borjan 10.000 @botefarm 0.293 @boxcarblue 10.000 @boyacun123 0.007 @boyasyie 0.021 @boycharlieplays 0.996 @boynashruddin 0.420 @bozz 2555.001 @braaiboy 4.633 @bramblejam 0.043 @bravedevelopment 0.029 @breezin 5.000 @brennanhm 3.579 @brettpullen 10.000 @brianoflondon 10.000 @brittandjosie 10.000 @brn123 0.003 @brofi 1.753 @brofund 5.083 @broncnutz 10.000 @bronkong 1.016 @browery 10.000 @brucutu 10.000 @brumest 10.000 @brunonacif 2.769 @brunup 0.044 @brutalisti 0.658 @brutalmonkey 0.009 @bryan-imhoff 629.917 @bscrypto 10.000 @bubke 6864.093 @bucipuci 3.879 @buckydurddle 12363.844 @buddyboyb 0.010 @buggedout 10.000 @build-it.curator 0.009 @bukiland 0.380 @bulkovam 0.010 @bulldog-joy 1.749 @bumblebear 10.000 @buritica 0.005 @bustillo 0.007 @butherfly87 0.009 @buzzer11 0.007 @bynarikode 0.115 @c0ff33a 10.000 @cadawg 10.000 @cadlux 1243.394 @cageon360 0.116 @calatorulmiop 2.144 @camiloferrua 3.613 @canadian-coconut 10.000 @capp 0.383 @caramaeplays 5371.565 @carback1 0.111 @cardanoguru 10.000 @cardauctionzhodl 0.197 @cardboard 0.020 @cardsofboom 0.005 @carlaabanto 0.088 @carlagonz 1.377 @carlgnash 0.336 @carlhim 0.016 @carlos-fernando 0.012 @carn 0.931 @carolineschell 4.422 @carrieallen 3.293 @carsonroscoe 10.000 @casberp 0.109 @caseygrimley 1.547 @cashapp 0.001 @castleberry 7.052 @catlady.natascha 0.196 @catsmakekittens 0.146 @celestal 10.000 @celestin25 0.109 @certain 10.000 @cervantes 10.000 @cesarsj5 0.141 @cesky.kurator 0.905 @cetb2008 7.140 @cgames 0.004 @ch41m1e 0.026 @challengedac 2.748 @champ47 0.003 @chanych85 1.280 @chaodietas 2.660 @charlie777pt 1.137 @chasmic-cosm 0.690 @cheftony 10.000 @chekohler 86.914 @chesatochi 10.000 @chetanpadliya 1.766 @chewing 0.048 @chey 0.078 @chichebe 0.021 0.160 @chinmaykulkarni 0.008 @chiren 5.535 @choogirl 2.136 @chrisaiki 7.516 @chrismadcboy2016 0.023 @chrismgiles 52084.713 @chrisparis 3.665 @chrisrice 4.009 @chrisscrypto 0.053 @christina-madart 0.253 @chromiumone 10.000 @chronocrypto 10.000 @chuckrick 5.000 @chuuuckie 2.347 @ciderjunkie 1.717 @cieliss 0.430 @cielmot 0.001 @cikgumirzarazak 0.024 @cinnartmon 0.532 @cinnccf 0.173 @circa 3.647 @circles4jerks 0.002 @ciremc 0.040 @ciscorodriguez50 0.031 @city-of-berlin 2.336 @city-of-dresden 10.000 @ciuoto 10.000 @cizolf 0.005 @clarkkozak 0.439 @classe 0.055 @claudietto 0.664 @claudio83 10.000 @clayboyn 5.000 @clayford08 0.248 @cleanplanet 8.804 @clearmind2020 0.004 @clicktrackprofit 5.541 @clicmaster 0.223 @cliffagreen 1.279 @clifun 0.011 @clixmoney 1.164 @cloudblade 0.353 @cloudspyder 4.972 @clove71 9.058 @clumsysilverdad 0.237 @cmmemes 0.333 @cmp-io 0.006 @cmplxty 10.000 @coinchaos 0.756 @coininstant 10.000 @comparestore 0.367 @condeas 10.000 @contentosmedia 0.014 @cookaiss 0.025 @coolguy123 4.424 @cooperclub 4.408 @cooperfelix 0.156 @cornerstone 10.000 @corporateay 0.112 @corsica 0.003 @corvidae 0.361 @cosimo 0.373 @cowboys.angel 5000.000 @cpol 1.417 @cptnduras 0.005 @craigfrank 0.004 @cranium 10.000 @crazy-andy 10.000 @crazy-unicorn 0.637 @cre47iv3 0.221 @creative1234 0.093 @creativetruth 6.764 @creodas 0.056 @crimsonclad 16.000 @criptosonido 0.001 @cronicasdelcesar 0.173 @crosheille 5.428 @crowdwitness 1.640 @crowsaint 0.238 @crrdlx 5.769 @cruisin 5.461 @cryptictruth 10.000 @cryptidcurious 0.009 @cryptixmlonwax 0.143 @cryptkeeper17 0.225 @crypto-pixie 2.636 @cryptoanalist 0.142 @cryptoandcoffee 2367.356 @cryptoandzen 9396.390 @cryptoastro 0.001 @cryptobrewmaster 10.000 @cryptocurator 10.000 @cryptoeater 0.603 @cryptographic 1.627 @cryptohodlgroup 3.902 @cryptoinvestsvk 2.378 @cryptokannon 0.045 @cryptokingzno1 0.049 @cryptoman01 0.010 @cryptomancer 6.259 @cryptomaniacsgr 5.560 @cryptomilovat 0.203 @cryptoninjaz 0.016 @cryptoniusrex 0.032 @cryptonnja 0.111 @cryptosearch 0.001 @cryptosharon 1.495 @cryptosimplify 3.470 @cryptoxicate 5.788 @crystalhuman 0.286 @cst90 3.716 @ctime 10.000 @ctpsb 10.000 @cubapl 0.304 @cubby 0.736 @culgin 5.470 @cultus-forex 0.031 @cunigarro 2.696 @cwow2 7.002 0.084 @cyberdyn 0.768 @cyberporn 0.002 @cyberspacegod 1.458 @cyberwarrior 0.006 @cypherpunkscribe 0.005 @d-pend 1159.715 @d-zero 7.357 @d00k13 2.380 @daan 1.194 @dadspardan 0.327 @dagger212 15.000 @dahaz159 2.396 @dailypro 6.279 @dajokawild 3.611 @dalersilfver 10.000 @damaskinus 0.145 @damla 1.950 @dandays 10.000 @daniel-vs 0.173 @danielcarrerag 0.180 @danielsaori 10.000 @danielvehe 5.511 @danilmaeorg 0.010 @dannewton 6.377 @dannychain 0.227 @darkcrusaider 0.006 @darkfemme 0.600 @darkflame 12.131 @darksun 0.009 @darmianto5 0.095 @darrenclaxton 1.427 @darrenfj 5.595 @darrenflinders 0.622 @darth-azrael 10.000 @darthgexe 0.538 @darthknight 10.000 @darthnava 0.699 @dathmaru 0.060 @daudimitch 0.010 @davedickeyyall 10.000 @daveks 10.000 @david.steem 10.000 @davidamsterdam 0.009 @davidfar 0.181 @davidlionfish 10.000 @davidthompson57 10.000 @davinzho 0.011 @dawizy 0.061 @dawnoner 7.220 @dbuzz 10.000 @ddrfr33k 10.000 @deadsparrow 0.906 @deadzy 0.108 @deanliu 10.000 @dearw 0.625 @deathcross 6.152 @dec.entralized 0.455 @dede99 0.044 @deeanndmathews 7.967 @deepresearch 10.000 @deerjay 8.194 @definethedollar 15.000 @degiro 0.002 @degranoengrano 1.412 @dejan.vuckovic 3.300 @deksyech 0.011 @delishtreats 10.000 @deluxe-node 1.000 0.003 @deniskj 5.755 @denmarkguy 9.380 @densteem 1.035 @dera123 2587.755 @derangedvisions 10.000 @derekrichardson 4.341 @derzweile 0.028 @desro 0.955 @detlev 10.000 @detoye 0.021 @developspanish 0.042 @dewaled507 0.001 @dexpartacus 9.767 @dexy50 0.008 @deybacsi 14.142 @dfacademy 3.387 @dfacademy-sports 0.157 @dgoal 0.693 @dhanagc 0.006 @dhifacute 0.002 @dhimmel 10.000 @dickturpin 1.437 @digdig 0.009 10.000 @digi3d 0.022 0.005 @digitalis 3.089 @dimarss 0.013 @dimeshana 1.327 @dimitur10 0.040 @dingodan 0.003 @direwolf 15719.876 @discohedge 10.000 @discovery-it 1.736 @disregardfiat 69331.910 @distantsignal 10.000 @diverse 5.662 @diy-homestead 0.477 @diyinvestor 0.003 @djennyfloro 0.480 @djlethalskillz 0.484 @djohan 0.010 @djolli96 0.006 @dkid14 7.561 @dlstudios 5.054 @dlux-highway 1594.578 @dlux-io 535391.217 @dlux-sm 791.577 @dlux-treasure 1.000 @dluxminer 1.000 @dm312 0.108 @dmilliz 10.000 @dmitrydao 0.482 @dmoonfire 2.313 @dmwh 10.000 @dmytrokorol 2.625 @dobleve 0.010 @dockno 0.052 @docsait 0.088 @doctorcrypto 3.750 @dog-marley 1.320 @dolcesalato1981 0.019 @don-t 0.006 @don-thomas 0.005 @donald.porter 4.324 @donatello 2.479 @donbeano 0.025 @donchate 0.081 @dondusmanuu 0.010 @doon 1648.443 @dotwin1981 10.000 @doudoer 0.022 @dougbudlong 0.391 @douglasjames 0.059 @downlotus 0.026 @dporn 0.335 @draconel 0.052 @dragokazo 0.552 @dragonazuul 0.002 @dragosroua 9.116 @drakernoise 4.953 @draleo 2.589 @drax 10.000 @drbenzz 0.057 @dreimaldad 6.995 @drkent 0.048 @drlobes 0.742 @drmincu 0.759 @drniche 0.007 @droida 5.000 @drorion 10.000 @drricksanchez 0.640 @drrune 2.819 @drunksamurai 0.550 @dsatria 0.124 @dsc-r2cornell 10.000 @dses 1.133 @dswigle 10.000 @dubignyp 0.242 @dudeontheweb 1.304 @dune69 10.000 @dwarflordnoj 5.054 @dwiitavita 7.240 @dwixer 0.876 @dylanhobalart 10.000 @dzoji 1.003 @eaposztrof 0.108 @earthcustodians 2.877 @earthsea 1.306 @eastmael 27513.625 @eatmyshorts 0.510 @ebabb 0.126 @eccles 0.101 @ecformalejo 0.003 @ecoinstant 13292.754 @ecoinstar 239.449 @ecosaint 2799.616 @edb 5.096 @edgerik 0.072 @edicted 15.000 @edmundocentenor 1.178 @edouard 10.000 @edrivegom 0.113 @eduardoe 0.026 @eduardovozzi 0.097 @edwing357 0.539 @eeks 10.000 @eewa 0.772 @efathenub 0.676 @eftnow 4.244 @eggstraordinair 0.121 @eii 2.603 @ekavieka 1.674 @el-dee-are-es 1.306 @el-nailul 0.547 @elbrava 0.516 @eldonburr 0.008 @eldritchspig 0.202 @eleazarvo 1.223 @elemental010 0.030 @elementm 749.340 @elethedog629 0.026 @elgeko 1176.790 @elias15g 0.136 @eliezerfloyd 0.881 @eliguzmane 0.116 @elinathecrypto 0.003 @elindos 3.152 @elitogold 0.015 @elizabeths14 2.561 @elizacheng 9.701 @ellenripley 8.743 @elmisticooscuro 0.028 @elmubareki 0.027 @elotro 0.046 @elprimoderajoy 0.555 @elrey9006 0.004 @elricmoonslayer 0.084 @elsurtidor 0.687 @em3di 0.520 @emilhoch 0.015 @emiliomorles 0.710 @emimoron 0.341 @emma-emma 0.460 @emms1 0.020 @empoderat 10.000 @empoderat.leo 0.007 @emsenn0 0.494 @emsonic 9.780 @enforcer48 10.000 @engrsayful 1.954 @enm1 0.712 @enmy 6.226 @enmymente 0.539 @enorquis 0.003 @enricgr 10.000 @entropia 2.068 @enviro 0.008 @eolinde 0.113 @epicdice 7.084 @epilatero 0.186 @equipodelta 10.000 @eralepepon 0.007 @erarium 0.179 @erelasblog 0.265 @ericburgoyne 5.000 @ericwilson 6.537 @erik94 0.022 @erikaflynn 1.818 @erikah 2601.975 @erixink 0.057 @ervin-lemark 10.000 @escuadron201 0.147 @esthersanchez 1.681 @etka 0.003 @eugelys 8.003 @eunsik 10.000 @euporie 1.935 @eusebio 0.006 @evacortez 0.604 @evagavilan 1.178 @evagavilan2 2.150 @evanstinger 1.070 @eve66 0.572 @eversloth 0.011 @evgen-xx 8.261 @evildeathcore 0.453 @ewkaw 10.000 @ex-exploitation 0.008 @exodegame 6.386 @exoderewards 10.000 @eythorphoto 0.534 @ezzy 1.476 @face2face 0.235 @facilitymanager 0.047 @fadil94 0.008 @faffy 1.306 @failingforwards 6.627 @faireye 0.094 @fajarsdq 0.132 @faltermann 1.727 @famigliacurione 0.003 @familyprotection 10.000 @fantasticvisions 0.003 @farizal 0.528 @farm-mom 8.139 @fastchrisuk 0.211 @fauzi86 0.003 @faysal72 0.001 @fbslo 10.000 @fcdvpds 0.774 @fdeabreu2u 0.007 @fdeflash 0.123 @fedesox 10.000 @felicenavidad 0.007 @felix.herrmann 2.205 @felixdev 0.486 @felixxx 10.000 10.000 @fem-of-war 0.085 @femcy-willy 0.873 @fengchao 10.000 @fenngen 2.225 @fersher 0.513 @fighter4-freedom 0.088 @fillow 0.311 @filotasriza3 6.186 @finguru 0.543 @fintechshark 108.756 @fionasfavourites 5.698 @firedream 0.095 @firinmahlazer 0.013 @fitz1567 0.238 @fjcalduch 6.871 @fknmayhem 0.546 @flash07 637.546 @flauwy 5.398 @flauwy.apx 0.285 @flaxz 8.728 @flipcrypto 0.005 @flora-francis 3200.000 @flordi 0.044 @florian-glechner 10.000 @fluffcloud 0.005 @focus.folks 1.026 @foodiesunite 1.416 @forykw 10.000 @fotoimaginarium 0.007 @fotosdenada 2.130 @fotostef 7.215 @foxkoit 7.275 @foxon 3806.866 @fraenk 3.366 @fragmentarion 1.150 @francielis 0.127 @francuzzz 0.267 @frank2sataine 0.009 @frankbacon 10.000 @franzzonline 2.563 @frederickac 0.008 @fredkese 1.210 @fredyandepa 0.001 @freebornangel 0.259 @freebornsociety 188.407 @freecrypto 1.903 @freemotherearth 1.069 @freewritehouse 9.550 @freeztag 0.055 @french-tech 10.000 @friendlymoose 2.018 @fronttowardenemy 10.705 @frot 10.000 @frugal-fun 0.108 @fruityfruitz 0.504 @ftlob 2.492 @fucho80 0.478 @fuerza-hispana 2.621 @fukfacebook 0.001 @fullcoverbetting 2.707 @fulltimegeek 10.000 @funnyman 5.636 @fw206 85.000 @fyrstikken 28769.708 @g-shot 0.141 @gabbagallery 15404.885 @gabbynhice 487.685 @gabotask 0.805 @gabox 2.851 @gadrian-sp 10.000 @galart 0.025 @galberto 5.000 @game-it 0.003 @gamer00 10.000 @gamsam 0.074 @gandhibaba 7.681 @ganjafarmer 5.000 @gaottantacinque 0.356 @garlet 1.475 @gasparin21 0.004 @gastontrussi 2.997 @gato-raro 0.032 @gatticus 0.040 @gattino 538.201 @gboyegaogunmola 0.027 @gear.nsnow 0.007 @geeklania 0.169 @geekpowered 1.094 @general.guy 5.514 @gentleshaid 2.178 @gentlesoul 0.691 @georgepeperonie 0.006 @gertu 1.745 @getron 0.419 @gghite 0.389 @ghastlygames 0.398 @ghosthunter1 0.026 @gidlark 4.886 @gikitiki 1.766 @gillianpearce 0.581 @gimmetricks1 0.025 @gimp 3.167 @gingerbyna 0.029 @glenalbrethsen 10.000 @globetrottergcc 1.574 @gloriaolar 6.006 @gmoruizp 0.021 @godfish 10.000 @godlovermel25 0.394 @gogreenbuddy 10.000 @gohenry 4.324 @golden.future 4.384 @goldenbeks 0.005 @goldrooster 6.424 @goldsphex 0.014 @goliathus 0.053 @gonzza 0.007 @good-karma 10.000 @gooddream 10.000 @gooze 0.382 @gorafarid 0.033 @gorayii 1.726 @gottalent 0.542 @gpenco 0.944 @gr33nm4ster 1.844 @gracelbm 0.051 @graciadegenios 1.287 @gradeon 1.043 @grampo 10.000 @grapthar 2.578 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10.000 @hivexperiment 0.102 @hj-wuethrich 0.036 @hjmarseille 0.461 @hlezama 4.448 @hockney 0.797 @hojaraskita 0.034 @holger80 10.000 @holm 0.023 @holoferncro 3.321 @homhaihom0062 0.004 @honarparvar 0.651 @hone.heke 0.057 @honeybee 0.783 @honeychip 0.162 @honusurf 5.057 @hooiyewlim 1.763 @hooked2thechain 1.295 @hosherama 0.036 @hotbit 1.019 @howo 10.000 @howweroll 10.000 @howyf2 2.824 @htwegyi 1.788 @hubbi 0.007 @huesos 0.153 @hulyadurak 0.002 @humanity4all 0.018 @hungerstream 0.058 @hunterfree40 0.007 @huynh 0.862 @huzzah 2.881 @hykss 15.000 @hykss.leo 0.181 @hypexals-spiral 1.424 @hypnopreneur 0.304 @iamjadeline 8.527 @iamraincrystal 9.378 @ibelin 0.855 @icedrum 3.409 @icondark 0.220 @iconode 10.000 @ifiwasfrank 0.030 @igel2017 6.015 @igster 3501.352 @ihsan19 0.037 @iikrypticsii 5.335 @ikarus56 0.550 @ikibaru-san 0.031 @ilazramusic 1.827 @ili0braz 0.328 @ilikeit 0.022 @iliyan90 8.588 @ilnegro 0.732 @ilpobre 0.617 @im-ridd 0.387 @imaginingfreedom 0.070 @imisstheoldkanye 10.000 @improv 10.000 @imtase 2.001 @imwatsi 0.144 @in-macro 0.005 @in2itiveart 3.693 @inalittlewhile 0.054 @inconceivable 4604.811 @indigoocean 2.017 @indosiar 0.002 @indostem 0.016 @industrialvarez 0.078 @inertia 10.000 @infowarslife 0.004 @insertcoinxyz 0.003 @intacto 10.000 @intellihandling 0.470 @intothewild 10.000 @invest4free 0.716 @investingpennies 7.237 @iptrucs 5.071 @iqbaladan 0.034 @iqram.kamil 0.011 @irgendwo 4.060 @iriegiftshop 0.035 @irisworld 3.868 @ironshield 3.337 @irwanumpal 0.124 @ismarysanton16 0.115 @itasteemit 0.021 @itharagaian 3.549 @itraaj 0.004 @itstime 2517.296 @itzninjafool 0.044 @ivanc 0.285 @ivansnz 8.058 @ixindamix 5.961 @j44 0.055 @j85063 1134.874 @jacekw 2.261 @jackofcrows 2.139 @jacoalberts 0.125 @jacobpeacock 2.132 @jacobtothe 10.000 @jacuzzi 10.000 @jaguar.force 0.050 @jaki01 10.000 @jalentakesphotos 0.903 @janaveda 4.641 @jandresd07 0.578 @jankos55 10.000 @janusface 2287.632 @jaraumoses 0.861 @jarvie 10.000 @jasonbu 10.000 @jasondruid 0.003 @jasonzhang 1.015 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@joshman 10.000 @joslud 0.217 @josuvas 1.651 @jpbliberty 10.000 @jrollerquray 0.001 @jsantana 0.125 @jschindler 10.000 @juancar347 10.000 @juanvegetarian 2.064 @jubagarang 0.045 @jude.villarta 0.398 @julee 3.562 @juliakponsford 10.000 @julianhorack 6.597 @julietree 2.057 @july21 0.068 @junaidabbaspk 0.001 @junkfeathers 4.515 @justatouchfey 7.170 @justclickindiva 10.000 @justinashby 0.626 @juvyjabian 4715.237 @jwynqc 0.731 @jza 0.848 @jznsamuel 9104.745 @k-banti 0.297 @k2x 0.011 @kaelci 10.000 @kaerpediem 10.000 @kaffee34 0.001 @kaliangel 1.274 @kaonashi6686 0.001 @karamyog 10.000 @karinxxl 4.410 @kattycrochet 1.791 @kaywoods 0.040 @kellie.leigh 50000.000 @kemmyb 1.425 @kenanqhd 0.001 @kendewitt 12.964 @kenny-crane 5081.074 @kennyroy 1.126 @kennyskitchen 4.874 @kevinwong 10.000 @keys-defender 1.609 @khan.dayyanz 118.446 @khazrakh 7.130 @khrom 1.142 @kibela 1.035 @kidz 0.171 @kiel91 6.855 @kiemis 10.000 @kiemurainen 10.000 @kikogasparian 0.008 @king.sports 0.001 @kingkinslow 0.202 @kingmandume34 0.002 @kingscrown 4.405 @kingsofa 0.750 @kingtamarah 0.011 @kiokizz 6.306 @kiro12 0.011 @kizumo 4.897 @klye 11.018 @knowhow92 2.894 @knowledgefruit 0.379 @kobusu 5.079 @koenau 8.926 @kohost 1101.498 @kohsamui99 10.000 @kolkamkwan 2.323 @kommienezuspadt 3.283 @kork75 0.260 @krakolito 0.010 @kriang3tee 0.558 @kriptonik 43994.165 @ksteem 10.000 @kuro6380 0.010 @l337m45732 0.636 @lachg89 1.954 @lacking 10.000 @ladiesofhive 0.434 @ladybug146 6.346 @lallo 2.796 @laloretoyya 0.916 @lalupita 7.169 @lanmower 465.318 @lapse 0.002 @laruche 9.237 @lasercity 0.152 @latifah1 0.134 @latino.romano 0.802 @lebah 5.000 @lecaillon 0.004 @lefty619 1.747 @lemouth 10.000 @lenasveganliving 2.071 @lenonmc21 0.827 @leoplaw 0.314 @leosoph 2.689 @leoumesh 0.555 @leprechaun 0.371 @lesiopm 10.000 @lesiopm2 0.293 @leslierevales 0.565 @lesmann 1.424 @lespecial17 0.119 @lestrange 1.156 @leveragetrading 10.000 @leveuf 0.184 @leviet7490 0.002 @leyargoz 0.005 @lgrr2002 0.037 @liberosist 0.076 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0.243 @pavonj 4.167 @pbock 0.930 @pboulet 4.172 @peakd 10.000 @pearlumie 0.016 @pedrobrito2004 1.409 @penderis 3.842 @penguinpablo 10.000 @pennsif 3.097 @periods 0.002 @pettycash 0.249 @pfunk 15.000 @ph1102 10.000 @pharesim 10.000 @phgnomo 1.013 @phoenixwren 5.024 @phortun 10.000 @photofeed 7.523 @photographercr 4.680 @phteven.withap 2000.000 @pibara 0.053 @pinmapple 10.000 @pixaroma 7.519 @pixelfan 10.000 @pixiepost 8.977 @pizza-dlux 200.176 @pl-travelfeed 2.155 @planchero 0.016 @plantstoplanks 10.000 @playfulfoodie 8.760 @pnc 6.525 @pocketrocket 114.545 @podewils 0.399 @poetation 0.482 @pogarda 0.047 @polessins 0.013 @polyannie 0.667 @popurri 0.643 @porters 8.591 @postingkeys 0.293 @powernabo 0.050 @ppextend 119.278 @pranavhills 0.024 @preludiocosmico 324.525 @premiumsfx 108.508 @preparedwombat 3856.336 @primersion 10.000 @princessbusayo 0.320 @priyanarc 8.174 @proctologic 4.675 @profgabs05 0.083 @profkaos 0.803 @progressivechef 1.300 @projctrevelation 0.141 @project-goblin 0.001 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@rizzellofabio 0.054 @roadstories 1.326 @rob23 2.300 @robmojo 10.000 @robotics101 0.668 @robotolux 0.002 @robotsteemit 0.004 @robvector 6.431 @robwillmann 1.346 @roger5120 10.000 @roky 0.375 @romeskie 6.579 @romirspc 1.073 @ronaldoavelino 2.133 @ronnon78 0.051 @roomservice 2.328 @ropaga 0.530 @roshansuares 0.172 @roundbeargames 10.000 @rovill 1375.502 @roxa56 0.001 @rozku 5.742 @rudeolph 0.125 @runicar 5263.291 @rutablockchain 3.841 @ryan313 1.065 @ryivhnn 6.095 @ryzeonline 0.760 @sabinasusnik 0.169 @saboin 10.000 @sachingeorge 0.034 @saffisara 8.864 @sagadahoctrott 4.194 @sagardyola 0.330 @sajibibon84 0.516 @saleg25 0.538 @salimnil9 0.101 @samarkhan 0.003 @sammie 1.716 @samminator 3.856 @samotonakatoshi 10.000 @sandeepp 0.031 @sandymeyer 10.000 @sanguinehaze 0.168 @sanj75 7.743 @sanjeevm 15.000 @sankysanket18 9.730 @santigs 2.028 @sarmaticus 1.480 @satren 10.000 @saydij 0.035 @sayury 0.429 @sbaby 0.166 @scaredycatguide 4.350 @schlees 10.000 @scholaris 7.454 @schubes 2.204 @sciencevienna 0.806 @sco 1.029 @scooter77 5.000 @seareader1 586.855 @sebaseek 0.013 @seckorama 8.647 10.000 @sembrandounpais 0.016 @seo-boss 0.001 @sepracore 10.000 @sergiomendes 2.355 @serialfiller 0.454 @sevenoh-fiveoh 0.902 @sexist 108.426 @sgerhart 2.313 @shadowmyst 0.446 @shainemata 6.443 @shaka 10.000 @shanibeer 10.000 @sharker 2.805 @sharminmim 0.334 @sharpshot 5.821 @shauner 0.014 @shebe 2.667 @shellyduncan 6936.607 @shiftrox 0.004 @shmoogleosukami 58.623 @shortsegments 5.000 @shralve 10.000 @shredz7 1943.431 @shujja 0.037 @shyrybovich 0.177 @sicarius 0.284 @sidjay 0.074 @sidusobscurus 0.005 @sift666 2.531 @sigota 0.097 @silversaver888 10.000 @simplifylife 6.062 @singhcapital 10.000 @sinistry 1.068 @sinlg 1.071 @sircork 0.028 @sirdemian 0.273 @sirminealot 0.014 @skapaneas 2.284 @sketchpoison777 0.010 @sky03 0.022 @skylinebuds 2.385 @skyple 0.009 @slabakbg 0.013 @slider2990 10.000 @slobberchops 10.000 @smallearth 10.000 @smjn 10.000 @smooth 10.000 @sn0n 300.000 @snacky 7.896 @snubbermike 3977.499 @sofitere 0.176 @softworld 1.738 @solarwarrior 10.000 @solominer 10.000 @soluce07 0.833 @solymi 0.562 @someguy123 10.000 @sorin.cristescu 10.000 @sorprendente 0.189 @soteyapanbot 0.047 @soundminer 0.183 @soyalex 1.393 @soyrosa 10.000 @soyunasantacruz 2.184 @specific 8.360 @spectrumecons 10.000 @spinvest 10.000 @splinterlands-ru 0.266 @spooky-urbex 0.050 @sqlinsix 4.148 @squits 5.000 @st8z 0.076 @stackin 182.536 @starstrings01 9.306 @stayoutoftherz 10.000 @stayten 0.894 @steem-cms 0.005 @steemaction 6.067 @steemcollator 0.002 @steemean 5.201 @steementertainer 0.013 @steemer-sayu907 1.698 @steemgridcoin 0.051 @steemik 10.000 @steemitboard 10.000 @steemitqa 0.107 @steemitworldmap 0.346 @steemmm 0.008 @steemmonsters 10.000 @steemonboarder 0.033 @steempeak 10.000 @steempower-001 0.131 @steempress 10.000 @steemseph 3.206 @steemstem 10.000 @steemychicken1 10.000 @stellabelle 0.147 @stephen.king989 10.000 @stepway174rus 0.007 @stevenwood 3.722 @stevescoins 0.454 @stevethevagabond 0.992 @stiant 7.651 @stickupboys 1.433 @stimialiti 0.004 @stormcharmer 0.935 @straykat 5.643 @strenue 10.000 @suesa 9.569 @sumatranate 10.000 @sunisa 1.686 @sunlakeslady 3000.000 @suntree 0.400 @supergoodliving 6.438 @superlotto 6140.750 @supermeatboy 0.008 @suprememagus 2.315 @surfyogi 12000.000 @surya1adiga 0.152 @susi5654 0.003 @suzanoslin 6000.000 @sweetsssj 10.000 @swissman 0.001 @syedumair 9491.343 @synrg 10.000 @szasbi 0.001 @tahbness 0.038 @tailor01 0.002 @talentclub 10.000 @talih 0.022 @tama.arin 0.039 @tamaralovelace 5.000 @tamiil 10.000 @tanjakolader 1.000 @tarazkp 36367.274 @taskmaster4450 10064.018 @taskmaster4450le 15.000 @tazi 10.000 @tazyexlos 0.002 @tbnfl4sun 5.764 @tcpaikano 0.767 @tdre 10.000 @teamslovenia 0.088 @tefer13 0.032 @ten-years-before 0.034 @text2speech 0.046 @tfranzini 5.489 @thahodler 0.396 @thatcryptodave 7.196 @thatsweeneyguy 1.771 @the66squirrel 0.958 @theadmiral 0.172 @theanalystjohn 0.055 @theb0red1 30654.396 @thebeardflex 10.365 @thecbp-hiver 0.020 @thecryptodrive 10.000 @theghost1980 1.037 @thegoliath 1.436 @thehive 10.000 @theia7 2.171 @thejohalfiles 10.000 @themagus 1.351 @themanualbot 1.588 @thepredator04 0.063 @thethoughtpolice 1.701 @thevil 10.000 @thewarkettle 0.046 @theycallmedan 2584.172 @thheyisus0 0.014 @thomashnblum 0.505 @thomasthewolf 2.256 @thoughts-in-time 0.665 @threesteps 0.124 @tibfox 0.304 @timetraveljesus 0.021 @tin.aung.soe 1.241 @tinman88 0.566 0.126 @tipu 10.000 @titan-c 1.600 @tkept260 22206.524 @tlundy47 0.288 @tobetada 5.000 @tobias-g 0.085 @tombstone 24945.949 @tomhall 10.000 @tonimontana 0.588 @tonygreene113 1.044 @tonyz 10.000 @toofasteddie 10.000 15.000 @tpkidkai 0.018 @tracilin 107200.017 @traciyork 10.000 @trangbaby 5.608 @travelfeed 6.819 @travelssteem 0.351 @treepi 0.031 @trincowski 10.000 @trinumedia 0.173 @tripode 5.317 @trippymane 0.050 @troikivmm 0.004 @trostparadox 3.079 @trumpikas 3.527 @trumpman 15.000 @truthforce 0.200 @truthsfinder 0.021 @tsnaks 1.756 @tuha.peut 0.010 @tuheka 0.066 @twinner 0.395 @txatxy 10.000 @ua-promoter 10.000 @ubg 10.000 @udeesther 0.027 @ulisesjhm1510 0.012 @undefined 0.472 @unicorn-tamer 0.102 @unklebonehead 0.937 @upmewhale 10.000 @ura-soul 9.057 @urdreamscometrue 0.103 @urun 5.000 @usermateusx1 0.001 @utopiaeducators 0.093 @uwelang 10.000 @v-siniarski 0.578 @vagabondspirit 0.051 @vaipraonde 0.103 @valentin86 0.046 @valued-customer 2.758 @vancouverpics 0.358 @vasqus 2000.000 @vaultec 1.311 @vbnm21 0.217 @vbogomolov 10.000 @vcelier 10.000 @vempromundo 1.489 @veteranforcrypto 2.406 @vgholdingsllc 0.743 @vickaboleyn 0.584 @victorbz 2.799 @viking-ventures 10.000 @vikisecrets 10.000 @vikvitnik 0.361 @vimukthi 9.433 @viper160891 4.765 @vision-of-esca 0.633 @viviana28 1.355 @vixmemon 1.029 @vokus 0.175 @vonzeppelin 0.102 @vortac 10.000 @vvanestati 0.035 @vxc 0.054 @wackou 10.000 @wagnertamanaha 2.177 @waivio.acc 10.000 @wakeupkitty.pal 0.204 @waleedtee 0.109 @wallar 0.010 @walterjay 10.000 @walterprofe 1.883 @wayneney 2.904 @wehmoen 10.000 @weirdestwolf 0.107 @wesp05 0.962 10.000 @whangster79 10.000 @whatsup 6834.697 @whylibertarian 7.722 @wil.metcalfe 10.000 @wishmaiden 0.499 @woelfchen 0.244 @wolfofnostreet 0.623 @wolven-znz 2.941 @wonderwow 1.234 @wongbraling 0.128 0.072 @x9ed1732b 3.877 @ximlouiii 0.220 @xlisto 5.907 @xman2020 0.005 @xmauron3 3.293 @xplosive 0.196 @xuanphuc98 0.862 @xxxxxxxxxx 10.000 @yabapmatt 10.000 @yaelg 1.755 @yann03 0.202 @yasu24 15.506 @ybanezkim26 10.000 @yeckingo1 5.000 @yggdrasilwind 0.205 @ylich 9.239 @yo-hoho 3.159 @yocazo 0.021 @yohanys 0.136 @yojhany2 0.029 @yolimarag 4.047 @yolithy24 0.016 @yonilkar 0.633 @yonnathang 1.456 @yoslehz 0.616 @youngky 0.030 @yourfuture 0.715 @yuki-nee 0.743 @yuriitonkov 0.342 @yuza 0.204 @z-allyourchain 1.000 @z-isbelongtous 1.000 @z3ll 0.126 @zachkriegs 2033.181 @zammie 1.928 @zanoz 1.811 @zaraell 0.107 @zdigital222 0.017 @zedcell 3.228 @zedikaredirect 0.811 @zeero22 0.052 @zekepickleman 9.647 @zellypearl 1.509 @zeusfrench01 0.004 @zhoten 0.319 @zinuruism 0.004 @zioland 10.000 @zirky 1.534 @zm187 0.006 @znnuksfe 10.000 @zoeanavid 0.203 @zonadigital21 0.152 @zord189 10.000 @zuberkhan007 0.014 @zuerich 10.000

There are 2 pages

Keep up the good work. Long-game on @dlux. We are going to see a lot of innovation over the rest of this decade that leads DLUX right into the sweetspot.

That is unless you think VR and mixed reality is not going to happen. If so, DLUX is positioned perfectly.

And what is dlux?

decentralized limitless user experiences

It's an open platform to post webapps with special consideration made for AR and VR.

Check out some examples at!
VR Art Gallery with Sound
Static Hive Blockexplorer

Cool thanks, I have the tokens but wasn't sure what it is

Is there a way to upload on images taken with a VueXR camera? I still haven't found a way to look in an immersive way at the pictures/videos I've taken with it. Thx!

I can look into it. I’m sure there’s a way.

Hahah I might have the same question

Thanks for the drop. The site looks great. Next, I'll try to mesh up a 360 app or two via your :)

Ooooh yea. I've been excited about DLUX since I stumbled across it a few months ago. There is a TON of applications that DLUX could tap into. I'm mostly excited about the AR aspect of it. Imagine HIVE NFT AR music videos. Just imagine.

How did the distribution work on this? There are quite a few people with zero or almost no HP who got thousands of tokens (Their proposal votes would have been worthless). Project looks cool though!

These are the current liquid balances and not the airdrop amount.
this file was put through the following code.

function airdrop(state, aird, source) {
                                    var src = source || 'rm'
                                    for (a in aird){
                                        if (parseInt(aird[a].amount) > 0){
                                            var drop = parseInt(parseInt(aird[a].amount) / 1883359298) //vest to HP
                                                state.balances[a] += drop
                                                    state.balances[a] = drop
                                                state.balances[src] -= drop
                                    return state

So any amounts higher than 10 DLUX were OG holders.

ohh, ok. state.balances[a] += drop... I didn't read the post properly, and thought it was just the airdrop.

Thanks for the clarification!

Thank you very much -- this was a bit confusing, but as a prolific 2D fractal artist who bends to 3D, I am sort of interested in the platform and how to convert those images for VR exploration because fractals are always so interesting at different scales ... is there a guide I can read to get started?

3D fractal art by @elgeko . He's used our 360 image uploader to put some 2x1 equirectangular 360 format in a standard app. Maybe he'll drop by and say what program he was using to build these, but I know the options are growing every day. If you're tech savy we have some documentation for building almost anything.

I'm not particularly tech savvy, but thank you for posting the documentation anyway... I'm one of those people who knows enough tech and is stubborn enough to find my way ... however, the GLTF converter link is not working...

Hello, there is an old fractal software called mandelbulb3d. there you can create 360° degree fractals. you can download it for free here::

Thank you! I love functional old software!

Where is this link?

We'll remove that link in our documentation, thanks!

Thanks for the airdrop! How do we participate in future airdrops?

There are currently no active airdrops. If you have any ideas to bring engagement to the DLUX or HIVE platform I'd love to hear them! You can always build DLUX content and earn that way, or vote on any future DLUX content.

Shweet, got me some DLUX! Looks like you guys are doing some pretty cool stuff. Does DLUX need any sort of dev help right now?

There's of course still work to be done, but nothing we can pay more than native tokens. Of course I'd love to see more people delivering content via this paradigm... And if there's anything you're making that would otherwise need a website, I hope you consider distributing it via our model.

We're available via discord

Gracias pero como puedo reclamar y usar esos tokens?

Todos las acciones estan aqui:

Lo siento la página no es en español.

Hello, I saw my name at 0.242 Delux. How do you know that ? Where can I see that I have it ? has a wallet and DEX.

Explain to me a little, because I have difficulty understanding. I have an active account with Dlux ?
How to gain more ? Put it in TAG for each article in "dlux" ?

Most communities around hive work off the community tag. DLUX works a little different. Very technically: you need to have an application referenced in the custom json section of a root level post, and a 10% benificiary fee paid to @dlux-io.

Both of these are things are automatically done when using to build VR/dApp content or using the custom glitch editor.

like this)Other than posting, delegations to @dlux-io shares a pool of inflation, you can see what this looks like on @dlux-io's daily posts (

Running a consensus node will earn a little reward for every accepted consensus report.
Running a DLUX node also can facilitate DEX transactions, which earn a little reward for every necessary transaction. As well as 0.1% fee from any completed trade that your node personally handles.

Finally, Voting on DLUX content earns curation rewards if your DLUX is powered up.

What a pleasant surprise!

Have a great weekend! Lee :)Thanks @disregardfiat! @griega 0.200 not bad to begin with! lol

Kind of spam "attagk" 😱

Anyway, thank you for the airdrop. !LUV

Welcome, and feel free to use the included hive signer link to get a @_arcange tag instead.

Wow, thank you so much! I really appreciate 😉

!LUV 1

for you

@eii, sorry!

You can call the PIZZA bot a maximum of 10 times per day.

Wow thanks! I think I logged in once but was a bit confused, but I will revisit :)I tink it is the first time I got anything airdropped except SL cards, so very happy.

If anyone is looking for some DLUX purchases < 2500 DLUX I can sell some off my @jenkem account at a rate of 0.33 HIVE per DLUX (or max of 2500 DLUX for 825 HIVE)

Sounds like a bitcoin | pizza moment ;)

lololol. I will gladly be your lazlo if that is the case. I'm one of the few almost 99.9% uptime nodes so I'll get it back.

You likely aren't wrong though.

@stayten and @thekittygirl another one ☝️

@disregardfiat congrats and good luck again

Very excited to see the notification. I've made it to 7.357 DLUX now 😉💥😎

!PIZZA You should have posted with #leofinance tag. Folks there love hearing about crypto and airdrop stuff!



$PIZZA@disregardfiat! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @d-zero.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at

Bin dabei ⚡️


Screenshot 2021-05-31 10.43.02 AM.png

When you get something and your not sure why,
Just finished reading and thank you i think we are all just trying to make hive something better in the long run

Posted via D.Buzz

0.001 thanks :D

The airdrop amount is based on your Hive Power. I hope you can participate via posting content to earn further rewards. :)

Thank you very much, we continue to contribute and improve our community.


Not that many, but maybe my small community of DLUX will get some unexpected children. 😃

BEERHey @disregardfiat, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

This is exciting!!

Thank you very much! I would love to learn more about this project and keep a close I on the way forward!

Thank you very much. Would love to know about this project in detail.

Hello @disregardfiat Thank you for the notification. I appreciate it. I have 10 DLux!

This is exciting thanks

Thanks for the tokens! Will stake them later.

Great to have some airdrops. Thanks a lot.

Sounds great and thank you kindly!

Yay! Random tokens for me.

Wo0t wo0t thank you peeps!

Thank you very much!

Super :)

Thank you!

I only received 0.05 and I know it's nothing but I staked it! Let's see if I can manage to get more and stake more to help grow the community!

Let's go!

Sweet! Staking and can't wait to see the future.

Thank you!!! Me and puppy dog appreciate it.

And absolutely awesome job getting this out there and spread around I will value this very highly and we'll see about getting a little bit more so we can stake it up!

Me and puppy dog both say thank you very much and we really appreciate this.


Thank you very much

looks cool just a quick look but could play with it yet, very excited!


Thank you for the gift. But how do you go about recovering the LUVs?

thank you . I hope the community continues to grow

Thank you very much 😁

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃



$PIZZA@disregardfiat! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @johannpiber.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

There are 2 pages