Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
I am sorry for using the well worn buzz phrase about leaving one´s comfort zone in the title of my today´s post but it just somehow seemed to be fitting the topic that I am going to write about and the picture that I am going to share with you :)
That´s me enjoying my regular workout at my favorite spot here in Krakow earlier today. Yep, I used the word enjoying and I will tell you why. As you can see, it´s an outdoor gym (the best one I have actually ever used) and yes, it was covered with snow and it was freezing (around -5 °C or 23 °F ) when I was there but to be really honest with you, it was not that big deal for me in fact.
Sure, after having spent the past couple of winters in the tropics or subtropics, it´s not easy for me to switch for this unpleasant Central European winter weather but when it comes to working out or jogging outdoor, I feel quite comfortable once I warm up. But obviously, with most other people, that´s not the case. While this awesome outdoor gym was crowded on nice sunny days (even in autumn), I am usually alone there these days. I wonder why it´s such a big problem for people to stick to their workout routine when the weather is not so favorable anymore. I mean once you warm up, you cannot be cold and there is even this extra benefit of boosting your immune system when exercising in chilly weather so I don´t really get why so many people switch for the indoors when summer is gone.
How about you guys? Do you avoid outdoor workout in bad weather or are you fine with it like me? Let me know in the comment section below, I am really curious to see what you have to say about it ;)
Weightlifting In the Snow! You have inspired me!!
Hahaha I actually call this type of workout the Rocky mode :D
Not sure where you will get the snow in south Cali though :D
Well played!
When hiking, I don´t mind snow, heavy rain, wind, low temperatures, sometimes even storms but regular workout - only indoors no matter what the weather is. It´s just more comfortable for me and I am too lazy to take all the equipment I need there and back. And it seems we don´t have such a well-equipped outdoor gym here (at least I wasn´t looking for it). And also, I prefer working out in the morning and I just can´t imagine going out for the workout at 6 am - that´s too many obstacles :D But now, from my warm bed, I totally understand you are enjoying that :D
Haha ok, sounds like bulletproof argumentation :D Not gonna dispute or persuade here, enjoy your indoor workouts :) Thanks for stopping by LouLou :D ;)
Nothing stops my jogging no matter if the sun is blazing hot out there or the flood gates of heaven have open up unless it is hailing out there , i will be out there jogging along the beach i find it more fun jogging in the rain splashing through the puddles of water like a little kid and then get home and under a warm shower just feel so energized afterwards and then will do a few weights in my garage gym. I love the set up of that outdoor gym you have over there unfortunately that is one thing they lack in our country all because of silly government regulation it's all indoor gyms so they can rack up the dollars.
Totally understand what you are talking about here man, I have the same feelings when jogging or working out in bad weather ;) It feels like my body produces even more endorphins in such conditions :D Good for you that you have a garage gym, you can keep yourself fit no matter what ;)
Thanks for your feedback @phortun we share the same thoughts and feeling about this topic as they say no pain no gain no matter in what conditions...lol 😆
Exactly ;)
That's pretty wild that they have weights you can use outdoors that are attached by chains.
Wild indeed but I love it! I have been to many different outdoor workout spots in Europe and all Americas (including the famous Muscle Beach in L.A.) but this one in Krakow is easily the best so far :) I go there like every other day :D
Wow, spectacular outdoor gym! I think that on the one hand it is an advantage that the weather is somewhat cold, when I exercise outdoors I must go out at 6:00 in the morning, if not, the heat is very strong and my performance it's not the same
Haha exactly! When I was living in Mexico, I couldn´t work out outdoors at all because of the heat. I tried a few times in the evening, around 8 p.m. but it was still so hot I almost passed out :D Cold weather is definitely much better for my workout than hot weather ;)
I don't like cold weather very much but for outdoor exercise it is preferable hehehe
There is no bad weather do practice ;)
I'm always doing mine no matter what ;)
Namaste 🙏
Awesome! I noticed that most of you guys from the Bulgarian community here are really tough guys in great shape ;)
Kind of ;)
At least most of our society is focused on practice one way or another ;)
Já takhle necvičím :) já hodím a v zimě to mám taky rád vlastně počasí nehraje roli a když mám i oblečení tak i v dešti třeba několik hodin chůze, ale to už teď delší dobu nebylo :)
Ale pro mě tohle měřítko je to, že chodím kudy chci i když tam nejsou cesty a jak moc náročnej terén to je :) ...
Jo tak dlouhé procházky mám taky rád :) Fyzicky mě teda moc neunaví, to bych musel fakt běžet, ale na pročištění hlavy je to ideálka, zvlášť večer před spaním ;)
u mě je to o rychlosti, když jdu rychle tak jsme pak i unavenej... ale snažím se dávat tak těch 8-10km takže i tak jsme unavenej speciálně v tomhle studeným počasí a s málo spánkem... :)
Co u tebe znamená málo spánku? Jen tak pro zajímavost :)
cokoliv co je dlouhodbě pod průměrem 6 hodin na den...
Takže teď většinou nespíš ani šest hodin? Mě tohle téma zajímá, letos (nejspíš kvůli celému tomu šílenství a věcem s tím souvisejícími) taky občas se spaním bojuju. Na jaře jsem měl i týden, kdy jsem dal maximálně 3 hoďky za noc. To už bylo celkem kritické... Teď je to zrovna docela v pohodě. Snažím se to pozorovat a pracovat s tím, je to podle mě jen o hlavě...
no já nám jak interní tak externí vlivy a ty externí jsou teď trochu dost intenzivní :) a taky to trvá asi tak od května... a díky těm hodinkám... jsme ok když dám v průměru za tejden 7... pod už se začne hromadit nespánek pod šest jsme fakt mimo... :)
I avoid workout in general. No matter the weather, no matter indoor or out. Sport ist Mord (essentially: doing sports will kill you), as they say in Germany. Haven't done sports in almost 40 years. & never understood the concept of working out.
Hahaha I haven´t heard this saying but we actually have something similar in the Czech Republic, we literally say: through sports towards permanent disablement :D Not my opinion though, I love physical exercise. Thanks for stopping by and wishing you good health (no matter how you achieve it :)
Mainly, I avoid doctors. Beside that I tend to prefer cycling or walking over motorised transport.
Good health to you, too!
Looks like we found things we share ;) I also avoid doctors and walk and cycle a lot too ;) Btw cycling is sport :p Walking too actually, kind of :)
Well, sports...
Depends on the definition, I suppose. I don't really do it to stay fit (although it probably helps).
Wow !! It looks really funny. Fantastic! I practice yoga so in winter I stay at home, but when the weather is good (from May to October more or less) I like going to the parks of my city. Thanks for sharing your experience :)
!discovery 30
So does it look funny or fantastic? Just kidding :D I actually haven´t thought of doing yoga in bad weather but I believe staying still in those poses in rain must be very unpleasant :D Better do it at home indeed :)
Thanks for the discovery-it curation btw!
Sometimes it's difficult to find the perfect word 🤣
I think so too. But we must think that it's a very ancient discipline and many Buddhist monks practice it every day even in adverse weather conditions, perhaps it is just a matter of training. I don't know ahah :)
Have a nice day 😊
That´s a good point actually, I am sure the monks don´t care about the weather at all, it´s just us, the squeamish westerners, who look for excuses all the time :D
Have a nice day too ;)
Wow the public gym look so cool & full of facilities 😆My first time see you in the picture 😊
I don't like doing outdoor activities under the rain but it's fine for me being like you in the picture. It's little snow and will be warm up after doing a bit exercise.
I guess the main reason that people avoid it is that they lazy to get out of blanket when it's cold 😁
Hey Trang, thanks for stopping by :) Yes, the gym is really cool, it´s like a regular, fully equipped gym, except it´s in the fresh air, completely free and available 24/7 :) This is what it looks like in summer:
Well, I usually don´t publish photos of myself here as I would like to keep at least a bit of anonymity but this one would like weird if I photoshopped me or my face out :D A actually tried it :D Good to know you are one of those who don´t mind bad weather for outdoor activities. For working out in this gym, rain is a problem too because all the benches and machines are wet but for jogging, I am fine even with rain :)
Wow, just a perfect outdoor gym and great idea to have a fresh gym open 24/7 to encourage people to do exercise ☺️. Haha being a bit anonymous sometimes is really impressive 😊
Jak kdy. Někdy jsem bolestínek a radši si naordinuju švihadlo pěkně v teplíčku s čajíčkem a jindy běžim "na rockyho" :D
Ale jsem na sebe zvědavej tak v půlce ledna. To očekávám, že budu mít chuť to tak maximálně zabalit. Ono přeci jen furt zima, tma...někdy se to zdá nekonečný
Hm, to je zajímavé (že jednou trénuješ na Bolestínka a jindy na Rockyho :D). U mě je prostě pohyb spojen s tím být venku, doma cvičím fakt extrémně nerad a pouze v případě krajní nouze. Jako jasně, ty první kilometry ve vánici nebo slejváku nejsou nic moc, ale jak se do toho dostaneš a začnou se vyplavovat první endorfiny, tak se to překlopí do té roviny, kdy si to užíváš na max a okolnosti vůbec nevnímáš. Aspoň teda já to tak mám :) Se cvičením je to za velké nepřízně počasí horší. Ležet / sedět na mokrých strojích, klouzat na mokrých hrazdách / bradlech, do toho pauzy mezi sériema, kdy ti vítr bičuje ty mokré hadry... To už je fakt řehole a vyžaduje to nejvyšší levely Rocky módu :D
Já sem to jako spíš referoval k těm podmínkám ten Rocky mód vs bolestínek (takže když sem třeba zmrzlej, otrávenej a unavenej, tak si fakt radši zalezu a pojedu švihadlo, nebo burpees, než abych to lámal přes koleno), než k nějaký výkonnosti. :) Co se týče výkonnosti, tak já sem naprosto odporně pragmatickej. Něco jako Mourinhův fotbal za jeho největší slávy - nedalo se na to moc dívat, většinou to vůbec nebylo entertaining, ale přinášelo to výsledky :D trénuju tak, abych mohl trénovat zejtra zase. V gymu šedá myš. Nevšimnul by sis mě. Pravej spodní roh a dělám, že neexistuju vůbec :D
:DDD ...Mourinhův autobus a šedá myš v gymu pobavila :D Říkáš, že nejsi úplně ten typ, co si naloží na benč stopade a pak to za řevu připomínající stádo sloních samců v říji zvedá tak, aby o tom věděly i prodavačky v supermarketu přes ulici, jo? :D Já taky ne ;)
Good evening. This is really great. Sports in the fresh and frosty air. Thank you for sharing the post. I wish you good health and good mood.
Thanks buddy! :) Same to you.
Good evening. Thank you for responding to my comment. Good luck to you.
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Cool 😁
I just saw your Wim Hof shots and pictures from your workout, respect man! Very inspiring.
Thank you, respect !!!
@tipu curate
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