There are 2 pages

why does play2earn fail? It takes games which are a form of entertainment and escapism, like movies, books, etc…,,

And tries to make it into a financial job with a ponzi style token

There are other ways to add “web3” concepts to games.

here here!

Agree if the game only exists to support the token it's doomed. But the stress of daily grind has existed since WoW. I think web3 is underachieving because all the games are derivative of web2 games w/ more polish and ease of access.

it is failing because of that just trying to copy web2.
My point is there should only be gaming not web2 or web3.
You can add new features powered by web3.

Myself and a bunch of the ADA game studios are working on this.

play2earn is dead.

My point is there should only be gaming not web2 or web3.

1000% agree with you here, I think we might be saying the same thing from different points of view.

Where can I read about what you and ADA game studios are working on?

a lot of it is only talked about during conferences, dreamhack etc… but if you want a little insight into a part of it. You can read my blog.
I have a bunch of posts talking about it.

More will be coming.

Hi, @simplegame,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Awesome, I'll check it out - and I'm following you now as well.

exactly 99 percent of web3 games are just token farms and even a ton of the new ones are still focused around it.

this is why we built a different system.

Hi, @simplegame,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Just got Steam Remote Play working on Portal Brawlers!

INLEO AMA #threadcast: New Integrations, Cross-Chain HIVE Swaps

Join us in 54 minutes @ noon EST!

Long form, short form, polls, shorts... we have it all 😉
Do we missing anything else?

Hi, @mightpossibly,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

That's so awesome! You know, the ability to do that

Is khal into real estate too?

I don't get,is link another token

Yeah, it's pretty old one too. It's an oracle token

Yes, it's ChainLink's currency - ChainLink being the most used Oracle solution for blockchains, in particular the EVM based ones.

Onboarding on Hive and growing the user base is what encourages new project to be born here. This is the secret ingredient and InLeo paves the way for that...

community and engagement are Leo’s super powers that other communities are leaning from and addopting.

Everything is changing, technology is becoming a stuff in high demand and InLEO is also shifting to this too.

I don't think HIVE exports all that much... Except the HIVE token being exchanged for other tokens all the time, but does that count as exporting?

OK OK, so that it is a topic today I'll open up my shop right here right now ...
I haven't got the time to advertise it or anything just now, but the designs are online, so go check 'em out Lions 💪🏼🦁👍🏼


Looks really cool!!!

thank you, enjoy checking out the other designs 💪🏼🦁👍🏼

The design of the bag is very nice and with the INLEO logo it looks wonderful. It will sell like hotcakes.😎

which one?


Does the Inleo app work fine on mobile?..

it works for me.... tho it's better on the computer

Oh, really? I'll tell her to try using a PC.
Thank you for the tip.

I obviously support the proposal but I can see how it might be a big ask for someone who is on the fence. I see it’s half of Splinterlands, but I can understand someone who thinks that’s too much for any project.

Eventually I want to see only new projects getting funding to start up ideas that haven’t been able to create income streams yet.

Still, I support this.

Wait Splinterlands is getting double? Wow.

yeah, and to be fair Splinterlands has been the most successful hive project to date so I can see why they asked for more than other projects but the amount seems a little absurd to me considering how much hive is just starting to get its shit together.

Other projects get about 1/3 of what Leo asked for but have done way less in terms of onboarding and collaborations and creating sustainable systems. They are far from dead weight but I think you guys are going to light the fire under some of their asses when they see what is possible. Peakd and ecency were leading the way for a while but they never figured out self sustainability and onboarding.

We’ve had great projects over the years but Leo feels like the first with a grand vision for the whole space and the ability to adapt and make it happen. I want to see 3speak do the same. They definitely have a vision but its taking a very long time. Would love to see them build out the team and get more community excitement going.

Yeah for sure. I've seen how long shorts have been down on INLEO because of 3speak delays. I would loe to see them keep building.

Just make a Redbubble page for INLEO and start selling anything as LEO merch.

  • Clothes
  • Phone cases
  • Stickers
  • Clocks
  • Mugs
  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • Socks
  • So much more....

Will you guys buy an AI made, human proof-read INLEO Starter Handbook for $2.99?!

Great idea and that's a good deal too!

I am ready for LPUD tomorrow. First Leo power up of the year.

Oh god... I can't forget.

Yeah, real Lions won't forget. Haha.

I see $LINK price on INLEO. Are we getting Chainlink users onboard? IIRC they are the oldest successful interoperability project in cryptosphere. It will be an amazing partnership. HIVE Whales should do something about that DHF Proposal.

It will be an amazing partnership. HIVE Whales should do something about that DHF Proposal.

We are in DMs with over a dozen of the largest crypto projects in the world who all want to get their own "Join INLEO, Earn DASH" campaign for their crypto

Wen will Hive whales wake up and vote the DHF proposal so we can keep making these partnerships a reality?

I have a Dash user used for testing purposes and seeing new features, will use that to check the new functionalities. Thanks!


AS in each one of these newly integrated Communities there are more tech savvy and nodes running people, could INLEO accompany them to set up Hive Witness nodes, or a VSC Network one? We'll need them when States will try to enforce on Hive their centralize & conquer rules.

Gonna tune in. What's that new color theme? Can't see it yet in my settings. Wen?

It's the INLEO x Splinterlands integration

Time to onboard the whole #splinterlands community and make INLEO their UI

Nice! great idea. 👌

While we wait for everything to fall in place for the podcast, can one log in to InLEO from any other medium outside Keystore if the account was created using Keystore?

If you still have your keystore's 12-word secret phrase, that's your account's Master Password, so you can import it easily via Keychain!

some of us really need to be educated about this cross-chain hive swaps

We are the early birds and ready to get satisfied as we are hungry for detailed information and updates.

There's still no voices from the Host. Preparation is still ongoing. Soon

If you still have your keystore's 12-word secret phrase, that's your account's Master Password, so you can import it easily via Keychain!

soon this storm will be weather and alts will be back to flying

Lolz, so cat you don't know khal that much, wow, look at how well you guys blend. 20yrs older than him, lolz.

Looks like it's only $HIVE that is experiencing more bull as a representative for all altcoins.

it's loud and clear.

X is live. More people are joining too.

Khal really trust what $ETH would do cause according to him, he has been converting to it.

Bitcoin dominance chart (BTC.D) is something to keep watching if your exposed to alts. If BTC.D goes down = good for alts.

Yea, there is little $HIVE liquidity now, the staked hive is having a big say on this.

$RUNE at $3 is a steal and a great opportunity to accumulate

Yea, for khal's alpha trade, subscribe to him. I will though.

Still expecting a choppy week although bottom is probably in.

Gonna stay away from leverage as much as I can. Just need to do some to get volume for GRVT airdrop... 😅.

Some hivans keeps doing the normal market gimmicks concerning $HIVE, wen it's low they buy and wen high they sell, it's normal though.

For my fellow Muslims out there, Futures Trading is a type of Riba, so DYOR (Do Your Own Research) if you plan on getting into that.

Maybe we aren't gonna see $HIVE at 30 cent again anytime soon.

Lolz, who can still remember when we were, Lolz

The market keeps doing what it's known for whereas traders keep reciprocating to it.

Bitcoin dominance needs to go low in order for altcoins to explode


Khal I think maybe shorts about these integrations and chances in the interface should be published so that users confused while doing any of the processes can watch the short. Starting from Keystore login.

using other crypto which is available on LeoDex will promotes Inleo platform and ecosystem.

More premium subscription

i love the way you make the inleo experience less stressful

Paying for premium with any currency is futuristic and feels like magic.

Ability to cross chain Hive swaps in the case of premium subscription and other process on Inleo will improve Hive ecosystem

Yea, this good idea needs funding, let's vote for it though.

Any rebranding intention for InLeo with a more for the masses wording to express what's the platform about?

This platform is quite fun because I got to play the game jumping over obstacles and the music was fun

Man... $LINK

I bought that under $1 years ago. Had a pretty big stack too. 🙂

all the transactions going on behind the scene is wild, would love to check it out sometime

I think the link to voting for the DHF proposal should be attached here

if arbitrum gas fee is less than a penny,how then do you get paid for the premium

So great: just make the payment work, what do I care (as user) ❤️

Yea, the vote for the proposal should also be done on InLEO not peakD alone.

Ole, ola!!! I landed in the AMA as well, cheers all! 🚀

When do we know if the DHF proposal passes or not? Is there any due date for it or how does it work?

It starts today and it's all real-time

If you set @leo.voter as proxy in your Dashboard, all the governance actions including voting for Proposals will automatically copy what INLEO is doing. On top of this you will earn higher APR for your HIVE delegation.

Aah.. that's great that Inleo is paying the possible slippage! 👍 Made simple and fair for the user. No hidden extra costs. respect!

Are Splinterland curators (monstercurator, bdvoter, etc) supporting Inleo proposal? Those plenty of HP.

Highly doubt it. Most of those accounts are ran by old guard Hivers who are part of the group that slams LEO.

I dunno, Splinterlands is kinda on the same boat as Inleo. They too were struggling to get funding for their proposal so would make sense to support Inleo especially now that the Inleo & Splinterlands integration is happening.

They dug their own hole in many different ways, but you could be right. I haven't heard about any integration, if that is happening, I would think that supporting the proposal would be possibility.

Yeah, Khal spoke about it on AMA. Plan is to bring SPL community on Inleo, Premium can be purchased using SPS, Splinterlands theme, etc.

oh shit. I haven’t gotten on this new proposal yet. I’ll go do it!!

Thank you :)

I think we need to summon some big whales to make a splash on the DHF proposal... 😉 I paid my dues, but we need more!!!

I think i would stick to the back end,all this 20sec talk is kinda confusing me😂

InLeo DHF proposal is a reflection of true decentralization on the blockchain.

Yea, those with high hive power would also help increase the funding and voting.

Great idea, I will grab some stats on that and publish them on InLeo. Transparency is needed on this one to encourage more decentralization and let people understand where funds go.

Even those not using InLEO love the idea behind the DHF funding project, InLEO is winning.

yoooo just popped in. Let me call my local whale

you got a local whale 😳 nice man

Having more unique votes shows that it have the best decentralized platform where new users and more people can just show their support for a proposal

Advocate for InLEO it suits hive Blockchain really well.

If InLeo continues with the current growth, it might own the DHF fund. 😆 😀

I Think maybe no other interface is advertising hive blockchain the way InLEO does so we are gonna get the funding.


Are there talks with the Golos community, the Russian-speaking Hive's little brother? As their mindset & tech are very similiar to ours, it should be quite easy to integrate a skin for them here.

half built, half bought in. I think that’s how it should be done if possible 🔥🔥

I go by "What have you done for me Personally/Lately?" judgement for the proposals I vote for, so people telling me to vote for something will probably make want to vote for it less, unless I already like it.

Yea, get the whales in for the funding, we need InLEO doing really well.


Will there be a part of the agreement to help onboarding non Splinterlands players to the game, from INLEO? For instance people from Dash, ChainLink, etc. - and eventually, later one, integrating those cryptos into the Splinterlands backend too, through LeoDex.

Gonna read the proposal now. I’ve already voted. Like I click “agree” to al kinds of apps without reading the terms lol

Yea,, can remember project blank then but here we are now.

I think InLEO really needs those that understands the future of web3 and what all these integrations would offer wen everything clicks.

I prefer the diversity in new projects and approaches from here as from these evolution takes place. But there are fewer DOers than TALKers....

Actually i don't expect everyone to respond really well to InLEO and it's project at the moment, but time will tell, I believe we are on the right track.

In future, everything is gonna be on-chain, buy gold, buy bitcoin, buy real estate, doesn't matter, it's all gonna be tokenized.

LeoMerchants sounds awesome! I’d love to see that built out in many directions. I want a marketplace. Maybe you could collaborate with hivelist

Yea cat, short form, quick and precise is what we live on now, though there is place for long form though.

It is a world where every day someone comes out and every day you learn.

should we expect trump's inauguration to affect the price of Hive

As a matter of fact, AI is even making things short form now, things done with little or no stress with time saved is short form and thats what AI does.

I am not sold yet on adding $DASH to my portfolio. If I was to do that, does anybody know of any passive earnings ways on the Dash blockchain?

For example something similar to HBD stablecoin getting 15% APR while holding it in Savings on the Hive blockchain.

I need my football jersey showing Leo logo at the front, with a Bruce Wayne title at the back.

I think there is more to this merchant stuff than what khal is saying now, it involves a lot of process but when it eventually pulls through, it will generate a lot revenue.

This is basically how the future would look like,when crypto is used for payment everywhere

I just supported the proposal, I thought it would be done on my behalf with proxy.

People also want to be able to join and say hi.

The time between joining and interacting gets reduced on Inleo because they can just come and leave a threads instead of having to do a whole intro post

I Think generating revenue for InLEO is really a bit simpler now cause these addictives khal is saying is really making sense.

Question ❓

Can one change the encryption password on accounts registered using Keystore?

Yes, use the recover option, with the seed phrase, and set a new password. It will generate a new json file

I have some novels and a new EP, I’d love to be able to sell PDFs or MP3s for bitcoin and receive HBD. Waiting for a landing page!

the next generation of crypto musicians has begun 👍💪


Are there talks with the Golos community, the Russian-speaking Hive's little brother? As their mindset & tech are very similiar to ours, it should be quite easy to integrate a skin for them here.

We need to add the support for $SPS to InLeo to retrieve the price for this token.

For me, it's the issue of spending Breakdown, if I wasn't already into a project, I want to know in painstaking detail how much they'll spend of the Proposal on every single tiny part of the Proposal one-by-one.

How could I pay for premium with SPS once it is intergraded?

Yea, making premium subscription more accessible by using all these conis to pay for it is really super fantastic.

More designs over there to discover and you can choose colors and even the size of the prints, so go check 'em out Lions 💪🏼🦁👍🏼


Join LEO earn $SPS


Introspection sucks
If you think about it.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@khaleelkazi, I sent you an

I'd love to see the Inleo logo & text done in SPL font! 🤩

Splinterlands is a huge community on hive blockchain and if they come in here on INLEO it would make mkre sense and also draw a lot of attention.

That's the goal

splinterlands integration into the inleo Blockchain would be great for both communities.

Even though we don't get much votes from whales, the community accounts voting for us is helping to empower the project too.

Power of the community through masses support, I prefer that anytime of the day!

inleo keeps setting the pace on the crypto space,soon they would be number one,on all platforms

Agreed. I want to see these platforms have friendly competition where they all grow and improve. Of course we have our favorite

I can help with Merch..... been doing the whole print-on-demand thing a while now

Small freeze on YouTube, all sorted out now.

still waiting for photos of the last convention 😂

what might be causing this time freeze on audio?

To be fair, from a purely economic view, adding earning in other coins as a selling point is a very risky move.

People will have to want to spend these coins to buy HIVE/INLEO-specific features or it'll be take take take out of the blockchain, and never give back. Which to be fair, is already happening on other interfaces so I dunno...

I thought so for a while but I think that only holds true if 100% of the people we onboard are leeches.

I still think so, but the problem is that people are already doing that without INLEO making it easier, so there's a big chance INLEO Premium and stuff makes it better, not worse.

It's just about encouraging people who want to build communities and be power users to join. Having a powerful upvote is attractive to some people too once you see this platform isnt going anywhere.

So very soon we are gonna see splinterlands here on INLEO, wow. We wait, all fingers crossed.

are there any photos of that meeting, would love to see them


Can one change the encryption password on Keystore hive Accounts if forgotten?

if you like to get your hands dirty,you could always invest in my cult

you have a cult 🤔😎😎😎😎 what's it called

I will wait for more options before I make my final choice.

Question ❓

Why can't Keystore created InLEO accounts use their posting key to log in using other methods?

You can do it. What sites are you on?

bonfire is where I created the t-shirt

ok nice... is there an actual market place for leo merch yet? I can help with it. I've done this print-on-demand t-shirt business for a couple years now

This is getting very interesting and great ideas are coming out.

Can i just LPUD now, it's already 1/15 here

nope, still six hours before it's LPUD time

Hi Zack. You can check HiveBuzz time to see if you can power up.

Bro wanting to LPUD so badly for me I've staked em all already

what is LPUD I keep seeing ot around

Any plans to have an e-commerce integrated on INLEO so that we can sell digital products and purchases could be made with HBD, DASH or LEO?

454 comments smashed, let's go guys, let's make it 500

Good information, I am a new sub and didn't know about that. Sweet, how do I get the zoom call address - encrypted message?

Encrypted thread! Check my encrypted blog posts & threads

Stocks call, I need more insight into US shares, the ones that I've chosen don't have a positive evolution.

I enjoyed the first private call last year. It was cool.

I think I forgot to renew all my subscriptions hahaha I gotta go back and subscribe to everyone again

Me: Winks with an awkward smile.

Me: Laughs in Venezuelan

Women's clothing available also, go check 'em out Lions 💪🏼🦁👍🏼


We're still WAAAAAAY below the Return Proposal, and I do want to vote to the Return Proposal so I'll refrain for a bit.

Voted with my other account now... My bot accounts have less than 10 HP each, so I'm not sure if I want to bother login with them and upvote. !LOLZ

An atom walks into a bar and says I think I lost an electron in here
Bartender: Are you positive?

Credit: theabsolute
$LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@khaleelkazi, I sent you an

Done!! Upvoted!!

Yeah, this is the weakest argument I've seen thrown around, because the HBD is going out anyway, people just turn HBD to Hive and then take it out via CEXs

never heard of CEX before

Hi, @tsunsica,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

What about creating a #dash and other collaborations sub-channels on the InLeo Discord server? People could organize there different initiatives there and be able to easily chat...

Good question! 👇 Lot of good synergy possible, lot of good things possible to happen both ways.


Few months to 6 years. Any plans for the anniversary?

I love this question

Time to invite more people and remind them of this great show.

There's a need for more people on the show because of its clear and detailed information and engagements to be shared.

Please @herculead, @fokusnow, @luchyl, @ngobaby and others join and enjoy the show

These people you're tagging may not join o.

Herculand is no longer active

Always with great news and ideas.

What is fiat?

Old money, $, €, etc.

Inleo & Splinterlands are the most exciting projects on Hive. Makes sense to collab.

6 hours till our proposal would start paying out

We need more support if we want to onboard all of these other crypto communities like ChainLink, ChainFlip, etc.

Khal, tell us more about Inleo x Splinterlands integration! 🤩

If anyone wanna keep talking ideas 💡 after the show this here is exactly for that:


Will there be a part of the agreement to help onboarding non Splinterlands players to the game, from INLEO? For instance people from Dash, ChainLink, etc. - and eventually, later one, integrating those cryptos into the Splinterlands backend too, through LeoDex.

Did $DASH payment option for the Premium Subscription went live?


Are there talks with the Golos community, the Russian-speaking Hive's little brother? As their mindset & tech are very similiar to ours, it should be quite easy to integrate a skin for them here.

~~~ embed:1878964765395206357?s=46&t=f3qY2xxYIegwgxWlYwko8g twitter metadata:a2hhbGthenx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9raGFsa2F6L3N0YXR1cy8xODc4OTY0NzY1Mzk1MjA2MzU3fA== ~~~

Lets go guys, 19 minutes to go

If there could be more people threading so as to increase threads and this show appearing at the status bar, it would be better.

18 minutes to go

11 minutes to go

6minutes to go

4 minutes to go

3 minutes to go

2 minutes to go

A minute to go

As usual, I Sha expect khal not to kickstart same time because maybe he needs to set up things.

welcome everyone for today's show.

  • We will learn more about other integration and their impacts.
  • cross chain Hive swaps

All these agenda will improve Hive ecosystem

Remember to engage and ask questions for more interactive shows.

We welcome every new users onboard.

Lolz, khal we are 4 minutes late.

For me anytime I receive YouTube notifications of khal being live, then I know we are finally live.

khal is live

we are live, Audio check is a go✅

We are live, can hear from X

What address is that on your hoodie? 👀

Off topic:
i see so many newbies asking the reason why users are called lions here..maybe they should be educated about it..

Great sound, look forward to the discussion!

Time to learn more.


Cat, say we are live the way you use to say it. Lolz

Does anyone have the link to X

🍿🍿🍿 Hi everybody 👋🏽 🍿🍿🍿


What's more legit

  1. Judging the market base on previous records.
  2. Establishing results on trades based on reoccurrence and present market .

I really should stop looking at Arbitrage opportunities~

Hive is becoming stable than it was last year

Nice we live... #joining.

BTC Dominance 1Day chart

Close below the trendline would be good. 👍

whao, I'm happy for this proposal,more to come

Yea, have voted for the DHF funding stuff, we want InLEO to continue doing what it's known for. We love InLEO.

I'll have to check the proposals again.

Now the AMA about InLEO has now started, drop in your questions guys.

slow internet, lets see how long i stay here

i see this partnership taking the crypto space by surprise

Yea khal saw the short but not all browsers can access it.

What is the DHF proposal about, and how do I vote ?.

Hello Lions.


Since one can buy the premium using any crypto can one still earn on InLEO through any crypto?

I believe there must be several alternatives.

That's big for $HBD

Tik-tok have reels, we have SHORT how I love that feature.

Now with paying for premium with any crypto live, more premium subscribers would flow in.

wow! This is huge. Join Inleo and earn any crypto... Even paying for premium with any crypto. SUPER SWEET 😍

Welcome. I've been having network issue.

Same here, could join the show yesterday.

Alright. There are more to join.

Yep. See you soon ❤️

Lost Khal on X 😞

Love this innovation with Inleo and crypto 😍. Indeed, we are in the future faster than expected 😊

Can anyone hear Khal??? Or it's my network?

With the ability to accept other crypto is very magical because it will be easy to onboard more users from other larger users bases on other networks

News2Threads 2.0 is coming.....soom.

That is great can add a ton of data to the database while getting news on Leo.

Join InLEO earn it all. Lolz, we are breaking limits.


… everything happening automagically in the background 😮

where do you get marketing funds,just cur

with other partnerships and integration, it will brings more users and increased activities on the ecosystem

InLEO Onboarding process and rate of it Onboard is really fast.

INLEO is the future of web3.

Just coming in , what have I missed ?

$HIVE is now open and ready to blow up. $10 $HIVE incoming

We still need more response for the funding, it's something we can all do.

Join LEO earn Bitcoin


Join LEO earn USDC

Will both be HUGE when they come!!

One question, are these types of proposals long term or do they have a date?

6 hours remaining, we are close for this massive upgrade.

I love the DHF proposal


Is there a way to vote for the Proposal directly on INLEO.IO?

These partnerships we are seeing on InLEO is really making the interface a worldie.

Truly, BTC and USDc remains the major dominant coin with huge users base. It's potential can improve our community

The swap is super cool. Multiple transactions in a click.

From what khal is saying, that means there is a lot of work on the background that sees the success of premium subscription.

Today's network is quite frustrating

How far are the gas fees, not much I guess.

The user only pays $10 in their preferred coin, (plus the initial fees)

Wow!!! THIS IS HUGE!!! It's still paid as 10 HBD on the HIVE side, even if it was less?! right?!!!

That was question on my mind because many users like me have not voted.

Finally logged in to X. Can't hear anything at the moment

Then it was $HBD used to buy premium now we are having more means to buy premium.

Proposal link since a few of you are asking:

wake up cat 😜

The DHF funding will actually help.

I think that 37% until getting funding is not too far away, we need more voices supporting it!

No need more fires here, we got enough in California. 😆 🔥

Maybe at some point, we don't need to go to peakD InLEO would do us for the subsequent votings to come.

Is it only one vote per person for the proposal?

I think INLEO must add a Vote for Proposal Button INSIDE on its own interface... Some people, especially Keystore users, only use INLEO!

We know who the big votes are, and why we need literally every lion voting so we go over those whales

I'm accumulating HIVE since 2017. Although not a whale, I should get to Orca at some point... soonish. 😉

Why are Hive whales not supporting our proposals?

But if more people and votes can help to achieve this feat.


Maybe if we had social media infos associated to hive accounts we can communicate with each other outside of the Blockchain much more for moments like this.

July, wow, time actually flies.

i think inleo future is very clear now

What does a whale need to support?

the LEO team has definitely been a trend setter. Hats off

InLEO has gone beyond what I thought of it before. These upgrades are really captivating.

Does InLeo have any plans to integrate with VSC Network when the time comes? What features do you see InLeo can expand into at that point if it is the case...?

time sure flies,6yrs and counting,i know there's more innovations to come

The future of hive Blockchain is safe with InLEO.

Inleo offer the micro blogging trends on which other communities are doing now. But threads still the best!

it's the only one accepting other crypto,soon others will follow suit

wen Leoads

A lot of people will take long-form content, and give it to AI and convert it to 3 bullet points.

I feel attacked!!!

Then again, it's good idea to do TLDR with AI tools for your posts @scaredycatguide

At the end of the day, it's all about dling the right thing at the right time.

P.O.S wow, that would be a huge upgrade for us.

GET YOUR INLEO SWAY HERE: (gotta pay with fiat)

Khal froze 🥶

i think this integration of merchants would also go a long way in the growth of inleo

Hive base merchant
Crypto based merchant
Normal based merchant.... I wait to see this unveiled.

InLeo economy is seriously growing and becoming more complex... hopefully I can keep up with it. 😀

let's eat the #creditcard markert

Lolz, Cat will create a business just to use it. Yea, let's go. I second that though.

if this integration goes through, I'm definitely opening a business

Revenue is gonna be big for #fees

I thought we could pay for any merch with HBD.

Its pretty awesome seeing things unfold for good on InLEO.

Michael Saylor said that "people who use fiat as a store of value, we have a name for them: poor." 😆

If you wanna buy Premium and you play Splinterlands, consider writing a couple of long-form posts. If you follow the SPL curating rules closely, you get some very generous upvotes. Two posts should be enough to pay for Premium for a month. 💡👌

Join InLEO earn any crypto. It is what it is.

there's a lot of integration plan going on,which are we expecting soonest?

Will there be any real life INLEO event anytime this year?

what drive increase in market cap?

We applaud what InLEO technology is doing but then I appreciate what the dev team is doing much more.

100% we need every project on Hive to be successful so $HIVE itself becomes an attractive investment because everything built on the blockchain is a success

Wen LeoMarket ???

What are you expecting to happen on 20th of January when Trump is crowned?

can’t upload shorts from PC. Just made a feedback thread

Custom subscription model sounds pretty interesting, great idea on that.

Khal is having many subscribers, the creators Sub is a super earning alternative on InLEO.

Khal you don't have to get hive swag, wear InLEO. Advertise us the moree through ur swags. Lolz.

BTW I am glad to see Splinterlands working with INLEO! Cooperation between hive projects to some degree is vital

wow, thought the t-shirt seems nice

whoa still 10-15$ per shirt with inflation... ?! I've paid that years ago in the USA. must be #slavelabor

yeah,khal don't seem like a real estate guy

I've entered today a real estate project, show me so love in upvotes as I need few hundred thousand dollars for that... 😆

This is just a big #scam operation - very big - so big it works! !LOLZ

I slept like a baby last night.
I woke every two hours and cried.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@khaleelkazi, I sent you an

Lolz, to me, khal is more or like a "Say it, make it have a good future, i will make it work" kind of guy.

My comment 500

Contributing to 500!

We wanna encourage lots of these new users to power up some hive too. It'll help with the proposals going through quickly

I'm seeing 459 ...

Lets make it a round number


Before this finishes, let me shamelessly self promote my new EP up on Spotify and Apple and all that :-P

Sweet meeting today, it's worth my time

Thanks for the great AMA once again! 👍

Lolz, we are just here for the Leo

Well I caught the end of the show.... ! Thanks

Thanks for the call Khal and Mitch.

$LEO to the moon!!! 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀

Last question - for HIVE future perpetual, do I need both HIVE and USDT?

This space is the best

that's a good idea, I think it will be a great value-added.

Good to know 👏

inleo will be the next Facebook, mark Ma Words (Pun of Mark Zuckerberg intended)

Let's hope so... you're an early adopter!

wow then proud to be

there'll be so many swaps soon

Wen will we have games on Playstore where You tap to earn Leo 😁?

True words of wisdom. I appreciate this guy more and more, one thing being because he stays away from politics.

kind of the same concept as 10,000 to become an expert / master of something.
I have spent 10,000 hours with my sword

!INDEED I can attest to that ;)

so 2025 is exactly my 5th year in #crypto space. Keeping fingers crossed 🤞

I'm agreed with this iamge :)

Big advice my friend..

Such an inspiring quote! 👏

The power of "not giving up "..

I love that

Only the sky is the limit... or the supply. 😆 which comes first...

The killer is killing the competition.

I have just spotted this on Instagram

The power of marketing. 😅

i need build a personal tool with hive, is there any doc about the APIs of HIVE ?

Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.

We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates

Edition #185
January 14

Curation Nation

  • Promoting Engagement on Inleo
  • Comment, Upvote, Thread, Engage for more upvotes, and reblogs...

Follow me for more engagement...

Vasco negocia extensão do contrato de Payet até o fim deste ano

A extensão do contrato de Payet entrou na pauta do Vasco. Com contrato até o meio deste ano, o francês faz parte da lista de jogadores cujos vínculos a diretoria planeja aumentar neste início de temporada.

#sports #vasco

Maior salário do elenco, Payet foi contratado em agosto de 2023 e viveu seu melhor momento no clube no início de 2024, com boas atuações no Campeonato Carioca e na Copa do Brasil. No segundo semestre do ano passado, o francês caiu de rendimento e sofreu com lesões, mas fez alguns bons jogos - especialmente na vitória sobre o Bahia - que animaram a diretoria.

O Vasco tem interesse em manter o francês até o fim deste ano. No entanto, será preciso chegar a um acordo com o atleta. Uma das possibilidades, por exemplo, é o Vasco renovar o contrato do meia até o fim do ano e diluir o atual salário do francês até dezembro.

Outra possibilidade é o francês aceitar uma redução salarial e continuar no clube até o fim da temporada. A direção do Vasco espera fortalecer um elenco com "mais de 11 titulares", já que este ano o clube disputará o Carioca, a Copa do Brasil, a Sul-Americana e o Brasileirão. Por isso, a manutenção de Payet é uma das prioridades, ainda que o meia comece a temporada na reserva.

Além disso, Fábio Carille conta com o meia em mais de uma função. O francês também é visto pela comissão técnica como um possível falso 9, como referência na frente quando Vegetti não estiver em campo. Foi assim que Payet atuou no segundo tempo do jogo-treino de domingo contra a equipe do Casimiro de Abreu/Porto Real. Na ocasião, ele fez dois gols.

O Vasco estuda as possibilidades e espera negociar a extensão contratual nas próximas semanas, caso o francês e a direção cheguem a um consenso com relação aos valores e ao formato da renovação. Desde que chegou ao clube, Payet marcou sete gols em 58 jogos.

Atlético-MG faz proposta por Júnior Santos, do Botafogo

O Atlético-MG fez proposta para contratar o atacante Júnior Santos, do Botafogo. O Galo ofereceu 7 milhões de dólares (cerca de R$ 42 milhões na cotação atual). A equipe carioca pede 8 milhões de dólares para negociar os direitos econômicos do jogador.

#sports #atleticomg #botafogo

A informação foi publicada inicialmente pelo jornalista Jorge Nicola e confirmada pelo ge. O Botafogo não tem interesse em vender o jogador, mas considera boa a proposta. O clube carioca responderá ao Galo em 48 horas.

O atacante, de 30 anos, está no Botafogo desde 2023 (teve passagem no time carioca por empréstimo no ano anterior). Foi artilheiro da última edição da Conmebol Libertadores, com 10 gols, tornando-se o maior goleador do time na história da competição. Marcou, inclusive, o terceiro gol da final contra o Galo.

Pelo Glorioso, Júnior Santos marcou 28 gols e deu nove assistências em 115 jogos. No Brasil, o atacante passou também por Fortaleza, Ponte Preta e Ituano. Também atuou no Japão por quase três temporadas.

Júnior Santos é mais um atacante que o Atlético tenta contratar nesta janela. Depois de desistir de Artur, do Zenit, o Galo mira a contratação de Cuello, do Athletico-PR. O clube ainda segue nas conversas por Soteldo, do Santos.

O lateral-direito Natanael, do Coritiba, deve ser anunciado pelo Galo nos próximos dias. O jogador está passando por exames médicos, em Belo Horizonte. Gabriel Menino e Patrick, ambos do Palmeiras, foram anunciados como os primeiros reforços atleticanos para 2025.

Por outro lado, oito atletas não permanecerão no Atlético em 2025: o goleiro Matheus Mendes, o lateral Mariano, o zagueiro Maurício Lemos, o volante Battaglia, o meia Zaracho e os atacantes Paulinho, Vargas e Kardec.

PSG chega a um acordo por Kvaratskhelia, do Napoli; negócio supera os R$ 400 milhões

Kvaratskhelia é o novo reforço do PSG. De acordo com a rádio francesa RMC Sports, o clube pagará 70 milhões de euros (R$ 436 milhões) ao Napoli.

#sports #psg

O meia georgiano disputou 107 partidas pelo clube italiano, marcou 30 gols e deu 24 assistências. Em sua primeira temporada na Itália, a de 2022/2023, conquistou a Série A.

Kvara teve muito destaque na conquista do Campeonato Italiano com o Napoli, com 14 gols e mesmo número de assistências.

Kvaratskhelia fará exames médicos ainda nesta semana.

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Did you know that blockchain is more than just a cryptocurrency? From supply chain management to identity verification

Blockchain is the future.

When I'm working all I do is to complain about how miserable I am lol 😆 🙃 😅 😂

The urge to make more purchases is pretty strong. #ShoppingTemptation

Hey, guys!! Look which AI Character I found! A Lion themed AI called Mufasa! #leo #inleo #mufasa

I mean we should have a partnership with brave anyways. Brave Inleo both with lions.

Brave Lions which in effect is true irl.

Exciting news! Just 2 days remain to join a giveaway where 30 fortunate individuals will each receive 10 USDT.

#GiveawayAlert #ChanceToWin

what type of giveaway is this??? And how we can participate

Well, the Baterino #drone didn't work out... One of my motors from a recycled drone was messed up and it's a weird size, so I would be having to replace all 4...

So instead, I stripped out the #dji air unit and using my Christmas money to order a new SpeedyBee Bee25! I will install the air unit when it gets here and be ready to fly!

Can't wait for my #cinewhoop! I'll do an unboxing and setup video when it gets here!

Trading stock options demands concentration, self-control, and steering clear of distractions.

Consider these three easy strategies for time-boxing your trading sessions to optimize efficiency. #TradingTips #StockOptions

NEWS: BlackRock notes that the growth of cryptocurrency has surpassed that of mobile phones and the internet. #CryptoGrowth #Innovation

What are some financial achievements you intend to celebrate apart from reaching millionaire status? #FinancialGoals #Milestones

This guy is unstoppable. 🔥

That's the reason I'm still bullish 😀

Bitcoin is about to go bullish again

Happy birthday
to me.

My daughter told me to say that 😂

#birthday #pob #cent #slothbuzz #freecompliments

Well, Happy Birthday from me :)

Thank you my friend 😎

My pleasure :)

Hey! A day late, but still congratulations! Hope you had a great day!

Did your daughter handcrafted you a gift?

Thank you! I had a great day in the best company imaginable. When I picked her up, she almost cried because she forgot to do a handcrafted gift. But she had instructed her mum to buy a few gifts, so she still handed me a couple of presents 🎁

Happy Birthday 🎉

Thank you 😁

Hi, @caspermoeller89,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

lovely daughter then, happy birthday to you man 🔥🧁🧁🧁🧁🥳🥳🧁🥳🎉✨

Hey #Inleo Community 🦁

Join our Infographic #Contest 😉 And you just myght win 300 HIVE 😱

Link to the contest in the comment 😉

MSNBC is accusing Elon Musk of being a grifter saying he is using political influence and the Department Of Government Efficiency to promote DOGE #crypto in a ploy to make money. I don't understand all the hate Elon gets. #politics #news

they hate anyone that has more influence then they do.
MSNBC has zero audience.
Most YouTube channels have a bigger audience.
Ignore them.

I'm just trying to understand both sides of the story.

They're just haters because he blew the lid on Twitter censorship and then backed Trump.

Even so, he is not the only one to do those things and people hate on him with a passion. I think people are just mad he's actually trying to do some good where others couldn't.

This is true. He also upset a lot of people's power games.

And, there's this strange human phenomenon when someone becomes super famous, everyone has an opinion on them... mostly negative.

Yeah, I've noticed that in people, they hate without having a reason to hate. When you ask questions you can see their hate and negative opinions on Elon have no real foundation.

Unconfirmed he even owns a single Doge.

Well I guess news reporting now-a-days is mostly guessing and speculation not research.

This is diabolical

Thought to check New "YEEZY SLPRS" By #Kanye

But Custom and Taxes Said: Fuck You Poor.

Cost 2x more in shipping fee than slippers lol.

F*ck! 👀


How many stars are in the sky?
All of them.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of idksamad78699

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@wiseagent, I sent you an

Sulibra is my name and I want to be making longer posts here and not just threads only , is that possible. ? #question #newlion

Sure it is.
Welcome to INLEO

Welcome to Inleo!

Why are users here called "lion " ,I do nt know d reason behind the name but I love the name.

I am aybek and I am pleased to be here #newlion

Welcome to INLEO

Welcome to Inleo!

What am i doing today?

Only wrong answers!

#dev #inleo #crypto

Hacking into OnlyFans?

Why is everyone saying hacking hahaha?

Hacking Elon Musk's future Hive account

hahaha maybe

Contramaestre es también #santiagodecuba

Ever have a Bulmers? 🍎 🍏

is it a fruit I've never heard of it and it's in a box

FIrst time I am hearing about this

BREAKING: Over $420 million has been withdrawn from the cryptocurrency market in the last 12 hours. #CryptoMarket #Liquidation

The blue line is the day Trump assumes the US Presidency, the daily chart has not changed trend and is still bullish thanks to the quick bounce after the fall that broke 90k in $BTC.

What will happen on that day?


In the beginning, there was noise. Noise begat rhythm, and rhythm begat everything else.

Mickey Hart

#mickeyhart #gratefuldead #rythm #quotes #quotesonleo

i do not know what the threadcast is about but i will definitely want to participate in it

Merely a conduit on this journey! #Influencer #Mindset

I think this can mean only one thing:

Jamie tries to trigger anothe price DIP, so he can buy more BTC on a cheap.

Which Louis was known as 'The Sun King of France'?
Options are: Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Louis XIII
#trivia #leothreads #quiz #puzzle

BREAKING: 🇺🇸 On his first day in office, the President-elect is anticipated to sign executive orders concerning cryptocurrency policies. #CryptoNews

And good morning to you

LATEST: MicroStrategy, led by Michael Saylor, acquires an additional 2,530 Bitcoin valued at $243 million. #Bitcoin #CryptoInvestment

Secure your BURRITO, not your #Bitcoin!

how can we bolster genuine creativity in students writing ability without AI

BREAKING: Ethereum drops below $3,000. #Ethereum #CryptoNews

M👁’s M👁rningwalks

The Lantern Tree


See & Read MOAR
on my #actifit account 👇🏽 linked in the comments

#morningwalk #lantern #tree #photographers #photography #photofeed #visualshots #mmw

Rate this photo👇🏽

JUST IN: The CEO of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, describes Bitcoin as "a Ponzi scheme" with "no intrinsic value." #Cryptocurrency #Finance

What advice would married men give about their biggest marriage regrets? Share insights that could help the single guys out there. 🤔


LATEST UPDATE: #Bitcoin rebounds to over $94.4k after dipping to $89k earlier today 🚀

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