I made a post a few months ago mentioning my need to lose some weight, so figured I'd give you a little update on it. It started off well, I got pretty into tracking my steps and walking for a while but my arch nemesis caught up to me which kind of makes me annoyed and half quit my progress now and then; phone battery dying.
I know what you're thinking, a simple solution, just charge it before you go out or make a habit of putting it in the charger at night when you go to sleep, well, for that there are also equally lame excuses I can give you similar to me not walking when my battery is dead.
For starters, if I'm not feeling like walking I'm not walking, even though I can charge my phone up pretty fast and enough for it to last for my walk even with 10-30mins charging time the moment of my will to walk passes faster than my bowel movements. The room I live in is quite small, there are not a lot of outlets free so having one explicitely for my phone to charge at night, let alone a night table for it to be on do not exist. This is not cause I can't afford one or can't just buy one of those thingies that multiply your outlets but the problem there is actually going and buying one, getting it home (especially the table) or basically just remembering to do that and going and doing it.
I am a very lazy person when it comes to my "real life" as people like to call it online these days. If there's a dungeon I need to do in world of warcraft to get better gear I'd be the first person to start the group and look for people but if there's something in critical need of fixing at home I'd probably wait for a miracle or someone else to do it. Same thing goes for my Hive "duties" or activities, they always have top priority but what I'm going to eat today or when is anyone's guess.
Either way, back to walking. I've been feeling a bit weird with my breathing lately, no it's not covid as I've checked. I figured it was just my stamina that was as bad as it can be but I should probably take a better check at it through a doctor at some point, again, laziness here trumps my curiosity or safety of my own health. There is definitely something up for it other than my stamina just being really bad, but for now the more important thing is that I lose some weight as I've never been this heavy before and don't want to find out at what weight I'll start having new symptoms or should I say more new ones.
Here's a step meter chart of last month and this month.
I'm a little proud of the good start I had this month once I figured I could filter them monthly I wanted to give it a proper go again, take my daily record from last month at some point and consistently average more steps than the previous ones to hit a high ceiling to make the next month even more challenging, maybe even try out some soft jogging and see what my stamina thinks of that, unless my shin splints are going to liquidate me.
As you may have noticed, the past few days look very different from the others, my battery died mid way on that lats gray bar and it annoyed me so much that the bars weren't averaging "only up" that I decided to take a break the other days. Here I am now writing about my borderline mental disorder of numbers and statistics, not trying to make fun of actual disorders but I'm pretty sure I'm somewhat close to having A.D.D. or something when it comes to these things. Or is it called @ocd? eheh, would be ironic.
In writing this post I'm also using this time as an excuse to not do any walking today, come to think of it I really ought to post more often too as I think I may have less than 10 posts this year. I kind of miss writing but at the same time I want to make sure some other Hive activities are up to as good as they can be and that I'm also taking care of some other things that have forced me into where I am located right now. Maybe I'll write about that another time, though. Thankfully those "medical procedures" haven't been something that have gotten in the way of my walking, at least no doctor told me to "take it easy" physically or anything so I should probably be good.
It's not all just bad news, though, as I may make it sound in this post. I think I'm trying to hover between being a bit funny with some negativity spilled out everywhere about my habits and laziness, the latter should be normal for a Finn. All this walking this month and a few of the last days of the previous have all occurred outside of the country I've been residing in for the past few years, so considering I've been doing a lot of traveling, mostly by plane and cars, I'm a little proud of myself that I've still found the time to also walk it off a lot, especially since it's a lot hotter here than where I was which hopefully means more calories burned although I doubt the step tracker knows any better as it doesn't ask for the weather.
pros at traveling and figuring out where my next steps will be if I post the same day where I was. :pI've also been meaning to post about my travels, but since most of the things that have happened so far have been about my health and not about the travels/vacation I figured maybe I'll post about that later. Not to mention I need a new camera cause taking pics from the phone to post feels so bleh, I blame @hiddenblade as she's raised the bar very high snapping pics with her new camera. At the same time I'm probably going to have a buffer of when I post about my travels to make sure I am not in the same place anymore when the posts are engraved into the chain so my anonymity remains intact, or maybe I'm just overly paranoid as the next few places I'll be going to probably have millions of people living in a close viscinity. Better safe than sorry I guess, I don't think I need to be the one to tell you that there's quite a lot of weirdos on Hive, especially when downvotes are in question, they may be
Not all of you will get that reference but I hope most of you understand that I'm mostly just joking and not actually that paranoid about my "security". It's nice being able to remain anonymous, though. Who knows where Hive is going to go next and what will happen, many think those who stay anonymous do it because they have ulterior motives or are planning on doing something bad, but I for one like that Hive, similar to Reddit, gives you the option to stay anon. I think it makes it easier to "stay real" about things you say and do and I like that Hive doesn't judge people based on who they are but based on what they do and have done on this chain with its immutable history.
Anyway, I may be posting a bit more often from now on (no, not just cause we raised HBD's APR recently) but will try to do some more walking soon again and it's also probably time to start diving into some other exercises. I believe I've lost some weight already since the post 3 months ago but haven't confirmed for a while, hopefully the tropical weather will make it easier as I usually sweat like a pig, always have, even when I was skinny/er. I'll be the liquidator then.
One thing I'd definitely like to start posting about is some things other than Hive related stuff I've been posting mostly about the past year. Let's see if my followers still read my posts considering how inconsistent I've been lately, show of hands if you still do, even maybe just this last part. :p
Thanks for reading and see you in the next post with hopefully more pictures and less screenshots.
PS! Also thanks to those who gave me some great tips in my last post that I didn't act upon at all, I'll make sure to check up on them again once I get my second wind.
I am in the exact position as you. I'm trying to lose weight as well due to my weight contributing stress fractures to my feet. so when the foot healed I went ahead and try to lose weight. and like you, room is limited and lazy as fvck in the real world.
it looks like the concept is try to keep your heart rate elevated.

so my routine is simply jumping jacks. when legs get tired, use upper body to face the left and the right side in a dramatic motion with arms flailing, planking and dance dance revolution.
man the first week was an agonizing hell. more so because of planking. but it did get easier.
changes I noticed:
keep it up!~
A little tip from someone who trains often. Make a habit of not using technology while training. You'll start off with good intentions but over time you'll end up getting distracted by your phone. If you can't and it's a must, put it on flight mode.
I will leave my phone in another room or at home when I'm training. It increases your commitment and helps you focus more on training.
Great stuff on the health and fitness campaign mate!
Yeah I can see how that could be a distraction, maybe one of those watches would be better to keep track of the things you want for training. Tho I would probably find a way to log into peakd somehow to throw some votes on it. XD
Oh the struggle is real, if I have my phone in the gym I am often on peakd reading through posts. It also coincides with when the best blockchain drama is occuring 🤣 hence why I leave my phone in another room and then when I'm done get another brief bout of cardio as I run to my phone and open Peakd 🤣🤣🤣
Yes on the watch. I never expected to do formal training and a watch was beyond question - now I do training and I use a watch. With no notifications, no music, no Wi-Fi etc and used only for tracking activity can be very effective IMHO
I thought that the only one who could be so lazy in life could be me, and not precisely because I was a little overweight (112KG when I should have been weighing 90KG), but because all my life I have always been that lazy. When I was a child, my aunt used to order me some purchases at the store, and she always literally ran to the place, perhaps that gained a lot of resistance in me for future processes that involved walking and/or running, like in high school where we saw physical activity such as one more subject to study, but recently, let's say about 4 years ago, I joined the municipal police of my city and the concern began when it was time to do the morning jogs (once a week), but they were extremely long jogs (about 7KM ), and the detail is that I saw that my training partners endured more than me, and I just stayed behind tired touching the soul on the ground, almost dying. In fact, there was one time when I arrived almost 15 minutes late at the main venue from where we started, already with my blood pressure almost on the ground and out of breath. The thing is, I realized that because I'm so lazy, I've lost that great quality of me, the resistance to jogging and running, but come on, you've beaten me in laziness... To be lazy to even charge your phone at night so that the next day you wake up 100% charged? You are definitely the king.
Regarding your health, take care of yourself my friend @acidyo, you are greatly appreciated. I am going through a pulmonary infectious process that I still do not understand why, after having taken a course of strong antibiotics, the infection present in my lungs will probably continue, since I am already going for a month with a flu that has not yet completely disappeared. me... and I have not wanted to take a COVID test because my blood tests clearly show that my infection is due to a bacteria.
A greeting and that you are well.
Beside some good walking, you can look for healthier nutrition.
While I was playing high level sport, I was 10 kilograms overweight: my body required huge nutrients but I was giving him the wrong ones.
I started replacing pasta (I am italian) with raw cereals like quinoa, millet, raw/semi-raw rice. They have better carbohydrates and more fibers. Plus they give a lower glycemic peak, making you satiated for longer time.
I replaced meat with fished (and not "harvested") fish plus legumes.
In three monts (with lots of sport doing), but just changing my daily diet, I got rid of 10 kilograms.
For me the best solution for losing a bit of weight will always be sprinting. Sadly, over here in Dhaka there's not much room to go sprinting. And chances are that people might end up thinking I'm a thief for running that fast. Sprinting away for my life after snatching someone else's belongings haha.
Other than sprinting, I'd say HIIT cardio is also quite effective when it comes to losing a bit of weight. It doesn't take much room, you can also be done with the whole session within 30 minutes or so. I'd suggest you look into HIIT cardio.
The rest is simple I guess, almost a no brainer. Diet is surely key and number one on the list. Being on a caloric deficit is a must, adding some proper cardio to that will boost up the whole weight loss process for sure.
I'm just curious, have you considered just doing a calorie deficit diet with the walking/jogging? Lets say you're 6ft tall and weigh 245 pounds and you're exercising 2 times a week for 30-60 minutes each time. If you did a diet capping your calories at 2400 per day, you'd be losing 1 pound a week. If you capped it at 1900 calories per day, then you'd be dropping 2 pounds a week. You can still pretty much eat whatever the fuck you want, just have to make sure your calorie intake doesn't exceed those levels. (Though, I'd also recommend make sure your carb intake doesn't exceed 40 percent of your food. At 6ft, 245 pounds that would be 203 grams per day.)
I've lost 200 pounds in the last 23 months from literally just walking 1-2 times a week and not eating over 1700-1800 calories per day, man. Weight loss is definitely a gradual change that you have to work on with your mindset, change is never just an overnight thing. It can take months or years to really stick with something, it's just important that you keep trying until you eventually have a come to jesus moment. Just keep at it, dood.
Good luck with the health developments. This requires discipline, and discipline is not an easy thing to get. I am in a similar situation with running. I would like to go running every other day. Yes, I would like to do that for some time. However, would like is not doing... Damned busy life ;)
On the other hand, when reading about the travel part, I was about to propose to get some drinks if you pass by Paris one of these days (I enjoy meeting Hive community members here or there in the world). Then I remembered the anonymous part, and you actually insisted on this right after mentioning travels... Therefore, let's scratch that idea... The offer is however there if for some reason we meet one day.
Well done! It takes a lot of mental strength to get into shape and knowing how shy you appear at posting pics of yourself, I thought I'd show everyone just how far you've come....
Keep up the good work fella!
I'll accept this doxx.
There must be a way you can generate electricity while you walk, something in the souls of your shoes that compresses and convert's your steps into voltage. Might not work in the winter months with all the snow you get.
Hmmmm! I think I just invented something while replying to your post:-)
The work you do for this platform is always appreciated and I'm not surprised you have little time left over for walking.
From my experience, I would advise you to reduce the intake of meat in your diet or even if it is possible to get it completely out of the diet for a while, I would say 3 to 6 months if possible. In those three months, I lost around 20 pounds and now I am feeling really great, I eat lots of fish, vegatables and fruits. Maybe a lot of people can't find themselves in this, but if you give a chance, I believe you'd like the change and the ease that comes in the body, brain and soul. I hope my advice helps at least a little bit.
Hard decision to make but will give it a thought.
One thing that worked for me that got me to take hour-long walks frequently was to set a good audiobook/podcast going. I also started treating those walks like a "getaway" - I "get to" disconnect from the business of the online world. Bonus points if you always do the same routine before going about your exercise (e.g. only listening to a specific podcast/audiobook when out and about) since it should help gel in the habit better. Perhaps it might be worth it to get a dedicated device for this if your phone is always dying at the wrong times. All the best for your fitness journey!
I am on the same boat trying to lose weight im training dirst my mind instead of eating more than the 5 meals max to 5 at most and completly ditching out sweets and limiting to 2 cans of soft drinks, dont belive in that bull crap of diet drinks they do way more harm than regular dued to the aspartame which I hate dued to the headaches and muscle cramps that you get when drinking it in excess also that dryness in the mouth that doesnt go away and if you dont like water just use water infused with flavoring that doesnt have that aspartame poison or its cousins like acelsufame but hey just keep up doing those excercises maybe you will find someone to do challenges that you can add to the counter and will make you want to give that extra push take care and keep going im rooting for you.
So when it comes walking, I was in the same situation few months ago. I was never into sports and stuff. But this time I took the red pill ( given to me by wife) and went to a gym. It made feel really really good. I was very surprised.
Also on the walking, why not get a wearable device ? Ie a watch ? They obviously have privacy concerns but I have one that’s not depending on android ecosystem and this garmin is never connected to Wi-Fi
Don't blame @hiddenblade 's new camera, she just knows how to take great photos, I've seen her iPhone pics, too 😁
Just start posting more!
This is literally me 😟. I hope you'll get over it and get out there more and - I'll try and do the same.
Hahah thank you!
I got a miband and battery lasts several days, though I always forget to register the workout. If you struggle with lavk of air check iron levels sometimes it us the culprit, because having been more ir less consistent it should get better. I was fatigued and also wandering why my endurance had vanished and turned out to be not only anemia but another significant health issue, so what i mean if there is no reason for the lack of breath, or persists, get it checked 💓
I’ve been getting winded really easily lately, and also notice my heart pounding after only mild exertion. At this point I am still just telling myself that it’s in my head while consciously lowering my breathing and heart rates. Not a solution, but a bandaid that I can probably use til I’m dead :)
I think I posted my “getting back in shape” thing around the same time as you, just as it happened. I like following along with your progress, we have some similar hurdles - and I like your writing style.
I get you when it comes to anonimity....it would be ideal to remain like this. Well it is not the case for me anymore lol, although I have moments when I wished I would have started like this.
I also have the step tracking app. I check it daily lol.
I love walking, it is like exercising only in a milder version. Running? Not for me lol.
Hivemazing, your doing fantastic!
Rome wasn't built in one day, changes take time, water is our life & best friend
Stay happy, strong & healthy my friend :)
Keep it up, it is a constant struggle, even once you lose the weight keeping it off is also difficult. I struggle with this as well.
I knew you'd get jealous of my cam
Well, you don't say hahaha. Truth is, I saw the cam set up and the amazing pictures you take with it, comes out really good, plus you influenced a change in the way I take pictures and my gadgets too, I think you did for him too. Now, let's see the set up he comes up with.
Nice to hear I get to influence even if I wasn't trying to! We all inspire each other right? :D
I bet he will buy a camera that's 100x better than mine 😆
After several attempts at a diet, I realized that there is no diet that really works if my head is not convinced.
Health is a priority but it seems that our head sometimes does not belong to the rest of our body.
I should start a new diet. I hope my mind supports me this time 🤔
Yeah that's the main issue isn't it, there's a saying in swedish that goes "dumt huvud får kroppen lida" basically translates into "dumb head makes the body suffer" and I'm probably the main example of it.
😜 at least your honest! admitting a thing is the first step, right?? j/k
but for serious, whatever steps u do, know that u are already doing at least 10 times what i do.. :P
I'm also practically glues to my PC, but at least i also hate walking, so that's something, right?
How can one hate walking xD
thousands of years of evolution lead us to do it
well, in my case.. i was in a car accident in '98 and got my leg and hip broke, so now walking is slow and hard at time.. and my tennis days were over! :(
but even before that, i was not a fan of talking walks, or hiking, or anything like that.. only walking for basic daily stuff was ok to me.
good thing hive and computer work is NO walking required! 😀👍
Ah sorry to hear that! I can imagine that if you were in pretty good shape then walking may have been pretty boring, I remember those days too. :D
I missed your first post about wanting to lose some weight but I'm in the same situation, especially that in August I'll have a short trip to a place with pools and other things like that and I don't want to feel ashamed of my body, lol! xD
Only water I'll enter better be a bathtub.
I would recommend these 2 blogs on mine about intermittent fasting
Fatty Liver, Erectile Dysfunction, And Dementia Are The Next Epidemics. Intermittent Fasting To The Rescue!
The Day Intermittent Fasting Became A "Declared" Threat To Pharma
Hahaha, life is strange as you need to lose weight and I need to put on weight.
Maybe I walk too much :)
You should get a step meter! If only actifit was a bit more fun to use.
Maybe one day as I am an extremist and a step meter would motivate me so much that my health would suffer. Don't know actifit as never been in there.
Life is only one bro and you and only you know your body more than anyone. Try to commit yourself at least 5 days a week. Maybe you can come up with a step plan taking your charts to guide you. You should do a technical analysis on them lol, they look like crypto charts. Stay safe mate. Cheers.
Walking really is one of the most effective ways to start getting yourself back in shape. It is time intensive though for sure. I often find myself listing to a good podcast and something to write down some notes to keep my mind active while on those hour or so walks. Everything about it though is great for the mind and body. Keep it up!
Podcasts are a good idea, coincidentally we just added aureal.one to the @ocd community incubation, maybe I'll find something interesting from there. :D
Actually, due to lockdown I also not have been outside for 2 years. When I started walking I also suffered from less stamina and all my bones were not very flexible.
I suggest you do some flexing before walking or running daily. Also if you wanna lose weight. Both diet and Exercise matter. But is also depend upon your body time. If you have n athletic body you will easily lose fat only with exercise
Walking is good but so does drinking warm water.....give a try...it helped me
Interesting, why warm?
I raise my hand, I always read your posts. I believe that we must consider that even the small steps, the best small ones, have a value.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 39/49) Liquid rewards.
It's good to read your post and I'm glad you decided to post more, although I have to take it with a pinch of salt as i can already see you're not going to 🙂
Sorry but until you provide me otherwise...
Anyway, keep going as health is important.
Wanna bet that I'll post more?
jk I'll probably lose
It's up to you 😏
2 posts in 1 day now.
Yeah but I suppose both are for OCD, not from your personal account. I'm offering you a deal 😉
Let's do a monthly stepcount challenge to take the daily stress off your shoulders. Let's post stats at the end if the month or at the beginning of the new month. Get your phone charging in order and put your walking shoes on. Are you in? 😀
How are my 2 latest posts for ocd? :D
Hmm, maybe we can start from next month cause I still have some treatments I need to do this one without knowing how much time/possibility I'll have to walk.
There are five days till the beginning of the new month! Are you ready? I hope you are as on the 1st of May, gloves on, or shoes on 👟👟 and the competition starts! I haven't forgotten about it. What about you? 🤔
Deal! Now you have no excuse as there's evidence on the blockchain that you have agreed 😀
So fix whatever you have to fix, phone, blood pressure, love life etc. and let's go! 🏃♀️🏃♂️
Meet you at the start line on May 1st! I'm shining my shoes 👟
By the way, what app are you using to track your steps?
By the way, delegate some of the posting to your team mates if you can and get more free time for you as 2 posts per day ling term can be very time consuming. You deserve some free time 🙂
I don't do ghostwriting xD but yeah these aren't for me, the compilation posts of @ocd have other compilers that get some rewards out of them for doing the work.
Good thing I didn't post this in the comedy community.
Still better than anything I have posted there so.
What’s your diet like? Might be worth it to swap out sugary drinks for more water instead.
Yeah been trying to drink more water but it's so bleh.
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Yeah tell me about it, I'm usually okay as long as I eat normally, but this last year has been a few too many icecreams.