Gentle Exercise

in #lifelast year


How's the shoulder? It seems a lot better.

The Good Lady put a hand on said shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

Aye, it is a lot better now. In fact, it won't be long before I start going back to the gym.

I smiled at the thought of getting back to the gym and seeing some hot totty. Damn, it had been a while and I could do with it. And getting a bit fit of course.

That's great, really good. Hey, I have an idea though... Why don't you do a bit of gentle exercise and see how it goes with that? You know, some leg work and gentle stretching?

The Good Lady vibrated with happy excitement as she spoke.

Hmm, gentle exercise? I dunno chick. I am a man, I do hard exercise. I lift heavy things and imagine I am crushing the heads of my enemies on a blood-soaked field of skulls.

I swung my arms out to the side as if my enemies were here now and I was mowing them like wet red wheat.

You could do my workout with me, I will choose one of the gentler ones. You know, the ones I get up early in the morning to do?

The Good Lady's face shone at the thought of me and her rolling about on Yoga mats doing fucking hippy shakes and calling it a workout.

That one you follow on YouTube? Madfit or something? Fuck sake lady, I ain't doing that shit. I will just go to the gym and do man shit.

Obviously, I mean lift weights and stuff, not go to the gym for an actual shit. That would be a bit silly.

It's really good, oh go on. You know it would be fun to work out together. I would really like it. Pleeeease?

She pouted in that way that made me think there might be something a little moister to this evening's activities than Netflix.

Oh go on then, I mean, I am as fit as fuck so it is practically pointless to do this weak shit but for you, I will.

I made a good-natured fromping frown face.

Yay!! Look at us, we might even make it a regular thing!

The Good Lady bounced up and down on the spot and clapped her hands like a weird manga character trying out a new pair of shoes.

And so it was that I found myself the next morning staring at some hot chick on TV at an ungodly early hour.

Here we go, just some light stretches and exercises!

The Good Lady hit play over my grumbling about feeble womanly exercises being no challenge for a man.

I started copying the stretches that were being shown on the screen before us.

Five minutes in and we were on to the gentle exercises, so far so good. In fact, it was a fucking breeze.

You need to tuck your bum in more.

The Good Lady pointed out helpfully as I swayed about in a weird squat holding on to my ankles.

Aye, so I do.

I tried to be sarcastic but it was increasingly difficult over my heavy breathing.

Try tucking your hips right in before you jump?

She offered as we started on a series of small jumping and bobbing sets.

HA! I am the jumpmaster baby. Don't worry about me.

I sweated frantically at her as I tried to spy the time to see how much more of this infernal hell there was left to go.

Hot fucking shit, we were only seven minutes in? I was fucking dying?!

The exercises went on, one of them was a weird stomach crunch type thing which involved sticking out your legs as if you were sliding down an icy slope into hell.

Everything was a blur of me panting like a fat old hairy dog in the sun and throwing my limbs up and down and all around.

Suddenly a klaxon sounded from the TV screen.

I tried to see through the blur of tears and sweat that obscured my eyes.

There, that was fun. Wasn't it?

The Good Lady bounced on the balls of her feet, energy boiling from her like a solar storm.

Hope it wasn't too hard?

She beamed questioningly.

No, it was a fucking piece of cake. Might do it again before my morning shit.

I tried to look casual despite my red face and the thundering of my heart.

That would be too soon. We could do it tomorrow again if you like?

She looked at me hopefully.

Aye, sounds magic.

I smiled as I decided that this was it.

I was going to have to run away from home.


Aye, it is f.... hard to get you guys involved in that sort of shit.. Now we know why.. 🤣

What we haven't found out: How did the shoulder take that obvious strain?

The shoulder was fine, It must have been all that resting it has been doing. The rest of me is a pure state! It was murder! :OD


Might as well go buy yourself a yoga mat.. I'd recommend a Monogrammed one.. with a big PW right in the middle.. stands for pussy whipped.. 😆 🤣

You think I don't already have one? 🤣🤣🤣

Just need the monogramming... Hehe

Maybe you and the Missus can do it together at knitting class?

Haha, get it up ye!! 😝😝

When a person goes to jym for the first time, the condition of the first person is exactly the same. I also remember the same thing happened to me when I went for the first time, and when I started going for a while, I accidentally did an exercise the wrong way. There was more pain in the back.

The first time I ever visited a gym I thought I was dying the next day!!

I believe that something like this is for women

How is your shoulder?
Do you feel better?

My shoulder is totally better I think. Maybe not good enough for that kind of mad exercise but then I don't think the rest of me was either! :0)

You never give in the first time unless you want to be hounded into doing it all the time. I tried to make you say no as I read.... before you said yes. Too late !

Tuck it in ! 😂

I should have said no!! Damn me and my hoity toity I will be too amazing for this nonsense!! 🤣🤣

It seems that different exercises each require their own set of muscles and so you may not have worked the ones needed for this yoga malarkey. I just couldn't keep a straight face if they start going on about 'inner light' or whatever mystical bollocks. The yoga my missus goes to has a bit of that, but then it's a short walk up the road.

I'll expect you to be putting your feet behind your head soon.

Have fun.

I'll expect you to be putting your feet behind your head soon

I don't know if I will ever go full Jerry B 😝

It was totally intense, I am now shamed at my lack of aerobic fitness!!!

Well you muscle-bound guys tend to be less flexible. I know everyone goes on about having a strong core these days, but that tends to be less visible.


Lol. I wish I was muscle bound. I'm all talk, lol!!

Ha ha said he panting down the road trying to get distance between him and the screen....

Now do tell, did it go well the next morning?


I used to be addicted to the hokey-pokey
but then I turned myself around.

Credit: theabsolute
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Not got to that yet, it was just today. There is no way I'm doing it tomorrow, I can always feel the aches seeing in!! 😀😀

Sitting crossed legs on the floor would have one squint eyed in no time at all, stick to walking !LOLZ

I really want to buy one of those grocery checkout dividers
But the lady behind the counter keeps putting it back.

Credit: marshmellowman
@meesterboom, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @joanstewart

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I do like a good walk!! Less pain!

Nice quiet walk is fine, yoga no go never been able to settle long enough.

Yeah, it's one of those alright. Beastly thing!

No pain, no gain they say....
Life is too short, they say!
Now who do you believe 🙃

Hey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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When Covid started - the wife and I decided to try yoga with the Youtube series above.

15 minutes in, I was asking if there was an easy session, we must have picked the advanced session.

I was so very, very wrong.

That was me, thought it would be such an easy thing. This one was a total beginner one too. More fool me!

I am scared to look at that one in case the wife sees and suggest we go for it!! 🤣

When you are alone - this one's easy to digest


Then you can tell the good Lady that you searched forever and found this.

These movements are much harder than they look and require real flexibility. I tried to do it a few times with my girlfriend and like you said, when I was about to die the exercise was over. I guess I'm not as flexible as I used to be :P

Yeah, the stretches were brutal. They were all hamstring ones and they hurt like nothing on earth. I thought I was quite flexible too!

If you genuinely hate it, and all else fails, sleep in 🤣 Sounds like it works different muscles though, so might be useful in preventing another injury?

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It worked muscles I was not entirely sure I had. But it seems to be doing me good. I feel all loose now! In a good way!

Awesome :) No more pulled muscles!


@meesterboom! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (2/10)

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None, (hopefully) - I am a stretchy mmachine!! (double hopefully)

Dear friend, it makes me very happy to know that your shoulder is getting better every day with the steps of winners.

Let me tell you that I do those exercises that your wife does every day are my favorite Morning Yoga, but they make me sweat, relax and balance my body with the mind and my spirit and that drives me to stronger ones like cycling, and jogging among others.

Doing it as a couple is sexy and sensual at the same time it also gives me good results when I do them with my husband haha, they inspire me to go for more.

Take good care Mister, and warm hugs from my Caribbean that is very hot and sunny with a lot of humidity. 🌞😎🤗

We have sun here too today for once, hurrah!!

Yes, it was bloody hard to do, I am not feeling any benefit from it. Quite the opposite but I will give it a chance😀😀

Wow! For that bright day, this is the magic of nature. Here in my land, it is every day, and sometimes I would like a little cold lol.

Asana Power Training is wellness and peace of mind for the soul.

Hugs to you.🌞🙋

They are so rare here that everyone goes a little crazy when it's warm. Nice crazy mostly!

Asana Power Training is wellness and peace of mind for the soul

I shall look it up!!

Asana Power Training, poses, and yoga techniques

Memorial Day Thank You GIF by Vinnie Camilleri

haha I have been there!
Yeah they are a damn sight harder than they look, Mrs T has suckered me a few times.
Oh this one is gentle, aye right, one bitten ....

Totally man, I thought it would be a breeze and I can haven't sweated like that for bloody ages!! :0D

Yes bloody deceptive they are!

It always looks like they are just pissing about doing nothing, lol


Oooops! Fucking womanish thing was sooooo difficult for a man 🤣 but men never confess 😁.

I am wondering will you really return tomorrow or will have your shoulder ready to lift the men things again. Lolz

Yes, we pretend that it is all good and it so obviously wasn't. It was insane, I would hate to see the hard ones!!

Come to Samui. She could go on a 'retreat', do lots of yoga-ing, have a gentle colonic irrigation and sit saying ummmmmm to the sunrise. You could just look at hot young ladies without needing to do all that hard work in the gym. You could even get some 'theraputic' massage to fix your shoulder or failing that, some non-theraputic massage to at least take your mind off the pain! Win-win. I feel a new career as a life coach in the making :-)

I once tried Tai chi with the MiL and the rest of her old ladies gang. It's so slow and un energetic, I just kept falling over and looked a twat. There's a reason god gave us two legs...

Two legs to run away with!!

I did a bit of Tai Chi ice as my old Kung Fu instructor also used to teach that but as you say, it was sad slow and dull as anything. I thought I would fall asleep!!

I much prefer checking out the chicks in the gym whilst have a gentle lift! 🤣🤣

It always challenging doing new exercises that work out new muscles groups.

Glad to hear that your shoulder is doing better. That's great 👍

Yeah, if only the rest of me was doing so good now!! 🤣

Haha yeah. I hear you. I have to start exercising again. I'm getting worried that I'll throw my back out moving my chair out from the table at dinner or something stupid like that lol 😆

I smiled as I decided that this was it.

I was going to have to run away from home.

Please keep us updated on your adventures on the road.

I think I would suit a life on the road!! Would have to go back on the cigs and redevelop my fondness for cheap spirits! :0D

Haha! just don't get too deep into alcohol and drugs ;<)

They should always be treated as passing acquaintances! 😀

Run away to America!

I don't know if it's far enough!! 😀😀

Might do it again before my morning shit.

I tend to eat some Bran Flakes or other oatey materials, helps loosen you up for the day ahead. Exercise..., fuck that, climbing into the grounds of an old pub is more my cup o' tea.

And you do plenty enough of that!!

I am a toast and butter man for breakfast! Yum yum!!

Ha, yoga kicks my ass on a regular basis. Looks so benign at first. I have a mat set up in a fenced off garden, which I thought was an absolutely brilliant idea...until summer arrived and I realized I am in direct sun. Now I'm doing a workout while being broiled unless I get out there at dawn. Oh well.

I'm glad you did the hippy shakes with the good lady. Such a good sport :)

Lol. Doing it in the full sun must be murder. I had cold sweats whilst doing it, couple that with hot sun and I would have fainted!

I did it again today! It wasn't quite the shock to the system it was 😀

The Good Lady better watch out. Before she knows it all the other ladies are going to notice how flexible you have become.

I sweated frantically at her as I tried to spy the time to see how much more of this infernal hell there was left to go.

Hahahaha 🤣 I somehow knew this was coming, but the delight at reading your description made my day.

Are you ok now though or are you camping out in the nearest park until she promises you won't have to do them stretchercises again?

I am sitting out in the back garden wondering when my energy levels will come back. Never have I felt so puggled!

No, it was a fucking piece of cake. Might do it again before my morning shit.

Ohh look at you, all bold and tough, holding your heads high huh?? I pray you get bursted eventually 😂😂

I got busted long ago, the good lady just laughs at my bluster now 😀

Ouchhh so sorry😂😂

It's ok, I will live ... Barely!!

I suggest beer curls but recommend slowly working your way up to the bigger bottles so you don't pass out.

Beer curls sound like a fine crunchy drinking snack. I'm game!

You don't eat the glass, dude. You sip the beer. With each curl the bottle becomes lighter. Once it's empty you've completed the set. Then you rest on your way to the fridge to get another bottle. Sit down and begin a new set. Even builds your gut muscle.

This sounds like hard work but I've never been one to shirk a challenge!

You can even add heavier weighted sleeves. Remember to keep them in the freezer and they even keep the beer chilled throughout the workout session.

Yeah, I am going to be the king of beer curling. Wait till everyone sees how fit I get!!

There's no way I'll give up the throne!

Bahahahhahahaaa XD I'm now trying to work out if you actually do anything at the gym or if you haven't been doing things properly at the gym or if you've been doing too much of the same type of stuff at the gym and whatever you did with the Good Lady hit all the muscle groups/movement types you've been neglecting XD

Are you doing to do it with her again? :D

I think I have been caught ina rut in the gym! Doing the same limited set of exercises and thinking I am amazing. Then I go and do these and it flays me alive!

But I have done it again. Gonna do it twice a week. I was quite impressed with how flexy it made me feel. After the initial managony of course! :OD

I hear you're supposed to change things up semi-frequently at a gym XD

I don't know for sure otherwise, I don't use that kind of gym

Yay for variety :D

Variety be the spice!!

Yeah, I am sure I knew that but I just got into a comfortable rut. Besides, they still to have let a lot of teenagers into my gym and they hog all the machines making it hard to switch up. That's my excuse anyway 😀

What is gym etiquette, would it be polite to just go line up near a machine you want to use that someone else is on? Maybe they're thinking the same thing and feeling stuck on whatever machine they're on too XD

I would think that could be a possibility but I can see the little bastardness in their eyes. They care nothing for etiquette!!

🤣🤣🤣 Not as easy as it looks man!!! I tried the gym for a while but it's so boring. I just go for walks, runs and pushups now and far prefer it.

Pushups are the secret weapon to keeping in shape! I like doing them. Buggers my wrist slightly nowadays, I have to wear a fecking wrist support! Outrageous. :OD

Defriend me immediately, I refuse to be associated with a wrist support wearer!! They are definitely a good exercise, those and situps and they can be done anywhere with zero equipment which is mighty too

This write up is so sweet to read through. I love it

Thank you for reading!

This is a very good write-up for intelligent people , so amazing and thanks for sharing.

The intelligent are among us!

Yes for sure

I see them sometimes and I mark them

I didn't regret reading this

Nor I, thankfully!

I have regretted many things but never an article from this dear gentleman

just fiction

Justly so

Not a fan? Lol

Heartbreakinglu it seems not!!

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Haaaaaaaa ,the good lady has more physique than you, well she works at home doing the chores of a mother and wife, what more training than that haaaaaaa, you are in front of the computer most of the time, so I can say that... better get out of your house and go to the gym haaaaaaaa


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@wrestlingdesires(4/15) tipped @meesterboom


But your shoulder held out so that's super duper He-man!!!

Yeah. The power stuff ain't for lightweights. But you did it 💥

(And that'll teach ya to laugh at us Yogis)

Honestly. I started again recently, did one very cool beginner class (starting again 🙄) and couldn't lift my arms for two days...

Made it hard to eat that whole packet of cookies.

The struggle is real. I feel ya. Stay you. Yoga or weights. Or whatever. You're just perfect as you are. 👍🏻

My shoulder did last through it. It was fab. I felt it stretch in that way that something recently healed does but it was a good stretch. Even through the sweat and the tears :OD

I bet you are awesome at yoga. Miss lithe and limber! I think you are quite perfect the way you are too! :O)

Aw... I used to be but then I stopped training, training. An injury. I'll get back on it. We are both starting at the beginning. Not that I'm competitive, but...

I hope you're practicing for Eurovision.

I think you, the Good Lady and the Little Lady are absolutely perfect too. 🥰

The Hard Rock of EDM ;)

Stay awake. Stay you, Mr M. Thanks for being a part of my wondering and wandering. So much more fun with you around. Happy Monday! 🌼

Bloody injuries. I have been stopped in my tracks many times with the damn things. As long as we pick ourselves up and get back on the horse we are doing ok.

Eurovision never stops 😉😉

Exactly, my fine friend.


Now to find that darned horse.


until then...
