I have had a number of people inquire about container growing food. Lately someone asked me about hydroponics. I am far from an expert on hydroponics, but grow some food indoors during the winter hydroponically. I will eventually do a post on my basic method of hydroponics. I am covering container growing because that is what I am currently working on and have used this method for over 40 years. I also have learned to combine some hydroponic with soil grown plants in containers.
Sorry no flowers this post, except for a blossom.
The number one benefit of using containers and dirt/potting mix is the cost. I have people give me all different size pots. But I have found old tubs and pails that were being thrown out that I used as well. I think it was last year that I saw a post on steemit that got pretty creative with his container growing. If it holds dirt or potting soil and is a size that fits the size of a full grown plant then use it.
It is too cold to plant much outside where I am at. I am going to show you some cucumber plants that I grew in 3 inch (7.62 cm) pots before transplanting them to 2 gallon (7.57 liters) pots. They had fruit on them before I moved them outside into a small heating greenhouse. Those living in warm climates do not have to worry having things indoors, a nice sunny location can do.
You will see I have the potted cucumber plants set inside trays to hold water. I use mostly water but periodically I had hydroponic solution because of the needed fertilizer. These plants will need more and more water and fertilizer as the vines grow and fruit production continues. I will try and do an updated post as the plants I show here continue to grow.
So here are a couple of photographs of current cucumber plants. Also this is early April and around here and growing out in my garden I usually do not see fresh cucumbers July if the weather is good. Some are not my best photography due to the light in greenhouse. The variety of cucumbers I am growing are self pollinating.
I thought I would include a squash called Zucchini, which is a "summer squash). I have two larger pots but this is the only one that is just coming through the soil. These plants get much larger than cucumbers, so they need even a larger water holding container.
Next I am showing you my tomato set-up, again set inside a tray that will hold water for later in the season. Like cucumbers if planted in garden you will not see fresh tomatoes until late July. Many varieties may not ripen until August. These hopefully will provide fresh fruit in late May.
Most years my tomatoes are larger by now, but I am just happy I have them planted. I will periodically take photographs as to the progression of growth for these plants. I will also be planting addition vegetables in containers, and will share them. I will be growing broccoli, Cauliflower, and even cabbage in pots. I plan on growing many of my greens this way.
I am using an organic potting mix, but have used garden soil as well to save money. Growing in pots with dirt/potting soil is easier to work with and is much lower in cost. I know I have seen others sharing their methods of growing in containers. Recently I saw a series of photos on steemit that was part of a school project, but never thought of saving the link. I believe that we should grow what we are able to supplement what we have to by. With experience you can expand.
In the event anyone who knows of a user or a post that covers this topic I want you to feel free to share it.
Seeing this post is about growing food I want to share the latest post from @aid.venezuela:
Please review this post and others as well that @aid.venezuela posts. I have seen names I recognize that donated to the Fundition porgram: https://fundition.io/#!/@aid.venezuela/30wfgrql0/backers
In the event there are any questions I will watch for them in the comments. Be patient for a response I am dealing with a household where everyone has influenza...I am still standing and hope to avoid it. But it is taking a lot of my time keeping the messes cleaned up, etc.
I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted.

I like your growing
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Thank you very much.
Cool shot, benefit plant and wonderful word. How can I say again about this post. Two thumb up sir @r2cornell. I like to plant a simple plant like chili and other around my house in the past.
[it's me with my plant]
BtwThe most important is I know you old but still creative and active. Please share to us how the tips as a lesson for us To follow :)
Blessing :)
Thank you. I am really not old, i just look that way. 😉 thank you for sharing this photo. Some years i grow all my chilis in containers.
It it is good to see others growing in containers and to share with all of us. Hopefully this will expand as i do additional post for this. The more people can grow some of their own food, even with limited space the better off they will be.
Great work sir. is really look photography
Thank you.
I also grow plants, but I plant the seeds in containers in early March and as soon as the weather becomes warm, I plant seedlings in the ground in the garden

These are tomatoes and peppers.
I do the many starts for the garden as well. Because of our cold nights most of the Summer I have another greenhouse That I do not heat that I plant tomato and pepper plants in the ground. It increases my production.
Starting seedlings like you do is the way to go. Whether they are planted in garden or in containers it works best.
For those with limited space container grows does best.
Thank you for sharing @magnata!
this really good working. hope somebody also inspire and try it. thanks to share this.
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Thank you very much.
How about the sunlight there? I am always curious about how plants can still grow with minimal sunlight.
it's always great things to be able to grow food in garden. But most in my garden are herbs and spices
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In doors during the winter I have to use artificial lights. Once I start using greenhouse I usually rely on the sun. Even on cloudy days sun's benefit comes through. As we get into summer we get little rain. last year was 90 days between rain. Plenty of sun, but watering is necessary.
How much time do you devote to gardening in a single day ?
That depends on the time of year. In winter, indoors, less than an hour. As I get my starts and vegetables growing in small greenhouse it steadily picks up. During that same time I also must begin cleaning up flower beds and preparing main garden for planting. Then it can be a couple hours a day. Throughout the summer there is keeping everything watered and weeded...so even more time.
Hast du ein Rezept für deine Gurken? Legst du sie ein?
In dieser frühen Zeit esse ich sie meist roh. In einem Salat, in einer Sandwiches oder als Beilage (nur mit einem Hauch Salz). Ich habe einen Gurkensalat mit süßen Chilis, süßen Zwiebeln, natürlich Gurken und etwas Reisessig gemacht.
Später in der Saison freue ich mich darauf, sie in einer Salzwassersole zu gären. Der Fermentationsprozess ist wie Saurkraut. Sie sind normalerweise in 4 - 6 Tagen verzehrfertig.
Vielen Dank. Hört sich interessant an. Werde ich mal ausprobieren.
Really these pictures are awesome. It took great effort to grow plants in indoor. Really you are very hardworking.
Great Job
Thank you very much.
Thank you for teaching us about growing food!! @r2cornell
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Thank you very much.
This is a very informative and educative post that you have shared. If I was so opened to planting, then i would have gone to root out a bucket and start ...lol.
Thank you sir
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
the beauty of this flower is very perfect, I am happy with this flower
Thank you very much.
I really learnt something new from this your post on how to plants vegetables on pots and other indoor planting techniques . I will followup with your progress on these plants to see how they all transform and matured
Thank you. I hope to do a series with these plants, plus others I will be growing in containers.
The Zucchini, my wife prepares delicious meals she see that you had a publication today.Hello @r2cornell a great pleasure to hear from you before Saturday. Before starting to read a post it was surprising to
Talk about sowing in containers, good point but the best thing of all is that you are already seeing the fruits or the harvests of that sowing.
You know at present in Venezuela it is season of tomatoes and that causes that it can be obtained very economic.
The Zucchini, my wife prepares delicious meals she knows how to combine very well with other vegetables and foods.
By the way also in Venezuela for the sows the manure of cattle for fertilizer of the plants is used.
A virtual hug for you.

Note: To the extent of your possibilities I would like to know your opinion regarding this publication.
The Emotions: The Fear
When I get the first few Zucchini I eat them raw, usually in a salad. But as the number I get grows, I use them in dishes. I even shred and freeze some for soups in the winter. I cook a dish of tomatoes, salt to taste, onions, zucchini and sweet chilies. I some times add a hot chili depending on if I am sharing with someone who may not appreciate it. I also can this dish for a quick meal in the winter.
it turns out that plants hydroponically are very interesting too, and for plants they will feel very good in their growth, it looks like you also plant tomato seeds too
Hydroponic growing is fascinating but the cost of the fertilizers make it difficult. There are a number of ways to do hydroponic. It can go from complex to simple and basic. I found a method that is more basic and passive. The cost is not as bad. I am pulling together photographs of different stages. I have some seeds that are just coming up and will take more photos when I start up the units.
I love tomatoes. Most of my favorite foods use tomatoes. I canned 60 quarts last year, but will plant a little less this year. Those in the greenhouse allow me to gain months on our planting season. This year I planted them late, but they will catch up.
I really love gardening. Many beautifull flowers in my garden. Flowers gives you fresh air. Vegeatables are very important for our good health. I m big fan of your photography. Thanks for sharing. Your garden pictures.@r2cornell.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
cucumber plants look very fertile
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Thank you very much.
Good afternoon sir. I really liked this link to the publication which seemed to me in more detail covers the details of growing cucumbers in the greenhouse. You may need this material. Thank you for your posting. Good health to you and your family
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
You must be one of the best and most experienced gardeners on Steem! :) Those cucumbers look great and healthy. Do you also grow some really hot chili peppers?
Yes I grow hot chilies too. I have Jalapenos and POBLANO peppers. Pablano peppers are always interesting because the amount of heat very so much from pepper to pepper. I have one new one that I am trying this year. It is suppose to be quite hot. I have others that I have grown over the years, but this year I am staying with 3 kinds. I enjoy the Jalapenos in stir fry dishes, but I also ferment them in a salt water brine. I then can keep them in the refrigerator for a few months.
Awesome! I love Jalapenos :) Just ate a bunch of them in a soup literally 10 minutes ago :D Here in Mexico where I am currently based, Jalapenos and Habaneros are very common and super cheap so there is no need for me to grow them but once I come back to Europe, I will surely try to grow them. Might ask you for some advice later :) Thanks for your reply and have a great day Cornell!
They seem like cucumbers. The method you cultivate is very good.
Thank you very much.
Good organic vegetables plants in your home . Good farming . Namaste
Thank you very much.
You've been visited by @thistle-rock from Homesteaders Co-op.
Loved seeing you growing veggies indoors in pots... where there is a will there is a way! Thank you for sharing.
A community marketplace of ethical, handmade and sustainable products available for STEEM, SBD (and USD): https://homesteaderscoop.com
follow: @homesteaderscoop
Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!
organic is the best way to go it may be hard to grow initially but it will give a great boost and health to plants
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I agree on organics...my potting mix is organic and I use only organic methods in my garden. Hydroponics I buy chemical fertilizer to make a solution. I am experimenting with using organic mixes, and will continue until I find the correct mix.
Very helpful article about growing plants. I appreciate your beautiful gardening. I also make a flower garden in my house. Really I inspired from you.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
I am beginning to clean out my flower beds...Spring bulbs are now coming up. I want to get it cleaned out and put in new soaker hoses for watering. I have some new lilies to plant yet.
Sir what you do to prevent your plants if there is highly heat out side ?
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Great question. I have a box fan in a window I put in. With it on and the door open I can keep temperatures in an okay zone for the plants and fruit. I also sometimes cover the roof of the greenhouse with a fabric that lets some light through but slows down the heat from the sun.
Hello sir @r2cornell, it looks like you really like planting flowers and vegetables. I've also seen a lot of your posts about vegetables and flowers. and I like the flowers you show the most. especially for roses. and in my opinion if you have grown a lot of vegetables, it looks like you don't have to shop at the market again to buy vegetables. 😁hihihi.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it! When it comes to produce there is not much I have to buy at the market. I can a lot as well. Last year I put up 60 quarts of tomatoes. This year I will can a little less of that, and instead of focus on green beans.
I store in a cool place many root crops.
Good job, I also planted some similar plants. I want to try what you are. Thank you for sharing.
Like @r2cornell
Thank you very much. I appreciate it! I hope to have more as our season begins to unfold
De verdad @r2cornell que es una buena solución tener plantas como esas en macetas por distintos factores por ejemplo en la zona donde vivo de Venezuela el clima es muy cálido y es perjudicial para las mismas e igualmente hay animales tales como hormigas y bachacos que se comen las hojas e inclusive pueden comerse la planta entera, es por eso que los cultivos hidropónicos son una solución muy interesante para cultivar plantas las cuales por un medio más convencional sería prácticamente imposible de cultivar.
Estoy juntando fotos de cómo hago hidroponía. Me estoy preparando para configurar un par de unidades más. En el calor de nuestro verano, he limitado la cantidad de sol en los cultivos de clima más frío porque el agua se calienta. Los cultivos de clima más cálido lo manejan mejor.
¿La gente siembra jardines en camas o parcelas?
Wishing you a great day. Great to see that you also like food growing in container box. Its wonderful to do this because we get fresh veggies at home. Thanks for sharing.Hi @r2cornell sir
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
This made me to remember when i always grow plant back then as a kid usuing this method.
Thank you very much for visiting. My gardening began when I was very young. It was how my family survived. I was still learning from my father when he passed away. I continue to find new ways and new things to grow.
Very interesting post, I really like it, keep it that way ñ_ñ.
Thank you.
Good job. I really appreciate your work.
Thank you very much.
I'm always in awe of those who are successful container growers. I'm successful at killing plants in containers! Lol.
Anyway, I dropped by to let you know that I've featured this post in the Homesteaders - Living Naturally newsletter.
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Thank you very much. I caught that in steem-world mentions this morning. I appreciate it.
"I'm successful at killing plants in containers!" happens to many, myself included. Might be an idea to put in a future post (discussion on "killing plants in containers"....Thank you for the idea
Let me know if you do, I wouldn't want to miss it.
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what a amazing system. Decision final, I will try this system and I hope I will also success.
Beautiful photo.
Thanks for sharing this post..
I like it this post..
I appreciate your valuable post..
Upvote and resteemit done sir 👌
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I do not see any introduction in your blog. An introduction can help us know more about you and if you are a real person. Too much fraud has happened to me.
it is very good to now plant young plants hydroponically, especially if you do not have large land
Gardening is an art and a kind of activity which makes me happy. I love seeing the growth of the plants..I feel so happy to see it. Do you also feel the same sir? What makes you so happy about gardening?
Thanks @r2cornell sir
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Gardening relaxes me. I get to see the growth and final result of my work. That is whether it is fruits, vegetables or flowers. I love get my hands in the earth; it is almost like I am absorbing earth energy.
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Amazing. Really an awesome project. You really doing well.
I do not see any introduction in your blog. An introduction can help us know more about you and if you are a real person. Too much fraud has happened to me.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!