I've not said much on my posts about what's going on around me lately, a few know parts of it, those I communicate with outside of the Hive community, however on my posts I've said next to nothing at all, on purpose. I figure it's no one's business until I choose to make it so and, in truth, I don't think many people really care. I'm not saying they don't care about other people, just that people have their own things happening and don't have the time to spend getting enmeshed in other people's affairs and issues. I get it, I understand.
I've tried to keep things looking and feeling pretty normal on my posts - as normal as things can be when it comes to my posts anyway, and have certainly tried to keep things light, entertaining an upbeat; that is to say, not miserable, depressing and boring.
The main reason I've not said much about my real-world life is that I'm living it. Sure, writing things out has a positive effect on me but continually thinking, talking and writing about the aspects in life that are weighing upon me, whilst important, isn't always a positive.
I'm not saying that I'm depressed or suffering mental health issues, I am not; I have a really nice life in fact. However, pressure builds at times and if not released it can weigh on a person, and that's where I think I'm headed...or have arrived.
I need a holiday, of that there is no doubt. My work-life is very demanding and with other things combined...a holiday will be a good thing. I have a few weeks off over the Christmas/New Year period which should work well, but that's not enough, I need to manage the situation without having to take time off work. I need something on a daily basis, something that helps prop me up a little bit and helps me move through life a little better.
I'm of the belief that we all have the power to command ourselves, to orchestrate and create the thoughts and attitudes that keep us ticking over and moving forward.
I don't mean momentous and complicated strategies, I mean small things like, hmm gratitude for one. It's those small things, sort of like stepping stones in a fast-moving river, that help us make our way forward with a little more ease, comfort or in a more productive way.
With this in mind I've been moving from stepping stone to stepping stone lately, feeding in the good stuff and putting the rest in a box and locking it away, just for a while; it'll be there when I get back to it, and I'll resume the process of dealing with it, but taking a breath helps me be more effective at that.
One of the things I've been doing is making a call each morning, to a friend or acquaintance, for a quick chat; it allows me to start the day on a positive note, and allows me to say thanks for being a good friend or whatever small show of gratitude I offer them. That, added to the few moments I leave aside when I wake up to think of what I'm grateful about in my life, helps kickstart the day in a positive way.
I've also been starting my workday at a café each morning, I wrote about that last week - it's a soft start to the day, a little me time.
Throughout my day I use the count-to-ten process my dad taught me when I was a kid. It allows time to think clearly rather then reacting too quickly or rashly to things that arise and, in my job, things arise all the time. This process has meant I am able to deal with issues more rationally or efficiently, delegate more effectively and prioritise the important things pushing those of lesser importance aside for later.
I've been taking lunch breaks and turning my phones off throughout, both personal and work phone, and have been eating lunch off-site - it's a gap in which I can self-manage my thoughts and attitudes away from the pressures of the job. It's all been working really nicely.
We all have the power to make positive impacts on our days, weeks and life and through seemingly small things big results are possible.
Filling life with a bunch of small things like the above, and others, will eventually cause them to touch at the sides, to become bigger, and whilst it won't make problems go away altogether, it'll help put those things into perspective and the individual in a better space to deal with them, effectively and positively, and that can't be a bad thing.
Do you have methods that help support your thoughts, attitudes and overall wellbeing? If so, and you want to share some in the comments below, please feel free.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Any images in this post are my own
Everyone has needs, according to my thinking nowadays a break to disconnect is mandatory, we are like batteries,each so much need to be recharged, nice post anyway!!!
That disconnect is essential in my opinion, and usually helps to sustain a person's attitude and progression. We do it in different ways but, as long as it's done we can take steps forward, even though they may be small. Small steps in the right direction are better than none.
Thanks for your comment.
I'm glad you're addressing it as this neglected and dragged on can lead to bigger problems. Been there, done that and you're always paying the price. Now the ideal solution would be to eliminate the stress factors from your life, but that is not always possible, so you need a way to reduce it somehow.
Finding ways to relax or doing things that make you happy is also necessary. Unfortunately only you know what you can cut out of your life and what are the things that help you relax and recharge your batteries.
Take care of yourself as healthy is the most important thing.
You're right, self-care is critical; I can't help others if I can't help myself right?
I've got a pretty good handle on it but sometimes things spill over and aim have to up my self-care game. I'm ok though, pretty resilient which I think is also important. If I get really bad I'll have to enact the donut protocol: Coffee and donuts.
Thanks for your comment and thoughts, much appreciated.
You are coping well as this is the right attitude to have and only attitude. Hive is my me time and helps make me think through important decisions I am faced with. I get where you are at as I have had it for 2 years now with my business being on hold for a number of reasons. The pressure is still there as it is trying to keep onto the business you still have without pissing people off.
Hey there, thanks for commenting.
Yeah, life is one big pressure cooker. I wish for simplicity and find it a lot, however in today's world simplicity is different than it used to be; we just have to deal with it I guess. There so much pressure and aim think it's really important to reduce it where possible and take the time to eliminate it, even if it's only for a lunch break with all devices off. Small things right?
I use above in the same way you do and in my posts is often a lot of between the lines stuff that most never see when they skim...it helps though.
As a business owner you have additional pressure, I've been there myself, and it can be very difficult to cope as the pressure is relentless, 24/7. Your managing it though, keep doing what you're doing.
I see more and more people feeling like you and me; completely exhausted for whatever reason. I used to relieve stress through different sports, but that isn't working anymore other than adding even more exhaustion.
Could it be that internet is just now impacting our lives with too much information that won't let us focus and admire little things?
I think you've made a very good point, we're so connected with the online world and almost totally disconnected with ourselves and each other and the deep-seated needs we have as humans.
Yup, that has got to mess up with our hormones somehow. Great topic to investigate. I fear for kids who were/are born into the internet world and won't have the 'before-internet' notion of life that we have.
Second post I read and second very interesting post from which to draw many ideas. One of my habits is to say thank you for three good things about my day before going to sleep. Laattina instead when I wake up I avoid picking up the phone for the first half hour of the day, I give myself a few minutes to wake up, a nice and hearty breakfast for me and I prepare it for my wife who gets up a little later. I really like the idea of calling a friend every day at the start of the day, I'll try to make it a habit of mine too. Thanks for sharing and for the beautiful post.
A fine habit to have indeed.
And another. Those minutes of thought and reflection without interruption is a good way to set up for the day, as is doing something kind and generous like making your wife breakfast. It is nice to hear people do such things.
I call one I know will not be negative, whine and complain about things, that's important. It's about the sharing of thought, a little respect and gratitude and having a laugh or two. The calls are short, I and my friends are busy people. It could also be a family member I guess. If it's not possible for any reason, I make sure to compliment (genuinely) the first person I run into during the day. It is a nice feeling.
Thanks for your message and sharing your thoughts.
Really beautiful habit, I will certainly make it mine. Gratitude is important, approaching the world with positivity and kindness I think is a good way to live.
Thanks to you for taking the time, I am pleased to share my thoughts with you and with those who enjoy reading them.
I enjoy people commenting like you have, intelligently and with validity; I always have the time for it.
I am leaning a bit into Stoicism, Taoism, and other schools of philosophical thought as well as theology and practical steps toward preparedness and independence. I'm just glad my job is generally not too grating despite my introverted tendencies. People are usually grateful for librarians, after all. It makes work life a lot easier.
I suggest the History of Philosophy podcast for a nice overview of how people have explored the answers to these questions since before Socrates.
I figured you'd have some methods, so it doesn't come as a surprise.
I've read, and listened to, some interesting things over the years and drift in and out of applying them. I'll take a look at that podcast though, I'm always happy to learn something new.
I spend a lot of time with nature, and that generally gives me what I need, but with what's going on at the moment it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so. I'm there when I can though.
My jobs have always been rather full-on and fast paced for various reasons. I actually like the challenge, but with other things applying additional pressure it's mounting up.
Chronic illness means "full-on and fast paced" isn't really an option for me in the first place. Opportunities are limited, but so are adverse consequences.
I understand, and I think it's the best way. I mean, the chronic illness is not good, but the ability to avoid or limit the adverse consequences of a fast-paced job is definitely valuable.
As our years run out we tend to question more.
Work becoming over committed, eats into the soul, is destroying many trying to keep up. When working 8 to 4 one felt the squeeze, never taking proper breaks, now when tired behind the desk, actively go outdoors finding solace under the sky on my own.
Sounds like a full one or two month break would assist in adjusting, most are unable to afford.
Minds and lives are cluttered, finding the right balance, mine is switching off from much including phone calls or people who interrupt one constantly. Sit on the corner of the bed for ten minutes after a shower in front of a fan allowing my mind to empty and go to a happy place!
Hope you find what you seeking!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 42/52) Liquid rewards.
I believe in simple things, I'm a simple man after all, and I think that one doesn't need to reinvent the wheel when trying to find a little moment in which to centre or find a gap that offers the chance to step back from everything else. The concepts I mention above, and others help me do that, none are costly, time consuming or beyond the ability of a yone really; but the value is immeasurable.
Thanks for your comment Joan, I hope you have a great day and end to the working week.
Switching off noise pollution is the worst for me, time away with only song of nature only way of escape, nothing fancy required. Safe walk anywhere would go a million miles....
No work weeks, work daily, keep active in mind and body, try to be happy in any nook or cranny.
Well said indeed.
Galen, I read you, and you are taking steps for your mental and emotional well-being. Personally, I base my method on these steps: process, accept, convert, observe, express, and channel my emotions... so that they flow and allow me to go on with my life. I like to think that EVERYTHING HAPPENS!
That seems like a good process indeed...and if it doesn't work, there's always coffee and donuts! 😊
Totally I have read books, practiced meditation yoga philosophy, and what goes Galen emotions is one of my most difficult roller coasters hahaha, but after I drink my coffee watching the sunrise I get over it and move forward.
Can I share with you the image of my sunrise 1/22/12 here?
Sure, sunrise image me!
The sunrise from my balcony in my city 1 /22/12 my joy to live and move forward Galen
Pretty good indeed. I saw the sunrise this morning also, over the hills. I was sipping a coffee and thinking about what I'm grateful for. It's a nice way to start the day right?
Perhaps this comment is serious Galen, it is only what inspires me this dawn, in the simplicity and complexity of life itself, smiling and making your spirit, your energy go forward with everything you have learned from love, patience, and forgiveness.
Well said, I love your thought. Our battery will be expiring. We can recharge before it totally damage. So take a break and remove all the connections to keep it last longer.
Exactly, it's important to do so we can operate at our best.
Most times life throw hectic situations in us and we look downhearted that doesn't mean we are mentally ill, personal I take some time off, I visited places that help my thoughts and energize me to move on and finally I am always grateful knowing that life is a gift.
Thank you
Life is a gift indeed, and it seems you know how to keep moving forward and on the right path to living a good life. Well done.
Yes I try my best to cherish every opportunity I get to live
This is my method first confidence in myself, I make sure i bond my minds with things that gives me joy so I can think well because most times the mind need a quiet place to get things together.
That's a good strategy and I hope it's working well for you.
It is
Being in the nature. This gives a relaxing and peaceful feeling. But focusing, thinking about and being with what you love helps the most. I love my Harris's hawk. I can spend the entire day walking with her on my arm. I literally sleep with her in the nights.
Finding, doing, being with what you love helps the most.
Well said, it's important to find things we enjoy doing and which make us feel good, then take the time to do them.
It is good to think more on positive things than those nagative things. Giving ourselves break shows we love ourselves, if we fail to do it now, we surely pay for it later. Life is give and take. What a good way to meditate during break by turning off all the phones. Great lesson for hivers.
A word of advice to others is that, Life has it ups and downs. No matter what you are going through never go up. Never stop striving!
Yes, that's sort of the theme of my post I guess.