Slightly on/off-topic, I met Robby Krieger (The Doors guitarist) in person a couple of years ago after his concert. He wore pajamas throughout the concert lol! He was actually a quiet, humble guy. He pulled out a pen and signed a drawing I made of him, which stunned him. Absolute legend of a person.
Collecting links to the songs is definitely a start to the playlist concept, but in terms of usability it's very rudimentary - that's expected at this point in time. Improving the experience of playlist creation and subsequent playing will be a gamechanger.
Still on VSC, why did they opt for an over-collateralized system? What would be the implications if they had chosen a 1:1 collateralization system instead?
Regarding VSC's Bitcoin bridge, and based on my understanding from what I've read, is it expected to have feeless transactions for all BTC transfers? Also, is it supposed to be free to bring BTC onto the wallet and subsequently off the wallet? If yes, then how would RC cost be supported and node providers get paid? And if no, then what would be the incentive to use this service as opposed to just improving the lightning network?
I'm looking for an arsonist interested in a romantic relationship. I want someone who can set my world on fire! Credit: reddit $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken
im not selling my btc so its not like im raking it in. Im just excited that the space is going to start seeing more life in it again. And that potentially this time next year I will be able to take some profits and make life easier.
Don't forget to give one or two people in your life some #freecompliments today. It's a high-grade investment into fulfillment and happiness for both of you! :)
Just got Inleo Premium! Guess I better start posting more now, hope you all don't mind seeing my face here more! Well what portion of my face you can see beyond the beard! 😆
Interesting, I never knew about BBH. Def gonna have to look into that, because I think we need to step away from evaluating everything in USD. We're supposed to be building a parallel, then alternative system, not just join Wall Street, and ask them to regulate us!
One thing we need to understand is that, failure is part of every successful business, founders must first of keep that in mind and know they shall face it as they set-up their project. There is no business that has been able to be executed for 100% without any failure within the process. The most important thing is you find ways to overcome the failure and not just feel absurd and relax or sit down and see your project collapse.
This is very important and no one educates for that. People think that entrepreneurship is to set up a store and start earning just because customers come to you by themselves. Most businesses don't make it to two years.
I'm all about trusting the real builders out there. Even when they fail, if they stand up to their mistakes, learn from them and keep on building, that's usually someone I'm comfortable placing my trust in and often times my money as well.
Accepting a mistake and continuing to build the project with your head held high and facing difficulties is something that generates real confidence and inspires loyalty! These are really trustworthy
Exactly! You can trust someone who got their sleeves rolled and make things work. Even if they fail at the end, you can see the work done and their leadership. They will try to make something work eventually and they will succeed!
Business competence is all about learning from your experiences - both the successes and the failures. Even if you miss opportunities or make mistakes, you can learn from them and grow as a result. That's what makes someone truly competent.
Absolutely! Embracing experiences, whether successes or failures, is key to business competence. Learning and growing from every opportunity and challenge contribute to a well-rounded and resilient professional journey. I'm in support.
I agree with u. When I started my travel agency, I had some idea of what I was doing, but I learned a lot from my mistakes and successes. If you don't have competence initially, you can acquire it if you have the motivation to obtain it.
If there are no failures, success will not come, you have to fail to learn from mistakes, one thing is to know the theory, but in practice it is another thing, that's why you should not be afraid to fail, but rather to do nothing.
Learning from failures is an important aspect of business competence every founder needs. It may not always go as planned but staying with the lessons is priceless for success.
Thank you great teacher, they say Jack or all trade but master of done. Definitely, setting priority right will help to overcame wasted efforts and resources, I know how scarce resources are, in order to maximize them and have a rewarding result from our hustling, there must be a set goals to be achieved
To be competent, you must write down your vision, from then, it will become a reality. Knowing where you are going will make you strive for competence.
We cannot overemphasize the need for clearly defining the goal of the project in a way that others can join us to interpret their best point of collaboration.
Business competence is really important. One way to display business competence is to realize that there are things you dont know and need to strive to know. Sometimes, you have to learn from experiences. Missed opportunities, and lots of mistakes. But being competent means that you learn from your mistakes and grow from there and strive to do things a little differently
I agree. Admitting that you've made a mistake is extremely necessary, especially so that you don't alienate people from you, because if you look for culprits, you'll end up alone.
So, being competent is essential for business founders day he should strive to learn new things whether from his mistakes or from that of others. It could be making research. What matters is that he continues doing well in his business
Or course. The competences like any other skill can be learned by the experience. You don't just grow up with these skills, instead of that, you learn them in order to your own experience at the school, the family, the community.
As an entrepreneur turning a vision to reality isn't an easy task, failure is part of the process,but when it continues, then it's about time you bring in Someone competent to join your team to inspire your project with their intelligence.
Creating a company has its light side and its dark side, there will always be losses, small failures and so on, the important thing is to grow with failures and take them as impulses to improve your company and make it stronger
the show is Live. Time to join and enjoy the behind the bags. Some give aways especially when one get involved and participate fully on the show. Join and learn more. @marajah, @ngobaby, @kenechukwu97, @iamchimary,
The founder of a project must have many business skills to achieve the objectives, hence he uses the most appropriate strategies to make profits in the crypto market.
I resonate with the speaker. I have also been one who believe is out working everyone else. It compensate for lack of talent or skill most times. This applies to the web 3 space. Mostly people are only willing to do half arse jobs. So when you actually do the work and commit more than everyone else, you succeed. That's my secret to success in the web 3 space.
Yeah, doing your absolute best even when there's little reward is what gets you to that stage of great rewards and I think most people forget that these things take time, you have to work out for a while to start to succeed,
The founder is the one who most needs to have a business mind, largely due to the fact that he will choose the other players who will make up his team.
Great point of analysis, the founder must have competence and experience, or at least a vision of what he wants for his company and this includes knowing how to choose the right people for the positions.
in any business, self confidence is very important. In fact it is the first thing any business founder should have. Without self confidence you do not have anything as a business founder
You are right. Self-confidence is a key ingredient in any successful founder. It's not just about having a positive attitude, but rather about truly believing in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.
You made a very good point. Believing in oneself despite the failures, push downs or discouraging talks from people and sticking to the goal of building the business to success. At the long run, competence would have been built.
Yeah, well said. Self-confidence is really important. Without being confident in oneself, one can't convince other to be confident or invest in their project or company.
There's nothing better than a few failures to teach us some lessons. I've made some mistakes in past ventures that have given me valuable insights. Today, I am a more experienced person because of what happened.
Failures make us in all walks of life. There aren't mistakes if we learn lessons from them and next time we try we ace it.
As my mother would say, you fall Edward then you get up dust yourself down and go in even harder!
I am not a bot what's doing on, i have been removed from another podcast, how do I do the task if I'm not involved. This honestly is getting frustrating.
what is a business without a good lawyer and adviser, they act like your personal savior in your difficult times. AAnd help you holdhold on strong while you rise
Yeah, I think a founder of a project does need a business competence, cause when everything is going well its a bull its easy, but when the bear market hit and money starts to become short that's when a management of a business comes into play.
Yes, generally when everything is going up, the project moves forward smoothly, but, if you are a good leader with vision and financial knowledge, I am sure you will withstand a bear run, but you must know how to guide difficult decisions.
Competencies should not be seen as enemies, but as an opportunity to develop better strategies and growth. As you say, when everything is going well, it looks easy and you don't grow.
That's right, the leader or founder must be competent, have the skills to manage all aspects of the project and, of course, know how to work with his people, this is indispensable.
Embrace your failures and use them as stepping stones
A great piece of advice from Soc. I think it's true that people are afraid of what others perceive of them when the things they do fail or do not work at some point.
Hehehe I have gotten further away stumbling than I did with my plans. So yeah, you don't even need to go to a specific place, you can use what you have to keep going forward and up until you are high enough to see the horizon and now you have a goal.
That's the way to go rather than cowering out because you met a hurdle in the process. A determined or driven person would most likely keep pushing no matter the stumbling blocks they come across along the way.
funny thing isbwhen we cross the line, we discover that those fears and failure were just blocking you from seeing the brighter side of yourself, don't let failure decide for you, beat it, you can!
You really need competence as a leader or a founder, before you start to execute a business you need to prepare yourself for different kinds of situations have strong perseverance, and surround yourself with people with the same vision.
Competence is necessary to build something in any aspect of life, be it a community, a business, a relationship or anything else. If you're not competent in the areas in which you want to work, at some point this will weigh heavily on you.
I feel like it's easy to tell people not to fret at the sight of failure. But the truth is that it stings a lot. Failure is demoralizing. That doesn't mean we should let it limit us. But it's worth it to acknowledge its negative effects
Its true that failure can be disheartening, but then we must try to look beyond it and sees it as a life lessons that brood our experience to get better as time goes on.
So in a nutshell, failure helps us understand the process.
The thing is not everyone can handle failure and some people just lost interest and give up on what they doing or building up once the fail, we all need to learn to accept failure in our lives and that how we can start to do
Trusting in ourselves, in the process of a project and even in the small stumbles we may have in it, is part of growth. But sometimes we are going to have mixed feelings and we have to live them because they are also part of the process 😊
Embracing your value and using it to fuel your desire to do better should be the goal of every business minded individual, it's easier said than done but it's actually the easiest way one can bounce back after failing.
This makes so much sense. And I think it's easy to do as well. If we lean into the qualities that make us valuable, there is no way we won't get paid. It's the same thing as mastering your craft and being the best.
There are so many specific ways to learn about Business competence. if I want to be a manager, I will learn about leadership, motivation, and team building. Want to be a marketer, learn market research, consumer behavior, and advertising.
I sincerely agree with you, since business competence could be ensured from different angles, it is thus very necessary to build competence round a specfic area of business specialisation to be able to work effectively
As a founder or builder business competence is what is learnt overtime in the journey of business building.
You gain knowledge, experience, there are wins and failures too so as you continue, it will get to a certain level where you will be so grounded in the business that you can think of spreading out because the business is strong and doing well.
The whole bankruptcy thing is totally different between countries. In the UK it is taboo big time, but over in The States it is commonplace both for personal and business bankruptcy. That also makes the fear of failing I think less on your mind in America,as you can say fluff it,decalrebankruptcy and start again. The UK way different!
Who would start up a business without a valid reason and aim? The purpose for business creation development must not be ignored,this stirs up and ignites the desire to go deeper and grow stronger
The success’s are what we tell on our resumes making it look like a smooth ride but beyond those rides lies tons of failures that have been encountered on the way and that’s what makes your business stand out as you keep pushing regardless
A beginner sucks at first on the first attempt at business, it's a process which is what a new business owner should know, and it only gets better with time. Great point yo!
That is why consistency is key to every business owner out there in the market. The drive to keep pushing forward againts all odds has be in the owners mind. The more the individual delivers the more the business is likely to bloom.
Yeah it gets bigger and better with every hurdle on the way. As a beginner expecting to get a hang of everything almost immediately is not realistic neither is it magical. Trust the process and everything will work out well in due time.
In my opinion, it is necessary to have a bit of business competence, so that its founder can closely monitor what is happening and with this can generate better business. Of course, the founder of a great idea can also put other people to manage the your business, in any case it needs competent people to make your company grow
Yes, for a business to thrive and succeed, you need to work with a good team that will collaborate with you. Get a good lawyer for advice and monitor your sakes volume .
Without a doubt!! A business competence remains key among successful entrepreneurs. The founder’s who are not so knowledgeable in this field may find themselves disoriented in a complicated dynamic marketplace. As such, founder should strive to be competent in their business through which they can increase their odds of success and create a flourishing sustainable business.
For any business to flourish the business owner must be competent, and must have in mind that at some point they might fail, but when they do they should be able to find a way around to make things work.
Jeremy made a nice point, a competent person focuses on what he doesn't know and tries to improve on it, but an incompetent person thinks he knows it all and doesn't improve himself.
And that is the thinking that leads to failure. Relying on specialized people is always ideal, but if you are not willing or do not have the means to resort to them. You have to learn from scratch to be able to do anything successfully.
Spot on. Often, the less competent one usually makes a loud noise like he knows everything. While the most knowledgeable person usually just keeps finding ways to better himself.
I won't say it's a must for a founder to be business competent but then it would be a lot better if he or she did. All they have to do is get someone who is business competent on their team who is business competent and I think that works too.
okay! I'm not sure if I understand your POV, but I think I do. It isn't a must for a founder to be business competent, I mean, that's if he/she doesn't want to grow and improve. However, if a founder wants to grow and improve, it is a must to be business competent (just my opinion.)
I think putting it in context will help. As a founder that means you are competent at something but might not really be in business, the best thing to do is start working with someone who is business competent and from there you can grow. I see cases like this before, so never say since you are not business competent you can't be a founder
Yea, I kind of agree with your take on this, if the founder isn't competent in the business aspect, hiring someone who is would bridge that gap and enhance the progress of the project moving forward.
That's right, the founder is human after all not some AI or something. It's totally fine to hire someone better than him in that regards to work with and in the process of working with them he can as well learn from them
Hmm, I won’t say it’s a must also but as a founder which can also make you be seen as a leader, it is a must for you to be business competent, you can’t just leave all the hard work to your partner or workers every time, lead by example.
Well,I still go with what I said because I've seen several times when a founder is not good at something but has competent hands to fill in for his incompetence and with time he became competent because he seeked for help. He's a man not a robot, he can always learn on the job
I agree with you, it's good for a founder to have a level of business competence and tthen get one or two people who are competent in business in the management team.
With the efforts of the team put together, the business will grow.
That's right, as a founder of something you'd definitely have a good knowledge of it normally so getting more people to work with will boost your capabilities even more.
I think it's actually a must for a founder to be competent in the business and trust me I am speaking from experience. Having someone in your team might not actually work out well most times but knowing about your business matters alot.
You're the founder so you surely know what you founded but going further, you can't know it all and when you have someone who is specialized on what you are not so good at, you as a founder will get to learn from them and get better from there.
But like I said, it's better if a founder is business competent
I think it's all about putting it into perspective though, there are some cases when it is a must you be business competent as a founder but there are other cases when it is fine to learn on the job
As a business founder, you need to know the purpose of starting up a business. Is it for making money, to help people, to travel, satisfy people? You need to consider these. So it will help you navigate your way to success.
Every business founder must have this self esteem and confidence that sure, it's gonna work out well. This prepares him to be ready and on the lookout for ill signs and of course tackle them on time
Failure can be scary, especially if you're the type that pays much attention to criticism, you love to know what people say about you. For me failure isnt a bad thing, itshould be a step to successes. It will make you to be alert & cautious
I agree with you, failure is scary, and nobody wants to fail no matter how little it may seem. If a founder isn't competent enough, he or she will experience failure. And yes failure might not seem that bad.
I have noticed that business founders and entrepreneurs who fail at first trial, restrategize and improve has had the chance to be very successful, doing great in their various businesses. Failure braces us up to be better entrepreneurs
Right! Failure is a good teacher. Of course, some people decapitalize on those failed attempts and it's a hard thing to overcome. Things like initiative, motivation and not having all your eggs in the same basket is what helps to try again.
Yeah, that should be the aim of a good founder or leader of a project, don't just give up or become embarrassed when you experience a failure in your project, failures are part of the methods in becoming successful, embrace it and strategized a new plan and execute. There is always a try and error and that should be part of your plans when building a project.
failures to teach us some lessons. I don't think it's bad to experience failure just that some give up on their dreams when they fail why some utilizes the opportunity to learn more and come back stronger which is the right thing to do
You're right, it's not bad to have failure. Many times you learn this way and gain experience. We should not give up on our dreams. We should always learn from our failures and become stronger.
Exactly. What you learn from that too. You have to learn from failures and not everybody knows how to deal with that. I guess that's something you learn over time.
It is never a bad experience to see failure in your project building, it should rather encourage you as a founder to work harder and put more effort into your project to make it a better and successful one. Failure is there to encourage us.
To check if a business founder is competence enough then they must have self confidence, financially oriented. Know about personal finance and understand financial literacy. This are so good for any business founder
I think self confidence is the main thing before starting a business. Because sometimes the revenue depends on the self confidence of a businessman. With a confidential mind, a businessman can maintain the best strategy about his business.
As I want to be an independent woman, I want to do business for growing my personal finances. As a result, I have some business ideas to start my business. But suggest me how can I prepare my investment plan from the beginning?
That's very important. You need to be prepared for a multitude of scenarios and also you need to understand more or less when you can expect to turn your business into a profitable one or, alternatively, when you can expect to raise some funds through investments or something like that. That would give you a rough idea of how much you need, how long you have and so on
sometimes failure is necessary, it teaches people how to be strong and how not to give up, so failure in business doesn't not mean you are not business oriented. I totally
To a great extent, a founder needs a business competence. If you don't have business competence, you will barely understand how to make decisions that would affect your business positively or otherwise. That puts you ahead of competitors.
'applied' this is not just about nfts and crypto. So much takes on winning in business, any business at all, and generally life. Turning out to be one of my best space so far.
I see big firms employ the services of business ethusiasts, analysts, lawyers etc. I mean professionals in the making, this goes a long way to show just how much mentorship means in
business competence
In my opinion, Mentorship plays a vital role in the success of businesses, providing invaluable guidance, support and encouragement to both new and experienced entrepreneurs. It can help us to achieve our strategic goals.
Yes, I agree with you, failure is not bad, but not all founder can handle failure well , some take failure as another means to come back stronger, while some gives up and went back on their dream, that's another area where competence and determination comes in.
I agree with you, a defeat can make you stronger. It all depends on the person and their character. Experiences are for growing and learning. Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way, some get frustrated and give up.
I also agree with you Peniel that not all can handle failures even how many times they tried or execute a business and they always fail so in the end they will stop dreaming and will never try again to execute a new one.
It is better for a founder to work with his/her workers and fail rather than working alone and failing, failure is a building block to success, it is normal to fail but when you embrace it and try harder with others, success is sure..
I think I'm getting to understand this topic more.
I believe it'll be nice if a founder is fully aware of his business, learning and getting better everyday will make him more competent and goal oriented. Wiith good people to assist him.
That is true, but it is not always the case, sometimes fear forces us to do things or not to do things that we may regret in the end. But it's like you say, try to move forward.
Every Entrepreneur has experienced failure. Failure happens but what is paramount is how well you are able to pick up yourself after failing. If you care so much about people’s perception after failing it would be difficult for execution.
yeah you are right, failure is a big blow and it takes a business minded person to pick up the pieces and move on. it takes a lot to be a business person, you have to be ready for anything
And this goes a long way. Failure is part of life, and we have to experience it sometime in life. It is the only thing that gets us truky ready for what's forward. This is why when failure arrives, picking ourselves up matters. It does.
Oh yes! 😃 The great projects we know started with a few lines or drawings on a piece of paper. From there they developed into what they are today. That's why the work of the founder and the team he chooses is very important for growth 💹
Absolutely agree! Success often involves thorough preparation and continuous learning. Studying, researching, and seeking advice help identify potential challenges. Being well-informed and prepared enhances success in any endeavour.
Trust is an iimimportant part in selling a project. Once the general community sense no transparency in a project then the project is llikely to crash down.
Writng out one's vision is just an important step to business competence, I mean the vision inspires you to achieve your goals and make it a reality. Writing out plans is just like drawing a house plan, you stick to it and boom, a mansion
Founders need business competence to make their ideas successful. Founders need business knowledge to navigate the market. Business competence is understanding how businesses work and making smart decisions
Another thing we need to understand is that, regardless of the level of competence a founder has, it still doesn't mean failure will not step in, it's part of the growth process and it's definitely another good way to help them come out better and stronger too.
the founder must not be necessarily competitive, but some businesses needs a very competitive founder and others don't,so as a founder you got to evaluate the business you going into so he knows what is expected in other to stay in business
it is good to write down vision , goals and your aims in a particular Business. Moreover failing in a particular business doesn't make you a failure you just needs to find out why is it not working out.
I agree with Jeremy, good advisers, a good lawyer, and I would add a good partner because a good team can be acquired with money or with the success you achieve, but the former cannot be missing to achieve success
A good business founder and entrepreneur will never tire out if the implementation of some business tactics does not go as planned, competence is all about staying put in turbulent business seasons
It is not an easy thing to do and even more so in these circumstances. Most of the time, one can fall down due to lack of support in the same place, so it is difficult to have strength and keep going.
If you don’t have friends that can support sometimes, or people that are good in business to help, the idea or dream can die which brings me to the topic of the day
One doesn’t need to be competent in business before starting a business
if they have someone they trust who can fill that position then I believe they are good to go. Do they need to attend business school before they start actualizing their dream? I believe they don’t have to be expert in business before start
There are certain competencies that are necessary, otherwise everything will be lost very quickly. However, I agree that it is absolutely necessary to be surrounded by more experienced people who can help us.
You’re right too. One still need to be competent in some things if not it will be lost very early like you said especially if it’s someone who is ready to steal the business
Also a vision statement of the business should be stated out, because that way you know the goals you.are trying to pursue are clear to you and they are what you are looking towards
The mission statement of the business should be stated. A businessman who wants to succeed in business must have his goals written down, in other for him to pursue with clarity and competency.
There are a lot of hidden gems behind the word SUCCESS. Sacrifice, consistency, risk tolerance and many more are what makes up that successful hero. And I agreed with just doing what you are passionate about. It will always easy.
It is true. Probably, everyone agrees that the road to success is not always a road full of roses. It takes a number of qualities to get there, and Web 3 is no exception. Maybe that's why we enjoy it more when we achieve it.
Yeah, even if you struggle, if you don't settle for doing something you hate just because is safe, you will be better, and knowing how to go further for the path of less resistance will also be better at the end. Doing something safe you hate just leads to burn out
That's very great. Writing down your vision in order to be able to change it. If one fails, they can retry till they gets it right. That way one can help make their business better and avoid total collapse.
Going bankrupt or not making the right decision regarding finance isn't something to venture into. It is scary. Being competent is whatever we do matters. And that's just it. One thing to have as a founder.
I believe that bankruptcy is not something to be trifled with. I agree. The key word is what you said: be competent. That depends on evaluating risks, taking them, but always with the mind focused on good strategies.
A business founder must understand the skills of business. Will your business solve problems, this is pivotal, when starting a business. You have to learn you have to know that your business can be a blessing to someone.
To enrich our knowledge we can participate in some business festival or any kind of Campaign. Last year I participate in a small business fair and got some prizes for my ideas. So it's better to clarify our POV by doing these things.
The very moment you decided to execute you vision you start doubting yourself, asking if you could really do it, and I think that's when competence and loving what you're planning to do comes in,
That's why we need to clarify about our ideas. For this reason we can participate in some business festival or seminar. Even show like Breads space can also help us to acquire some great knowledge before starting our business.
If someone is a founder who's competent, one of the things the person would have as a focus is the willingness to get back up even after unfavorable result
You may fail to raise money. You may also fail to yield return for VCs
I hated school while growing up and that made me a very terrible student especially in mathematics, I was scared of this particular subject and I never got good grades on it.
I was always good at math. I think everything is complicated if they don't teach it to you the way you need it, we don't all learn the same way, don't be discouraged jsjsj there are many things that I'm sure you are very good at.
if one is not competent enough, there is little or nothing to accomplish, that being said, a founder needs to be good at what he is doi so that he can command the interest of others
from the concept of what a business competence is, an entrepreneur definitely needs to expand in its space to be able to turn that vision into a reality... So when you are passionate about an idea, you go through the hurdle of failure to get success
A founder is the crucial part of a community to succeed in both web2 and web3 space. The founder has to be competent and must be able to sell out the idea the individual has to the larger audience, that means your marketing has to be top.
competence helps founder navigate challenge, create sustainable growth for their venture. A founder should have business competence skills. Work hard to be seen as a competent founde
for a founder to be seen as a leader he should have a competent person, because the project depends on his creative and hardworking self and mindset. People even tend to follow a competent leader. Love this
I would add that in addition to being competent, this leader should be a person who values the work of his team and motivates them to continue and grow within the company or project.
An incompetence leader cannot lead his followers well. This is because,he lacks ideas on how to push a project well,people management skill maybe lacking aswell. Thisis why a founder should work on his self development inorder to standout
For a founder to be successful, he needs to be dedicated as well and competent, the follower must lead with good example in other to value the project.
The major area of concern about competence is really dependent on the individual involved. From the description of creating value, it is usually attached with failures, when the success is shared we think it's not.
Sure,motivation is a crucial factor in success, whether you're a business founder or not. When you're motivated, you're more likely to have the energy and drive to work towards your goals.
There is a thin line between competence and incompetence, as a founder, we can also call you a leader, you have to lead by example at all times, you have to be business competent to an extent, if not fully, you cant always dump on others
That's right, a good leader has to show in words and deeds that he is competent for the leadership role, people believe in those who are competent in deeds more.
You're right about the thin line, any mistake could reveal or puts you in the incompetence side even after some competence show. Founders have responsibilities to carry on, I bet they decided that before they found their community.
Being competent is one important thing for any business founder. Competence doesn't happen in a day though, so I agree that it requires tireless work and shamelessly putting yourself out there
Truth. I also think that it's a continuous process. It's a real grind and just like freaknlinkin said, there will always be a time when one fails but he keeps going anyway.
A founder must possess competence in their line of work. Success in business is mostly dependent on factors like confidence, backup plans, and a firm grasp of business principles. It is also essential to have a talented and driven founder.
Exactly, being a founder is a big title, who would want to be led by an incompetent founder, which means U have to business competent to an extent if not fully to lead by example, this way one won’t be seen as a failure or a heavy burden
working hard is the engine capacity of every business. According to the speaker he never liked going to school. There's always this relationship between success and average students. Maybe should try and be an average student.
A boss, I mean a business owner without the basic ideas, that just employed staffs to run everything for him, will somehow encounter issues. Why? A competent boss is valid in business
Yeah I agree with you. Employees are always more serious with their work when they know their boss is a pro in that business. They feel less serious with a business when they know their boss knows little or nothing about that business.
One of the best way for a project to thrive is when the founder as a pinch of knowledge in every aspect, including the business aspect, this on it own,gives the project an edge to thrive, and the founder can easily analysis their progress.
A founder need business competence to be successful, but they also do need to be passionate and committed to their vision. Having a strong understanding of the business world can certainly help, but it's not the only thing that matters.
A founder need business competence to be successful, but they also do need to be passionate and committed to their vision. Having a strong understanding of the business world can certainly help, but it's not the only thing that matters.
Well I believe a founder should already have a business competence skills but on the other hand, competence skills goes a very long way because we have to be talking about. Everything that deal with the business. Including the financial aspect of the business. How to manage business and all.
Founders with business competence possess the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate various aspects of running a company - strategic planning, financial management, marketing etc. This competence also helps in adapting to challenges.
A founder is the main builder because he goes into research to know what to do more than just having a vision but also how to execute plans in a way that will look interesting.
I suppose a founder is the backbone of any project, and one of the most important people. He or she must be one of the most prepared people. I agree with your criteria.
That’s true, this is why starting and running a successful business requires a wide range of skills and knowledge, and business competence is one of the most critical ones.
competence is a valuable asset, contributing to efficiency, innovation, and overall success. Continuous improvement and a commitment to honing one's skills are essential elements of maintaining competence in a dynamic and evolving world
It helps founders navigate challenges, make informed decisions, manage resources effectively, and create sustainable growth strategies for their ventures.
a founder of a project whatever it is, be it gaming, blockchain, NFTS and so would definitely need business competences because he has to employ certain skills to prove quality and capabilities and also be strategically competitive with others
Absolutely! A founder's business competence is pivotal, regardless of the project's nature, be it in gaming, blockchain, NFTs, or any other field. It's not only about showcasing quality and capabilitie
For me I will say yes. Competence is really important for a builder to be focus and make necessary adjustment. Competence can help a builder think deep and know his/her ability to execute a particular idea. It also helps to have a vision.
understanding business fundamentals is crucial for the success of any venture. Business competence includes skills in areas like finance, marketing, operations, and strategy
Business competition will always be good for them to take measures to improve and see what sells and what doesn't (in sales cases), besides some of them resort to take inspiration from others to improve.
Founder needs this and more to navigate the challenges of running a successful venture. It encompasses skills such as strategic planning, financial management, marketing, and leadership are crucial for driving the growth of the company
Of course, a founder needs business competence. Better put, a founder who wants to be successful needs business competence. Having solid understanding of business principles, backup plans, and so on, contributes significantly to the success of a business. Yes, passion, skill and talent are also useful.
I feel is not all business founder need to be competent in business if they have someone else that can fill that space. Although they can learn later but if they have the idea and they have someone to help them build on it
Then I think good
However, it is important that founder often possess a combination of resources and business skills. Business competence is key to making informed decisions and effectively leading a business in the long run
As a business is a company, whether large or small, there must be job skills because there is a work activity, an activity that seeks to generate income through goods or services, and skills are necessary to be successful.
a business founder should be a competent person this is my thoughts on this because with this it makes the business boost up by his creative activities
yeah I think that what should happen, if a person is competent and enlightenment this helps their thinking mindset, that's why people follow those founders with creative mindset
We could say that a founder is a leader of his own business at the same time, and the leadership is, in fact, a competence very important to reach the success.
Certainly! A founder's business competence is essential. It provides the skills needed for informed decision-making, strategic planning, and navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship, forming the bedrock for business success.
I think that I as a project founder would like to enter a market where there is already competition, just so I know what innovative decisions to make and not be taken by surprise.
must the founder be necessarily competent? well I think the team he works with should must be competitive, it is just a plus for the founder to be competitive ,
Vision and execution work in conjunction with planning. But the former is long-term while the latter is real-time. Vision can sometimes hinder fair business competition because of this very conditioning factor.
You’re right about Vision being long term. Most times the Competence and Vision walks side by side. You need competence to help achieve most visions. I do not think vision hinders fair business competition. The Vision produce competition
A founder needs to be competent in his business to stay confident and respected. He should be be able to have an impactful conversation with his workers.
Absolutely! The role of a business creator or entrepreneur involves more than just technical skills. Here's a brief thread expanding on the importance of entrepreneurial and behavioral skills
Definitely, this is where competence comes in , a projecto should have all the needed resources or attribute to keep a user's stick to them,all this also have to do with the level of utility derived from such project too.
Business competence is essential for success in a wide range of careers, from root level to senior management roles. A strong understanding of business principles will help us to make informed decisions, solve problems effectively.
I believe that these are cases in which it depends on what the business is or what the founder wants, for example he may just have the idea and put it into practice, but he will not be its main manager, putting the company to work with other people in the command. He may also be the type to create and execute, observing closely how things are going and making decisions.
Competence is a critical component of being a successful business founder. After all, starting and running a business takes a lot of knowledge, skills, and experience. Without these qualities, it would be very difficult to be successful.
Yes, the creator of a business must have entrepreneurial skills, at least the basics. In addition, they should have behavioral skills, so that they can make their team feel comfortable talking to their leader whenever necessary. 1 🧵
what does it mean to be competent, Jeremy explained in simple terms that agreeing that one does not know more and improve on that. Also, know what that activate one and give your best on it. When one is hungry and drive, one keep improving skills to do more.
There will be no found community or project if the founder had no competence in business anyways so yeah, any founder would need to have it. But I think it varies with the community they own and what is needed from them. Great space talk as usual Breads 👌
well I do think web 3 moves fast. What do we need to see to say that web 3 is moving fast? If a project is moving fast I think it’s all about web 3. We don’t necessarily need to see every project move at a fast pace to believe it.
Getting a good advice and mentor that will keep guiding us for greatness. They will steer us from murky waters of failure for success as they align their experiences and practical analysis for more productive and resourceful approaches. That's where one competence will come
A good leader must know how to guide his team, have fresh ideas and motivate them at all times, on this depends the success of the project. The work comes from the top, otherwise it falls apart.
Mentorship is most often attached to a receptive mind, one who is ready to learn by all means. The story and mistakes from mentors serves as a guide to whoever is ready to follow the path. Accepting mentorship is vital.
Determining what type of failure is being talked about is important. From my point of view, failing to place a bot on discord 5 times before succeeding should not even be seen as a failure, since it is something that theoretically did not generate any type of damage and in the end it was done. Unless for some reason there was a deadline for it. Oh, it could be a small flaw.
I think a bit of business competence is needed because then founder can monitor from close up and think of generating better ways in business. Competence is the only thing allows us to do what we know. Like I can do well in things which are very known to me. A founder has to have make the plans work and make it look interesting.
I really love what Jeremy said. Most competent people are willing to learn more and improve on themselves, they are mostly humble. While most incompetent people love to brag about their little ability and not willing to learn from others
This is really true. Self evaluation has a lot to do with competence. Incompetent people usually have this over-priced valuation of theirself. And when they start feeling too good about their little achievements, then they start working less hard and being incompetent.
A good company focuses on giving solutions instead of giving problems, who likes what he does advanced and will learn from it who will not only look for culprits and it is there when everything fails the ego can more than humility sometimes
Business competence is a very good topic to look at and do a founder needs that, definitely for me , it's quite important and it's what define the level of usefulness a project is having.
That's right, there's lot of kind of failures. There are failures you can learn and move on, and there are other ones that you will never recover because maybe it was involved your reputation like Sam Bankman-Fried or Justin Sun for example
Failures is the pillars of success. So, we need to think twice before invest our valuable money to our business. We must set a risk reward ratio to afford the loss from our businesses. So it will be recovered with some profits.
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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
I believe that even those who never seem to get over leave us with a learning experience. It does not mean that to learn is to forget what happened, but on the contrary, rather to remember it so that it does not happen again.
That's true! Justin Sun made such a precedent that his legacy will be never forgotten. We must live and learn! Thank you for your comment! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP !BBH !HUESO
Greetings from the Virtual World Community. We send you Hueso token to support your work.
Click on this banner, to be directed to the Virtual World Discord and learn more about the curation project.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
I think failures are part of growth, they go hand in hand, however I agree that with the cases you have mentioned there is no going back, zero credibility. And when you get to that point it is very difficult to build and move forward again.
Yeah, for us it's like a scar that will remind us how we got hurt and how to avoid it in the future. For them is simply the end! Thank you for your comment! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP !BBH !HUESO
Greetings from the Virtual World Community. We send you Hueso token to support your work.
Click on this banner, to be directed to the Virtual World Discord and learn more about the curation project.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
Failures involving reputation are the hardest to overcome, even more so when we have a project, business or company. It has to do with credibility... if it is lost, it is a big problem.
Exactly, reputation is the hardest of all aspects to recover. It also depends on the gravity of the mistake. Thank you so much for your comment! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP !BBH !HUESO
Greetings from the Virtual World Community. We send you Hueso token to support your work.
Click on this banner, to be directed to the Virtual World Discord and learn more about the curation project.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
The most difficult part of founding a company is not starting it, but rather keeping it going. And a big part of that is staying true to your original vision and keeping your team motivated and focused on the long-term goals.
I agree with you, and in turn the competition creates in ourselves skills to keep our company at the top, we see it in cell phone companies for example, they always improve and try the same and make their products look better.
I think a big difficulty in doing what you are passionate about is having a business mentality.How to have this mentality? How not to let yourself become abstracted? It's important to enjoy solving problems more than the idea, I believe.
Being competent as a business founder is a process that takes time and effort. It involves working hard, taking risks, and putting yourself out there - even if it's uncomfortable. But it's worth it in the end.
In the stage of from Vision to execution, there must be a stage of failure, but you could bounce back that’s the great thing. I support the idea of writing down your vision it makes it way easier to strategies the stages of execution.
Having a vision is good, knowing how to execute the vision is a different thing altogether. Until then, that good idea is of no use till it's implemented on.
From vision to execution is really an interesting thing to talk about because everyone do have a vision but not everyone could execute his or her vision , there so many things to discourage you when you're trying to execute your vision
a good founder doesn't give up after failure, their ability to raise up after a fall is what makes them a great founder because they would have a story to tell behind the success of the business
I think this is a great point. A good founder doesn't let failure stop them, but rather sees it as an opportunity to learn . They know that success doesn't happen overnight, and they're willing to get back up after falling down.
As an entrepreneur, try to do well first at the beginning and people will find your products. Integrate and create learning categories that can help you keep going
No business would ever succeed without failure and mistakes, I mean in the course of being competent in a business, there are a lot of learning experiences to implement, it's fine if some things don't go right, it's part of the process.
We are not robots but a human being and mistakes will happen and that’s also for a good reason. People get to learn from their mistakes. So, it’s not something to have headache about. But the mistake should not be repeated.
I agree. There really is no exact formula for success, it's trial and error, improvements and changes accordingly. As you say, it's part of the process and that's how you hone your skills.
very well said, there will definitely be obstacles in turning that dream to a vision and subsequently to a reality. This is why there need to be skills in place to surpass this level and be strategically competitive
You be competent and keep improving, one have to be able to defined what really a failure and never be afraid to fail. Keep improving and enhance skills when we categorized what failure. Never be ashamed to start again and fresh.
well said to be competent, you need to work hard, keep improving, enhance your skills. Even if in the process you fail. Keep improving, start again never be ashamed to untill you attain competency.
Good business sustainable is necessary from a founder, you must be able to know how to manage your business even when things are not going on well with the business, that is why you are the pillar
You are speaking facts, which is fair enough to see how some projects are moving. Web3 can do a lot. So much power vested in it. One thing about the Huve blockchain is that it is moving. We all are.
Hive is here to stay and one thing I am glad and grateful of is the fact that I am a part of it. And it’s so great to be a witness of the web3 community and also learning more about the crypto ecosystem. There are a lot to the system.
I feel like a lot of people buy into these projects like portalcoin and co do it because of the hype and no one even cares what they're working on. If you ask the majority who shill they don't even know what its about really.
These are facts. Some people buy into projects with no knowledge of what they are or no knowledge about the team behind it. The hype around projects influence the investors you have and these days if your hype is good, that's a plus
So we have to make a strong community for our business. Customers are always looking for products which has some good reviews and the company has a big community. So we also take a look for making a strong community for our business.
of course I agree with you a 100 percent because what attracts the customers is not the company itself but the product which the company offers and when the product is good, then the company is good and boom, you retain your customers.
Founding a product or project should be targeted at solving a problem and this definitely would require marketing to the right audience. A fair business competence is needed for a founder to succeed, but good partnership can also cover .
Partnership business can reduce the risk ratio. On the other hand, we can think about our business without any nervousness if we have an intelligent partner in our business. So I think it's better to start our first business with partners.
I believe that this is a matter of time and you will learn more and more each day on how to improve in this matter. You still have a lot of growing to do. Keep up the good work.
the big problem is that projects that have a vision usually have poor execution and those that have good execution usually come from a bad vision or a bad idea...
Of course, there are gems between projects, but it really is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
I agree with this, very major problem in the web3 space. Sorting out the gems is always the hardest part. Good execution and good vision is the only way things can work out.
A founder needs high business competence skills, with the following features:
Combination of creativity, knowledge about the industry, effective communication, risk-taking ability, etc.
These are true. Effective communication and knowledge about the industry are very important. Without proper communication skills, a founder cannot communicate well with customers, investors, staff. With no knowledge, it's hard to succeed
Yeah, I love your characters listed out there, those are really the features of a good leader, you need to know how to take risk, and also have an effective communication skills. Understand that there are failures on your way coming...
You shouldn't let those failures demoralize you from progressing in your project, nope, it should rather teach you new ways of doing things and never to give up.
Yes is my answer because if a founder is not business competent, he won't be able to play his role well as the founder. Even though working with oth, he has to put them through on what to do. So, he has to learn, fail, Continue
Telling the great learning moment is very important because it represents a point where a founder is open to getting motivated or inspired by an action or situation that exposed his vulnerability or gap that needed to be filled.
Indeed, getting motivated or discouraged at the right time can help save your business. Often times, people hang on to failed business for too long when the signs are clear they should drop out. Some fail to identify the right learning time
Wow, thank you. That's beautiful. But I do not own Ethereum wallet. Is there any other way to get it? Or would you show me how to open one? Thank you. Sorry for any firm of inconvenience.
I'm of the view a founder needs business competence. The founder has to have a clear vision of what they want, where they're going and the way to get there. The founder should be able to overcome hurdles and mistakes cos they'll come
Well I think dot web 3 it’s hardly that we see projects without a vision of what or where they are going. They first thing we say about a project without white paper is that it’s a scam so I think for most projects we have it there.
Wow, I think Dr Kapal is really making sense here, build the project and never mind about losing the funding, networking is indeed the best way to get some supports from people you don't anticipate to get from. It's a great add up.
I can still recall the famous saying that customers are always right and this is obviously true because, the customers are the ones who would make the review of your products, letting you know if they are proud of it or not..
I really like that saying, even though we may have our differences, the clients are the ones who buy the products in the end, unless we are going to sell ourselves, they are the ones who decide and each project must be adjusted to them.
I do not agree 100% on this because what if your runway (funds) gets depleted while you are in the middle of building or development? Then your project will be halted. Although it makes sense to build one's network because that might help at some point.
You are right, I think there should be a balance, maybe adjust each time that runway as it is being built. I think large projects should be built in stages to allow for organic growth.
One may not need be a guru in a particular field, However, as the vission carrier, he needs business competence to plan persevere and direct.
If you are nor any of these and decide to delegate all managerial roles, it might not end well.
a founder needs business competence. If you don't have business competence, you will not be able to know how to make decisions that would affect the look effect of your business positively or otherwise.
The main aim as a founder is for you to build your product and make sure you don't run out of funds. If your products are now presentable then, you can showcase it to those on the web3 platforms and right from there marketing starts.
This will bring about you having so much attraction to what you are doing. If you do this you find out you get happy doing what you love. That way you are able to execute.
Seeing people dropping quotes makes me want to drop some, too. Lol, but then I realised my network is a big baby and has been kicking me up, and I didn't catch many words.
Wow, I agree with Dr. Kapal, build the project and never mind about losing the funding, networking is indeed the best way to get some support from people you don't expect to get from. It's a great plus up.
Hard skinned gets you through the game. Someone with a soft skin will get cut seviral times, and if they dont harden up.... Well, the story is never the same.
That's the beautiful reason behind progressive businesses against the failing businesses, hiring competent skills and trained employee are secrets hidden under them, business owners must be committed to this.
damn, missed it. Will listen later. I haven’t contributed to musiconleo mostly because it’s hard to get embed links on mobile but also because I don’t like filling up the latest page with music links. Can we put them in comments on one thread?
Well my stuff isnt showing up on the latest feed. The site is really quirky.
You can do it all in the comments in one thread if you want as long as I can find it. So make sure you tag me and keep on me until I get them. If not they can get lost.
They key is getting it into the database. That is what matters.
Just use the format so I can copy/paste easily.
We are also doing playlists now also. That is a big step forward. Got 4 already.
can I choose random songs from random artists? Do they need to be famous? Also is it ok to say something else in the post (like why I like the song) or is it important to only put artist and song name plus tags?
The artist and song name allows me to grab it. I dont have time to dig through a ton of songs each day and try to find that. As for the artists, that is up to you....known, unknown...whatever you desire. It is stuff you want in the database that you might use to create a playlist at some point.
As for what else you put in the thread, that is up to you.
Here is the problem I found with putting the songs in the comment page. It shows the top line thread which isnt a big deal in this instance since it is relative. But it could be completely awry.
That's good info. The thing here is, there was no info available for a week. Nothing. Tried asking on their Discord and no one said anything about an DDoS attack. In fact, no one said anything but the usual "change nodes".
I've said it before and I say it again: to prevent false info & FUD, the teams need to inform users better. In my opinion, Inleo is a good forum to do that for example.
The #Splinterlands bull case: SPS is up 160%. Modern bronze and silver pays quite well with no bots. Its easy now to take some BTC profits, buy a few hundred packs and 3 cent SPS and start playing for decent rewards in bronze or silver.
He loves eating meat and gets crazy when we are cutting it, but once we are eating, he only begs for vegetables. We don't even give him lol, we have never given him food while we are eating, only after on his plate
1/🧵 the #hivenaijaweekly prompt is about how we explore our inherent and acquired skills in our daily living... We all have unique skills peculiar to different individuals...
If you enjoyed Brave back in the day and earning some decent tokens Carbon browser is expected to launch theirs in about 6 months. (Also made a pretty penny of this trade in the last 2 months) Currently live are staking rewards.
Yep should be something like brave to start earning rewards. But if you some how earn or get some right now there is a staking option for the token which is live and pays a decent APR (Higher for longer lock periods)
So, I blended lentils and cooked it like a tortilla and now I have my gluten free taco :D I have reduced flour but I will never do a diet, so, here we are, eating a taco full of avocado but no flour on the tortilla and this is actually tastier.
Just soak them 2 hours, blend with a little of water and salt, you can add eggs to give more consistency, I did with and without and both work. And that's it, cook in a pan.
Divine Shield bug? The effect icon at the top of the cards no longer appears... is it supposed to be like that or is there an error? #splinterlands #feedback #rebellion
It's a shame that where I live in Brazil it's hot most of the time... I would love to live in a cold climate like that, very peaceful and happy with life. What makes me happy here are the rainy days.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ flaxz. (14/20)@shiftrox!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
The entire crypto space is absolutely overwhelming. It's much easier to just label everything other than your coin a "shitcoin" than it is to spend time investigating and analyzing it all.
I love the schedule function on Peakd so I am able to go camping or climbing and still get my posts done. #actifit helps as well as that is an easy daily post.
Buying $LEO everyday, keeps the bears away!!!!
Need. Moar!
150K target
yeah i'm getting super close to 100k. but that APEX Lion title is what I'm after lol
I first need to reach 75K.
save some for me please!!
LEO! That's a token I should look into, yeah?
I'm slightly biased but yeah!
I'll DYOR then.
Always a must!
That's where the LEO's been going..
Starting in about an hour.....
Here's a brand new #playlist from @djjongo
Epic stuff lol
Wow, what a cool time to check $BTC ! Hahaha, keep going!!! #ladiesofhive
Are you hoping to take profits or you are just excited about the change in the market?
I guess Nifty got town hall...
On its feet
Any ETA for when LeoDex is coming back?
Task dreaming about super models :P
Do we have the #inleomusic playlist yet?
Hey hey hey, I'm the doctor here! At least if I'm reading my degree correctly...
Slightly on/off-topic, I met Robby Krieger (The Doors guitarist) in person a couple of years ago after his concert. He wore pajamas throughout the concert lol! He was actually a quiet, humble guy. He pulled out a pen and signed a drawing I made of him, which stunned him. Absolute legend of a person.
That's my little story for the day.
Collecting links to the songs is definitely a start to the playlist concept, but in terms of usability it's very rudimentary - that's expected at this point in time. Improving the experience of playlist creation and subsequent playing will be a gamechanger.
hello You two. Glad to be here.
Lol that sounds like a fun christmas
Still on VSC, why did they opt for an over-collateralized system? What would be the implications if they had chosen a 1:1 collateralization system instead?
Wen #rickrollsonleo?
Hello maniacs! How is VSC solution different from the so-called pseudo smart contracts we currently have on Hive Engine?
I think the decentralization is the key feature that makes it stand out from hive-engine
Which of the following is your favorite stablecoin:
Regarding VSC's Bitcoin bridge, and based on my understanding from what I've read, is it expected to have feeless transactions for all BTC transfers? Also, is it supposed to be free to bring BTC onto the wallet and subsequently off the wallet? If yes, then how would RC cost be supported and node providers get paid? And if no, then what would be the incentive to use this service as opposed to just improving the lightning network?
Thank you for reminding me. I'm looking forward to tonight's space & threadcast.
Everyone is super happy that crypto is starting to rip.
But am I the only one stuck in 95% Hive tokens, just waiting and looking on enviously?
When my turn...?
#gmfrens 💚😵
wen $HIVE pump sir? 😅
Inquiring frog may want to know too! !LOLZ
I want someone who can set my world on fire!
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@paasz, I sent you an
thank you friend
I thought you could tell me wen? ;)
my crystal ball ain't working
im not selling my btc so its not like im raking it in. Im just excited that the space is going to start seeing more life in it again. And that potentially this time next year I will be able to take some profits and make life easier.
Hope $LEO can capitalise on some of this hype.
Focus on revenue at layer-2 rather than just $HIVE hype on layer-1.
Made that mistake last bull market, not repeating it.
RIP me.
Please dev fix
Lol funny. You are definitely not alone. 💯
RIP us.
Soon man, just gotta keep stacking those Hive tokens till web2 wakes up and realizes you can monetize their content.
Well, they know and to be fair, that's only sustainable at layer-2.
Look at the engagement farming going on over on Twitter now.
INLEO needs to start increasing revenue and paying it to $LEO token holders.
Until we see results, nothing will change.
Yeah nah that's fair.
INLEO still needs more users for that to happen I guess.
Else, things will remain the same long-term.
More eyeballs = More money.
gm fren, it will come.
GM 💚😵.
But wennnnn?
That's the question.
in the calm. hive will hit $3 during when the altseason starts or even surpass it this time. A little patience. That's all that is required.
I am sad - for you :P
What else are you in that's mooning right now?
I am not anywhere. I want Cake and BNB to moon.
I thought we were cheering for Binance to go bust?
I can never keep up ;)
ha ha it can go anywhere but the tokens has to pump first
we might see a breakout soon..
Only if BTC chill and let the Alt's rally.
Gm mate.
As long as BTC doesn't correct and then HIVE follows it down lower...
We always seem to follow the down moves 😢.
ohhhh sorry
You're forgiven.
lolol thanks for forgiven me
I know!!! and I soooo wanted freakin tacos and didn't get any lol
I think lebron tried to trademark taco tuesday a while back.
The price of HIVE.....basically 95% of the time 😂

I am using BTC as the leading indicator for Hive!
When it pumps, it pumps HARD :P
It is just hard, it needs pumping
Don't forget to give one or two people in your life some #freecompliments today. It's a high-grade investment into fulfillment and happiness for both of you! :)
Great advice, I try to live up to that every day myself. It's good to be reminded though! Keep spreading the positive vibes :)
Just got Inleo Premium! Guess I better start posting more now, hope you all don't mind seeing my face here more! Well what portion of my face you can see beyond the beard! 😆
Welcome. And that beard is epic!!
Thanks, it's been growing on me.
awesome 👌
Interesting, I never knew about BBH. Def gonna have to look into that, because I think we need to step away from evaluating everything in USD. We're supposed to be building a parallel, then alternative system, not just join Wall Street, and ask them to regulate us!
!BBHBetween this account and @hive-112281 there is lots you can read up on.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@howweroll! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(11/50)@howweroll! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
oh I thought it was all beard. There is a face? :P
I'm actually all beard, and only recently grew the face. 🤷♂
That makes sense though. I could see a baby face.
Your hair looks as though it's fighting for space in your nose 😁
Lunch was Pizza made by an Italian couple that lives here on the island
The Pizza bread was home made a which made it a lot better.
O Sole Mio
#mydiary #blog
Does a founder need business competence?
One thing we need to understand is that, failure is part of every successful business, founders must first of keep that in mind and know they shall face it as they set-up their project. There is no business that has been able to be executed for 100% without any failure within the process. The most important thing is you find ways to overcome the failure and not just feel absurd and relax or sit down and see your project collapse.
This is very important and no one educates for that. People think that entrepreneurship is to set up a store and start earning just because customers come to you by themselves. Most businesses don't make it to two years.
I'm all about trusting the real builders out there. Even when they fail, if they stand up to their mistakes, learn from them and keep on building, that's usually someone I'm comfortable placing my trust in and often times my money as well.
Accepting a mistake and continuing to build the project with your head held high and facing difficulties is something that generates real confidence and inspires loyalty! These are really trustworthy
Exactly! You can trust someone who got their sleeves rolled and make things work. Even if they fail at the end, you can see the work done and their leadership. They will try to make something work eventually and they will succeed!
Business competence is all about learning from your experiences - both the successes and the failures. Even if you miss opportunities or make mistakes, you can learn from them and grow as a result. That's what makes someone truly competent.
Absolutely! Embracing experiences, whether successes or failures, is key to business competence. Learning and growing from every opportunity and challenge contribute to a well-rounded and resilient professional journey. I'm in support.
I agree with u. When I started my travel agency, I had some idea of what I was doing, but I learned a lot from my mistakes and successes. If you don't have competence initially, you can acquire it if you have the motivation to obtain it.
If there are no failures, success will not come, you have to fail to learn from mistakes, one thing is to know the theory, but in practice it is another thing, that's why you should not be afraid to fail, but rather to do nothing.
Learning from failures is an important aspect of business competence every founder needs. It may not always go as planned but staying with the lessons is priceless for success.
certainly right here a business founder must have the attribute of being hard working because this essential for every business
Working hard should be clearly defined. It should not be just getting busy with stuffs but with a good sense of priority and resource combination.
Thank you great teacher, they say Jack or all trade but master of done. Definitely, setting priority right will help to overcame wasted efforts and resources, I know how scarce resources are, in order to maximize them and have a rewarding result from our hustling, there must be a set goals to be achieved
To be competent, you must write down your vision, from then, it will become a reality. Knowing where you are going will make you strive for competence.
We cannot overemphasize the need for clearly defining the goal of the project in a way that others can join us to interpret their best point of collaboration.
Business competence is really important. One way to display business competence is to realize that there are things you dont know and need to strive to know. Sometimes, you have to learn from experiences. Missed opportunities, and lots of mistakes. But being competent means that you learn from your mistakes and grow from there and strive to do things a little differently
I agree. Admitting that you've made a mistake is extremely necessary, especially so that you don't alienate people from you, because if you look for culprits, you'll end up alone.
So, being competent is essential for business founders day he should strive to learn new things whether from his mistakes or from that of others. It could be making research. What matters is that he continues doing well in his business
Or course. The competences like any other skill can be learned by the experience. You don't just grow up with these skills, instead of that, you learn them in order to your own experience at the school, the family, the community.
As an entrepreneur turning a vision to reality isn't an easy task, failure is part of the process,but when it continues, then it's about time you bring in Someone competent to join your team to inspire your project with their intelligence.
This is what founders have to learn. Some of them think they are capable of doing everything.
They forget about the existence of a Hierarchy of competence & that's why they fail to get more competent people involved when necessary.
Yea that's absolutely correct and definitely the perfect way to go, putting competency into consideration is important to thrive.
Creating a company has its light side and its dark side, there will always be losses, small failures and so on, the important thing is to grow with failures and take them as impulses to improve your company and make it stronger
that's true, in fact failure are part of the process that teaches us core lessons to improve on going forward.
Failure is almost inevitable as a business owner, so bringing someone competent to the team isn't a bad idea at all.
exactly, such people help bring stability and curb the failure to a minimal level.
Orun kun mi
Ibo latun jasi bayii 😂
the show is Live. Time to join and enjoy the behind the bags. Some give aways especially when one get involved and participate fully on the show. Join and learn more. @marajah, @ngobaby, @kenechukwu97, @iamchimary,
The founder of a project must have many business skills to achieve the objectives, hence he uses the most appropriate strategies to make profits in the crypto market.
having a clear vision and strategies to achieve those views helps a lot to be more competent and successful
Thanks so much, Brother. I'm live in the space and active in the threadcast. Haha
Have an amazing Wednesday, brother.
thanks so much brother. You are very active and hardworking. I'm reading your threads and engaging
I resonate with the speaker. I have also been one who believe is out working everyone else. It compensate for lack of talent or skill most times. This applies to the web 3 space. Mostly people are only willing to do half arse jobs. So when you actually do the work and commit more than everyone else, you succeed. That's my secret to success in the web 3 space.
Yeah, doing your absolute best even when there's little reward is what gets you to that stage of great rewards and I think most people forget that these things take time, you have to work out for a while to start to succeed,
exactly my thoughts on this, a business founder should be ready to work hard, as this is the first base to a successful business flow
The founder is the one who most needs to have a business mind, largely due to the fact that he will choose the other players who will make up his team.
Great point of analysis, the founder must have competence and experience, or at least a vision of what he wants for his company and this includes knowing how to choose the right people for the positions.
True, the founder selects the team so he or she needs to have the business mind or competence so he can hire the right people
Yes, you are absolutely correct.
He needs to be a very competent person business-wise so as to choose those other actors to make up his team.
This is key and help shape the future of the business.
Self-confidence is also a quality that leads to competence, believing in one's ability and proving it in words and deeds.
in any business, self confidence is very important. In fact it is the first thing any business founder should have. Without self confidence you do not have anything as a business founder
That's right.
You are right. Self-confidence is a key ingredient in any successful founder. It's not just about having a positive attitude, but rather about truly believing in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.
You made a very good point. Believing in oneself despite the failures, push downs or discouraging talks from people and sticking to the goal of building the business to success. At the long run, competence would have been built.
Yeah, well said. Self-confidence is really important. Without being confident in oneself, one can't convince other to be confident or invest in their project or company.
There's nothing better than a few failures to teach us some lessons. I've made some mistakes in past ventures that have given me valuable insights. Today, I am a more experienced person because of what happened.
Failures make us in all walks of life. There aren't mistakes if we learn lessons from them and next time we try we ace it.
As my mother would say, you fall Edward then you get up dust yourself down and go in even harder!
I am not a bot what's doing on, i have been removed from another podcast, how do I do the task if I'm not involved. This honestly is getting frustrating.
Has this happened before? Are you writing a comment? If so what is it..
what is a business without a good lawyer and adviser, they act like your personal savior in your difficult times. AAnd help you holdhold on strong while you rise
Good Morning everyone o/
Yeah, I think a founder of a project does need a business competence, cause when everything is going well its a bull its easy, but when the bear market hit and money starts to become short that's when a management of a business comes into play.
Yes, generally when everything is going up, the project moves forward smoothly, but, if you are a good leader with vision and financial knowledge, I am sure you will withstand a bear run, but you must know how to guide difficult decisions.
Competencies should not be seen as enemies, but as an opportunity to develop better strategies and growth. As you say, when everything is going well, it looks easy and you don't grow.
That's right, the leader or founder must be competent, have the skills to manage all aspects of the project and, of course, know how to work with his people, this is indispensable.
A great piece of advice from Soc. I think it's true that people are afraid of what others perceive of them when the things they do fail or do not work at some point.
Hehehe I have gotten further away stumbling than I did with my plans. So yeah, you don't even need to go to a specific place, you can use what you have to keep going forward and up until you are high enough to see the horizon and now you have a goal.
That's the way to go rather than cowering out because you met a hurdle in the process. A determined or driven person would most likely keep pushing no matter the stumbling blocks they come across along the way.
this is great
Yes. This is going to stick with me for sure. Simple but it says a lot.
funny thing isbwhen we cross the line, we discover that those fears and failure were just blocking you from seeing the brighter side of yourself, don't let failure decide for you, beat it, you can!
Yep. It's easier said than done but with enough passion or drive, I think we can always see the brighter side of things and just keep on.
You really need competence as a leader or a founder, before you start to execute a business you need to prepare yourself for different kinds of situations have strong perseverance, and surround yourself with people with the same vision.
Competence is necessary to build something in any aspect of life, be it a community, a business, a relationship or anything else. If you're not competent in the areas in which you want to work, at some point this will weigh heavily on you.
I feel like it's easy to tell people not to fret at the sight of failure. But the truth is that it stings a lot. Failure is demoralizing. That doesn't mean we should let it limit us. But it's worth it to acknowledge its negative effects
Its true that failure can be disheartening, but then we must try to look beyond it and sees it as a life lessons that brood our experience to get better as time goes on.
So in a nutshell, failure helps us understand the process.
Aptly articulated.
Failure helps us understand the process
The thing is not everyone can handle failure and some people just lost interest and give up on what they doing or building up once the fail, we all need to learn to accept failure in our lives and that how we can start to do
Trusting in ourselves, in the process of a project and even in the small stumbles we may have in it, is part of growth. But sometimes we are going to have mixed feelings and we have to live them because they are also part of the process 😊
Embracing your value and using it to fuel your desire to do better should be the goal of every business minded individual, it's easier said than done but it's actually the easiest way one can bounce back after failing.
True, somehow things are recovered, not throwing everything into the sea believing that all is lost.
This makes so much sense. And I think it's easy to do as well. If we lean into the qualities that make us valuable, there is no way we won't get paid. It's the same thing as mastering your craft and being the best.
There are so many specific ways to learn about Business competence. if I want to be a manager, I will learn about leadership, motivation, and team building. Want to be a marketer, learn market research, consumer behavior, and advertising.
I sincerely agree with you, since business competence could be ensured from different angles, it is thus very necessary to build competence round a specfic area of business specialisation to be able to work effectively
As a founder or builder business competence is what is learnt overtime in the journey of business building.
You gain knowledge, experience, there are wins and failures too so as you continue, it will get to a certain level where you will be so grounded in the business that you can think of spreading out because the business is strong and doing well.
The whole bankruptcy thing is totally different between countries. In the UK it is taboo big time, but over in The States it is commonplace both for personal and business bankruptcy. That also makes the fear of failing I think less on your mind in America,as you can say fluff it,decalrebankruptcy and start again. The UK way different!
Who would start up a business without a valid reason and aim? The purpose for business creation development must not be ignored,this stirs up and ignites the desire to go deeper and grow stronger
The success’s are what we tell on our resumes making it look like a smooth ride but beyond those rides lies tons of failures that have been encountered on the way and that’s what makes your business stand out as you keep pushing regardless
A beginner sucks at first on the first attempt at business, it's a process which is what a new business owner should know, and it only gets better with time. Great point yo!
That is why consistency is key to every business owner out there in the market. The drive to keep pushing forward againts all odds has be in the owners mind. The more the individual delivers the more the business is likely to bloom.
Yeah it gets bigger and better with every hurdle on the way. As a beginner expecting to get a hang of everything almost immediately is not realistic neither is it magical. Trust the process and everything will work out well in due time.
In my opinion, it is necessary to have a bit of business competence, so that its founder can closely monitor what is happening and with this can generate better business. Of course, the founder of a great idea can also put other people to manage the your business, in any case it needs competent people to make your company grow
Yes, for a business to thrive and succeed, you need to work with a good team that will collaborate with you. Get a good lawyer for advice and monitor your sakes volume .
Without a doubt!! A business competence remains key among successful entrepreneurs. The founder’s who are not so knowledgeable in this field may find themselves disoriented in a complicated dynamic marketplace. As such, founder should strive to be competent in their business through which they can increase their odds of success and create a flourishing sustainable business.
For any business to flourish the business owner must be competent, and must have in mind that at some point they might fail, but when they do they should be able to find a way around to make things work.
Jeremy made a nice point, a competent person focuses on what he doesn't know and tries to improve on it, but an incompetent person thinks he knows it all and doesn't improve himself.
And that is the thinking that leads to failure. Relying on specialized people is always ideal, but if you are not willing or do not have the means to resort to them. You have to learn from scratch to be able to do anything successfully.
Spot on. Often, the less competent one usually makes a loud noise like he knows everything. While the most knowledgeable person usually just keeps finding ways to better himself.
I won't say it's a must for a founder to be business competent but then it would be a lot better if he or she did. All they have to do is get someone who is business competent on their team who is business competent and I think that works too.
okay! I'm not sure if I understand your POV, but I think I do. It isn't a must for a founder to be business competent, I mean, that's if he/she doesn't want to grow and improve. However, if a founder wants to grow and improve, it is a must to be business competent (just my opinion.)
I think putting it in context will help. As a founder that means you are competent at something but might not really be in business, the best thing to do is start working with someone who is business competent and from there you can grow. I see cases like this before, so never say since you are not business competent you can't be a founder
Yea, I kind of agree with your take on this, if the founder isn't competent in the business aspect, hiring someone who is would bridge that gap and enhance the progress of the project moving forward.
That's right, the founder is human after all not some AI or something. It's totally fine to hire someone better than him in that regards to work with and in the process of working with them he can as well learn from them
Hmm, I won’t say it’s a must also but as a founder which can also make you be seen as a leader, it is a must for you to be business competent, you can’t just leave all the hard work to your partner or workers every time, lead by example.
Well,I still go with what I said because I've seen several times when a founder is not good at something but has competent hands to fill in for his incompetence and with time he became competent because he seeked for help. He's a man not a robot, he can always learn on the job
Okay boss
Good morning Foxy
I agree with you, it's good for a founder to have a level of business competence and tthen get one or two people who are competent in business in the management team.
With the efforts of the team put together, the business will grow.
That's right, as a founder of something you'd definitely have a good knowledge of it normally so getting more people to work with will boost your capabilities even more.
I think it's actually a must for a founder to be competent in the business and trust me I am speaking from experience. Having someone in your team might not actually work out well most times but knowing about your business matters alot.
You're the founder so you surely know what you founded but going further, you can't know it all and when you have someone who is specialized on what you are not so good at, you as a founder will get to learn from them and get better from there.
But like I said, it's better if a founder is business competent
I actually wrote something about this sometime ago. Maybe I will share the link to you so you would read through
I think it's all about putting it into perspective though, there are some cases when it is a must you be business competent as a founder but there are other cases when it is fine to learn on the job
A real business has to be sustainable.
As a business founder, you need to know the purpose of starting up a business. Is it for making money, to help people, to travel, satisfy people? You need to consider these. So it will help you navigate your way to success.
A company is always about making money, it cannot lose. The focus on helping people has to be the main focus and the money comes in.
Every business founder must have this self esteem and confidence that sure, it's gonna work out well. This prepares him to be ready and on the lookout for ill signs and of course tackle them on time
Failure can be scary, especially if you're the type that pays much attention to criticism, you love to know what people say about you. For me failure isnt a bad thing, itshould be a step to successes. It will make you to be alert & cautious
When people fail, they learn from their mistakes, work on their mistakes and become better. That's the beauty of be it all.
That is the beauty!
The ability to rise again after failure is grace, and that is what matters
I agree with you, failure is scary, and nobody wants to fail no matter how little it may seem. If a founder isn't competent enough, he or she will experience failure. And yes failure might not seem that bad.
Failure sometimes is what is needed to be more vigilant and competent.
It is not bad at all🙂
Right momma
I have noticed that business founders and entrepreneurs who fail at first trial, restrategize and improve has had the chance to be very successful, doing great in their various businesses. Failure braces us up to be better entrepreneurs
Right! Failure is a good teacher. Of course, some people decapitalize on those failed attempts and it's a hard thing to overcome. Things like initiative, motivation and not having all your eggs in the same basket is what helps to try again.
Yeah, that should be the aim of a good founder or leader of a project, don't just give up or become embarrassed when you experience a failure in your project, failures are part of the methods in becoming successful, embrace it and strategized a new plan and execute. There is always a try and error and that should be part of your plans when building a project.
failures to teach us some lessons. I don't think it's bad to experience failure just that some give up on their dreams when they fail why some utilizes the opportunity to learn more and come back stronger which is the right thing to do
You're right, it's not bad to have failure. Many times you learn this way and gain experience. We should not give up on our dreams. We should always learn from our failures and become stronger.
Exactly. What you learn from that too. You have to learn from failures and not everybody knows how to deal with that. I guess that's something you learn over time.
It is never a bad experience to see failure in your project building, it should rather encourage you as a founder to work harder and put more effort into your project to make it a better and successful one. Failure is there to encourage us.
To check if a business founder is competence enough then they must have self confidence, financially oriented. Know about personal finance and understand financial literacy. This are so good for any business founder
I think self confidence is the main thing before starting a business. Because sometimes the revenue depends on the self confidence of a businessman. With a confidential mind, a businessman can maintain the best strategy about his business.
As I want to be an independent woman, I want to do business for growing my personal finances. As a result, I have some business ideas to start my business. But suggest me how can I prepare my investment plan from the beginning?
That's very important. You need to be prepared for a multitude of scenarios and also you need to understand more or less when you can expect to turn your business into a profitable one or, alternatively, when you can expect to raise some funds through investments or something like that. That would give you a rough idea of how much you need, how long you have and so on
Fear of failure won't let a business founder forge ahead. Failing in your business doesn't mean you are a failure but a stepping stone to success.
sometimes failure is necessary, it teaches people how to be strong and how not to give up, so failure in business doesn't not mean you are not business oriented. I totally
Fear of failure won't let a business founder forge ahead. Failing in your business doesn't mean you are a failure but a stepping stone to success.
Giveaway loading
I can't hear anymore, it's breaking.
What's the giveaway about please.
To a great extent, a founder needs a business competence. If you don't have business competence, you will barely understand how to make decisions that would affect your business positively or otherwise. That puts you ahead of competitors.
Running a giveaway . Yippee. I hope I am athletic enough. Hehe.
Giveaway coming
'applied' this is not just about nfts and crypto. So much takes on winning in business, any business at all, and generally life. Turning out to be one of my best space so far.
How much failure would require a person to stop?
Why are peeps getting booted from the Space?
I really don't know what's happening. I got booted and can't access the space anymore. Can someone please help draw their attention to this?
The next big wave... there's a lot of ways to catch up on things.
I see big firms employ the services of business ethusiasts, analysts, lawyers etc. I mean professionals in the making, this goes a long way to show just how much mentorship means in
business competence
In my opinion, Mentorship plays a vital role in the success of businesses, providing invaluable guidance, support and encouragement to both new and experienced entrepreneurs. It can help us to achieve our strategic goals.
Most people are afraid of failure 😔, which is why they can't forge ahead with their visions.
Yes, I agree with you, failure is not bad, but not all founder can handle failure well , some take failure as another means to come back stronger, while some gives up and went back on their dream, that's another area where competence and determination comes in.
I agree with you, a defeat can make you stronger. It all depends on the person and their character. Experiences are for growing and learning. Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way, some get frustrated and give up.
I also agree with you Peniel that not all can handle failures even how many times they tried or execute a business and they always fail so in the end they will stop dreaming and will never try again to execute a new one.
making researches that concerns your project or business as a founder helps you navigate through the competitive space
It is better for a founder to work with his/her workers and fail rather than working alone and failing, failure is a building block to success, it is normal to fail but when you embrace it and try harder with others, success is sure..
I think I'm getting to understand this topic more.
I believe it'll be nice if a founder is fully aware of his business, learning and getting better everyday will make him more competent and goal oriented. Wiith good people to assist him.
The fear of being a failure is an enemy of trying. Get started and see how easy crossing the obstacles are
That is true, but it is not always the case, sometimes fear forces us to do things or not to do things that we may regret in the end. But it's like you say, try to move forward.
Every Entrepreneur has experienced failure. Failure happens but what is paramount is how well you are able to pick up yourself after failing. If you care so much about people’s perception after failing it would be difficult for execution.
yeah you are right, failure is a big blow and it takes a business minded person to pick up the pieces and move on. it takes a lot to be a business person, you have to be ready for anything
And this goes a long way. Failure is part of life, and we have to experience it sometime in life. It is the only thing that gets us truky ready for what's forward. This is why when failure arrives, picking ourselves up matters. It does.
self confidence is another strong quality of attaining Competence, believe in your
Question: At what stage does a founder feels they're competent enough to push on a business project?
if you want to attain success in any field, study and seek advice from people that are already
Having a clear goal in mind will help you strive to proficiency. Learn to write down your goals as a founder.
Oh yes! 😃 The great projects we know started with a few lines or drawings on a piece of paper. From there they developed into what they are today. That's why the work of the founder and the team he chooses is very important for growth 💹
If one is to succeed in any field, study, research and get advice. Know the possible short falls then plan on how to avoid them
Absolutely agree! Success often involves thorough preparation and continuous learning. Studying, researching, and seeking advice help identify potential challenges. Being well-informed and prepared enhances success in any endeavour.
Trust is an iimimportant part in selling a project. Once the general community sense no transparency in a project then the project is llikely to crash down.
Your vision will materialize if you are skilled and put it in writing. Having a clear goal in mind will motivate you to strive for proficiency.
Writng out one's vision is just an important step to business competence, I mean the vision inspires you to achieve your goals and make it a reality. Writing out plans is just like drawing a house plan, you stick to it and boom, a mansion
Founders need business competence to make their ideas successful. Founders need business knowledge to navigate the market. Business competence is understanding how businesses work and making smart decisions
Another thing we need to understand is that, regardless of the level of competence a founder has, it still doesn't mean failure will not step in, it's part of the growth process and it's definitely another good way to help them come out better and stronger too.
the founder must not be necessarily competitive, but some businesses needs a very competitive founder and others don't,so as a founder you got to evaluate the business you going into so he knows what is expected in other to stay in business
I think it has more to do with what you're dealing with and taking a competitive position or not.
That will depend on several factors such as analyzing where the market is going and what potential you can reach.
it is good to write down vision , goals and your aims in a particular Business. Moreover failing in a particular business doesn't make you a failure you just needs to find out why is it not working out.
I swear it doesn't failure doesn't define a business but the ability to.rise form the failure and create greatness
I agree with Jeremy, good advisers, a good lawyer, and I would add a good partner because a good team can be acquired with money or with the success you achieve, but the former cannot be missing to achieve success
It is true, and above all trust, with whom you can trust and with whom you cannot trust. You have to be very aware of that.
A good business founder and entrepreneur will never tire out if the implementation of some business tactics does not go as planned, competence is all about staying put in turbulent business seasons
It is not an easy thing to do and even more so in these circumstances. Most of the time, one can fall down due to lack of support in the same place, so it is difficult to have strength and keep going.
adoptewrite down your Vision...way to go..
Very important
It helps keep you in track and your mind fixed on what you want to achieve
If you don’t have friends that can support sometimes, or people that are good in business to help, the idea or dream can die which brings me to the topic of the day
One doesn’t need to be competent in business before starting a business
if they have someone they trust who can fill that position then I believe they are good to go. Do they need to attend business school before they start actualizing their dream? I believe they don’t have to be expert in business before start
There are certain competencies that are necessary, otherwise everything will be lost very quickly. However, I agree that it is absolutely necessary to be surrounded by more experienced people who can help us.
You’re right too. One still need to be competent in some things if not it will be lost very early like you said especially if it’s someone who is ready to steal the business
Yeah men!
THAT is really a good advice noted.
Falling forward" is a resilient mindset that turns setbacks into opportunities for growth and innovation.
Also a vision statement of the business should be stated out, because that way you know the goals you.are trying to pursue are clear to you and they are what you are looking towards
The mission statement of the business should be stated. A businessman who wants to succeed in business must have his goals written down, in other for him to pursue with clarity and competency.
There are a lot of hidden gems behind the word SUCCESS. Sacrifice, consistency, risk tolerance and many more are what makes up that successful hero. And I agreed with just doing what you are passionate about. It will always easy.
The start up stage might be the hardest, but ones you hit the ground running, you can just look back and smile at what you are able to achieve
It is true. Probably, everyone agrees that the road to success is not always a road full of roses. It takes a number of qualities to get there, and Web 3 is no exception. Maybe that's why we enjoy it more when we achieve it.
Yeah, even if you struggle, if you don't settle for doing something you hate just because is safe, you will be better, and knowing how to go further for the path of less resistance will also be better at the end. Doing something safe you hate just leads to burn out
That's very great. Writing down your vision in order to be able to change it. If one fails, they can retry till they gets it right. That way one can help make their business better and avoid total collapse.
Going bankrupt or not making the right decision regarding finance isn't something to venture into. It is scary. Being competent is whatever we do matters. And that's just it. One thing to have as a founder.
I believe that bankruptcy is not something to be trifled with. I agree. The key word is what you said: be competent. That depends on evaluating risks, taking them, but always with the mind focused on good strategies.
Yes, good strategies work. That's an additional thought that makes sense.
A business founder must understand the skills of business. Will your business solve problems, this is pivotal, when starting a business. You have to learn you have to know that your business can be a blessing to someone.
To enrich our knowledge we can participate in some business festival or any kind of Campaign. Last year I participate in a small business fair and got some prizes for my ideas. So it's better to clarify our POV by doing these things.
of course yes, a founder needs business competence because if he or she lacks such, how will he pilot the plane of the business without crashing?
At this point, sustainability becomes the watchword, make it work
The very moment you decided to execute you vision you start doubting yourself, asking if you could really do it, and I think that's when competence and loving what you're planning to do comes in,
That's why we need to clarify about our ideas. For this reason we can participate in some business festival or seminar. Even show like Breads space can also help us to acquire some great knowledge before starting our business.
If someone is a founder who's competent, one of the things the person would have as a focus is the willingness to get back up even after unfavorable result
You may fail to raise money. You may also fail to yield return for VCs
Don't Quit
A very strong watchword, don't quit even when the business is crumbling. Go backto the ddrawing board, re-strategize and come back to building.
Failure is part of the building process so it should be accepted and learn from it.
Sustainability is a way to go. As a business founder, there's a lot that ought to come to mind.
I hated school while growing up and that made me a very terrible student especially in mathematics, I was scared of this particular subject and I never got good grades on it.
I was always good at math. I think everything is complicated if they don't teach it to you the way you need it, we don't all learn the same way, don't be discouraged jsjsj there are many things that I'm sure you are very good at.
if one is not competent enough, there is little or nothing to accomplish, that being said, a founder needs to be good at what he is doi so that he can command the interest of others
Yes Definitely as a founder you must work hard to be good so that you will be competent enough to command the interest of others.
from the concept of what a business competence is, an entrepreneur definitely needs to expand in its space to be able to turn that vision into a reality... So when you are passionate about an idea, you go through the hurdle of failure to get success
A founder is the crucial part of a community to succeed in both web2 and web3 space. The founder has to be competent and must be able to sell out the idea the individual has to the larger audience, that means your marketing has to be top.
i!"incompetent people tend to overestimate what they know" great take from Jeremy. Speaks a lot about how people see themselves in the face of others.
competence helps founder navigate challenge, create sustainable growth for their venture. A founder should have business competence skills. Work hard to be seen as a competent founde
for a founder to be seen as a leader he should have a competent person, because the project depends on his creative and hardworking self and mindset. People even tend to follow a competent leader. Love this
I would add that in addition to being competent, this leader should be a person who values the work of his team and motivates them to continue and grow within the company or project.
An incompetence leader cannot lead his followers well. This is because,he lacks ideas on how to push a project well,people management skill maybe lacking aswell. Thisis why a founder should work on his self development inorder to standout
For a founder to be successful, he needs to be dedicated as well and competent, the follower must lead with good example in other to value the project.
The major area of concern about competence is really dependent on the individual involved. From the description of creating value, it is usually attached with failures, when the success is shared we think it's not.
Sure,motivation is a crucial factor in success, whether you're a business founder or not. When you're motivated, you're more likely to have the energy and drive to work towards your goals.
Do you feel hungry @breads?
There is a thin line between competence and incompetence, as a founder, we can also call you a leader, you have to lead by example at all times, you have to be business competent to an extent, if not fully, you cant always dump on others
That's right, a good leader has to show in words and deeds that he is competent for the leadership role, people believe in those who are competent in deeds more.
You're right about the thin line, any mistake could reveal or puts you in the incompetence side even after some competence show. Founders have responsibilities to carry on, I bet they decided that before they found their community.
Being competent is one important thing for any business founder. Competence doesn't happen in a day though, so I agree that it requires tireless work and shamelessly putting yourself out there
That's fact. Working tirelessly and shamelessly to keep improving especially when one is doing what is one's passion with improvement in skills.
Truth. I also think that it's a continuous process. It's a real grind and just like freaknlinkin said, there will always be a time when one fails but he keeps going anyway.
this is very true, competency plays crucial role in any business. You don't just jump into a business. You must know the demands of the business.
A founder must possess competence in their line of work. Success in business is mostly dependent on factors like confidence, backup plans, and a firm grasp of business principles. It is also essential to have a talented and driven founder.
Exactly, being a founder is a big title, who would want to be led by an incompetent founder, which means U have to business competent to an extent if not fully to lead by example, this way one won’t be seen as a failure or a heavy burden
working hard is the engine capacity of every business. According to the speaker he never liked going to school. There's always this relationship between success and average students. Maybe should try and be an average student.
A boss, I mean a business owner without the basic ideas, that just employed staffs to run everything for him, will somehow encounter issues. Why? A competent boss is valid in business
I totally agree with you. A business owner must have the basic ideas about their business or will encounter problems.
Yeah I agree with you. Employees are always more serious with their work when they know their boss is a pro in that business. They feel less serious with a business when they know their boss knows little or nothing about that business.
Working hard... I love that part i get you focus for something you truly wanted.
One of the best way for a project to thrive is when the founder as a pinch of knowledge in every aspect, including the business aspect, this on it own,gives the project an edge to thrive, and the founder can easily analysis their progress.
A founder need business competence to be successful, but they also do need to be passionate and committed to their vision. Having a strong understanding of the business world can certainly help, but it's not the only thing that matters.
A founder need business competence to be successful, but they also do need to be passionate and committed to their vision. Having a strong understanding of the business world can certainly help, but it's not the only thing that matters.
Well I believe a founder should already have a business competence skills but on the other hand, competence skills goes a very long way because we have to be talking about. Everything that deal with the business. Including the financial aspect of the business. How to manage business and all.
Founders with business competence possess the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate various aspects of running a company - strategic planning, financial management, marketing etc. This competence also helps in adapting to challenges.
Maintaining competency in a firm is challenging. The founders' vision needs to be really clear-cut. It is simple to abandon a project.
A founder is the main builder because he goes into research to know what to do more than just having a vision but also how to execute plans in a way that will look interesting.
I suppose a founder is the backbone of any project, and one of the most important people. He or she must be one of the most prepared people. I agree with your criteria.
Competence is the ability to do what you know well and incompetence is not doing well in business or anything.
That’s true, this is why starting and running a successful business requires a wide range of skills and knowledge, and business competence is one of the most critical ones.
competence is a valuable asset, contributing to efficiency, innovation, and overall success. Continuous improvement and a commitment to honing one's skills are essential elements of maintaining competence in a dynamic and evolving world
It helps founders navigate challenges, make informed decisions, manage resources effectively, and create sustainable growth strategies for their ventures.
I agree with you. An incompetent founder wouldn't do all that with confidence. He will always be depending on advisers for decisions and development.
a founder of a project whatever it is, be it gaming, blockchain, NFTS and so would definitely need business competences because he has to employ certain skills to prove quality and capabilities and also be strategically competitive with others
Absolutely! A founder's business competence is pivotal, regardless of the project's nature, be it in gaming, blockchain, NFTs, or any other field. It's not only about showcasing quality and capabilitie
Any business founder must have competence, like any business you have done successfully and people see the evidence of a successful businessman.
For me I will say yes. Competence is really important for a builder to be focus and make necessary adjustment. Competence can help a builder think deep and know his/her ability to execute a particular idea. It also helps to have a vision.
understanding business fundamentals is crucial for the success of any venture. Business competence includes skills in areas like finance, marketing, operations, and strategy
Having business competence for me is very important, this is another thing that separate the mediocre from the expert.
Absolutely, founders often benefit from having business competence. While having a brilliant idea or expertise in a particular field is essential
Business competition will always be good for them to take measures to improve and see what sells and what doesn't (in sales cases), besides some of them resort to take inspiration from others to improve.
Founder needs this and more to navigate the challenges of running a successful venture. It encompasses skills such as strategic planning, financial management, marketing, and leadership are crucial for driving the growth of the company
Of course, a founder needs business competence. Better put, a founder who wants to be successful needs business competence. Having solid understanding of business principles, backup plans, and so on, contributes significantly to the success of a business. Yes, passion, skill and talent are also useful.
I feel is not all business founder need to be competent in business if they have someone else that can fill that space. Although they can learn later but if they have the idea and they have someone to help them build on it
Then I think good
If you have a vision and you are a builder, you don't want to remain stagnant working for someone, because frustration sets in.
FrFrom my experiencedith some business owners, not all of them are usually competent, some just have the bags and can employ competent hands
However, it is important that founder often possess a combination of resources and business skills. Business competence is key to making informed decisions and effectively leading a business in the long run
As a business is a company, whether large or small, there must be job skills because there is a work activity, an activity that seeks to generate income through goods or services, and skills are necessary to be successful.
a business founder should be a competent person this is my thoughts on this because with this it makes the business boost up by his creative activities
yeah I think that what should happen, if a person is competent and enlightenment this helps their thinking mindset, that's why people follow those founders with creative mindset
We could say that a founder is a leader of his own business at the same time, and the leadership is, in fact, a competence very important to reach the success.
Certainly! A founder's business competence is essential. It provides the skills needed for informed decision-making, strategic planning, and navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship, forming the bedrock for business success.
You are correct . But failure in the path is normal to get more experience so the competence needs always to be measured.
I think that I as a project founder would like to enter a market where there is already competition, just so I know what innovative decisions to make and not be taken by surprise.
must the founder be necessarily competent? well I think the team he works with should must be competitive, it is just a plus for the founder to be competitive ,
Vision and execution work in conjunction with planning. But the former is long-term while the latter is real-time. Vision can sometimes hinder fair business competition because of this very conditioning factor.
both work hand in hand to get to the target good, you won't have a vision without working hard to execute it.
Balancing vision and execution is a delicate interplay in business. While vision sets the long-term course, real-time execution brings plans to life.
You’re right about Vision being long term. Most times the Competence and Vision walks side by side. You need competence to help achieve most visions. I do not think vision hinders fair business competition. The Vision produce competition
A founder needs to be competent in his business to stay confident and respected. He should be be able to have an impactful conversation with his workers.
im awake and listening here
Absolutely! The role of a business creator or entrepreneur involves more than just technical skills. Here's a brief thread expanding on the importance of entrepreneurial and behavioral skills
it is difficult to keep the competence in a business. The founders need to be very focused in their vision . It is easy for a project to be dumped.
Definitely, this is where competence comes in , a projecto should have all the needed resources or attribute to keep a user's stick to them,all this also have to do with the level of utility derived from such project too.
This is where competence too comes in.
Business competence is essential for success in a wide range of careers, from root level to senior management roles. A strong understanding of business principles will help us to make informed decisions, solve problems effectively.
I believe that these are cases in which it depends on what the business is or what the founder wants, for example he may just have the idea and put it into practice, but he will not be its main manager, putting the company to work with other people in the command. He may also be the type to create and execute, observing closely how things are going and making decisions.
Haha, we had chicken for breakfast and now they are talking about chicken on Space 😅
lol 🤣
Burnt like 3 meals
Competence is a critical component of being a successful business founder. After all, starting and running a business takes a lot of knowledge, skills, and experience. Without these qualities, it would be very difficult to be successful.
Sooooooooooo I'm here, I'm pleasured to land safely
Yes, the creator of a business must have entrepreneurial skills, at least the basics. In addition, they should have behavioral skills, so that they can make their team feel comfortable talking to their leader whenever necessary. 1 🧵
For this to happen, knowledge of neuroscience is necessary in order to understand how the human brain works. 2 🧵
Awake and bouncing
Are the project’s Tokenomics feasible?
Did I just hear you say 2 free NFTs? Reposting right away
i think I heard something like that too, 2nfts down to be win...
what does it mean to be competent, Jeremy explained in simple terms that agreeing that one does not know more and improve on that. Also, know what that activate one and give your best on it. When one is hungry and drive, one keep improving skills to do more.
There will be no found community or project if the founder had no competence in business anyways so yeah, any founder would need to have it. But I think it varies with the community they own and what is needed from them. Great space talk as usual Breads 👌
well I do think web 3 moves fast. What do we need to see to say that web 3 is moving fast? If a project is moving fast I think it’s all about web 3. We don’t necessarily need to see every project move at a fast pace to believe it.
Getting a good advice and mentor that will keep guiding us for greatness. They will steer us from murky waters of failure for success as they align their experiences and practical analysis for more productive and resourceful approaches. That's where one competence will come
A good leader must know how to guide his team, have fresh ideas and motivate them at all times, on this depends the success of the project. The work comes from the top, otherwise it falls apart.
Mentorship is most often attached to a receptive mind, one who is ready to learn by all means. The story and mistakes from mentors serves as a guide to whoever is ready to follow the path. Accepting mentorship is vital.
Best way to success and learn to be competent. It improves one's skills and avoid mistakes as their guides are sufficient for success
Yeahh, that is true
Determining what type of failure is being talked about is important. From my point of view, failing to place a bot on discord 5 times before succeeding should not even be seen as a failure, since it is something that theoretically did not generate any type of damage and in the end it was done. Unless for some reason there was a deadline for it. Oh, it could be a small flaw.
I think a bit of business competence is needed because then founder can monitor from close up and think of generating better ways in business. Competence is the only thing allows us to do what we know. Like I can do well in things which are very known to me. A founder has to have make the plans work and make it look interesting.
I really love what Jeremy said. Most competent people are willing to learn more and improve on themselves, they are mostly humble. While most incompetent people love to brag about their little ability and not willing to learn from others
This is really true. Self evaluation has a lot to do with competence. Incompetent people usually have this over-priced valuation of theirself. And when they start feeling too good about their little achievements, then they start working less hard and being incompetent.
A good company focuses on giving solutions instead of giving problems, who likes what he does advanced and will learn from it who will not only look for culprits and it is there when everything fails the ego can more than humility sometimes
Could be beneficial.
Yes, I believe you have to get some of your hands dirty even though not all of it.
Yes or at least someone that does to keep them in check
Link to the space -
Good morning from Nigeria here
It’s 2am here in Nigeria
I’m feeling so sleepy
hello everyone
Hi dear
Please how do I repost this space
It's good to be here once again. Hello Fams
I love breads!!!
Good morning everyone, my alarm almost get my head of, still feeling sleepy though.
Live on the bread's space.
Good morning frens.
The sound seems to be too low. Had to make the volume 100%
quem não tá aqui tá errado
Com certeza kkkk
The song break
Great to be here once again
Good morning bread! Good morning everyone!
Hello everyone
good morning everyone
owSo I made it here, despite how sleepy I am
hello guys ❤️❤️🔥🔥
Good morning everyone
Hello everyone good morning
it’s 7 am in my country I have never woken up after only 4hrs of sleep, slept at 2:30 am after last session happened 🥹. I am very excited to be here.
Good morning Everyone
Business competence is a very good topic to look at and do a founder needs that, definitely for me , it's quite important and it's what define the level of usefulness a project is having.
good day everyone, welcome to todays show.
good morning dear people
Good morning 🌞 friends, today i one of those days where my alarm almost set me up.
Motivation is a crucial factor in success
That's right, there's lot of kind of failures. There are failures you can learn and move on, and there are other ones that you will never recover because maybe it was involved your reputation like Sam Bankman-Fried or Justin Sun for example
Failures is the pillars of success. So, we need to think twice before invest our valuable money to our business. We must set a risk reward ratio to afford the loss from our businesses. So it will be recovered with some profits.
That's an interesting idea. Thank you for the comment! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP !BBH !HUESO
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I believe that even those who never seem to get over leave us with a learning experience. It does not mean that to learn is to forget what happened, but on the contrary, rather to remember it so that it does not happen again.
That's true! Justin Sun made such a precedent that his legacy will be never forgotten. We must live and learn! Thank you for your comment! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP !BBH !HUESO
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Beause they make up everything.
Credit: reddit
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I think failures are part of growth, they go hand in hand, however I agree that with the cases you have mentioned there is no going back, zero credibility. And when you get to that point it is very difficult to build and move forward again.
Yeah, for us it's like a scar that will remind us how we got hurt and how to avoid it in the future. For them is simply the end! Thank you for your comment! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP !BBH !HUESO
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Failures involving reputation are the hardest to overcome, even more so when we have a project, business or company. It has to do with credibility... if it is lost, it is a big problem.
Exactly, reputation is the hardest of all aspects to recover. It also depends on the gravity of the mistake. Thank you so much for your comment! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP !BBH !HUESO
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a founder needs business competence for informed decision-making and the overall success of their venture.
Key point:
As a founder, change your dreams into visions
Yep. Writing down ones vision will help one to to stay focused and motivated. It really helps in achieving dreams.
The most difficult part of founding a company is not starting it, but rather keeping it going. And a big part of that is staying true to your original vision and keeping your team motivated and focused on the long-term goals.
I agree with you, and in turn the competition creates in ourselves skills to keep our company at the top, we see it in cell phone companies for example, they always improve and try the same and make their products look better.
I think a big difficulty in doing what you are passionate about is having a business mentality.How to have this mentality? How not to let yourself become abstracted? It's important to enjoy solving problems more than the idea, I believe.
Being competent as a business founder is a process that takes time and effort. It involves working hard, taking risks, and putting yourself out there - even if it's uncomfortable. But it's worth it in the end.
In the stage of from Vision to execution, there must be a stage of failure, but you could bounce back that’s the great thing. I support the idea of writing down your vision it makes it way easier to strategies the stages of execution.
Having a vision is good, knowing how to execute the vision is a different thing altogether. Until then, that good idea is of no use till it's implemented on.
From vision to execution is really an interesting thing to talk about because everyone do have a vision but not everyone could execute his or her vision , there so many things to discourage you when you're trying to execute your vision
a good founder doesn't give up after failure, their ability to raise up after a fall is what makes them a great founder because they would have a story to tell behind the success of the business
I think this is a great point. A good founder doesn't let failure stop them, but rather sees it as an opportunity to learn . They know that success doesn't happen overnight, and they're willing to get back up after falling down.
As an entrepreneur, try to do well first at the beginning and people will find your products. Integrate and create learning categories that can help you keep going
No business would ever succeed without failure and mistakes, I mean in the course of being competent in a business, there are a lot of learning experiences to implement, it's fine if some things don't go right, it's part of the process.
I am one of those who believe that you learn from your mistakes. Not only made by a person but by a company, association, enterprise.
You can always start from that mistake in order not to make it again and even surpass it by far.
We are not robots but a human being and mistakes will happen and that’s also for a good reason. People get to learn from their mistakes. So, it’s not something to have headache about. But the mistake should not be repeated.
I agree. There really is no exact formula for success, it's trial and error, improvements and changes accordingly. As you say, it's part of the process and that's how you hone your skills.
very well said, there will definitely be obstacles in turning that dream to a vision and subsequently to a reality. This is why there need to be skills in place to surpass this level and be strategically competitive
Yo!! It's important to write down one's vision to turn it into a reality.
You be competent and keep improving, one have to be able to defined what really a failure and never be afraid to fail. Keep improving and enhance skills when we categorized what failure. Never be ashamed to start again and fresh.
well said to be competent, you need to work hard, keep improving, enhance your skills. Even if in the process you fail. Keep improving, start again never be ashamed to untill you attain competency.
that's right way to keep building and improving. Block the noise especially from unlettered ones to attain to success
Definitely, so that the person can attain competency. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Good business sustainable is necessary from a founder, you must be able to know how to manage your business even when things are not going on well with the business, that is why you are the pillar
Read books on business, attend seminars, and ask questions. It will help to succeed in your business.
You are speaking facts, which is fair enough to see how some projects are moving. Web3 can do a lot. So much power vested in it. One thing about the Huve blockchain is that it is moving. We all are.
Hive is here to stay and one thing I am glad and grateful of is the fact that I am a part of it. And it’s so great to be a witness of the web3 community and also learning more about the crypto ecosystem. There are a lot to the system.
Yes, there's so much about the blockchain. it is nice we get to witness it movement.
I feel like a lot of people buy into these projects like portalcoin and co do it because of the hype and no one even cares what they're working on. If you ask the majority who shill they don't even know what its about really.
These are facts. Some people buy into projects with no knowledge of what they are or no knowledge about the team behind it. The hype around projects influence the investors you have and these days if your hype is good, that's a plus
So we have to make a strong community for our business. Customers are always looking for products which has some good reviews and the company has a big community. So we also take a look for making a strong community for our business.
You are right. I am not sure people would want to patronize businesses with bad reviews which is why a strong community for your products.
of course I agree with you a 100 percent because what attracts the customers is not the company itself but the product which the company offers and when the product is good, then the company is good and boom, you retain your customers.
Founding a product or project should be targeted at solving a problem and this definitely would require marketing to the right audience. A fair business competence is needed for a founder to succeed, but good partnership can also cover .
Partnership business can reduce the risk ratio. On the other hand, we can think about our business without any nervousness if we have an intelligent partner in our business. So I think it's better to start our first business with partners.
I believe it depends on the area and country it is in, in the blockchain segment like Hive it is extremely necessary, I am even suffering from this
I believe that this is a matter of time and you will learn more and more each day on how to improve in this matter. You still have a lot of growing to do. Keep up the good work.
the big problem is that projects that have a vision usually have poor execution and those that have good execution usually come from a bad vision or a bad idea...
Of course, there are gems between projects, but it really is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
I agree with this, very major problem in the web3 space. Sorting out the gems is always the hardest part. Good execution and good vision is the only way things can work out.
Balancing these issues is the soul of the business and for it to progress it is necessary to try to reach this level of excellence between both.
Business competence is key for a founder.
A founder needs high business competence skills, with the following features:
Combination of creativity, knowledge about the industry, effective communication, risk-taking ability, etc.
These are true. Effective communication and knowledge about the industry are very important. Without proper communication skills, a founder cannot communicate well with customers, investors, staff. With no knowledge, it's hard to succeed
Exactly buddy, thanks for stopping by.
Yeah, I love your characters listed out there, those are really the features of a good leader, you need to know how to take risk, and also have an effective communication skills. Understand that there are failures on your way coming...
Exactly buddy, thanks for your contribution.
You shouldn't let those failures demoralize you from progressing in your project, nope, it should rather teach you new ways of doing things and never to give up.
Yes is my answer because if a founder is not business competent, he won't be able to play his role well as the founder. Even though working with oth, he has to put them through on what to do. So, he has to learn, fail, Continue
If the founder is not competent in business he must learn, it is his duty as a leader.
Congrats to Luna for winning the Shiba NFT (if I heard that right)
Telling the great learning moment is very important because it represents a point where a founder is open to getting motivated or inspired by an action or situation that exposed his vulnerability or gap that needed to be filled.
Indeed, getting motivated or discouraged at the right time can help save your business. Often times, people hang on to failed business for too long when the signs are clear they should drop out. Some fail to identify the right learning time
Learning moment. Life alone is a learning process that teaches us each time we are awake. Life is just like that.
are you @hecallsmebeta?
Yes, I am. Thank you 😊. I heard my name before my network told me to shoo off. Lol.
haha well you won an NFT! Can you DM me on X with an eth wallet?
Wow, thank you. That's beautiful. But I do not own Ethereum wallet. Is there any other way to get it? Or would you show me how to open one? Thank you. Sorry for any firm of inconvenience.
happy to show you how to get one!
I'm of the view a founder needs business competence. The founder has to have a clear vision of what they want, where they're going and the way to get there. The founder should be able to overcome hurdles and mistakes cos they'll come
Well I think dot web 3 it’s hardly that we see projects without a vision of what or where they are going. They first thing we say about a project without white paper is that it’s a scam so I think for most projects we have it there.
He has to be a true captain of the ship, knowing where to go and how to direct his company to get there.
Whatever my network is aiming at, I believe it understands best. However, I am still awake. Let's see what will happen next.
I hope you guys use a magic wand, lol. I hear it works. Harry Porter says so. And Santa's, too. I think. Haha.
My magic wand works too haha
KYC free market place sounds enticing enough.
It's not a surprise people are buying into the project for sentimental reasons.
congratulations to those that won the NFTs.
I hope to win someday
I think it’s okay to worry about the run way because what if it elapses how do you continue? So you have to put all these things into mind first.
build a problem solving product 💯
Wow, I think Dr Kapal is really making sense here, build the project and never mind about losing the funding, networking is indeed the best way to get some supports from people you don't anticipate to get from. It's a great add up.
I can still recall the famous saying that customers are always right and this is obviously true because, the customers are the ones who would make the review of your products, letting you know if they are proud of it or not..
I really like that saying, even though we may have our differences, the clients are the ones who buy the products in the end, unless we are going to sell ourselves, they are the ones who decide and each project must be adjusted to them.
I do not agree 100% on this because what if your runway (funds) gets depleted while you are in the middle of building or development? Then your project will be halted. Although it makes sense to build one's network because that might help at some point.
You are right, I think there should be a balance, maybe adjust each time that runway as it is being built. I think large projects should be built in stages to allow for organic growth.
I agree with you on that. It is still better to have things planned and in place then certain adjustments can be made along the way.
Don't come to #web3 for funding else you'll be frustrated. Come with your problem solving project 💯
stick to your lane and build projects there 💪
One may not need be a guru in a particular field, However, as the vission carrier, he needs business competence to plan persevere and direct.
If you are nor any of these and decide to delegate all managerial roles, it might not end well.
a founder needs business competence. If you don't have business competence, you will not be able to know how to make decisions that would affect the look effect of your business positively or otherwise.
The main aim as a founder is for you to build your product and make sure you don't run out of funds. If your products are now presentable then, you can showcase it to those on the web3 platforms and right from there marketing starts.
That's a hard thing to do 😔, communication is not complete without getting feedback.
Positive feedback can be encouraging.
This will bring about you having so much attraction to what you are doing. If you do this you find out you get happy doing what you love. That way you are able to execute.
Dr Kapal was hitting the spot with some points right there. "Utility" is the word that sums up what Web3 projects can provide IRL.
There has to be that real-life utility for NFT projects (for example) in order to make it more enticing
That was great view of ideas!
Seeing people dropping quotes makes me want to drop some, too. Lol, but then I realised my network is a big baby and has been kicking me up, and I didn't catch many words.
Wow, I agree with Dr. Kapal, build the project and never mind about losing the funding, networking is indeed the best way to get some support from people you don't expect to get from. It's a great plus up.
Hard skinned gets you through the game. Someone with a soft skin will get cut seviral times, and if they dont harden up.... Well, the story is never the same.
Thats all true so I guess this statement has to do with the founder right?.if so every founder should not relax in a business but he should be active
Yes, they ought to be.
The idea of a Pump & Dump is the death of many projects. This is the case for many projects, but going Long term is still the best approach to take.
It takes us back to utility. A project with decent utility will attract long-term degens
let's go guys another bread space so happy to be a part if it.And what a nice topic aswell let's hear your opinion on the matter guys
I am still awake.
I am very much awake.
4: 50 here, and surprisingly, I am awake. How's that possible. Santa must be present.
A big congratulations to the winners. The Christmas spirit is here.
20 minutes more... alright. We are moving.
Life's journey. It takes you into many stagestages, hunt you, loves you, and just stare at you.
Well, you have to hustle to get the simplest thing here, too. Life is just super life in its own way.
And the
Yay !!!
Wow, I won the giveaway too, thanks @breads for the show and the giveaway 😍
I also won a giveaway. Thank you @breads for the amazing show.
Thank you so much.
😂😂😂 No pun intended on my name.
Congratulations on the winners ☺️
Thanks for the amazing show as always.
That's the beautiful reason behind progressive businesses against the failing businesses, hiring competent skills and trained employee are secrets hidden under them, business owners must be committed to this.
hi dad
damn, missed it. Will listen later. I haven’t contributed to musiconleo mostly because it’s hard to get embed links on mobile but also because I don’t like filling up the latest page with music links. Can we put them in comments on one thread?
Well my stuff isnt showing up on the latest feed. The site is really quirky.
You can do it all in the comments in one thread if you want as long as I can find it. So make sure you tag me and keep on me until I get them. If not they can get lost.
They key is getting it into the database. That is what matters.
Just use the format so I can copy/paste easily.
We are also doing playlists now also. That is a big step forward. Got 4 already.
can I choose random songs from random artists? Do they need to be famous? Also is it ok to say something else in the post (like why I like the song) or is it important to only put artist and song name plus tags?
The artist and song name allows me to grab it. I dont have time to dig through a ton of songs each day and try to find that. As for the artists, that is up to you....known, unknown...whatever you desire. It is stuff you want in the database that you might use to create a playlist at some point.
As for what else you put in the thread, that is up to you.
Here is the problem I found with putting the songs in the comment page. It shows the top line thread which isnt a big deal in this instance since it is relative. But it could be completely awry.
what is the topic tonight?
Going to be talking about some things with Music on Leo and then take the questions.
Good stuff. Have a solution to what we touched upon the other night.
Olá, galera aberto mais um desafio do game splinterlands, em breve falarei mais sobre as cartas do conjunto Rebellion!#splinterlands
Looks like @vimm will be coming back!
Is this @3spk alternative?
No it is for Livestreaming no uploading videos.
different use case.
I need to look into that.
Twitch/Kick Alternative
Yes. Super excited about it.
How often do you stream?
I am going to try to do at least 1 day a week.
I usually get 3-4 streams per week
Awesome! Gud to see. :)
Does this mean the problem with HE was because of the HE attack?
It seems that way.
That's good info. The thing here is, there was no info available for a week. Nothing. Tried asking on their Discord and no one said anything about an DDoS attack. In fact, no one said anything but the usual "change nodes".
I've said it before and I say it again: to prevent false info & FUD, the teams need to inform users better. In my opinion, Inleo is a good forum to do that for example.
Yep they could have stopped all the FUD with communication. But now attack the community. That post from Bala is very offensive.
The #Splinterlands bull case: SPS is up 160%. Modern bronze and silver pays quite well with no bots. Its easy now to take some BTC profits, buy a few hundred packs and 3 cent SPS and start playing for decent rewards in bronze or silver.
This is great news for all Splinterlands players. I hope every one of them is excited about the turnout in the market.
I heard the Christmas jingle for the first time over the radio today.
I was very excited, the yuletide is here!
They you will be very excited about this.
Here are over 60 Christmas songs.
Thank you!
My cat is so weird. I eat meat, nothing, I eat lentils or pumpkin and he gets all crazy and want to steal my food
What about ham and fish?
No, he lets me eat all of it in peace, but lentils, pumpkin and popcorn makes him crazy
A vegetarian cat, we used to have a big who stole tomatoes from the tomato plants!
Hahaaha mine loves that, the smell of soups etc.
He loves eating meat and gets crazy when we are cutting it, but once we are eating, he only begs for vegetables. We don't even give him lol, we have never given him food while we are eating, only after on his plate
Who likes lentils taco?
I like it and the cat too xD
oh okay. all good then
looks like your cat is vegan

1/🧵 the #hivenaijaweekly prompt is about how we explore our inherent and acquired skills in our daily living... We all have unique skills peculiar to different individuals... #OUTREACH #THREADSTORM #hivenaija
2/🧵I am very good with time management, I employ the necessary aspects like planning, prioritizing, organizing and so on and it has worked for me
3/🧵 also, I can adapt to whatever situation or condition I find myself regardless
4/🧵for more information on my blog check the link below
#gosh #pidgin
To end the day... And unfortunately my vacations 😭 Another hamburger with local meat from Suplexio and desert from the Christmas market!
I am hungry now.
It has been an awesome journey
To all my bearish friends.
I told ya this day will come.
Yeah for the bear! Got some SWAP.BTC and $BBH to catch sum of that growing value!
I just want it to cool the hell off so I can find an entry, lol.
This bear is so beautiful, the moment is back!
At you predicting correctly like this.. People should stop technical analysis and just listen to you every morning and vwala. They don’t get #rekt
It's already looking like a dream and I hope those waiting for BTC to hit $20k before they will buy , keep waiting too.
Up and up
Love it!
Aren't the post on #holozing is getting too monotonous. Every user is bringing similar content just to get some reward. #thoughts #gaming #gmfrens
I claim my reward and that's it.
Still something insane going all around
You're not wrong, that's also why we are only using a small portion of the voting power on posts until there's more to do in the game.
I know.....those posts flooded a lot.
If you enjoyed Brave back in the day and earning some decent tokens Carbon browser is expected to launch theirs in about 6 months. (Also made a pretty penny of this trade in the last 2 months) Currently live are staking rewards.
Affiliate link? If so, send 'er over!!
sadly no otherwise you know I'd be all over that lol
ha ha ha ha dang!!!
I downloaded it. Thanks for the heads up! Will the rewards start in six months?
Yep should be something like brave to start earning rewards. But if you some how earn or get some right now there is a staking option for the token which is live and pays a decent APR (Higher for longer lock periods)
Back in the day?
yeah brave is not what it used to be by a long shot.
Do you have an affiliate link?
Nope, they don't do affiliate links but thank you for asking. The main site is at
The water was SOO blue here! And the weather is cloudy and it's sea water, so it makes no sense for it to be blue.
I can see myself live here honestly...
Amazing beach. Cool and nice
Caldeira velha in #azores! Take your swimsuit!
Spent 2h chilling on vulcanic heated water surrounded by nature.
So relaxing!
So, I blended lentils and cooked it like a tortilla and now I have my gluten free taco :D I have reduced flour but I will never do a diet, so, here we are, eating a taco full of avocado but no flour on the tortilla and this is actually tastier.
Just soak them 2 hours, blend with a little of water and salt, you can add eggs to give more consistency, I did with and without and both work. And that's it, cook in a pan.
W do not call it taco and we do not use avocado but we use the same ingredients to make the bread :) Looks yummy.
It looks so yummy; I feel like having a bite right away. It's a recipe worth trying.
Thank you for sharing.
Lagoa das sete cidades in #azores
Supposedly, the water in one lake is supposed to be green and the other blue. But the clouds make it hard to see.
Not a lot to do here during winter.
Lagoa das Empadanas in #azores.
Reminded me of a mystical horror movie set.
Not many tourists come here because the entry is a little hidden.
#mydiary #blog
Divine Shield bug? The effect icon at the top of the cards no longer appears... is it supposed to be like that or is there an error? #splinterlands #feedback #rebellion
Lady pretends to be my xmas gift 🎁😁
#gmfrens Visiting my besties tonight. #dogs #ladiesofhive #hivegarden #aliveandthriving #liotes
soooo cute! !HUG
Isn’t she just? 😁
I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/2)Dear @fantagira7, you just got hugged. on behalf of @katerinaramm.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
One of the best gift ever in my opinion
Not bad
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(12/50)@brennanhm! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Just need that to keep going.
December is a movement month, but fluff me is there not a stack of profit to be made out there!
#tengocrypto #gmfrens #silverbloggers
Fluffing profit on the back of others... yep, it's called "love". Hahahaha
1/🧵 My Monday was cold and foggy with -11°C as the lowest, and I got a few pictures and shared them in my Actifit report.
#threadstorm #outreach #alive #aliveandthriving #liotes #ctp #photography
2/🧵 This is me #aliveandthriving
3/🧵 Check it out here.
#gosh #aliveandthriving
It's a shame that where I live in Brazil it's hot most of the time... I would love to live in a cold climate like that, very peaceful and happy with life. What makes me happy here are the rainy days.
Thanks a lot, I still think this might be a bit too cold for you though.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ flaxz. (14/20)@shiftrox!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
would you use Tribaldex or Beeswap? A d why? #gmfrens #question?
I use the one which one(if any) is currently working 😅
Hahah best approach
Thanks! 😀
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Hi, i'm Jhon and this is my first post on
And its a meme, haha.
#mydiary #crypto #firstpost
#pepe in a $LAMBO #meme
Signs of possible bull market with bitcoin making moves!

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @chacald.dcymt, you just got hugged. on behalf of @pepetoken.
Mutton Honey.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@chacald.dcymt, I sent you an
ads, ads, ads. 😀
sell me on chia!!!!!
Crypto... a game of discipline and patience... the tide always turns!

On the bright side
Just locked in my #splinterlands air drop cards! Can't wait for how the next air drops will happen and work. Seems to not be up and running just yet.
The entire crypto space is absolutely overwhelming. It's much easier to just label everything other than your coin a "shitcoin" than it is to spend time investigating and analyzing it all.
Straight to 100K
Hope everybody's prepared
Not sure how to prepare
It's always going up:)
That may be pushing it a bit 🤣 but we been holding strong and had some nice gains not long ago !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/50)@rmsadkri! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
ha ha we are always moving sideways and do not mimic BTC price action but we are up
Ohhhh hive is making lots of moves, i can see its up with 0.01$ compared to last week
We already up 11 cents from about a month and a half ago that's fairly substantial !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/50)@fredaig! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
Ohh thats a pretty good progress
indeed !BBH this is only the start I think lots more people are going to realize what we have here
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/50)@fredaig! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
I expect #Hive to draw a long green candle.
time will tell I think lots of people are going to wake up to what's going on here !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/50)@rtonline! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
Late in the day, but done my #Wordle 899 4/6
I have never played/done this before #wordle
Well it's optional :)
lol I know. It looks colourful though :)
How many of you are gunning for the first yearly author badge? I know I am! #hivebuzz #consistency #dailyposts #hive #content
I always tend to mess it up because of a travel or two during the year which stinks. Congrats on hitting it yourself!
I love the schedule function on Peakd so I am able to go camping or climbing and still get my posts done. #actifit helps as well as that is an easy daily post.
I'm 226 weekly but only 35 monthly.
how did that happen?
It's great to see your enthusiasm for the yearly author badge! Keep up the good work and the consistency, we are sure you will achieve it soon.
Indeed, NFTs have a significant utility when it comes to technology. Their usability can be directed towards infinite uses.
Jim Cramer out here changing lives! If you would have done the opposite he said 9 months ago (which was to sell your $BTC) you'd now be up 70%!