I am so frustrated with ongoing node issues on leothreads. Add to this frustration fuel the inability of teams have consensus on items. DAO and decentralization are good concepts but do you think this governance structure is the right solution for the issues we have on Hive?
I am sure I did not sound coherent there but you get my frustration, I hope.
It sucks that nodes can’t handle more load. INLEO has outgrown our ability to request data from them
Other apps on hive don’t have this issue since their requests are so small (mostly just blog posts and comments)
Our own LeoNode which is a node for Hive will solve these issues. It’s a bigger server than other nodes + is specifically designed for our requests + is built solely for LEO
This is really interesting and I hope the leonodes start working ASAP. The frustration is everywhere and we really hope it gets better soon because more new users are showing up everyday and it won't be nice if the interface keeps shutting them out.
But in all of these, Inleo is doing well to manage the situation and I must commend the team. I guess this is a crisis and I'm loving how you all are managing it 🦁
Can you talk about the relationship between Hive witnesses and the devs that work on the chain.
Right now, it just seems that the same witnesses take us in whatever direction they please, because they can both code and approve updates.
Should the witnesses and devs be separated, so there is accountability on which direction the chain is headed?
I envisage witnesses becoming more of a political party where they support a specific direction (such as making the chain more business savvy for example).
What's your take on the constant issues on Hive?
In my opinion, it's getting a bit too much to be honest. Should we discuss more of them? And if so, what would be the right forum for that?
I hear talks about onboarding new users but I wouldn't do that. Not now. Definitely not now. They'd just leave with this much issues almost every day. I think would be wise to get things fixed first and then start campaigns, etc. so the work wouldn't go to waste.
I made an account to share interesting stuff from Twitter to threads, but Leo muted my account and I can't even claim the keys, which is weird cause it wasn't spammy
We can be active on and spend all day on hive but the real value comes from having higher MAU. #inleo aimed to have 5K userbase by end of year which looks highly unlikely as we are celebrating 2K userbase. To be honest, 2K user base is huge in the context of other FE doing not much in onboarding new users.
I totally agree. I openly told some people in my family that I don't like them and don't enjoy being around them and that I won't put myself to it just because we are related.
It had a double positive effect because not only I get to stay away from those people, the people in my family I actually care about know that truly like them because I haven't told them to fuck off :D
I need to update it for the new INLEO logo, don't have a png file for the new logo though. Need a copy.I created this to get myself some swag. https://www.bonfire.com/store/leofinance-swag/
Well, if I get the ok, I'll just take the LEO logo and go create my own...But LEO isn't decentralized in that sense, so I'll play fair lol And I have no issue at all paying LEO for the gear.
To manage crisis pretty well, they we might need to be accountable, take responsibility and be calm and always have a plan B, plan B usually are like the Saving grace that helps takes you off the ongoing crisis, this is absolutely necessary
I think this is important. One must plan for any contingency in any given moment. If you don't have a backup plan, you could get burned really easy and fast! There are so many projects out there that went that way and it wasn't pretty.
Effective communication, clear guidelines, a supportive team, adaptability, and seeking external expertise are key strategies for navigating and overcoming challenges.
Yeah communication plays a good role in managing crisis suitaton.Communication involves galking with the team and discussing a perfect strategy to take on the crisis at hand.Seeking any external expertie would play a keg role too
Founders should heed others' mistakes. Learning from past experiences equips them to tackle crises effectively. By understanding how predecessors navigated challenges, they gain valuable insights, ensuring wiser decisions when crisis comes
We should learn from our mistakes. Instead of insisting on it, we should accept the reality and check our own limitations. So we can find the path to be successful with our business or companies.
The most difficult thing in the projects is to assume the mistakes, a good leader must be prepared and assume the risks and get up, I even believe that something like this would give more confidence to the community in such a case.
Yeah, this is a great add on, founders should try to look at how those in similar businesses faced those crisis that came on their way. They should be leaders that are ready to seek assistance from people that have similar project running
Consistency of communication is very important in managing a crisis. For example, if you send out updates maybe once every 2 days. It is important to maintain this consistency in times of crisis. There would be no need of trying to send in a barrage of updates in such a very short period of time. Maintaining the same frequency helps to contain the pressure in the community.
Crisis is just inevitable, it happens either in a relationship, at work or anywhere, but one needs to remain calm during the crisis as it is just a normal thing, you hit the nail on the head #Jeremy
I think that sometimes it is difficult to go through a crisis and not have emotions running high or to have a crisis in our feelings ourselves. When I have gone through them I try to remember that it will pass 💫
Being a leader is not all about carrying the whole burden alone, you need to be open to your team, you will be amazed at the help and suggestion you can get from your team to navigate through the crises.
I support this theory, it does not mean that being a leader can handle everything alone, you must trust a team that is willing to support in times of crisis and in the face of any other adversity.
This is one of the things some leaders and managers are lacking in organizations. They think that since they are in an exalted position they are the reservoir of knowledge. No it's not so.
During the moment of crisis, I discovered there was the need to have a business coach and mentor and I didn't have. I barely had a team to talk about it because I was a solopreneur.
exactly what Jeremy said. Many of us are solopreneur or shy to ask for help. It's not really the best way to improve as the pressure and effect of the crisis can be much on the person but having better team and mentors can really sustain and manage the establishment for success with little effect of the crisis
Generally we always try to avoid moments of crisis, but they also serve to show us in a more serious and tense way where we are failing and making mistakes. I believe that we learn more from mistakes than from successes, but of course this is subordinated to personal mistakes, since in a company or project, making mistakes can be very costly and can become a bad deal for all members.
Quite a complex question, but one of the things I have often seen is public disagreement between members of a project, even abandoning their role in the project. I think this creates mistrust and therefore crisis.
I agree with you that it is a very interesting point to be analyzed, I am not sure if crisis management also encompasses what people can think or do, for example when they do not agree with an opinion or position, but I believe that a good manager can predict exactly this as well and thereby minimize this problem.
The truth is that yes, we don't know much about what's going on behind the scenes, but it's true what you say, I hope this situation can be resolved soon.
That sounds like an organizational crisis. That creates gaps in some processes and they are extremely dangerous. It fractures not only the workflow, but also the people. This could lead to a loss of credibility with customers.
This is interesting, because this always happens in any kind of project, but it gets worse when the disagreement is between leaders, and many times when one of them abandons everything falls, it would be great to find a solution to this.
the emotional state of the founder and the team behind the project really matters when crisis happens. When crisis happens, everyone should be goal oriented and seek for solutions, not merely crying over the failed projects.
Good topic today, it's definitely something we need to look at inorder to get them ready and prepared for tasks ahead of them, especially when it comes to building and keeping users stick to their projects.
I believe that one of the points that a good manager needs to be careful with a project is precisely the allocation of resources, whether financial or not, as I think that an unfinished project, halfway through, can be something very bad and demotivating, which can mark negatively the entire team and the careers of its members, for example future projects that they may participate in.
Absolutely agreed. Poor management can lead the team and the project to waste in a matter of seconds. Resource allocation should be a subject that should be studied, because learning from experience is costly and sometimes painful
Yes, I believe that many of these crises happen when the leader does not delegate correctly the tasks to be performed or the resources as such, that is why a team is needed to help with everything involved in a project to avoid these crises
Exactly, it is super necessary to have a ready and highly technical team that can help in the most complicated moments, this makes perfect sense and will help a lot.
One Crisis a founder can face is disagreements among his or her employees. One thing we all will admit to is anything that involves more than one person is bound to generate Crisis but then the best way to deal with such a crisis is by being a good Listener and observer.
You have to learn how to listen more than speaking more, that way it will help you spot the source of the crisis easily and eventually when the problem is know, there will surely be a solution.
Where there is more than one person involved, there will be disagreements. But these disagreements shouldn't lead to serious crisis. If they do, the leader has to step in, be objective and think about what is best for the business.
Today topic is just bringing back memories of time when I was studying administration.
There is an example like this in one of the text book. The CEO need to be a good listener and ask question. There might be two groups wanting dfferent
things but most time the minority group can be wrong or right. Also, he can resolve the crisis by requesting for feedback to a questionnaire set by him.
I do miss crisis management class
so sorry. Reason is that I saw you online. Those one are yet to wake for the show. You can help to contact them to join. I missed the last show before AMA before I did not know
It's a show hosted on X spaces where several topics on Web3 projects and blockchain are discussed. You have the opportunity to learn, ask questions and engagements.
In all, I think some crisis, when rightly managed, could make the project stronger and better. I remember the @inleoio bridge leaks that time and how the report led to a stronger and more -proof bridge.
After experiencing a crisis in our own business, we should deal with it by discussing it with everyone involved in the business or the project. I think any kind of trouble can be controlled by taking joint initiative.
No doubt the subsequent conversation has to go. You have to learn from what happened and make a plan to prevent it in the future. Some people are afraid of that conversation as it seems to them that they will just be looking for blame.
In view of that, we need to create an active and healthy community for our businesses. So that we can get the perfect solution to manage the crisis we face. An active community plays a vital role for a business.
Working together is capital to face crises, strategies that benefit the majority must be thought of, for therein lies the potential of a leader, if he/she is able to see beyond.
I think there is always going to be crisis, and any founder has to be ready at all time to face these crisis, have some money saved for crisis and always have the emergency team ready for action at all times
Getting the right team to solve a crisis is important in handling a crisis. Bringing different minds with different opinions laid out on the table could quickly solve the problem, but a thorough review must be made before implementing the solution.
Not everyone in the organization has to be involved on managing crisis, that will make the response to slow, but who takes decisions has to bet set up before something happens, even the loses that can be afforded have to be set up beforehand.
You are right. Collective initiative makes a task very easy. Moreover, if we have the opinion of others for crisis management, then the pressure on us will decrease. As a result, we can find the perfect solution very easily.
Yeah that is a great idea from them, I also do agree to that as well, but then sometimes we need to select the problem solvers among the team to deal with those problems and not just everyone in the team.
Mistake are not planned but simply occur without intention.Moreover, tend to occur at the most inopportune moment.u never want to expect failure, but ur project should be prepared for different types of crisis situations in case any happen
Great point! Salam. I think In handling any crisis, communication is key. Transparent and honest communication with employees, customers, and stakeholders builds trust and allows for a smoother resolution.
While Web3 promises a decentralized and user-controlled future of the internet, it also introduces new challenges and potential crises. Like in crypto we can face some volatile move. So have to learn before using a Web3 platform.
Due diligence is the first step to take in crisis management. This is to fact check the true cause and origin of the crisis. This will help determine from what point to attack the crisis from.
Absolutely! the founder has to do their homework, like fact-checking where it all started and why. This way, they can figure out the best way to tackle the problem head-on. It's like finding the right starting point to fix things.
I feel crisis are inevitable and so whenever it happens, try to figure out what the problem is and assess the risk level. Then find a solution. Trust me, there is always a solution. You should know crisis management ain't magic, it's smarts
Yes, I imagine you have to be very smart to get behind a crisis and come out on top. Keep a cool head too, analyse without feelings getting in the way. You must be someone with a lot of emotional intelligence.
When it comes to business, crises can definitely be destructive. But the key to navigating through them is effective communication with your team and possessing the qualities of a good leader.Also, openly discussing the challenges will help
Good expertise among your team members is just a perfect way to curb a crisis, so you have someone to run to, at least someone smarter and more experienced than you are.
exactly the way to go. The problem is some founders or rather managers would rather overlook the problem than calling up someone that can easily rectify the problem. For various reasons. I have been in that situation n4. A junior staff
Looking at Crisis management, I think the founder's role is very key. He gives direction and bears the weightier part of the burden of the project or business.
There are several roles for crisis management it depends on the nature of the crisis. There could be the general crisis manager that manage all crisis and also the decision makers that help in making suitable decisions during that time.
Crisis can happen at anytime and there is always a solution for crisis and a strong leadership needs to be ensured. Moreover, need to Assemble a crisis management team to handle the situation. Also, a plan is need to be developed by them. Crisis management plan should be rooted with the philosophy & also the values of the organisation.
If we are the founder of our projects, we should be stay calm to handle the situation. We have to deal the crisis professionally not emotionally. We need to monitor your industry, market, and competitors to stay ahead of potential threats.
Yeah, there should be a protocol to follow, to know who does the calls when making fast decisions, some times there is no time to communicate to everyone so there has to be people authorized tho handle the things that can not be planned in advance. Then they have to report after the issue and explain everything
Exactly, every leader with his team must have an action plan to manage crises. Otherwise, he would be committing a serious failure and that would jeopardize the future of the project.
Good leadership helps with effective problem solving. Support, organization and other factors are essential. There will always be problems, the key is to solve them efficiently.
Something that can influence a crisis is emotions, you have to be prepared and have a risk management plan in case something goes wrong, raise the problem, listen to opinions and make the best decision, a good leader would do that.
Your words are very accurate 🤗. Strong leadership means that the project lead or project owner is willing to work together with his team. Crises are more manageable when those involved act for the common good 💫 It is the welfare of all.
To solve crisis you just need the right team to communicate with, if you have a conversation with the right team you get the problem solved. So In order to handle crisis just surround yourself with the right people. #communicate
A big way to go on this. Communication is a big key in solving any crisis that is showcased in businesses.Having the right team checking in with HR to detect changes in employees' behaviour is one way, with this problem can be managed.
Absolutely! Building a strong team with effective communication is pivotal in andresolving crises. Collaborating with the right individuals ensures a proactive approach to problem-solving, making the journey through challenges smoother.
Some crises could cause a breakdown in businesses, it could be the allocation of resources, financial issues, or communication issues. When this is done, prosperity can set in.
Mostly it is like this, it is unfortunate when they happen, it can even completely finish a company, there have been cases like this. And others of those who recover from it.
But with a pre planned crisis management can abort this from happening. The downfall would be stopped by the crisis management team. Because there is a solution for every problem and I think there’s nothing to be worried about.
Financial crises are usually constant when partners do not know how to communicate with each other and face the situation in the correct way. You must look for a team that is willing to face difficult situations and seek quick solutions.
@breads I believe that financial and operational crises are the most obvious and the most difficult to overcome, but with planning, preparation, communication, and transparency, these crises can be overcome and can even strengthen everyone
There is this topic in administration we did that has to do with crisis management. When we are dealing we crisis, there are theories to get the solution
Has it happen before(Information on when it happened before)
Perhaps one of the first things we could do when alarms sound is to determine if it is a false alarm. If we confirm it, we need to assess the risks, based on whether it is "important" or "urgent" or both.
Good point. While there can be various issues or concerns, some are more pressing than others so to avoid getting overwhelmed, assessing them would make us decide on which to solve first based on their urgency.
Yes, that's right. Some may be urgent because of the repercussions it could have, others because there is simply a deadline to be met. These are good factors to measure the issue.
It's good to confirm if it's a false alarm, but in some situations it may be to late to confirm if it is false or not so I always prefer you save important files and properties first, before confirming if the alarm is true or false
No matter how good you are there will definitely be crisis and that doesn’t mean something is wrong with you or your organization because crisis are normal and handling them with wisdom in a civil manner is the ideal thing to do.
Indeed, well said. Some crisis have nothing to do with you as a founder or individual but will happen no matter what. It all depends on how well you as a founder handles the crisis. That is why it's very good to have the right people
Having the right people is just the goal because crisis is inevitable. It's doesn't matter how excellent one is or how good or bad the organisation is. What matters is how the crisis got resolved at last and with right people, it's easier
there are things that are inevitable in life. As far as you engage and relate with people in whatever field, there is bound to be crisis. How you manage that crises determines a lot on how well you take charge of situations.
A leader must have certain characteristics to perform his or her job, otherwise the project is prone to fail. The important thing is how he manages each situation and gets out of crises well, because many situations can be overcome.
The skill to handle crisis is very important for founders and businesses owners. The first thing is to use the right words to calm things down and don't get pressured to solve the problem quickly but take time with serious thinking and consideration to solve the problem.
That is right bro, I guess this is another skill founders / leaders need to possess. Being quick to act without properly thinking about what the outcome of your action is wouldn't be wise to handle a crisis. It's good to take a sec to think
Founders have to build a patience mentality when crisis arise because it not easy to stay sane when it seems things are falling apart, because not only could the project get destroyed completely but the founder could breake down at that period and loss their mind.
It is true that business owners must have the ability to manage times of crisis. You have to have a cool mind and calmly analyze the problem and see how to solve it in the shortest time but always analyzing everything necessary.
Analysing the problem with a trusted team would enhance quick solution to the problem, but the founder has to be careful not to rush things because it could backfired.
I've had financial Crisis I'm business. Lost some big money in my first 2 years in business. I was all very new in the business sphere and within 24 months, I lost about $2k. It was a big money then.
It's common knowledge that some projects may not turn out the way it was planned at first and in cases of crisis management, I think one of the effective way of managing crisis is effective communication.
The key to success in addition to effective communication are the plans, we must always keep in mind the pros and cons, things that we do not want to happen in times of crisis, we must keep them in mind to be prepared...
MO: Money problems can be incredibly stressful-Possible team conflicts-product not performing as expected-A burnout-legal issues-Health challenges.Crises are part of the journey,so embrace it,acknowledge emotions & seek support when needed.
I think that financial problems in projects are a factor that will always be there, here the point is how to solve it as a team and to reach a mutual agreement so as not to let the project die would be the main thing.
Absolutely, spot on Cieliss🔥
Involving your team to find solutions is a great approach, see it as a cooperate problem rather than an individual problem.
Answering to your question @Bread I think when those things are happening you just have to stay calm. It is difficult but you need to stay calm and try to understand what’s going on and think of ways to manage what is going on
This requires several competencies. In fact it was something that was discussed in a previous space. Keeping calm is difficult, but a good, well-trained leader can do it. But he needs first of all, be a leader, not just a boss.
I agree with you! When life throws challenges your way, it's important to stay calm, keep your head in the game, and stay focused on your goals. Remember, setbacks are just temporary roadblocks on the path to success.
There is no single way to solve a crisis. Everything depends on the context in which the project is immersed and the characteristics of the people involved.
Crises management to start with means they had been a failure in one sector or another, to manage this, one need to stay calm, take your time to monitor the situation,this helps not to jump into conclusion or panic into causing more damage.
Taking time to assess the problem and providing solutions is important because rushing to create a solution could make the problem worse because of poor evaluation.
When we talk about crisis management, we mean crisis within the organization which is within the domain of the organization and those outside the organization(external factors)
Examples are natural disaster, work place violence etc
Our brains tend to focus on negative things, so during a crisis, it's normal for negative thoughts to take over. For this reason, you need to have a little knowledge of neuroscience or psychology to be able to manage them.
crisis can come up from technical issues, the Boss, poeple etc. But it's best to remain calm and figure out things knowing that some crisis can be managed or avoided happening again. How to improve should be the main focus
This is an cool topic to explore especially for people that are running a project in Web3. Things can go wrong from several places. It can be people related, tech related, tokenomics
I look forward to every discussion that will unfold here
Exactly, making decisions out of frustration as a founder might end in calamities too, it's very important that founder's have plan B when setting up a project, especially strategies that will help them tackle's possible difficulties that might comes up along the line.
✅ Exactly! Tbh Literally nothing productive can ever come from stress, panic & being burnt out from a crisis. What I do is logout of the situation & devices-Mind Over Money-it's not about avoiding crises, but navigating with humanity.
Yes, there'll be damages to the person's personal life if you fire someone during crisis. So, getting to manage the crisis is a big way to go. And remaining calm is another way to go as it makes you see things from another perspective.
It is a double-edged sword, sometimes dismissal occurs because there is a certain abandonment towards their role within a project, and this leaves openings that can be more critical when they resign unexpectedly.
One thing founder's need to do first when it comes to managing crises is to first identify the problem, weigh the level of risk involved too, that will help to know how to go about such issue and resolve it.
It's always hard to operate a project without facing some difficulties, but managing them in the best way is very important.
Identifying the problem and understanding the risk level is like putting on your crisis management cape. It gives you a clear picture of what you're facing and how to handle it. No project is smooth sailing, but with a cool head, you'r good
I also think so many Giveaways is something a community should not engage in often, that way you get to know if your community members are genuine or not. Will the community members engage on their own and not for the rewards?
I think crisis happens it could be financially, project or other areas, but one effective way to manage Crisis management is true effective communication. Try to Communicate what’s going on so you could get ideas on how to manage it.
The effective way to resolving any form of crisis is by communicating, bring your team together and talk things out. That way you know how to fix the problem, communicating to the right people helps put you back on track.
Thanks for bringing up this topic It is amazing and it's key.
Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with a disruptive and unexpected event that threatens to harm the organization or its stakeholders.
To be a founder of anything is not always easy. So, it's good to know different kinds of crises he should anticipate and know how to handle it. Because many founders are successful. So, knowing their secrets will be of help to others
Exactly! Crisis management is a critical aspect of running a business, and how a founder deals with it can significantly impact the company’s reputation, operations, and overall success. The first step for a founder in dealing with crisis management is to have a proactive approach by preparing and planning for potential crises.
the emotional state of the team behind a project can have a huge impact on how they respond to a crisis. But as you said, it's important to stay focused on finding solutions and taking action to resolve the crisis.
Very true. This is why emotional stability is one of the key personal characteristics that every business founder must possess. Business and innovation is not for the faint-hearted.
Team emotions are crucial in a crisis, yet focusing on solutions and taking action remains key. Balancing emotional understanding with a proactive mindset helps the team navigate challenges effectively.
Addressing the emotional aspect of crises. The teammates work with can help reduce the pressure but when that is overlooked. The population will distribute information that may be harmful to founder or victim.
In a web3 project, I think technological crisis are most painful. So, we have to get attached with some professional programmer or developer to find the bugs and fixed them instantly. Although we need learn some basic program by ourselves.
A project or business founder has to be efficient in the tracking and collation of fact s or maybe hire an analyst for that. However for a web3 Project, it could be easier to use time stamps to track on the Blockchain. @inleoio experienced a crisis sometime on its bridge to ETH Blockchain. It took a careful tracking to discover where the leak happened and it was solved.
Crisis come in many folds but some can be avoided by just keeping your audience or community updated on the happenings. Keeping your people regularly informed by giving them updates is a way to help them filter what they hear in the socials
Team work is important too. But that just another thing entirely for a founder who is experiencing crisis and trying to feel free from pressure.
Communication is key too and an important factor to avoid encountering crisis of any kind.
It's funny, the other day I was talking to a friend who is a crisis management specialist. He has years of experience and from what he told me, it's not an easy job. It's also very counter-intuitive.... sometimes you need to speak up when your intuition tells you to shut up and other times you need to be quiet when your intuition tells you to speak up
I imagine how complicated this profession must be, having to predict risks that you don't even know could happen, it is a profession that must demand a lot from the person, creating, for example, pressure on the person that they cannot make mistakes, or that they should have foreseen any error if it happens. Anyway, it's something I want to research more to understand better and have a sharper view on the subject.
During a crisis, it’s important to remain calm and composed. Taking moment to assess the situation and also gather as much information as possible. Understanding the scope and impact of the crisis is crucial in formulating an effective response.
Absolutely all projects, plans and so on that we may have present in our lives will run risks, and yes, you have to know how to keep calm to choose the right path that benefits the parties involved and that is done with a cool head.
Good point. Being able to find out exactly why the crises arose in the first place, getting every single detail related to the crises and analyzing them to be able to know how to handle it so it doesn't happen again I believe will help a lot
That is a good advice one have to follow during ups and down. Every situation need to be access with care and composed mind. When you access situation with composed mind and we are going to understand the the scope of it.
That is true, however we have to know how to search because in crises many of the information is usually false and speculative. We must always rely on reliable sources that have a good track record.
wow. Crisis comes in various forms. They are usually challenging situations and events that wants to frustrate the process and manage them really matter for the progress of the projects.
How can one learn from crisis that cause havoc that bankrupt their establishment?
Seriously you made a good point here. Because when crisis bankrupt the establishment of a company, managing this situation can't be possible at all. Since crisis comes in different ways, the one that causes havoc is worst
Jeremy had a point there. Lessons are learnt from the crisis previously experienced. Such events gives a lot of values and lessons that one can apply for good. Learning from others experiences too can help too. This is the best way of managing the crisis
You're right, but every crisis can break you completely. I remember that in my startup, we had a personnel crisis, some differences that we only resolved with transparency and communication, but it was difficult, and we learned from that
We need to learn, fix what's wrong, and move on. These are things that no one teaches you how to prevent or deal with; you learn on your own, dealing with the problem and with a strong desire to move forward.
We learn a lot from crises and then be able to have better management power for the next one. We must also learn from the experiences of others in order to have more elements when making decisions.
Yes, a good way would be to learn from our mistakes and the experience we have gained. Also, having the help of people who have been through something similar is a good thing. I agree with that.
A manager should be ready to encounter crises like financial crises, technical, staff, electrical, product/ service crises and others.
Each of them will come up, no doubt but it's pertinent to look critically at the reason behind each of the crises and proffer lasting solutions to them.
Again set up some motions in place such which will be able to detect the crises before it occurs.
Be prepared all the time to encounter crises, they will surely occur.
Crises pose a potential threat, yet effective communication with your team are great qualities of a strong leader and crucial for navigating through. Openly addressing challenges further contributes to successful resolution.
Crisis management is to stay focused on your long-term goals basically. It's easy to get caught up in the drama of a crisis, but it's important to keep your eye focused on the bigger picture. That will help not caught
crises are inevitable in businesses, when this happens what do you do? You don't sit back and cry rather you strategies on how to surmount and move ahead.
In times of financial crises, they must act decisively by cutting non-essential expenses, exploring funding options, and seeking expert advice. This proactive approach, combined with agile decision-making, helps sustain long-term success.
Having alternatives is the best way to cope during the crisis. Those alternatives show several viewpoints and strategies that can promote and improve the projects from many standpoint and solve the crisis when it occurs
You're absolutely right - alternatives and multiple perspectives are essential for successfully navigating a crisis. Having multiple options available can help to reduce the pressure of feeling like there's only one "right" solution.
Yea thats definitely right having a plan B as a founder is an alternative for reducing pressure and gives you room to restrategize and improve the project thereby solving crises when it occurs.
Yea that's a great way to scale through such rough times, an alternative or plan B gives you room to restrategize, jump ship to a working method that helps the business
In trying to fact check the origin of the crisis, it's important to keep a clear and open mind rather than look for who to blame. In fact, the founder must take responsibility for every crisis.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
In times of crises, sometimes refraining from answering certain questions can indeed be a wise decision. It allows for thoughtful consideration, assessment of the situation, and offering a more measured and appropriate response
one situation Crisis Management is required is like hearing the fire alarm in a company. everyone is in a hurry and then there is colliding, if the situation isn’t addressed properly, that situation becomes terrible, management is required.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
Management of crises has to do with having the right people around to provide you with the right information and support that is needed to help you think straight.
Errors are not premeditated; they just happen accidentally, it happen at the worst possible time. Although failure is something you never want to anticipate, your project should be ready for various crisis scenarios in case they arise.
Crises pose a potential threat, yet effective communication with your team are great qualities of a strong leader and crucial for navigating through. Openly addressing challenges further contributes to successful resolution.
Having a good communication among your team is the best rather than being egoistic and not relate well with them, involving them makes it easier for the founder to lead the team and be successful
That's true, and you know something, crises also bring opportunities but just as you need a good leader and a good team to address such a crisis you also need them to create new opportunities and capitalize.
Having a plan B as a founder should be paramount, anything can happen at anytime and you must be able to brace your
self for the worst case scenario not panicking and complicating things.
I agree with you on that. No matter how things are planned, they can still go sideways so it's better to have something to resort to when such happens. There is no project that goes smoothly all the time.
Being prepared for the worst case scenario without becoming overly anxious or complicated is crucial for founders. Nothing is guaranteed, so having a backup plan is essential.
Th strategy for managing crisis also depends on the nature of the project. The organization of a web3 project is different from a web2 project. This is due to the difference in the more of communication about the project.
It makes sense. A leader needs to remain calm in the face of a crisis, I think this is the most appropriate quality, the most appropriate state. You have to be stoic.If not, things go wrong, if not there is much room for misinterpretation.
Do you consider a possible incoming bear market a crisis? If the answer is yes, how is the best possible way to plan for it? How do you manage something that systemic and huge, especially when we are talking about little crypto projects.
In my opinion, that's definitely a crisis. I never actually managed a crypto project and definitely never had to do it in a crisis scenario but I had gone through that situation in traditional projects and systemic crises are a thing. Sometimes there is very little you can do but damage control... things like cutting your losses and just try to survive till things get better
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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
We can't be negative about the crisis in the first place. Sometimes a crisis brings unexpected results for a company. Through crisis we can realize the weakness of the company. So I think crisis is not something negative.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
It makes sense. A leader needs to remain calm in the face of a crisis, I think this is the most appropriate quality, the most appropriate state. You have to be stoic.If not, things go wrong, if not there is much room for misinterpretation.
The type of crisis really influences a lot on how you deal with it... the only universal thing about crisis control is that you need to remain calm and try to control the narrative in the best possible way, even if it seems to be in a negative way.
What are some situations in which crisis could be managed, the whole discussion is just based on projects, are there other field we could experience crisis? Do different situation require different method?
I think it would not be wrong to say that in business, managing Crisis is easier for a web3 Project than for a web2 counterpart because we can utilize Blockchain timestamps to track the leak and fails.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
These are very nice question. Managing internal communication during a crisis is crucial for maintaining employee morale and minimizing reputation damage. I think honesty can save us from this kind of situation.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
The response strategy should always consider the impact and consequences on People, Environment, Assets and the reputation to the organisation when developing the crisis management plan.
There are different responses to different crisis. Some crisis don't need you to panic and do damage control while others need serious panic mode. If the crisis affects the health of your consumers, that's serious and needs swift attention
True, some can also be handle in silence, when the consumer doesn't get directly affected, but one the security is on the line and you are not sure that you can fix the issue, then you have to be transparent and inform of how the issue is being handle... this can damage the project tho, since people don't like being compromised... they should be grateful for being told the truth but ignorance is a bliss
You're right. Though saying something can damage the project it is important to let people know their security has been compromised. I now as a consumer I would appreciate that honesty
When assembling a team, it's crucial to prioritize soft skills in problem management. This skill not only safeguards the business with a proficient expert, but also resolves issues a also mitigates crises effectively.
Even so, they still need to be careful how they treat the people around them. Sometimes we know these people to be cold, distant and somewhat categorical with others. Empathy and kindness must still be present when dealing with the crisis.
As a business owner, you must understand that crisis are something that you can't do away with and it should be a part of your plans as you are setting up the business model. You need to put up plans to handle any crisis that comes your way
Hehe, bosses who tend to micromanage and want to do every single thing are not always so good to work with. They need to let the their team work on things and use their brain. They will also find creative ways to do stuff.
the crises are numerous in terms of finances, technology, technical know-how, and lots more. A founder should have the foresight that he can encounter any crisis at any time in the project. He should have a prepared mind to win.
Embracing humility, acknowledging others' contributions, and valuing diverse perspectives is very important for a team work. Fostering an open culture where everyone's voice is heard is key and gives room for success.
I agree with the vision, especially when we deal with large communities, not just listening to whales, for example, the more inclusive and diversified the project, the greater the support.
Nick that's very key. We've really got to be proactive with crisis. We don't wait till it happens, we agree that it's a sure aspect of every business and project so we put things in place ahead of time.
In this age of socialmedia, brands leverage Crisis to further the reach of their brand. In fact, some brands intentionally stage a crisis to gain media coverage and that gives them a wide publicity. In all, we can leverage Crisis moments to our advantage.
Develop a comprehensive plan, establish communication channels, appoint a crisis management team, be adaptable, conduct regular drills, collaborate with relevant entities, demonstrate empathy, learn from experiences, leverage technology, and adhere to legal and ethical standards. A proactive and prepared approach is crucial for managing crises successfully.
I guess you have mentioned almost all the strategies in handling crisis in business setup. I think if leaders are able to establish and put up all these points together, it is going to be easier for them in coming up with a great solution
Working as a team for a single purpose is key to success, but one people start trying to outshine each other, selfish personal interest sets in and that has the potential put a set back to a companies growth
We've also got to deal with leadership succession crisis. This is one crisis that plague many big platforms and systems. Knowing that sometime whether naturally or artificially, there would needs be some kind of replacement in leadership. Maybe we look at the Binance situation...
Transparency, calm, focus and teamwork are always good ways to deal with any crisis. Of course, there are specific situations that require specific solutions, but that's about it!
One should be ready to face a crisis at any time because it's inevitable. Don't be too quick to solve the crisis alone, discuss with your team members. Also never give a solution when you're tensed, you might end up messing things up
that is the whole point of having a team. The diversity in viewpoint and skills make conflict or problem solving much more easy. This is why it is important to have diversity in the space. I have seen this work well for many web 2 and 3 companies
As a founder, it is very important to surround yourself with people who are ready to work with you during a crisis and they have to possess the ability to make quick technical decisions to solve the problem.
very true, people with like minds that know about the situation and can help to get problems solved. This is why teams should be in strategic places when this happens, just like when inleo have Dec teams that reacts to feedback as quickly as they do
I believe that the first and most important thing a founder should remember when navigating a crisis is to stay agile and Communicate effectively and essentially, also Get a team to manage the crisis when it's a large deal. Information is key, to gather information about the situation, so that you can solve it
Crisis mangement can happen at any time and does not leave a warning when it comes.Which makes it a big problem because most people would not be prepared to take on the crisis at that moment which can end up badly
Founders in dealing with crisis, should be very transparent and clear with the kind of challenge they are trying to put up a solution to, if you make things clear to your team and customers, solving that challenge will be very easy for me
Crises management is a big thing for a founder, it’s normal for a founder to face crises, but with the support of a team nd a good strategy, all will be fine, U need to be well informed nd communicative to able to deal with it effectively
While crises can be dangerous, a competent leader must be able to communicate effectively with their team because it is essential to overcoming obstacles. Successful resolution is further enhanced by addressing issues in an open manner.
Crises management is a big thing, but I think when you observed, cooperate, communicate, strategize and implement, there is bound to be a great result, which means a founder need to work together to be able to mange crises effectively.
i agree with you, the major thing is to have a perfect solution because crisis will always appears, so that's where planning comes in, to know how to solve those challenges.
Yeah, that is really true, crisis can one way or the other be used in propagating our business brands instead of thinking you have lost everything. Put up a good strategy and find ways in handling any crisis on your way to business success
Can you give an effective example of effective crisis’ communication? I know communication is key in managing crisis but an example of an effective communication would be great
Very true @lowercaseboot , in this age of socialmedia, brands leverage Crisis to further the reach of their brand. In fact, some brands intentionally stage a crisis to gain media coverage and that gives them a wide publicity. In all, we can leverage Crisis moments to our advantage.
I think scepticism is what hurts the most, especially in the crypto space that has been so undermined by criticism of the multiple scams that have taken place.
know, Observe, cooperate, communicate, and implement is the best chain needed to solve a crises, a founder must work with his team to manage any crises, since crises is normal for a founder, the best solution will be brainstormed by all.
I think you gave a really good summary to what a founder should have to avoid crisis or at least minimise the weight of it as they can't get rid of crisis totally. It's all part of growth, the management skill is what they just have to grow alongside.
Absolutely true problems are inevitable the founder cain't hide from it have a crisis management team on standby and brainstorming their way out of the problem will be the best approach
Founders can't function alone, the crisis would be more destructive if that's the case but with teamwork, it is much easier. And in cases where founders work with incompetent team, he could face crisis too. How to deal with this is quite the obvious, get competent team or train your team better.
Communication is very important in every aspect of life. Because when you engage with quality communication, you face less criss as a founder or director or whatever and you'll be able to manage certain crisis within your community!
crises are part of life and it's just left for us to know how to calmly handle the situation, and the tips shared so far from communication, plan b option, staying low on social media, etc can help us navigate out of crises.
That is why there is a team, I always say for crisis management there should be a crisis manager, the decision makers and the communicationist, I think there are other people needed on the team of crisis management.
that was an amazing contribution from "the colony" as regards leaving the risk management crisis function in the and of an individual, so I think he is employed to see to crisis issues and he has to do what he is employed to do, thank you.
I think there’s an important thing about crisis, in as much as we try to avoid it, During Crisis, you see people’s unexpected strengths, people are able to brainstorm for a short period. What do you think about this😁
Before challenges come up Establish a strong public relations strategy to manage the public perception of the organization, addressing concerns and promoting a positive image
because we don't have absolute control of events and people we deal with, crisis are bound to happen in business relationship, the difference though is how we manage it. With good plan and working relationship, iit can br reduced
You need your community/team in situations like this. I think there are crisis in both areas, spaces, community and team. So crisis happens so with the right steps and areas you could fix it no matter what.
Leaders don't have to be lean in solving crisis, you don't have to give any chance in solving the problem. Focus on whatever your problem is and make sure you try to find a solution no matter what.
The idea behind crisis resolution doesn't indicate that your business setup was weak or anything of such. You need to understand that crisis is inevitable and founders should be aware of that before setting up a business or project idea.
Being a founder is very demanding and challenging and as a result, the founder is charged with facing crises such as:
Technological crisis
Organizational Misdeeds
Workplace Violence
Rumors and so on.
This is very true. I had a conversation with a big business owner, and he told explained to me some of the problems that he goes through and anticipates. He said that conflict is a constant in the workplace and it's better to anticipate
Founders need to factor out the kind of crisis he or she is facing in with his project or community. External crisis needs a special way of solving it as compared to that of an internal crisis.
Exactly. In web3, there are a lot of people with noteworthy qualities that are worth emulating. This is one of the many things I love about Hive. You are constantly in an environment that teaches so much intangible qualities.
i guess the best approaches to deal with crisis management are (1) keeping calm or cool and approaching the crisis strategically(2)Creating and executing a communication
strategy communication is key
totally right, you can't approach a problem with you disorganized being calm before approaching a crisis helps you think probably and good communication is the key to almost half our problems in the world.
I believe that you are right. However, I think that a good manager or a management team would always cultivate the foresight that would forecast or foresee Crisis and navigate through its avoidance. I think that should also count.
crisis is inevitable, and some crisis could just be right to take correct steps, so what I suggest is that the leaders or founders should give some listening here to those crisis and see how they can help solve the issues
When crisis arises there is no need for the founder to panic the best is to remain calm while trying your best to manage the situation and taking time to figure out the way out of it
Prior to the opinion that Crisis is inevitable in any form of business, I believe that crisis can actually be avoiding in any venture or endeavour. The most important thing about Crisis is neglect and mismanagement breeds Crisis the most.
I see the 6th birthday logo is that is what you are talking about
It sure does feel long than 6 years but to tell you the truth the only way I remember it is one month to the day after my friend joined and it took him 1 month to get me to join
The high rate of unemployment in Nigeria is so bad that it has a negative effect on the festive period. What side hustles can one use to achieve a descent amount of income in a short time frame
It will be difficult for any non-DPoS smart contract platform out there to beat the value proposition of #Kronos blockchain: Free account creation, Free transfer and Free smart contract. What do you think?
But it’s probably better for technical peeps to run the nodes. They are expensive and also may require occasional updates
It’s meant to be like people who used to run their own modems. It’s not necessary, but there can be benefits. If you’re technically inclined and have extra time / desire, then it may matter!
Long-term investment refers to the strategy of holding assets with the expectation that they will appreciate in value over an extended period, typically years or decades.
This approach involves weathering short-term market fluctuations and aiming for sustained growth over time, long-term investments include stocks, bonds, real estate, and retirement accounts.
Long-term investments, like retirement accounts, may offer tax advantages, such as deferred taxes on gains or tax-free withdrawals under certain conditions.
Long-term investments, like retirement accounts, may offer tax advantages, such as deferred taxes on gains or tax-free withdrawals under certain conditions.
Don't underestimate the power of kindness. It can touch lives, heal wounds, and create a ripple effect of goodness. Let's spread it far and wide. 🌟 #BeTheChange #cwh #KindnessMatters
the LEO AI engine will probably be one of the biggest projects we develop with incredible real world use cases
Imagine a chat GPT that is trained on all threads - your threads, other people’s threads
AND all blog posts.
Example question: how many times have I written about X topic? Or who commented the most on my blog posts from 2 years ago? Or what is the #1 most commonly asked question doing INLEO ama threadcasts
During the AMA yesterday, I throw a suggestion which I guess wasn't seen due to large numbers of user's.
My opinion, is there no means at which the AI initiative won't be for premium subscriber's alone, I mean new user's should have an opportunity to access it to help them get answers to lot of questions they might have to ask as regard the community.
that is literally exactly wha to was asking for with regards to AI. I don’t want it to help write posts but it would be awesome in compiling or finding old posts that I can share with people off platform!
away of you had the choice to be alone in 2023 or 1900 which would you choose? For all the romanticizing of the good old days few would want the life of back then.
I bet you what you want that I would choose 1900, for the simplicity of things, the essence, people were happier with less. Nowadays they want more and more.
How do you know people were happier? Child abuse was tolerated. Child labor was commonplace. People worked 6 days a week, 12-15 hours perday, no overtime.
And many diseases were a death sentence. Can you imagine what the dentist was like.
Frankly,I didn't think about it this way,you may be right,I'm not sure what the world was like back then.But when we consider everything,they both have their good sides,but it's difficult to know which one is better without experiencing it
To be honest, history never moves in linear progression and, depending on various criteria, some earlier period are better than latter. Romans during Crisis of 3rd Century or Barbarian Invasions would probably prefer living during the earlier period of Pax Romana. But that definitely doesn't apply to 2023 vs. 1900. In a couple of years, if we aren't lucky, things might look different, though.
I think the timeline is slowly coming back to life. I am not sure how to explain this glitch to a new user. I agree with @brando28 that someone, somewhere, somehow needs to address these issues. We cannot be complacent and go on with it.
May be take on and rezig the witnesses with the retail wallet we have.
Todays Ama was very educative, it really helped me to see the importance of buying asset or cryptocurrency with the motive of holding it not selling it off immediately
It looks very pretty on you, if my little girl sees it she will surely love it, she really likes everything related to Christmas, and she loves to put bows or buckles in her hair.
Am I the only one not all that hyped about #AI ? It just feels like everything we have seen for the last year is just recycled BS that a prompt is able to extract at a fast pace. Is it really that impressive?
kind of, but like everything else, milkers gonna milk. I think the implications are pretty crazy, especially if you imagine it 2-5 years out. People talking about sentience and all that are just…. 🙄
Diciembre es el mes más bonito del año, pero estos últimos años, ha sido el mes con más compromisos que he tenido durante el año y en este las actividades escolares no han parado.
Amo que mis hijos participen en las actividades escolares y verlos felices, pero realmente Diciembre va casi a la mitad y no he podido disfrutar con ellos como quiero, debido a tantas ocupaciones.
Besides all the technical stuff, I'm really enjoying the state Hive is in. I am really earning a good amount of Hive assets, without really posting. I couldn't say that if a year ago, and the evolution of hive continues…
No, unless you like being corralled into controlled thought. Most do though in the name of simplicity and the majority will become more zombiefied than they already are... I do not look forward to that, because it's already a pandemic
Honestly not really lol AI fad has pretty much chopped up into nothing that impressive still across the board. It's going to take some major advancement in what AI really offers to change my mind.
Still VERY bullish on $LEO I think I might go buy some LEO.....Like I did yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before and the day.....
Biggest news was something Khal sneaked in there, about hiring away a Google dev for the team lol APY in wallet *crossing fingers should be sooooooon lol
The SNES MINI has 21 games and I plan on playing them all. Up next is Contra 3; a fast past and fun game that can be played with up to two players. Post linked in the comment section.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ lisamgentile1961. (2/20)@flaxz!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ lisamgentile1961. (14/20)@flaxz!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ flaxz. (12/20)@lisamgentile1961!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
Great work peeps
LOL Thanks.
The message is to build, build and build.
Okay, I will fire the first shot.
I am so frustrated with ongoing node issues on leothreads. Add to this frustration fuel the inability of teams have consensus on items. DAO and decentralization are good concepts but do you think this governance structure is the right solution for the issues we have on Hive?
I am sure I did not sound coherent there but you get my frustration, I hope.
we appreciate this feedback
It sucks that nodes can’t handle more load. INLEO has outgrown our ability to request data from them
Other apps on hive don’t have this issue since their requests are so small (mostly just blog posts and comments)
Our own LeoNode which is a node for Hive will solve these issues. It’s a bigger server than other nodes + is specifically designed for our requests + is built solely for LEO
This is really interesting and I hope the leonodes start working ASAP. The frustration is everywhere and we really hope it gets better soon because more new users are showing up everyday and it won't be nice if the interface keeps shutting them out.
But in all of these, Inleo is doing well to manage the situation and I must commend the team. I guess this is a crisis and I'm loving how you all are managing it 🦁
What is your favourite fast food chips/french fries?
Can you talk about the relationship between Hive witnesses and the devs that work on the chain.
Right now, it just seems that the same witnesses take us in whatever direction they please, because they can both code and approve updates.
Should the witnesses and devs be separated, so there is accountability on which direction the chain is headed?
I envisage witnesses becoming more of a political party where they support a specific direction (such as making the chain more business savvy for example).
Also, INLEO's short form is simply providing a platform for people to engage and earn.
More people = more people to engage with about life and interests.
Promote it Jongo, don't listen to him!
Once LEO to HIVE moves back to 1:1, we'll get an avalanche.
Every single one of my posts over the last 3 years are evergreen, Task.
Every single one.
I'm a strange guy.
What's your take on the constant issues on Hive?
In my opinion, it's getting a bit too much to be honest. Should we discuss more of them? And if so, what would be the right forum for that?
I hear talks about onboarding new users but I wouldn't do that. Not now. Definitely not now. They'd just leave with this much issues almost every day. I think would be wise to get things fixed first and then start campaigns, etc. so the work wouldn't go to waste.
Ohhhh I plan on talking about this a LOT tonight!!!
Go for it!
Btw, I have to get some sleep soon, is there gonna be a recording available somewhere tomorrow? Would really like to listen to it. 🙂
Find it almost everywhere. I listened to them on apple podcast.
Ok, cool! Definitely gonna listen tomorrow! It's GN time now.
Hello maniacs!
What happens to the 5% fee that is collected when we use the Hive to HBD conversion process? Does it get burned? Sent to DHF? Something else?
Ohh the Leo Market Talk days were fun
That was how I met most of the people I interact with to this day
Ayyy :)
I made an account to share interesting stuff from Twitter to threads, but Leo muted my account and I can't even claim the keys, which is weird cause it wasn't spammy
We can be active on and spend all day on hive but the real value comes from having higher MAU. #inleo aimed to have 5K userbase by end of year which looks highly unlikely as we are celebrating 2K userbase. To be honest, 2K user base is huge in the context of other FE doing not much in onboarding new users.
This is a comment. No question here :) #cryptomaniacs
Lol Task:
But sir, you're in an apartment...
How does the Town Hall group pick the topics for the calls? And do you already have something lined up for the next one?
I totally agree. I openly told some people in my family that I don't like them and don't enjoy being around them and that I won't put myself to it just because we are related.
It had a double positive effect because not only I get to stay away from those people, the people in my family I actually care about know that truly like them because I haven't told them to fuck off :D
Wen LeoNode? Do we have a firm date? Please don't say #soon. 😭
I asked khal that today and he said hopefully in 3 days
Not a big fan of the answer.
Maccas is so boring... 😉
Yep, I'm a huge fan of what Town Hall Witness is doing.
Definitely go vote them if you haven't!
Growing pains
Found you on the Threadcast
McDonalds fry are king
Five guys also good
Arby's curly fries are the bomb
How much is Jongo in love with Web2? 😂 I heard through the grapevine (leothreads) that he's premium on X now.
sacrilege 😁
Task- what brought you to Hive and kept you?
Thank god we went with threads in the end
Same thing with InLeo... it was supposed to be roarly, can you imagine that?
Is it possible now or will it be possible to move bookmarks from one folder to another?
I will take that advice to heart. I was going to only concentrate on stacking $LEO, but understand that HP is as important
Right, we need informational content that people search for on search engines
Rant until you die
I´m here because my frens Jongo and Task are here
The most epic rant of all time
It is 100% Leo's fault, because Khal said we pulling from all of the API's and it isn't enough
Constant updates bring constant bugs and make old ones recur
Being able to compete with google pay is impressive
You play hocky indoors, so it's everywhere
Had to duck out right at the end of the stream, but cheers for the show.
Fun as always :)
I'm slightly fired up for tonight's #podcast !!
That is good. An excited JonGo is a good thing.
Just do not make it 18+ :P
No promises with Task lol
ha ha that's when you will have a higher viewership number
I have a feeling this month’s #lpud is gonna be astronomical
Definitely! I already have my tokens ready to be staked. Just doing the count down 🦁🦁
let’s gooo!
Is going to be Banga, the best of all time
Its gonna be huge!
oh yes, 100%
Definitely, just as you people are working on something, I bet it too that lot of user's here are aldo cooking something too.
many things are a brewing
I transferred 9K $LEO from BNB chain. 15% power up rubbed me the right way :P
hahahah love to see it!
Wen LeoNode goes live, we should (hopefully) see a resolution to most of our scaling issues
No more splitting requests to 8 hive nodes. INLEO has outgrown the infrastructure that currently is in place
Time for a new era
this is something i'm curious about...does this mean Hive, as much as we all love it, just isn't ready for mass scaling as it's currently set up?
The node architecture definitely needs improvement especially when it comes to rate limiting sites like us
Physically speaking, these nodes can handle a lot more requests. But they limit because they don’t want to get overloaded
There’s nobody sending the quantity of requests that we are through these nodes (and it’s not even close)
So the infra is there, it just isn’t available to us unless we make it ourselves. If that makes sense
100% makes sense. And that I think is a fantastic way to look at it. If it's not there, build it what is needed.
And buy more $LEO....gotcha lol Cause once that Leo Node is online, I can just see how this place will explode.
haha yes and yes
We are about to hit 2,000 MAUs for the first time ever!! That’s nearly 25% of the total hive social monthly active userbase
not yet it is not ready
I’m thinking about 3 days from now. It depends on a lot of factors and our team is GRINDING to make it happen
Nice! I'm crossing my fingers and sending good vibes
we need it!! Thank youu
agreed. We all need to run our own nodes to scale up the blockchain.
that will be great
nice, can't wait
Decentralization? Any?
Random out loud thoughts....
We need $LEO Swag.....
I know I would buy some merch and rock it on the #cryptomaniacs podcast every week!
I thought Khal has a friend who would produce it. Heard that somewhere on #ama
I'm dying to buy some LION gear!!!!
I need to update it for the new INLEO logo, don't have a png file for the new logo though. Need a copy.I created this to get myself some swag. https://www.bonfire.com/store/leofinance-swag/
Imagine sumone out there has sum sumwhere.. Don't recall though. Best in finding sum!
Didn't @scaredycatguide have some?
Does he??? Oh wow, didn't see it.
I swear he was rocking a shirt on his travels at one stage.
Cat, you might be able to flip a few here ;)
sounds like a good plan now to get someone to make it
Well, if I get the ok, I'll just take the LEO logo and go create my own...But LEO isn't decentralized in that sense, so I'll play fair lol And I have no issue at all paying LEO for the gear.
make sense but Kaz should be happy for you to use his log in that manner
make it Hive heavy on the logos since you guys onboard and you can get some Hive help funding that Merch
Even with a bit of a pesky cold, it's a great time for coffee time. I hope you have a wonderful day! 😉
😂 I like the mug
"If you want different results, don't always do the same thing" this is the back of the mug
The best of this morning's AMA. Applies beautifully to crypto.
Elon.....You get my fiat for a while. I have some work to do.....
I thought it was still like eight dollars, but I was surprised to see it's 22.
on my phone there were 3 options....5 bucks, 15 and 20....on my desktop, it was 5, 10 and 20.
What kind of crises can a founder anticipate? and how should they deal with it?
To manage crisis pretty well, they we might need to be accountable, take responsibility and be calm and always have a plan B, plan B usually are like the Saving grace that helps takes you off the ongoing crisis, this is absolutely necessary
I think this is important. One must plan for any contingency in any given moment. If you don't have a backup plan, you could get burned really easy and fast! There are so many projects out there that went that way and it wasn't pretty.
Effective communication, clear guidelines, a supportive team, adaptability, and seeking external expertise are key strategies for navigating and overcoming challenges.
Yeah communication plays a good role in managing crisis suitaton.Communication involves galking with the team and discussing a perfect strategy to take on the crisis at hand.Seeking any external expertie would play a keg role too
Founders should heed others' mistakes. Learning from past experiences equips them to tackle crises effectively. By understanding how predecessors navigated challenges, they gain valuable insights, ensuring wiser decisions when crisis comes
We should learn from our mistakes. Instead of insisting on it, we should accept the reality and check our own limitations. So we can find the path to be successful with our business or companies.
The most difficult thing in the projects is to assume the mistakes, a good leader must be prepared and assume the risks and get up, I even believe that something like this would give more confidence to the community in such a case.
Yeah, this is a great add on, founders should try to look at how those in similar businesses faced those crisis that came on their way. They should be leaders that are ready to seek assistance from people that have similar project running
Consistency of communication is very important in managing a crisis. For example, if you send out updates maybe once every 2 days. It is important to maintain this consistency in times of crisis. There would be no need of trying to send in a barrage of updates in such a very short period of time. Maintaining the same frequency helps to contain the pressure in the community.
Crisis is just inevitable, it happens either in a relationship, at work or anywhere, but one needs to remain calm during the crisis as it is just a normal thing, you hit the nail on the head #Jeremy
I think that sometimes it is difficult to go through a crisis and not have emotions running high or to have a crisis in our feelings ourselves. When I have gone through them I try to remember that it will pass 💫
Being a leader is not all about carrying the whole burden alone, you need to be open to your team, you will be amazed at the help and suggestion you can get from your team to navigate through the crises.
I support this theory, it does not mean that being a leader can handle everything alone, you must trust a team that is willing to support in times of crisis and in the face of any other adversity.
This is one of the things some leaders and managers are lacking in organizations. They think that since they are in an exalted position they are the reservoir of knowledge. No it's not so.
During the moment of crisis, I discovered there was the need to have a business coach and mentor and I didn't have. I barely had a team to talk about it because I was a solopreneur.
exactly what Jeremy said. Many of us are solopreneur or shy to ask for help. It's not really the best way to improve as the pressure and effect of the crisis can be much on the person but having better team and mentors can really sustain and manage the establishment for success with little effect of the crisis
Generally we always try to avoid moments of crisis, but they also serve to show us in a more serious and tense way where we are failing and making mistakes. I believe that we learn more from mistakes than from successes, but of course this is subordinated to personal mistakes, since in a company or project, making mistakes can be very costly and can become a bad deal for all members.
Quite a complex question, but one of the things I have often seen is public disagreement between members of a project, even abandoning their role in the project. I think this creates mistrust and therefore crisis.
I agree with you that it is a very interesting point to be analyzed, I am not sure if crisis management also encompasses what people can think or do, for example when they do not agree with an opinion or position, but I believe that a good manager can predict exactly this as well and thereby minimize this problem.
The truth is that yes, we don't know much about what's going on behind the scenes, but it's true what you say, I hope this situation can be resolved soon.
That sounds like an organizational crisis. That creates gaps in some processes and they are extremely dangerous. It fractures not only the workflow, but also the people. This could lead to a loss of credibility with customers.
This is interesting, because this always happens in any kind of project, but it gets worse when the disagreement is between leaders, and many times when one of them abandons everything falls, it would be great to find a solution to this.
the emotional state of the founder and the team behind the project really matters when crisis happens. When crisis happens, everyone should be goal oriented and seek for solutions, not merely crying over the failed projects.
That's why I understand that you need knowledge of psychology, knowing how to manage your feelings so that things don't get out of hand.
Good topic today, it's definitely something we need to look at inorder to get them ready and prepared for tasks ahead of them, especially when it comes to building and keeping users stick to their projects.
I believe that one of the points that a good manager needs to be careful with a project is precisely the allocation of resources, whether financial or not, as I think that an unfinished project, halfway through, can be something very bad and demotivating, which can mark negatively the entire team and the careers of its members, for example future projects that they may participate in.
Absolutely agreed. Poor management can lead the team and the project to waste in a matter of seconds. Resource allocation should be a subject that should be studied, because learning from experience is costly and sometimes painful
Yes, I believe that many of these crises happen when the leader does not delegate correctly the tasks to be performed or the resources as such, that is why a team is needed to help with everything involved in a project to avoid these crises
Exactly, it is super necessary to have a ready and highly technical team that can help in the most complicated moments, this makes perfect sense and will help a lot.
One Crisis a founder can face is disagreements among his or her employees. One thing we all will admit to is anything that involves more than one person is bound to generate Crisis but then the best way to deal with such a crisis is by being a good Listener and observer.
You have to learn how to listen more than speaking more, that way it will help you spot the source of the crisis easily and eventually when the problem is know, there will surely be a solution.
Where there is more than one person involved, there will be disagreements. But these disagreements shouldn't lead to serious crisis. If they do, the leader has to step in, be objective and think about what is best for the business.
Well said
Today topic is just bringing back memories of time when I was studying administration.
There is an example like this in one of the text book. The CEO need to be a good listener and ask question. There might be two groups wanting dfferent
things but most time the minority group can be wrong or right. Also, he can resolve the crisis by requesting for feedback to a questionnaire set by him.
I do miss crisis management class
It’s not easy to solve a crisis for real
Interesting! So you are a bizadmin graduate, that's nice.
Thank you for your contribution
Pub admin graduate 😌😉
Okay 🤧😂
Hello everyone, nice to have everyone on the show. Join and learn more about from Breads show. @herculeand, @luchyl, @ngobaby and @mrchuks
and you didn't mention me
so sorry. Reason is that I saw you online. Those one are yet to wake for the show. You can help to contact them to join. I missed the last show before AMA before I did not know
Here already.
hey @sammyhive what is bread show?? unfortunely i don't know about it.. kindly tell me
It's a show hosted on X spaces where several topics on Web3 projects and blockchain are discussed. You have the opportunity to learn, ask questions and engagements.
Feel free to contact him on @breads
ooh.. that's great way of learning new project on web3 .... thankyou
Will join @bread soon
Attracting and retain skilled professionals by offering competitive compensation will help to face any Challenge
it’s good to be a premium user 🥹🥹
250 words isn’t enough for me to express myself
Do it as a threadstorm, lol 😂
I no want
I’m waiting for premium giveaway
By the way, why haven't you subscribed yet? 🙄
Next month I promise I would
Starting my Jan with premium
In all, I think some crisis, when rightly managed, could make the project stronger and better. I remember the @inleoio bridge leaks that time and how the report led to a stronger and more -proof bridge.
After experiencing a crisis in our own business, we should deal with it by discussing it with everyone involved in the business or the project. I think any kind of trouble can be controlled by taking joint initiative.
No doubt the subsequent conversation has to go. You have to learn from what happened and make a plan to prevent it in the future. Some people are afraid of that conversation as it seems to them that they will just be looking for blame.
In view of that, we need to create an active and healthy community for our businesses. So that we can get the perfect solution to manage the crisis we face. An active community plays a vital role for a business.
Working together is capital to face crises, strategies that benefit the majority must be thought of, for therein lies the potential of a leader, if he/she is able to see beyond.
I think there is always going to be crisis, and any founder has to be ready at all time to face these crisis, have some money saved for crisis and always have the emergency team ready for action at all times
Getting the right team to solve a crisis is important in handling a crisis. Bringing different minds with different opinions laid out on the table could quickly solve the problem, but a thorough review must be made before implementing the solution.
Not everyone in the organization has to be involved on managing crisis, that will make the response to slow, but who takes decisions has to bet set up before something happens, even the loses that can be afforded have to be set up beforehand.
You are right. Collective initiative makes a task very easy. Moreover, if we have the opinion of others for crisis management, then the pressure on us will decrease. As a result, we can find the perfect solution very easily.
Yeah that is a great idea from them, I also do agree to that as well, but then sometimes we need to select the problem solvers among the team to deal with those problems and not just everyone in the team.
Mistake are not planned but simply occur without intention.Moreover, tend to occur at the most inopportune moment.u never want to expect failure, but ur project should be prepared for different types of crisis situations in case any happen
Great point! Salam. I think In handling any crisis, communication is key. Transparent and honest communication with employees, customers, and stakeholders builds trust and allows for a smoother resolution.
Wow what an awesome topic, I do love this topic when I was in school.
It's very important to manage crises which might threaten the operation of the organization.
While Web3 promises a decentralized and user-controlled future of the internet, it also introduces new challenges and potential crises. Like in crypto we can face some volatile move. So have to learn before using a Web3 platform.
Due diligence is the first step to take in crisis management. This is to fact check the true cause and origin of the crisis. This will help determine from what point to attack the crisis from.
Absolutely! the founder has to do their homework, like fact-checking where it all started and why. This way, they can figure out the best way to tackle the problem head-on. It's like finding the right starting point to fix things.
I feel crisis are inevitable and so whenever it happens, try to figure out what the problem is and assess the risk level. Then find a solution. Trust me, there is always a solution. You should know crisis management ain't magic, it's smarts
Yes, I imagine you have to be very smart to get behind a crisis and come out on top. Keep a cool head too, analyse without feelings getting in the way. You must be someone with a lot of emotional intelligence.
When it comes to business, crises can definitely be destructive. But the key to navigating through them is effective communication with your team and possessing the qualities of a good leader.Also, openly discussing the challenges will help
A business crisis brings awareness to the founder to know something about that area of issues and apparently, application of the solution.
Good expertise among your team members is just a perfect way to curb a crisis, so you have someone to run to, at least someone smarter and more experienced than you are.
exactly the way to go. The problem is some founders or rather managers would rather overlook the problem than calling up someone that can easily rectify the problem. For various reasons. I have been in that situation n4. A junior staff
Looking at Crisis management, I think the founder's role is very key. He gives direction and bears the weightier part of the burden of the project or business.
The founder's role is very key. Attention and direction will be required from him or her to give a solution to the crisis.
In crisis management, what role (for hire)in the team is most important for that?
I think it depends on the nature of crisis.
There are several roles for crisis management it depends on the nature of the crisis. There could be the general crisis manager that manage all crisis and also the decision makers that help in making suitable decisions during that time.
Then the communicators that could communicate during these problems. These people can communicate in crisis and understand things
Crisis can happen at anytime and there is always a solution for crisis and a strong leadership needs to be ensured. Moreover, need to Assemble a crisis management team to handle the situation. Also, a plan is need to be developed by them. Crisis management plan should be rooted with the philosophy & also the values of the organisation.
If we are the founder of our projects, we should be stay calm to handle the situation. We have to deal the crisis professionally not emotionally. We need to monitor your industry, market, and competitors to stay ahead of potential threats.
Yeah, there should be a protocol to follow, to know who does the calls when making fast decisions, some times there is no time to communicate to everyone so there has to be people authorized tho handle the things that can not be planned in advance. Then they have to report after the issue and explain everything
Exactly, every leader with his team must have an action plan to manage crises. Otherwise, he would be committing a serious failure and that would jeopardize the future of the project.
Good leadership helps with effective problem solving. Support, organization and other factors are essential. There will always be problems, the key is to solve them efficiently.
Something that can influence a crisis is emotions, you have to be prepared and have a risk management plan in case something goes wrong, raise the problem, listen to opinions and make the best decision, a good leader would do that.
Your words are very accurate 🤗. Strong leadership means that the project lead or project owner is willing to work together with his team. Crises are more manageable when those involved act for the common good 💫 It is the welfare of all.
To solve crisis you just need the right team to communicate with, if you have a conversation with the right team you get the problem solved. So In order to handle crisis just surround yourself with the right people. #communicate
A big way to go on this. Communication is a big key in solving any crisis that is showcased in businesses.Having the right team checking in with HR to detect changes in employees' behaviour is one way, with this problem can be managed.
Exactly. And look for good qualities when choosing team members. People with lots of experiences and won't panic in face of crisis.
Absolutely! Building a strong team with effective communication is pivotal in andresolving crises. Collaborating with the right individuals ensures a proactive approach to problem-solving, making the journey through challenges smoother.
Some crises could cause a breakdown in businesses, it could be the allocation of resources, financial issues, or communication issues. When this is done, prosperity can set in.
Mostly it is like this, it is unfortunate when they happen, it can even completely finish a company, there have been cases like this. And others of those who recover from it.
But with a pre planned crisis management can abort this from happening. The downfall would be stopped by the crisis management team. Because there is a solution for every problem and I think there’s nothing to be worried about.
I believe that transparency is necessary for everything to work properly and for the objectives to be achieved.
I also believe that decision-making should take place in a meeting, because everyone has to be part of the same growth.
Financial crises are usually constant when partners do not know how to communicate with each other and face the situation in the correct way. You must look for a team that is willing to face difficult situations and seek quick solutions.
@breads I believe that financial and operational crises are the most obvious and the most difficult to overcome, but with planning, preparation, communication, and transparency, these crises can be overcome and can even strengthen everyone
There is this topic in administration we did that has to do with crisis management. When we are dealing we crisis, there are theories to get the solution
Are there tools required to solve it
And lastly
If this steps are followed probably, there is no crisis that can’t be solved.
According to what we were
Perhaps one of the first things we could do when alarms sound is to determine if it is a false alarm. If we confirm it, we need to assess the risks, based on whether it is "important" or "urgent" or both.
It is always like this, sometimes it is difficult to analyze if it is true or false, it is always good to confirm if everything is right or not.
Yes, just like when the fire alarm sounds: is the house on fire or just the popcorn grandma is making?
Good point. While there can be various issues or concerns, some are more pressing than others so to avoid getting overwhelmed, assessing them would make us decide on which to solve first based on their urgency.
Yes, that's right. Some may be urgent because of the repercussions it could have, others because there is simply a deadline to be met. These are good factors to measure the issue.
Yes, that's true.
It's good to confirm if it's a false alarm, but in some situations it may be to late to confirm if it is false or not so I always prefer you save important files and properties first, before confirming if the alarm is true or false
I get the point. The legal part is very important and must be given its place.
No matter how good you are there will definitely be crisis and that doesn’t mean something is wrong with you or your organization because crisis are normal and handling them with wisdom in a civil manner is the ideal thing to do.
Indeed, well said. Some crisis have nothing to do with you as a founder or individual but will happen no matter what. It all depends on how well you as a founder handles the crisis. That is why it's very good to have the right people
Having the right people is just the goal because crisis is inevitable. It's doesn't matter how excellent one is or how good or bad the organisation is. What matters is how the crisis got resolved at last and with right people, it's easier
there are things that are inevitable in life. As far as you engage and relate with people in whatever field, there is bound to be crisis. How you manage that crises determines a lot on how well you take charge of situations.
A leader must have certain characteristics to perform his or her job, otherwise the project is prone to fail. The important thing is how he manages each situation and gets out of crises well, because many situations can be overcome.
Exactly. You couldn't have said it better
The skill to handle crisis is very important for founders and businesses owners. The first thing is to use the right words to calm things down and don't get pressured to solve the problem quickly but take time with serious thinking and consideration to solve the problem.
yeah you are very correct bro
Skills required are key, not being panic when issues came up, just provide am amazing solution.
That is right bro, I guess this is another skill founders / leaders need to possess. Being quick to act without properly thinking about what the outcome of your action is wouldn't be wise to handle a crisis. It's good to take a sec to think
Founders have to build a patience mentality when crisis arise because it not easy to stay sane when it seems things are falling apart, because not only could the project get destroyed completely but the founder could breake down at that period and loss their mind.
That's true. It's amazing what 5 minutes of patience can solve. Overreacting only makes things worse
It is true that business owners must have the ability to manage times of crisis. You have to have a cool mind and calmly analyze the problem and see how to solve it in the shortest time but always analyzing everything necessary.
Analysing the problem with a trusted team would enhance quick solution to the problem, but the founder has to be careful not to rush things because it could backfired.
I've had financial Crisis I'm business. Lost some big money in my first 2 years in business. I was all very new in the business sphere and within 24 months, I lost about $2k. It was a big money then.
It's common knowledge that some projects may not turn out the way it was planned at first and in cases of crisis management, I think one of the effective way of managing crisis is effective communication.
The key to success in addition to effective communication are the plans, we must always keep in mind the pros and cons, things that we do not want to happen in times of crisis, we must keep them in mind to be prepared...
MO: Money problems can be incredibly stressful-Possible team conflicts-product not performing as expected-A burnout-legal issues-Health challenges.Crises are part of the journey,so embrace it,acknowledge emotions & seek support when needed.
I think that financial problems in projects are a factor that will always be there, here the point is how to solve it as a team and to reach a mutual agreement so as not to let the project die would be the main thing.
Absolutely, spot on Cieliss🔥
Involving your team to find solutions is a great approach, see it as a cooperate problem rather than an individual problem.
Answering to your question @Bread I think when those things are happening you just have to stay calm. It is difficult but you need to stay calm and try to understand what’s going on and think of ways to manage what is going on
This requires several competencies. In fact it was something that was discussed in a previous space. Keeping calm is difficult, but a good, well-trained leader can do it. But he needs first of all, be a leader, not just a boss.
I agree with you! When life throws challenges your way, it's important to stay calm, keep your head in the game, and stay focused on your goals. Remember, setbacks are just temporary roadblocks on the path to success.
There is no single way to solve a crisis. Everything depends on the context in which the project is immersed and the characteristics of the people involved.
Crises management to start with means they had been a failure in one sector or another, to manage this, one need to stay calm, take your time to monitor the situation,this helps not to jump into conclusion or panic into causing more damage.
Taking time to assess the problem and providing solutions is important because rushing to create a solution could make the problem worse because of poor evaluation.
That's exactly my point and definitely a way to go, we must be willing to not rush into conclusion, so as to not add to the ongoing crisis
When we talk about crisis management, we mean crisis within the organization which is within the domain of the organization and those outside the organization(external factors)
Examples are natural disaster, work place violence etc
Our brains tend to focus on negative things, so during a crisis, it's normal for negative thoughts to take over. For this reason, you need to have a little knowledge of neuroscience or psychology to be able to manage them.
haha I like this
crisis can come up from technical issues, the Boss, poeple etc. But it's best to remain calm and figure out things knowing that some crisis can be managed or avoided happening again. How to improve should be the main focus
This is an cool topic to explore especially for people that are running a project in Web3. Things can go wrong from several places. It can be people related, tech related, tokenomics
I look forward to every discussion that will unfold here
I've had to deal with crisis many times and the first thing I do is take some time out to think and refresh so I don't take a decision of frustration.
Exactly, making decisions out of frustration as a founder might end in calamities too, it's very important that founder's have plan B when setting up a project, especially strategies that will help them tackle's possible difficulties that might comes up along the line.
✅ Exactly! Tbh Literally nothing productive can ever come from stress, panic & being burnt out from a crisis. What I do is logout of the situation & devices-Mind Over Money-it's not about avoiding crises, but navigating with humanity.
Yes, there'll be damages to the person's personal life if you fire someone during crisis. So, getting to manage the crisis is a big way to go. And remaining calm is another way to go as it makes you see things from another perspective.
It is a double-edged sword, sometimes dismissal occurs because there is a certain abandonment towards their role within a project, and this leaves openings that can be more critical when they resign unexpectedly.
Yes, it is, and that's one crucial point. But like one of the speakers said, you can't do it alone. So I do agree it is a double-edged sword.
One thing founder's need to do first when it comes to managing crises is to first identify the problem, weigh the level of risk involved too, that will help to know how to go about such issue and resolve it.
It's always hard to operate a project without facing some difficulties, but managing them in the best way is very important.
Identifying the problem and understanding the risk level is like putting on your crisis management cape. It gives you a clear picture of what you're facing and how to handle it. No project is smooth sailing, but with a cool head, you'r good
I also think so many Giveaways is something a community should not engage in often, that way you get to know if your community members are genuine or not. Will the community members engage on their own and not for the rewards?
I think crisis happens it could be financially, project or other areas, but one effective way to manage Crisis management is true effective communication. Try to Communicate what’s going on so you could get ideas on how to manage it.
great call
The effective way to resolving any form of crisis is by communicating, bring your team together and talk things out. That way you know how to fix the problem, communicating to the right people helps put you back on track.
Thanks for bringing up this topic It is amazing and it's key.
Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with a disruptive and unexpected event that threatens to harm the organization or its stakeholders.
Whoaa!! This is surely an amazing topic because crises are inevitable and can jeopardise our hard work and vision.
To be a founder of anything is not always easy. So, it's good to know different kinds of crises he should anticipate and know how to handle it. Because many founders are successful. So, knowing their secrets will be of help to others
Exactly! Crisis management is a critical aspect of running a business, and how a founder deals with it can significantly impact the company’s reputation, operations, and overall success. The first step for a founder in dealing with crisis management is to have a proactive approach by preparing and planning for potential crises.
hello, what’s up people!
Before we start of main point of discussion, I have very big question which I think it's one of the questions we have to consider.
Do we have any promising industries that this project will support their growth and development? #question?
Like a baking industry or something ?
The truth is that I'm a little intrigued too, but let's enjoy today's space anyway. n.n
Hello family of the pride
How are you doing today
Hello from here.
I love the song.
Hi everyone, it's good to be here.
Link to the space: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1zqKVqglkVYxB?s=20
the emotional state of the team behind a project can have a huge impact on how they respond to a crisis. But as you said, it's important to stay focused on finding solutions and taking action to resolve the crisis.
Very true. This is why emotional stability is one of the key personal characteristics that every business founder must possess. Business and innovation is not for the faint-hearted.
Team emotions are crucial in a crisis, yet focusing on solutions and taking action remains key. Balancing emotional understanding with a proactive mindset helps the team navigate challenges effectively.
Addressing the emotional aspect of crises. The teammates work with can help reduce the pressure but when that is overlooked. The population will distribute information that may be harmful to founder or victim.
In a web3 project, I think technological crisis are most painful. So, we have to get attached with some professional programmer or developer to find the bugs and fixed them instantly. Although we need learn some basic program by ourselves.
A project or business founder has to be efficient in the tracking and collation of fact s or maybe hire an analyst for that. However for a web3 Project, it could be easier to use time stamps to track on the Blockchain. @inleoio experienced a crisis sometime on its bridge to ETH Blockchain. It took a careful tracking to discover where the leak happened and it was solved.
Crisis come in many folds but some can be avoided by just keeping your audience or community updated on the happenings. Keeping your people regularly informed by giving them updates is a way to help them filter what they hear in the socials
Seems like I will just be reading comments to know how the discussion is going because I can't hear anything again and I didn't spam Spaces
Team work is important too. But that just another thing entirely for a founder who is experiencing crisis and trying to feel free from pressure.
Communication is key too and an important factor to avoid encountering crisis of any kind.
It's funny, the other day I was talking to a friend who is a crisis management specialist. He has years of experience and from what he told me, it's not an easy job. It's also very counter-intuitive.... sometimes you need to speak up when your intuition tells you to shut up and other times you need to be quiet when your intuition tells you to speak up
I imagine how complicated this profession must be, having to predict risks that you don't even know could happen, it is a profession that must demand a lot from the person, creating, for example, pressure on the person that they cannot make mistakes, or that they should have foreseen any error if it happens. Anyway, it's something I want to research more to understand better and have a sharper view on the subject.
Here and active.
During a crisis, it’s important to remain calm and composed. Taking moment to assess the situation and also gather as much information as possible. Understanding the scope and impact of the crisis is crucial in formulating an effective response.
Absolutely all projects, plans and so on that we may have present in our lives will run risks, and yes, you have to know how to keep calm to choose the right path that benefits the parties involved and that is done with a cool head.
Good point. Being able to find out exactly why the crises arose in the first place, getting every single detail related to the crises and analyzing them to be able to know how to handle it so it doesn't happen again I believe will help a lot
That is a good advice one have to follow during ups and down. Every situation need to be access with care and composed mind. When you access situation with composed mind and we are going to understand the the scope of it.
That is true, however we have to know how to search because in crises many of the information is usually false and speculative. We must always rely on reliable sources that have a good track record.
wow. Crisis comes in various forms. They are usually challenging situations and events that wants to frustrate the process and manage them really matter for the progress of the projects.
How can one learn from crisis that cause havoc that bankrupt their establishment?
Seriously you made a good point here. Because when crisis bankrupt the establishment of a company, managing this situation can't be possible at all. Since crisis comes in different ways, the one that causes havoc is worst
Jeremy had a point there. Lessons are learnt from the crisis previously experienced. Such events gives a lot of values and lessons that one can apply for good. Learning from others experiences too can help too. This is the best way of managing the crisis
You're right, but every crisis can break you completely. I remember that in my startup, we had a personnel crisis, some differences that we only resolved with transparency and communication, but it was difficult, and we learned from that
Thanks and sorry or that experience. We learn from them and keep us active and successful next time.
We need to learn, fix what's wrong, and move on. These are things that no one teaches you how to prevent or deal with; you learn on your own, dealing with the problem and with a strong desire to move forward.
We learn a lot from crises and then be able to have better management power for the next one. We must also learn from the experiences of others in order to have more elements when making decisions.
that's one of the best way to manage crisis
Yes, a good way would be to learn from our mistakes and the experience we have gained. Also, having the help of people who have been through something similar is a good thing. I agree with that.
A manager should be ready to encounter crises like financial crises, technical, staff, electrical, product/ service crises and others.
Each of them will come up, no doubt but it's pertinent to look critically at the reason behind each of the crises and proffer lasting solutions to them.
Again set up some motions in place such which will be able to detect the crises before it occurs.
Be prepared all the time to encounter crises, they will surely occur.
Crises pose a potential threat, yet effective communication with your team are great qualities of a strong leader and crucial for navigating through. Openly addressing challenges further contributes to successful resolution.
Crisis management is to stay focused on your long-term goals basically. It's easy to get caught up in the drama of a crisis, but it's important to keep your eye focused on the bigger picture. That will help not caught
crises are inevitable in businesses, when this happens what do you do? You don't sit back and cry rather you strategies on how to surmount and move ahead.
In times of financial crises, they must act decisively by cutting non-essential expenses, exploring funding options, and seeking expert advice. This proactive approach, combined with agile decision-making, helps sustain long-term success.
Having alternatives is the best way to cope during the crisis. Those alternatives show several viewpoints and strategies that can promote and improve the projects from many standpoint and solve the crisis when it occurs
You're absolutely right - alternatives and multiple perspectives are essential for successfully navigating a crisis. Having multiple options available can help to reduce the pressure of feeling like there's only one "right" solution.
sure. It gives out multiple views and perspectives that offer solutions and crisis management.
Yea thats definitely right having a plan B as a founder is an alternative for reducing pressure and gives you room to restrategize and improve the project thereby solving crises when it occurs.
having alternatives is the best way to manage crisis for success
Yea that's a great way to scale through such rough times, an alternative or plan B gives you room to restrategize, jump ship to a working method that helps the business
you are right. Alternatives have forms of strategy and views that helps the project to thrive when it hit the rock
In trying to fact check the origin of the crisis, it's important to keep a clear and open mind rather than look for who to blame. In fact, the founder must take responsibility for every crisis.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
In times of crises, sometimes refraining from answering certain questions can indeed be a wise decision. It allows for thoughtful consideration, assessment of the situation, and offering a more measured and appropriate response
one situation Crisis Management is required is like hearing the fire alarm in a company. everyone is in a hurry and then there is colliding, if the situation isn’t addressed properly, that situation becomes terrible, management is required.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
I don't know if it's my network or the site but I'm getting knocked off on Spaces, and threadscast is messing up
I'm guessing it's the site. It's a struggle for me to leave comments
Management of crises has to do with having the right people around to provide you with the right information and support that is needed to help you think straight.
Errors are not premeditated; they just happen accidentally, it happen at the worst possible time. Although failure is something you never want to anticipate, your project should be ready for various crisis scenarios in case they arise.
Crises pose a potential threat, yet effective communication with your team are great qualities of a strong leader and crucial for navigating through. Openly addressing challenges further contributes to successful resolution.
Having a good communication among your team is the best rather than being egoistic and not relate well with them, involving them makes it easier for the founder to lead the team and be successful
That's true, and you know something, crises also bring opportunities but just as you need a good leader and a good team to address such a crisis you also need them to create new opportunities and capitalize.
Having a plan B as a founder should be paramount, anything can happen at anytime and you must be able to brace your
self for the worst case scenario not panicking and complicating things.
Exactly, in everything one plans to do, there should also be an alternative plan on standby which will come as a backup incase the first one fails.
yes it will help you restrategize incase the first experience crisis.
I agree with you on that. No matter how things are planned, they can still go sideways so it's better to have something to resort to when such happens. There is no project that goes smoothly all the time.
Definitely no project goes smoothly no matter how it was nicely planned. Having a plan B as a founder would be a nice option to manage crises.
Yes. That's right. Although some circumstances can be solved without having to go through plan B.
Being prepared for the worst case scenario without becoming overly anxious or complicated is crucial for founders. Nothing is guaranteed, so having a backup plan is essential.
Th strategy for managing crisis also depends on the nature of the project. The organization of a web3 project is different from a web2 project. This is due to the difference in the more of communication about the project.
It makes sense. A leader needs to remain calm in the face of a crisis, I think this is the most appropriate quality, the most appropriate state. You have to be stoic.If not, things go wrong, if not there is much room for misinterpretation.
Do you consider a possible incoming bear market a crisis? If the answer is yes, how is the best possible way to plan for it? How do you manage something that systemic and huge, especially when we are talking about little crypto projects.
In my opinion, that's definitely a crisis. I never actually managed a crypto project and definitely never had to do it in a crisis scenario but I had gone through that situation in traditional projects and systemic crises are a thing. Sometimes there is very little you can do but damage control... things like cutting your losses and just try to survive till things get better
Yeah, it's really hard to plan for that kind of scenarios I think. Thank you for your take on this matter! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP !BBH !HUESO
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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
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Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/50)@tokenizedsociety! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @cpol.
We can't be negative about the crisis in the first place. Sometimes a crisis brings unexpected results for a company. Through crisis we can realize the weakness of the company. So I think crisis is not something negative.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
It makes sense. A leader needs to remain calm in the face of a crisis, I think this is the most appropriate quality, the most appropriate state. You have to be stoic.If not, things go wrong, if not there is much room for misinterpretation.
The type of crisis really influences a lot on how you deal with it... the only universal thing about crisis control is that you need to remain calm and try to control the narrative in the best possible way, even if it seems to be in a negative way.
What are some situations in which crisis could be managed, the whole discussion is just based on projects, are there other field we could experience crisis? Do different situation require different method?
I think it would not be wrong to say that in business, managing Crisis is easier for a web3 Project than for a web2 counterpart because we can utilize Blockchain timestamps to track the leak and fails.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
Making hasty decisions as a result of a crisis can be very risky!
What are the key factors that contribute to a successful crisis response? And how can businesses manage internal communication during a crisis?
These are my question for this show.
These are very nice question. Managing internal communication during a crisis is crucial for maintaining employee morale and minimizing reputation damage. I think honesty can save us from this kind of situation.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
Getting to know about things helps to get a solution, and that means you need to have a good team, just like you've stated. A good way to go.
I'd say finding the same page with the customers. Looking for a way to offer the best service in the most promising way that'll pls the customers in the best way.
The response strategy should always consider the impact and consequences on People, Environment, Assets and the reputation to the organisation when developing the crisis management plan.
There are different responses to different crisis. Some crisis don't need you to panic and do damage control while others need serious panic mode. If the crisis affects the health of your consumers, that's serious and needs swift attention
True, some can also be handle in silence, when the consumer doesn't get directly affected, but one the security is on the line and you are not sure that you can fix the issue, then you have to be transparent and inform of how the issue is being handle... this can damage the project tho, since people don't like being compromised... they should be grateful for being told the truth but ignorance is a bliss
You're right. Though saying something can damage the project it is important to let people know their security has been compromised. I now as a consumer I would appreciate that honesty
When assembling a team, it's crucial to prioritize soft skills in problem management. This skill not only safeguards the business with a proficient expert, but also resolves issues a also mitigates crises effectively.
Even so, they still need to be careful how they treat the people around them. Sometimes we know these people to be cold, distant and somewhat categorical with others. Empathy and kindness must still be present when dealing with the crisis.
True. There has to be a balance between everything
Nice take, allow the team members handle the projects their way but with guidance. You can't do it all alone.
As a business owner, you must understand that crisis are something that you can't do away with and it should be a part of your plans as you are setting up the business model. You need to put up plans to handle any crisis that comes your way
Hehe, bosses who tend to micromanage and want to do every single thing are not always so good to work with. They need to let the their team work on things and use their brain. They will also find creative ways to do stuff.
the crises are numerous in terms of finances, technology, technical know-how, and lots more. A founder should have the foresight that he can encounter any crisis at any time in the project. He should have a prepared mind to win.
Embracing humility, acknowledging others' contributions, and valuing diverse perspectives is very important for a team work. Fostering an open culture where everyone's voice is heard is key and gives room for success.
Absolutely, embracing humility, recognizing the contributions of others, and appreciating diverse perspectives are vital aspects of teamwork.
With these steps the perfect environment is created in my opinion
I agree with the vision, especially when we deal with large communities, not just listening to whales, for example, the more inclusive and diversified the project, the greater the support.
I second this. A founder needs to know how to manage his big E.
You raised a very valid point here. The founder's emotions should not overwhelm the projects goals.
We should loud it more because this actually result to crises which are not always easy to solve.
Nick that's very key. We've really got to be proactive with crisis. We don't wait till it happens, we agree that it's a sure aspect of every business and project so we put things in place ahead of time.
In this age of socialmedia, brands leverage Crisis to further the reach of their brand. In fact, some brands intentionally stage a crisis to gain media coverage and that gives them a wide publicity. In all, we can leverage Crisis moments to our advantage.
Develop a comprehensive plan, establish communication channels, appoint a crisis management team, be adaptable, conduct regular drills, collaborate with relevant entities, demonstrate empathy, learn from experiences, leverage technology, and adhere to legal and ethical standards. A proactive and prepared approach is crucial for managing crises successfully.
I guess you have mentioned almost all the strategies in handling crisis in business setup. I think if leaders are able to establish and put up all these points together, it is going to be easier for them in coming up with a great solution
Working as a team for a single purpose is key to success, but one people start trying to outshine each other, selfish personal interest sets in and that has the potential put a set back to a companies growth
We've also got to deal with leadership succession crisis. This is one crisis that plague many big platforms and systems. Knowing that sometime whether naturally or artificially, there would needs be some kind of replacement in leadership. Maybe we look at the Binance situation...
Transparency, calm, focus and teamwork are always good ways to deal with any crisis. Of course, there are specific situations that require specific solutions, but that's about it!
Transparency is essential in any project, especially when it comes to the Web, as users are afraid of scams, among others.
One should be ready to face a crisis at any time because it's inevitable. Don't be too quick to solve the crisis alone, discuss with your team members. Also never give a solution when you're tensed, you might end up messing things up
that is the whole point of having a team. The diversity in viewpoint and skills make conflict or problem solving much more easy. This is why it is important to have diversity in the space. I have seen this work well for many web 2 and 3 companies
As a founder, it is very important to surround yourself with people who are ready to work with you during a crisis and they have to possess the ability to make quick technical decisions to solve the problem.
very true, people with like minds that know about the situation and can help to get problems solved. This is why teams should be in strategic places when this happens, just like when inleo have Dec teams that reacts to feedback as quickly as they do
Clearly. In a crisis, decisions must be accurate and timely, so the team must be prepared and helpful to the founder.
I also believe that being able to perform in different situations is something that really adds up.
I believe that the first and most important thing a founder should remember when navigating a crisis is to stay agile and Communicate effectively and essentially, also Get a team to manage the crisis when it's a large deal. Information is key, to gather information about the situation, so that you can solve it
Crisis mangement can happen at any time and does not leave a warning when it comes.Which makes it a big problem because most people would not be prepared to take on the crisis at that moment which can end up badly
Founders in dealing with crisis, should be very transparent and clear with the kind of challenge they are trying to put up a solution to, if you make things clear to your team and customers, solving that challenge will be very easy for me
Crises management is a big thing for a founder, it’s normal for a founder to face crises, but with the support of a team nd a good strategy, all will be fine, U need to be well informed nd communicative to able to deal with it effectively
While crises can be dangerous, a competent leader must be able to communicate effectively with their team because it is essential to overcoming obstacles. Successful resolution is further enhanced by addressing issues in an open manner.
Crises management is a big thing, but I think when you observed, cooperate, communicate, strategize and implement, there is bound to be a great result, which means a founder need to work together to be able to mange crises effectively.
i agree with you, the major thing is to have a perfect solution because crisis will always appears, so that's where planning comes in, to know how to solve those challenges.
Yeah, that is really true, crisis can one way or the other be used in propagating our business brands instead of thinking you have lost everything. Put up a good strategy and find ways in handling any crisis on your way to business success
Can you give an effective example of effective crisis’ communication? I know communication is key in managing crisis but an example of an effective communication would be great
great question! i'll ask
thank you bread
Very true @lowercaseboot , in this age of socialmedia, brands leverage Crisis to further the reach of their brand. In fact, some brands intentionally stage a crisis to gain media coverage and that gives them a wide publicity. In all, we can leverage Crisis moments to our advantage.
its a great call!
Space founders may encounter crises such as technical failures, funding shortages, regulatory challenges, or public skepticism.
I think scepticism is what hurts the most, especially in the crypto space that has been so undermined by criticism of the multiple scams that have taken place.
know, Observe, cooperate, communicate, and implement is the best chain needed to solve a crises, a founder must work with his team to manage any crises, since crises is normal for a founder, the best solution will be brainstormed by all.
I loved this reflection, nothing more true than this, especially in the web3 where more cooperation from both sides is needed.
I loved this reflection, nothing more true than this, especially in the web3 where more cooperation from both sides is needed.
I think you gave a really good summary to what a founder should have to avoid crisis or at least minimise the weight of it as they can't get rid of crisis totally. It's all part of growth, the management skill is what they just have to grow alongside.
Absolutely true problems are inevitable the founder cain't hide from it have a crisis management team on standby and brainstorming their way out of the problem will be the best approach
Founders can't function alone, the crisis would be more destructive if that's the case but with teamwork, it is much easier. And in cases where founders work with incompetent team, he could face crisis too. How to deal with this is quite the obvious, get competent team or train your team better.
Communication is very important in every aspect of life. Because when you engage with quality communication, you face less criss as a founder or director or whatever and you'll be able to manage certain crisis within your community!
crises are part of life and it's just left for us to know how to calmly handle the situation, and the tips shared so far from communication, plan b option, staying low on social media, etc can help us navigate out of crises.
That is why there is a team, I always say for crisis management there should be a crisis manager, the decision makers and the communicationist, I think there are other people needed on the team of crisis management.
that was an amazing contribution from "the colony" as regards leaving the risk management crisis function in the and of an individual, so I think he is employed to see to crisis issues and he has to do what he is employed to do, thank you.
Indeed, putting out a video to let people see how you actually feel is better in my opinion.
I think there’s an important thing about crisis, in as much as we try to avoid it, During Crisis, you see people’s unexpected strengths, people are able to brainstorm for a short period. What do you think about this😁
Before challenges come up Establish a strong public relations strategy to manage the public perception of the organization, addressing concerns and promoting a positive image
That’s team work😁😁
Can Crisis be totally avoided?
you can run but you cant hide from it!
so you must face it with all boldness and try to solve it
I don’t think crisis can be totally avoided because they are bound to happen. So no matter how much we avoid them, they just spring up
i love it they just have to spring up
because we don't have absolute control of events and people we deal with, crisis are bound to happen in business relationship, the difference though is how we manage it. With good plan and working relationship, iit can br reduced
Stay abreast of evolving space regulations and proactively engage with regulatory bodies to navigate compliance requirements effectively.
You need your community/team in situations like this. I think there are crisis in both areas, spaces, community and team. So crisis happens so with the right steps and areas you could fix it no matter what.
Leaders don't have to be lean in solving crisis, you don't have to give any chance in solving the problem. Focus on whatever your problem is and make sure you try to find a solution no matter what.
The idea behind crisis resolution doesn't indicate that your business setup was weak or anything of such. You need to understand that crisis is inevitable and founders should be aware of that before setting up a business or project idea.
Being a founder is very demanding and challenging and as a result, the founder is charged with facing crises such as:
Technological crisis
Organizational Misdeeds
Workplace Violence
Rumors and so on.
This is very true. I had a conversation with a big business owner, and he told explained to me some of the problems that he goes through and anticipates. He said that conflict is a constant in the workplace and it's better to anticipate
Sure , thanks for stopping by
Founders need to factor out the kind of crisis he or she is facing in with his project or community. External crisis needs a special way of solving it as compared to that of an internal crisis.
Emotional damages, lol 🤣 🤣
Man, you really doing great with your spaces out there, @breads, Kudus, really learning every time I join this wonderful spaces of yours
Exactly. In web3, there are a lot of people with noteworthy qualities that are worth emulating. This is one of the many things I love about Hive. You are constantly in an environment that teaches so much intangible qualities.
i guess the best approaches to deal with crisis management are (1) keeping calm or cool and approaching the crisis strategically(2)Creating and executing a communication
strategy communication is key
totally right, you can't approach a problem with you disorganized being calm before approaching a crisis helps you think probably and good communication is the key to almost half our problems in the world.
I believe that you are right. However, I think that a good manager or a management team would always cultivate the foresight that would forecast or foresee Crisis and navigate through its avoidance. I think that should also count.
Congrats @beeeee for winning the giveaway :)
Thank you☺️
Thanks for the insightful show, Breads. It's always nice to listen in.
crisis is inevitable, and some crisis could just be right to take correct steps, so what I suggest is that the leaders or founders should give some listening here to those crisis and see how they can help solve the issues
When crisis arises there is no need for the founder to panic the best is to remain calm while trying your best to manage the situation and taking time to figure out the way out of it
Prior to the opinion that Crisis is inevitable in any form of business, I believe that crisis can actually be avoiding in any venture or endeavour. The most important thing about Crisis is neglect and mismanagement breeds Crisis the most.
lol that's a wild one
It's a wonderful night, just finished powering up with the figure below 👇👇
#leopowerup #mydiary #powerup #inleo
Very nice power up, @caleb-marvel
home made ceiling beam. One done, one to go
You going for a more rustic look?
Absolutely. Ceiling was dark. Made it white. Now beams. Brighter rustic.
It looks good
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/50)@findingfreedom! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Christmas has arrived... but I live on the beach 😅
#leofinance #leo #ladiesofhive #mydiary #christmastime
😆 Most people in Canada would gladly trade places with you. It looks nice and warm.
Just got my 6 years #Hive birthday badge. Feeling proud! 💪
congrats 6 years is great I am 6 next month
Thanks. It actually feels longer than that. It's scary how fast time goes these days!
Can you see the image on my Hive blog. Not sure if it's me or if there is a problem when I post on inleo.io. The images don't show for me on my blog.
I see the 6th birthday logo is that is what you are talking about
It sure does feel long than 6 years but to tell you the truth the only way I remember it is one month to the day after my friend joined and it took him 1 month to get me to join
congrats mate.
Happy 6 huge birthday, many more to come!!!
Thank you! 😊
Happy Hive Birthday!
Buenas tardes desde San Salvador
#spanish #elsalvador #latam
Looks nice. 😊 Now, can you just walk to a shop and buy coffee with Bitcoin?
Yup, you can. Starbucks usually accepts it. But there are some cafes that will tell you "no".
It's hit and miss.
Well, damn. That's pretty cool!
Currently, the @leoads wallets hold 1,999 $HIVE & 21,420.11 $LEO
oooooooh.....juicy stuff!! moar $LEO for all!!!!
Seems like it did a buy for HIVE.
The high rate of unemployment in Nigeria is so bad that it has a negative effect on the festive period. What side hustles can one use to achieve a descent amount of income in a short time frame
I have a feeling more people will be looking for opportunities in web3/crypto soon.
It will be difficult for any non-DPoS smart contract platform out there to beat the value proposition of #Kronos blockchain: Free account creation, Free transfer and Free smart contract. What do you think?
I would love to run a LeoNode in the future, but I have zero technological skills…
The key to infrastructure is for it to get the point where even the most non-technical can set one up.
That is what I am hoping
we’re gonna make it SUPER plug and play
But it’s probably better for technical peeps to run the nodes. They are expensive and also may require occasional updates
It’s meant to be like people who used to run their own modems. It’s not necessary, but there can be benefits. If you’re technically inclined and have extra time / desire, then it may matter!
Maybe Pepe can run one. But can a frog run one? (half kidding) Maybe be part of a team where someone else takes care of the tech stuffs.
Let's talk about long term investment
Long-term investment refers to the strategy of holding assets with the expectation that they will appreciate in value over an extended period, typically years or decades.
This approach involves weathering short-term market fluctuations and aiming for sustained growth over time, long-term investments include stocks, bonds, real estate, and retirement accounts.
. The goal is to benefit from compound interest and the potential for higher returns compared to short-term investment.
Long-term investors can ride out short-term market fluctuations, as their focus is on the overall trend rather than day-to-day price movements.
Long-term investments, like retirement accounts, may offer tax advantages, such as deferred taxes on gains or tax-free withdrawals under certain conditions.
Long-term investments, like retirement accounts, may offer tax advantages, such as deferred taxes on gains or tax-free withdrawals under certain conditions.
Just sayin' #freedom #quote #georgewashington #independence #2a
holds true today for sure
Don't underestimate the power of kindness. It can touch lives, heal wounds, and create a ripple effect of goodness. Let's spread it far and wide. 🌟 #BeTheChange #cwh
I invite you to celebrate my Hive birthday 3 with a delicious pumpkin quesillo recipe.
#foodiesbeehive #foodie
#foodie #foodiesbeehive
Happy Hive birthday.
Thank you very much 😊
Happy Birthday and many more to come
happiest hive b'dy dear...
A rainbow is supposed to brighten ones day, so hopefull it brightens yours. #amazingnature #discoveryit #outdoorsandmore
Interesting design touch in this building.
#photography #city #mydiary
the LEO AI engine will probably be one of the biggest projects we develop with incredible real world use cases
Imagine a chat GPT that is trained on all threads - your threads, other people’s threads
AND all blog posts.
Example question: how many times have I written about X topic? Or who commented the most on my blog posts from 2 years ago? Or what is the #1 most commonly asked question doing INLEO ama threadcasts
very exciting stuff! 2024 is going to be huge for inleo
During the AMA yesterday, I throw a suggestion which I guess wasn't seen due to large numbers of user's.
My opinion, is there no means at which the AI initiative won't be for premium subscriber's alone, I mean new user's should have an opportunity to access it to help them get answers to lot of questions they might have to ask as regard the community.
Just an opinion.
LeoGlossary is going to be a vital part of this endeavor. Over 4,500 blog posts and counting. Going to be close to 5K by year end.
that is literally exactly wha to was asking for with regards to AI. I don’t want it to help write posts but it would be awesome in compiling or finding old posts that I can share with people off platform!
away of you had the choice to be alone in 2023 or 1900 which would you choose? For all the romanticizing of the good old days few would want the life of back then.
2023 fer sure! So many things at hands fer moar benefits and a better life. Lots of challenges with life back then.
Can I pick alone in both :)
I bet you what you want that I would choose 1900, for the simplicity of things, the essence, people were happier with less. Nowadays they want more and more.
People died young, people world 80 hours weeks, child labor was commonplace, and poverty was rampant.
And yet people were happier? People only had less because it was available.
I think the less they knew, the happier they were. Of course I am a minimalist and I always believe that "less is more"
2023, i would say.
I am a technological slave, will not survive a day without internet or my smartphone :-)
Irrespective of how much romance in good old days
I do, 1900 would be a breath of fresh air
Are you serious? I dont think you realize what it was like back then.
Yes and I do
I'd pick 1900. Even the 1990s were simpler but we were happier. 2023 seems very complicated to me, maybe it's because I'm getting old 😅
That is laughable.
How do you know people were happier? Child abuse was tolerated. Child labor was commonplace. People worked 6 days a week, 12-15 hours perday, no overtime.
And many diseases were a death sentence. Can you imagine what the dentist was like.
Yet people romanticize it.
Frankly,I didn't think about it this way,you may be right,I'm not sure what the world was like back then.But when we consider everything,they both have their good sides,but it's difficult to know which one is better without experiencing it
To be honest, history never moves in linear progression and, depending on various criteria, some earlier period are better than latter. Romans during Crisis of 3rd Century or Barbarian Invasions would probably prefer living during the earlier period of Pax Romana. But that definitely doesn't apply to 2023 vs. 1900. In a couple of years, if we aren't lucky, things might look different, though.
Are you talking about living alone or living in isolation? 1900 seems good for living alone, but 2023 seems good for living in isolation.
I can say without fear of contradiction that if I had to be alone I would choose being alone now in 2023. Happily I do not have to make that choice.
You nailed it. People do not realize how life was. It was not easy. Most today would be crushed under what those people went through.
I think the timeline is slowly coming back to life. I am not sure how to explain this glitch to a new user. I agree with @brando28 that someone, somewhere, somehow needs to address these issues. We cannot be complacent and go on with it.
May be take on and rezig the witnesses with the retail wallet we have.
yea, that's right way
Addressing the issue is the only way things can get better.
Todays Ama was very educative, it really helped me to see the importance of buying asset or cryptocurrency with the motive of holding it not selling it off immediately
I feel only Hive frontends are in my greenlist. I don't plan on putting youtube out ever and so does linkedin.
#jewelry I share with you this Ribbon that I made for a contest in the jewelry community.
It looks very pretty on you, if my little girl sees it she will surely love it, she really likes everything related to Christmas, and she loves to put bows or buckles in her hair.
amazing... i like it...good luck..
merry christmas in advance 🥳🎁🎉
Am I the only one not all that hyped about #AI ? It just feels like everything we have seen for the last year is just recycled BS that a prompt is able to extract at a fast pace. Is it really that impressive?
I am curious about AI boost application thought. I want to see what it is capable of.
it definitely can be gimmicky in certain scenarios
That being said, I’ve been using / developing LeoAI which is like chatgpt but trained on LeoThreads
It has some very real use cases. For example, finding and categorizing feedback for me
kind of, but like everything else, milkers gonna milk. I think the implications are pretty crazy, especially if you imagine it 2-5 years out. People talking about sentience and all that are just…. 🙄
Diciembre es el mes más bonito del año, pero estos últimos años, ha sido el mes con más compromisos que he tenido durante el año y en este las actividades escolares no han parado.
#outreach #threadstorm
Amo que mis hijos participen en las actividades escolares y verlos felices, pero realmente Diciembre va casi a la mitad y no he podido disfrutar con ellos como quiero, debido a tantas ocupaciones.
En esta publicación solo pido a la directiva escolar, no más actividades Decembrinas Escolares
#gosh https://inleo.io/@elizabeths14/no-ms-actividades-decembrinas-escolares-espeng
Here we go (again)!
Who's gonna ape in? 😀
Link 👇
#trump #nfts
Thanks! I guess 😀
What was that scam all about?
amazing. Very cool lol
Probably gonna sell like crazy. The last set did very well I think
yeah and everyone got rekt lol
😅 Did they, lol! Well, not that rare case on NFT scene...
lawyers are expensive
😬 yeah, guess so!
Is it modified versions of that iconic mugshot? Same look but different colors? I'm just trying to understand what's happening here.
Besides all the technical stuff, I'm really enjoying the state Hive is in. I am really earning a good amount of Hive assets, without really posting. I couldn't say that if a year ago, and the evolution of hive continues…
the nice issues are frustrating but the leo node should help.
Chat bots are making search engines obsolete, don’t you think?
No, unless you like being corralled into controlled thought. Most do though in the name of simplicity and the majority will become more zombiefied than they already are... I do not look forward to that, because it's already a pandemic
To a degree except the chatbot technology is being incorporated into the search engines so we will likely see much more advanced search.
But you nailed it: chatbots are really just glorified search.
Are INLEO bookmarks kinda wonky for anyone else right now?
Yes. I have them working in one account for long form content and not in another.
Hence wonky.
https://peakd.com/hive-189157/@gaborockstar/zamora-se-alzo-con-el-campeonato-de-basketball-sub-15-de-la-copa-navidad-2023-esp-eng-by-gaborockstar @gaborockstar en #fulldeportes
Gracias muchachos por la promoción en LeoFinance! Un abrazo...
#photographylovers #photography #mydiary
Mt Bachelor in the distance on the left
Are blog posts fed into the machine learning engine to train LeoAI?
not yet but they will be
We need to have the leonode infra to feed that much data to it. It goes back to the genesis legacy chain block
So it’s A LOT of text
Great news and a lot more being added. I think I did over 20 posts today under LeoGlossary. We are looking to add more.
Is anyone else excited to see what LeoAI holds?
This seems like something that can really grow with time. We will have to keep feeding it more data to see what we can get it to do long term.
On what i heard in AMA today, i think LeoAI can be helpful and guide the users around.
Yes, we need to feed the beast and train it, to get results.
Yes. And there appears to be only one way to do that....another million threads.
We have to increase the numbers knowing it all is placed in a learning engine.
Keep giving that sucker more to chew on.
I hope it does but only time will tell
Honestly not really lol AI fad has pretty much chopped up into nothing that impressive still across the board. It's going to take some major advancement in what AI really offers to change my mind.
Was on the road this morning but caught the AMA.
Still VERY bullish on $LEO I think I might go buy some LEO.....Like I did yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before and the day.....
Let's all hope the first month of 2024 has a APY on the wallet finally 😂
Biggest news was something Khal sneaked in there, about hiring away a Google dev for the team lol APY in wallet *crossing fingers should be sooooooon lol
I did catch that part but most like 9+months out with how fast things go around here lol not a bad thing just the way it is.
The 100K will bring nice APY
Hope so! It's my retirement hopefully LOLOL No Pressure LEO!!!!
I do not want to work after 10 years. Hope that is enough time for Khal to bring $10 Leo :)
ha ha ha ha I'll do everything in my power to help LEO hit 10 bucks too!!!
I wish
you are always buying LEO for as long as I can remember
Been really making an effort to do it every day these past few months.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/20)@jongolson! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.
So I guess you might get sum $LEO. !LOLZ
Just a few lol
We are called the Algebros.
Credit: theabsolute
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@jongolson, I sent you an
Link en comentariosLos Fitness de Full Deportes Monagas juntos. Conocí a las bellas amigas de los ejercicios #liketu #fulldeportes #buildershivemonagas
#gmfrens 💚😵
Off for a swim before the #cryptomaniacs.
I’m a sucker for some Hive bants!
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
beautiful pool
I already have over $1,800 worth of art collected on 1155.tech
Earned almost $9 from fees
I like this.

I got some note last night. I need to get some art. What should I buy?
I think I have 200 Note
i bought a variety of stuff, slaughtermelon (artist) is a CANTO OG so might be a solid buy...it's like friend tech meets NFTs
sick. I had already bought one. I picked up 5 pieces. Kinda fun to learn a new chain every now and then.
agreed.. CANTO is early imo...
Here's the dog coin of the chain... currently pumpin after being dormant for months, yet still not at an all time high... I think both CANTO and CINU are due for an ATH in the early part of this cycle
IDK if this is visible in the feed so here we go!
LIVE threadcast! Engage and have fun!
#watchandearn https://inleo.io/threads/view/solymi/re-leothreads-2sywujag5
You need to come to the main threadcast bro ;)
I am making sure that I am keeping $LEO long term. my 100K LEO should give me my retirement fund
how very true
My SNES MINI Journey Continues
The SNES MINI has 21 games and I plan on playing them all. Up next is Contra 3; a fast past and fun game that can be played with up to two players. Post linked in the comment section.
#gaming #fun #oneup
Link To Post:
I want a SNES mini for my kids. Maybe next christmas.
1/🧵 $AWESOME Tuesday with 5 highlighted and curated posts, plus 2 winners that each get a 4 week 5 Hive Power delegation.
#threadstorm #outreach #aliveandthriving #wearealivetribe #liotes
2/🧵 Screenshot showing the current 100% backed Token Value of $AWESOME and the APR it's increasing with.
3/🧵 Check it out here.
#gosh #aliveandthriving
very priductiv
Thanks a lot Lisa.
Good Morning Erik!
You're very welcome. Enjoy your day!😆
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/50)@flaxz! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ lisamgentile1961. (2/20)@flaxz!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
You too Lisa.
Good Morning Erik,
Enjoy your day 😆
You too Lisa.
!ALIVE #aliveandthriving
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ lisamgentile1961. (14/20)@flaxz!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(14/50)@flaxz! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(18/50)@lisamgentile1961! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @flaxz.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ flaxz. (12/20)@lisamgentile1961!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.