Dealing with seasonal/recurring depression... What tips & tricks do you have?

in #healing6 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemians!

Today, I'm here looking for some guidance & support from you. As you know if you've been following my blog, the recent weeks have brought some depression my way. I feel like in a big way this particular wave was triggered by my research into the US government's history of human experimentation, though depression in Autumn is certainly not something that's new to me.

I spent most of my first 25 years dealing with lots of depression, with the fall being the peak of it most years, along with the time around my birthday. I have a couple theories about why the fall, mostly around the loss of sunlight & warmth, as well as the fact that for 12 years I was sent to a government indoctrination camp starting in September every year.

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For the past few weeks I've been supplementing with CBD & Ashwaganda, as well as micro-dosing with psilocybin mushrooms, and just today I got myself some GABA & 5-HTP as well.

My diet has been pretty clean for quite a while: vegan, soy-free, gluten-free (mostly), GMO-free, etc... At this point I'm doubling down on this side of things though, cutting out basically everything that I don't make myself. I'm starting to sprout a variety of beans, and want to mostly live on kitchari for a while. I'm going to focus heavily on a diet of high amino-acids, and cutting out all inflammatories and most sugars.

I'm also making Kundalini Yoga a big part of my schedule for the coming months, and hope that focus & practice will help as well.

What I'm asking for

I'm looking for any foods, practices, teachings, plants, and anything else that has helped you or those you know deal with depression. I generally stay away from laboratory-made chemicals and such, but I'm open to just about anything natural & practical.

Thanks so much for turning in!


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Hi Kenny,
your post surprised me. I was 2 times in my life really depressed and I would probably be depressed right now if there was not my daughter. At the moment I am on my deepest deep ever. And I had a lot of ups and downs in my life, mostly caused by caging, which every time is destroying almost everything.

First time I was depressed I was in a phase where everything went well except I was working 16 hours a day. Suddenly I didn't open the door anymore, didn't open my letters, mostly invoices and the fucking IRS like institution of the country. I was self-employed in IT administration, so I high necessity of communicate with the customers, but mostly I picked not anymore the phone up. Instead after the second call I logged in remote by the customer and investigated on the servers for problems and solved them mostly. Only when there was no other option anymore after a lot of calls from the same number I picked up the phone with the last ring. I was sitting in front of the phone not able to pick it up (or at least I felt like this). I was 3 months hardly depressed, I started even wasting my time with TV series. Suddenly my life changed: while a customer paid in advance for hardware, while I got the hardware finally unexpected postpaid, the IRS like criminals decided to get all money on my bank account including the money belongs to my customer. Long story short, I customer got delivered the hardware and I couldn't pay anymore because I got robbed by the government. To make it even better and the same government (a judge in this case) decided that I'm guilty of fraud because I had already various records and so I can only be guilty. And because I had various records I could not be punished gently, so I had to get other time caged. Here my rage took me out of depression, I sold everything what was left to leave that fucking country, after shutting down the "legal" business and switching to "illegal" business where I sold holy weed to demanding customers. And fallback into my depression till I decided to move to my source into the alps (mountains) in Switzerland to live with this crazy guy, the cows and growing superb weed. Decided to switch my phone only on Friday between 16:00 and 16:15 on. While observing the cows, listen to nature and breath some fresh air, I was better after 2 weeks and my depression faded away.

Second time I escaped from caging, on the way to Spain, without documents I lost my last cash sleeping in a truck while hitchhiking. Was 2 weeks living on the street and find finally somebody who gave me a call center job and an apartment to live in. It was wintertime, on that island it had 15°C (59°F) but it's very humid and feels so very cold. I made 3000€ working in the call center while the average made 800€/month. So I had other time a little money in my pocket. I got depressed, I was thinking about all what overwhelmed me. On day, I was living 200m from the beach away, I went like everyday to the beach sat with my back against a palm watching the ocean thinking. Suddenly I thought: "you fucking stupid asshole, the sun is shining, sitting against a palm, feet in the sand, money in the pocket to start over again while you had still to be in the fucking gray cell for 1 year more, and you are depressive? Really?". And I started to laugh, I smiled and I decided live is to show to be depressive, so I'm not anymore depressive. There was when I started to run again every day between 5-10km (of course along the beach). For me the ocean is one of the biggest power sources.

Today I'm so exhausted, live in a place that I nowadays dislike, 8 years back it was almost anarchists heaven and today it is a nightmare (can not even write more about it while I'm stuck here). I feel how depression is calling me on the other side, but I can't afford it because of my daughter, so I decide to not become depressive.

And here is the point, maybe it's only in my crazy head like that, but I'm convinced that with depression it's the same like with "drugs". If you are depressed or addicted is only a decision, not more not less. I think depression is that the brain wants a big nap, because it feels tired.

Really, I have no idea if this is only in my crazy thoughts like that or it can help maybe somebody else. I think nobody can get somebody out of depression, only the person itself can decide to cancel depression, and I see similarity to "addiction" in it.

Only thin what I can think of what really would help is going to the beach, alone, best where nobody is around disturbing your thoughts or at least they let you alone there and sitting in the sun and let the thoughts flow. After a while think about the worst alternative of your life at that very moment and decide to enjoy life now, because life is short. No time to waste with unpleasant things while there are so nice things like sun, ocean, beach.....

Maybe you overload your mind with optimizing your live too much? And the fucking system sucks also downward with the shit to swallow every day if someone is not blind, death and dump. I wish you the power to get out of it!

I also have experienced the power of someone worth living for (in your case your daughter and in mine my little sister), which prompts a decision to do whatever it takes to not be depressed, followed by using nature as a healing partner. Thanks for the way you described it and for sharing your story.


I think I've mentioned before in response to one of your posts about your childhood that you and I had a lot of common patterns. No spontaneous physical abuse in my household (just beatings as punishment) but other than that we had a lot in common. I think these patterns in childhood train our nervous systems in a way that makes our neurochemical composition prone to things like depressions, anxiety, hypervigilance, etc. So we have to do things to both address the psychological aspects but also the physical aspects.

There is also a justified rage that gets created by being the victim of repeated violence coming from someone you love, who supposedly loves you more than anyone else does, and upon whom you are completely dependent. This rage must be suppressed because it is unsafe to express it. This habit of suppression of that one emotion becomes a habit of depression of ALL emotions.

In general I lean toward eco-alex's admonition to avoid substances because they are just bandaids. I say that with the caveat that of course, sometimes one really needs a bandaid to get them through. For me I found that St. John's Wort helped me enough for me to function through the depression/anxiety while I was unable to change my situation.

Once I hit a wall and was ready to do ANYTHING to improve how I felt each day, I sold everything I owned and moved to Bali. I was blessed to find a house to rent in the ricefields just 3 days after I arrived, and in that house I was transformed.

First, all the food available to me came fresh out of the fields each day. I had a household helper and she insisted on shopping on her way in each day. This was incredibly good for me. I also cut out all alcohol (which I had kind of done a few years before, but now went to zero) and mostly eliminated meet and animal products. I'd sometimes have chicken or seafood or cheese on a pizza, but very rarely. So this very chemical change caused by food and lack of alcohol was very important. It sounds like you're already doing all of that, so nothing new there. I was able to stop the St. John's Wort doing just that, so whether that herb is strong enough for you is questionable too.

Second, I spent hours each day meditating on the sky, writing in my journal about my spiritual experience (never about anything negative or what I did not like), and practicing my verbal channeling with a tape recorder. I believe that it was this practice of focusing my life on my connection with the expanse of being that made the biggest difference. This is almost all I did each day for the first 4 months.

Third, I was living in a rice field surrounded by forest on a tropical island. I was really out in nature even when in my house. I also went to bed just a couple hours after sunset and got up at sunrise each day. I spent most of my time sitting out on the deck, getting lots of filtered sun. If you're in a place that's cold, and you really have a reason you must stay there through these cold, dark months that force you inside so many hours a day, then it may actually be worth buying sunlamps and paying the extra electric costs for having them on from sunup to late afternoon. This is another chemical issue. The sunlight produces chemicals our bodies may have been trained by trauma to produce in lower supply. Similarly, if you can't go out into a forest for long enough each day, fill your space with plants. They are natural healers. Their vibration will attune yours to health.

Which brings me to, energyfield attunement. Now in my case, I've had actual attunements/empowerments done repeatedly. I've had Reiki and also Medicine Buddha, White, Green and Red Tara, Amitabha, Manjushri, Vajrayogini, Chakrasamvara, and probably a few others I forget. Each time it brings my energyfield back into a balance that was lost to me as a child due to all the fear, worry and sadness that was normalized in my environment.

If you can't find people to give you these attunements, or just don't like the idea of having someone intentionally alter your energyfield, then even just listening to recordings on Youtube of spiritual channels/teachers for hours each day will help. And I do mean for hours each day. You don't have to be sitting focused on them, listening to and intepreting everything they say. Just having them playing in the background as the volume of everyday conversation will be enough to passively attune you. So you're looking for people who feel good when you hear them, not where you necessarily agree with the ideas they're expressing. Ideas don't matter.

Which brings me to my final point. Others have already hit on this one, but I will repeat it to add my emphasis too. The most important mantra I repeat to myself each day is, "What if the contents of my mind don't matter?"

Well what if they don't? What if ideas don't matter? What if there is no such thing as being right? What if we're all generating infinite universes, with each of us the god of only our own, making only the rules that we personally must live by?

The freedom from believing one's own thoughts is the most important freedom to gain.

I have a tip for you that will cost nothing and you can practise it from your sofa at home.
Depression comes from... The mind! Check it with yourself. You get depressed when certain types of thoughts surface to your awareness. Once you stop the mind chatter, the depression will dissolve. At first it will disappear for a few seconds (and you will feel relived for that period of time), then with some practise the ease and good mood will last longer and longer.
How to stop the mind chatter? Just do it! You can use conscious breathing, exercise yourself with activities (alone or with others, what ever suits you). You will find what works best for you (plenty of books on this matter).
The trick is to plant your consciousness in the now moment. Then the mind has less substance to chew on.
Hope it helps 🙂


Brother, I’m sorry to hear about your bout and admittedly i’ve had mine too. i’ve been meaning to write about a natural product (my own research) findings and experience with samE, during the hardest of times i take approx 40mg a day - 2 tablets. the most natural forms have now bee made so find a brand that you feel you are most comfortable with. I will ne writing something by monday. a suicide in my fam has had my home on unrest.

for a male i have read and seen blue green algae to work wonders and although costly is effective. i will do a writeup on that too. also, multiV with b12 and high Bs, calcium magnesiam chelated, the 5htp you said you just got, and L Tyrosene.

Your sis,
Eagle Spirit

feeling you so much brother kenny. i testify eagle spirit sister. blug green algae has helps me daily. in particular the e3live brain on supreme. i also add in some DHA in the form of of indoor grown chromista algae. the DHA and EPA between these two algae oils...has healed my brain in so many ways. spirulina too. i have been labeled with most DMSVI diagnoses..and spent many years in rehab facilities on almost every known drug they go could throw at me. that was a decade ago now... so on top of the natural living...and amazing advice already shared in the comments of the post...i would just add....those two algae oils. pure joy for the brain! good coconut oil too. for enemas!!!!!!!!!!!! oh man....this one is huge. gotta pull that bathtub...drain plug...metaphorically speaking.

one last thing since you mentioned less sun. this vitamin d lamp has worked wonders for me...throughout the year. amazing how much i crave the sun....on cloudy days..and this bad boy....just lights me UP!

so much love brother. i'm our whole tribe....surrounding you with love and gratitude! thanks for all you do for all of us! -jake

brother this is super intense and while i havent had it this bad a couple of my partners have and i am SO going to try your methods because imo you are THe Best and amazing natural healer i “know.” theee are a lot of people on steemit with talent but you take the cake.
your sis,
eagle spirit touch my heart. i echo all those beautiful words back to you...and i'm here...for you and the whole tribe. please hit me up anytime!!!!! family!!! all of us walking each other.......home. i love you ALL - bro Jake

You have been given so much good advice already here, all very on point. It is necessary sometimes for us to experience depression, it is not easy, but I think that when you give so much of your time over to helping others, through your research (which has taken you to dark places) and your writings, you need to be reminded to really take time for you. Yes it is fall and yes it is time to shed away the things that we have carried with us that we no longer need. It is impossible to shine bright all the time, and it is really important to nurture that light when it starts to dim.
Be gentle with yourself and know that you are loved by your tribe, I am sending you healing and gentleness.
It is not easy to show ourselves when we feel so vulnerable, so thank you for that, that shows great strength. Talking helps too and if ever you need someone to talk to I am here xxxx

Yeah lots of people get down when winter starts . My tip even if you are not sporty. Go for a run . You will be amazed at how good it makes you feel . Whether it is a threadmill or on a road. Try it. And push yourself so you are wrecked at the end and gasping for air . You clear your mind during it and the good hormones start releasing after it. After a week you feel physical changes that make you feel good too. If you have never run try the crack to 5 k app , it’s great

Posted using Partiko iOS

My trick is to drink some no sugar hot chocolate. Some good stuff out there, and its a bitter kind of drink at first but you get used to it. You can put it in coffee too!

Pure 100% cacao with no sugar is the way to go for me :)

that helps for depression? 😮☝🏽

Short term it can. From how I understand it and what I have read, Dark Chocolate and 100% cacao help.

"Dark chocolates can increase the production of endorphins and serotonin in the human brain. As many of us may be aware, serotonin is one of the main neurotransmitters in the brain whose levels affect moods; lack of serotonin can cause depression. Therefore, any boost in the production of serotonin is welcome, especially in people going through depression. In this regard, it is true that dark chocolates reduce depression."

Also antioxidants in the 100% cacao.

Now I am not saying sugar free chocolate is the best thing for that or anything. But I take a lot of preventative measures and do activities that help me stay away from ever being depressed.

i just read all of the answers above and i would try the mix @rawutah uses, my intuition on this is (from his blogs) he is the real deal. not to say many had regiments we should all be doing. the issue is cost and time. many of us work long hours sitting in a dark office, which doesnt help matters. a few people swear by cacao, it has never worked for me personally but thats not to say it will not help others. that happens a lot with me though. also i feel we are talking about someone living with SAD and for many that happens as soon as autumn hits, we all get a bit of this as the human body gets ready to adjust to winter. if you do not have this issue or do not live in seasonal changing environment this may be why? also, so many people i know have to live like the list enjoyinglife put on here, which can be very overwhelming to somone living with depression and/or a mix of that and what others have written. each body is so different and not one thing works.

I would say I don't have seasonal depression, I do live in a place that gets all seasons. There are a lot of different things that work for me that may not work for others. One of the best things that can be done is a cardio workout.

For my own personal self, the self medication that works the best for me is playing extremely competitive video games when I feel anxious or nervous. When playing video games I find myself able to focus and enjoy myself instead of worrying or feeling low.

Some days I need to play for extended periods of time, other days I don't need to play at all. Sleep is another issue for me as my body I think is very nocturnal or whatever that would be called, I naturally LOVE to stay up late!!! cacao...and blue green algae. that feel good drug. combine the TWO...and really have something going. i take cacao and blue green together. kinda an MDMA kind of sense of calm...and inner joy. i make a raw cacao drink....with blue green algaes in it..for my morning drink...and i testify! but i mix...the cacao beverage with....other reishi mushroom and chaga.

i am going to try this mixture for sure, all of this can be really expensive for those that cannot afford it, do you have any other herbs you use in place of? can i just come live on your farm? hehe

totally feel you on expense! the e3live...can last a LONG time..if used just a tsp at a time and titrated up as needed and felt. but for budget....brain joy...i enjoy mct oil and coconut oil in my morning coffee and a little ghee. raw honey too. this just works my my brain...but as you said we are all so different. sometimes...fasting...and just feeling it all the the best route. detox...via coffee enemas..i just can't state enough how much it saved my life. truly i would be dead...or put away somewhere. the way the coffee enema..increases...glutathione production too...oh geez just so many many effects. i chase my coffee enemas with living green juice...and my coffee elixir. my next meal comes...with broths...about mid day. slow assimmilation of nutrients. sis...thanks for being here...and sharing your heart...i love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for anyone reading this:

if i didn't have access to live greens or a farm...i would scoop this..and add to your morning drink with e3live. again...upfront expense...but it'll last forever! small amounts...titrated UP as felt.

lot's of spirulina and chlorella. chlorella is such a bad are spirulina and klamath lake blue green algae. brain and heart food. lots of wonderful herbs like ashwaghanda...that @enjoyinglife mentioned in his wonderful wonderful comment. he mentioned source water too....oh so important! quite a few sources in oregon.

yes whats strange as that when ive done these methods and not all can do this regiment bc of a 9-5 job or even 50-60 hour work week. its not practical, but yes necessary. i will use your methods for sure. i do love coffee enigma a lot, but havent for years because then i couldnt go on my own. you do this every morning? enjoyinglife broughg up good points we all meed to mive by and i do, those that live with a lot going on as you know can be quite overwhelming when given a meditative, energy exercise and superfood diet esp with feeling humanity is sunk or suicidal ideation. just getting out of bed or taking a walk is painful. im preaching to the choir tho, you get me.
ive been a “healer” my whole life but i dont know everything and prob would just love to intern around you for a summer! LOL that would be a treat for me or go visit flauwly in costa rica for a summer and of course my own tribes. that is heaven to me. sooo all that said i bow to you in love, respect and honor.

your sis,
eagle spirit

sister....i've been pondering your message for days..and i'm just so humbled. i FEEL you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am the one who should intern around you sis.'re so damn humble. i SEE YOU!!!! i feel you on not being able to go on your own. it's a practice...and no way as way kinda thing for me. i have rocked as many as 4 enemas a day...during certain times of toxicity i could feel...and as little as once a week. my usual practice with them is about 5 days a week with a few days off. even with work schedules..i allow myself a few hours of detox time. waking up a few hours ahead...of needing to leave anywhere..and giving myself...that time to detox, stretch...and breathe. at the gerson clinic...they rock the enemas many many times a day...and then follow with green juice...but i don't do that anymore. just during extreme toxicity times in my life. i've been doing them now ...for over ten years. have you studied dr. nick gonzales's work? he pioneered the use of coffee enemas clinically..and his papers and research are just incredible! kelly brogan covered studied with him...and then wrote her book "a mind of your own" which is also really good IMO. she covers his work with coffee enemas.

her interview with joe rogan is also really good imo. yah...ya know..."one persons poison is another persons panacea eh? i just add my testimony to those that this works for. if it's hard to implant the coffee at first .....i recommend a quick water flush...then implant and hold for 15 mins. it takes some ...a while to work up to 15 mins...but eventually you can. i hope this helps a little sis. hit me up anytime. to anyone reading this too. may we all be blessed...and be in children today. our birthright :) i love you! i bow to respect honor and deep aloha! family!

That sounds very interesting, I don't think I have ever had blue green algae in anything before.

try the klamath lake blue green algae called e3live. they have one kind called brain on"...that is soooooo good just mixed with a little water...and slammed! pour a little in your cacao beverage too. :) add some mct oil for added joy! :) cheers! first hot cacao/chocolate drink was prepared for me by an old woman living at the top of a large mountain on the island of the Philippines. she was an orchid grower...and cacao tree farmer. she mixed a little vanilla bean with the cacao and served it hot. oh my changed my head..and my that moment. i had never tried hot chocolate till that day. it felt like that scene from the movie.. all the townspeople are changed by the alchemical magic of the chocolate. i feel you! :) testify

"anandamide" also found in cacao: the bliss chemical:

Anandamide, also known as N-arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA, is a fatty acid neurotransmitter derived from the non-oxidative metabolism of eicosatetraenoic acid (arachidonic acid), an essential ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid. The name is taken from the Sanskrit word ananda, which means "joy, bliss, delight", and amide. It is synthesized from N-arachidonoyl phosphatidylethanolamine by multiple pathways. It is degraded primarily by the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) enzyme, which converts anandamide into ethanolamine and arachidonic acid.

i work with a doctor and learned a lot about it. take a loving approach to it and if you need someone to talk to, he is incredible.
Also, Matt Kahn and Wayne Dyer might help. Or check out "the secret". good movie

Hi Kenny. Thanks for using the #naturalmedicine tag. We will resteem and mention this in the Discord too. There are many of us who have similiarly suffered and many posts about this. 🙏

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Hey there. I do understand your position. My personality will orbit more to depression as well, so it's a constant process and I am glad you are aware of that.
Something that helps me: reading and writing everyday. The reading helps me to keep my mind busy and primed on a subject of interest. The writing helps me to express and understand my own emotions. I find that talking and writing have a relieving effect because I externalize emotions in the process which allows me to understand myself better.

on the heart front...and feeling all the way... dear brother. have you heard of matt kahn? his vids are just sit back...and listen to....while closing your eyes. his books are great audiobook or written.

i just subscribed to this guy! thank you, i am always looking for something new to bring in!
much love.
your sis,
eagle spirit're so welcome!!!!! his books are wonderful too! all stuff you're familiar with...but oh sooooo good! i also love michael brown's work. he wrote one book and walked away...from more books. his one book is an feeling ALL THE WAY. a book you can read...but applying the technique within....over so rewarding...and why i capitalize my FELTS...when i write them lol :) so much love brother kenny and sister eagle spirit! i love you!

michael on YT: worth the rabbit hole dive IMO. much love..and joy.

...thank YOU!!!

I'm really sorry that you feel Like this.that you have to go through this . I hope you find your peace I really do. I know there is a lot of people who care out there.

Levels of depression and negative thought patterns, specifically looping ones are dna embeded. This level of mind control is overcome by recognising it is not real, coming from ourselves.

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I used to battle anxiety and on & off depression. What I found was that most all of this stemmed from childhood traumas & dysfunction. Seeing a therapist, doing the inner child work as well as getting sober and working 12 step meetings has been a life changer for me. I’m much happier now, and my anxiety is practically gone. Very seldom, if not hardly ever do I find myself in a depressed state. Best wishes, Kenny!

I've been considering seeing a therapist; I do a variety of workshops & practices that help dive into that trauma, but have never taken that particular step.

Sobriety was definitely one of the first steps on getting things together as it were. Been years since I used caffeine, alcohol, or any other drugs besides THC, which I cut out a couple months ago.

Thanks for sharing your journey; blessings!

A good therapist or even better, someone to work with who does a little therapy (especially mindfulness based) along with repatterning or reprogramming work (such as NLP for instance) has been indispensable for me. Depression is a heavy energy, so working with lighter energies on a daily basis will also help. Get a journal out and write down some energies that feel light to you, and examples of visualizations or other situations that help you connect with and feel those energies. Cultivating that within will help you entrain with the lighter energies, which is sooooo helpful. It also increases your neuroplasticity by practicing this (especially connecting it to writing by hand which accesses the subconscious terrifically) which will in turn help you in the future to better be able to deal with depressive episodes.
One thing to remember is that depression is not bad... Or good... It's just a thing, an event and an experience of your internal environment. That thought is always helpful to me, as it helps me remember that although the depression is mine, and therefore I can identify with it, and own it, I don't have to dwell within it. I can look at it as an observer rather than an active participant, or even a victim of the feelings, situation or experience. Totally different mindset.
If you are experiencing anxiety along with it, I made a little video on managing anxiety a month or two ago that might be helpful for ya.
The best to you, I believe you will find whatever medicine you are meant to find, and that soon you will once more be expansive. 😊
Life is breath, always breathing us in and out of experience, and no experience is bad, although they can feel that way. All things are here as our souls speaking to us through these many experiences. It's tough, but good to take the moment to be quiet and listen to the voice of your core.

Xx ToL

Firstly know you are a wonderful person who is sending out positive vibes through your posts. You knowledge and advice is helping many!

I am no expert I could go down OT route but I dont' think that would benefit you currently other than trying to do things you enjoy and keeping some sort of routine. Definitely not retreating butI know this is hard with depression. Personal I have never had bad depression. After a still birth and the breakup of my relationship I was really down. I retreated and it didn't' work in fact it got worse. I found walking in nature bare foot did wonders. I think the correct term is 'Earthing' an amazing grounding tool which I still do today when any stress comes into my life. On top of this I took myself into the local woods and lit a fire, just on my own and meditated and reflected. Just letting the flames burn away my sadness I guess. Worked wonders for me might be worth a go. All the very best, love you content. Sending you Reiki vibes 💯🐒

Daily 10 to 15 minutes Pranayama helps a lot combating depression. You can do simple kapalbhati 5 mins and Anulombvilomb8 to 10 minutes, following a 21 times Aum Chanting and a 5 minutes meditation it will work wonders not only on the depression but on your overall health level.

Hey @kennyskitchen! Here is a supplement that @amvanken and I have been taking and seeing huge results. There is a genetic mutation in 50% of the population where our bodies can’t convert folate, and as a result it can cause depression. This form of methyl folate allows people with the genetic mutation to convert the folate. We’ve noticed a huge difference and it’s a relatively cheap supplement.

Here’s a pic of the supplement :


Here’s a link to some more info about it:

Hope this helps!!

Hey bud, I climbed my way out of a pretty deep depression a few years ago after my brother passed away from suicide. I quit drinking alcohol for a while and limit myself to social drinking. I drink filtered water with an Alexa pure water filter, I use magnesium oil every other week, and take a daily dose of nascent iodine. I also try to get out in the sun for a portion of every day. If I get real down on myself I try to go be with friends/family and focus on projects or learning something new.

Posted using Partiko Android

Warm cuddles!