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That's the kind of thing I'm afraid of... traveling and the plane crashing.

I've only traveled once by plane so far. I really enjoyed it and of course I intend to travel again, especially because to get to know other countries more quickly, flying is a great alternative, but that doesn't eliminate my fear of traveling hahaha...

As Task points out, boarding a plane is many times safer than driving or being in a car

Hi, @mightpossibly,

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Yep, you're right my friend 😅😁

Cars crash a lot more than planes.

an undisputable fact. I feel alot safer in an airplane than in a car

A lot more people die in car accidents than plane crashes.

yes. And whenever an airplane accident do happen, it tends trigger security improvements all over the world. Which is definitely not the case for car accidents

Hi, @taskmaster4450le,

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@llamathreads, explain Aviation in Layman terms.

Aviation in Simple Terms

Aviation refers to the practice of flying aircraft, like planes and helicopters. It includes commercial air travel, private flying, and military aviation. Think of it like driving, but in the sky! According to the FAA, aviation plays a vital role in connecting people and places worldwide.

well lots of accidents as of late, not counting all the Boeing BS

situation with boeing really is crazy

Yeah, and suddenly the whistle blower "commits suicide" just before testifying

yeah I heard about that one too. What a coincidence, eh

I know right!

Here's some #aviation news.

Nice, are you a pilot or work in the aviation sector?

It's an honor to meet you

Likewise! No I\m not, just an enthusiast. The youtube channel I'm summarizing here is by a very skilled pilot, and the videos are of very high quality, and also quite accurate. I.e. valuable data!

Ooo okay, that's awesome.

This is wonderful...

seems like a test for an entire channel.

something like that 👍 gotta catch up with you somehow lol

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