The more I use generative AI, the more apparent it becomes that AI doesn't actually know anything, and that it does exactly what they say - it just makes pretty good guesses, basically. #newsonleo (Link in reply)
A bit late on my post about asian trip but still alive, probably will post one soon but I also want to post something about Notion as well. I update to my previous provider for hosting as it was just better so I did all the DNS change and tweaking needed for that. 🙂
A Meta AI, inteligência artificial (IA) da Meta (dona de WhatsApp, Facebook e Instagram), chegou ao Brasil e gerou muita curiosidade. A ferramenta, que permite aos usuários criar figurinhas, imagens e conversar com um assistente de IA, levantou questões sobre o uso de dados de seus usuários. A principal delas é se a IA consegue ler todas as conversas que acontecem no aplicativo de mensagens. Mas resposta não é tão simples.
A Meta AI foi anunciada em setembro de 2023 com o objetivo de integrar funcionalidades de IA a todos os aplicativos da companhia. Ou seja, ela serviria como um grande chatbot esperto, como o ChatGPT, não apenas para o WhatsApp, mas também para Instagram, Facebook e Messenger.
Para isso, a Meta AI utiliza como "cérebro" um grande modelo de linguagem (LLM) criado pela companhia de Mark Zuckerberg, chamado Llama 3.2. Segundo a companhia, o Llama foi "alimentado" com um conjunto de dados massivo e diversificado, incluindo trilhões de palavras de páginas da web, repositórios de código aberto, livros e artigos científicos, além de informações de páginas da web. Tudo isso é feito para que a a IA aprende padrões de linguagem para oferecer informações relevantes e confiáveis.
Isso já fazia com que a Meta AI apresentasse um bom nível de funcionamento antes mesmo de chegar ao WhatsApp. O problema é que a Meta também usa dados e conteúdos publicados nos serviços da companhia para aprimorar a Meta AI - ou seja, os posts nos feeds do Facebook e do Instagram também são valiosos pontos de apoio para o chatbot.
Isso gerou um impasse com a Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) antes da estreia do serviço no Brasil. A permissão inicial obtida pela Meta para a coleta de dados dos usuários para fins de treinamento da IA gerou questionamentos sobre a conformidade com a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD), culminando na proibição, em julho deste ano, da coleta de dados para esse fim.
Sem a possibilidade do uso dessas informações, a Meta, em resposta à determinação da ANPD, elaborou um plano de conformidade, visando, segundo a empresa, garantir a privacidade dos usuários e a conformidade com a LGPD. O plano estabeleceu medidas como a notificação transparente aos usuários sobre a coleta de dados, a garantia do direito de oposição e a exclusão de dados de menores de 18 anos do conjunto de dados utilizado para o treinamento da IA.
É aí que entra a criptografia. A ferramenta é um mecanismo de segurança que assegura a privacidade das comunicações entre os usuários. Desde abril de 2016, o aplicativo implementa a criptografia de ponta a ponta em todas as formas de comunicação, incluindo mensagens de texto, chamadas de voz, videochamadas e compartilhamento de arquivos.
De acordo com a Meta, ao instalar o aplicativo, ele gera um par de chaves criptográficas exclusivo para o dispositivo: uma chave pública e uma chave privada. A chave pública é compartilhada com os contatos, enquanto a chave privada permanece armazenada no dispositivo do usuário.
Quando uma conversa é iniciada, o WhatsApp troca automaticamente as chaves públicas entre os dispositivos dos participantes. Ao enviar uma mensagem, o aplicativo a criptografa no dispositivo do remetente usando a chave pública do destinatário. A mensagem criptografada é transmitida pelos servidores do WhatsApp até o dispositivo do destinatário. Durante o percurso, o conteúdo permanece inacessível a terceiros, incluindo o próprio WhatsApp. Ao receber a mensagem, o dispositivo do destinatário utiliza sua chave privada para descriptografá-la.
Assim, segundo a Meta, a IA não consegue ler o conteúdo de conversas no aplicativo de mensagens. "A IA só pode ler e responder mensagens que mencionam "@Meta AI" e as mensagens que são parte de uma conversa específica com a Meta AI. As demais mensagens de uma conversa não são lidas pela ferramenta", diz a Big Tech. Ou seja, é impossível que a Meta AI leia ou veja uma mensagem que não foi enviada a ela.
A coleta de dados para o treinamento da IA se restringe, então, apenas aos dados fornecidos pelos usuários durante as interações com a ferramenta, como comandos, perguntas e avaliações, além de informações públicas disponíveis na internet. "As conversas com inteligência artificial são diferentes das suas conversas pessoais. Quando você usa esses recursos, a Meta recebe seus comandos, as mensagens enviadas à IA e sua avaliação para fornecer respostas relevantes para você e para aprimorar a qualidade dessa tecnologia" diz a empresa.
A companhia também diz que a Meta AI não vincula os dados pessoais da conta do WhatsApp aos dados do usuário em outras plataformas da Meta, como Facebook e Instagram. Segundo a empresa, esses esclarecimentos são feitos aos usuários diretamente no aplicativo antes e durante o uso da Meta AI no WhatsApp.
Mas ainda há "zonas cinzentas". Algumas questões nos termos de privacidade da Meta AI ainda geram dúvidas. A principal delas se refere ao uso de dados para o treinamento da IA. Apesar de a Meta afirmar que a coleta de dados para treinamento da IA ocorre apenas com o consentimento dos usuários, a forma como esse consentimento é obtido e a transparência sobre quais dados são coletados e como são utilizados ainda geram questionamentos.
De acordo com Lucas Maldonado, especialista em direito digital pela FGV, "todas as informações essenciais quanto ao tratamento de dados devem ser fornecidas pelos controladores de forma clara e acessível para os titulares". Nesse caso, não ficou especificado se todos os dados compartilhados com a IA ou apenas alguns deles selecionados são utilizados para o treinamento da ferramenta.
Outro ponto que merece atenção é a impossibilidade de remover a Meta AI do WhatsApp. A ANPD esclareceu ao Estadão que não houve nenhum acordo com a Meta nesse sentido e que a permanência da Meta AI no aplicativo não fere a LGPD, desde que a coleta de dados para treinamento da IA seja feita com o consentimento dos usuários. "Não houve acerto entre a ANPD e a Meta no que se refere a isso", disse a autoridade.
Tesla’s stock Went to 32.7% this week. Analyst Dan Ives calls Musk’s political support a poker move, which may advance Tesla’s growth under Trump. This will happen for 4 years. Elon will probably be Trillionaire by then
Well, it took 1 hour and 10 minutes, but I'm finally seeing results in my Llama test at 32k context length... Won't try it again though, my laptop is so hot I feel sorry for it. !LOLZ
This new AI tool, Kwai-STaR, helps computers solve math problems better. It teaches them how to think in steps, kind of like how we work through problems. I think it's cool, especially since math always seemed harder for Ai
Três dos quatro astronautas que foram hospitalizados após retornarem da Estação Espacial Internacional no final de outubro falaram sobre a missão SpaceX Crew-8 em uma coletiva de imprensa da Nasa na sexta-feira (8). Durante o evento, o trio apresentou algumas curiosidades sobre o processo de readaptação à vida na Terra depois de passar mais de 230 dias no espaço. Entre as dificuldades, mencionei o desconforto de se sentar em uma cadeira giratória.
“Sou um novoto e estou fascinado com a readaptação”, contou o astronauta da NASA Matthew Dominick, comandante da missão. “Esperava as coisas maiores — a desorientação, o prazer. Mas as pequenas coisas, como simplesmente sentar em uma cadeira dura… Minhas costas não encostavam em algo duro há [235] dias.”
A Nasa não divulgou a identidade do astronauta que ainda permanece hospitalizado nem detalhes sobre o problema de saúde. Os três astronautas também optaram por não comentar o assunto durante a coletiva.
A capacidade de identificar se uma imagem foi gerada por inteligência artificial (IA) é cada vez mais importante em nossa sociedade digital. Prevenção a desinformação, privacidade, segurança digital e ética e transparência são alguns dos elementos que reforçam a importância de saber se uma imagem foi gerada de forma artificial.
Mãos e Dedos: IA frequentemente tem dificuldade em renderizar mãos corretamente, resultando em dedos extras ou deformados.
Textos Ilegíveis: Textos em segundo plano ou em objetos podem ser incoerentes ou sem sentido.
Detalhes Estranhos: Procure por elementos fora de contexto ou distorcidos, como sombras inconsistentes ou objetos que se misturam de forma estranha.
Descrição: Ferramenta que analisa imagens para determinar se foram geradas por IA ou por humanos.
Uso: Carregue a imagem na plataforma e receba uma análise detalhada.
Descrição: Detecta imagens e vídeos gerados por IA, identificando manipulações e falsificações.
Uso: Disponível como aplicativo para dispositivos móveis.
Descrição: Ferramenta de análise forense de imagens que pode detectar manipulações e inconsistências.
Uso: Analisa metadados e padrões de compressão para identificar alterações.
Descrição: Permite verificar a origem de uma imagem e encontrar versões semelhantes na web.
Uso: Carregue a imagem ou cole o URL para buscar correspondências.
I’ve been on Reddit for a while, and I’ve noticed how much it’s changed. It used to be hard to use and full of weird stuff. Now, more people are joining, and it’s gotten cleaner. It’s still growing, and even businesses are noticing.
As dope as inleo already is, what do you think we can learn from them?
you're very correct Task. We work harder we get reddit like results. I think we need more thread beasts on the platform. I also think the Leo curators focusing more on threads than blogs will encourage so many to thread away 🤔
Phishing attacks are getting worse, using tricks like QR codes and AI. I’ve noticed even my inbox is full of suspicious emails. It's scary because these attacks are smarter now, easily fooling people. We need better ways to protect ourselves. It's happening to everyone.
I remember hearing "learn to code" all the time. Google's Yossi Matias says it's still great advice, even with AI growing fast. Coding helps you understand tech, like math helps you understand numbers. So, even if AI's here, we should all still know the basics.
NVIDIA has created a new way for robots to do many things without changing systems. They call it the Hover controller, and it helps robots act more like humans. It could change how robots help us. I find this exciting because it feels like the future is almost here!
Quantum AI is when super-powerful computers (quantum computers) join forces with AI. While current AI is strong, it can only go so far. With quantum power, AI could handle huge problems way faster. But we're still years away from seeing this in action.
Rumors said Elon Musk bought Ford, but Ford denied it. The rumors started from AI videos with no sources. Musk is busy with Tesla and SpaceX. This is the problem I have with AI, it can create confusion like this
Google's head of research says learning to code is still important, even with AI. Basic coding is more like math, very important for many fields, especially healthcare and education.
Even if AI can do it you still need understanding.
I believe this because it's everywhere now and those that don't use it will soon be forced to use it otherwise they can't keep up with those that use it.
Apple's new "Apple Intelligence" feature is here for folks with an iPhone 15 Pro or newer and some recent iPads and Macs. Think of it like a helpful tool that can write, edit, and even create images. But it’s only in beta for now, so not everyone can try it yet. I wonder how this will change everyday use for Apple fans like me. It's exciting, but we'll see if it lives up to the hype.
A Voyager 1, lançada pela Nasa em 5 de setembro de 1977, é uma das missões espaciais mais extraordinárias da história. Originalmente projetada para estudar Júpiter e Saturno, essa sonda espacial foi além das expectativas e, hoje, já se encontra no espaço interestelar, a uma distância de aproximadamente 24 bilhões de quilômetros da Terra. Em uma trajetória épica, a Voyager 1 ultrapassou os limites do Sistema Solar e da zona de influência do Sol, avançando para onde nenhuma outra espaçonave foi antes.
A Nasa lançou a Voyager 1 para uma missão inicial de explorar os gigantes gasosos Júpiter e Saturno. Ao passar por esses planetas, a sonda capturou imagens e dados que mudaram nossa compreensão sobre eles. Durante seus primeiros anos de missão, a Voyager 1 coletou informações valiosas, como as primeiras imagens detalhadas das luas de Júpiter e os anéis de Saturno.
Concluída a missão principal, a Voyager 1 continuou sua viagem para além do Sistema Solar. A sonda entrou na região chamada de espaço interestelar, onde a influência do Sol e de seu campo magnético é mínima. Essa transição, ocorrida em 2012, marcou um feito histórico e fez da Voyager 1 o primeiro objeto humano a sair da influência solar.
Hoje, a Voyager 1 permanece em funcionamento, sendo a espaçonave mais distante da Terra. Com 47 anos de missão, a sonda depende de uma bateria de plutônio que, embora se esgote com o tempo, tem sustentado os sistemas essenciais para transmitir dados e receber comandos da Nasa.
Nos últimos meses, a Voyager 1 enfrentou dificuldades. Em 16 de outubro, um comando enviado pela Nasa desencadeou o sistema de proteção contra defeitos da sonda, desativando todos os sistemas não essenciais, incluindo a comunicação. O incidente deixou a sonda incomunicável por alguns dias, o que gerou preocupações na equipe de engenheiros.
Para restaurar o contato, a equipe da Nasa recorreu a um transmissor de rádio em banda S, um sistema de comunicação que não era utilizado desde 1981. Esse transmissor permite uma comunicação de baixa frequência e ajudou a reestabelecer contato, ainda que o sinal seja fraco para o uso contínuo.
Com a Voyager 1 a 24 bilhões de quilômetros de distância, o tempo para que um comando chegue à sonda é de cerca de 23 horas. Esse atraso é uma das muitas dificuldades que os engenheiros enfrentam ao operar a sonda, e limita o número de ajustes e correções que podem ser feitos em tempo real.
Para prolongar a vida útil da Voyager 1, a equipe da Nasa tem adotado estratégias criativas, como desligar componentes não essenciais e reduzir o consumo de energia. Em intervalos regulares, são ativados aquecedores e sistemas que ajudam a reverter o dano da exposição à radiação, mantendo os sistemas vitais da sonda ativos.
Construída com tecnologia da década de 1970, a Voyager 1 é um exemplo de engenharia resistente. Embora seus sistemas não tenham sido projetados para uma missão tão longa, a robustez da sonda e a criatividade dos engenheiros têm mantido a missão ativa. Cada problema resolvido pela equipe é uma conquista, mostrando o compromisso com a exploração espacial.
Atualmente, a Nasa investiga o que teria desencadeado o sistema de proteção contra defeitos da Voyager 1. Antes de reativar o transmissor de banda X, a equipe precisa identificar a causa do problema e garantir que a comunicação seja estável para evitar novas interrupções de contato.
A Voyager 1 deixou um legado duradouro e continua inspirando novas gerações de cientistas e engenheiros. Com uma missão que desbravou Júpiter, Saturno e o espaço interestelar, essa sonda é um marco da exploração espacial e continua a desafiar os limites do conhecimento humano.
Morris Chang, o fundador da TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), é um homem astuto. Este engenheiro veterano lançou em 1987 a empresa que lidera a indústria de semicondutores há muitos anos. Nascido na China e formado nos Estados Unidos, Chang demonstrou publicamente em diversas ocasiões que sabe tudo. Uma das suas previsões sustenta que os custos de produção das suas fábricas localizadas fora de Taiwan duplicarão no futuro, o que terá um impacto direto no preço dos chips.
Além disso, ele destacou em diversas ocasiões o que para ele é o ingrediente fundamental que levou ao sucesso da TSMC e de outros fabricantes de chips japoneses e sul-coreanos: a cultura de trabalho. É isto que os torna tão competitivos para este executivo, e ele prevê que os EUA não terão isto a seu favor. A TSMC já está equipando sua nova fábrica no Arizona, e seu plano inicial previa que ela começasse a fabricar chips nos nós N5, N5P, N4, N4P e N4X em 2024. No entanto, as coisas não estão indo tão bem nos EUA.
Seja como for, a empresa fundada por Morris Chang há mais de três décadas e meia domina a indústria de chips com uma clareza "insultuosa". Intel e Samsung competem, mas mas ainda estão a uma distância considerável. Na verdade, a TSMC triplica a quota de mercado destas duas empresas na indústria de fabrico de circuitos integrados. E um dos seus pilares é a ambiciosa infraestrutura de produção. E não possui apenas fábricas de ponta em Taiwan, nos EUA e na China; também está construindo novas fábricas nesses países, no Japão e na Alemanha.
A infância e a adolescência de Morris Chang não foram fáceis. Ele nasceu em 1931, numa China à beira da guerra com o Japão, e antes de completar 18 anos morou em seis cidades diferentes e mudou de escola dez vezes. Ele sobreviveu aos bombardeios de Guangzhou e Chongqing e foi até forçado a cruzar a linha de frente com sua família para fugir de Xangai. Sua jornada em seu país de origem terminou em 1949. Naquele ano, Chang foi para os EUA para estudar engenharia mecânica em duas das melhores universidades do país: Harvard e MIT. Depois de ser rejeitado duas vezes no programa de doutorado do MIT, Chang decidiu entrar no mercado de trabalho.
Não demorou muito para que ele começasse a trabalhar na Sylvania, empresa de eletrônicos onde desenvolveu suas habilidades na área de transistores. Lá ele realmente começou sua carreira na área de semicondutores. Depois de três anos neste cargo, Sylvania enfrentou uma crise profunda causada em grande parte por não ter capacidade de adaptação ao ritmo em que a indústria de chips já se desenvolvia. Mas Chang se saiu bem. Em 1958 foi contratado por uma então jovem mas promissora empresa dedicada a circuitos integrados: a Texas Instruments.
Taiwan carece dos recursos naturais que outros países com grande capacidade industrial possuem, mas atualmente este estado tem muito talento humano. Caso contrário, segundo o próprio Chang, seu sucesso não teria sido possível. Além disso, o fundador da TSMC garantiu em diversas ocasiões que o espírito de trabalho enraizado e a dedicação profissional da sociedade taiwanesa são dois valores acrescentados que a maioria dos seus concorrentes não possui.
De caráter afável e acessível, Morris Chang quase não fala de si em seu discurso, mas não há dúvida de que é o grande responsável pela TSMC ocupar a posição privilegiada em que se encontra há muito tempo. Na verdade, incutiu na empresa que fundou há quase quatro décadas os valores que o guiaram ao longo da sua carreira profissional: integridade, compromisso, inovação e confiança.
Para Jensen Huang, cofundador e CEO da Nvidia, Chang não é apenas um líder na indústria de semicondutores. "O mundo está cheio de pessoas de sucesso, mas os heróis são raros. Há uma grande diferença entre sucesso e impacto. E acho que Morris, por sua carreira, sua filosofia, TSMC, sua estratégia e seus valores fundamentais, é, sem dúvida, um exemplo da revolução industrial", Huang declara sem esconder a menor devoção ao fundador da TSMC. As palavras de Jensen Huang podem parecer exageradas, mas a verdade é que a indústria de semicondutores não teria a dimensão que tem sem a TSMC e sem Morris Chang.
Boa parte da trajetória profissional desse engenheiro veterano aconteceu em uma das subsidiárias que a Texas Instruments possui nos EUA. Quando já tinha passado dos 50 anos e sem nada a provar, Chang imaginou que seria possível abrir uma empresa especializada apenas na fabricação de circuitos integrados e capaz de atender outras empresas responsáveis pelo design dos chips - e assim nasceu a TSMC. Hoje esta é uma estratégia totalmente consolidada, mas naquela época era uma ideia inédita. Ele estava até indo contra a corrente.
Morris Chang aposentou-se em 2018. Hoje ele continua participando de eventos e dando conferências, e cada vez que aparece é reverenciado pelo que é: uma das pessoas mais influentes não só na indústria de chips, mas na indústria de tecnologia em geral. As palavras de Jensen Huang refletem com muita força a dimensão que a figura de Morris Chang atingiu: “A tua carreira é uma obra-prima, uma Nona Sinfonia de Beethoven [...] A Nvidia não existiria sem a TSMC”.
Elon Musk warns that the U.S. debt is growing unsustainable. He has criticized excessive spending and says crypto like Dogecoin could be a solution. I don't know where he's going with that idea though.
It isnt the debt per se that is the problem. Actually, as long as someone keeps buying it, there is no issue. The global market uses US Treasuries like currency so what we are dealing with is money that we pay interest on.
Continuing from my post earlier... I tried a context length of 32K tokens, and my computer is toast! It's trying to process the data for 1 hour now, and it doesn't seem like it's stopping any time soon. CPU is working at 100% heat! #technology #ai #llama
Apple’s iOS 18.2 public beta just came out, adding cool new features like Genmoji and Siri with ChatGPT. Right now, only some users can try them. If you're interested, be cautious, beta versions can be glitchy. I’d only put it on a secondary device to avoid surprises.
I just learned about Bolt, an AI tool that helps people like me, without tech skills build apps. Imagine having a cool app idea but feeling stuck because you don't code. Bolt makes it easier. You can drag-and-drop, preview changes instantly, and deploy apps all in one place. It's like a shortcut to launching your digital ideas.
I confess that a part of me is "worried" because a vast majority of people are still not prepared for what is to come both through AI and robots.
Things are moving forward at an incredible speed.
I saw two videos that anyone who doesn't know anything about AI will say that the video is true. This is likely to cause major confusion in future elections.
I saw a video that had many of the leading experts in the field discussing this topic.
Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, stated that, categorically, we are not prepared for what is coming. He feels, by 2030 or 2032, we will have AI to the point where it is better than 90% of the humans in all fields.
The U.S. just told TSMC, a big chipmaker, to stop sending certain high-tech chips to China. These chips help with AI tasks. I think this is another move to keep the tech edge over China. It feels like a chess game between two big players, each trying to outsmart the other.
I spent a lot of time yesterday, and today installing and playing with Llama 3.2's 1B model on my local machine. So far, it's a lot worse than ChatGPT, but that's expected. My PC isn't strong, too.
I'm testing the limits of what my PC can handle. Just increased the context length to 16,000 tokens and my PC haven't crashed yet.
Nvidia is partnering with Lenovo to launch a new AI platform for businesses. The aim is to improve efficiency and profitability so that Nvidia grow as an industry and stock
A Islândia está na linha de frente para receber energia solar do espaço. Uma colaboração entre empresas islandesas e a Space Solar do Reino Unido pode tornar isso uma realidade até 2030.
A Islândia tem a oportunidade de se destacar na captação de energia solar espacial. Reykjavik Energy e Transition Labs firmaram parceria com a Space Solar, do Reino Unido, para criar uma estação espacial de energia solar capaz de gerar até 30 megawatts de eletricidade. Este projeto tem o potencial de fornecer energia para cerca de 1.500 a 3.000 lares.
A expansão desse projeto é promissora. Até 2036, a expectativa é que a produção alcance níveis em gigawatts. Traçando um caminho para a viabilidade, o Instituto de Tecnologia da Califórnia (Caltech) demonstrou em 2024 a capacidade de transmitir miliwatts de energia solar do espaço para a Terra.
A chave para capturar energia solar no espaço está em satélites orbitais equipados com painéis solares. Esses satélites convertem luz solar em energia, que é transmitida como ondas de rádio para receptores terrestres, onde é transformada em eletricidade para uso doméstico e industrial.
Estes satélites podem se tornar alguns dos maiores objetos lançados, até mesmo maiores que a Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS). A inovação sugere uma fonte contínua e confiável de energia solar, independente das condições climáticas na Terra.
A energia solar vinda do espaço oferece múltiplas vantagens, como fornecimento constante de energia, dia e noite, eliminando os efeitos das variações climáticas. Também se mostra economicamente viável quando comparada a outras energias renováveis.
Segundo Martin Soltau, codiretor executivo da Space Solar, esta modalidade pode competir em termos de custo e eficiência com outras fontes intermitentes de energia renovável. Assim, a Islândia tem uma posição única para ser líder em sustentabilidade energética.
O impacto não se limita à Islândia. Países como Canadá e norte do Japão são considerados para futuras estações receptoras. Com o crescimento de usinas espaciais, a tecnologia pode beneficiar outras nações.
Este desenvolvimento tecnológico pode ser crucial para reduzir emissões de carbono em um momento em que a demanda energética global está em alta. Abraçando essa inovação, podemos avançar para um futuro sustentável, menos dependente de combustíveis fósseis.
Com a Islândia liderando essa transformação energética, há uma expectativa global em torno do avanço de tecnologias capazes de revolucionar a geração e uso de energia. O futuro da energia solar espacial é promissor, oferecendo uma possibilidade de energia limpa e inesgotável.
CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju has predicted Bitcoin's next big move, predicting a 24% drop in its price by year-end. The prediction comes after Bitcoin hit $77k, briefly topping $79k. Despite the contrarian opinions, many traders and analysts are looking at more upside for Bitcoin due to favorable market and political conditions. Some analysts believe that Bitcoin's continuous surge is expected until next year.
However, Young Ju offered a disclaimer, saying he could be wrong. The CEO's post on Twitter/X also asked followers to guess the possible Bitcoin price at year-end, offering 0.01 BTC or roughly $7,600 at the current price. The diversity in users' answers is expected since predicting the asset's price by year-end is often challenging. Despite the contrarian opinion, many in the industry still look at the asset's upside due to favorable market and macroeconomic conditions
The company's approach leverages Web3 technologies to drive sales and engagement, indicating a shift towards innovative and decentralized methods within the beverage industry. This achievement underscores the potential of integrating Web3 concepts into traditional business models, reflecting a broader trend towards embracing blockchain and decentralized platforms for commercial success.
Initially cautious about the technology, Ridley Scott, the director of "Gladiator II," has shifted his stance and now acknowledges the advantages of generative AI in the realm of filmmaking.
Just as inleo I believe was built over time as users gave their feedback so will Leo AI. Pretty cool. Wasn't part of the beginning of inleo but I'm glad I'd be here for LeoAi.
Since I'm premium it should be open to me the moment it's out.
Globally, the music industry is grappling with significant issues related to unpaid royalties, with Limp Bizkit's lawsuit against Universal Music Group shedding light on intentional efforts to conceal payments. The core problem lies in inaccurate metadata, which is crucial for ensuring fair compensation but often remains misaligned across various databases. This issue is further exemplified by SoundExchange's legal action against AccuRadio, underscoring the widespread impact on both established and emerging artists.
The existing royalty systems are plagued by outdated technology and potential manipulation, creating a lack of transparency and trust. Blockchain technology emerges as a potential solution, offering a transparent and decentralized network for accurate royalty calculations. Despite challenges such as slower transaction times and limited adoption, blockchain presents a promising opportunity to revolutionize royalty payments and restore trust within the music industry.
Initiatives like Ripe Capital, Audius, and Myco are leveraging blockchain to provide transparent and fair compensation for artists, signaling a collaborative effort to address the issue. Ultimately, the urgency for reform in royalty payments is evident, and blockchain stands as a compelling solution to rectify the flawed systems and ensure fair compensation for artists.
Bitcoin has been experiencing record-breaking highs following Donald Trump's US election victory and a recent Federal Reserve rate cut. This has sparked renewed investor interest, driving BTC prices into uncharted territory. Top analyst Daan is optimistic, foreseeing potential for further upside to $88,800.
As BTC enters a bullish phase, it is now in a price discovery period, with analysts and investors closely monitoring its price action and expecting strong momentum due to institutional demand. The next few weeks will be crucial as Bitcoin tests new price levels, potentially fueling a transformative period and optimism in the crypto space.
As BTC consolidates at $76,400, maintaining above $73,800 is crucial for continued bullish momentum. A potential retrace to $72,500 could provide a reset for the market, but overall, the sentiment remains positive for Bitcoin's bullish trajectory.
A Chinese state official named Wang Moumou, working in a confidential unit, was found guilty of espionage for selling state secrets to foreigners to pay off debts incurred from cryptocurrency investment losses. The Chinese government is now addressing weaknesses in their confidentiality system to prevent similar incidents. Wang, who suffered losses from cryptocurrency investments, was lured by a foreign spy and received over 1 million yuan worth of cryptocurrency for passing on top-secret information about the Chinese government.
Wang, initially a good young man, was tempted by the prospect of earning money and gradually compromised his confidentiality standards, ultimately leading to his life imprisonment for espionage. The Chinese court found him guilty of selling state documents for cryptocurrency and discovered leniency in implementing confidentiality regulations in his unit, allowing him to leak sensitive documents to foreign intelligence agencies.
I guess the more we feed it the better it becomes when it's released.
I wanna ask, after release would it be updating itself or training even whiles we use it, or the trainers would have to be pushing updates like open AI does?
It works more like Llama with real time updating. That is why continual feeding into this database is important. The vector database allows for real time updates.
Crypto analyst Trader Tardigrade has observed a similarity between the current Dogecoin price action and that of 2020, noting that the bi-monthly Relative Strength Index (RSI) has risen to levels seen in 2020 before a significant bull run. The analyst predicts that the next three bi-monthly candles will be significant for Dogecoin, with potential for a parabolic rise to as high as $44.
Other analysts, including Ali Martinez and Olivier, have offered bullish predictions for Dogecoin, with potential price targets of $23 and $32, respectively. Additionally, analyst Master Kenobi compared Dogecoin's growth potential to Bitcoin, highlighting the possibility of Dogecoin's market cap increasing 10x to $290 billion, putting its price at $2. Meanwhile, at the time of writing, Dogecoin is trading at around $0.2, up over 3% in the last 24 hours.
Tether recently assisted the Ontario Provincial Police in recovering $10,000 CAD from a crypto robbery, demonstrating its commitment to addressing crypto-related crimes. Despite previous criticisms for lack of transparency, Tether cooperated with authorities by freezing the USDT involved and enabling its return to the rightful owner. The OPP expressed gratitude for Tether's help, with Detective Inspector Addison Hunter commending the company's voluntary assistance in facilitating the swift recovery of stolen assets.
Tether's CEO, Paolo Ardoino, emphasized the company's dedication to supporting law enforcement in combating cybercrime and holding criminals accountable, highlighting its collaborations with numerous law enforcement agencies globally. Amidst legal scrutiny and rumors of investigations into money laundering, Tether has refuted allegations and focused on business expansion, including investments in the Middle East to diversify its portfolio beyond crypto.
Richard Farley, a prominent partner at Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel in New York, is being considered as a potential candidate for the position of chair at the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the incoming President Donald Trump. With his extensive experience in high-stakes finance, particularly in leveraged finance, and his role as co-head of Kramer Levin’s Leveraged Finance Group, Farley has emerged as a top contender for this influential role.
Notably, his strong political ties and alignment with the GOP, along with his connections to influential figures in Trump's inner circle, bolster his candidacy. The potential shift in SEC priorities and stance on cryptocurrency under a new leadership, particularly in favor of relaxed regulatory conditions in the crypto sphere, has garnered attention. Farley is one of several finalists for the position, and the selection of the next SEC chair will significantly impact the regulation of digital assets and shape the future of the industry.
The crypto industry is experiencing a surge in bullish sentiment, with a focus on meme coins. A crypto analyst named CoreCrypto1 has predicted a 160% increase for DOGS, a relatively new meme cryptocurrency with a strong social media following.
The analyst highlighted a descending triangle pattern on the DOGS daily chart, suggesting a breakout. If successful, this retest could lead to substantial gains, with price levels set at $0.0008, $0.0011, and $0.00152. DOGS has garnered a significant following on social media and has seen recent price upticks, trading at $0.0006269 and up by 12.5% in the past 24 hours, supporting the outlook of a 160% surge.
After Donald Trump's victory in the US elections, there is speculation that Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, could be appointed to a key government role overseeing digital currency policies. Hoskinson confirmed his interest in serving as a presidential advisor on crypto legislation and expressed a willingness to collaborate with the new administration.
He aims to establish a policy division for crypto regulations through his company, Input Output Global (IOG), and work on bipartisan legislation with lawmakers and officials. Hoskinson believes this is the best opportunity for the cryptocurrency industry to gain legal clarity and emphasized the need for rules that facilitate innovation within the law. Speculation about his potential role has contributed to a surge in Cardano's price, with the digital currency experiencing significant growth.
Groups representing U.S. auto dealers plan to challenge Volkswagen's Scout Motors decision to sell directly to consumers, bypassing independent retailers.
Groups representing U.S. auto dealers said on Friday they plan to challenge a decision by Volkswagen's Scout Motors to sell directly to consumers, bypassing independent retailers.
The National Automobile Dealers Association said it and state associations "will challenge this and all attempts to sell direct in courthouses and statehouses across the country."
Scout said on Thursday it would join electric vehicle manufacturers like Tesla in forgoing a traditional independent dealer network in favor of directly selling and servicing vehicles, and it pledged full transparency on price and a speedy sales process.
Scout did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
NADA CEO Mike Stanton said the decision by VW "to attempt to sell Scout vehicles direct to consumers and compete with its U.S. dealer partners is disappointing and misguided, and it will be challenged."
Scout Motors CEO Scott Keogh told Reuters earlier this week that he expects the brand will have around three dozen U.S. retail centers when sales begin in 2027, eventually rising to 100. Other EV sellers like Rivian and Lucid have direct sales models as well.
"I think it's critical moving into the future in unstable environments to control your customer, control your margin, control your operational excellence," Keogh said, referring to the direct sales plan.
The researchers' recently published study describes a way to re-activate apoptosis in mutated cells, which would amount to forcing cancer to self-destruct through a bioengineered, bonding molecule.
Every day, billions of cells in the human body die thanks to a natural process known as apoptosis. When apoptosis doesn't work by design, cells get cancerous and can cause a life-threatening illness. Now, researchers at Stanford University are working on a novel way to treat, and possibly kill for good, a specific type of cancer.
This new discovery from Stanford is amazing man. If they can really reverse cancer cell behavior by triggering natural cell death, that could change the way we treat cancer. More hope for all cancer patients
The researchers' recently published study describes a way to re-activate apoptosis in mutated cells, which would amount to forcing cancer to self-destruct through a bioengineered, bonding molecule.
Gerald Crabtree, one of the study's authors and a professor of development biology, said he had the idea while hiking through Kings Mountain, California, during the pandemic period. The new compound would have to bind two proteins which already exist in the cancerous cells, turning apoptosis back on and making the cancer kill itself.
ChatGPT can actually help with fitness! I didn’t expect much, but it’s good for basic workout advice. I tell it my fitness goals, and it suggests exercises and meal ideas. It’s not a real trainer, but it’s nice to have some guidance and motivation on hand.
I think they can launch a free streaming service with ad supported content to attract more viewers, following industry trends, but have any official announcements been made yet?
The Chips Act has boosted American electronics investments to historic highs. The country currently produces none of the world's advanced semiconductors but could supply at least 20 percent by the decade's end. However, an analysis earlier this year found that around 40 percent of the funding has suffered delays, some of them indefinite. Intel announced its award in March, but none of the money has reached the company yet.
The government awarded GlobalFoundries $1.5 billion to construct a new semiconductor fab in New York and help expand the company's Vermont operations. Meanwhile, TSMC secured a $6.6 billion grant and a $5 billion loan to build a fab for 2nm chips in Arizona.
Decentralized AI tackles privacy issues
To train such a large model, the project would need “tens of thousands of GPUs in one place,” which wouldn’t be ideal. But to use a decentralized network of compute “you’d need a new technology that doesn’t exist today because all the distributed training techniques we have require very fast interconnect.” However, he added that emerging research from Deep Mind suggests it is possible.
Polosukhin said he hasn’t spoken with existing projects like the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance but would be happy to see if there are synergies. Whatever happens, he said decentralized AI technology must win for all our sake. Conference guest speaker Edward Snowden rammed home the point by painting a scary portrait of centralized AI turning the world into a giant surveillance state.
The US has spent the last two years preparing to award chipmakers billions to help boost the country's domestic semiconductor industry, which has lagged behind nations like Taiwan and South Korea. The US government is negotiating the last of the subsidies as the incoming Trump administration threatens the policy's future.
Mutated BCL6 proteins block a signal that should normally bring cancerous cells to activate apoptosis. Traditional, non-destructive cancer treatments have been targeting oncogenes to try and shut the cancer down, while the new study proposes a mechanism to exploit them instead. "You take something that the cancer is addicted to for its survival and you flip the script and make that be the very thing that kills it," Crabtree said.
The team is now testing the molecule on mice affected by diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, to see if the method is effective at killing cancer in living animals. The technique relies on the natural supply of BCL6 and CDK9 in cells, which means it will likely work only on cancerous lymphomas. After testing the new molecule with 859 different types of cancer cells in the lab, the researchers confirmed that it was able to kill only diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma cells.
The roots of First Principles Thinking sit deep, tracing back to none other than Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher. Aristotle’s exploration of this concept in his work, “Metaphysics,” laid the groundwork for study of critical thinking and analysis. He proposed that understanding anything in its most basic form involves identifying its “first causes” or “principles” — the fundamental truths or building blocks from which everything else is derived.
Despite its ancient origins, the concept of First Principles Thinking was cast into the modern spotlight by innovators like Elon Musk, who has often spoken about its role in his approach to problem-solving and innovation. Musk’s discussions around the concept have brought it into the contemporary discourse, highlighting its relevance and applicability to solving complex problems and fostering innovation in today’s technology-driven world. It encourages us to strip away accumulated knowledge and assumptions — often taken for granted — to revisit the very foundations upon which our understanding is built. This approach doesn’t just apply to scientific inquiry or technological innovation; it extends to any domain where complex problems exist and where innovative solutions are sought.
While AI hype at the moment is concentrated on model and AI-native companies, AI use cases among non-AI-native companies within the “long tail” are growing more prominent and commonplace, ranging from customer service chatbots to augmented reality shopping experiences. Given the pace of AI innovation, we believe the easiest way to understand how companies in the long tail are using AI is by grouping their use cases into one of four layers that we outlined in this deep dive: custom models, closed-source models, open-source models, and third-party AI tools.
Michael Saylor’s MicroStrategy (MSTR) began accumulating BTC in 2020 and never looked back, transforming the get-along software company into a top-performing equity investment of the past two bull cycles in the process.
Despite reporting substantial losses every quarter in 2024, MSTR is still handily outperforming BTC, up an additional 200% on the year-to-date basis after parabolically doubling in price since September!
Shortly after Denmark has allowed picture porn also follows countries such as Germany, the USA and Sweden, and from the mid-70s the train leaves us so small, even though Theander brothers still produce lots and ship abroad.
In the late 70 ’ we have been run over and are no longer a big player in the market, I think. The epoch is over.
Ethical Considerations Surrounding AI GF Chatbots
As AI GF chatbots become more prevalent, ethical considerations come to the forefront. Users often form emotional attachments to these digital companions, leading to questions about consent and authenticity.
Privacy is another key concern. Many chatbots collect personal data to enhance user experience. This raises issues about how that information is stored and used.
Information theory is the mathematical study of the quantification, storage, and communication of information. The field was established and put on a firm footing by Claude Shannon in the 1940s,[1] though early contributions were made in the 1920s through the works of Harry Nyquist and Ralph Hartley. It is at the intersection of electronic engineering, mathematics, statistics, computer science, neurobiology, physics, and electrical engineering
Let’s face it— we’re in a marketing battleground. Your business is only one of the hundreds or even thousands competing for your customer’s attention. If your goal is to win the war for attention, you need to differentiate yourself in a way that actually matters to your customers.
While this sounds obvious, it’s not. All too often, businesses assume they understand what is important for their customers.
Financial crises, twice in so many decades, have exposed our monetary hardwiring as a critical issue of governance. That circuitry starts with a public unit – the dollar -- created and backed by the federal government, but it appoints commercial banks to amplify and spread that money at the retail level. The design does more than delegate distribution to banks. By privileging banks as money creators, it also enables them to determine distribution. Operating according to criteria that are privately determined, banks decide which recipients will benefit from the expansion of a medium that is public. The process is clearly discriminatory.
The hybrid state at the monetary core of the market has never been justified according to democratic criteria. Retail banks prevailed in their partnership with the state because they had strategic advantages in creating credit money, not because they were experts in allocating that medium fairly or most efficiently. That history, recovered here, was lost to an economic narrative that located banks as intermediaries vetted by the competitive marketplace. Public spending does not dilute the problem; all such spending occurs through the same banked conduits.
“You can learn how something can be done and then go back to first principles and ask yourself, ‘Given the conditions today, given my motivation, given the instruments, the tools, given how things have changed, how would I redo this? How would I reinvent this whole thing?’”
Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA, started his career washing dishes at Denny’s. He then worked his way to busboy and eventually founded what is one of today’s most valuable companies. In this interview at Stanford GSB’s View From The Top event, founder and CEO Jensen Huang shares the stage with Shantam Jain, MBA ’24, to detail his experience founding NVIDIA, funding it, and finally, his views on AI.
“It tells you that the fact is, what we do, what our purpose is in the Democratic Party, is for America’s working families,” she added.
“For example, under President Biden, you see the rescue package, money in the pockets of people, shots in the arm, children in school safely, working people back to work.”
Pelosi took aim at President-elect Trump, as the octogenarian seemingly forgot his name for a moment.
Michalski remained in Hungary for a final night while Gretchen Tower moved on to visit some friends in Italy, the grieving friend told WKBW.
The duo remained in communication until shortly after midnight Tuesday. Michalski then failed to check out of her Airbnb or make her flight back to the US — prompting Tower to call the US Embassy.
At a candlelight vigil in Budapest Saturday, Michalski’s father Bill said she had visited Budapest before, and called it her “happy place.”
Schumer’s office did not immediately respond to an inquiry from The Post.
A children’s activity book featuring a character created by the Palestinian cartoonist Naji al-Ali was handed out on Saturday amid speeches from organizers who refused to identify themselves.
The workbook was created by the Palestinian Feminist Collective, one of the radical organizations highlighted in a recent report by the Network Contagion Research Institute and the advocacy group New York City Public School Alliance.
The report outlined the PFC’s pushing of resources allegedly linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a US-designated terrorist organization.
If the sex pest once known as “Carlos Danger” during his sexcapades does give politics another go, he would vie for the seat of Council Member Carlina Rivera, which will be open after her term ends in 2025.
Weiner did acknowledge Saturday that his personal baggage might hamper his odds.
Big history started with the Alpha Point, be it the Big Bang or Big Bounce, and resembles a huge ongoing evolutionary computing program running on the universal computer of sorts. As a rule, which I refer to as ‘Universal Evolutionary Doubling Algorithm,’ or simply ‘Exponential Evolution,’ the pace of any evolutionary process always quickens It took billions of years since the Big Bang for Earth to form. It took two billion more for unicellular life to “warm up” for the next phase of multicellularity about 550 million years ago. Mammals inherited Earth some 65 million years ago. With the emergence of primates, evolutionary progress was measured in mere millions of years, leading to Homo sapiens some 300,000 years ago.
Volatility Models are dependent upon how you are measuring volatility. Do you define that as close to close, from last night’s close to the morning open, or do you measure volatility as the percentage movement that day between the high and the low? Illustrated above in Figure #6 we have plotted these three main types of volatility so you can see there is a huge difference. Obviously, the definition of volatility being plotted and forecast can be correct in one manner and a non-event in another. It all depends upon your definition.
There is overnight volatility reflected in the percentage movement from the previous session closing to the current session opening. Then there is intraday volatility measured by the distance between the high and low of the trading session. Then there is closing volatility from one session to the next. We can see that these three perspectives alone provide completely different forecasts.
According to most of the sources, no one in the FBI at a GS-14 level or higher is safe from losing their job after Mr. Trump is sworn in, and they fully expect the president-elect to “smash the place to pieces when he gets in,” and that it will be a “bloodbath.”
Former FBI whistleblower George Hill told The Washington Times that people in the agency say the current state of the FBI is “frazzled.”
Mr. Trump’s firing of Mr. Comey in 2017 raised suspicions in the Justice Department that the president was obstructing justice, leading to special counsel Robert Mueller’s long-running and costly probe, which eventually found no evidence that Trump campaign officials conspired with or were connected to Moscow.
A subsequent government watchdog investigation found that FBI officials made numerous errors or omissions in secret warrant applications for surveillance of a Trump campaign aide.
Following the high court’s decision, Mr. Strand said, U.S. District Judge Christopher Reid Cooper claimed he would have sentenced him to one year in prison anyway, even without the felony conviction. Judge Cooper is an Obama appointee.
“[Judge Cooper] said, if the felony had not been there, but I’d gone to trial, he would have sentenced me to 12 months on a first-time nonviolent misdemeanor,” he said in a phone interview. “That’s not just crazy. That’s like 10 times crazy.”
During a portion of his prison sentence at the Miami facility, Mr. Strand was placed in solitary in the isolation unit.
“It’s like a giant steel, rusted red, brownish color. Everything else in the cell is concrete, so it’s all grayish, ugly and depressing…and you’re reduced to a pulse and almost nothing else,” he said.
Prison policy dictates that those locked up in solitary confinement must be granted one hour of “recreation time” or outdoor time per day, but Mr. Strand says they violated their own policy at the Miami facility.
Implications of Bitcoin’s Surging Mining Difficulty
Meanwhile, Bitcoin appears set to enter a bull run cycle for the rest of 2024 and beyond. This is evidenced in Bitcoin’s ability to hit new highs in mining difficulty. Simply put, mining difficulty measures the difficulty of solving the complex cryptographic puzzles used in the mining process.
This recent surge suggests miners will need to work harder to mine Bitcoin. Consequently, only the strongest and most efficient operators in the industry will get involved in securing the network.
As of this writing, the BTC price was $76,355, down 0.13% over the last 24 hours. Still, following Trump’s election victory, a Bitcoin target of $120,000 and beyond in the coming weeks seems more likely.
Dillon said “Joker 2” “has no plot” and recalled realizing the movie was going to bomb while he was on set.
“We would sit there, me and these other guys were all dressed in these security outfits because we’re working at the Arkham Asylum, and I would turn to one of them and we’d hear this crap and I’d go, ‘What the f— is this?’ ” he shared. “And they’d go, ‘This is going to bomb, man.’ I go, ‘This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.’
Then, on October 19, Voyager 1 fell silent again. The team speculated that the probe might have completely turned off its X-band transmitter in favor of a backup S-band radio transmitter, which operates at a much lower frequency of two to four gigahertz—an instrument it hadn’t used in 43 years. Communicating on the S-band uses less power, but its signal is also fainter, so if that was the case, NASA scientists weren’t sure whether they’d be able to detect it from Earth. Coupled with the fact that Voyager 1 is much farther away now than it was when it last used the S-band in the ’80s, finding the signal could have been a difficult task.
As World War II raged on, delegates from 44 Allied nations gathered at a hotel in Bretton Woods, N. H., to lay out foundations for the reconstruction of the international financial system. The hope was to prevent a repetition of competitive devaluations in the 1930s and to create a stable economic and financial environment for nations to operate in. This resulted in an agreement for countries to fix their exchange rates to the U.S. dollar and the U.S. to peg the dollar to gold.
Information theory studies the transmission, processing, extraction, and utilization of information. Abstractly, information can be thought of as the resolution of uncertainty. In the case of communication of information over a noisy channel, this abstract concept was formalized in 1948 by Claude Shannon in a paper entitled A Mathematical Theory of Communication, in which information is thought of as a set of possible messages, and the goal is to send these messages over a noisy channel, and to have the receiver reconstruct the message with low probability of error, in spite of the channel noise. Shannon's main result, the noisy-channel coding theorem, showed that, in the limit of many channel uses, the rate of information that is asymptotically achievable is equal to the channel capacity, a quantity dependent merely on the statistics of the channel over which the messages are sent
In the 60s and 70s, adult movie theaters provided increasingly public spaces for people to see pornographic materials, resulting in a series of court cases that had significant ramifications for the legal separation of the public and private spheres. Although it is still in its early stages, Erin Barry’s research has already brought up some interesting questions regarding the limits of freedom of speech, the division between public and private spaces, and the government’s relationship to its citizens’ sexuality.
At the core of AI-based search is the ability to interact with the machines and algorithms leveraging data in a natural way. NLP, or natural language processing, provides the ability for machines to interact with human language without sacrificing all the complexity and diversity that language and speech provide. With NLP computers can detect patterns and similarity of words within language and use that to provide more relevant responses. Take for example something as simple as how we describe things in the English language. I can use the same word to mean two very different things, “My dinner was salty” means something very different compared to “Jane was acting very salty”. The word salty in these two contexts are very different, NLP provides the ability for computers to provide discernment on what is actually being stated and requested.
Crypto x AI can give rise to the “Agentic Web”, a transformative paradigm in which AI agents operating on crypto infrastructure rails can become significant drivers of economic activity and growth. We predict a future where agents will have their own crypto wallets to autonomously transact and fulfill user intents, access lower-cost, decentralized compute and data resources, or leverage stablecoins to pay humans and other agents to complete tasks necessary for their overall objective function.
However, it was Ole Ege who almost made her world famous in a movie where she rides naked, masturbates on a horse, and has sex with various animals. The film won an award at the first porn film festival in Amsterdam in 1970, and it made Denmark known for now also doing animal sex.
There were also many tourists who came to the country to experience Bodil's live shows on her farm in Odsherred, and she probably became the biggest porn star we had in those years.
First Principles Thinking is a philosophical approach that involves breaking down complex problems into their most basic components. It’s about getting to the ‘first principles’ or the foundational truths of a problem or situation, then reconstructing it from the ground up. This methodology encourages us to question assumptions, rethink norms, and explore new possibilities that aren’t bound by existing models or beliefs.
“We didn’t design them to last 30 years or 40 years, we designed them not to fail,” John Casani, Voyager project manager from 1975 to 1977, says in a NASA statement.
In 2012, Voyager 1 became the first spacecraft to cross out of the heliosphere—a sort of bubble surrounding the solar system filled with the solar magnetic field and solar wind—making it the first spacecraft to enter interstellar space. Voyager 2 reached the cosmic milestone six years later.
If you answered the Federal Reserve, I’m sorry but you’re going to have to repeat the 4th grade. Commercial banks create money. This system of money creation has an inherent advantage that the gold standard lacks: flexibility. Banks can create more $$$ when demand for money is strong, spurring economic growth. If demand for $$$ is sluggish, banks won’t loan. Alternatively, there may be a lot of money demand but banks still won’t lend for a multitude of reasons. That’s a rabbit hole too deep for the purposes of this article…
The Number and Types of Agents in Artificial Intelligence
There are five different types of intelligent agents used in AI. They are defined by their range of capabilities and intelligence level:
Reflex Agents: These agents work here and now and ignore the past. They respond using the event-condition-action rule. The ECA rule applies when a user initiates an event, and the Agent turns to a list of pre-set conditions and rules, resulting in pre-programmed outcomes.
Model-based Agents: These agents choose their actions like reflex agents do, but they have a better comprehensive view of the environment. An environmental model is programmed into the internal system, incorporating into the Agent's history.
Goal-based agents: These agents build on the information that a model-based agent stores by augmenting it with goal information or data regarding desirable outcomes and situations.
Utility-based agents: These are comparable to the goal-based agents, except they offer an extra utility measurement. This measurement rates each possible scenario based on the desired result and selects the action that maximizes the outcome. Rating criteria examples include variables such as success probability or the number of resources required.
Learning agents: These agents employ an additional learning element to gradually improve and become more knowledgeable over time about an environment. The learning element uses feedback to decide how the performance elements should be gradually changed to show improvement.
MicroStrategy became the first publicly traded company to implement a BTC treasury strategy with its purchase of 21,454 tokens for $250M announced back in August 2020, an initial investment that has returned nearly 500% during its 4-year lifespan.
As of September 2024, MicroStrategy holds 252,220 bitcoin.
Although MicroStrategy has retained its status a BTC behemoth among direct corporate holders, the introduction of spot BTC ETFs in January 2024 reshaped the top holder landscape, supplanting MicroStrategy with BlackRock as the fourth largest entity to hold BTC behind Binance, Satoshi, and Coinbase.
Google's head of research told BI that learning to code continues to be a valuable skill.
Yossi Matias compared coding to math and said learning "basic disciplines" is "as important as ever."
He also said people should remember AI isn't just in chatbots — and it's going to transform a number of fields.
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Despite the work evolving, Matias said that AI isn't taking over the whole coding process. Even though Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said that a quarter of all code is now generated by AI, he also noted it's still reviewed and accepted by engineers.
Matias said hestill believes "everybody should learn how to code." In fact, the basics may be more important now than ever, he said.
"Perhaps even more so now, there are going to be many more opportunities to actually build on that," Matias said.
AI will impact a wide range of fields
Matias said that even those who don't want to become software engineers should understand how technology works,similar to how people still need to understand math even if computers can do the most complex calculations.
"I think that basic coding is like basic math," Matias said. "You need to understand what's going on there."
While the launch of ChatGPT two years ago ignited the generative AI race and made the technology a mainstream topic, AI research has been a cornerstone of tech giants like Google for over 20 years.
Matias said that AI will boost practically every field, especially biology, chemistry, and medicine. He said it's becoming "both a tool and a science."
Scout plans to begin producing up to 200,000 EV trucks and SUVs annually starting in 2027 from its $2 billion South Carolina plant, which is under construction. The automaker disclosed on Thursday that it will offer extended-range variants that include a small gasoline engine.
"With this award, the 3D-Audio program continues to be a significant cornerstone of our offerings to meet the demand for best-in-class audio systems from the global community," said Rob Strasser, Vice President of Terma Self-Protection Systems.
The deal comes at a time when the US and other allies have accelerated training Ukrainian pilots on F-16s due to Kyiv's pressing need for air defense against intensifying Russian bombardments. Keeping pilots operating at peak awareness is critical to ensuring mission success and getting them home safely.
Push all decisions to the lowest effective level (subsidiarity): Local entities must control their economic destiny unless demonstrably necessary to elevate to a higher level.
Require radical transparency by default: Organizations wielding significant economic power must operate transparently with increasing disclosure requirements as their influence grows.
End the socialization of private risk: Entities pursuing private gain must internalize their risks rather than offloading consequences onto society.
The third theme is about what happens when so much consumption moves to networks. Historically, most media distribution was one-way. It was delivered to consumers and there wasn't much of a feedback mechanism. But of course, today, most consumption happens on two-way networks. And the most important thing about networks is that they're subject to these really powerful positive feedback loops that make the strong, stronger. There's both a supply-side and a demand-side dynamic here.
The third theme is about what happens when so much consumption moves to networks. Historically, most media distribution was one-way. It was delivered to consumers and there wasn't much of a feedback mechanism. But of course, today, most consumption happens on two-way networks. And the most important thing about networks is that they're subject to these really powerful positive feedback loops that make the strong, stronger. There's both a supply-side and a demand-side dynamic here.
This is a movie called Where the Robots Grow. It is billing itself as the first AI-enabled feature length animation, created by a studio called AiMation, and is 87 minutes long. They say that the team is only nine people, and it only cost $8,000 per minute. Of course, those are fractions of the labor and cost of a traditional animated production. One thing they very cleverly did is they use robots, so lip syncing is not that important. Is it Pixar? No. But might it be really entertaining if you're five or six? Yeah. And clearly we're getting closer. It's streaming for free on YouTube, and I encourage you to check it out.
YouTuber and former NASA engineer Mark Rober has created an unbeatable robot opponent that will shatter your confidence in the classic rock-paper-scissors game.
In a nutshell: Computers have been beating humans at games for a long while. OpenAI got its start with bots that could beat professional Starcraft players. Now, one engineer has built an unbeatable robot at Roshambo – commonly known as Rock-Paper-Scissors.
YouTuber and former NASA engineer Mark Rober has created an unbeatable robot opponent that will shatter your confidence in the classic rock-paper-scissors game. Dubbed "Rocky," the robot is outwardly just a simple box with googly eyes and a 3D-printed hand, so how good could it be?
Impossibly good! Rober excitedly shows off the bot's capabilities in a recent video. Rober could not win a single round against the robot in his demo. Rober claims that the chances of beating Rocky are "zero percent."
The ability to have these do similar things in terms of knowledge is possible. In fact, I believe most LLMs will eventually be commodities since they are all trained on the same information.
That said, the robotic part of things, going a bit further is more difficult. Here is where we see a difference.
oooooh I get it now, but with the way Nvidia is making their model Open source I'll not be surprised to see lots of new and affordable tech trained with AI.
The key to Rocky's dominance is a blisteringly fast hand-tracking system. An infrared motion sensor tracks the movement of your hand and fingers a hundred times per second. This data gets fed into a mini-computer buried inside Rocky's body, which uses algorithms to determine whether you're throwing rock, paper, or scissors split seconds before you've fully extended your hand. Once it knows your throw, the computer directs Rocky's robotic hand via servo motors to make the perfect counter move.
Wait a minute, that means it's the end of winning Rock paper scissors 😭💔
Mark Rober’s robot is really cool and that means eventually Robots can get to AGI level.
The software was available for a brief time on the Chrome Web Store.
Jarvis is real. Google’s new AI prototype accidentally found its way to the public through the Chrome Web Store. This isn’t just some AI helper that can tell you the weather or remind you about doctor appointments. The Information reported that the store page describes the Jarvis prototype as “a helpful companion that surfs the web for you” through web browsers to take care of common tasks such as buying groceries, booking flight and research topics
Good God 🤯🤯🤯 it's finally going to happen. I thought we would be seeing this like 2030, I guys Christmas came 5 years earlier. Compared to gpt40 which is more powerful?
In other words, Google’s new AI has the ability to take control of a computer to complete these simple tasks without manual human input. The prototype that popped up on Google’s extension store wasn’t in full working mode. A reporter tried to use Jarvis but access permissions prevented the app from performing any functions.
Google took down Jarvis’ store page by midafternoon ahead of its planned reveal in December. Jarvis will have some competition from outfits like Anthropic and its Claude AI assistant that started its public beta phase last month. Anthropic’s AI assistant can do more than just basic functions through a web browser. Claude can take over a computer to type text, activate buttons and move the cursor.
Bankrupt cryptocurrency company FTX filed 23 lawsuits Friday against Anthony Scaramucci (pictured above), his hedge fund SkyBridge Capital, and other
Bankrupt cryptocurrency company FTX filed 23 lawsuits Friday against Anthony Scaramucci (pictured above), his hedge fund SkyBridge Capital, and other organizations including and the Mark Zuckerberg-backed lobbying group
These lawsuits are an attempt to claw back money for FTX’s creditors following the company’s collapse. FTX claims that the money targeted in these suits was part of “a campaign of influence-buying” by founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, conducted as the company was struggling to meet its own cashflow needs.
The lawsuit claims, “These ‘investments’ conveyed little to no benefit to Debtors, and instead served only to prop up Bankman-Fried’s standing in the worlds of politics and traditional finance,” which he then attempted to leverage as “potential sources of equity investment in FTX to fill the hole in the balance sheet and, therefore, keep his scheme afloat.”
Since the company went bankrupt, FTX executives have been convicted of crimes including fraud and money laundering. Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years in prison and is currently appealing his conviction.
Lawyers representing Sam Bankman-Fried, the FTX CEO and co-founder who was convicted of fraud and money laundering late last year, are seeking a new
Lawyers representing Sam Bankman-Fried, the FTX CEO and co-founder who was convicted of fraud and money laundering late last year, are seeking a new trial.
Following crypto exchange FTX’s collapse, Bankman-Fried was found guilty on all seven counts, then sentenced to 25 years in prison and ordered to pay $11 billion in forfeiture. He has been serving his sentence in Brooklyn.
Bloomberg reports that Bankman-Fried’s appeal focuses on the behavior of U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, alleging that Kaplan’s rulings were “not just erroneous but unbalanced” and that the judge “continually ridiculed Bankman-Fried during trial, repeatedly criticized his demeanor, and signaled his disbelief of Bankman-Fried’s testimony.”
The appeal also claims that Kaplan “repeatedly mocked defense counsel” while helping the government make its case and that he “improperly prodded” jurors to reach a quick verdict.
Bankman-Fried’s lawyers are seeking a new trial under a new judge. The U.S. attorney’s office that prosecuted the case said it does not plan to comment on the filing.
Online Gaming Platforms And YouTube Will Also Seemingly Be Banned For Aussies Under 16
UPDATE (08/11/24): We now have more information on the Online Safety Act that will prevent Australians that are under 16 from accessing online platforms, and as we expected, it seems as though it will apply to the likes of YouTube, Roblox and by definition even extend as far as the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live.
The definition of a social media service as per the Online Safety Act according to the ABC can be found below:
The sole or primary purpose of the service is to enable online social interaction between two or more end users;
The service allows end users to link to, or interact with, some or all of the other end users;
The service allows end users to post material on the service.
By definition, any online gaming network such as Fortnite, Roblox or the PlayStation Network/Xbox Live would meet this criteria as they exist to enable online social interaction between two or more end users, allow people to interact and in most cases also allow material to be posted on the service.
Reuters and Bloomberg report that TSMC, GlobalFoundries, and another unnamed company have completed agreements to receive billions in Chips Act funds from the US government.
In brief: The US has spent the last two years preparing to award chipmakers billions to help boost the country's domestic semiconductor industry, which has lagged behind nations like Taiwan and South Korea. The US government is negotiating the last of the subsidies as the incoming Trump administration threatens the policy's future.
Reuters and Bloomberg report that TSMC, GlobalFoundries, and another unnamed company have completed agreements to receive billions in Chips Act funds from the US government. The deliveries will likely be the last before the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, who is critical of the legislation.
Although the companies haven't yet received the grants and loans, the US Commerce Department recently informed Congress that three companies will imminently receive the money. The amounts reflect prior agreements with TSMC and GlobalFoundries.
The government awarded GlobalFoundries $1.5 billion to construct a new semiconductor fab in New York and help expand the company's Vermont operations. Meanwhile, TSMC secured a $6.6 billion grant and a $5 billion loan to build a fab for 2nm chips in Arizona.
Congress passed the Chips and Science Act in 2022, earmarking $280 billion for chipmakers who agreed to develop manufacturing facilities stateside. The program aims to reduce US dependence on South Korea and Taiwan for the most advanced semiconductors, partly because the latter is under potential threat from China.
The farthest spacecraft in the universe went momentarily rogue, but scientists breathed a sigh of relief when it reconnected at an unexpected radio frequency
In 1977, NASA launched Voyager 1 and 2: a pair of spacecraft tasked with touring Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune by taking advantage of a rare alignment of the outer planets that only happens once every 175 years. The two probes had both completed their encounters with these worlds by 1989, and since then, they’ve traveled to the outer limits of our solar system and beyond, sending critical scientific data back to Earth.
Recently, however, Voyager 1 briefly fell silent. It broke communication with NASA in mid-October, then restored contact in an unexpected way: a backup radio transmitter that had been inactive since 1981.
“The spacecraft recently turned off one of its two radio transmitters, and the team is now working to determine what caused the issue,” according to a NASA blog post.
NASA’s twin Voyager probes have been flying for 47 years, which means the agency’s scientists and engineers back on Earth have increasingly had to deal with age-related maintenance issues, per’s Samantha Mathewson. Last December, for instance, Voyager 1 started sending nonsensical transmissions. Engineers solved the problem five months later, restoring the craft to its full abilities by this summer.
On October 16, Voyager 1 experienced another hiccup. Scientists sent the probe a command to turn on one of its heaters, but for some reason, the command triggered its fault protection system, which is built to respond autonomously to issues onboard. To preserve energy, the fault protection system occasionally turns off nonessential processes, but Voyager 1 should have had enough energy to run the heater.
Because the probe is currently more than 15 billion miles away—making it the farthest spacecraft from Earth—it takes almost 23 hours for a command to reach the craft and another 23 hours for its response to reach scientists. That means the NASA team only noticed something was wrong two days later, when they didn’t detect a response from the probe.
On Oct. 24, NASA reconnected with the Voyager 1 spacecraft after a brief pause in communications. The spacecraft recently turned off one of its two radio transmitters, and the team is now working to determine what caused the issue.
The transmitter shut-off seems to have been prompted by the spacecraft’s fault protection system, which autonomously responds to onboard issues. For example, if the spacecraft overdraws its power supply, fault protection will conserve power by turning off systems that aren’t essential for keeping the spacecraft flying. But it may take days to weeks before the team can identify the underlying issue that triggered the fault protection system.
When the flight team, which is based at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, beams instructions to the spacecraft via the agency’s Deep Space Network, Voyager 1 sends back engineering data that the team assesses to determine how the spacecraft responded to the command. This process normally takes a couple of days — almost 23 hours for the command to travel more than 15 billion miles (24 billion kilometers) from Earth to the spacecraft, and another 23 hours for the data to travel back.
On Oct. 16, the flight team sent a command to turn on one of the spacecraft’s heaters. While Voyager 1 should have had ample power to operate the heater, the command triggered the fault protection system. The team learned of the issue when the Deep Space Network couldn’t detect Voyager 1’s signal on Oct. 18.
The spacecraft typically communicates with Earth using what’s called an X-band radio transmitter, named for the specific frequency it uses. The flight team correctly hypothesized that the fault protection system had lowered the rate at which the transmitter was sending back data. This mode requires less power from the spacecraft, but it also changes the X-band signal that the Deep Space Network needs to listen for. Engineers found the signal later that day, and Voyager 1 otherwise seemed to be in a stable state as the team began to investigate what had happened.
Then, on Oct. 19, communication appeared to stop entirely. The flight team suspected that Voyager 1’s fault protection system was triggered twice more and that it turned off the X-band transmitter and switched to a second radio transmitter called the S-band. While the S-band uses less power, Voyager 1 had not used it to communicate with Earth since 1981. It uses a different frequency than the X-band transmitters signal is significantly fainter. The flight team was not certain the S-band could be detected at Earth due to the spacecraft’s distance, but engineers with the Deep Space Network were able to find it.
Rather than risk turning the X-band back on before determining what triggered the fault protection system, the team sent a command on Oct. 22 to confirm the S-band transmitter is working. The team is now working to gather information that will help them figure out what happened and return Voyager 1 to normal operations.
Voyagers 1 and 2 have been flying for more than 47 years and are the only two spacecraft to operate in interstellar space. Their advanced age has meant an increase in the frequency and complexity of technical issues and new challenges for the mission engineering team.
Voyager 1 and its twin Voyager 2 are the only spacecraft ever to operate outside the heliosphere, the protective bubble of particles and magnetic fields generated by the Sun. Voyager 1 reached the interstellar boundary in 2012, while Voyager 2 (traveling slower and in a different direction than its twin) reached it in 2018.
My eye was caught by a striking photograph in the most recent edition of Charles Arthur’s Substack newsletter Social Warming. It shows a narrow street in the aftermath of the “rain bomb” that devastated the region of Valencia in Spain. A year’s worth of rain fell in a single day, and in some towns more than 490 litres a square metre fell in eight hours. Water is very heavy, so if there’s a gradient it will flow downhill with the kind of force that can pick up a heavy SUV and toss it around like a toy. And if it channels down a narrow urban street, it will throw parked cars around like King Kong in a bad mood.
The photograph in Arthur’s article showed what had happened in a particular street. Taken with a telephoto lens from an upper storey of a building, it showed a chaotic and almost surreal scene: about 70 vehicles of all sizes jumbled up and scattered at crazy angles along the length of the street.
It was an astonishing image which really stopped me in my tracks. Not surprisingly, it also went viral on social media. And then came the reaction: “AI image, fake news.” The photograph was so vivid, so uncannily sharp and unreal, that it looked to viewers like something that they could have faked themselves using Midjourney or Dall-E or a host of other generative AI tools.
But it wasn’t fake, as Arthur established in a nice piece of detective work – tracking down a bar in the picture using Facebook, finding the street in Apple Maps and even “walking” down it using Street View. “It’s not obvious why these people thought that photo in particular wasn’t real”, he writes. “Perhaps it’s something about the sheen of the cars and the peculiar roundedness of the shapes, and maybe the lack of obvious damage”. Or is it that the proliferation of AI-generated fakes is already making people increasingly predisposed not to believe things that are real?
My hunch is that it’s the latter, because social media are being overrun by what has come to be known as “AI slop” – images and text created using generative AI tools. (Amazon’s Kindle store is having similar problems with AI-generated “books”, but that’s a different story.)
You’d have thought that the social media companies would be bothered by this tsunami of crap on their platforms. Think again. According to Jason Koebler of the tech news website 404 Media, in a recent quarterly earnings call that was overwhelmingly about AI, Meta’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, said that new, AI-generated feeds were likely to come to Facebook and other Meta platforms. Zuckerberg said he was excited by the “opportunity for AI to help people create content that just makes people’s feed experiences better”.
Warming to his theme, Zuck continued: “I think we’re going to add a whole new category of content, which is AI-generated or AI-summarised content or kind of existing content pulled together by AI in some way. And I think that that’s going to be just very exciting for Facebook and Instagram and maybe Threads or other kind of feed experiences over time.”
Hackers are breaking into some Ticketmaster users' accounts and transferring tickets to themselves.
Two concertgoers said it was shocking but they got their tickets back in time to attend their shows.
After BI asked Ticketmaster for comment, it refunded the two concertgoers the cost of their tickets.
In September, Vashti-Jasmine McKenzie noticed an event had mysteriously vanished from her Google Calendar. It was a reminder for an Usher concert in Dallas on October 5, synced with her Ticketmaster account.
McKenzie opened her email to a shock: The night before, a stranger had broken into her account, accessed McKenzie's two tickets, which she had paid $550 for, and transferred them out of her account.
"If this happened in real life, if somebody stuck me up, it would be like they were robbing me," said McKenzie, a 42-year-old conference manager.
McKenzie, a music fan who said she spent an estimated $10,000 on shows in 2024, ultimately got her tickets back and went to the show but remains critical of Ticketmaster.
McKenzie isn't the only concertgoer who's suddenly been left ticketless. Similar incidents have been reported in Los Angeles, Nashville, and Charlotte, North Carolina. The playbook is typically the same: Ticketmaster customers purchase tickets to see their favorite artists, only to later receive an email saying their tickets were transferred out of their online wallets by an unknown hacker — and quickly claimed.
These kinds of scams are just the latest in a series of headaches for the ticketing giant. Following a data breach earlier this year and pointed criticisms from major stars like Taylor Swift, the Justice Department (DOJ) announced in May that it filed an antitrust lawsuit against Live Nation, Ticketmaster's parent company, alleging that the company's "conduct is anti-competitive and illegal." Live Nation, worth about $28 billion as of November 8, has a tight grip on the live-entertainment industry. The DOJ said in its complaint that "through Ticketmaster, Live Nation controls roughly 80% or more of major concert venues' primary ticketing for concerts and a growing share of ticket resales in the secondary market."
In response, Live Nation said the DOJ's lawsuit would fail to address fans' issues with ticket prices and their ability to purchase them.
Still, experiencing the ticket-transfer scam firsthand has led McKenzie and at least one other customer to fear their purchases aren't secure.
In October, Mika City, a 28-year-old data analyst from Grand Prairie, Texas, spent $400 on two tickets to the rapper Don Toliver's show in Houston. Two days after she purchased them, she received a 6:08 a.m. email from Ticketmaster saying that her tickets were being transferred to someone named "Floyd George."
Just 39 seconds later, she received another email: "Floyd George" had accepted the ticket transfer, and the tickets had been removed from her account.
Intel and AMD currently have a stranglehold on the PC processor market, as the vast majority of consumers' PC processors come from these two manufacturer. But if this latest report is true, that duopoly could soon be challenged.
According to a new report from DigiTimes (reported on by PCGamesN), Nvidia may be planning to enter the consumer processor market by developing a new Arm-based CPU. Currently, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chips have exclusive rights to Windows on Arm; however, according to Arm CEO Rene Haas, that’s set to change in 2024 with the recent news of that deal ending. There’s also the possibility stemming from Arm threatening to cancel Qualcomm’s Arm license, not to mention the rumors of Qualcomm potentially buying Intel.
While there’s no definitive answer for when this processor will launch, if ever, the report from Digitimes states that an announcement of the Nvidia chips could happen in September 2025, with a possible launch date of March 2026.
How much further can Nvidia push it?
It sounds like a smart move from Team Green, as it could use its vast reputation in the PC world to further push into the PC processor market and give Intel and AMD some much needed competition.
However, the lack of an x86 license might pose an issue for Nvidia. There’s a chance that it could be acquired through Qualcomm, if the two manufacturers join up and the rumors about the latter purchasing Intel become a reality.
Then there’s also the possibility that Team Green could be heading into the gaming processor market, which would pair nicely with its already dominant graphics cards. Of course, such an endeavor would take quite a bit of investment as Nvidia would have to dedicate a lot of resources to porting games to the Arm architecture.
And though the performance has proven to be well-optimized and impressive in its own right, Windows on Arm is still unsupported natively by most PC software and games, a hurdle that also holds back gaming on Macs. But if Valve could get a host of PC games to support Linux through SteamOS for the Steam Deck, then there’s definitely a chance that Nvidia could push for the same for Arm.
Near Protocol unveils plans for the world’s largest open-source AI model, using crowdsourced research and aiming to decentralize AI tech.
Near Protocol has unveiled an ambitious plan to build the world’s largest open-source artificial intelligence model on the opening day of its Redacted conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The 1.4 trillion parameter model would be 3.5 times bigger than Meta’s current open-source Llama model.
It will be created through competitive crowdsourced research and development from thousands of contributors on the new Near AI Research hub, with participants able to join the training of a small 500 million parameter model from today, Nov. 10.
Near Protocol’s ambitious AI model
The project will grow in size and sophistication across seven models, with only the best contributors making the leap to working on progressively more complex and larger models. The models will be monetized and privacy will be preserved via the use of encrypted Trusted Execution Environments to reward contributors and encourage constant updating as the technology progresses.
The expensive training and compute will be funded with token sales, Near Protocol co-founder Illia Polosukhin told Cointelegraph at the Redacted conference in Bangkok.
“It costs about $160 million, so it’s a lot, obviously, but actually, in crypto, it is raiseable money,” he said. Polosukhin added:
“Then the tokenholders get repaid from all the inferences that happen when this model is used. So we have a business model, we have a way to monetize it, we have a way to raise money, and we have a way to put this in a loop. And so people can actually reinvest back into the next model as well.”
Blockchain security firm Zellic discovered a flaw that could have crashed the NEAR network, but the team patched the vulnerability.
The smart contract platform Near Protocol contained a weird vulnerability that could have allowed an attacker to crash every node on the network, effectively shutting it down.
According to a Sept. 26 report from blockchain security firm Zellic, which discovered it, the vulnerability was quietly eliminated through a patch in January, but some networks may still contain similar flaws.
In the report, Zellic referred to the flaw as a “Web3 Ping of Death” due to its ability to bring down an entire network “in an instant.”
Researchers discovered it while investigating Near’s peer-to-peer networking protocol for validator nodes, which allows its validators to communicate effectively with each other.
Nodes on the network communicate and authenticate each other via a “handshake” containing one of two types of signatures, Ed25519 and SECP256K1.
Having discovered this flaw, the researchers were surprised that it had not either been caught previously in tests or else crashed the network already.
The reason was more good luck than good management. It turns out that Near node software has “no code path that allows a Near node to generate SECP256K1 type keys.” In other words, the software allowed nodes to accept SECP256K signatures but didn’t allow them to produce such signatures.
As a result, no node had ever accidentally crashed the network by creating SECP256K keys and attempting to connect to another node.
Even so, a malicious node could alter the software to allow SECP256K keys to be generated. Once they did, they would have the power to crash any Near node simply by attempting to connect to it. The result could take down the entire network, constituting a “Web3 Ping of Death.”
To prove that the vulnerability was real, the researchers first created a version of the Near software containing a malicious patch that allowed SECP256K keys to be generated.
They then launched two nodes on a private testnet version of Near. The first node ran the legitimate software provided by developers, while the second ran the malicious version.
After the first node began producing blocks, the second node attempted to crash the first one by exploiting the two vulnerabilities. They found that the malicious node succeeded at crashing the legitimate one every time.
Ethereum reached $3,200, driven by increased DeFi adoption and Bitcoin’s surge above $79,000.
Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, hit $3,200 on Nov. 10 — its highest since August — as Bitcoin surpassed $79,000 following Donald Trump’s victory in the United States presidential election.
According to CoinMarketCap, the market cap of Ether (ETH) now stands at around $383 billion, up almost 5% in 24 hours, putting it roughly $40 billion above Bank of America’s market cap.
ETH’s high valuation compared to Bank of America shows a shift in financial market dynamics as blockchain technology adoption and growth begin to exceed traditional finance (TradFi).
The shift signals the rising popularity of decentralized finance (DeFi) and crypto assets as the US Securities and Exchange Commission considers listing the first options tied to spot ETH exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
ETH gains momentum, turns inflationary again
ETH has witnessed its greatest weekly price action since May as Bitcoin (BTC) price progressively pushes the limits to reach new all-time highs (ATHs).
However, over the last seven days, ETH supply has been quickly increasing, at an inflationary rate of 0.424% a year — previously deflationary in early-to-mid October.
According to data, the current yearly ETH burn rate sits at 452,000 ETH, while the issuance rate is more than double that at 957,000 ETH, resulting in an annual supply increase of 0.42%.
Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson explained he is going to be “spending quite a bit of time” working with lawmakers in Washington DC to “help foster and facilitate” crypto policies.
Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has revealed he is setting up a policy office within his company, Input Output, to support cryptocurrency policy development in the United States.
“I’m going to be spending quite a bit of time working with lawmakers in Washington DC and quite a bit of time members of the administration to help foster and facilitate with other key leaders in industry the crypto policy,” Hoskinson explained in a Nov. 9 video posted on X.
“The best opportunity” is now, says Hoskinson
“We have to do this, and we have to get it done,” Hoskinson declared.
Hoskinson reiterated that there is “a very high probability” that the Republicans will “not only control the Senate and the Presidency, but also the Congress, the House.”
He believes this makes it “the best opportunity” for the crypto industry to gain clarity. This follows Trump’s election win on Nov. 6, where Trump campaigned on promises to provide a clearer path forward for the crypto industry if elected.
Hoskinson’s announcement comes after a turbulent few years for the crypto industry, with many crypto executives claiming that the US is falling behind the rest of the world.
Blockchain payment network Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse is one example who has voiced multiple public criticisms over the years during Ripple’s prolonged legal battle with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Crypto policy should be written by the “American people”
In March 2023, Garlinghouse stated that the SEC’s regulatory approach puts the US at “severe risk” of falling behind as a hub blockchain and crypto innovation.
Meanwhile, Hoskinson believes that crypto policy should be written by the “American people, the American crypto industry, and by well-meaning lawmakers.”
A New York federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by news sites Raw Story and AlterNet against OpenAI for using their articles to train AI systems. The ruling could affect similar ongoing cases.
Judge Colleen McMahon dismissed the case after finding that the plaintiffs failed to show concrete harm from OpenAI's use of their content as training data. Unlike other lawsuits targeting AI companies, this case focused on the removal of copyright management information rather than direct copyright violations—though Judge McMahon noted the underlying issue remained the same.
The judge's decision supported the fair use defense of OpenAI and other AI companies, noting that ChatGPT creates synthesized responses from its training rather than copying content directly. She emphasized that the likelihood of ChatGPT reproducing exact copies of articles is minimal, and pointed out that factual information in articles isn't copyrighted anyway.
The ruling also addressed past instances where ChatGPT had copied text verbatim, noting these cases can't be replicated with current versions—supporting OpenAI's position that such copying, when it occurs, is a rare bug rather than intended functionality.
While dismissing the current case, Judge McMahon left the door open for the plaintiffs to file an amended complaint. However, she expressed doubt about their ability to "allege a cognizable injury," according to Reuters. "Whether there is another statute or legal theory that does elevate this type of harm remains to be seen," McMahon said.
Raw Story's lawyer, Matt Topic, expressed confidence that the court's concerns would be addressed in a revised complaint. OpenAI has not yet commented on the decision.
A federal judge in New York has dismissed a lawsuit filed by news sites Raw Story and AlterNet against OpenAI, ruling that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate sufficient harm from the use of their articles as training data for AI.
The judge agreed with OpenAI's fair use argument, stating that ChatGPT synthesizes AI responses based on the training content, and the likelihood of an exact copy of an article is low. If it does occur, it is considered an error rather than a feature, and facts are not protected by copyright.
This decision may influence other ongoing lawsuits against AI companies, such as the legal dispute between the New York Times and OpenAI, as well as lawsuits filed by music companies against AI music generators.
A New York federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against artificial intelligence giant OpenAI that claimed it misused articles from news outlets Raw Story and AlterNet to train its large language models.
U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon said that the outlets could not show enough harm to support the lawsuit but allowed them to file a new complaint, even though she said she was "skeptical" that they could "allege a cognizable injury."
Raw Story's owners acquired AlterNet in 2018. Raw Story attorney Matt Topic of Loevy + Loevy said the outlets were "certain we can address the concerns the court identified through an amended complaint."
"We build our AI models using publicly available data, in a manner protected by fair use and related principles, and supported by long-standing and widely accepted legal precedents," an OpenAI spokesperson said in a statement.
Raw Story and AlterNet filed the lawsuit in February. They said that thousands of their articles were used without permission to train OpenAI's popular chatbot ChatGPT and that it reproduces their copyrighted material when prompted.
The case is part of a wave of lawsuits against OpenAI and other tech companies by authors, visual artists, music publishers and other copyright owners over the data used to train their generative AI systems. A lawsuit filed by The New York Times against OpenAI in December was the first from a media outlet.
The Chinese effort to hack prominent Americans is far more pervasive than previously reported, ABC News has learned.
Sources told ABC News that U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials are concerned the espionage operation by the Chinese government may have been in place for well over a year -- and perhaps longer -- before it was recently discovered.
The Chinese appear to have been able to gather large volumes of data in a sweeping covert campaign targeting the cellphones and mobile devices of business leaders and other high profile Americans of both political parties, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
The evidence is mounting that in some cases the Chinese operation was able to tap into, or get access to, what cellphone users of Verizon, AT&T and Lumen were communicating.
Authorities are trying to determine whether the Chinese were able to listen to conversations and watch text messages in real time, as they were occurring, or if they captured the material for review at a later time.
Sources said that U.S. officials are only beginning to understand the breadth of the Chinese operation, but what they have found so far is deeply concerning and represents a massive breach of privacy on a disturbing scale.
The targets have included not only former President Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance, but also individuals working in a number of government agencies.
Autonomous AI can perform tasks without human help. It’s used in self driving cars and healthcare. Yes it's smart but it’s far from being self aware I think
I think Nvidia is a safer choice for tech investing in 2025. They have strong growth in AI hardware. I believe competitors will rise this coming year but Nvidia will probably still dominate
Upwind, an Israeli cybersecurity startup is raising $100M to enhance cloud security and grow its team. The investors include Craft Ventures and Steph Curry’s fund. We hope to see safer internet environment soon
OpenAI's ChatGPT-4o can help businesses with tasks like data analysis, web development and branding. It is able to simplify complex work, it saves time and brings more creativity
If the Metaverse is the future, does it means we're all going to be wearing glasses like how we all hold our phones looking down while walking on the street?
NVIDIA's Jensen Huang believes AI will transform every field. He has predicted that AI will change science, chip design and all businesses. AI agents will revolutionize SaaS platforms too
Mine one Bitcoin is now more difficult as the mining difficulty metric crossed 100T.
Bitcoin has a higher price valuation than it currently showcases per MVRV data.
Bitcoin’s mining difficulty recently increased by 6% to an all-time high of 101.65 trillion amid a record hash rate for the network. This move coincides with bullishness from a major technical indicator, signaling Bitcoin’s potential to climb towards $120,000.
The Bullish Bitcoin Technical Indicators
The price of Bitcoin crossed back above $75,000, a critical psychological level, following Donald Trump’s win in the U.S. election on November 5. CoinLupin, a market analyst at on-chain analytics firm CryptoQuant, utilized the Market Value Realized Value (MVRV) indicator to estimate Bitcoin’s present price.
The MVRV ratio is a powerful traditional tool for Bitcoin traders, offering insights into market valuation and potential price trends. CoinLupin stated that Bitcoin’s MVRV currently hovers at 2 while its price climbed just above $75,000. This suggests the market’s surface value is twice the on-chain estimated value.
The analyst added that the MVRV indicator recently surpassed the 365-day average and is now above the 4-year average, which often mirrors Bitcoin’s cycle. “This suggests that the upward trend remains intact, and generally, the cycle peak tends to occur when the MVRV reaches levels between 3 and 3.6,” CoinLupin emphasized.
He claims a 43-77% increase is critical for the MVRV ratio, assuming the Realized Value (RV) remains constant. When applied to Bitcoin, this translates to a target of $95,000 to $120,000. The analyst further noted that the RV is expected to rise as the market progresses with fresh demand. Considering previous cycles, he believes a peak may form above these zones.
Leveraging blockchain for transparent royalty tracking attracts both artists and investors seeking clarity and fairness in the music industry.
Globally, music professionals are missing millions, if not billions, of dollars in royalties. This isn’t just an occasional oversight or technical flaw; it’s a fundamental problem within an industry that wants to prevent its evolution to preserve profits.
Does that sound extreme? Well, the recent lawsuit initiated by Limp Bizkit against Universal Music Group (UMG) shows just how serious the problem is. The world-renowned band claims that UMG uses royalty software that is ‘intentionally designed’ to hide payments. And if it’s that bad for Limp Bizkit, imagine how much worse it is for upcoming artists.
Metadata Isn’t Always Accurate, No Matter What They Say
At the heart of the royalty payments issues is metadata. The music industry usually represents it by the credits shown on streaming platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. However, it also includes all critical details associated with a song, such as titles, songwriters, producers, publishers, and record labels.
And to make sure everyone gets credited and paid each time a song is played, this data needs to be aligned across multiple databases. Sadly, that doesn’t always happen. That’s why many talented people miss out on their fair share.
You may wonder, what’s so hard about entering the correct information for a song? However, the music industry has faced ongoing challenges with metadata for years. There are no definitive standards for how music metadata is collected or displayed, and there is no requirement to check the accuracy of this information before it is published. To make things even trickier, this data isn’t housed in a single, centralized location; instead, it is dispersed across countless databases worldwide.
What’s even more alarming is that Limp Bizkit isn’t the only one calling out the issue. SoundExchange, a US organization responsible for managing performance rights, also filed a similar lawsuit against AccuRadio. AccuRadio is an internet radio platform that permits digital broadcasters to use sound recordings as long as royalties are paid.
Eliminating ‘Errors’ and Excuses Is Possible, but Many Industry Titans Don’t Want It
The sad reality is that the problems with today’s royalty systems go beyond late payments or missed checks. These systems depend on old technology that is prone to mistakes—both human and software errors. Furthermore, there’s always the possibility of intentional manipulation. As a result, artists frequently don’t know where their payments come from or if they’re actually getting what they should.
One technology you are likely familiar with may be a more reliable solution: blockchain. It offers a transparent, decentralized network for storing data. The mechanism isn’t too complex to understand—every time a song is played, that action is logged on the blockchain, creating a permanent record that can’t be modified.
A primeira cirurgia cardíaca auxiliada por robô de Santa Catarina foi realizada na tarde de quinta-feira (7), no hospital Dona Helena, em Joinville. O procedimento durou cerca de quatro horas e foi concluído com sucesso.
A cirurgia aconteceu com um paciente de 60 anos e destinou-se à troca da válvula mitral, que tem a função de controlar o fluxo sanguíneo do coração. O procedimento utilizou o robô denominado Da Vinci Xi, um dos mais modernos do mundo, instalado em maio deste ano. Perto de 60 procedimentos já foram realizados com o equipamento, em diferentes áreas médicas.
Conforme o hospital, incisões menores e recuperação mais rápida são duas das principais vantagens da robótica em cirurgias cardíacas. O procedimento foi liderado pelo cardiologista Alisson Toschi.
The founder of cryptocurrency mixing platform Bitcoin Fog has been sentenced to 12.5 years in a US prison for money laundering, with the court emphasizing the seriousness of cracking down on crypto platforms used for illegal activities. The founder, Roman Sterlingov, was convicted of laundering $400 million in criminal proceeds, with the prosecutors highlighting the platform's role in facilitating money laundering for activities such as narcotics.
Despite a lighter sentence than what the government suggested, the judge stressed the need for a harsh penalty to deter others in the crypto space from similar actions. The case serves as a warning about the US government's commitment to holding individuals accountable for aiding criminals through cryptocurrency platforms.
Danish aerospace company Terma has landed a $9 million deal to kit out the US Air Force's F-16 fighter jets with its cutting-edge 3D audio system.
In a nutshell: Spatial audio has gained popularity lately, with companies like Apple and Sony bringing it to consumer headphones. However, the military is also interested in the technology. The US Air Force has awarded a contract to equip F-16 fighter jets with cutting-edge 3D audio with active noise cancellation.
Danish aerospace company Terma has landed a $9 million deal to kit out the US Air Force's F-16 fighter jets with its cutting-edge 3D audio system. Over the next few years, the Air Combat Command will upgrade its entire F-16 fleet with Terma's innovative audio tech.
Terma says traditional sound systems carry a "crowded room" effect that can mess with a pilot's focus. If sounds are separated in a 3D space, it's much easier for them to quickly identify and prioritize vital signals like missile warnings while filtering out non-critical noise. Hearing sounds in three dimensions significantly boosts a pilot's situational awareness.
Terma's in-helmet 3D sound system spatially separates different radio and audio inputs, aligning sounds with their source direction. Pilots will hear each sound coming from the precise location within the cockpit.
The audio system also incorporates head-tracking, providing super realistic simulations that update in real time as the pilot moves. Active noise cancellation filters out non-critical sounds for crisp, high-fidelity audio. The technology prioritizes must-hear sounds – missile alerts, air traffic control instructions, and so on – while dampening secondary noises like engine noise and other audible interference.
Bitcoin (BTC) surged to a new all-time high, briefly surpassing $80,000 following Donald Trump's election victory, sparking optimism for pro-crypto regulations. The cryptocurrency's price climbed 4.83% in 24 hours, hitting $80,071.17 before settling at $79,834.97 with a market cap of $1.58 trillion. Ethereum also saw gains, crossing the $3,000 mark. Bitcoin's 80% growth this year and 15% surge since Trump's win outpaced traditional investments.
Trump's shift in stance on crypto and promises to the sector have fueled expectations for pro-crypto regulations, with industry executives viewing his victory as a "big win for crypto." However, legal hurdles may impede the fulfillment of some promises, and analysts believe the creation of a Bitcoin reserve fund is a "low-probability event." Despite uncertainties, a crypto analyst predicts BTC price could reach $100,000 by year-end.
I want to know what impact technology will have on the birth rate. From less frequent human interaction to creating a more luxurous society. The easier things get, the less human's are needed. Will we all have kids in the future or less likely to have kids?
Being a newbie in the crypto world, I guess I am one of those who would consider you lucky. I too will probably have others feel I am lucky in time to come😊
April 2013: Bitcoin's price dropped by -83%, from around $260 to $50
December 2013: The price fell by over -50%, peaking at around $1,151 before dropping significantly after China imposed restrictions
December 2017 - February 2018: A period referred as "Crypto Winter," where Bitcoin's price fell from about $19,497 to around $3,200, decline of -83%
2022 Crash: Bitcoin experienced a drop from $69,044 in November 2021 to around $19,047 by June 2022. A loss of nearly -70% of its value, marking the largest absolute dollar loss in crypto history
I got in right at the start of the crypto winter of 2018, crazy year, thank god I was able to learn fast and got out at 6k before the drop to 3k, while everyone was seeing their portfolios wiped, I was in USDT ready to deploy capital at the first sign of a reversal, which I did at the bottom.
Family called me crazy because I had already seen my portfolio going down so much and I was still deploying capital to the market, what they didn't know is that it was all in on USDT waiting for the right price.
Now they have joined in and listen to me, which has made them 6 figures in 5 years (could have made them more if they had deployed more capital when I told them, but the bear market of 2021-2022 FUD got to them xD).
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. Thomas Carlyle
A strong man doesn't have to be dominant toward a woman. He doesn't match his strength against a woman weak with love for him. He matches it against the world. Marilyn Monroe
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller
I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. Leonardo da Vinci
When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. Peter Marshall
All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. Walt Disney
We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength. Charles Stanley
Don't wish me happiness - I don't expect to be happy it's gotten beyond that, somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor - I will need them all. Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves. Dale Carnegie
Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have. Norman Vincent Peale
I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it. Demi Lovato
Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. Albert Einstein
It is the characteristic excellence of the strong man that he can bring momentous issues to the fore and make a decision about them. The weak are always forced to decide between alternatives they have not chosen themselves. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Good day!
As I am getting ready to leave for a small excursion, I saw somewhere that BYBIT also has launchpool so I thought to try it out.
I already use the BitGet launchpool staking some $BGB - but when i tried to stake my (few) USTD, I noticed that a minimum of 100 is needed.
Do you use launchpool, which platforms do you prefer;
And what do you do with the tokens you earn from launchpool;
I have not sold any of them yet.
Yeah all details are in my latest blogpost. And I also have a giveaway going. Trying to stay active here every day. Accumulating for when $HIVE makes some moves.
I really have been trying to crack the reason to collection blue ray I still cant make an argument to spend $20+ per movie unless it is a system that keeps the inventory moving around, meaning selling them after some time of not seen them, this would keep the inventory fresh since you would buy new titles with the $$ earn from selling and keep watching them but then what about those that you really like? now days there is so much content and space is limited so how can you keep up with collecting physical media and not go hoarding and over spend? I will probably do a blog post about this matter 🤔 #skiptvads, #collectiong, #4kdisc, #moviesonleo
Anyone is here to answer my question ? My question was that How i can grow in this platform and gain more in Posts here . You help can be help me alot .
Let me tell you the secret formula that you can do to grow in this platform.
Be consistent. Share threads regularly, it doesn't matter what it is but most of the time, quality content gets the most attention.
Make friends. You won't grow alone, you will need friends along your journey. Always interact with other users.
Learn. Best thing here is you learn while you earn. Create more content and understand how your audience engage with you.
Give value to the community. This could be anything, you can invest on $LEO and power up, just create quality content and help other users, onboard people. Don't be a leech.
Be a #premium user. Well, this is optional but being premium gives you a lot of benefits. I won't tell you, there's only one way to find out.
Interact with people. If your username and profile pic become recognizable in the community. People will vote you easier.
Take part in threadcasts, the latest section will soon become a bad place for discovery.
If you write at least 6 blog posts per month, and you're confident about their quality, I recommend getting INLEO Premium. Getting 6 upvotes from @leo.voter per month will give more rewards than the 10HBD you pay for premium. (Half of it will be in HIVE POWER and not Liquid HIVE, though.)
Second, I saw a bunch of good advice here and I will just reiterate the common theme: engage
Be active in replies and posting threads/blog post and in comment sections
The more you put yourself out there, the more memorable you will become
Remember that INLEO is a relatively small platform compared to X and others. Getting name recognition around here this early on will be far easier than any other platform
Mid-late stage bull market means there will be a lot of volatility. Don't stay glued to your screen every day watching your portfolio drop and increase by thousands in seconds, seriously, it's not good for your mental health.
The market will give you plenty of time to get out of it near the top before we shift into the bear market. You don't need to get out at the peak, near it is more than enough, wait for confirmation of a peak and then get out.
Peak should be somewhere in Q2-Q3 2025. At least for #Bitcoin, #alts might peak before then, just like 2021.
people really aren’t searching for “culture”, this word is so loaded and not used in practical ways. Thought it’s something I’m really interested in, I think I’ve got to frame my videos as being related to “travel” or “living abroad” in order to get any traction
probably a good idea, millions of videos exist there and algorithm usually favors those with already big channels. Smaller channels need that hustle to get there. I hope this idea helps it grow man
I wish there was a middle ground for people who just want to find a meaningful audience of 20k or 50k followers, but most of those people got lucky or they tried to get more famous and still aren’t there yet. So yeah, gotta play the game with tags and titles
In order to complete missions you also need energy. Every 1% of energy takes 5 minutes to refill without boosts, so overall it takes 500 minutes (8 hours and 20 minutes) to completely refill your energy.
it continues. the long term players don't see any turn around.
some keep preaching the DHF will save them, marketing will save them, but that is so they can get one last pump and dump.
yep. and I know some behind the scenes stories were people got paid for doing nothing.
basically a ponzi that fed money to all their friends and didn't listen to anyone that had run a successful live service game.
Sad really.
and the current team is in over their heads.
I don't care how nice someone is, if they lack the skills this is the result.
DiscussionThis is the #threadcast for 10/11/2024 for 9/11/2024. It's time for some meal inspirations and food conversation. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.
Be part of the Food Talk Show On Leo. Here is Day 137 that leads you to the previous threadcasts.
Share your meals.
Pro tips for perfect pancakes, every single time.
Share your food experiences.
Share other food-related content and ask questions about food.
More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast. Upvote the comments you find interesting & connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie
Looking for real food dinners your family will actually eat? I’m all for nutrition, but I’m not real big on exotic ingredients or having my family refuse what I’ve cooked because it’s too far outside their comfort zone!
My list of real food dinners focuses on familiar favorites built with nourishing, real food ingredients. They come together smoothly with flavor that has everyone–from husband to picky toddler–asking for seconds.
{Don’t forget to pin this graphic so you can find this list easily next time you need dinner inspiration!}
Meatloaf*. I sneak finely grated carrots and diced onions and celery into the loaf for added nutrition and they hardly notice. Your Real Food Journey has my favorite recipe. We love this with a side of baked sweet potato or butternut squash fries.
Melt 1/3 c. butter with 1/4 c. honey, 2 T. yellow mustard, 1 T. Curry Powder, 1 t. salt, and pepper to taste. Pour over chicken parts and bake at 350 till golden brown, basting occasionally. Love this with fall squash and rice or potatoes to slop up the drippings.
Salisbury Steaks. The gravy I serve over them is made with whole milk and pan drippings, so it’s pretty much amazing. And I can throw these together in the time it takes to make the mashed potatoes we love with them. Recipe in my book.
Beef Str0ganoff. I do both a simple version, made with ground beef, or a fancy-pants one with cubed steak and red wine. No matter to me–they both rock with sour cream and all those lovely fats! (P.S. that’s Stacy’s recipe, which means it will make you laugh out loud!)
Tacos. Thanks to my tortilla press, my own seasoning mix, and a family who likes fewer toppings rather than more, this is a cheap, fast meal for us almost every week.
Taco Salad. Even faster than #5, and portable. Just mix the meat (cooled), cheese, and veggies in a bowl with a lid, and top with crushed chips, salsa, and sour cream when you get to your picnic spot.
Chicken Fajitas. A variation on taco night, but a different set of spices, because I like variety. (Find both taco and fajita spice mix recipes in my books! I use beef or chicken, chopped peppers, onions, and tomatoes all fried up in a pan and serve it on a homemade tortilla with cheese and sour cream. Drool.
Chicken and Dumplings. Oh, how I love thee. Thou comest together so quickly with such humble ingredients, and thrilleth my soul with thy mouth-watering texture and flavor. My favorite recipe is in here.
Cheeseburger Soup. I don’t know how I lived without this recipe in my repitiore. I love how you get such a flavorful soup with just ground beef. Must be all the cheese. Traditional recipe with my real food modifications here.
Chili. I love my recipe because it starts with simple ground beef, but by the time you’re done adding spices, you’d swear it was sausage–so flavorful! Always served with a dollop of sour cream and a generous sprinkle of cheddar cheese around here. Don’t forget to soak your beans
Chicken Caesar Salad. Now, we’re gettin’ fancy. But not really. Homemade chicken tenders or grilled chicken tossed over romaine lettuce and doused with Caesar Salad Dressing. My babes usually skip the lettuce, but otherwise, a family favorite.
Spaghetti. Brown the beef, pour in a jar of sauce, and serve over noodles. Or, over spaghetti squash for grain-free night. It doesn’t get simpler. But it can get fancier with a side of the aforementioned Caesar Salad! Oh, and you can make your own noodles, too, if you’re really ambitious!
Fettuccine Alfredo. A little more involved, but nevertheless one of my quickest meals. Boil water for noodles while you whip up one of my homemade alfredo sauces. Saute or steam some veggies in another pan, and fry some sausage or heat leftover chicken in a fourth pan. It can get hectic, but it all gets done about the same time, and topped with Parmesan it’s totally worth the workout.
Pizza. Well, of course. Use this recipe for the best whole wheat pizza crust EVEH. Then top with whatever you like. (How about a whole head of garlic? Mmm, yes, please.)
Calzones. Everything you love in pizza, in surprise form. Roll out the above dough into thin, 8 in. circles. Spread one half with seasoned ricotta cheese, your choice of toppings, and a generous handful of mozzarella. Fold over, pinch to seal, poke a few air holes on top, and bake at 350 till bubbly and brown. Serve with pizza sauce for dipping.
Stuffed Shells and Peppers. Mix ricotta cheese with garlic, Parmesan, basil, oregano, mozzarella, and an egg. Spoon into stuffing shells or quartered bell peppers. Place the darling little boats in a shallow sea of pasta sauce, top with more sauce and cover with more mozz and parm. Bake at 350 for 20-30 min. till bubbly. Some like the pasta, some like the peppers, some like ’em both. This way you please everyone.
Chicken Divan. A favorite from my childhood. Great use for leftover chicken, rice, and that broccoli you found on sale. Great use for your homemade mayonnaise. Recipe here
and in my book.
Sloppy Joes. My favorite way to glorify ground beef. Serve over homemade rolls with cheese sprinkled on top. (OK, my husband thinks that last part is weird, but the kids love it.)
White Garlic Lasagna. You have to taste it to believe it. So yummy, and actually cheaper than regular lasagna because it somehow achieves delectable cheesy creaminess with just Parmesan. It’s a miracle.
Roast Chicken. Served with potatoes, gravy, and steamed veggies. My favorite way to get me some good, leftover chicken meat for casseroles. (I usually do two birds to ensure leftovers.) Sometimes I do this in the oven (recipe here) and sometimes in the crockpot with this recipe.
Macaroni and Cheese. I know, I know, this doesn’t sound like a nourishing meal, but I make mine with rice pasta, and use whole milk and chicken broth in the cheese sauce. Throw in some leftover meat and veggies, and it’s a complete, cravable meal.
Mexican Lasagna. For when you don’t want to fiddle with rolling the enchiladas–layer tortillas with meat, sauces, and cheese. Complete instructions in my book.
Day 138 Welcome friends to another episode of the #foodtalk on Leo, . Let's have some #food conversation. Join in, share your food experience and other food-related content and earn some rewards. Check out the pro tips for making perfect pancakes every single time.
Pancakes in various guises are loved all around the world, from savory to sweet, wafer-thin to thick, small to large. With just a few basic ingredients, they're quick to whip up and endlessly customizable. To celebrate National Pancake Day (September 26), we’ve ranked the greatest tips and tricks to ensure pancake perfection every time. Whether you make a hefty stack for brunch every weekend or you're a complete novice, these handy hacks are guaranteed to up your pancake game. Check them out in the comments. 👇
Hoy domingo voy hacer compras para la semana y seguramente cocinare algo simple como pollo en salsa negra y arroz blanco. #foodtalk #foodie #spanish #bbh
Roki Sasaki, the “Monster of the Reiwa Era,” will get his wish to pitch in the majors next season. The Chiba Lotte Marines of Nippon Professional Baseball announced
A Monster is coming to Major League Baseball, and the Yankees and Mets — and truly all 28 other teams — will be interested.
Roki Sasaki, the “Monster of the Reiwa Era,” will get his wish to pitch in the majors next season.
The Chiba Lotte Marines of Nippon Professional Baseball announced overnight they intend to make the star starting pitcher available through the posting system that will make Sasaki the kind of bargain even tiny markets can fit into a budget.
The right-hander throws 100 mph, is renowned for a devastating splitter and turned 23 last week. He is so determined to pitch in the majors that he will arrive before his dream contract arrives.
Gunfire erupted on Tuskegee University's campus Sunday morning as the streets were filled with students, alumni and community members celebrating the school's 100th homecoming.
One person was killed and several other wounded in a mass shooting at Tuskegee University’s homecoming Saturday night, as videos captured hail of gunfire ringing out across the Alabama HBCU.
Gunfire erupted on Tuskegee University’s campus as the streets were filled with students, alumni and community members celebrating the school’s 100th homecoming.
Videos shared on social media show rapid-fire shots ringing out as terrified attendees hide crouched on the ground behind cars.
Pelosi didn’t take kindly to the Vermont independent senator’s remarks, rebutting Sander’s claim and doubling down that the Democratic Party didn’t abandon the working class…
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore into Sen. Bernie Sanders who had derided the Democratic Party and its alleged issues with the working class that ultimately failed to support Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid for the White House.
In a scathing letter to his former party a day after the election, Sanders blasted the Dems for “abandoning” the working class and seemingly acting surprised they didn’t show up at the polling booths.
“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” the Democratic socialist, 83, said in a fiery statement on X.
“First, it was the white working class, and now it is Latino and Black workers as well. While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they’re right,” the Democratic Socialist said.
Pelosi didn’t take kindly to the Vermont independent senator’s remarks, rebutting Sander’s claim and doubling down that the Democratic Party didn’t abandon the working class.
An American nurse’s trip to her “happy place” turned to tragedy when she was killed this week by a man she met at a nightclub in Hungary, police said Friday.
A manhunt erupted when Kenzie Michalski, 31, from Portland, Oregon, vanished from the Budapest night scene on Nov. 5, and police immediately suspected she had been murdered, according to Budapest police.
Security footage from the area showed Michalski on the night of her disappearance bouncing between different clubs with a man, who was later identified as a suspect.
The pair had met at a nightclub and danced before leaving for his rental apartment, investigators said.
The man allegedly tried to cover up the slaying by cleaning the apartment and hiding the nurse practitioner’s body in a wardrobe before stuffing her in a suitcase he purchased to sneak the body outside.
LTM then rented a car and drove to Lake Balaton, around 90 miles southwest of Budapest, where he dumped the body in a wooden area outside the town of Szigliget.
His internet history was riddled with searches on how to dispose of a body, police procedures in missing person cases, whether pigs really eat dead bodies and the presence of wild boars in the Lake Balaton area — as well as the competence of Budapest police.
The stunning murder occurred just one day after Michalski and her friend had concluded a trip through Europe.
Families gathered for an anti-Israel "rage playdate" outside Sen. Chuck Schumer's home on Saturday.
The NYPD wasn’t playing around with a group of anti-Israel protesters who brought their children Saturday to demonstrate outside Sen. Chuck Schumer’s Brooklyn home.
About 60 people gathered for what was billed as a “rage playdate” outside Schumer’s Prospect Park West building, where they had coloring pages about “Zionist bullies” and plead for President-elect Donald Trump to defund the Jewish state.
Weiner hasn’t held public office in more than a decade since he was ousted from his New York congressional seat in 2011 over a sexting scandal that involved several women and a minor.
Two years later, he was caught up in another sexting scandal while running for mayor.
After serving 21 months in prison for sexting a 15-year-old North Carolina girl, he was released in 2019 — and called himself “a very sick man” during his sentencing.
Weiner, who also went to rehab for sex addiction, was previously married to Huma Abedin, an aide to Hilary Clinton during her 2016 presidential run against Donald Trump.
When investigators searched his laptop over his sick messages — including selfies he sent when his then-4-year-old son was in the room, they discovered emails connected to the probe into the Democratic candidate’s email scandal.
The discovery led the FBI to reopen the investigation of Clinton, just days before the 2016 election — a move Clinton blamed for her stunning loss to Trump.
Every time Anthony Weiner rears his head, The Post is there to capture the disgraced ex-congressman-turned-convicted pervert — and sum up his latest antics with its stroke-of-genius front-page headlines.
There is long list of the paper’s famous covers on Weiner — but these are some of the most unforgettable classics.
As his sexting scandal grows, Weiner pulls out of two high-profile summertime parades involving constituents who have long supported him, drawing fire from all over.
Democratic National Committee finance member Lindy Li trashed Vice President Kamala Harris’ failed bid for the White House, calling her loss to President-elect Donald Trump a “$1 billion disaster.”
Ms. Li told “Fox & Friends” on Saturday that she and other Democrats feel that Campaign Chairwoman Jen O’Malley Dillon “misled” them into wasting millions of dollars.
“The truth is, this is just an epic disaster — this is a $1 billion disaster,” Ms. Li said. “They’re $20 million or $18 million in debt. It’s incredible, and I raised millions of that.”
She added, “I have friends I have to be accountable and explain things to because I told them it was a margin-of-error race. I was promised, Jen O’Malley Dillon promised all of us that Harris would win. She even put videos out saying Harris would win. I believed her, my donors believed her, and so they wrote massive checks.”
Mr. Trump’s resounding victory over Ms. Harris has had Democrats searching for what went wrong.
The brass on the seventh floor at FBI headquarters in Washington are walking around in a daze and wary of a housecleaning since President-elect Donald Trump won his reelection on Tuesday, according to inside sources.
The Washington Times learned through several anonymous bureau sources that senior executives who run the agency were “stunned” and “shell-shocked” by Mr. Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris.
“You know the fit test? How they let the standards slack on the fit test?” the first FBI source said, referring to the agency’s physical fitness requirements. “Everyone’s going to have a real problem when they’re running for the door.”
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray and Deputy Director Paul Abbate have little chance of remaining at the bureau by the time Mr. Trump is sworn into office, sources say.
FBI employees also recall when Mr. Trump fired former FBI Director James B. Comey in 2017, five months after the president was sworn in.
“It’s a countdown for Wray because [people here] don’t think he will stay to get fired after what Trump did to Comey,” the first source said. “Trump will say, ’Yeah, fire his ass. Don’t let him take the plane home,’” a reference to Mr. Comey finding out about his termination while flying to California on the bureau’s airplane.
Mr. Trump appointed Mr. Wray as FBI director in 2017 after firing Mr. Comey. The director’s term is for 10 years, but serving a full term depends on gaining the confidence of the president.
A Jan. 6 defendant said he spent four months in solitary confinement in federal prison, harsh conditions that could have been avoided in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Justice Department overreached when it charged hundreds of the U.S. Capitol defendants with felony obstruction.
John Strand, who was released early from prison last week, said federal prison officials in Miami locked him in solitary confinement for four months of his term over accusations ranging from publicly revealing online how far he had to walk to reach a computer, to helping other Jan. 6 defendants in prison receive support from outside groups.
“It’s kind of like your entire existence is within a giant concrete shoe box,” Mr. Strand, 39, said of the cell where he served his sentence at the Miami Federal Correctional Institution. “It’s covered on all sides. There’s supposed to be a window, there’s usually some sliver of excuse for a window, but it’s not much of a window to the outside, so it’s almost windowless.”
Mr. Strand was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison after a Washington, D.C., jury found him guilty of a felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding and four misdemeanor violations stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the Capitol.
But the obstruction charge was erased after the Supreme Court ruled last month in the case of another Jan. 6 defendant that the government was misapplying the obstruction statute. Federal prosecutors had filed the charge against multiple other defendants in the attack at the Capitol, including Mr. Strand.
“I think what happened, after the first ‘Joker,’ there was a lot of talk like, ‘Oh, this was loved by incels. This was loved by the wrong kinds of people. This sent the wrong kind of message. Male rage! Nihilism!’ All these think pieces,” said Dillon, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the 2024 film.
“And then I think, ‘What if we went the other way,’ and now they have Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga tap dancing to a point where it’s insane,” he added.
The new conservative era is off to a good start and so far it appears that Trump Admin 2.0 is not messing around. Perhaps the biggest complaint about the 2016 Trump Administration was how quickly a nest of Neo-Con swamp creatures slithered their way into his cabinet. In interviews with podcasters like Joe Rogan, Trump would later regret his reliance on establishment GOP advisers who helped him to fill the thousands of cabinet positions required for a presidential transition.
It was this same cabal of advisers that would help to sabotage his efforts to institute federal reforms, secure the border, clear out corruption and ultimately some of them tried to help the Democrats destroy him. As the saying goes, in a revolution always be sure to save a magazine for your so-called "allies".
By some miracle Donald Trump has received a second chance to make things right and it looks as though he learned some valuable lessons from the internal sabotage that took place during his first term. There's little chance we will be seeing ghouls like John Bolton, Anthony Fauci or Mike Pence haunting the halls of the White House in 2025. In fact, Trump recently put swirling rumors to rest that he might be including Neo-Cons like Mike Pompeo and NIkki Haley in his newest administration.
He made the announcement on November 9th on his Truth Social account, rejecting any notions that they would be working with him for his second term.
"I will not be inviting former Ambassador Nikki Haley, or former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, to join the Trump Administration, which is currently in formation," Trump posted on social media. "I very much enjoyed and appreciated working with them previously, and would like to thank them for their service to our country."
It's a surprisingly cordial message that sets a much needed standard.
This is welcome news for a lot of conservatives and independents looking for a true break from the Deep State and a fresh start for America. The announcement helps to put to rest public concerns that the policies Trump campaigned on would be diluted by establishment cronies the moment he entered the Oval Office. For those unaware, Pompeo has a nasty reputation as an anti-liberty bureaucrat and a warhawk. To illustrate the Pompeo problem, Tucker Carlson relates his own encounter with the office of the former CIA Director and Secretary of State:
To be sure, Pompeo plays the game and says what conservatives want to hear when it's necessary, and his policies tend to run concurrent to his predecessors, but that's the issue; the old Neo-Con guard is a dinosaur that needs to go. Republican strategist Roger Stone issued a stark warning to President-elect Donald Trump on Friday: Trump should not trust the former cabinet member.
"Now that Trump is back on top, it becomes far more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff," Stone wrote on his website. Stone went on to single out Pompeo and Trump's former UN ambassador—and onetime 2024 Republican rival—Nikki Haley.
These "neocons have positioned themselves to get highly influential roles within the second Trump administration," Stone wrote, "and this sinister fifth column has the potential to be more harmful to Trump's America First agenda than his leftist opinion within the Democrat Party."
Some may recall that Nikki Haley was thoroughly raked over the coals by Vivek Ramaswamy for her neo-con tendencies during the Republican Primaries.
Sometimes you need to disconnect digitally and touch some grass or hug a tree :) I take a walk almost every day and that is rewarding your body with a bit of movement and fresh air.
Oh that happens. I feel burn out a lot around here because I work hard on my post content, but the engagement is pretty trash, which causes you to feel like you are working hard for absolutely nothing. I get you. But if you want that social media presence, you have to keep at it. For me... I trade full time for a living now, so I don't need social media to make money, so I don't care anymore, lol.
All it takes is some education. You don't even really need much capital to get started. You don't need any capital to learn and practice... Just saying...
As a matter of fact, I started with $100 and turned it into $1000 in a couple of months and just went from there. Anyone can be a trader if they want to be. Most just want people to give it to them and don't want to put in the work. That's the problem I see the most of.
There are a ton of resources out there, myself included.
You can learn for free by just going to YouTube and looking up trading videos, but many don't even know what they are talking about or are just AI videos at this point. I used to do a bunch of videos, but got tired of trying to teach and reach and audience that just wanted to be handed the fish and didn't want to learn to fish, so I just started using my time actually trading the markets and making my own money with my knowledge and my custom trading indicator.
The more I use generative AI, the more apparent it becomes that AI doesn't actually know anything, and that it does exactly what they say - it just makes pretty good guesses, basically. #newsonleo (Link in reply)
that's how it was built and that's exactly what it's been doing. GPT is designed to guess good.
I wonder when we'll get to the next level where it's not guessing but it's aware
A bit late on my post about asian trip but still alive, probably will post one soon but I also want to post something about Notion as well. I update to my previous provider for hosting as it was just better so I did all the DNS change and tweaking needed for that. 🙂
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 11/10/24. The goal is to make this a technology "reddit".
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
Meta AI lê suas conversas no WhatsApp? Entenda o que a IA pode ou não fazer
A Meta AI, inteligência artificial (IA) da Meta (dona de WhatsApp, Facebook e Instagram), chegou ao Brasil e gerou muita curiosidade. A ferramenta, que permite aos usuários criar figurinhas, imagens e conversar com um assistente de IA, levantou questões sobre o uso de dados de seus usuários. A principal delas é se a IA consegue ler todas as conversas que acontecem no aplicativo de mensagens. Mas resposta não é tão simples.
#technology #ai #hivebr #meta
A Meta AI foi anunciada em setembro de 2023 com o objetivo de integrar funcionalidades de IA a todos os aplicativos da companhia. Ou seja, ela serviria como um grande chatbot esperto, como o ChatGPT, não apenas para o WhatsApp, mas também para Instagram, Facebook e Messenger.
Para isso, a Meta AI utiliza como "cérebro" um grande modelo de linguagem (LLM) criado pela companhia de Mark Zuckerberg, chamado Llama 3.2. Segundo a companhia, o Llama foi "alimentado" com um conjunto de dados massivo e diversificado, incluindo trilhões de palavras de páginas da web, repositórios de código aberto, livros e artigos científicos, além de informações de páginas da web. Tudo isso é feito para que a a IA aprende padrões de linguagem para oferecer informações relevantes e confiáveis.
Isso já fazia com que a Meta AI apresentasse um bom nível de funcionamento antes mesmo de chegar ao WhatsApp. O problema é que a Meta também usa dados e conteúdos publicados nos serviços da companhia para aprimorar a Meta AI - ou seja, os posts nos feeds do Facebook e do Instagram também são valiosos pontos de apoio para o chatbot.
Isso gerou um impasse com a Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) antes da estreia do serviço no Brasil. A permissão inicial obtida pela Meta para a coleta de dados dos usuários para fins de treinamento da IA gerou questionamentos sobre a conformidade com a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD), culminando na proibição, em julho deste ano, da coleta de dados para esse fim.
Sem a possibilidade do uso dessas informações, a Meta, em resposta à determinação da ANPD, elaborou um plano de conformidade, visando, segundo a empresa, garantir a privacidade dos usuários e a conformidade com a LGPD. O plano estabeleceu medidas como a notificação transparente aos usuários sobre a coleta de dados, a garantia do direito de oposição e a exclusão de dados de menores de 18 anos do conjunto de dados utilizado para o treinamento da IA.
É aí que entra a criptografia. A ferramenta é um mecanismo de segurança que assegura a privacidade das comunicações entre os usuários. Desde abril de 2016, o aplicativo implementa a criptografia de ponta a ponta em todas as formas de comunicação, incluindo mensagens de texto, chamadas de voz, videochamadas e compartilhamento de arquivos.
De acordo com a Meta, ao instalar o aplicativo, ele gera um par de chaves criptográficas exclusivo para o dispositivo: uma chave pública e uma chave privada. A chave pública é compartilhada com os contatos, enquanto a chave privada permanece armazenada no dispositivo do usuário.
Quando uma conversa é iniciada, o WhatsApp troca automaticamente as chaves públicas entre os dispositivos dos participantes. Ao enviar uma mensagem, o aplicativo a criptografa no dispositivo do remetente usando a chave pública do destinatário. A mensagem criptografada é transmitida pelos servidores do WhatsApp até o dispositivo do destinatário. Durante o percurso, o conteúdo permanece inacessível a terceiros, incluindo o próprio WhatsApp. Ao receber a mensagem, o dispositivo do destinatário utiliza sua chave privada para descriptografá-la.
Resumindo: sua mensagem fica ilegível para qualquer um, tanto para o WhatsApp, quanto a Meta AI, por exemplo.
Assim, segundo a Meta, a IA não consegue ler o conteúdo de conversas no aplicativo de mensagens. "A IA só pode ler e responder mensagens que mencionam "@Meta AI" e as mensagens que são parte de uma conversa específica com a Meta AI. As demais mensagens de uma conversa não são lidas pela ferramenta", diz a Big Tech. Ou seja, é impossível que a Meta AI leia ou veja uma mensagem que não foi enviada a ela.
A coleta de dados para o treinamento da IA se restringe, então, apenas aos dados fornecidos pelos usuários durante as interações com a ferramenta, como comandos, perguntas e avaliações, além de informações públicas disponíveis na internet. "As conversas com inteligência artificial são diferentes das suas conversas pessoais. Quando você usa esses recursos, a Meta recebe seus comandos, as mensagens enviadas à IA e sua avaliação para fornecer respostas relevantes para você e para aprimorar a qualidade dessa tecnologia" diz a empresa.
A companhia também diz que a Meta AI não vincula os dados pessoais da conta do WhatsApp aos dados do usuário em outras plataformas da Meta, como Facebook e Instagram. Segundo a empresa, esses esclarecimentos são feitos aos usuários diretamente no aplicativo antes e durante o uso da Meta AI no WhatsApp.
Mas ainda há "zonas cinzentas". Algumas questões nos termos de privacidade da Meta AI ainda geram dúvidas. A principal delas se refere ao uso de dados para o treinamento da IA. Apesar de a Meta afirmar que a coleta de dados para treinamento da IA ocorre apenas com o consentimento dos usuários, a forma como esse consentimento é obtido e a transparência sobre quais dados são coletados e como são utilizados ainda geram questionamentos.
De acordo com Lucas Maldonado, especialista em direito digital pela FGV, "todas as informações essenciais quanto ao tratamento de dados devem ser fornecidas pelos controladores de forma clara e acessível para os titulares". Nesse caso, não ficou especificado se todos os dados compartilhados com a IA ou apenas alguns deles selecionados são utilizados para o treinamento da ferramenta.
Outro ponto que merece atenção é a impossibilidade de remover a Meta AI do WhatsApp. A ANPD esclareceu ao Estadão que não houve nenhum acordo com a Meta nesse sentido e que a permanência da Meta AI no aplicativo não fere a LGPD, desde que a coleta de dados para treinamento da IA seja feita com o consentimento dos usuários. "Não houve acerto entre a ANPD e a Meta no que se refere a isso", disse a autoridade.
Tesla’s stock Went to 32.7% this week. Analyst Dan Ives calls Musk’s political support a poker move, which may advance Tesla’s growth under Trump. This will happen for 4 years. Elon will probably be Trillionaire by then
Well, it took 1 hour and 10 minutes, but I'm finally seeing results in my Llama test at 32k context length... Won't try it again though, my laptop is so hot I feel sorry for it. !LOLZ
A cheesy pickup line.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an
Go to a restaurant and step into the freezer. That will cool the laptop down.
No need, it cooled down on its own.
Might be against health and safety regulations 😅
Kwai-STaR: An AI Framework that Transforms LLMs into State-Transition Reasoners to Improve Their Intuitive Reasoning Capabilities
This new AI tool, Kwai-STaR, helps computers solve math problems better. It teaches them how to think in steps, kind of like how we work through problems. I think it's cool, especially since math always seemed harder for Ai
#AI, #Kwai-STaR, #math, #technology
The race is on. Things are really moving quickly. It is amazing.
What do you expect to see by the end of 2025?
Hard to tell. Cant see much out past the early 2030s, that is how fast things are moving.
We will have AGI by then which changes everything.
How different will AGI be?
Astronautas da Nasa reclamam de readaptação à vida na Terra: ‘difícil sentar’
Três dos quatro astronautas que foram hospitalizados após retornarem da Estação Espacial Internacional no final de outubro falaram sobre a missão SpaceX Crew-8 em uma coletiva de imprensa da Nasa na sexta-feira (8). Durante o evento, o trio apresentou algumas curiosidades sobre o processo de readaptação à vida na Terra depois de passar mais de 230 dias no espaço. Entre as dificuldades, mencionei o desconforto de se sentar em uma cadeira giratória.
#nasa #space #technology #hivebr
“Sou um novoto e estou fascinado com a readaptação”, contou o astronauta da NASA Matthew Dominick, comandante da missão. “Esperava as coisas maiores — a desorientação, o prazer. Mas as pequenas coisas, como simplesmente sentar em uma cadeira dura… Minhas costas não encostavam em algo duro há [235] dias.”
A Nasa não divulgou a identidade do astronauta que ainda permanece hospitalizado nem detalhes sobre o problema de saúde. Os três astronautas também optaram por não comentar o assunto durante a coletiva.
Como Identificar se Uma Imagem Foi Feita por IA Generativa
A capacidade de identificar se uma imagem foi gerada por inteligência artificial (IA) é cada vez mais importante em nossa sociedade digital. Prevenção a desinformação, privacidade, segurança digital e ética e transparência são alguns dos elementos que reforçam a importância de saber se uma imagem foi gerada de forma artificial.
#technology #ai #hivebr
1 - Anomalias Visuais:
Mãos e Dedos: IA frequentemente tem dificuldade em renderizar mãos corretamente, resultando em dedos extras ou deformados.
Textos Ilegíveis: Textos em segundo plano ou em objetos podem ser incoerentes ou sem sentido.
Detalhes Estranhos: Procure por elementos fora de contexto ou distorcidos, como sombras inconsistentes ou objetos que se misturam de forma estranha.
2 - Consistência Facial:
Repetição de Características: Rostos gerados por IA podem ter características faciais repetitivas, como narizes estreitos e maçãs do rosto altas.
Marcas d’Água:
Identificação de Plataforma: Algumas ferramentas de IA, como DALL-E, adicionam marcas d’água às suas criações.
Ferramentas de Detecção
AI Image Detector:
Descrição: Ferramenta que analisa imagens para determinar se foram geradas por IA ou por humanos.
Uso: Carregue a imagem na plataforma e receba uma análise detalhada.
Deepware Scanner:
Descrição: Detecta imagens e vídeos gerados por IA, identificando manipulações e falsificações.
Uso: Disponível como aplicativo para dispositivos móveis.
Descrição: Ferramenta de análise forense de imagens que pode detectar manipulações e inconsistências.
Uso: Analisa metadados e padrões de compressão para identificar alterações.
Google Reverse Image Search:
Descrição: Permite verificar a origem de uma imagem e encontrar versões semelhantes na web.
Uso: Carregue a imagem ou cole o URL para buscar correspondências.
What cool AI tools do you guys use?
Share you secret hacks with AI is the coolest there is
7 New AI Tools You Won't Believe Exist
#ai #technology !summarize
Hi, @mightpossibly,
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Tesla DOMINATES as 20 Automakers STRUGGLE to Keep Up! #tesla #automotive !summarize
Hi, @taskmaster4450le,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
the new Mac Mini M4 is the most powerful computer for its price point ever.
I still don’t like that it has a Fan in it.
My Mac Studio has no fans and it is amazing
That is beyond my pay grade. LOL
I still like building my own machines and tinkering with them. Unfortunately, there's not much of that you can do with Apple products.
yep. I have moved past that building. Since the M line of chips came out.
How Reddit went from a weird corner of the web to everyone's favorite digital hangout
I’ve been on Reddit for a while, and I’ve noticed how much it’s changed. It used to be hard to use and full of weird stuff. Now, more people are joining, and it’s gotten cleaner. It’s still growing, and even businesses are noticing.
As dope as inleo already is, what do you think we can learn from them?
#Reddit #SocialMedia #InternetTrends #DigitalTransformation #inleo
There is no reason why Leo cannot operate with the "subreddit" mindeset.
In reality, the only reason is laziness.
Laziness of the users of the Leo platform?
People, especially those with premium, can set up daily threadcasts such as this one.
There are a ton of topics to choose from.
oh so it's the Users then. I'd try to do as much as I can. Would also try to spread the words to my friends to Join in.
Yes. Anyone with premium can set up a threadcast by using the tag and focusing upon topic. Look at @coyotelation who set up sports.
you're very correct Task. We work harder we get reddit like results. I think we need more thread beasts on the platform. I also think the Leo curators focusing more on threads than blogs will encourage so many to thread away 🤔
Phishing attacks surge in 2024 as cybercriminals adopt AI tools and multi-channel tactics
Phishing attacks are getting worse, using tricks like QR codes and AI. I’ve noticed even my inbox is full of suspicious emails. It's scary because these attacks are smarter now, easily fooling people. We need better ways to protect ourselves. It's happening to everyone.
#phishing, #cybercrime, #AI, #cybersecurity
I sense we are going to see the next leg of the arms race: those using AI for cyberattacks and then those using it for defense.
So it would be just about as it is.
Both good and evil will get smarter and more sophisticated.
Is it an unending cycle in your opinion?
Or do you foresee a time where the gabs will be so close it would be nearly impossible to hack a system?
The speed will be unending. We are just going to see this keep moving up the exponential scale.
At some point we are going to hit the economic singularity.
I hope I live to see that
Hi, @taskmaster4450le,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Google's head of research on whether 'learn to code' is still good advice in the age of AI
I remember hearing "learn to code" all the time. Google's Yossi Matias says it's still great advice, even with AI growing fast. Coding helps you understand tech, like math helps you understand numbers. So, even if AI's here, we should all still know the basics.
#AI #Coding #Learning #Technology #BasicSkills
NVIDIA’s Stunning Breakthrough in Humanoid Robotics Unveiled
NVIDIA has created a new way for robots to do many things without changing systems. They call it the Hover controller, and it helps robots act more like humans. It could change how robots help us. I find this exciting because it feels like the future is almost here!
#NVIDIA #Robotics #Technology #AI #Innovation
What Is Quantum AI? Everything to Know About This Far-Out Twist
Quantum AI is when super-powerful computers (quantum computers) join forces with AI. While current AI is strong, it can only go so far. With quantum power, AI could handle huge problems way faster. But we're still years away from seeing this in action.
#QuantumAI #FutureTech #AIandQuantumComputing #SimpleTechExplained #EmergingTechnology
This is BTC right now, there's a chance we might hit 80K today or tomorrow. It'll probably be all over the news when it happens.
We need to keep getting these types of comments into the database. Talking about this stuff is feeding #leoai.
wait really, then I'm on it Task I'll keep feeding LeoAI 💪💯
Rumors said Elon Musk bought Ford, but Ford denied it. The rumors started from AI videos with no sources. Musk is busy with Tesla and SpaceX. This is the problem I have with AI, it can create confusion like this
Hallucinations are still an issue. We have to check things. That is why smaller models might be a bit more accurate.
That said, I believe the next generations of models will be more accurate since they are increasing the training compute.
I think the more the data the further we get from this hallucinations issue. You're right the newer models will do better.
Google's head of research says learning to code is still important, even with AI. Basic coding is more like math, very important for many fields, especially healthcare and education.
Even if AI can do it you still need understanding.
Good morning! It is the Marine Corps Birthday today! Did you know that the Corps has an AI Strategy?
#ai #tech #dailydook
AI is changing fintech now. We're seeing increased profits
AI is spreading to those companies that are not into it. We will see it in every company by the end of next y ear.
I believe this because it's everywhere now and those that don't use it will soon be forced to use it otherwise they can't keep up with those that use it.
Apple Intelligence Features Like ChatGPT Hit iPhones in iOS 18.2 Beta
Apple's new "Apple Intelligence" feature is here for folks with an iPhone 15 Pro or newer and some recent iPads and Macs. Think of it like a helpful tool that can write, edit, and even create images. But it’s only in beta for now, so not everyone can try it yet. I wonder how this will change everyday use for Apple fans like me. It's exciting, but we'll see if it lives up to the hype.
#AppleIntelligence #iPhoneUpdate #TechNews #AppleAI #MobileTech
Voyager I: Após 40 anos a sonda espacial ativa transmissor de rádio que nunca foi usado
A Voyager 1, lançada pela Nasa em 5 de setembro de 1977, é uma das missões espaciais mais extraordinárias da história. Originalmente projetada para estudar Júpiter e Saturno, essa sonda espacial foi além das expectativas e, hoje, já se encontra no espaço interestelar, a uma distância de aproximadamente 24 bilhões de quilômetros da Terra. Em uma trajetória épica, a Voyager 1 ultrapassou os limites do Sistema Solar e da zona de influência do Sol, avançando para onde nenhuma outra espaçonave foi antes.
#technology #space #voyager
A Nasa lançou a Voyager 1 para uma missão inicial de explorar os gigantes gasosos Júpiter e Saturno. Ao passar por esses planetas, a sonda capturou imagens e dados que mudaram nossa compreensão sobre eles. Durante seus primeiros anos de missão, a Voyager 1 coletou informações valiosas, como as primeiras imagens detalhadas das luas de Júpiter e os anéis de Saturno.
Concluída a missão principal, a Voyager 1 continuou sua viagem para além do Sistema Solar. A sonda entrou na região chamada de espaço interestelar, onde a influência do Sol e de seu campo magnético é mínima. Essa transição, ocorrida em 2012, marcou um feito histórico e fez da Voyager 1 o primeiro objeto humano a sair da influência solar.
Hoje, a Voyager 1 permanece em funcionamento, sendo a espaçonave mais distante da Terra. Com 47 anos de missão, a sonda depende de uma bateria de plutônio que, embora se esgote com o tempo, tem sustentado os sistemas essenciais para transmitir dados e receber comandos da Nasa.
Nos últimos meses, a Voyager 1 enfrentou dificuldades. Em 16 de outubro, um comando enviado pela Nasa desencadeou o sistema de proteção contra defeitos da sonda, desativando todos os sistemas não essenciais, incluindo a comunicação. O incidente deixou a sonda incomunicável por alguns dias, o que gerou preocupações na equipe de engenheiros.
Para restaurar o contato, a equipe da Nasa recorreu a um transmissor de rádio em banda S, um sistema de comunicação que não era utilizado desde 1981. Esse transmissor permite uma comunicação de baixa frequência e ajudou a reestabelecer contato, ainda que o sinal seja fraco para o uso contínuo.
Com a Voyager 1 a 24 bilhões de quilômetros de distância, o tempo para que um comando chegue à sonda é de cerca de 23 horas. Esse atraso é uma das muitas dificuldades que os engenheiros enfrentam ao operar a sonda, e limita o número de ajustes e correções que podem ser feitos em tempo real.
Para prolongar a vida útil da Voyager 1, a equipe da Nasa tem adotado estratégias criativas, como desligar componentes não essenciais e reduzir o consumo de energia. Em intervalos regulares, são ativados aquecedores e sistemas que ajudam a reverter o dano da exposição à radiação, mantendo os sistemas vitais da sonda ativos.
Construída com tecnologia da década de 1970, a Voyager 1 é um exemplo de engenharia resistente. Embora seus sistemas não tenham sido projetados para uma missão tão longa, a robustez da sonda e a criatividade dos engenheiros têm mantido a missão ativa. Cada problema resolvido pela equipe é uma conquista, mostrando o compromisso com a exploração espacial.
Atualmente, a Nasa investiga o que teria desencadeado o sistema de proteção contra defeitos da Voyager 1. Antes de reativar o transmissor de banda X, a equipe precisa identificar a causa do problema e garantir que a comunicação seja estável para evitar novas interrupções de contato.
A Voyager 1 deixou um legado duradouro e continua inspirando novas gerações de cientistas e engenheiros. Com uma missão que desbravou Júpiter, Saturno e o espaço interestelar, essa sonda é um marco da exploração espacial e continua a desafiar os limites do conhecimento humano.
Uma das pessoas mais influentes na história da tecnologia é também uma das mais discretas: conheça o fundador da TSMC
Morris Chang, o fundador da TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), é um homem astuto. Este engenheiro veterano lançou em 1987 a empresa que lidera a indústria de semicondutores há muitos anos. Nascido na China e formado nos Estados Unidos, Chang demonstrou publicamente em diversas ocasiões que sabe tudo. Uma das suas previsões sustenta que os custos de produção das suas fábricas localizadas fora de Taiwan duplicarão no futuro, o que terá um impacto direto no preço dos chips.
#technology #chips #china #taiwan
Além disso, ele destacou em diversas ocasiões o que para ele é o ingrediente fundamental que levou ao sucesso da TSMC e de outros fabricantes de chips japoneses e sul-coreanos: a cultura de trabalho. É isto que os torna tão competitivos para este executivo, e ele prevê que os EUA não terão isto a seu favor. A TSMC já está equipando sua nova fábrica no Arizona, e seu plano inicial previa que ela começasse a fabricar chips nos nós N5, N5P, N4, N4P e N4X em 2024. No entanto, as coisas não estão indo tão bem nos EUA.
Seja como for, a empresa fundada por Morris Chang há mais de três décadas e meia domina a indústria de chips com uma clareza "insultuosa". Intel e Samsung competem, mas mas ainda estão a uma distância considerável. Na verdade, a TSMC triplica a quota de mercado destas duas empresas na indústria de fabrico de circuitos integrados. E um dos seus pilares é a ambiciosa infraestrutura de produção. E não possui apenas fábricas de ponta em Taiwan, nos EUA e na China; também está construindo novas fábricas nesses países, no Japão e na Alemanha.
A infância e a adolescência de Morris Chang não foram fáceis. Ele nasceu em 1931, numa China à beira da guerra com o Japão, e antes de completar 18 anos morou em seis cidades diferentes e mudou de escola dez vezes. Ele sobreviveu aos bombardeios de Guangzhou e Chongqing e foi até forçado a cruzar a linha de frente com sua família para fugir de Xangai. Sua jornada em seu país de origem terminou em 1949. Naquele ano, Chang foi para os EUA para estudar engenharia mecânica em duas das melhores universidades do país: Harvard e MIT. Depois de ser rejeitado duas vezes no programa de doutorado do MIT, Chang decidiu entrar no mercado de trabalho.
Não demorou muito para que ele começasse a trabalhar na Sylvania, empresa de eletrônicos onde desenvolveu suas habilidades na área de transistores. Lá ele realmente começou sua carreira na área de semicondutores. Depois de três anos neste cargo, Sylvania enfrentou uma crise profunda causada em grande parte por não ter capacidade de adaptação ao ritmo em que a indústria de chips já se desenvolvia. Mas Chang se saiu bem. Em 1958 foi contratado por uma então jovem mas promissora empresa dedicada a circuitos integrados: a Texas Instruments.
Taiwan carece dos recursos naturais que outros países com grande capacidade industrial possuem, mas atualmente este estado tem muito talento humano. Caso contrário, segundo o próprio Chang, seu sucesso não teria sido possível. Além disso, o fundador da TSMC garantiu em diversas ocasiões que o espírito de trabalho enraizado e a dedicação profissional da sociedade taiwanesa são dois valores acrescentados que a maioria dos seus concorrentes não possui.
De caráter afável e acessível, Morris Chang quase não fala de si em seu discurso, mas não há dúvida de que é o grande responsável pela TSMC ocupar a posição privilegiada em que se encontra há muito tempo. Na verdade, incutiu na empresa que fundou há quase quatro décadas os valores que o guiaram ao longo da sua carreira profissional: integridade, compromisso, inovação e confiança.
Para Jensen Huang, cofundador e CEO da Nvidia, Chang não é apenas um líder na indústria de semicondutores. "O mundo está cheio de pessoas de sucesso, mas os heróis são raros. Há uma grande diferença entre sucesso e impacto. E acho que Morris, por sua carreira, sua filosofia, TSMC, sua estratégia e seus valores fundamentais, é, sem dúvida, um exemplo da revolução industrial", Huang declara sem esconder a menor devoção ao fundador da TSMC. As palavras de Jensen Huang podem parecer exageradas, mas a verdade é que a indústria de semicondutores não teria a dimensão que tem sem a TSMC e sem Morris Chang.
Boa parte da trajetória profissional desse engenheiro veterano aconteceu em uma das subsidiárias que a Texas Instruments possui nos EUA. Quando já tinha passado dos 50 anos e sem nada a provar, Chang imaginou que seria possível abrir uma empresa especializada apenas na fabricação de circuitos integrados e capaz de atender outras empresas responsáveis pelo design dos chips - e assim nasceu a TSMC. Hoje esta é uma estratégia totalmente consolidada, mas naquela época era uma ideia inédita. Ele estava até indo contra a corrente.
Morris Chang aposentou-se em 2018. Hoje ele continua participando de eventos e dando conferências, e cada vez que aparece é reverenciado pelo que é: uma das pessoas mais influentes não só na indústria de chips, mas na indústria de tecnologia em geral. As palavras de Jensen Huang refletem com muita força a dimensão que a figura de Morris Chang atingiu: “A tua carreira é uma obra-prima, uma Nona Sinfonia de Beethoven [...] A Nvidia não existiria sem a TSMC”.
Elon Musk warns that the U.S. debt is growing unsustainable. He has criticized excessive spending and says crypto like Dogecoin could be a solution. I don't know where he's going with that idea though.
It isnt the debt per se that is the problem. Actually, as long as someone keeps buying it, there is no issue. The global market uses US Treasuries like currency so what we are dealing with is money that we pay interest on.
The main problem is the servicing of the debt.
oh I see, so that only means if servicing is worked on US can maintain their debt strategy?
Honestly, I still don't believe this scientist. But I don't doubt that in the distant future if humanity loses control.
Yeah that is a hard one to accept. There are a lot of smart people who speculate in ways that dont make a lot of sense.
I guess my limit is 16K context tokens on this device... Good to know!
It is always good to know the parameters we are working in.
Continuing from my post earlier... I tried a context length of 32K tokens, and my computer is toast! It's trying to process the data for 1 hour now, and it doesn't seem like it's stopping any time soon. CPU is working at 100% heat! #technology #ai #llama
OpenAI plans to make a smart device like the "iPhone of AI" possibly including smart glasses. They'll need help from experts in AR technology
iOS 18.2 Public Beta 1 Brings More Apple Intelligence to Some iPhones
Apple’s iOS 18.2 public beta just came out, adding cool new features like Genmoji and Siri with ChatGPT. Right now, only some users can try them. If you're interested, be cautious, beta versions can be glitchy. I’d only put it on a secondary device to avoid surprises.
#iOS18 #AppleBeta #Genmoji #AppleIntelligence #TechNews
Transform Your Ideas into Apps with Bolt’s AI Coding Agent
I just learned about Bolt, an AI tool that helps people like me, without tech skills build apps. Imagine having a cool app idea but feeling stuck because you don't code. Bolt makes it easier. You can drag-and-drop, preview changes instantly, and deploy apps all in one place. It's like a shortcut to launching your digital ideas.
#BoltAI #WebDevelopment #NoCode #Entrepreneurship #AppBuilding
Hello #technology!
Let's go for more knowledge.
I confess that a part of me is "worried" because a vast majority of people are still not prepared for what is to come both through AI and robots.
Things are moving forward at an incredible speed.
I saw two videos that anyone who doesn't know anything about AI will say that the video is true. This is likely to cause major confusion in future elections.
I saw a video that had many of the leading experts in the field discussing this topic.
Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, stated that, categorically, we are not prepared for what is coming. He feels, by 2030 or 2032, we will have AI to the point where it is better than 90% of the humans in all fields.
Think about that for a moment.
US Ordered TSMC to Halt Shipments to China of Chips Used in AI Applications
The U.S. just told TSMC, a big chipmaker, to stop sending certain high-tech chips to China. These chips help with AI tasks. I think this is another move to keep the tech edge over China. It feels like a chess game between two big players, each trying to outsmart the other.
#USChina #TechWar #AIChips #TSMC #ExportControls
I spent a lot of time yesterday, and today installing and playing with Llama 3.2's 1B model on my local machine. So far, it's a lot worse than ChatGPT, but that's expected. My PC isn't strong, too.
I'm testing the limits of what my PC can handle. Just increased the context length to 16,000 tokens and my PC haven't crashed yet.
Big News for You If you're an Nvidia Investor
Nvidia is partnering with Lenovo to launch a new AI platform for businesses. The aim is to improve efficiency and profitability so that Nvidia grow as an industry and stock
Islândia inicia processo de energia espacial
A Islândia está na linha de frente para receber energia solar do espaço. Uma colaboração entre empresas islandesas e a Space Solar do Reino Unido pode tornar isso uma realidade até 2030.
#technology #energy #space
A Islândia tem a oportunidade de se destacar na captação de energia solar espacial. Reykjavik Energy e Transition Labs firmaram parceria com a Space Solar, do Reino Unido, para criar uma estação espacial de energia solar capaz de gerar até 30 megawatts de eletricidade. Este projeto tem o potencial de fornecer energia para cerca de 1.500 a 3.000 lares.
A expansão desse projeto é promissora. Até 2036, a expectativa é que a produção alcance níveis em gigawatts. Traçando um caminho para a viabilidade, o Instituto de Tecnologia da Califórnia (Caltech) demonstrou em 2024 a capacidade de transmitir miliwatts de energia solar do espaço para a Terra.
A chave para capturar energia solar no espaço está em satélites orbitais equipados com painéis solares. Esses satélites convertem luz solar em energia, que é transmitida como ondas de rádio para receptores terrestres, onde é transformada em eletricidade para uso doméstico e industrial.
Estes satélites podem se tornar alguns dos maiores objetos lançados, até mesmo maiores que a Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS). A inovação sugere uma fonte contínua e confiável de energia solar, independente das condições climáticas na Terra.
Por Que Optar pela Energia Solar Espacial?
A energia solar vinda do espaço oferece múltiplas vantagens, como fornecimento constante de energia, dia e noite, eliminando os efeitos das variações climáticas. Também se mostra economicamente viável quando comparada a outras energias renováveis.
Segundo Martin Soltau, codiretor executivo da Space Solar, esta modalidade pode competir em termos de custo e eficiência com outras fontes intermitentes de energia renovável. Assim, a Islândia tem uma posição única para ser líder em sustentabilidade energética.
O impacto não se limita à Islândia. Países como Canadá e norte do Japão são considerados para futuras estações receptoras. Com o crescimento de usinas espaciais, a tecnologia pode beneficiar outras nações.
Este desenvolvimento tecnológico pode ser crucial para reduzir emissões de carbono em um momento em que a demanda energética global está em alta. Abraçando essa inovação, podemos avançar para um futuro sustentável, menos dependente de combustíveis fósseis.
Com a Islândia liderando essa transformação energética, há uma expectativa global em torno do avanço de tecnologias capazes de revolucionar a geração e uso de energia. O futuro da energia solar espacial é promissor, oferecendo uma possibilidade de energia limpa e inesgotável.
ok. Marques Brownlee is now the most trusted tech reviewer on YouTube.
His reviews can help a product succeed or even destroy young startups.
oh, that guy! I do know him
Hi, @mightpossibly,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
I am not familiar with that one.
Any good or is he just a shill?
oh no. He is no shill.
That is why he has taken over as the goto reviewer.
He is a 10 year of effort overnight success
I will check him out.
Ah okay. Yeah I have seen some of his stuff before.
He is good.
I will check him out
With great power comes great responsibility
CryptoQuant CEO Predicts Bitcoin’s Next Big Move – And Hope He’s Wrong
CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju has predicted Bitcoin's next big move, predicting a 24% drop in its price by year-end. The prediction comes after Bitcoin hit $77k, briefly topping $79k. Despite the contrarian opinions, many traders and analysts are looking at more upside for Bitcoin due to favorable market and political conditions. Some analysts believe that Bitcoin's continuous surge is expected until next year.
However, Young Ju offered a disclaimer, saying he could be wrong. The CEO's post on Twitter/X also asked followers to guess the possible Bitcoin price at year-end, offering 0.01 BTC or roughly $7,600 at the current price. The diversity in users' answers is expected since predicting the asset's price by year-end is often challenging. Despite the contrarian opinion, many in the industry still look at the asset's upside due to favorable market and macroeconomic conditions
Rekt Drinks Sellout Shows How Brands Can Leverage Crypto to Launch Products
Rekt Drinks co-founder Ovie Faruq discusses their Web3-driven strategy after successfully moving 222,000 cans of sparkling water in just 48 hours.
The company's approach leverages Web3 technologies to drive sales and engagement, indicating a shift towards innovative and decentralized methods within the beverage industry. This achievement underscores the potential of integrating Web3 concepts into traditional business models, reflecting a broader trend towards embracing blockchain and decentralized platforms for commercial success.
Downloading the 3B model now... Just to see if my PC is able to handle it.
In the mood to abuse your laptop I see.
Some sacrifices are necessary... Oh, and I won't even attempt to try 32K context with this one.
Initially cautious about the technology, Ridley Scott, the director of "Gladiator II," has shifted his stance and now acknowledges the advantages of generative AI in the realm of filmmaking.
#ai #movie #aiinmovies
That is how it unfolds. Most are still doubting.
Slowly. Slowly. Waterfall.
Will Leo AI be able to access the [ARTICLE] (LINK) we put into the news.
If let's say someone prompts it about
Searchgpt as you just posted.
Will it give the information and provide a link to the page as we provide when we're threads?
I dont know if it will be internet access especially to start.
It might be pull up the pages. We will have to see. I guess the first is get the chatbot out once it is trained and cleaned up.
Just as inleo I believe was built over time as users gave their feedback so will Leo AI. Pretty cool. Wasn't part of the beginning of inleo but I'm glad I'd be here for LeoAi.
Since I'm premium it should be open to me the moment it's out.
Unpaid royalties are killing artists’ earnings – could blockchain be the ultimate fix?
Globally, the music industry is grappling with significant issues related to unpaid royalties, with Limp Bizkit's lawsuit against Universal Music Group shedding light on intentional efforts to conceal payments. The core problem lies in inaccurate metadata, which is crucial for ensuring fair compensation but often remains misaligned across various databases. This issue is further exemplified by SoundExchange's legal action against AccuRadio, underscoring the widespread impact on both established and emerging artists.
The existing royalty systems are plagued by outdated technology and potential manipulation, creating a lack of transparency and trust. Blockchain technology emerges as a potential solution, offering a transparent and decentralized network for accurate royalty calculations. Despite challenges such as slower transaction times and limited adoption, blockchain presents a promising opportunity to revolutionize royalty payments and restore trust within the music industry.
Initiatives like Ripe Capital, Audius, and Myco are leveraging blockchain to provide transparent and fair compensation for artists, signaling a collaborative effort to address the issue. Ultimately, the urgency for reform in royalty payments is evident, and blockchain stands as a compelling solution to rectify the flawed systems and ensure fair compensation for artists.
Bitcoin Analyst Sets $88,800 Target As BTC Breaks ATH 3 Days In A Row – Details
Bitcoin has been experiencing record-breaking highs following Donald Trump's US election victory and a recent Federal Reserve rate cut. This has sparked renewed investor interest, driving BTC prices into uncharted territory. Top analyst Daan is optimistic, foreseeing potential for further upside to $88,800.
$BTC #btc #bullrun #bitcoin
As BTC enters a bullish phase, it is now in a price discovery period, with analysts and investors closely monitoring its price action and expecting strong momentum due to institutional demand. The next few weeks will be crucial as Bitcoin tests new price levels, potentially fueling a transformative period and optimism in the crypto space.
As BTC consolidates at $76,400, maintaining above $73,800 is crucial for continued bullish momentum. A potential retrace to $72,500 could provide a reset for the market, but overall, the sentiment remains positive for Bitcoin's bullish trajectory.
Crypto For Secrets: Chinese Man Sentenced To Life For Selling State Info
A Chinese state official named Wang Moumou, working in a confidential unit, was found guilty of espionage for selling state secrets to foreigners to pay off debts incurred from cryptocurrency investment losses. The Chinese government is now addressing weaknesses in their confidentiality system to prevent similar incidents. Wang, who suffered losses from cryptocurrency investments, was lured by a foreign spy and received over 1 million yuan worth of cryptocurrency for passing on top-secret information about the Chinese government.
Wang, initially a good young man, was tempted by the prospect of earning money and gradually compromised his confidentiality standards, ultimately leading to his life imprisonment for espionage. The Chinese court found him guilty of selling state documents for cryptocurrency and discovered leniency in implementing confidentiality regulations in his unit, allowing him to leak sensitive documents to foreign intelligence agencies.
Didn't realize Leo AI gotta eat on Sundays too.
I guess the more we feed it the better it becomes when it's released.
I wanna ask, after release would it be updating itself or training even whiles we use it, or the trainers would have to be pushing updates like open AI does?
#askleo #leoai
It works more like Llama with real time updating. That is why continual feeding into this database is important. The vector database allows for real time updates.
This is amazing. Trying to speak to a couple of friends to join in.
Decentralized Llama, I like it.
Dogecoin Price Sees Bi-Monthly RSI Rise To 2020 Levels, Here’s What Happened Last Time
Crypto analyst Trader Tardigrade has observed a similarity between the current Dogecoin price action and that of 2020, noting that the bi-monthly Relative Strength Index (RSI) has risen to levels seen in 2020 before a significant bull run. The analyst predicts that the next three bi-monthly candles will be significant for Dogecoin, with potential for a parabolic rise to as high as $44.
#dogecoin #memecoin #crypto #bullrun
Other analysts, including Ali Martinez and Olivier, have offered bullish predictions for Dogecoin, with potential price targets of $23 and $32, respectively. Additionally, analyst Master Kenobi compared Dogecoin's growth potential to Bitcoin, highlighting the possibility of Dogecoin's market cap increasing 10x to $290 billion, putting its price at $2. Meanwhile, at the time of writing, Dogecoin is trading at around $0.2, up over 3% in the last 24 hours.
Gotcha! Tether Joins Forces With Canadian Authorities To Track Down Stolen Crypto
Tether recently assisted the Ontario Provincial Police in recovering $10,000 CAD from a crypto robbery, demonstrating its commitment to addressing crypto-related crimes. Despite previous criticisms for lack of transparency, Tether cooperated with authorities by freezing the USDT involved and enabling its return to the rightful owner. The OPP expressed gratitude for Tether's help, with Detective Inspector Addison Hunter commending the company's voluntary assistance in facilitating the swift recovery of stolen assets.
Tether's CEO, Paolo Ardoino, emphasized the company's dedication to supporting law enforcement in combating cybercrime and holding criminals accountable, highlighting its collaborations with numerous law enforcement agencies globally. Amidst legal scrutiny and rumors of investigations into money laundering, Tether has refuted allegations and focused on business expansion, including investments in the Middle East to diversify its portfolio beyond crypto.
Trump Pick: Wall Street Lawyer Considered For SEC Chair
Richard Farley, a prominent partner at Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel in New York, is being considered as a potential candidate for the position of chair at the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the incoming President Donald Trump. With his extensive experience in high-stakes finance, particularly in leveraged finance, and his role as co-head of Kramer Levin’s Leveraged Finance Group, Farley has emerged as a top contender for this influential role.
#SEC #crypto
Notably, his strong political ties and alignment with the GOP, along with his connections to influential figures in Trump's inner circle, bolster his candidacy. The potential shift in SEC priorities and stance on cryptocurrency under a new leadership, particularly in favor of relaxed regulatory conditions in the crypto sphere, has garnered attention. Farley is one of several finalists for the position, and the selection of the next SEC chair will significantly impact the regulation of digital assets and shape the future of the industry.
Crypto Analyst Sounds 160% Breakout Alarm For This Meme Coin – It’s Not Dogecoin Or Shiba Inu
The crypto industry is experiencing a surge in bullish sentiment, with a focus on meme coins. A crypto analyst named CoreCrypto1 has predicted a 160% increase for DOGS, a relatively new meme cryptocurrency with a strong social media following.
The analyst highlighted a descending triangle pattern on the DOGS daily chart, suggesting a breakout. If successful, this retest could lead to substantial gains, with price levels set at $0.0008, $0.0011, and $0.00152. DOGS has garnered a significant following on social media and has seen recent price upticks, trading at $0.0006269 and up by 12.5% in the past 24 hours, supporting the outlook of a 160% surge.
Cardano Soars 32% Amid Buzz Around Hoskinson As Trump’s Crypto Advisor
After Donald Trump's victory in the US elections, there is speculation that Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, could be appointed to a key government role overseeing digital currency policies. Hoskinson confirmed his interest in serving as a presidential advisor on crypto legislation and expressed a willingness to collaborate with the new administration.
#cardano #crypto
He aims to establish a policy division for crypto regulations through his company, Input Output Global (IOG), and work on bipartisan legislation with lawmakers and officials. Hoskinson believes this is the best opportunity for the cryptocurrency industry to gain legal clarity and emphasized the need for rules that facilitate innovation within the law. Speculation about his potential role has contributed to a surge in Cardano's price, with the digital currency experiencing significant growth.
Step-by-Step CrewAI Agent Build - Real Use Case! (Part 1)
#newsonleo #ai #technology #crewai !summarize
Auto dealer groups to challenge Scout Motors' decision to sell directly to consumers
Groups representing U.S. auto dealers plan to challenge Volkswagen's Scout Motors decision to sell directly to consumers, bypassing independent retailers.
Groups representing U.S. auto dealers said on Friday they plan to challenge a decision by Volkswagen's Scout Motors to sell directly to consumers, bypassing independent retailers.
#autodealers #volkswagon #scout #ev #automakers
The National Automobile Dealers Association said it and state associations "will challenge this and all attempts to sell direct in courthouses and statehouses across the country."
Scout said on Thursday it would join electric vehicle manufacturers like Tesla in forgoing a traditional independent dealer network in favor of directly selling and servicing vehicles, and it pledged full transparency on price and a speedy sales process.
Scout did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
NADA CEO Mike Stanton said the decision by VW "to attempt to sell Scout vehicles direct to consumers and compete with its U.S. dealer partners is disappointing and misguided, and it will be challenged."
Scout Motors CEO Scott Keogh told Reuters earlier this week that he expects the brand will have around three dozen U.S. retail centers when sales begin in 2027, eventually rising to 100. Other EV sellers like Rivian and Lucid have direct sales models as well.
"I think it's critical moving into the future in unstable environments to control your customer, control your margin, control your operational excellence," Keogh said, referring to the direct sales plan.
Stanford researchers develop molecule that forces cancer cells to kill themselves
The researchers' recently published study describes a way to re-activate apoptosis in mutated cells, which would amount to forcing cancer to self-destruct through a bioengineered, bonding molecule.
Every day, billions of cells in the human body die thanks to a natural process known as apoptosis. When apoptosis doesn't work by design, cells get cancerous and can cause a life-threatening illness. Now, researchers at Stanford University are working on a novel way to treat, and possibly kill for good, a specific type of cancer.
#cancer #science #research #cellular
This new discovery from Stanford is amazing man. If they can really reverse cancer cell behavior by triggering natural cell death, that could change the way we treat cancer. More hope for all cancer patients
The researchers' recently published study describes a way to re-activate apoptosis in mutated cells, which would amount to forcing cancer to self-destruct through a bioengineered, bonding molecule.
Gerald Crabtree, one of the study's authors and a professor of development biology, said he had the idea while hiking through Kings Mountain, California, during the pandemic period. The new compound would have to bind two proteins which already exist in the cancerous cells, turning apoptosis back on and making the cancer kill itself.
7 ways to use ChatGPT as your personal fitness trainer
ChatGPT can actually help with fitness! I didn’t expect much, but it’s good for basic workout advice. I tell it my fitness goals, and it suggests exercises and meal ideas. It’s not a real trainer, but it’s nice to have some guidance and motivation on hand.
#fitness #AI #workout #ChatGPT #personaltrainer
Google’s AI changes are showing more ads and videos in shopping searches. This might just push down regular website results in search rankings.🤦
Will Disney Launch a Free Streaming Service & Free Channels? - Cord Cutting Q&A
I think free channels 🤔and I think they need to get into AI quickie and allow people to create their own AI videos into a Disney owned platform
I think they can launch a free streaming service with ad supported content to attract more viewers, following industry trends, but have any official announcements been made yet?
Random Paragraphs
The Chips Act has boosted American electronics investments to historic highs. The country currently produces none of the world's advanced semiconductors but could supply at least 20 percent by the decade's end. However, an analysis earlier this year found that around 40 percent of the funding has suffered delays, some of them indefinite. Intel announced its award in March, but none of the money has reached the company yet.
The government awarded GlobalFoundries $1.5 billion to construct a new semiconductor fab in New York and help expand the company's Vermont operations. Meanwhile, TSMC secured a $6.6 billion grant and a $5 billion loan to build a fab for 2nm chips in Arizona.
Decentralized AI tackles privacy issues
To train such a large model, the project would need “tens of thousands of GPUs in one place,” which wouldn’t be ideal. But to use a decentralized network of compute “you’d need a new technology that doesn’t exist today because all the distributed training techniques we have require very fast interconnect.” However, he added that emerging research from Deep Mind suggests it is possible.
Polosukhin said he hasn’t spoken with existing projects like the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance but would be happy to see if there are synergies. Whatever happens, he said decentralized AI technology must win for all our sake. Conference guest speaker Edward Snowden rammed home the point by painting a scary portrait of centralized AI turning the world into a giant surveillance state.
The US has spent the last two years preparing to award chipmakers billions to help boost the country's domestic semiconductor industry, which has lagged behind nations like Taiwan and South Korea. The US government is negotiating the last of the subsidies as the incoming Trump administration threatens the policy's future.
Mutated BCL6 proteins block a signal that should normally bring cancerous cells to activate apoptosis. Traditional, non-destructive cancer treatments have been targeting oncogenes to try and shut the cancer down, while the new study proposes a mechanism to exploit them instead. "You take something that the cancer is addicted to for its survival and you flip the script and make that be the very thing that kills it," Crabtree said.
The team is now testing the molecule on mice affected by diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, to see if the method is effective at killing cancer in living animals. The technique relies on the natural supply of BCL6 and CDK9 in cells, which means it will likely work only on cancerous lymphomas. After testing the new molecule with 859 different types of cancer cells in the lab, the researchers confirmed that it was able to kill only diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma cells.
The roots of First Principles Thinking sit deep, tracing back to none other than Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher. Aristotle’s exploration of this concept in his work, “Metaphysics,” laid the groundwork for study of critical thinking and analysis. He proposed that understanding anything in its most basic form involves identifying its “first causes” or “principles” — the fundamental truths or building blocks from which everything else is derived.
Despite its ancient origins, the concept of First Principles Thinking was cast into the modern spotlight by innovators like Elon Musk, who has often spoken about its role in his approach to problem-solving and innovation. Musk’s discussions around the concept have brought it into the contemporary discourse, highlighting its relevance and applicability to solving complex problems and fostering innovation in today’s technology-driven world. It encourages us to strip away accumulated knowledge and assumptions — often taken for granted — to revisit the very foundations upon which our understanding is built. This approach doesn’t just apply to scientific inquiry or technological innovation; it extends to any domain where complex problems exist and where innovative solutions are sought.
While AI hype at the moment is concentrated on model and AI-native companies, AI use cases among non-AI-native companies within the “long tail” are growing more prominent and commonplace, ranging from customer service chatbots to augmented reality shopping experiences. Given the pace of AI innovation, we believe the easiest way to understand how companies in the long tail are using AI is by grouping their use cases into one of four layers that we outlined in this deep dive: custom models, closed-source models, open-source models, and third-party AI tools.
Michael Saylor’s MicroStrategy (MSTR) began accumulating BTC in 2020 and never looked back, transforming the get-along software company into a top-performing equity investment of the past two bull cycles in the process.
Despite reporting substantial losses every quarter in 2024, MSTR is still handily outperforming BTC, up an additional 200% on the year-to-date basis after parabolically doubling in price since September!
Shortly after Denmark has allowed picture porn also follows countries such as Germany, the USA and Sweden, and from the mid-70s the train leaves us so small, even though Theander brothers still produce lots and ship abroad.
Ethical Considerations Surrounding AI GF Chatbots
As AI GF chatbots become more prevalent, ethical considerations come to the forefront. Users often form emotional attachments to these digital companions, leading to questions about consent and authenticity.
Privacy is another key concern. Many chatbots collect personal data to enhance user experience. This raises issues about how that information is stored and used.
Information theory is the mathematical study of the quantification, storage, and communication of information. The field was established and put on a firm footing by Claude Shannon in the 1940s,[1] though early contributions were made in the 1920s through the works of Harry Nyquist and Ralph Hartley. It is at the intersection of electronic engineering, mathematics, statistics, computer science, neurobiology, physics, and electrical engineering
Let’s face it— we’re in a marketing battleground. Your business is only one of the hundreds or even thousands competing for your customer’s attention. If your goal is to win the war for attention, you need to differentiate yourself in a way that actually matters to your customers.
While this sounds obvious, it’s not. All too often, businesses assume they understand what is important for their customers.
Financial crises, twice in so many decades, have exposed our monetary hardwiring as a critical issue of governance. That circuitry starts with a public unit – the dollar -- created and backed by the federal government, but it appoints commercial banks to amplify and spread that money at the retail level. The design does more than delegate distribution to banks. By privileging banks as money creators, it also enables them to determine distribution. Operating according to criteria that are privately determined, banks decide which recipients will benefit from the expansion of a medium that is public. The process is clearly discriminatory.
The hybrid state at the monetary core of the market has never been justified according to democratic criteria. Retail banks prevailed in their partnership with the state because they had strategic advantages in creating credit money, not because they were experts in allocating that medium fairly or most efficiently. That history, recovered here, was lost to an economic narrative that located banks as intermediaries vetted by the competitive marketplace. Public spending does not dilute the problem; all such spending occurs through the same banked conduits.
“You can learn how something can be done and then go back to first principles and ask yourself, ‘Given the conditions today, given my motivation, given the instruments, the tools, given how things have changed, how would I redo this? How would I reinvent this whole thing?’”
Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA, started his career washing dishes at Denny’s. He then worked his way to busboy and eventually founded what is one of today’s most valuable companies. In this interview at Stanford GSB’s View From The Top event, founder and CEO Jensen Huang shares the stage with Shantam Jain, MBA ’24, to detail his experience founding NVIDIA, funding it, and finally, his views on AI.
The Alabama Bureau of Investigation is leading the investigation into the shooting.
Tuskegee University is located about 39 miles east of Montgomery, Ala.
It was not immediately known how many shooters there were. No arrests had been made as of Sunday morning.
“It tells you that the fact is, what we do, what our purpose is in the Democratic Party, is for America’s working families,” she added.
“For example, under President Biden, you see the rescue package, money in the pockets of people, shots in the arm, children in school safely, working people back to work.”
Pelosi took aim at President-elect Trump, as the octogenarian seemingly forgot his name for a moment.
Michalski remained in Hungary for a final night while Gretchen Tower moved on to visit some friends in Italy, the grieving friend told WKBW.
The duo remained in communication until shortly after midnight Tuesday. Michalski then failed to check out of her Airbnb or make her flight back to the US — prompting Tower to call the US Embassy.
At a candlelight vigil in Budapest Saturday, Michalski’s father Bill said she had visited Budapest before, and called it her “happy place.”
Schumer’s office did not immediately respond to an inquiry from The Post.
A children’s activity book featuring a character created by the Palestinian cartoonist Naji al-Ali was handed out on Saturday amid speeches from organizers who refused to identify themselves.
The workbook was created by the Palestinian Feminist Collective, one of the radical organizations highlighted in a recent report by the Network Contagion Research Institute and the advocacy group New York City Public School Alliance.
The report outlined the PFC’s pushing of resources allegedly linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a US-designated terrorist organization.
If the sex pest once known as “Carlos Danger” during his sexcapades does give politics another go, he would vie for the seat of Council Member Carlina Rivera, which will be open after her term ends in 2025.
Weiner did acknowledge Saturday that his personal baggage might hamper his odds.
Big history started with the Alpha Point, be it the Big Bang or Big Bounce, and resembles a huge ongoing evolutionary computing program running on the universal computer of sorts. As a rule, which I refer to as ‘Universal Evolutionary Doubling Algorithm,’ or simply ‘Exponential Evolution,’ the pace of any evolutionary process always quickens It took billions of years since the Big Bang for Earth to form. It took two billion more for unicellular life to “warm up” for the next phase of multicellularity about 550 million years ago. Mammals inherited Earth some 65 million years ago. With the emergence of primates, evolutionary progress was measured in mere millions of years, leading to Homo sapiens some 300,000 years ago.
Volatility Models are dependent upon how you are measuring volatility. Do you define that as close to close, from last night’s close to the morning open, or do you measure volatility as the percentage movement that day between the high and the low? Illustrated above in Figure #6 we have plotted these three main types of volatility so you can see there is a huge difference. Obviously, the definition of volatility being plotted and forecast can be correct in one manner and a non-event in another. It all depends upon your definition.
There is overnight volatility reflected in the percentage movement from the previous session closing to the current session opening. Then there is intraday volatility measured by the distance between the high and low of the trading session. Then there is closing volatility from one session to the next. We can see that these three perspectives alone provide completely different forecasts.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, blamed President Biden for Tuesday’s blowout loss because of his late exit from the race in July.
She argued that if Democrats had an open primary to find a new party nominee, the election outcome might have been different.
According to most of the sources, no one in the FBI at a GS-14 level or higher is safe from losing their job after Mr. Trump is sworn in, and they fully expect the president-elect to “smash the place to pieces when he gets in,” and that it will be a “bloodbath.”
Former FBI whistleblower George Hill told The Washington Times that people in the agency say the current state of the FBI is “frazzled.”
Mr. Trump’s firing of Mr. Comey in 2017 raised suspicions in the Justice Department that the president was obstructing justice, leading to special counsel Robert Mueller’s long-running and costly probe, which eventually found no evidence that Trump campaign officials conspired with or were connected to Moscow.
A subsequent government watchdog investigation found that FBI officials made numerous errors or omissions in secret warrant applications for surveillance of a Trump campaign aide.
Following the high court’s decision, Mr. Strand said, U.S. District Judge Christopher Reid Cooper claimed he would have sentenced him to one year in prison anyway, even without the felony conviction. Judge Cooper is an Obama appointee.
“[Judge Cooper] said, if the felony had not been there, but I’d gone to trial, he would have sentenced me to 12 months on a first-time nonviolent misdemeanor,” he said in a phone interview. “That’s not just crazy. That’s like 10 times crazy.”
During a portion of his prison sentence at the Miami facility, Mr. Strand was placed in solitary in the isolation unit.
“It’s like a giant steel, rusted red, brownish color. Everything else in the cell is concrete, so it’s all grayish, ugly and depressing…and you’re reduced to a pulse and almost nothing else,” he said.
Prison policy dictates that those locked up in solitary confinement must be granted one hour of “recreation time” or outdoor time per day, but Mr. Strand says they violated their own policy at the Miami facility.
Implications of Bitcoin’s Surging Mining Difficulty
Meanwhile, Bitcoin appears set to enter a bull run cycle for the rest of 2024 and beyond. This is evidenced in Bitcoin’s ability to hit new highs in mining difficulty. Simply put, mining difficulty measures the difficulty of solving the complex cryptographic puzzles used in the mining process.
This recent surge suggests miners will need to work harder to mine Bitcoin. Consequently, only the strongest and most efficient operators in the industry will get involved in securing the network.
As of this writing, the BTC price was $76,355, down 0.13% over the last 24 hours. Still, following Trump’s election victory, a Bitcoin target of $120,000 and beyond in the coming weeks seems more likely.
Dillon said “Joker 2” “has no plot” and recalled realizing the movie was going to bomb while he was on set.
“We would sit there, me and these other guys were all dressed in these security outfits because we’re working at the Arkham Asylum, and I would turn to one of them and we’d hear this crap and I’d go, ‘What the f— is this?’ ” he shared. “And they’d go, ‘This is going to bomb, man.’ I go, ‘This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.’
Then, on October 19, Voyager 1 fell silent again. The team speculated that the probe might have completely turned off its X-band transmitter in favor of a backup S-band radio transmitter, which operates at a much lower frequency of two to four gigahertz—an instrument it hadn’t used in 43 years. Communicating on the S-band uses less power, but its signal is also fainter, so if that was the case, NASA scientists weren’t sure whether they’d be able to detect it from Earth. Coupled with the fact that Voyager 1 is much farther away now than it was when it last used the S-band in the ’80s, finding the signal could have been a difficult task.
As World War II raged on, delegates from 44 Allied nations gathered at a hotel in Bretton Woods, N. H., to lay out foundations for the reconstruction of the international financial system. The hope was to prevent a repetition of competitive devaluations in the 1930s and to create a stable economic and financial environment for nations to operate in. This resulted in an agreement for countries to fix their exchange rates to the U.S. dollar and the U.S. to peg the dollar to gold.
Information theory studies the transmission, processing, extraction, and utilization of information. Abstractly, information can be thought of as the resolution of uncertainty. In the case of communication of information over a noisy channel, this abstract concept was formalized in 1948 by Claude Shannon in a paper entitled A Mathematical Theory of Communication, in which information is thought of as a set of possible messages, and the goal is to send these messages over a noisy channel, and to have the receiver reconstruct the message with low probability of error, in spite of the channel noise. Shannon's main result, the noisy-channel coding theorem, showed that, in the limit of many channel uses, the rate of information that is asymptotically achievable is equal to the channel capacity, a quantity dependent merely on the statistics of the channel over which the messages are sent
In the 60s and 70s, adult movie theaters provided increasingly public spaces for people to see pornographic materials, resulting in a series of court cases that had significant ramifications for the legal separation of the public and private spheres. Although it is still in its early stages, Erin Barry’s research has already brought up some interesting questions regarding the limits of freedom of speech, the division between public and private spaces, and the government’s relationship to its citizens’ sexuality.
At the core of AI-based search is the ability to interact with the machines and algorithms leveraging data in a natural way. NLP, or natural language processing, provides the ability for machines to interact with human language without sacrificing all the complexity and diversity that language and speech provide. With NLP computers can detect patterns and similarity of words within language and use that to provide more relevant responses. Take for example something as simple as how we describe things in the English language. I can use the same word to mean two very different things, “My dinner was salty” means something very different compared to “Jane was acting very salty”. The word salty in these two contexts are very different, NLP provides the ability for computers to provide discernment on what is actually being stated and requested.
Crypto x AI can give rise to the “Agentic Web”, a transformative paradigm in which AI agents operating on crypto infrastructure rails can become significant drivers of economic activity and growth. We predict a future where agents will have their own crypto wallets to autonomously transact and fulfill user intents, access lower-cost, decentralized compute and data resources, or leverage stablecoins to pay humans and other agents to complete tasks necessary for their overall objective function.
However, it was Ole Ege who almost made her world famous in a movie where she rides naked, masturbates on a horse, and has sex with various animals. The film won an award at the first porn film festival in Amsterdam in 1970, and it made Denmark known for now also doing animal sex.
First Principles Thinking is a philosophical approach that involves breaking down complex problems into their most basic components. It’s about getting to the ‘first principles’ or the foundational truths of a problem or situation, then reconstructing it from the ground up. This methodology encourages us to question assumptions, rethink norms, and explore new possibilities that aren’t bound by existing models or beliefs.
Central banks do not control the creation or destruction of money
Central banks are not central to our financial system
Central banks are effective when they can prod & coerce people & institutions to act in an ordained way
Central bankers mostly just push wet spaghetti around
Central bankers are the man behind the curtain from the Wizard of Oz. If/when the world wakes up to this fact there will be a great deal of volatility
“We didn’t design them to last 30 years or 40 years, we designed them not to fail,” John Casani, Voyager project manager from 1975 to 1977, says in a NASA statement.
In 2012, Voyager 1 became the first spacecraft to cross out of the heliosphere—a sort of bubble surrounding the solar system filled with the solar magnetic field and solar wind—making it the first spacecraft to enter interstellar space. Voyager 2 reached the cosmic milestone six years later.
Here’s a question: who creates money?
If you answered the Federal Reserve, I’m sorry but you’re going to have to repeat the 4th grade. Commercial banks create money. This system of money creation has an inherent advantage that the gold standard lacks: flexibility. Banks can create more $$$ when demand for money is strong, spurring economic growth. If demand for $$$ is sluggish, banks won’t loan. Alternatively, there may be a lot of money demand but banks still won’t lend for a multitude of reasons. That’s a rabbit hole too deep for the purposes of this article…
The Number and Types of Agents in Artificial Intelligence
There are five different types of intelligent agents used in AI. They are defined by their range of capabilities and intelligence level:
Reflex Agents: These agents work here and now and ignore the past. They respond using the event-condition-action rule. The ECA rule applies when a user initiates an event, and the Agent turns to a list of pre-set conditions and rules, resulting in pre-programmed outcomes.
Model-based Agents: These agents choose their actions like reflex agents do, but they have a better comprehensive view of the environment. An environmental model is programmed into the internal system, incorporating into the Agent's history.
Goal-based agents: These agents build on the information that a model-based agent stores by augmenting it with goal information or data regarding desirable outcomes and situations.
Utility-based agents: These are comparable to the goal-based agents, except they offer an extra utility measurement. This measurement rates each possible scenario based on the desired result and selects the action that maximizes the outcome. Rating criteria examples include variables such as success probability or the number of resources required.
Learning agents: These agents employ an additional learning element to gradually improve and become more knowledgeable over time about an environment. The learning element uses feedback to decide how the performance elements should be gradually changed to show improvement.
MicroStrategy became the first publicly traded company to implement a BTC treasury strategy with its purchase of 21,454 tokens for $250M announced back in August 2020, an initial investment that has returned nearly 500% during its 4-year lifespan.
As of September 2024, MicroStrategy holds 252,220 bitcoin.
Although MicroStrategy has retained its status a BTC behemoth among direct corporate holders, the introduction of spot BTC ETFs in January 2024 reshaped the top holder landscape, supplanting MicroStrategy with BlackRock as the fourth largest entity to hold BTC behind Binance, Satoshi, and Coinbase.
Google's head of research told BI that learning to code continues to be a valuable skill.
Yossi Matias compared coding to math and said learning "basic disciplines" is "as important as ever."
He also said people should remember AI isn't just in chatbots — and it's going to transform a number of fields.
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Despite the work evolving, Matias said that AI isn't taking over the whole coding process. Even though Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said that a quarter of all code is now generated by AI, he also noted it's still reviewed and accepted by engineers.
Matias said hestill believes "everybody should learn how to code." In fact, the basics may be more important now than ever, he said.
"Perhaps even more so now, there are going to be many more opportunities to actually build on that," Matias said.
AI will impact a wide range of fields
Matias said that even those who don't want to become software engineers should understand how technology works,similar to how people still need to understand math even if computers can do the most complex calculations.
"I think that basic coding is like basic math," Matias said. "You need to understand what's going on there."
While the launch of ChatGPT two years ago ignited the generative AI race and made the technology a mainstream topic, AI research has been a cornerstone of tech giants like Google for over 20 years.
Matias said that AI will boost practically every field, especially biology, chemistry, and medicine. He said it's becoming "both a tool and a science."
Scout plans to begin producing up to 200,000 EV trucks and SUVs annually starting in 2027 from its $2 billion South Carolina plant, which is under construction. The automaker disclosed on Thursday that it will offer extended-range variants that include a small gasoline engine.
"With this award, the 3D-Audio program continues to be a significant cornerstone of our offerings to meet the demand for best-in-class audio systems from the global community," said Rob Strasser, Vice President of Terma Self-Protection Systems.
The deal comes at a time when the US and other allies have accelerated training Ukrainian pilots on F-16s due to Kyiv's pressing need for air defense against intensifying Russian bombardments. Keeping pilots operating at peak awareness is critical to ensuring mission success and getting them home safely.
Push all decisions to the lowest effective level (subsidiarity): Local entities must control their economic destiny unless demonstrably necessary to elevate to a higher level.
Require radical transparency by default: Organizations wielding significant economic power must operate transparently with increasing disclosure requirements as their influence grows.
End the socialization of private risk: Entities pursuing private gain must internalize their risks rather than offloading consequences onto society.
The third theme is about what happens when so much consumption moves to networks. Historically, most media distribution was one-way. It was delivered to consumers and there wasn't much of a feedback mechanism. But of course, today, most consumption happens on two-way networks. And the most important thing about networks is that they're subject to these really powerful positive feedback loops that make the strong, stronger. There's both a supply-side and a demand-side dynamic here.
The third theme is about what happens when so much consumption moves to networks. Historically, most media distribution was one-way. It was delivered to consumers and there wasn't much of a feedback mechanism. But of course, today, most consumption happens on two-way networks. And the most important thing about networks is that they're subject to these really powerful positive feedback loops that make the strong, stronger. There's both a supply-side and a demand-side dynamic here.
This is a movie called Where the Robots Grow. It is billing itself as the first AI-enabled feature length animation, created by a studio called AiMation, and is 87 minutes long. They say that the team is only nine people, and it only cost $8,000 per minute. Of course, those are fractions of the labor and cost of a traditional animated production. One thing they very cleverly did is they use robots, so lip syncing is not that important. Is it Pixar? No. But might it be really entertaining if you're five or six? Yeah. And clearly we're getting closer. It's streaming for free on YouTube, and I encourage you to check it out.
Mark Rober's lightning-fast robot can win at rock-paper-scissors 100% of the time
YouTuber and former NASA engineer Mark Rober has created an unbeatable robot opponent that will shatter your confidence in the classic rock-paper-scissors game.
In a nutshell: Computers have been beating humans at games for a long while. OpenAI got its start with bots that could beat professional Starcraft players. Now, one engineer has built an unbeatable robot at Roshambo – commonly known as Rock-Paper-Scissors.
#ai #technology #robot #markrober
YouTuber and former NASA engineer Mark Rober has created an unbeatable robot opponent that will shatter your confidence in the classic rock-paper-scissors game. Dubbed "Rocky," the robot is outwardly just a simple box with googly eyes and a 3D-printed hand, so how good could it be?
Impossibly good! Rober excitedly shows off the bot's capabilities in a recent video. Rober could not win a single round against the robot in his demo. Rober claims that the chances of beating Rocky are "zero percent."
is it at all possible for someone to create a similar robot using OpenAI gpt model?🤔
Or one of the open source models.
The ability to have these do similar things in terms of knowledge is possible. In fact, I believe most LLMs will eventually be commodities since they are all trained on the same information.
That said, the robotic part of things, going a bit further is more difficult. Here is where we see a difference.
oooooh I get it now, but with the way Nvidia is making their model Open source I'll not be surprised to see lots of new and affordable tech trained with AI.
The key to Rocky's dominance is a blisteringly fast hand-tracking system. An infrared motion sensor tracks the movement of your hand and fingers a hundred times per second. This data gets fed into a mini-computer buried inside Rocky's body, which uses algorithms to determine whether you're throwing rock, paper, or scissors split seconds before you've fully extended your hand. Once it knows your throw, the computer directs Rocky's robotic hand via servo motors to make the perfect counter move.
Wait a minute, that means it's the end of winning Rock paper scissors 😭💔
Mark Rober’s robot is really cool and that means eventually Robots can get to AGI level.
Google accidentally leaked a preview of its Jarvis AI that can take over computers
The software was available for a brief time on the Chrome Web Store.
Jarvis is real. Google’s new AI prototype accidentally found its way to the public through the Chrome Web Store. This isn’t just some AI helper that can tell you the weather or remind you about doctor appointments. The Information reported that the store page describes the Jarvis prototype as “a helpful companion that surfs the web for you” through web browsers to take care of common tasks such as buying groceries, booking flight and research topics
#jarvis #google #technology #ai
Good God 🤯🤯🤯 it's finally going to happen. I thought we would be seeing this like 2030, I guys Christmas came 5 years earlier. Compared to gpt40 which is more powerful?
Well I am not sure how deep it will be and what level we are talking.
But as I keep mentioning, things are moving very quickly. By 2030, I am certain things will be completely different.
The pace of AI is simply too fast.
the pace is "too" fast. Task you used "too fast" does it mean there's more chance of us making mistakes with AI
AI is unwinding on a massive scale and speed. It’s a train that is unstoppable and picking up speed every second… It’s a bit scary where we’re heading
In other words, Google’s new AI has the ability to take control of a computer to complete these simple tasks without manual human input. The prototype that popped up on Google’s extension store wasn’t in full working mode. A reporter tried to use Jarvis but access permissions prevented the app from performing any functions.
Google took down Jarvis’ store page by midafternoon ahead of its planned reveal in December. Jarvis will have some competition from outfits like Anthropic and its Claude AI assistant that started its public beta phase last month. Anthropic’s AI assistant can do more than just basic functions through a web browser. Claude can take over a computer to type text, activate buttons and move the cursor.
FTX bankruptcy estate sues Anthony Scaramucci,, others
Bankrupt cryptocurrency company FTX filed 23 lawsuits Friday against Anthony Scaramucci (pictured above), his hedge fund SkyBridge Capital, and other
Bankrupt cryptocurrency company FTX filed 23 lawsuits Friday against Anthony Scaramucci (pictured above), his hedge fund SkyBridge Capital, and other organizations including and the Mark Zuckerberg-backed lobbying group
#ftx #lawsuit #crypto #bankruptcy
These lawsuits are an attempt to claw back money for FTX’s creditors following the company’s collapse. FTX claims that the money targeted in these suits was part of “a campaign of influence-buying” by founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, conducted as the company was struggling to meet its own cashflow needs.
The lawsuit claims, “These ‘investments’ conveyed little to no benefit to Debtors, and instead served only to prop up Bankman-Fried’s standing in the worlds of politics and traditional finance,” which he then attempted to leverage as “potential sources of equity investment in FTX to fill the hole in the balance sheet and, therefore, keep his scheme afloat.”
Since the company went bankrupt, FTX executives have been convicted of crimes including fraud and money laundering. Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years in prison and is currently appealing his conviction.
Sam Bankman-Fried appeals conviction, criticizes judge’s ‘unbalanced’ decisions
Lawyers representing Sam Bankman-Fried, the FTX CEO and co-founder who was convicted of fraud and money laundering late last year, are seeking a new
Lawyers representing Sam Bankman-Fried, the FTX CEO and co-founder who was convicted of fraud and money laundering late last year, are seeking a new trial.
#sbf #ftx #crypto #crime #fraud
Following crypto exchange FTX’s collapse, Bankman-Fried was found guilty on all seven counts, then sentenced to 25 years in prison and ordered to pay $11 billion in forfeiture. He has been serving his sentence in Brooklyn.
Bloomberg reports that Bankman-Fried’s appeal focuses on the behavior of U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, alleging that Kaplan’s rulings were “not just erroneous but unbalanced” and that the judge “continually ridiculed Bankman-Fried during trial, repeatedly criticized his demeanor, and signaled his disbelief of Bankman-Fried’s testimony.”
The appeal also claims that Kaplan “repeatedly mocked defense counsel” while helping the government make its case and that he “improperly prodded” jurors to reach a quick verdict.
Bankman-Fried’s lawyers are seeking a new trial under a new judge. The U.S. attorney’s office that prosecuted the case said it does not plan to comment on the filing.
Online Gaming Platforms And YouTube Will Also Seemingly Be Banned For Aussies Under 16
Online Gaming Platforms And YouTube Will Also Seemingly Be Banned For Aussies Under 16
UPDATE (08/11/24): We now have more information on the Online Safety Act that will prevent Australians that are under 16 from accessing online platforms, and as we expected, it seems as though it will apply to the likes of YouTube, Roblox and by definition even extend as far as the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live.
#austrailia #children #youtube #socialmedia #gaming #technology
The definition of a social media service as per the Online Safety Act according to the ABC can be found below:
The sole or primary purpose of the service is to enable online social interaction between two or more end users;
The service allows end users to link to, or interact with, some or all of the other end users;
The service allows end users to post material on the service.
By definition, any online gaming network such as Fortnite, Roblox or the PlayStation Network/Xbox Live would meet this criteria as they exist to enable online social interaction between two or more end users, allow people to interact and in most cases also allow material to be posted on the service.
Why This Is Just The Beginning For Tesla Stock
#tesla #stock #technology
TSMC and GlobalFoundries secure $13B in Chips Act funds ahead of Trump's inauguration
Reuters and Bloomberg report that TSMC, GlobalFoundries, and another unnamed company have completed agreements to receive billions in Chips Act funds from the US government.
In brief: The US has spent the last two years preparing to award chipmakers billions to help boost the country's domestic semiconductor industry, which has lagged behind nations like Taiwan and South Korea. The US government is negotiating the last of the subsidies as the incoming Trump administration threatens the policy's future.
#tsmc #globalfoundries #chipsact #trump #semiconductors
Reuters and Bloomberg report that TSMC, GlobalFoundries, and another unnamed company have completed agreements to receive billions in Chips Act funds from the US government. The deliveries will likely be the last before the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, who is critical of the legislation.
Although the companies haven't yet received the grants and loans, the US Commerce Department recently informed Congress that three companies will imminently receive the money. The amounts reflect prior agreements with TSMC and GlobalFoundries.
The government awarded GlobalFoundries $1.5 billion to construct a new semiconductor fab in New York and help expand the company's Vermont operations. Meanwhile, TSMC secured a $6.6 billion grant and a $5 billion loan to build a fab for 2nm chips in Arizona.
Congress passed the Chips and Science Act in 2022, earmarking $280 billion for chipmakers who agreed to develop manufacturing facilities stateside. The program aims to reduce US dependence on South Korea and Taiwan for the most advanced semiconductors, partly because the latter is under potential threat from China.
i wonder if a condition for receiving funds is to have hidden spyware or a backdoor embedded in the chips.
Voyager 1 Breaks Its Silence With NASA via a Radio Transmitter Not Used Since 1981
The farthest spacecraft in the universe went momentarily rogue, but scientists breathed a sigh of relief when it reconnected at an unexpected radio frequency
In 1977, NASA launched Voyager 1 and 2: a pair of spacecraft tasked with touring Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune by taking advantage of a rare alignment of the outer planets that only happens once every 175 years. The two probes had both completed their encounters with these worlds by 1989, and since then, they’ve traveled to the outer limits of our solar system and beyond, sending critical scientific data back to Earth.
#satellite #voyager1 #nasa #space #technology
Recently, however, Voyager 1 briefly fell silent. It broke communication with NASA in mid-October, then restored contact in an unexpected way: a backup radio transmitter that had been inactive since 1981.
“The spacecraft recently turned off one of its two radio transmitters, and the team is now working to determine what caused the issue,” according to a NASA blog post.
NASA’s twin Voyager probes have been flying for 47 years, which means the agency’s scientists and engineers back on Earth have increasingly had to deal with age-related maintenance issues, per’s Samantha Mathewson. Last December, for instance, Voyager 1 started sending nonsensical transmissions. Engineers solved the problem five months later, restoring the craft to its full abilities by this summer.
On October 16, Voyager 1 experienced another hiccup. Scientists sent the probe a command to turn on one of its heaters, but for some reason, the command triggered its fault protection system, which is built to respond autonomously to issues onboard. To preserve energy, the fault protection system occasionally turns off nonessential processes, but Voyager 1 should have had enough energy to run the heater.
Because the probe is currently more than 15 billion miles away—making it the farthest spacecraft from Earth—it takes almost 23 hours for a command to reach the craft and another 23 hours for its response to reach scientists. That means the NASA team only noticed something was wrong two days later, when they didn’t detect a response from the probe.
After Pause, NASA’s Voyager 1 Communicating With Mission Team
On Oct. 24, NASA reconnected with the Voyager 1 spacecraft after a brief pause in communications. The spacecraft recently turned off one of its two radio transmitters, and the team is now working to determine what caused the issue.
The transmitter shut-off seems to have been prompted by the spacecraft’s fault protection system, which autonomously responds to onboard issues. For example, if the spacecraft overdraws its power supply, fault protection will conserve power by turning off systems that aren’t essential for keeping the spacecraft flying. But it may take days to weeks before the team can identify the underlying issue that triggered the fault protection system.
When the flight team, which is based at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, beams instructions to the spacecraft via the agency’s Deep Space Network, Voyager 1 sends back engineering data that the team assesses to determine how the spacecraft responded to the command. This process normally takes a couple of days — almost 23 hours for the command to travel more than 15 billion miles (24 billion kilometers) from Earth to the spacecraft, and another 23 hours for the data to travel back.
On Oct. 16, the flight team sent a command to turn on one of the spacecraft’s heaters. While Voyager 1 should have had ample power to operate the heater, the command triggered the fault protection system. The team learned of the issue when the Deep Space Network couldn’t detect Voyager 1’s signal on Oct. 18.
The spacecraft typically communicates with Earth using what’s called an X-band radio transmitter, named for the specific frequency it uses. The flight team correctly hypothesized that the fault protection system had lowered the rate at which the transmitter was sending back data. This mode requires less power from the spacecraft, but it also changes the X-band signal that the Deep Space Network needs to listen for. Engineers found the signal later that day, and Voyager 1 otherwise seemed to be in a stable state as the team began to investigate what had happened.
Then, on Oct. 19, communication appeared to stop entirely. The flight team suspected that Voyager 1’s fault protection system was triggered twice more and that it turned off the X-band transmitter and switched to a second radio transmitter called the S-band. While the S-band uses less power, Voyager 1 had not used it to communicate with Earth since 1981. It uses a different frequency than the X-band transmitters signal is significantly fainter. The flight team was not certain the S-band could be detected at Earth due to the spacecraft’s distance, but engineers with the Deep Space Network were able to find it.
Rather than risk turning the X-band back on before determining what triggered the fault protection system, the team sent a command on Oct. 22 to confirm the S-band transmitter is working. The team is now working to gather information that will help them figure out what happened and return Voyager 1 to normal operations.
Voyagers 1 and 2 have been flying for more than 47 years and are the only two spacecraft to operate in interstellar space. Their advanced age has meant an increase in the frequency and complexity of technical issues and new challenges for the mission engineering team.
Voyager 1 and its twin Voyager 2 are the only spacecraft ever to operate outside the heliosphere, the protective bubble of particles and magnetic fields generated by the Sun. Voyager 1 reached the interstellar boundary in 2012, while Voyager 2 (traveling slower and in a different direction than its twin) reached it in 2018.
The images of Spain’s floods weren’t created by AI. The trouble is, people think they were
The rapid growth of ‘AI slop’ – content created by artificial tools – is starting to warp our perception of what is, or could be, real
#internet #ai #imageneration #spain #floods #deepfakes
My eye was caught by a striking photograph in the most recent edition of Charles Arthur’s Substack newsletter Social Warming. It shows a narrow street in the aftermath of the “rain bomb” that devastated the region of Valencia in Spain. A year’s worth of rain fell in a single day, and in some towns more than 490 litres a square metre fell in eight hours. Water is very heavy, so if there’s a gradient it will flow downhill with the kind of force that can pick up a heavy SUV and toss it around like a toy. And if it channels down a narrow urban street, it will throw parked cars around like King Kong in a bad mood.
The photograph in Arthur’s article showed what had happened in a particular street. Taken with a telephoto lens from an upper storey of a building, it showed a chaotic and almost surreal scene: about 70 vehicles of all sizes jumbled up and scattered at crazy angles along the length of the street.
It was an astonishing image which really stopped me in my tracks. Not surprisingly, it also went viral on social media. And then came the reaction: “AI image, fake news.” The photograph was so vivid, so uncannily sharp and unreal, that it looked to viewers like something that they could have faked themselves using Midjourney or Dall-E or a host of other generative AI tools.
But it wasn’t fake, as Arthur established in a nice piece of detective work – tracking down a bar in the picture using Facebook, finding the street in Apple Maps and even “walking” down it using Street View. “It’s not obvious why these people thought that photo in particular wasn’t real”, he writes. “Perhaps it’s something about the sheen of the cars and the peculiar roundedness of the shapes, and maybe the lack of obvious damage”. Or is it that the proliferation of AI-generated fakes is already making people increasingly predisposed not to believe things that are real?
My hunch is that it’s the latter, because social media are being overrun by what has come to be known as “AI slop” – images and text created using generative AI tools. (Amazon’s Kindle store is having similar problems with AI-generated “books”, but that’s a different story.)
You’d have thought that the social media companies would be bothered by this tsunami of crap on their platforms. Think again. According to Jason Koebler of the tech news website 404 Media, in a recent quarterly earnings call that was overwhelmingly about AI, Meta’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, said that new, AI-generated feeds were likely to come to Facebook and other Meta platforms. Zuckerberg said he was excited by the “opportunity for AI to help people create content that just makes people’s feed experiences better”.
Warming to his theme, Zuck continued: “I think we’re going to add a whole new category of content, which is AI-generated or AI-summarised content or kind of existing content pulled together by AI in some way. And I think that that’s going to be just very exciting for Facebook and Instagram and maybe Threads or other kind of feed experiences over time.”
Hackers are stealing tickets from Ticketmaster customers' accounts. For many, the troubled platform is their only option.
Hackers are breaking into some Ticketmaster users' accounts and transferring tickets to themselves.
Two concertgoers said it was shocking but they got their tickets back in time to attend their shows.
After BI asked Ticketmaster for comment, it refunded the two concertgoers the cost of their tickets.
#hackers #ticketmaster #technology
In September, Vashti-Jasmine McKenzie noticed an event had mysteriously vanished from her Google Calendar. It was a reminder for an Usher concert in Dallas on October 5, synced with her Ticketmaster account.
McKenzie opened her email to a shock: The night before, a stranger had broken into her account, accessed McKenzie's two tickets, which she had paid $550 for, and transferred them out of her account.
"If this happened in real life, if somebody stuck me up, it would be like they were robbing me," said McKenzie, a 42-year-old conference manager.
McKenzie, a music fan who said she spent an estimated $10,000 on shows in 2024, ultimately got her tickets back and went to the show but remains critical of Ticketmaster.
McKenzie isn't the only concertgoer who's suddenly been left ticketless. Similar incidents have been reported in Los Angeles, Nashville, and Charlotte, North Carolina. The playbook is typically the same: Ticketmaster customers purchase tickets to see their favorite artists, only to later receive an email saying their tickets were transferred out of their online wallets by an unknown hacker — and quickly claimed.
These kinds of scams are just the latest in a series of headaches for the ticketing giant. Following a data breach earlier this year and pointed criticisms from major stars like Taylor Swift, the Justice Department (DOJ) announced in May that it filed an antitrust lawsuit against Live Nation, Ticketmaster's parent company, alleging that the company's "conduct is anti-competitive and illegal." Live Nation, worth about $28 billion as of November 8, has a tight grip on the live-entertainment industry. The DOJ said in its complaint that "through Ticketmaster, Live Nation controls roughly 80% or more of major concert venues' primary ticketing for concerts and a growing share of ticket resales in the secondary market."
In response, Live Nation said the DOJ's lawsuit would fail to address fans' issues with ticket prices and their ability to purchase them.
Still, experiencing the ticket-transfer scam firsthand has led McKenzie and at least one other customer to fear their purchases aren't secure.
In October, Mika City, a 28-year-old data analyst from Grand Prairie, Texas, spent $400 on two tickets to the rapper Don Toliver's show in Houston. Two days after she purchased them, she received a 6:08 a.m. email from Ticketmaster saying that her tickets were being transferred to someone named "Floyd George."
Just 39 seconds later, she received another email: "Floyd George" had accepted the ticket transfer, and the tickets had been removed from her account.
As if Intel didn’t have enough to worry about, Nvidia might be about to jump into the PC processor market
New report that Nvidia might enter consumer CPU market
It would most likely be Arm's based
Chips could be announced in 2025 and launch 2026
#nvidia #intel #semiconductor #pc #processor
Intel and AMD currently have a stranglehold on the PC processor market, as the vast majority of consumers' PC processors come from these two manufacturer. But if this latest report is true, that duopoly could soon be challenged.
According to a new report from DigiTimes (reported on by PCGamesN), Nvidia may be planning to enter the consumer processor market by developing a new Arm-based CPU. Currently, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chips have exclusive rights to Windows on Arm; however, according to Arm CEO Rene Haas, that’s set to change in 2024 with the recent news of that deal ending. There’s also the possibility stemming from Arm threatening to cancel Qualcomm’s Arm license, not to mention the rumors of Qualcomm potentially buying Intel.
While there’s no definitive answer for when this processor will launch, if ever, the report from Digitimes states that an announcement of the Nvidia chips could happen in September 2025, with a possible launch date of March 2026.
How much further can Nvidia push it?
It sounds like a smart move from Team Green, as it could use its vast reputation in the PC world to further push into the PC processor market and give Intel and AMD some much needed competition.
However, the lack of an x86 license might pose an issue for Nvidia. There’s a chance that it could be acquired through Qualcomm, if the two manufacturers join up and the rumors about the latter purchasing Intel become a reality.
Then there’s also the possibility that Team Green could be heading into the gaming processor market, which would pair nicely with its already dominant graphics cards. Of course, such an endeavor would take quite a bit of investment as Nvidia would have to dedicate a lot of resources to porting games to the Arm architecture.
And though the performance has proven to be well-optimized and impressive in its own right, Windows on Arm is still unsupported natively by most PC software and games, a hurdle that also holds back gaming on Macs. But if Valve could get a host of PC games to support Linux through SteamOS for the Steam Deck, then there’s definitely a chance that Nvidia could push for the same for Arm.
Near plans to build world’s largest 1.4T parameter open-source AI model
Near Protocol unveils plans for the world’s largest open-source AI model, using crowdsourced research and aiming to decentralize AI tech.
Near Protocol has unveiled an ambitious plan to build the world’s largest open-source artificial intelligence model on the opening day of its Redacted conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The 1.4 trillion parameter model would be 3.5 times bigger than Meta’s current open-source Llama model.
#ai #near #technology #meta #llama #opensource
It will be created through competitive crowdsourced research and development from thousands of contributors on the new Near AI Research hub, with participants able to join the training of a small 500 million parameter model from today, Nov. 10.
Near Protocol’s ambitious AI model
The project will grow in size and sophistication across seven models, with only the best contributors making the leap to working on progressively more complex and larger models. The models will be monetized and privacy will be preserved via the use of encrypted Trusted Execution Environments to reward contributors and encourage constant updating as the technology progresses.
The expensive training and compute will be funded with token sales, Near Protocol co-founder Illia Polosukhin told Cointelegraph at the Redacted conference in Bangkok.
“It costs about $160 million, so it’s a lot, obviously, but actually, in crypto, it is raiseable money,” he said. Polosukhin added:
“Then the tokenholders get repaid from all the inferences that happen when this model is used. So we have a business model, we have a way to monetize it, we have a way to raise money, and we have a way to put this in a loop. And so people can actually reinvest back into the next model as well.”
Near patches critical bug that could crash every node on the network
Blockchain security firm Zellic discovered a flaw that could have crashed the NEAR network, but the team patched the vulnerability.
The smart contract platform Near Protocol contained a weird vulnerability that could have allowed an attacker to crash every node on the network, effectively shutting it down.
#near #blockchain #network #patch
According to a Sept. 26 report from blockchain security firm Zellic, which discovered it, the vulnerability was quietly eliminated through a patch in January, but some networks may still contain similar flaws.
In the report, Zellic referred to the flaw as a “Web3 Ping of Death” due to its ability to bring down an entire network “in an instant.”
Researchers discovered it while investigating Near’s peer-to-peer networking protocol for validator nodes, which allows its validators to communicate effectively with each other.
Nodes on the network communicate and authenticate each other via a “handshake” containing one of two types of signatures, Ed25519 and SECP256K1.
While verifying the signature for Ed25519 worked fine, verifying SECP256K1 signatures resulted in a “panic” response that crashed the node.
Having discovered this flaw, the researchers were surprised that it had not either been caught previously in tests or else crashed the network already.
The reason was more good luck than good management. It turns out that Near node software has “no code path that allows a Near node to generate SECP256K1 type keys.” In other words, the software allowed nodes to accept SECP256K signatures but didn’t allow them to produce such signatures.
As a result, no node had ever accidentally crashed the network by creating SECP256K keys and attempting to connect to another node.
Even so, a malicious node could alter the software to allow SECP256K keys to be generated. Once they did, they would have the power to crash any Near node simply by attempting to connect to it. The result could take down the entire network, constituting a “Web3 Ping of Death.”
To prove that the vulnerability was real, the researchers first created a version of the Near software containing a malicious patch that allowed SECP256K keys to be generated.
They then launched two nodes on a private testnet version of Near. The first node ran the legitimate software provided by developers, while the second ran the malicious version.
After the first node began producing blocks, the second node attempted to crash the first one by exploiting the two vulnerabilities. They found that the malicious node succeeded at crashing the legitimate one every time.
Ethereum hits $3.2K, surpassing Bank of America market cap
Ethereum reached $3,200, driven by increased DeFi adoption and Bitcoin’s surge above $79,000.
Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, hit $3,200 on Nov. 10 — its highest since August — as Bitcoin surpassed $79,000 following Donald Trump’s victory in the United States presidential election.
#ethereum #crypto #bankofamerica #trump #technology
According to CoinMarketCap, the market cap of Ether (ETH) now stands at around $383 billion, up almost 5% in 24 hours, putting it roughly $40 billion above Bank of America’s market cap.
ETH’s high valuation compared to Bank of America shows a shift in financial market dynamics as blockchain technology adoption and growth begin to exceed traditional finance (TradFi).
The shift signals the rising popularity of decentralized finance (DeFi) and crypto assets as the US Securities and Exchange Commission considers listing the first options tied to spot ETH exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
ETH gains momentum, turns inflationary again
ETH has witnessed its greatest weekly price action since May as Bitcoin (BTC) price progressively pushes the limits to reach new all-time highs (ATHs).
However, over the last seven days, ETH supply has been quickly increasing, at an inflationary rate of 0.424% a year — previously deflationary in early-to-mid October.
According to data, the current yearly ETH burn rate sits at 452,000 ETH, while the issuance rate is more than double that at 957,000 ETH, resulting in an annual supply increase of 0.42%.
Charles Hoskinson shares new plans to ‘help foster' US crypto policies
Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson explained he is going to be “spending quite a bit of time” working with lawmakers in Washington DC to “help foster and facilitate” crypto policies.
Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has revealed he is setting up a policy office within his company, Input Output, to support cryptocurrency policy development in the United States.
#cardano #crypto #policy #unitedstates #regulation #trump #charleshoskinson
“I’m going to be spending quite a bit of time working with lawmakers in Washington DC and quite a bit of time members of the administration to help foster and facilitate with other key leaders in industry the crypto policy,” Hoskinson explained in a Nov. 9 video posted on X.
“The best opportunity” is now, says Hoskinson
“We have to do this, and we have to get it done,” Hoskinson declared.
Hoskinson reiterated that there is “a very high probability” that the Republicans will “not only control the Senate and the Presidency, but also the Congress, the House.”
He believes this makes it “the best opportunity” for the crypto industry to gain clarity. This follows Trump’s election win on Nov. 6, where Trump campaigned on promises to provide a clearer path forward for the crypto industry if elected.
Hoskinson’s announcement comes after a turbulent few years for the crypto industry, with many crypto executives claiming that the US is falling behind the rest of the world.
Blockchain payment network Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse is one example who has voiced multiple public criticisms over the years during Ripple’s prolonged legal battle with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Crypto policy should be written by the “American people”
In March 2023, Garlinghouse stated that the SEC’s regulatory approach puts the US at “severe risk” of falling behind as a hub blockchain and crypto innovation.
Meanwhile, Hoskinson believes that crypto policy should be written by the “American people, the American crypto industry, and by well-meaning lawmakers.”
OpenAI scores key legal victory as judge throws out copyright case brought by news websites
A New York federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by news sites Raw Story and AlterNet against OpenAI for using their articles to train AI systems. The ruling could affect similar ongoing cases.
#openai #lawsuit #copyright #ai #training #data
Judge Colleen McMahon dismissed the case after finding that the plaintiffs failed to show concrete harm from OpenAI's use of their content as training data. Unlike other lawsuits targeting AI companies, this case focused on the removal of copyright management information rather than direct copyright violations—though Judge McMahon noted the underlying issue remained the same.
The judge's decision supported the fair use defense of OpenAI and other AI companies, noting that ChatGPT creates synthesized responses from its training rather than copying content directly. She emphasized that the likelihood of ChatGPT reproducing exact copies of articles is minimal, and pointed out that factual information in articles isn't copyrighted anyway.
The ruling also addressed past instances where ChatGPT had copied text verbatim, noting these cases can't be replicated with current versions—supporting OpenAI's position that such copying, when it occurs, is a rare bug rather than intended functionality.
While dismissing the current case, Judge McMahon left the door open for the plaintiffs to file an amended complaint. However, she expressed doubt about their ability to "allege a cognizable injury," according to Reuters. "Whether there is another statute or legal theory that does elevate this type of harm remains to be seen," McMahon said.
Raw Story's lawyer, Matt Topic, expressed confidence that the court's concerns would be addressed in a revised complaint. OpenAI has not yet commented on the decision.
A federal judge in New York has dismissed a lawsuit filed by news sites Raw Story and AlterNet against OpenAI, ruling that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate sufficient harm from the use of their articles as training data for AI.
The judge agreed with OpenAI's fair use argument, stating that ChatGPT synthesizes AI responses based on the training content, and the likelihood of an exact copy of an article is low. If it does occur, it is considered an error rather than a feature, and facts are not protected by copyright.
This decision may influence other ongoing lawsuits against AI companies, such as the legal dispute between the New York Times and OpenAI, as well as lawsuits filed by music companies against AI music generators.
OpenAI defeats news outlets' copyright lawsuit over AI training, for now
A New York federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against artificial intelligence giant OpenAI that claimed it misused articles from news outlets Raw Story and AlterNet to train its large language models.
U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon said that the outlets could not show enough harm to support the lawsuit but allowed them to file a new complaint, even though she said she was "skeptical" that they could "allege a cognizable injury."
Raw Story's owners acquired AlterNet in 2018. Raw Story attorney Matt Topic of Loevy + Loevy said the outlets were "certain we can address the concerns the court identified through an amended complaint."
"We build our AI models using publicly available data, in a manner protected by fair use and related principles, and supported by long-standing and widely accepted legal precedents," an OpenAI spokesperson said in a statement.
Raw Story and AlterNet filed the lawsuit in February. They said that thousands of their articles were used without permission to train OpenAI's popular chatbot ChatGPT and that it reproduces their copyrighted material when prompted.
The case is part of a wave of lawsuits against OpenAI and other tech companies by authors, visual artists, music publishers and other copyright owners over the data used to train their generative AI systems. A lawsuit filed by The New York Times against OpenAI in December was the first from a media outlet.
Chinese hacking effort is far more pervasive than previously reported, sources say
The Chinese effort to hack prominent Americans is far more pervasive than previously reported, ABC News has learned.
Sources told ABC News that U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials are concerned the espionage operation by the Chinese government may have been in place for well over a year -- and perhaps longer -- before it was recently discovered.
#china #hacker #unitedstates #technology
The Chinese appear to have been able to gather large volumes of data in a sweeping covert campaign targeting the cellphones and mobile devices of business leaders and other high profile Americans of both political parties, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
The evidence is mounting that in some cases the Chinese operation was able to tap into, or get access to, what cellphone users of Verizon, AT&T and Lumen were communicating.
Authorities are trying to determine whether the Chinese were able to listen to conversations and watch text messages in real time, as they were occurring, or if they captured the material for review at a later time.
Sources said that U.S. officials are only beginning to understand the breadth of the Chinese operation, but what they have found so far is deeply concerning and represents a massive breach of privacy on a disturbing scale.
The targets have included not only former President Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance, but also individuals working in a number of government agencies.
Autonomous AI can perform tasks without human help. It’s used in self driving cars and healthcare. Yes it's smart but it’s far from being self aware I think
I think Nvidia is a safer choice for tech investing in 2025. They have strong growth in AI hardware. I believe competitors will rise this coming year but Nvidia will probably still dominate
Tech News Update 👨💻
Upwind, an Israeli cybersecurity startup is raising $100M to enhance cloud security and grow its team. The investors include Craft Ventures and Steph Curry’s fund. We hope to see safer internet environment soon
OpenAI's ChatGPT-4o can help businesses with tasks like data analysis, web development and branding. It is able to simplify complex work, it saves time and brings more creativity
Some Uber and Lyft drivers are asking passengers to pay in cash instead of using the app to get better pay, but it’s risky for both sides.
If the Metaverse is the future, does it means we're all going to be wearing glasses like how we all hold our phones looking down while walking on the street?

NVIDIA's Jensen Huang believes AI will transform every field. He has predicted that AI will change science, chip design and all businesses. AI agents will revolutionize SaaS platforms too
Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Reaches New High of 100 Trillion-Will This Propel BTC to $120,000?
Mine one Bitcoin is now more difficult as the mining difficulty metric crossed 100T.
Bitcoin has a higher price valuation than it currently showcases per MVRV data.
#bitcoin #crypto #mining
Bitcoin’s mining difficulty recently increased by 6% to an all-time high of 101.65 trillion amid a record hash rate for the network. This move coincides with bullishness from a major technical indicator, signaling Bitcoin’s potential to climb towards $120,000.
The Bullish Bitcoin Technical Indicators
The price of Bitcoin crossed back above $75,000, a critical psychological level, following Donald Trump’s win in the U.S. election on November 5. CoinLupin, a market analyst at on-chain analytics firm CryptoQuant, utilized the Market Value Realized Value (MVRV) indicator to estimate Bitcoin’s present price.
The MVRV ratio is a powerful traditional tool for Bitcoin traders, offering insights into market valuation and potential price trends. CoinLupin stated that Bitcoin’s MVRV currently hovers at 2 while its price climbed just above $75,000. This suggests the market’s surface value is twice the on-chain estimated value.
The analyst added that the MVRV indicator recently surpassed the 365-day average and is now above the 4-year average, which often mirrors Bitcoin’s cycle. “This suggests that the upward trend remains intact, and generally, the cycle peak tends to occur when the MVRV reaches levels between 3 and 3.6,” CoinLupin emphasized.
He claims a 43-77% increase is critical for the MVRV ratio, assuming the Realized Value (RV) remains constant. When applied to Bitcoin, this translates to a target of $95,000 to $120,000. The analyst further noted that the RV is expected to rise as the market progresses with fresh demand. Considering previous cycles, he believes a peak may form above these zones.
Unpaid royalties are killing artists’ earnings – could blockchain be the ultimate fix?
Leveraging blockchain for transparent royalty tracking attracts both artists and investors seeking clarity and fairness in the music industry.
Globally, music professionals are missing millions, if not billions, of dollars in royalties. This isn’t just an occasional oversight or technical flaw; it’s a fundamental problem within an industry that wants to prevent its evolution to preserve profits.
Does that sound extreme? Well, the recent lawsuit initiated by Limp Bizkit against Universal Music Group (UMG) shows just how serious the problem is. The world-renowned band claims that UMG uses royalty software that is ‘intentionally designed’ to hide payments. And if it’s that bad for Limp Bizkit, imagine how much worse it is for upcoming artists.
#artists #blockchain #royalties #crypto
Metadata Isn’t Always Accurate, No Matter What They Say
At the heart of the royalty payments issues is metadata. The music industry usually represents it by the credits shown on streaming platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. However, it also includes all critical details associated with a song, such as titles, songwriters, producers, publishers, and record labels.
And to make sure everyone gets credited and paid each time a song is played, this data needs to be aligned across multiple databases. Sadly, that doesn’t always happen. That’s why many talented people miss out on their fair share.
You may wonder, what’s so hard about entering the correct information for a song? However, the music industry has faced ongoing challenges with metadata for years. There are no definitive standards for how music metadata is collected or displayed, and there is no requirement to check the accuracy of this information before it is published. To make things even trickier, this data isn’t housed in a single, centralized location; instead, it is dispersed across countless databases worldwide.
What’s even more alarming is that Limp Bizkit isn’t the only one calling out the issue. SoundExchange, a US organization responsible for managing performance rights, also filed a similar lawsuit against AccuRadio. AccuRadio is an internet radio platform that permits digital broadcasters to use sound recordings as long as royalties are paid.
Eliminating ‘Errors’ and Excuses Is Possible, but Many Industry Titans Don’t Want It
The sad reality is that the problems with today’s royalty systems go beyond late payments or missed checks. These systems depend on old technology that is prone to mistakes—both human and software errors. Furthermore, there’s always the possibility of intentional manipulation. As a result, artists frequently don’t know where their payments come from or if they’re actually getting what they should.
One technology you are likely familiar with may be a more reliable solution: blockchain. It offers a transparent, decentralized network for storing data. The mechanism isn’t too complex to understand—every time a song is played, that action is logged on the blockchain, creating a permanent record that can’t be modified.
Joinville realiza primeira cirurgia cardíaca robótica de Santa Catarina
A primeira cirurgia cardíaca auxiliada por robô de Santa Catarina foi realizada na tarde de quinta-feira (7), no hospital Dona Helena, em Joinville. O procedimento durou cerca de quatro horas e foi concluído com sucesso.
#technology #health #medicine #hivebr
A cirurgia aconteceu com um paciente de 60 anos e destinou-se à troca da válvula mitral, que tem a função de controlar o fluxo sanguíneo do coração. O procedimento utilizou o robô denominado Da Vinci Xi, um dos mais modernos do mundo, instalado em maio deste ano. Perto de 60 procedimentos já foram realizados com o equipamento, em diferentes áreas médicas.
Conforme o hospital, incisões menores e recuperação mais rápida são duas das principais vantagens da robótica em cirurgias cardíacas. O procedimento foi liderado pelo cardiologista Alisson Toschi.
Inside Joby's eVTOL Air Taxi, Coming in 2025
#technology #vtol #electric !summarize
my local, AI Voice Assistant (I replaced Alexa!!)
#ai #technology #ollama !summarize
Crypto Mixer Jailed For 12.5 Years After $400M Money Laundering Conviction
The founder of cryptocurrency mixing platform Bitcoin Fog has been sentenced to 12.5 years in a US prison for money laundering, with the court emphasizing the seriousness of cracking down on crypto platforms used for illegal activities. The founder, Roman Sterlingov, was convicted of laundering $400 million in criminal proceeds, with the prosecutors highlighting the platform's role in facilitating money laundering for activities such as narcotics.
Despite a lighter sentence than what the government suggested, the judge stressed the need for a harsh penalty to deter others in the crypto space from similar actions. The case serves as a warning about the US government's commitment to holding individuals accountable for aiding criminals through cryptocurrency platforms.
Venture Investor on How You Should Invest in AI | MOONSHOTS
#ai #technology !summarize
How huge will the correction of this current price be
Leak: ‘GPT-5 exhibits diminishing returns’, Sam Altman: ‘lol’
#openai #gpt5 #samaltman !summarize
Venture Investor on How You Should Invest in AI | MOONSHOTS
#ai #technology !summarize
Is AI Detection a Scam? I Did an Analysis: The Results Shocked Me
#ai #scam #technology !summarize
What's this summarize bot?
Yeah, have tried a couple of them before and I noticed, of the article is well structured, not matter how it sounds, it would be flagged as AI.
couldn't type enough
I scanned a text book I used back in college before AI was popular, it flagged it because of the structure of writing.
Spatial audio is coming to F-16 fighters to provide 3D sound in the cockpit
Danish aerospace company Terma has landed a $9 million deal to kit out the US Air Force's F-16 fighter jets with its cutting-edge 3D audio system.
In a nutshell: Spatial audio has gained popularity lately, with companies like Apple and Sony bringing it to consumer headphones. However, the military is also interested in the technology. The US Air Force has awarded a contract to equip F-16 fighter jets with cutting-edge 3D audio with active noise cancellation.
#audio #f16 #aerospace #technology
Danish aerospace company Terma has landed a $9 million deal to kit out the US Air Force's F-16 fighter jets with its cutting-edge 3D audio system. Over the next few years, the Air Combat Command will upgrade its entire F-16 fleet with Terma's innovative audio tech.
Terma says traditional sound systems carry a "crowded room" effect that can mess with a pilot's focus. If sounds are separated in a 3D space, it's much easier for them to quickly identify and prioritize vital signals like missile warnings while filtering out non-critical noise. Hearing sounds in three dimensions significantly boosts a pilot's situational awareness.
Terma's in-helmet 3D sound system spatially separates different radio and audio inputs, aligning sounds with their source direction. Pilots will hear each sound coming from the precise location within the cockpit.
The audio system also incorporates head-tracking, providing super realistic simulations that update in real time as the pilot moves. Active noise cancellation filters out non-critical sounds for crisp, high-fidelity audio. The technology prioritizes must-hear sounds – missile alerts, air traffic control instructions, and so on – while dampening secondary noises like engine noise and other audible interference.
Elon’s Predictions For the Future: AI, Free Energy, and More | EP #129
#elonmusk #technology #ai #energy !summarize
4 HARD Challenges for Claude Computer Use: Very Promising Results for AI Agents!
#ai #technology #anthropic !summarize
How To Build The Future: Sam Altman
#samaltman !summarize
it's working again now. I've resolved the issue that caused it to stop. Edit this thread and repost it to start the summarization
Harnessing the Power of AI | Avichal Garg
Imagine you have a sassy robot that can do laundry, that would be a great help. 😂
#technology #thread2earn
WTF – SearchGPT Beats Google?! + Can It Write Full Articles?
!summarize #aisearch
Excitement over Trump’s win pushes Bitcoin price above $80k
Bitcoin (BTC) surged to a new all-time high, briefly surpassing $80,000 following Donald Trump's election victory, sparking optimism for pro-crypto regulations. The cryptocurrency's price climbed 4.83% in 24 hours, hitting $80,071.17 before settling at $79,834.97 with a market cap of $1.58 trillion. Ethereum also saw gains, crossing the $3,000 mark. Bitcoin's 80% growth this year and 15% surge since Trump's win outpaced traditional investments.
#btc #bullrun #crypto #moon
Trump's shift in stance on crypto and promises to the sector have fueled expectations for pro-crypto regulations, with industry executives viewing his victory as a "big win for crypto." However, legal hurdles may impede the fulfillment of some promises, and analysts believe the creation of a Bitcoin reserve fund is a "low-probability event." Despite uncertainties, a crypto analyst predicts BTC price could reach $100,000 by year-end.
Elon Musk Is About To Tackle America's Deficit
This is pretty neat. I love this bot.
Did he use Llama for it?
Is it an API?
I want to know what impact technology will have on the birth rate. From less frequent human interaction to creating a more luxurous society. The easier things get, the less human's are needed. Will we all have kids in the future or less likely to have kids?
Here's How To Make money from home with AI
start a content agency
become a prompt expert
offer design services
create business systems
provide strategy consulting.
Someone tallk me out of powering down my remaining $HIVE and buying $LEO with it....Or not.
Delegate it all to @leo.voter. You get LEO and InLeo can better help shape HIVE going forward!
I can't do that, lol. I have been powering down and going into Monero $XMR, lol.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the Fact that you threaded this means you're too far in the decision 🤣🤣🤣🤣💪💪
pretty much lol
I've always guessed wrong in that regard. Somehow I dwindled all my bags trying to right my wrongs lol
oh for sure, i'm the world's worst investor lol
lol I mean....Do I really win or lose with it?
Don't we need HIVE to do anything on the chain?
yeah but not that much. Pretty sure if I keep 10k Hive, I'll be fine. Even 1000 Hive.
why would we talk you out of it?
lol can I see LEO going to 10 cents before Hive goes to 25 cents? lol
yep. i did a video in my sub only content on this.
what will 3x or 10x 1st. Leo or Hive?
Its Leo
the only reason to have Hive is a little bit to transact but no more needed unless you want to get into governance.
HUM! interesting concept. I know you will get more $LEO. Something big coming! Spill the beans
nah honestly, nothing secretive at all. just super bullish on LEO and I have no other crypto to use LOLOL
It depends on you. In my case I don't want to power down HP.
i just need enough to be able to use the chain. but my belief in the blockchain is more on the apps and layer 2
New people in crypto don't know what it feels like watching $BTC drop from 6k to 3k...
They don't know what it feels like seeing the Covid drop happening...
People will call us lucky, but we were not, we had a vision and we put money on that vision.
The vision is still a little further away, but we are starting to see it come true.
ETFs, countries and companies buying a limited asset to put on their balance sheet, DeFi, unstoppable Social Media, STOs, RWA, Game NFTs...
#crypto #leofinance #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin
Being a newbie in the crypto world, I guess I am one of those who would consider you lucky. I too will probably have others feel I am lucky in time to come😊
I have tasted them all.
April 2013: Bitcoin's price dropped by -83%, from around $260 to $50
December 2013: The price fell by over -50%, peaking at around $1,151 before dropping significantly after China imposed restrictions
December 2017 - February 2018: A period referred as "Crypto Winter," where Bitcoin's price fell from about $19,497 to around $3,200, decline of -83%
2022 Crash: Bitcoin experienced a drop from $69,044 in November 2021 to around $19,047 by June 2022. A loss of nearly -70% of its value, marking the largest absolute dollar loss in crypto history
I got in right at the start of the crypto winter of 2018, crazy year, thank god I was able to learn fast and got out at 6k before the drop to 3k, while everyone was seeing their portfolios wiped, I was in USDT ready to deploy capital at the first sign of a reversal, which I did at the bottom.
Family called me crazy because I had already seen my portfolio going down so much and I was still deploying capital to the market, what they didn't know is that it was all in on USDT waiting for the right price.
Now they have joined in and listen to me, which has made them 6 figures in 5 years (could have made them more if they had deployed more capital when I told them, but the bear market of 2021-2022 FUD got to them xD).
Crazy ..! Did you keep on holding in all the crashes ?
Yes. Sure. Nothing but HODL. And buy moar
Thats Great .!!
Bitcoin is making history! 🔥
You have been a long time HODLer, and yu have had that strong foresight and experience to witness it restrospectively.
#gmfrens! Here is the Motivation, Inspiration, Success #threadcast for 11/10/2024.
#1440minutes #motivationsonleo #inspirationonleo #successonleo #motivation #inspiration #success
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. Khalil Gibran
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. Napoleon Hill
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger
The soul that is within me no man can degrade. Frederick Douglass
Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. Thomas Carlyle
Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict. William Ellery Channing
Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. Oprah Winfrey
It doesn't take a lot of strength to hang on. It takes a lot of strength to let go. J. C. Watts
If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive. Audre Lorde
Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer
Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths. Drew Barrymore
The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. Max Lerner
Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason. Francis Bacon
A strong man doesn't have to be dominant toward a woman. He doesn't match his strength against a woman weak with love for him. He matches it against the world. Marilyn Monroe
Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. Abraham Lincoln
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller
You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. Mahatma Gandhi
I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. Leonardo da Vinci
Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. Leo Buscaglia
One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity. Albert Schweitzer
The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places. Ernest Hemingway
The strong man is the one who is able to intercept at will the communication between the senses and the mind. Napoleon Bonaparte
My bad habits aren't my title. My strengths and my talent are my title. Layne Staley
Even cowards can endure hardship; only the brave can endure suspense. Mignon McLaughlin
The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong. Swami Vivekananda
Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem. Virginia Satir
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Christopher Reeve
Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. Mattie Stepanek
Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go. Hermann Hesse
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. W. H. Auden
When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. Peter Marshall
I like criticism. It makes you strong. LeBron James
All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. Walt Disney
A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep. Vernon Howard
When adversity strikes, that's when you have to be the most calm. Take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on. LL Cool J
There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast. Charles Dickens
Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential. Liane Cordes
Nothing has more strength than dire necessity. Euripides
We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength. Charles Stanley
Don't wish me happiness - I don't expect to be happy it's gotten beyond that, somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor - I will need them all. Anne Morrow Lindbergh
The spirit of man can endure only so much and when it is broken only a miracle can mend it. John Burroughs
Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves. Dale Carnegie
Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. Charles Spurgeon
Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength. Saint Francis de Sales
Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory. William Barclay
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. Buddha
Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it. Winston Churchill
Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have. Norman Vincent Peale
As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want. Mike Tyson
I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it. Demi Lovato
Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on. Henry Rollins
I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong. Leo Rosten
Heroism is endurance for one moment more. George F. Kennan
Only the gentle are ever really strong. James Dean
Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. Albert Einstein
Endure and persist; this pain will turn to good by and by. Ovid
There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself. Louis XIV
It is the characteristic excellence of the strong man that he can bring momentous issues to the fore and make a decision about them. The weak are always forced to decide between alternatives they have not chosen themselves. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Did you know that Bea Arthur was a Marine?
#inspirationonleo #dailydook
Yeah, that's pretty cool. I remember reading about that awhile ago
I am never getting to more than 12-13 threads a day. I know I can do more. We will see where this month ends. #stats
At least you're threading :)
We all start somewhere~
Me too, it feels unproductive when I don't share threads.
I was so fkn wrong about this movie, its so fkn cool, its something totally different, dark humor, all against each other until they are not, love it
#skiptvads, #moviesonleo, #teaser, #trailer, #linkinthecomments
Good day!
As I am getting ready to leave for a small excursion, I saw somewhere that BYBIT also has launchpool so I thought to try it out.
I already use the BitGet launchpool staking some $BGB - but when i tried to stake my (few) USTD, I noticed that a minimum of 100 is needed.
Do you use launchpool, which platforms do you prefer;
And what do you do with the tokens you earn from launchpool;
I have not sold any of them yet.
If you are thinking of joining, I am attaching my refs below!
BYBIT: BITGET: (insert ref code) U1C312S3 BINANCE:
waking up to this!
Happy Sunday everyone 🥰
same to you :)
I've now written an explanation for the hack and a BTC theft which @v4vapp suffered a few weeks ago and the steps I took to get it working again.
It is #statssunday again. Time flies if you are threading a lot.
#feedback all images just disappear after posting them
Trump said Nope.
"Trump Excludes Haley and Pompeo from Administration"
ok $79k BTC.
$100k by end of year
Possibly. Certainly on the up.
I’ll say 120k just to be super bullish
super Bull
Send it please 🚀
Once again Hive-engine token based "games" are not Hive games.
they run solely on the HE side-chain and are just token farms.
If you want to participate that is great just don't call them "hive games"
and remember you don't own anything you purchase for those games, it is not recorded on Hive.
only provides true Layer 1 Human Readable immutable digital ownership on the Hive blockchain that will outlive any individual game.
29 plots for sale in SHU VHO region in Wild North East.
More info in the reply below!
That's a lot of plots!
Yeah all details are in my latest blogpost. And I also have a giveaway going. Trying to stay active here every day. Accumulating for when $HIVE makes some moves.
Some of the pools are really great if you don't want to worry much which side you need to be.
Posted via D.Buzz
I only participate in pools where I like both tokens. This way IL is not such an issue I end up with less of that and more of that or viceversa
That's exactly the way to go...
I really have been trying to crack the reason to collection blue ray I still cant make an argument to spend $20+ per movie unless it is a system that keeps the inventory moving around, meaning selling them after some time of not seen them, this would keep the inventory fresh since you would buy new titles with the $$ earn from selling and keep watching them but then what about those that you really like? now days there is so much content and space is limited so how can you keep up with collecting physical media and not go hoarding and over spend? I will probably do a blog post about this matter 🤔 #skiptvads, #collectiong, #4kdisc, #moviesonleo
Dude is more likely ending up in Dodger Blue.
#%?!*% YOU #cflclosers
"MLB free agency: How ace Roki Sasaki could rock offseason"
Not sure how I feel about it. I like struggle and adversity during the summer to keep me interested. I just want my old injured pitchers back.
My second CENT Power Up Day!
#cent #bbh #gmfrens #cpudday
My 7th time joining CENT Power Up day!
#cent #cpudday #bbh #gmfrens
Bitcoin Crashed !
It crashed down bad, $800 from it's new ATH $79799.8

It's up....up....and away
wait for real I actually thought it was doing fine, I guess I was paying attention 🤔 will it hit 8Ok today?
I wonder how many panic sold immediately...
Anyone is here to answer my question ? My question was that How i can grow in this platform and gain more in Posts here . You help can be help me alot .
Let me tell you the secret formula that you can do to grow in this platform.
Be consistent. Share threads regularly, it doesn't matter what it is but most of the time, quality content gets the most attention.
Make friends. You won't grow alone, you will need friends along your journey. Always interact with other users.
Learn. Best thing here is you learn while you earn. Create more content and understand how your audience engage with you.
Give value to the community. This could be anything, you can invest on $LEO and power up, just create quality content and help other users, onboard people. Don't be a leech.
Be a #premium user. Well, this is optional but being premium gives you a lot of benefits. I won't tell you, there's only one way to find out.
Have fun!
engage with people. Post about topics you like.
Engage with threadcasts.
You have to make yourself known.
Also, use relevant tags... Especially tags that people do check like #newsonleo and #crypto.
Here's what I'd do to grow on HIVE/INLEO:
If you write at least 6 blog posts per month, and you're confident about their quality, I recommend getting INLEO Premium. Getting 6 upvotes from @leo.voter per month will give more rewards than the 10HBD you pay for premium. (Half of it will be in HIVE POWER and not Liquid HIVE, though.)
Thats some good advice. Need to step up my posting game.
First, Welcome to INLEO!
Second, I saw a bunch of good advice here and I will just reiterate the common theme: engage
Be active in replies and posting threads/blog post and in comment sections
The more you put yourself out there, the more memorable you will become
Remember that INLEO is a relatively small platform compared to X and others. Getting name recognition around here this early on will be far easier than any other platform
Have fun!
have fun. Engage. Support the community. Buy $LEO 😂🤣 the last in optional.
Welcome to inleo!
Engagement is key and be active
Mid-late stage bull market means there will be a lot of volatility. Don't stay glued to your screen every day watching your portfolio drop and increase by thousands in seconds, seriously, it's not good for your mental health.
The market will give you plenty of time to get out of it near the top before we shift into the bear market. You don't need to get out at the peak, near it is more than enough, wait for confirmation of a peak and then get out.
Peak should be somewhere in Q2-Q3 2025. At least for #Bitcoin, #alts might peak before then, just like 2021.
#crypto #cryptocurrency #leofinance #investing #money
I think if you are a trader then, you must take advantage of the volatility.
#crypto #freecompliments
True if you are a day trader.
I like to go for long swing trades so I don't trade volatility, I trade big movements that take weeks to months (sometimes years).
But if you are a day trader then it's true, that volatility will fill your pockets really fast if you know how to trade it.
people really aren’t searching for “culture”, this word is so loaded and not used in practical ways. Thought it’s something I’m really interested in, I think I’ve got to frame my videos as being related to “travel” or “living abroad” in order to get any traction
If you want to focus on "culture" then I would do that. It will come across as more genuine.
probably a good idea, millions of videos exist there and algorithm usually favors those with already big channels. Smaller channels need that hustle to get there. I hope this idea helps it grow man
I wish there was a middle ground for people who just want to find a meaningful audience of 20k or 50k followers, but most of those people got lucky or they tried to get more famous and still aren’t there yet. So yeah, gotta play the game with tags and titles
yes I think tags and titles are the only way for the beginners
$BTC is above 79k. Somebody pull the price of BTC otherwise it will leave the earth🤣.
#btc #trade #crypto #fun #cent #freecompliments
Its going to be a hell of a night... apparently!

We are looking for guest author get 5 DUO and a 50 profit share on the submitted post
what's the content all about?
Anything you like as long as it's not overly inappropriate or promoting a product or service!DOOK !BBH
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(47/50)@anonymous02! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
(html comment removed:
What's the energy generation rate in #risingstar? #cent
risingstar faq:
In order to complete missions you also need energy. Every 1% of energy takes 5 minutes to refill without boosts, so overall it takes 500 minutes (8 hours and 20 minutes) to completely refill your energy.
Thank you, how did I missed this. !LOLZ
By the number of gigs it has.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@imfarhad, I sent you an
Snaps are in general way better rewarded than threads!
I've found myself to be moving towards a no BS approach these days lol
heading off to bed.
chat later everyone!
Sleep well and have a nice dream.
Trabajando desde temprano, con las manos llena de tierra en el jardín #sunday #hivenftgamelatino #spanish #bbh #ladiesofhive #humanitas #topfamily #silverbloggers
$HIVE targets $0.23 with its amazing comeback!
4-hour and Daily charts look bullish 🔥
#hive #cent #crypto
That's impressive.
I heard it was $3 some years ago. Did you experience it?
Yes it was amazing
who is buying it ? Makes
No sense.
Why not ser?
All coins are green
it has no value. The only reason to own it is to be involved with governance.
Just because the whole market is going up doesn’t make it a good coin
This shows even more reasons to not have Hive and buy Leo instead.
tough to read, but agree with it completely
I am a premium user but my check mark is gone, the images I try to upload don't show up.
Maybe it was delayed a bit but I can see your checkmark now. I read some feedback that uploading images, GIFs, videos do not display on threads.
thank you for this explanation. It enlightens me also
It's okay. The image issue has been solved😉
Happening to me tooo...
Looks that they are there though...
Check via
sorry for the ill experience
Take a look at this Scorpio 🦂 that was resting on a mart, the children around were lucky not to lay on it..
#scorpio #dailydook #freecompliments
Sorry, there are no images but I can imagine it, thank goodness nothing happened. #bbh #dailydook #freecompliments
image disappeared on threads...
I posted it with image...
But I think I will be back sooner....
wow is that one poisonous ? !DOOK !BBH
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(6/50)@calebmarvel01! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
(html comment removed:
Dear #splinterlands masters!
Do you think Node Licenses below $300 is a good investment with around %25 APR?
#cent #crypto
Below $300, it sounds like a solid investment IMO.
You receive 4 Vouchers and more than 17 SPS every day!
The downtrend seems like over with the latest price action.
It's all about a gaming hype in #crypto ✌️
it continues. the long term players don't see any turn around.
some keep preaching the DHF will save them, marketing will save them, but that is so they can get one last pump and dump.
time to move on.
I would say dissolve the DHF completely. That takes it out if the picture.
Short of that everyone needs to vote up the reference proposal. Make the threshold so high that fewer and fewer make the cut.
yep moving the threshold up helps. As does getting in the correct witnesses
i think one of the best things i ever did was sell all my cards a year and a half ago. that being said, i should have sold at the peak lol
yep. it is hard to call the top, but greed kills is a saying I try to live by.
I just wish we were not funding the proposal.
I will be doing proposal reviews on my sub only content.
they have had more money come to them that a small country.
yep. and I know some behind the scenes stories were people got paid for doing nothing.
basically a ponzi that fed money to all their friends and didn't listen to anyone that had run a successful live service game.
Sad really.
and the current team is in over their heads.
I don't care how nice someone is, if they lack the skills this is the result.
Glad you got something out of your collection.
got an offer for 20k for it, said no.....then ended up selling it for about 10k. so yeah, greed killed me lol
that being said, at the peak my account was over '1 million'. but ya
If I ever saw a 1 million or hundreds of thousands. I would have dumped so quick.
opportunity cost is too high at that point to hold.
so much more you can do.
I played for all of Alpha and then ran as I could tell the game was junk.
2021 was a bubble, everyone knew that.
Hello foodie Lions 🦁! Happy Sunday. Welcome to today's show. 🥗🍲🫕
Day 138 of the #foodtalk on Leo

DiscussionThis is the #threadcast for 10/11/2024 for 9/11/2024. It's time for some meal inspirations and food conversation. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.
More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast. Upvote the comments you find interesting & connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie
#foodie #foodporn #veterans #dailydook
30 Real Food Dinners {Our Family Favorites}
Looking for real food dinners your family will actually eat? I’m all for nutrition, but I’m not real big on exotic ingredients or having my family refuse what I’ve cooked because it’s too far outside their comfort zone!
My list of real food dinners focuses on familiar favorites built with nourishing, real food ingredients. They come together smoothly with flavor that has everyone–from husband to picky toddler–asking for seconds.
{Don’t forget to pin this graphic so you can find this list easily next time you need dinner inspiration!}
#foodtalk #usarealfood #foodie
30 Real Food Dinner Ideas
Meatloaf*. I sneak finely grated carrots and diced onions and celery into the loaf for added nutrition and they hardly notice. Your Real Food Journey has my favorite recipe. We love this with a side of baked sweet potato or butternut squash fries.
Honey Baked Chicken.
Melt 1/3 c. butter with 1/4 c. honey, 2 T. yellow mustard, 1 T. Curry Powder, 1 t. salt, and pepper to taste. Pour over chicken parts and bake at 350 till golden brown, basting occasionally. Love this with fall squash and rice or potatoes to slop up the drippings.
Salisbury Steaks. The gravy I serve over them is made with whole milk and pan drippings, so it’s pretty much amazing. And I can throw these together in the time it takes to make the mashed potatoes we love with them. Recipe in my book.
Beef Str0ganoff. I do both a simple version, made with ground beef, or a fancy-pants one with cubed steak and red wine. No matter to me–they both rock with sour cream and all those lovely fats! (P.S. that’s Stacy’s recipe, which means it will make you laugh out loud!)
Tacos. Thanks to my tortilla press, my own seasoning mix, and a family who likes fewer toppings rather than more, this is a cheap, fast meal for us almost every week.
Taco Salad. Even faster than #5, and portable. Just mix the meat (cooled), cheese, and veggies in a bowl with a lid, and top with crushed chips, salsa, and sour cream when you get to your picnic spot.
Chicken Fajitas. A variation on taco night, but a different set of spices, because I like variety. (Find both taco and fajita spice mix recipes in my books! I use beef or chicken, chopped peppers, onions, and tomatoes all fried up in a pan and serve it on a homemade tortilla with cheese and sour cream. Drool.
Corn Chowder. Bacon. Corn. Garlic. What’s not to love?
Chicken and Dumplings. Oh, how I love thee. Thou comest together so quickly with such humble ingredients, and thrilleth my soul with thy mouth-watering texture and flavor. My favorite recipe is in here.
Cheeseburger Soup. I don’t know how I lived without this recipe in my repitiore. I love how you get such a flavorful soup with just ground beef. Must be all the cheese. Traditional recipe with my real food modifications here.
Chili. I love my recipe because it starts with simple ground beef, but by the time you’re done adding spices, you’d swear it was sausage–so flavorful! Always served with a dollop of sour cream and a generous sprinkle of cheddar cheese around here. Don’t forget to soak your beans
Chicken Caesar Salad. Now, we’re gettin’ fancy. But not really. Homemade chicken tenders or grilled chicken tossed over romaine lettuce and doused with Caesar Salad Dressing. My babes usually skip the lettuce, but otherwise, a family favorite.
Spaghetti. Brown the beef, pour in a jar of sauce, and serve over noodles. Or, over spaghetti squash for grain-free night. It doesn’t get simpler. But it can get fancier with a side of the aforementioned Caesar Salad! Oh, and you can make your own noodles, too, if you’re really ambitious!
Fettuccine Alfredo. A little more involved, but nevertheless one of my quickest meals. Boil water for noodles while you whip up one of my homemade alfredo sauces. Saute or steam some veggies in another pan, and fry some sausage or heat leftover chicken in a fourth pan. It can get hectic, but it all gets done about the same time, and topped with Parmesan it’s totally worth the workout.
Sweet Potato Shepard’s Pie. This casserole knocked my socks off when I first met it. Easily grain free, and a complete, one dish meal.
Pizza. Well, of course. Use this recipe for the best whole wheat pizza crust EVEH. Then top with whatever you like. (How about a whole head of garlic? Mmm, yes, please.)
Calzones. Everything you love in pizza, in surprise form. Roll out the above dough into thin, 8 in. circles. Spread one half with seasoned ricotta cheese, your choice of toppings, and a generous handful of mozzarella. Fold over, pinch to seal, poke a few air holes on top, and bake at 350 till bubbly and brown. Serve with pizza sauce for dipping.
Chicken or Turkey Noodle Soup. I make this every year after Thanksgiving, but it’s perfectly edible year round.
Stuffed Shells and Peppers. Mix ricotta cheese with garlic, Parmesan, basil, oregano, mozzarella, and an egg. Spoon into stuffing shells or quartered bell peppers. Place the darling little boats in a shallow sea of pasta sauce, top with more sauce and cover with more mozz and parm. Bake at 350 for 20-30 min. till bubbly. Some like the pasta, some like the peppers, some like ’em both. This way you please everyone.
Chicken Divan. A favorite from my childhood. Great use for leftover chicken, rice, and that broccoli you found on sale. Great use for your homemade mayonnaise. Recipe here
and in my book.
Sloppy Joes. My favorite way to glorify ground beef. Serve over homemade rolls with cheese sprinkled on top. (OK, my husband thinks that last part is weird, but the kids love it.)
Quiche. This manly quiche with beef and spinach is one of our favorites. We love quiche for a quick lunch or dinner.
White Garlic Lasagna. You have to taste it to believe it. So yummy, and actually cheaper than regular lasagna because it somehow achieves delectable cheesy creaminess with just Parmesan. It’s a miracle.
Roast Chicken. Served with potatoes, gravy, and steamed veggies. My favorite way to get me some good, leftover chicken meat for casseroles. (I usually do two birds to ensure leftovers.) Sometimes I do this in the oven (recipe here) and sometimes in the crockpot with this recipe.
Macaroni and Cheese. I know, I know, this doesn’t sound like a nourishing meal, but I make mine with rice pasta, and use whole milk and chicken broth in the cheese sauce. Throw in some leftover meat and veggies, and it’s a complete, cravable meal.
Grilled Chicken and Seasonal
Veggies. Weekly around here in the summer, ya’ll. Favorite marinade recipe here.
Burgers and homemade buns.
I season my burgers with Worcestershire, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Uh-mazing.
Enchiladas. Pioneer woman wins, hands down, for the best enchiladas in the world. I use my homemade tortillas (again).
Mexican Lasagna. For when you don’t want to fiddle with rolling the enchiladas–layer tortillas with meat, sauces, and cheese. Complete instructions in my book.
Gyros. I use Steakums and a greek spice mix for the meat. But really, gyros are simply a vehicle for Taziki sauce, if you ask me.
There you have it. A whole month’s worth of dinner plans! Man, making this list made me hungry. And we’re having Fajita’s tonight. Yum.
Day 138
Welcome friends to another episode of the #foodtalk on Leo, . Let's have some #food conversation. Join in, share your food experience and other food-related content and earn some rewards. Check out the pro tips for making perfect pancakes every single time.
What did you have for breakfast on this Sunday morning? #foodtalk #breakfast
27 Pro Tips For Perfect Pancakes, Every Single Time.
Pancake perfection
Pancakes in various guises are loved all around the world, from savory to sweet, wafer-thin to thick, small to large. With just a few basic ingredients, they're quick to whip up and endlessly customizable. To celebrate National Pancake Day (September 26), we’ve ranked the greatest tips and tricks to ensure pancake perfection every time. Whether you make a hefty stack for brunch every weekend or you're a complete novice, these handy hacks are guaranteed to up your pancake game.

Check them out in the comments. 👇
#foodtalk #food #pancakes #Pancakeperfection #pancakerecipes #breakfastideas
27 Pro Tips For Perfect Pancakes, Every Single Time. 👈 Continue here.
Oh yeah 👍👍 it's another day for food..
Feel free to share your food photos, best and worst food ever 😄😄😄..
@rollando.silva, do you need some chicken head?

AM seriously hungry right now, but I don't know what to cook this afternoon...
I wouldn't forget I need some frogs legs tomorrow to make pepper soup...
How do you like to eat frogs legs?
Is it fried, roasted, smoked, or dried?
😄😄😄😄 Lol
Good morning. Sunday meals I don't know if I'll cook today. maybe later share #foodie #foodtalk
#foodtalk #foodie Today, Sunday, I'm going shopping for the week and I'll probably cook something simple like chicken in black sauce and white rice.
Hoy domingo voy hacer compras para la semana y seguramente cocinare algo simple como pollo en salsa negra y arroz blanco. #foodtalk #foodie #spanish #bbh
Hello my friends!
Barbecue time!
Sausages & spinach for dinner. I am like Popeye!
King Features Syndicate, Inc., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
#foodie #foodtalk #cartoon
Good morning friends, its a lovely Sunday morning over here...
I just to a #photograph of this little palm tree.. #photographers #dailydook #freecompliments
Digging the growth !DOOK !BBH
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/50)@calebmarvel01! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
(html comment removed:
$BTC at the time I shared this... #cent #crypto #bitcoin
Daily newsbin.
Japanese star pitcher Roki Sasaki to be made available to MLB teams with Mets, Yankees interested
Roki Sasaki, the “Monster of the Reiwa Era,” will get his wish to pitch in the majors next season. The Chiba Lotte Marines of Nippon Professional Baseball announced
A Monster is coming to Major League Baseball, and the Yankees and Mets — and truly all 28 other teams — will be interested.
Roki Sasaki, the “Monster of the Reiwa Era,” will get his wish to pitch in the majors next season.
#sports #mlb #baseball #rokisasaki
The Chiba Lotte Marines of Nippon Professional Baseball announced overnight they intend to make the star starting pitcher available through the posting system that will make Sasaki the kind of bargain even tiny markets can fit into a budget.
The right-hander throws 100 mph, is renowned for a devastating splitter and turned 23 last week. He is so determined to pitch in the majors that he will arrive before his dream contract arrives.
Tuskegee University homecoming becomes a warzone: 1 dead, several wounded in mass shooting
Gunfire erupted on Tuskegee University's campus Sunday morning as the streets were filled with students, alumni and community members celebrating the school's 100th homecoming.
One person was killed and several other wounded in a mass shooting at Tuskegee University’s homecoming Saturday night, as videos captured hail of gunfire ringing out across the Alabama HBCU.
#news #tuskegee #crime #shooting
Gunfire erupted on Tuskegee University’s campus as the streets were filled with students, alumni and community members celebrating the school’s 100th homecoming.
Videos shared on social media show rapid-fire shots ringing out as terrified attendees hide crouched on the ground behind cars.
Police responded to a shots fired call at 1200 West Montgomery Road, West Commons, one of the school’s apartment complexes.
The victim was identified as a “non-university individual,” the university told The Post.
Several people were injured including Tuskegee students and were transported to nearby hospitals.
Nancy Pelosi tears into Bernie Sanders for claiming Democrats 'abandoned' working class amid Harris election loss: 'I don’t respect him saying that'
Pelosi didn’t take kindly to the Vermont independent senator’s remarks, rebutting Sander’s claim and doubling down that the Democratic Party didn’t abandon the working class…
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore into Sen. Bernie Sanders who had derided the Democratic Party and its alleged issues with the working class that ultimately failed to support Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid for the White House.
#democrats #politics #nancypelosi #berniesanders #election
In a scathing letter to his former party a day after the election, Sanders blasted the Dems for “abandoning” the working class and seemingly acting surprised they didn’t show up at the polling booths.
“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” the Democratic socialist, 83, said in a fiery statement on X.
“First, it was the white working class, and now it is Latino and Black workers as well. While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they’re right,” the Democratic Socialist said.
Pelosi didn’t take kindly to the Vermont independent senator’s remarks, rebutting Sander’s claim and doubling down that the Democratic Party didn’t abandon the working class.
American nurse killed by man she met in Budapest nightclub during vacation to ‘happy place’: police
An American nurse’s trip to her “happy place” turned to tragedy when she was killed this week by a man she met at a nightclub in Hungary, police said Friday.
A manhunt erupted when Kenzie Michalski, 31, from Portland, Oregon, vanished from the Budapest night scene on Nov. 5, and police immediately suspected she had been murdered, according to Budapest police.
Security footage from the area showed Michalski on the night of her disappearance bouncing between different clubs with a man, who was later identified as a suspect.
#crime #nurse #europe #death #murder
While in custody, the 37-year-old Irish man, only identified by the initials LTM, confessed to the killing and led police to her body.
LTM allegedly told cops the murder was an accident and occurred while they were engaged in an “intimate encounter.”
The pair had met at a nightclub and danced before leaving for his rental apartment, investigators said.
The man allegedly tried to cover up the slaying by cleaning the apartment and hiding the nurse practitioner’s body in a wardrobe before stuffing her in a suitcase he purchased to sneak the body outside.
LTM then rented a car and drove to Lake Balaton, around 90 miles southwest of Budapest, where he dumped the body in a wooden area outside the town of Szigliget.
His internet history was riddled with searches on how to dispose of a body, police procedures in missing person cases, whether pigs really eat dead bodies and the presence of wild boars in the Lake Balaton area — as well as the competence of Budapest police.
The stunning murder occurred just one day after Michalski and her friend had concluded a trip through Europe.
Anti-Israel protesters bring kids to ‘rage playdate’ outside Schumer’s home, clash with NYPD for lacking permit
Families gathered for an anti-Israel "rage playdate" outside Sen. Chuck Schumer's home on Saturday.
The NYPD wasn’t playing around with a group of anti-Israel protesters who brought their children Saturday to demonstrate outside Sen. Chuck Schumer’s Brooklyn home.
#newyork #chuckschumer #israel #protesters #police #palestine
About 60 people gathered for what was billed as a “rage playdate” outside Schumer’s Prospect Park West building, where they had coloring pages about “Zionist bullies” and plead for President-elect Donald Trump to defund the Jewish state.
But the NYPD quickly moved the protesters away and blocked off the street because the agitators had not gotten a permit.
Parents clashed with officers, calling them “dictators” and yelling “KKK NYPD.”
“I will sue the s–t out of you,” one organizer told an officer.
Others chanted, “Schumer, Schumer you will see, Palestine will be free” and held signs that read, “Israel kills Palestinian children.”
“Chuck Schumer enables genocide,” one an organizer claimed.
Disgraced ex-congressman and convicted sex pest Anthony Weiner mulls return to NYC politics
Disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner has his eyes on another political run — this time setting his sights on the New York City Council.
“I’m thinking about it. I’m wrestling with it,” Wiener, 60, said on his weekly 77WABC radio show Saturday, City & State New York reported.
#newyork #anthonyweiner #sexscandal #politice #citycouncil
“I love doing this job on the radio, but I want to be of service,” he said.
Weiner hasn’t held public office in more than a decade since he was ousted from his New York congressional seat in 2011 over a sexting scandal that involved several women and a minor.
Two years later, he was caught up in another sexting scandal while running for mayor.
After serving 21 months in prison for sexting a 15-year-old North Carolina girl, he was released in 2019 — and called himself “a very sick man” during his sentencing.
Weiner, who also went to rehab for sex addiction, was previously married to Huma Abedin, an aide to Hilary Clinton during her 2016 presidential run against Donald Trump.
When investigators searched his laptop over his sick messages — including selfies he sent when his then-4-year-old son was in the room, they discovered emails connected to the probe into the Democratic candidate’s email scandal.
The discovery led the FBI to reopen the investigation of Clinton, just days before the 2016 election — a move Clinton blamed for her stunning loss to Trump.
Anthony Weiner covers and headlines we’re particularly proud of
It’s a hard job, but somebody’s got to do it.
Every time Anthony Weiner rears his head, The Post is there to capture the disgraced ex-congressman-turned-convicted pervert — and sum up his latest antics with its stroke-of-genius front-page headlines.
There is long list of the paper’s famous covers on Weiner — but these are some of the most unforgettable classics.
As his sexting scandal grows, Weiner pulls out of two high-profile summertime parades involving constituents who have long supported him, drawing fire from all over.
DNC official calls Harris campaign a '$1 billion disaster'
Democratic National Committee finance member Lindy Li trashed Vice President Kamala Harris’ failed bid for the White House, calling her loss to President-elect Donald Trump a “$1 billion disaster.”
#politics #dnc #kamelaharris #election #campaign #trump
Ms. Li told “Fox & Friends” on Saturday that she and other Democrats feel that Campaign Chairwoman Jen O’Malley Dillon “misled” them into wasting millions of dollars.
“The truth is, this is just an epic disaster — this is a $1 billion disaster,” Ms. Li said. “They’re $20 million or $18 million in debt. It’s incredible, and I raised millions of that.”
She added, “I have friends I have to be accountable and explain things to because I told them it was a margin-of-error race. I was promised, Jen O’Malley Dillon promised all of us that Harris would win. She even put videos out saying Harris would win. I believed her, my donors believed her, and so they wrote massive checks.”
Mr. Trump’s resounding victory over Ms. Harris has had Democrats searching for what went wrong.
FBI brass 'stunned' and 'shell-shocked' over Donald Trump reelection
The brass on the seventh floor at FBI headquarters in Washington are walking around in a daze and wary of a housecleaning since President-elect Donald Trump won his reelection on Tuesday, according to inside sources.
The Washington Times learned through several anonymous bureau sources that senior executives who run the agency were “stunned” and “shell-shocked” by Mr. Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris.
#fbi #trump #election #harris #unitedstates #politics
“You know the fit test? How they let the standards slack on the fit test?” the first FBI source said, referring to the agency’s physical fitness requirements. “Everyone’s going to have a real problem when they’re running for the door.”
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray and Deputy Director Paul Abbate have little chance of remaining at the bureau by the time Mr. Trump is sworn into office, sources say.
FBI employees also recall when Mr. Trump fired former FBI Director James B. Comey in 2017, five months after the president was sworn in.
“It’s a countdown for Wray because [people here] don’t think he will stay to get fired after what Trump did to Comey,” the first source said. “Trump will say, ’Yeah, fire his ass. Don’t let him take the plane home,’” a reference to Mr. Comey finding out about his termination while flying to California on the bureau’s airplane.
Mr. Trump appointed Mr. Wray as FBI director in 2017 after firing Mr. Comey. The director’s term is for 10 years, but serving a full term depends on gaining the confidence of the president.
John Strand, Jan. 6 defendant, said he endured four months of solitary in federal prison
A Jan. 6 defendant said he spent four months in solitary confinement in federal prison, harsh conditions that could have been avoided in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Justice Department overreached when it charged hundreds of the U.S. Capitol defendants with felony obstruction.
#jan6 #supremecourt #johnstrand #politics #justicedepartment
John Strand, who was released early from prison last week, said federal prison officials in Miami locked him in solitary confinement for four months of his term over accusations ranging from publicly revealing online how far he had to walk to reach a computer, to helping other Jan. 6 defendants in prison receive support from outside groups.
“It’s kind of like your entire existence is within a giant concrete shoe box,” Mr. Strand, 39, said of the cell where he served his sentence at the Miami Federal Correctional Institution. “It’s covered on all sides. There’s supposed to be a window, there’s usually some sliver of excuse for a window, but it’s not much of a window to the outside, so it’s almost windowless.”
Mr. Strand was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison after a Washington, D.C., jury found him guilty of a felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding and four misdemeanor violations stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the Capitol.
But the obstruction charge was erased after the Supreme Court ruled last month in the case of another Jan. 6 defendant that the government was misapplying the obstruction statute. Federal prosecutors had filed the charge against multiple other defendants in the attack at the Capitol, including Mr. Strand.
'Joker 2' actor slams 'terrible' sequel and calls it 'the worst film ever made'
“It’s not even hate-watchable. That’s how terrible it is,” said comedian Tim Dillon.
Comedian Tim Dillon only has a brief role in “Joker: Folie à Deux,” but he has strong opinions about the movie.
The 39-year-old called the DC sequel starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga “the worst film ever made” on Joe Rogan’s podcast last week.
#timdilllon #joker2 #movies #sequel
“I think what happened, after the first ‘Joker,’ there was a lot of talk like, ‘Oh, this was loved by incels. This was loved by the wrong kinds of people. This sent the wrong kind of message. Male rage! Nihilism!’ All these think pieces,” said Dillon, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the 2024 film.
“And then I think, ‘What if we went the other way,’ and now they have Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga tap dancing to a point where it’s insane,” he added.
Neo-Cons Not Welcome: Trump Publicly Rejects Mike Pompeo And Nikki Haley
The new conservative era is off to a good start and so far it appears that Trump Admin 2.0 is not messing around. Perhaps the biggest complaint about the 2016 Trump Administration was how quickly a nest of Neo-Con swamp creatures slithered their way into his cabinet. In interviews with podcasters like Joe Rogan, Trump would later regret his reliance on establishment GOP advisers who helped him to fill the thousands of cabinet positions required for a presidential transition.
#politics #trump #neocons #washington #gop #war
It was this same cabal of advisers that would help to sabotage his efforts to institute federal reforms, secure the border, clear out corruption and ultimately some of them tried to help the Democrats destroy him. As the saying goes, in a revolution always be sure to save a magazine for your so-called "allies".
By some miracle Donald Trump has received a second chance to make things right and it looks as though he learned some valuable lessons from the internal sabotage that took place during his first term. There's little chance we will be seeing ghouls like John Bolton, Anthony Fauci or Mike Pence haunting the halls of the White House in 2025. In fact, Trump recently put swirling rumors to rest that he might be including Neo-Cons like Mike Pompeo and NIkki Haley in his newest administration.
He made the announcement on November 9th on his Truth Social account, rejecting any notions that they would be working with him for his second term.
"I will not be inviting former Ambassador Nikki Haley, or former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, to join the Trump Administration, which is currently in formation," Trump posted on social media. "I very much enjoyed and appreciated working with them previously, and would like to thank them for their service to our country."
It's a surprisingly cordial message that sets a much needed standard.
This is welcome news for a lot of conservatives and independents looking for a true break from the Deep State and a fresh start for America. The announcement helps to put to rest public concerns that the policies Trump campaigned on would be diluted by establishment cronies the moment he entered the Oval Office. For those unaware, Pompeo has a nasty reputation as an anti-liberty bureaucrat and a warhawk. To illustrate the Pompeo problem, Tucker Carlson relates his own encounter with the office of the former CIA Director and Secretary of State:
To be sure, Pompeo plays the game and says what conservatives want to hear when it's necessary, and his policies tend to run concurrent to his predecessors, but that's the issue; the old Neo-Con guard is a dinosaur that needs to go. Republican strategist Roger Stone issued a stark warning to President-elect Donald Trump on Friday: Trump should not trust the former cabinet member.
"Now that Trump is back on top, it becomes far more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff," Stone wrote on his website. Stone went on to single out Pompeo and Trump's former UN ambassador—and onetime 2024 Republican rival—Nikki Haley.
These "neocons have positioned themselves to get highly influential roles within the second Trump administration," Stone wrote, "and this sinister fifth column has the potential to be more harmful to Trump's America First agenda than his leftist opinion within the Democrat Party."
Some may recall that Nikki Haley was thoroughly raked over the coals by Vivek Ramaswamy for her neo-con tendencies during the Republican Primaries.
Can I buy glasses somewhere with $HBD?
The end of the weekend is here.... Come and share your #selfie, in this #sunday #threadcast.
Good morning! ❤️ #selfie #memories
Love it!
Hola 🤗
My Marine Corps Birthday selfie!
#selfie #veterans #usmc #marinecorpsbirthday
Finally, it feels like a Bullrun $BTC $HIVE $LEO #crypto #cent
I've been feeling the burn out recently.
I feel that I'm doing a lot and spending a lot of my energy for the things that I don't know if it will be worth it.
Trying to build my online presence and thinking of the future...I hope it will be rewarding.
Sometimes you need to disconnect digitally and touch some grass or hug a tree :) I take a walk almost every day and that is rewarding your body with a bit of movement and fresh air.
I also do the same sometimes, it's good to disconnect.
yep that is why I take October off and work the fall harvest at the farm.
Take some time off :)
Thanks for the reminder, I'm keeping this in mind!
Cheers :) You're working hard and I believe it will pay off.
Hopefully soon!
Oh that happens. I feel burn out a lot around here because I work hard on my post content, but the engagement is pretty trash, which causes you to feel like you are working hard for absolutely nothing. I get you. But if you want that social media presence, you have to keep at it. For me... I trade full time for a living now, so I don't need social media to make money, so I don't care anymore, lol.
good for you, trading is a bit hard for me. I don't have capital and knowledge about it.
All it takes is some education. You don't even really need much capital to get started. You don't need any capital to learn and practice... Just saying...
As a matter of fact, I started with $100 and turned it into $1000 in a couple of months and just went from there. Anyone can be a trader if they want to be. Most just want people to give it to them and don't want to put in the work. That's the problem I see the most of.
Where do you learn?
There are a ton of resources out there, myself included.
You can learn for free by just going to YouTube and looking up trading videos, but many don't even know what they are talking about or are just AI videos at this point. I used to do a bunch of videos, but got tired of trying to teach and reach and audience that just wanted to be handed the fish and didn't want to learn to fish, so I just started using my time actually trading the markets and making my own money with my knowledge and my custom trading indicator.
i remember you sharing the indicator, can you share it again? just want to save it for future purposes.
Plus, how does it work?
Hello @khaleelkazi, the main threads are not editing successfully.
On Google Chrome browser, LeoAuth login with mobile 👇. I hope this screenshot will be visible after publishing this thread.

non of the images posted to inleo are shown on the platform. they are visible though on the other frontends.
Yes, I can see them on other frontends. I hope this will be fixed soon.