Exactly! And even though it isn't life changing, there are still elements to it that can have you think about the origin of different things, like phones 😆
DiscussionThis is the #threadcast for , 10/12/2024 for 9/12/2024. It's time for some meal inspirations and food conversation. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.
Be part of the Food Talk Show On Leo. Here is Day 167 that leads you to the previous threadcasts.
Check out the YouTube food summaries. 👇
Share your meals & holiday foods.
National food celebrations days.
Share other food-related content and ask questions about food.
More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast. Upvote the comments you find interesting & connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie
Diet talk is everywhere; on the web, social media networks, television, in the press… There's an abundance of communication on the matter, offering a plethora of ways to guarantee a healthy and varied diet.
Advertising on the subject is and remains widespread. At the heart of this media buzz, breakfast is believed the meal of the day that supports a good health and a balanced life. But how, when seeking advice, can you distinguish between what's true or false? Is breakfast really the key to a dream figure?
To have a real influence on your body and the course of your day, breakfast must be copious; this is advocated by numerous advisors and specialists in all kinds of diets. It's also said that the morning meal has encouraging benefits when looking to lose weight. With much more energy stored when waking up and a whole day to burn the first calories accumulated, a calculation can quickly be done. It's better to feel free to eat well during this meal so as not to have to compensate for an energy void later.
If, apparently, the thinnest people are those who don't skip breakfast, it has never been proven that eating in the morning (when waking up) is a guarantee of weight loss. Take people who are overweight and who therefore move less. Unlike lovers of rich breakfasts who eat smaller quantities during the rest of the day and have a more active lifestyle thanks to their physical condition, part of the overweight population will not be able to evacuate calories in the same way. "They continue to eat as copiously during the day, and the calories from breakfast simply add to the rest," indicates Le Vif in its Bodytalk magazine. Consequence: the risk of additional weight gain increases.
Finally, it is important to remember that these assumptions, specific to a special diet menu, are often erroneous or biased. Everyone eats differently and has a very different, if not opposite, relationship with food. Your body doesn't work the same way as your neighbor's. If breakfast integrates habits and a healthy lifestyle, this certainly doesn't mean that it will be the miracle cure for keeping in shape. The main thing lies in your ability to take a step back from all this nutritional advice, and to try to evaluate what can and should be changed.
Of course, it's important, to choose quality foods and not processed foods, simple and if possible varied. Changing your outlook on food and keeping an open mind, these are the guides to gaining a nutritional balance and by extension your physical health.
Day 168. It's time to share some meal inspirations and have fun learning some new recipes and other things about food. Let's get started. Welcome friends to another episode of the #foodtalk on Leo,
So true! We were lucky this summer and fall was so sunny... not so good for the drought but it was nice and we didn't dry up like people can do in Arizona or something!
Now it's rainy and cold, not my kind of fun on a homestead!
I am doing more replies to threads today than making threads myself. I just don't want to get my mind into much thinking right now. Let me enjoy the thoughts of others.
The reflection of the man which is a PEPE frog does not correspond to his head (which is pointing down) and hands (which apparently meet at the bottom of his abdomen). 🤔🐸🤯😅 !WEIRD !DIY
@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @pepetoken!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @pepetoken!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
Sort of. Actual "smartBCH" is dead. But the CashTokens upgrade last year means BCH has smart contracts now, which they're upgrading next year. It's pretty promising.
I think it's better to swap $HBD to $HIVE when the price goes down then he can sell $HIVE when it picks up again so that he can buy $LEO. What do you think? I need to keep learning how the crypto market works, haha.
Positive thinking people find it easier to solve problems and making better decisions, taking more risks, strengthening themselves, and trying to achieve their goals.
Incase anyone missed a thread or a long form post. Starting this Saturday on Dripday, if you have 20,000 BBHO staked you will get a share of 5,000 Sats.
#bbh #dripday
@jongolson and a few others understand my passion for Hive and what I am building with The BBH Project. Over time many others will. I am convinced of it. :)
Show HIVE some love and vote for #cryptoshots in the PlayToEarn Blockchain Game Awards 2024! 💯
You cant even win a PS5 or $100 USDT!
#P2EAwards #Hive #vote
Vote link in comments.
Oh, found it! Thanks :)
Which categories it is included?
Decided to re-watch Transformers.
I must admit that I still like it 😃
#pob #cent #movies
That was an iconic movie; well-made all-around. The sequels? Not so much.
As I recall the first one was by far by the best.
But I also remember one of the others to be quite good 🤔
I watched Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen a couple days back.
@caspermoeller89 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/20)@rentmoney! to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89.
(html comment removed:
I'm thinking about watching them all again. They're good entertainment and have a few elements of food for thought to be honest
Yeah. i have always liked that one too. Not deep or life changing...just good.
Exactly! And even though it isn't life changing, there are still elements to it that can have you think about the origin of different things, like phones 😆
Just a great entertaining movie. Good story.
@caspermoeller89 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(5/20)@monkmasters! to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89.
(html comment removed:
it seems like intresting to watch so i will definitely give it try. I hope english subtitles will be there :p
They are there 😆 It just defaults to Danish for me.
Have you never seen Transformers?? You have heard about it, right? 😎
I wonder... should I do #tsig and general trading/limit order ideas for subscribers?
Ideas can be used for both spot and futures.
Few examples for the past day in comments.
Hello foodie Lions 🦁! Happy Tuesday. Welcome to today's show. 🥗🍲🫕
Day 168 of the #foodtalk on Leo

DiscussionThis is the #threadcast for , 10/12/2024 for 9/12/2024. It's time for some meal inspirations and food conversation. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.
More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast. Upvote the comments you find interesting & connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie
Chef Jack Ovens- Egg Roll Bowl Meal Prep | Low Cal, Low Carb.
#foodtalk #eggrollbowls #mealprep #lowcarb #lowcarlorie #healthyeating!summarize
Chef Jack Ovens- The Beef Steak Pie | An Aussie, NZ and UK Classic Dish.
#foodtalk #beefsteakpie #beefpie #pastry #snacks #UKclassicdish!summarize
All National Food Days | December National Food Days
#foodtalk #NationalFoodDays #DecemberNationalFoodDays #PeppermintBarkDay #CookieCutterDay #EataRedAppleDay #FrittersDay #GreenBeanCasseroleDay #CookieDay #SacherTorteDay #BusinessofPoppingCornDay #WorldwideFoodServiceSafetyMonth
All National Food Days | December National Food Days 👈 Begin here.
#foodtalk #nationalfooddays #decembernationalfooddays #GazpachoDay #CottonCandyDay #BrownieDay #LardDay #PastryDay #OpalApplesDay #NoodleRingDay #GingerbreadHouseDay #AmbrosiaDay #GingerbreadDecoratingDay #CreamCheeseFrostingDay #CocoaDay
All National Food Days | December National Food Days 👈 Begin here.
#foodtalk #nationalfooddays #decembernationalfooddays #RoastChestnutsDay #BouillabaisseDay #CupcakeDay #LemonCupcakeDay #ChocolateCoveredAnythingDay #CanadianMapleSyrupDay #RoastSucklingPigDay #BakeCookiesDay #OatmealMuffinDay #HardCandyDay #FrenchFriedShrimpDay
All National Food Days | December National Food Days 👈 Begin here.
#foodtalk #nationalfooddays #decembernationalfooddays #DateNutBreadDay #CookieExchangeDay #PfeffernusseDay #EggNogDay #PumpkinPieDay #CandyCaneDay #FruitcakeDay #ChocolateCandyDay #PepperPotDay #BicarbonateofSodaDay #BaconDay
Is breakfast a truly essential meal?
Diet talk is everywhere; on the web, social media networks, television, in the press… There's an abundance of communication on the matter, offering a plethora of ways to guarantee a healthy and varied diet.
Advertising on the subject is and remains widespread. At the heart of this media buzz, breakfast is believed the meal of the day that supports a good health and a balanced life. But how, when seeking advice, can you distinguish between what's true or false? Is breakfast really the key to a dream figure?
Continue in the comments 👇
#foodtalk #breakfast #essentialmeal #food #meals #importantfood
I almost never eat breakfast. 2x cups of coffee is plenty for me until lunch around noon
it's more of a commitment than we might think. That daily cup of coffee isn't always so easy to drink
i beg to differ lol
haha I see
Oh, okay. So you just take 2 cups of coffee...any cookies to go with?
At times I take smoothie or eat fruits if I won't have sandwich or pancakes for breakfast.
smoothies or fruit can be nice sometimes. But yep, mostly just coffee
Yeah, you're right. Oh, okay. I guess you do black coffee and not creamy.
and no sugar.
How do you take your coffee?
Is breakfast a truly essential meal? 👈 Begin here.
To have a real influence on your body and the course of your day, breakfast must be copious; this is advocated by numerous advisors and specialists in all kinds of diets. It's also said that the morning meal has encouraging benefits when looking to lose weight. With much more energy stored when waking up and a whole day to burn the first calories accumulated, a calculation can quickly be done. It's better to feel free to eat well during this meal so as not to have to compensate for an energy void later.
#foodtalk #breakfast #essentialmeal #food #meals #importantfood #diet #healthylifestyle
Is breakfast a truly essential meal? 👈 Begin here.
If, apparently, the thinnest people are those who don't skip breakfast, it has never been proven that eating in the morning (when waking up) is a guarantee of weight loss. Take people who are overweight and who therefore move less. Unlike lovers of rich breakfasts who eat smaller quantities during the rest of the day and have a more active lifestyle thanks to their physical condition, part of the overweight population will not be able to evacuate calories in the same way. "They continue to eat as copiously during the day, and the calories from breakfast simply add to the rest," indicates Le Vif in its Bodytalk magazine. Consequence: the risk of additional weight gain increases.
#foodtalk #breakfast #essentialmeal #food #meals #importantfood #breakfasts
Is breakfast a truly essential meal? 👈 Begin here.
Finally, it is important to remember that these assumptions, specific to a special diet menu, are often erroneous or biased. Everyone eats differently and has a very different, if not opposite, relationship with food. Your body doesn't work the same way as your neighbor's. If breakfast integrates habits and a healthy lifestyle, this certainly doesn't mean that it will be the miracle cure for keeping in shape. The main thing lies in your ability to take a step back from all this nutritional advice, and to try to evaluate what can and should be changed.
#foodtalk #breakfast #essentialmeal #food #meals #importantfood #breakfasts #healthylifestyle
Is breakfast a truly essential meal? 👈 Begin here.
Of course, it's important, to choose quality foods and not processed foods, simple and if possible varied. Changing your outlook on food and keeping an open mind, these are the guides to gaining a nutritional balance and by extension your physical health.
(MH with AsD - Source: Le Vif Bodytalk - Illustration: Pixabay - Pexels)
#foodtalk #breakfast #essentialmeal #food #meals #importantfood #breakfasts #healthylifestyle
Day 168. It's time to share some meal inspirations and have fun learning some new recipes and other things about food. Let's get started.
Welcome friends to another episode of the #foodtalk on Leo,
me showing the boss all my hard work for the week
wen premium ;)
It’s amazing how a little sunshine changes the whole dynamic on the homestead.
@caspermoeller89 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/20)@gubbahomestead! to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89.
(html comment removed:
It's like life's blood.
You do so many awesome things! Even inspired me to make dandelions useful 💯
Try dandelion cookies next time! Delicious
@caspermoeller89 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/20)@senorcoconut! to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89.
(html comment removed:
Will look for a recipe for it, thank you! 🙌🏼
I'm thinking about making wild-foods recipes for my subs... just saying
Tempting! Let me know when you start 🙌🏼
😂 will do
Oh and look for a guy online called the forager chef. He has tons of awesome recipes
So true! We were lucky this summer and fall was so sunny... not so good for the drought but it was nice and we didn't dry up like people can do in Arizona or something!
Now it's rainy and cold, not my kind of fun on a homestead!
And it adds much beauty to the environment.
This Beauty Beyond Words.....
Your money, AND your data, should be:
⚡️Truly yours
⚡️Super secure
⚡️Affordable to use
⚡️Easy to use
We won't stop building until this is a reality for everyone.
And even then, we won't stop building!
#crypto #dash
They should be and thank you for building infra for them :)
We aren't done! Evolution is going to be a whole other thing next year.
It's a continuing endeavor I believe. There's no stopping :)
X11 Hashing Algo With $DASH

LSTR bringing massive potential to $LEO
Time to see it sell out and seed that initial fund
I’ll buy another 10k LSTR in the coming 24 hours
excited to see what this does. They have to love all the support. Seems like things are going well. !PIZZA
250x our $LEO?
I love this one 😆 #meme #memes #leomemes #notmymeme
Everything YouTube #threadcast
Post any YouTube video you watched today, write what you learned from it.
Better still, if you've got @mightpossibly subscription, summarize the hell out of it
Let's Go!
Day 12 - Part 2
Suspected CEO killer didn’t enter a plea and is being held without bail on five charges
Trump isn't looking to the past, he's looking to make our country successful
Israel Launches Over 100 Air Strikes Across Syria: Reports | World DNA | English News | WION
Jay Z Accused Of Raping A Minor | Jay Z Rape Case LIVE Updates | Jay Z And Diddy Case Live | N18G
What Charlamagne Tha God REALLY Thinks Of The Democratic Party
India Appoints New Central Bank Governor
‘Unfathomable’: Friend of CEO killing suspect describes him
Syria News | Rebels Take Over Syria, President Bashar Al-Assad Out | What's Next For Syria? | N18G
Officer only 6 months on the job says Luigi Mangione was 'cooperative' during arrest
Donald Trump News LIVE | Capitol Hill Meeting On Trump Nominees | Trump LIVE News | US News | N18G
Business Confidence Slumps in Bad Omen for Australia's Economy
Has Biden disappeared from the world’s radar?: Jesse Watters
See the gun found on suspect in CEO shooting
ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Full Broadcast - Dec. 9, 2024
Philippines volcano sends huge ash cloud high into the sky
Is This a Correct Assessment of Celebrities Today?
Konstantin Kisin: A Russian's Love Letter to the West | Stories of Us | PragerU
Alina Habba explains possible recourse on anti-Trump lawfare | Rob Schmitt Tonight
Philippines volcano sends huge ash cloud high into the sky
TikTok may be 'overestimating' Supreme Court's support: Expert
Booknotes+ Podcast: James Bradley, "Martin Van Buren"
Russia-Ukraine War: Trump Warning To NATO? Calls For Immediate Ceasefire | US To Exit NATO? | WION
US indifference v Chinese influence in Latin America
ABC News meets children injured by Russian strikes in Ukraine - ABC News
Al Bashir to Form Temporary Syrian Government | Horizons Middle East & Africa 12/10/20204
Israel Strikes Syria LIVE: Israel Strikes Damascus, Seizes Territory In Occupied Golan Heights |WION
Chile's Atacama Desert dumping ground for old clothes
Jay-Z named alongside Sean 'Diddy' Combs in lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-old girl
After 10-2 start, Iowa Wolves remain atop the Central Division
Life-Saving Weight Loss Tips - Medical Frontiers
Syrians set foot in their country for the first time after ten years of forced exile • FRANCE 24
Oriade Fadaka Premieres, Siifa’s Tik-Tok Dance Battle, Edo New Fashion Show ‘Royal Oath’ | Tit Bits
Syria Prison LIVE: Rebels Break Into Assad's 'Human Slaughter House' | Syria News |WION
How safety lapses hit Boeing's reputation | FT Film
Republicans Scheming To Spend YOUR Money On Bitcoin
Syrian families storm infamous Sednaya prison
Cyclone women to travel to Iowa City for CyHawk hoops showdown on Wednesday
Dan Goldman FACT-CHECKS Comer: "I Think The Chairman Would AGREE With Me"
Philippine officials call for evacuations after Kanlaon volcano eruptsーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
'Who is Luigi Mangione?': Papers react as suspect charged with healthcare CEO killing • FRANCE 24
Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel | Tuesday 10th December
Kenya Economy: World Bank Lowers Growth Forecast Due to Floods, Protests
Kafart: Kaduna Fashion Show Connects Fashion And Visual Arts
The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell - Dec. 9 | Audio Only
Michael Saylor: People are realizing that bitcoin is better than real estate and stocks #shorts
Greg Kelly: Aren't you ready to go say goodbye to 2024?
Spain Royals Join Memorial Mass For Flood Victims | WION Climate Tracker World News
What people outside the capital think about the Georgian pro-EU movement | DW News
Ben Shapiro Gets SMOKED By His Own Audience
Dana Loesch: The Biden and Harris faction is miserable
Horrors of Syria’s notorious prisons | Episode 1: Sednaya
Las Vegas Sphere gets cozy for winter with giant hearth
Syria Airport Explosion News Updates | Syria, Qamishli Airport Explosion News | U.S News Live | N18G
Greg Casar Shows MAGA WHY He's The New Leader Of The Progressive Caucus
Watch live: Live shots from Syria and Moscow after Assad overthrown
PA governor condemns online praise calling CEO murder suspect a "hero"
UN Security Council holds Syria meeting behind closed doors • FRANCE 24 English
Keir Starmer 'DOESN'T LIKE Brits!': 'Globalist' PM in 'HIDING' as illegal immigration SURGES
Syria: Al Bashir Tasked With Forming Transitional Government
The Experience: Lacrae, Limoblaze Join Line Up Of Artistes As Fans Get Thrilled
Suspect charged in health insurance CEO killing
Evacuations Underway In Philippines As Volcano At Mt Kanlaon Erupts | WION Climate Tracker
Israeli strikes target military and weapons sites in Syria | DW News
Trump Gets CALLED OUT On His Plans For Retribution
Leo Terrell: Alvin Bragg tried the Penny case for political and racial reasons
Regime flags replaced with opposition flags in Syrian embassies
A look inside Syria’s notorious Sednaya prison
Luigi Mangione Questioning Live | Brian Thompson Shooting News | UnitedHealthcare CEO | News18 |N18G
AOC Debunks MAGA's Shameless Fearmongering About The U.S. Census
'NY shooting suspect looked at us in disdain'
Dr. Lisa Mckenzie SLAMS Starmer for HIDING from the British public #GBNews
Video Shows NYC Murder Suspect Arriving at Courthouse
Trouble In Marlian Record Label As Lil' Smart Cries Out For Help
Joy: Mad at UnitedHealthcare? Voted for Trump? You voted for U.S. to be run like UnitedHealthcare
How power dynamics from the colonial era still dictate how countries trade today | DW News
SHOCK: Trump Wants to Make A Deal With Democrats On Immigration
Suspect in CEO's killing 'is no hero,' Pa. Gov. Shapiro says
Dozens of tortured bodies discovered in Damascus hospital
Live | Israeli PM Netanyahu Appears In Court In Corruption Trial | Gaza Conflict News | N18G
City of Des Moines officially ends Wells Fargo building deal
Watch live: Netanyahu testifies in court over bribery and fraud allegations
GB News Advent Calendar - Tuesday December 10
GB News Advent Calendar - Tuesday December 10
China's Exporters Rush to Beat Trump Tariffs | Full Episode | Insight with Haslinda Amin 12/10/2024
Senate Republicans propose Bitcoin national reserve
How will the security situation in Syria pan out? | DW News
TYT Breaks Down What’s Going On In Syria
How should the US respond to the situation in Syria?
Clarke Community School District staff express concerns of 'inequitable actions' by school officials
'If Syria becomes safe, it will be reasonable to ask people to return there,' says shadow minister
Authorities in Pennsylvania announce the arrest of person of interest in insurance CEO shooting
China, HK Stocks Surge on Politburo Stimulus Pledge | Bloomberg: The China Show 12/10/2024
‘Lionization of shooter’: Authorities decry support for United Healthcare CEO murder suspect
Cold Wave Grips Kashmir: Srinagar Records Season’s Coldest Night At Minus 5.4 Degree Celsius | WION
Alvin Bragg challenger: Bringing Daniel Penny case was a clear indication of Bragg's bad judgment
Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee Speaks Out on INDIA Alliance | TMC vs INDIA Bloc | Opposition Alliance
Israel launches strikes, ground incursion into Syria
Bolder Chinese Stimulus Spurs Stock Rally | Bloomberg: The Asia Trade 12/10/24
Lawrence: Every Republican knows Trump pick Hegseth’s confirmation hearing would be a disaster
Kremlin: No Plans Of A Putin-Assad Meet | Rebels To List Ex-Officials For 'Torture' | WION Headlines
Are beauty filters dangerous? | DW News
New details emerge about UnitedHealthcare CEO murder suspect
ThriveNow Recovery Center staffed with employees who overcame substance abuse
Murder suspect found in McDonald's
Top Story with Tom Llamas - Dec. 9 | NBC News NOW
Person of Interest in NYC Slaying Arrested, Charged
How Pashtun kids struggle to get educatio | DW Stories
‘Gutfeld!’: Trump rubs elbows with Dr. Jill
US News Today | US CEO Murder, Luigi Mangione Arraigned And Charged With Murder | N18G
Sky News Press Preview | Harry Cole and Pippa Crerar | 10 December paper preview
New rape allegations in lawsuit against Jay-Z and Sean Combs, allegations they deny
Preet Bharara: Wray should 'demand to be fired' rather than go voluntarily from FBI role
Rajya Sabha Winter Session LIVE: Parliament Winter Session | Manipur | Sambhal | Rahul Gandhi | WION
Hegseth praises Trump for standing by him: 'Backbone of steel'
Rupert Murdoch Live | Murdoch Loses Bid To Change Trust In Real-Life 'Succession' Battle | N18G
Sky News at Ten |10 December
Suspect in killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO is denied bail, faces five charges
The World with Yalda Hakim | 10 December
Nightly News Full Broadcast - Dec. 9
Argentina President's One Year In Office | Israel Bombs Syria | UN Sounds Alarm On Gaza | Speednews
'Jesse Watters Primetime' asks shoppers what they bought for Christmas
The UK Tonight with Sarah-Jane Mee | 10 December
Watch Business Live I 10 December 4:30
Georgia Protest: Condemnation Of Crackdown Amidst EU Protests | World News | WION
Politics Hub | 10 December
Does Rachel Reeves need an Elon Musk?
Rahul Gandhi In Trouble? | Is INDIA Bloc Looking For A New Convenor? |Mamata Banerjee| PODCAST |N18P
Aceh tsunami orphan helps others avoid tragedyーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
STEM Devt: Tax Reform Bills Most Important Move Since Independence - University Teacher
Change Advocate Emphasises Need To Invest In Human Capital Provide Infrastructure For Nigerians
LG Autonomy Ensuring Accountability, Transparency From Chairmen
Erdogan Says Turkey Is Opening Border Gate With Syria For Return Of Migrants | WION Shorts
Tensions Rise In Taiwan Strait: 47 Chinese Jets, 12 Naval Ships Deployed Near Taiwan | WION
LIVE: US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin To Discuss Regional Security | US-Japan Relations | N18G
Could Trump be eyeing Kari Lake for a spot in his administration?
LIVE: Indian Foreign Secy Vikram Misri In Dhaka | Soros Showdown | Mamata India Bloc | #nationat5
New film highlights deforestation in Madagascar • FRANCE 24 English
Power vacuum in Syria: key players jockey for influence • FRANCE 24 English
Israel-Hamas War: Israeli PM Says Hamas Will Rebuild, Attack Us Again If War Ends | World News
Six Dead In Mumbai Bus Crash, Detained Driver Blames Brake Failure | World News | WION
Luigi Mangione makes first court appearance
Nearly 200 dead in Haiti massacre as voodoo community reportedly targeted • FRANCE 24 English
Trump News | Senate Hearing On Trump Mass Deportation LIVE | Trump Deportation Policy | N18G
Parliament Session | Jagdeeep Dhankar | Congress | George Soros | Rahul Gandhi | Sonia Gandhi | N18L
‘Why is Britain cold and POOR!?’ #GBNews
All About Indian Army Develops ‘Kharga’ Kamikaze Drone | World News | WION
UK Civil Servants Can Sue Over Christmas Party Snubs | World News | WION
US Defends Israel, Says Incursion Into Syria Must Be 'Temporary' | World News | WION
Russia Claims Strikes On Ukrainian Military Airfields | Ukraine Reports Repelling Attacks | N18G
Syria War: Israeli Troops Reportedly Advance Deeper Into The Country | World News | WION
Toshakhana 2.0 Case: Imran Khan, Bushra Bibi To Face Indictment On December 12 | World News | WION
Supreme Court To Examine Allahabad HC Judge's Remark On UCC: 'Country Will Run As Per...'
Reaction to Nihon Hidankyo’s Nobel win - from Norway to JapanーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
Exclusive: Nihon Hidankyo co-chair on Nobel winーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
Mahama makes Ghana's first presidential comeback
'She's BITTER!' Bev Turner DESTROYS Labour as Phillipson SNUBS UK's MOST successful head teacher
Stay Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz - Dec. 9 | NBC News NOW
Paul Rudd gets a song with his pint in Dublin pub - ABC News
Trump suggests deporting families with mixed immigration status
'Watch what they do': Maddow points out loopholes in new Trump FBI vetting agreement
Reality stubbornly resists Trump's January 6 narrative
Samantha Ruth Prabhu's Style Game Is Top Notch | Beige on Beige Paired With Solid Sunglasses | N18S
Gangs smuggling ‘pink cocaine’ into the UK as ITV News reports on the dangers #itvnews | ITV News
Wedding Festivities Begin For Anurag Kashyap's Daughter Aaliyah Kashyap | Entertainment | N18S
Race To Power LIVE: World Latest English News | International News | Elections News | Live News
Philippines Deport 190 Chinese Nationals Linked To Offshore Gambling | World News | WION
Life Returns To The Streets Of Aleppo After Rebels Swept Through Last Week | WION Short
Dakar Fashion Week: 'fashion is art' • FRANCE 24 English
FRANCE 24 speaks to 'Women in Science' award-winner about managing Tanzania's water access
Zimbabwe's sick turn to herbalists over ailing health system • FRANCE 24 English
Author accused of denying 1994 Rwandan genocide, Charles Onana, found guilty • FRANCE 24 English
Ghana's opposition leader John Mahama officially wins presidential election • FRANCE 24 English
Thanks to the support of the community, I've staked 100% of my $LEO and plan to continue doing so moving forward. #newlion
awesome. Now go out. Engage and upvote.
Way to go!! Quite the strong first showing!
Everyone should follow your example.
Thank you. The goal is to be in the top 100 of $LEO holders
I am doing more replies to threads today than making threads myself. I just don't want to get my mind into much thinking right now. Let me enjoy the thoughts of others.
That's the way and you're building your network in the process :)
Plenty of us do that.
I am working on being a reply guy before I become a threading guy. 😀
Must be nice to never run out of money....
thats the thing with these guys, I don't even know how they get that amount of money, billions upon billions or are they using people's stock buying 🤔
He can never get enough $BTC :)
There's your $BTC support. I can appreciate what Leostrategy is doing for $LEO price 😀
he does not stop. !PIZZA
Smart move
This dude is seeing what many investors are not seeing
He's playing smart on this.
I have only heard he is buying and buying, when would he book profit?
#gmfrens #pepe #apu #meme #lolz #cent #brucewayne
I wonder where you got that image. 🤔🤯 !PIZZA
The reflection of the man which is a PEPE frog does not correspond to his head (which is pointing down) and hands (which apparently meet at the bottom of his abdomen). 🤔🐸🤯😅 !WEIRD !DIY
He's having a different image man.
Or maybe the man wasn't looking at his reflection, because he was looking at a large window and found a PEPE frog behind the glass. 🤔🐸🤯😆😅 !LOLZ !DIY
“Odor in the court!”
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@pepetoken, I sent you an
You can query your personal balance by
@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @pepetoken! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
You can query your personal balance by
@savvytester just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @pepetoken! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
Roger Ver is one of the greatest heroes in not just crypto, but for the liberty movement as a whole. He shouldn't be anywhere near a prison.
He's a litmus test on who does or doesn't care about your freedom.
Free Roger or you're a Fed. Plain and simple.
#crypto #bitcoin
What happened to smartBCH? Is still alive in some form?
Sort of. Actual "smartBCH" is dead. But the CashTokens upgrade last year means BCH has smart contracts now, which they're upgrading next year. It's pretty promising.
I met him once at a meetup in Tokyo. Cool guy who was helping everyone onboard to crypto.
He's always been laser-focused.
I used to love that man so much when I was in the BCH community four years ago. Roger very really was a voice for freedom. Hope they let him go.
He's still amazing, and we'll do whatever it takes to get him free.
Watch his interview with Tucker
Is it a good idea to continue with the HBD or should I pass everything to Hive? With this bull market. What do you think?
sell $HIVE
buy $LEO
I think it's better to swap $HBD to $HIVE when the price goes down then he can sell $HIVE when it picks up again so that he can buy $LEO. What do you think? I need to keep learning how the crypto market works, haha.
Greetings Jongo.
buy $LEO ;)
I would say keep it to $HBD then buy back once the bull market is done.
not a financial advice tho 😃
Got $LEO?
Get $LEO!
thanks to @darth-cryptic for supporting @thebbhproject Witness :) #bbh
Just decided to buy PUTs on $SMCI and $CVNA as a hedge if the market decides to correct.
These 2 companies are obvious scams inmho.
Not Financial Advice.
#investing #cent #stocks #Inleo #crypto
You finished it, they are obvious scams. Case close.
about to ping my referrals, haven't seen them active in a while.
@elijahh @noahj @justandrewhere
You joined inleo through my referral links. Happy to have you here.
I noticed you guys haven't been active in a while, just checking on you. If you got any questions just drop them here.
This is a cool way of following the newbies.... Thanks man! Let's keep on encouraging them...
Yeah, I will text them. I think I probably got them from telegram or WhatsApp
Alright my friend 😊😊😊, do have a great day 😊😊..
Thanks for checking up on me. Was going through a little something so went of social media.
I'm back now
You're welcome, just let me know if you need any help
Just bought 500 BBHO and sent them to my curation account @jongobbh
Pretty sure @bradleyarrow will be happy
Sounds like you have been on a buying spree :)
i'm broke now....no more from me lol
You say that and the next day (or minute) you will be buying moar lol!
i have about 70 HIVE left to last me until next Monday lol
not happy, f'ing estatic ! Awesome Fracking Sauce. !BBH !DOOK
the price is going up lol
Of course ;)
Who else on Hive is dripping Sats?
you are currently he favorite on chain. !PIZZA
a legend in my own mind!!!
So, I just got into the whole BBH thing, but I don't understand BBHO, what is that about?
Tokenized community on the blockchain. Any niche or topic.
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(18/100)@jongolson! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
(html comment removed:
extremely I'm pretty sure too
📣 Call to #Vote for @dashpay #Masternodes also for this monthly #Superblock!
✍️ Check active #Proposals at the link in the first comment 👇
Isn't it ironic that you could serve jail time for failing to fund the:
I thought taxes were supposed to improve society, not destroy it!
Good points you made, but they are visible manifestations of one underlying truth: taxation is theft.
#natureonleo #photography #canada
Great picture, was it taking with a phone?
Yes, this one was!
Now, there's no follow button when I clicked on a profile to follow someone. Where can I find it?
Could you post a screenshot? I can see the follow button just fine But if there’s a bug I can get it fixed for you!
Positive thinking is the key to a happy healthy life. This is what we talked about in our post today.
#threadstorm #outreach
Positive thinking people find it easier to solve problems and making better decisions, taking more risks, strengthening themselves, and trying to achieve their goals.
Read the full post from the link below
@omarcitorojas I visited nrstore online & paid Hive Dollars & here is my review #spendhbd #distriator #gosh
#threadstorm #outreach
Crypto is not a get rich quick scheme, crypto demands patience and consistency if you must get reasonable things out of it.

#crypto #finance
What is X?
I would say: X = 180 - 60 - 45 = 75°
What is the evening going to bring?Home, supper done, long form post for the BBH account: @hive-112281 done.
Crystal ball says...threads. And cats!
lol. you are good. If only shorts was working
I gotz skillz!!
I'm a bit annoyed that every transfer to my #DASH wallet is getting mixed. It makes my wallet unusable until the process is over.
Btw I decided to use this artwork !
If you want to hear new #music, its on my blog!
Incase anyone missed a thread or a long form post. Starting this Saturday on Dripday, if you have 20,000 BBHO staked you will get a share of 5,000 Sats.
#bbh #dripday
How long till they get 1M $LEO??
End of 1st quater 2025
Maybe 6 months tops :)
A month or so I would say.
@jongolson and a few others understand my passion for Hive and what I am building with The BBH Project. Over time many others will. I am convinced of it. :) #bbh
keep building!
Ya knows I will by
some shockin' good
;) Awesome :)
Finn in Space
I was about to write something today but my mind is a bit clouded.
It's ironic that I write something about writer's block and here I am now experiencing it.
write about it again
hahaha lol that's a good one. I just published it a few days ago.
The irony of things indeed but I believe you'll get out of it :) It's still early in the day hehe
haha yep! I noticed that I can write more at night, but recently I've been trying in the morning.
That's good! It depends for me, these days usually around the evening. I just put them on schedule so I don't have to wake up during posting time :)
You jinxed yoursel!
Talk about someone making my day here on Threads :D
MicroStrategy to be included in the QQQ.
Incoming buying power of $2.1 billion in $MSTR
Look for that weight to climb.
I'm slapping together a chicken soup from random ingredients.
I hope one of the random ingredients is chicken ;)
@caspermoeller89 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(6/20)@bradleyarrow! to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89.
(html comment removed:
Indeed. There were 3 huge chicken breasts, a can of Cream of Chicken, frozen vegetables, and some rice.
I love huge breasts ;)
LOL. There's something special about big breasts.
Nah man, chicken soup made on beef! Now that would be an accomplishment 😅
#elonmusk #grok #ai https://inleo.io/threads/view/taskmaster4450le/re-leothreads-vcdxaere
#brainupdate #inleo #hive #freecompliments #funfacts #funinleo #learning
Wow, that's a great info
boldlI am surprised too
Stop asking for upvotes or following. Just engage and do things normally, people will likely reciprocate to you.
thanks friend, I really appreciate your advise and encouragement. Do have a wonderful day.
Can a puppy do that?
When The Terminator gets remade, it will include a scene featuring three catsand a red laser dot.
hahaha, it should ;)
What is your thoughts if she came to Shorts (when it is back)?
Is she AI or real? 🤔
She is so real ;)
I'm kind of afraid of spiders
I would think that would cure that ;)
#president #meme #weapons #trump #obama #cent
Breaking: Ripple officially get final approval for $RLUSD from NYDFS.
Buy MOAR $LEO !!!!
That's very good and the best is betting big.
cant stop!!!
It could make you free one day!
praying! lol
Well God helps those that help themselves.
You seem to be all over that one! 😀
lol ha ha ha ha ha no doubt
Tech companies rule the world
That's true, and that's why Elon remain number 1 in the world