Bank of England’s decades-long paper gold scam is collapsing under our eyes
London cash #gold contract default triggers a global physical gold rush: over the past 10 weeks, the world has witnessed large physical gold bullion flows into the US from all parts of the globe.
More than 2,000 tons (56M oz.) of gold have been moved into the US over the past 8 weeks – i.e. almost a quarter of all the theoretical US physical gold reserves.
The estimated 400M oz. of London market cash/spot gold #contracts for immediate gold ownership and settlement have now widely been shown in default, for an estimated 10M oz. of gold draw-down on London vaults.
#London gold spot/cash contract holders are under no illusion now - they’ve been had.
Two very large Swiss refineries (Metalor and Argor-Heraeus) have started to impose surcharges on their gold production or stopped production of some gold products.
This is the third episode of the weekly MUSIC Threadcast!
Welcome to our HIVE MUSIC MONDAYS, where we celebrate the love for music! 🎧 🎵
Share your favorite music!
Every Monday, you can share your favorite tracks – whether they're from Hive, YouTube, SoundCloud, or any other platform. Let's discover and enjoy great music together! 🎶🎼
Post a link to your favorite music in the comments (3Speak, YouTube, etc.)
Engage with others and explore new tunes!
Let's fill Mondays with music and motivation from now on! 🚀
The more information you can provide, the easier it is for the recommend engine to offer up suggestions (when that is released). It is all part of the vector database.
So I tagged the one I did 38special, rock, 1980s, and music.
I am going to try the summarize prompt to see what happens with a song.
Yes. Do you want music related stuff in your threadcast in addition to songs. That is great material for the AI summarizer. Get interviews or people who do podcasts about music and its history, trends, and whatnot.
Oh wow. I just looked at a song I summarized...interesting what the ai does. It really discusses the ideas on the song albeit not really the song itself.
Yes I found it very interesting too. Didn´t work on the ones I summarized though. Either said: No transcript found. Or it posted weird stuff that didn´t have anything to do with the song.
I found out this song this week. I really didn't know this band existed. It's a Spanish band called "Peor Impossible" (something along "As Bad as it gets") with a 1985 song called "Susurrando" (Whispering). Rossy de Palma a very famous Spanish actress is the one in the drums. I used to love this kind of songs a lot! I hope you and everyone likes it! #rock #1980s #music #spanish
It's important to maintain respect in conversations. Let's strive for a positive exchange. If there's something specific to discuss or express, feel free to share!
I think carrying cash in your back pocket is riskier than self-custody with crypto. You may lose your wallet with your cash in it at any moment and even if you don't, that fiat is losing value every minute
This has been discussed frequently, but it bears repeating. For the last five years, a substantial bar of dark chocolate has been the first meal each day, followed by nothing until dinner. It’s entirely possible to enjoy chocolate for
It's where I spend 95% of my social media time these days. The other 5% is on Instagram because my FPV crew are too lazy to learn about crypto... They will build DIY drones, but don't want to learn about digital money... I don't get it, lol.
Anyway, glad you like it! Keep engaging! It makes a difference in your experience!
Woah, there’s a lot of Slavic DNA in Europe Mr Alfa. Some places have 75%, that’s like most people there having Slavic roots. it'll be Slavic continent
High level assassination doesn't just happen in movies like many people think. They really wanted this guy dead for the hit to have been carried out in court.
The Greek Mind
What is it about the Greeks that enabled them to create the unique civilization we admire twenty five hundred years later -- a civilization some might argue has never been matched. To try and get at the answer, we look at the setting that fostered the building of a Greek identity, starting with the Greek dark ages and progressing to the classical period during the 5th century B.C. when the intellectual Greece reached its zenith.
In the time before the Greeks, man saw life as a dark and risky experience. Priests were part of each tribe and carried the responsibility for interpreting the will of the gods, which was not something that could only be understood by “specialists”.
The Greeks were able to escape the primitive view of the world and become enlightened as individuals. How?
Part of the story is the geography of Greece: mountainous with areas of extraordinarily fertile land, sitting at the connection of Europe to Asia, and not easy to invade. The mountains separated the people into local tribes, and those human colonies evolved into cities of equals. No aristocracy developed because there was no way to accumulate wealth; no way for a king to buy power. Military leaders ruled because each city had to be able to defend itself. Geography kept the colonies small and homogeneous -- the right setting for evolving the Polis.
Still geography does not tell us the whole story. It doesn’t tell us why the Greek mind began to wonder about man’s place in the world. To these first thinkers, the world seemed predictable and not magical. Physical events could be shown to repeat themselves meaning there must be order to the universe.
But the Greeks were thinking more broadly than the laws of physics. They adopted a unique synthesis of mind and spirit which has seldom existed before or since. Everything was looked at in terms of the whole and not its parts. Human beings were seen as part of a species even though they are individuals. The Greeks understood anatomy but realized a heart is the same in everyone. When they designed a building, the Greeks took into account its surroundings and how it fit in the space – the whole as important as the parts. Famous men were interested in everything as we see in the philosophers who were trying to learn all that could be known.
The Greek spirit is what we are missing today -- the experience of the joy of life. They played games for the purity of athleticism and competition and not for any other purpose. How sad to compare the Roman games of slaughter with the Olympics! They reveled in the joy of beauty and the appreciation of beautiful things. They described virtue as “beautiful” giving an aesthetic trait to human character.
The Romans never had the Greek spirit. They were “mind” only. Look at a problem, solve it, and move on. The context doesn’t matter; only the finished product – best army, best temples, best roads – but spiritless.
The same problem exists in the world today. We have become pieces separated from the whole – there is no whole. Only the individual matters, and individual rights over the rights of the people as a whole. Our minds have produced the greatest “things” but what does owning a designer shirt mean? Only more self-serving isolation from the rest of mankind.
There was also trouble at home. In 398, a plot was discovered which had helots and two Perioeci towns plotting to overthrow the Spartan government. At the same time, the issue of wealth began to bring out the more base instincts of Spartan men; instincts the Lycurgian laws had blocked for so long. As the spoils of the Peloponnesian War reached Sparta, its people began to forget their simple life. Some became wealthy and others coveted that wealth.
As the Oracle had predicted 300 years before, “Greed will be Sparta’s ruin.” Aristotle put it another way, “The Spartans always prevailed in war but were destroyed by empire simply because they did not know how to use the leisure they had won, because they had practiced no more fundamental skill than skill in war”.
The Spartans and “False Victory”
The period from 464 B.C. to 404 begins with the great Spartan earthquake and ends with the conclusion of the Peloponnesian War.
The Athenians were sent home, causing the reign of Cimon and the Athenian alliance with Sparta to come to an end. Cimon was exiled in favor of Pericles. The Athenians and Spartans went to war in 460 and fought half-heartily until 445 when they signed a thirty year peace treaty. The treaty lasted until 431, when the great Peloponnesian War began.
That war can be summed up as follows: Athens and Sparta fought to a draw between 431 and 422 when Athens sued for peace fearing defections of her allies. The war began again in 421. Two events mark this segment: the defeat of Athens and her allies at Mantinea in 418 and the failed Athenian attack on Syracuse in Sicily. In the third segment, starting in 413, Sparta invaded Attica and then allied itself with Persia who built ships for the Spartan Navy. Lysander, a brilliant Spartan admiral, defeated the Athenian allies at Aegosotami, the Athenians surrender, and the war finally came to an end.
For the first time in decades, the Iranian regime is defenseless. Will President Donald Trump seize on the moment and finally depose of the brutal theocracy before it gets “the bomb” or instead pursue another “maximum pressure” campaign, cutting the ayatollah off from the rest of the world? Victor Davis Hanson lays out these options and what role the MAGA worldview may play in the Trump administration’s decision-making on today’s edition of “Victor Davis Hanson: In His Own Words”
“Remember that fable of our youth when the mice got together and they say, ‘The cat is picking us off one by one. We need to put a bell around his neck so we could be warned.’ And everybody said, ‘That's a great idea.’
“The next item of business among the mice assembly was, who will bell the cat? What I'm getting at is the Europeans, I think even the Chinese and Russians, don't want on their border a nuclear Iran. The Americans, the Israelis, everybody knows they should not—that theocratic regime should not get the bomb. But who bells the cat? ...
“Maybe the correct stance of the incoming Trump administration is to go back to the maximum-pressure campaign of Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump and have strict sanctions on oil exports, maybe even a blockade, put the pressure on so the people then throw the theocracy out itself.
“But on the other hand, people are going to argue, ‘Wait a minute, there are no Iranian air defenses. For one of the few times in history, that regime is naked. There is no Assad. There is no Hezbollah. There is no Hamas. There is no Houthis that are capable of, as surrogates, attacking the Israeli state.
“‘So, maybe you could attack Iran—just this brief window—because Israel, in a series of brilliant air responses, has destroyed its ability—Tehran's ability to defend itself.’”
The Skene (original meaning “tent”) was a large wooden wall used for the backdrop. It could also be decorated as part of the set. The Skene was a substantial structure because it had to incorporate a lifting apparatus to be used to suspend actors in the air. In the case of one play, the entire chorus went to visit Zeus and “flew” to Mount Olympus. There were two (or three) openings cut in the Skene connected to long ramps called Parodos. These ramps were used for entrances and exits for the actors.
The Paraskenia was a roofed building which housed the dressing rooms and costumes for the actors. Next to the public seating was a roofed building called the Odeon of Pericles which provided shelter in case of inclement weather.
The Theater of Dionysus was located on the southeast side of the Acropolis. Destroyed at least twice, the current remains are part of a Roman reconstruction. To its right is the Odeon of Pericles, a roofed structure designed for rehearsals and to shelter the public in case of inclement weather. The theater supposedly held as many as 17,000.
Greek Tragedy As Intellectual Expression
We’ve been talking about the intellectual accomplishments of the ancient Greeks and unique contribution they made to the history of mankind. This creative capability existed in both the Dorian and Ionian races because we know that Sparta made a contribution to the arts before its militaristic political system cut off artistic expression. Still the majority of the output occurred in Athens where the people’s sense of freedom combined with the wonder they felt about life produced a wellspring for creativity.
Tragic drama is an interesting facet of the Greek cultural contribution because the body of work is monumental. Indeed, as scholars rate the great dramatic playwrights of all time, three out of the top four were Greeks from the golden age of Athens – Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.
The drama plays began as a part of the Festival of Dionysus in the sixth century B.C. Dionysus was the Greek god of wine, inspirer of madness and ecstasy, and the god of theater. He was celebrated in a rural Dionysia in late fall and a city Dionysia in March. The Greeks loved to dance and sing so a festival honoring the wine god would certainly be a wonderful pretext for merriment. The Dionysia was a merging of religion and joy like no other. The first day of the festival featured a grand parade ending at the Theater of Dionysus. Included in the procession were sacrificial animals, sons of those who died in battle, and the political leadership of Athens.
On the second day, the schedule of dramatic plays was announced and judges were selected by lot. Three playwrights put on three of their own dramatic plays along with one satyr play. The satyr play featured a mythology-based plot in a burlesque style probably designed to be a break for the audience after the intensity of the dramas.
The dramas were designed to teach the public the important virtues of life, validate the political system of Athens, and criticize its enemies. All the public was invited including the poor who were given money to buy their tickets. Many times the comment has been made that the drama plays were more democratic than the democracy of Athens because the plots included groups, like women and slaves, who had no rights in the political system.
The plays were very structured: in meter with a specific format to the dialog. Each play featured a chorus that sang or provided an external view of the action. The number of actors was limited to three and they wore masks. There was also a chorus included which took the role of an external observer of the action.
Once a dramas were concluded, the judges voted and the winners were announced. Of the three giants of Greek drama, Aeschylus wrote 70-90 plays of which seven survive. All seven won first prize at the Dionysia. Sophocles wrote 123 plays of which seven survive. He won twenty-four times and never finished lower than second. Euripides wrote 91 plays of which eighteen survive. Euripides won first prize four times.
The great period of Greek drama spanned the period from 472 B.C, when Aeschylus’ The Persians was performed, to 401, when Sophocles Oedipus of Colonus was performed posthumously. The form had been created, reached perfection, and died in a century. Because art reflects the mood of a culture, the end of classical drama in Greece is not surprising when one considers the impact of the Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.). Perhaps the Greeks found their dramas too depressing and needed comedies to help them deal with the occupation of the Spartans.
The Greeks used these designations to relate each type to its ancient race, although it is not clear whether there was any connection. Doric columns were used in mainland Greece and Sicily: Ionic in western Asia Minor. The most famous Greek temple, The Parthenon, is constructed in the Doric style.
The Doric order is older and more simple than the Ionic. The use of a Metope (square block of stone between Triglyphs) may have been part of a transition from wooden buildings which the space occupied by the Metope was the opening between two roof beams.
This post should be pinned to the profile, emphasizing the transformation achieved to capture attention. Pinning it acts as a valuable asset to drive traffic to the profile.
Engaging with the target audience or ideal clients can help maximize visibility, as it will increase the chances of appearing in their For You page alongside personal content.
Further south on VA-29 we rode past Gretna, Galveston, and Whittles. Eldon Knolls was just beside the small population center of Chatham. Still on VA29 we rode past Tightsqueeze. Before reaching Dry Fork, we stopped in Bolivion.
Bank of England’s decades-long paper gold scam is collapsing under our eyes
London cash #gold contract default triggers a global physical gold rush: over the past 10 weeks, the world has witnessed large physical gold bullion flows into the US from all parts of the globe.
More than 2,000 tons (56M oz.) of gold have been moved into the US over the past 8 weeks – i.e. almost a quarter of all the theoretical US physical gold reserves.
The estimated 400M oz. of London market cash/spot gold #contracts for immediate gold ownership and settlement have now widely been shown in default, for an estimated 10M oz. of gold draw-down on London vaults.
#London gold spot/cash contract holders are under no illusion now - they’ve been had.
Two very large Swiss refineries (Metalor and Argor-Heraeus) have started to impose surcharges on their gold production or stopped production of some gold products.
If someone tells me they use MetaMask. I know any conversation about crypto is going to be long and frustrating.
MetaMask... now that's a blast from the past.
Perhaps someone still uses that out of an old habit. Can't see any other reason
Metamask is a thing of the past. I can't remember when last I touched the app.
Simplify it.
🎶 Weekly Hive MUSIC Threadcast #5!
This is the third episode of the weekly MUSIC Threadcast!
Welcome to our HIVE MUSIC MONDAYS, where we celebrate the love for music! 🎧 🎵
Share your favorite music!
Every Monday, you can share your favorite tracks – whether they're from Hive, YouTube, SoundCloud, or any other platform. Let's discover and enjoy great music together! 🎶🎼
Post a link to your favorite music in the comments (3Speak, YouTube, etc.)
Engage with others and explore new tunes!
Let's fill Mondays with music and motivation from now on! 🚀
#threadcast #music #hive #community #sound #vibes #raven #hmm
!summarize #scdc #thunderstruck #music #rock #1980s
I love AC/DC, nice choice!
Oh wow, very interesting summary of songs! That´s awesome!
This is a great way to get more songs onto InLeo. Be sure to tag them to ensure that they get picked up.
Thanks! Tag them how exactly? just with #music?
The more information you can provide, the easier it is for the recommend engine to offer up suggestions (when that is released). It is all part of the vector database.
So I tagged the one I did 38special, rock, 1980s, and music.
I am going to try the summarize prompt to see what happens with a song.
Yes I heard about that in your Space. Alright thanks. Will do that too now!
Yes. Do you want music related stuff in your threadcast in addition to songs. That is great material for the AI summarizer. Get interviews or people who do podcasts about music and its history, trends, and whatnot.
Ok cool thanks, I will keep that in mind!
Oh wow. I just looked at a song I summarized...interesting what the ai does. It really discusses the ideas on the song albeit not really the song itself.
Yes I found it very interesting too. Didn´t work on the ones I summarized though. Either said: No transcript found. Or it posted weird stuff that didn´t have anything to do with the song.
#38special #rock #1980s #music
Thanks! Great submission. Love the 80s!
Love Tina Turner Songs.
#music #tinaturner #80s #hmm
I love the 80's #music
Starting with one of my favourite bands - Paramore!
#hmm #hive #music #raven
One of the best songs of one of the best Disney movies.
#hmm #hive #music #raven
This song is from the 70s and in one of my favourite movies. I can always listen to it! :D
!summarize #myboylollipop #70s #millie #music #hmm
@taskmaster4450 What does that mean?
Sharing one of my own songs - a remix of a Prodigy song.
!summarize #music #prodigy #raven #remix #timebombzone
Well ok, the summary doesn´t fit to the song at all. :D
One track of our new copyright free Minimal Techno album!
!summarize #music #minimaltechno #minimal #copyrightfree #pandabeats #beatraxx #hmm
One of my Handpan Lofi tracks.
!summarize #handpanlofi #handpan #lofi #music #hmm #glareandhaze
!summarize #canada #danielpowter #badday #music
!summarize #britainsgottalent #singer #music
!summarize #lilymeola #heidiklum #maericasgottalent #music #singer
Music Monday, very cool!
I have an awkward taste but where it is.
No parties by Reese hits me hard with the pe priiii
I found out this song this week. I really didn't know this band existed. It's a Spanish band called "Peor Impossible" (something along "As Bad as it gets") with a 1985 song called "Susurrando" (Whispering). Rossy de Palma a very famous Spanish actress is the one in the drums. I used to love this kind of songs a lot! I hope you and everyone likes it! #rock #1980s #music #spanish
I have been listening to old school hard trance / acid
This Helmut Lotti remix is very fun to listen and to dance by Wan Bushi
This cover by Fantomas is one of my favorites fusion of all time
Moon river is one of my favorite songs and this set by kid Koala is really comfy
!summarize #beachboys #brainwilson #music #band
!summarize #50cents #rap #jordanpeterson #music
!summarize #islandsinthestream #music
Kanye’s Twitter Under New Management?
Reports suggest that Ye sold his Twitter for $20M to Barkmeta, which now plans to release a token under his name.
Signs of change:
His tweets feel different.

He followed CZ.
Asked about Hyperliquid.
he sold the acct to a cabal for like $20m
Seems pretty sketchy to me!
CZ tries DEX, TST skyrockets!
After making a few trades and adding liquidity, the token jumped +48% today. Lesson learned?
DeFi is becoming a must, even for centralized exchange veterans! is the way
Stake Based Curation
Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.
For more info check below ⬇️
Stake based curation parameters
Here is my recent best gem. Thanks.
into day 5 of #pi trading. Interesting.
It was 45% down a few days ago, hope you have hooked some good fish.
Not a one! lol
I feared it would slide further, but reverted.
They won't approve my KYC for me cash out.
That sucks!
I see a lot of green around here 😍
It's important to maintain respect in conversations. Let's strive for a positive exchange. If there's something specific to discuss or express, feel free to share!
By 2030, it’s anticipated that 1 Bitcoin could purchase at least one median-priced home in the U.S. (a quality home, not in undesirable areas).
Currently, that same house is valued at around 5 Bitcoin.
For those relying on real estate as a savings strategy, there’s a risk of losing at least 80% of the wealth accumulated.
In practical terms, selling a house now for 5 Bitcoin could equate to purchasing 5 homes by 2030.
If owning 5 houses, they might sell for approximately 25 Bitcoin, enabling the purchase of 25 homes by that time.
It’s understandable if some may feel indifferent about Bitcoin.
However, it's crucial to acknowledge that wealth is shifting to those who have committed time to learn about and invest in Bitcoin.
The most alarming aspect may be the realization that value might never return.
Home values are likely to decline indefinitely in terms of Bitcoin.
Eventually, even 1 Bitcoin for a home could seem high as the market evolves.
Prices could plummet to 0.1 Bitcoin, then 0.01 Bitcoin, and continue decreasing.
Yesterday, I have posted about "Share your precious advice for new users"
Here's What I got advices for #newlion
If you're still betting on daddy government to pump your bags, you're NGMI.
#bitcoin #crypto
Sermon over. Case closed.
Lol 😂
Daddy Saylor, help us in our time of need!
Lots of people who push the narrative that the average person won't be able to self-custody is probably malicious, to be honest.
Saylor directly tried to imply companies that make self-custody easier are scamming people. Classic case of projection!
#crypto #bitcoin
I feel its the other way around: if they want you to NOT self-custody then it sounds scammy
Yeah, and people who have had adversarial relationships with authorities and corporations would probably feel that way.
I think carrying cash in your back pocket is riskier than self-custody with crypto. You may lose your wallet with your cash in it at any moment and even if you don't, that fiat is losing value every minute
Yeah, there's no seed phrase backup for cash.
According to this map, we now hold 1,981 Bitcoin.
Additionally, we have conquered Russia. Nice work! 😀
Oh please, cant you just take it over. Greater Finland 🇫🇮
This has been discussed frequently, but it bears repeating. For the last five years, a substantial bar of dark chocolate has been the first meal each day, followed by nothing until dinner. It’s entirely possible to enjoy chocolate for
nice way to start the day.
What percent is the dark choclate? I do 80%
My week really started on a beautiful note and I just want to stay happy ,my name is emediong and I am a nigerian.
Soon, people will say, ‘I wish I had been part of InLeo early.’ You still have time.
#inleo #newlion
Keep up the good work
getting addictive 👀#inleo has shocked me.... I didn't open any other social media platform today...🤔
Loving it here man
It's where I spend 95% of my social media time these days. The other 5% is on Instagram because my FPV crew are too lazy to learn about crypto... They will build DIY drones, but don't want to learn about digital money... I don't get it, lol.
Anyway, glad you like it! Keep engaging! It makes a difference in your experience!
Woah, there’s a lot of Slavic DNA in Europe Mr Alfa. Some places have 75%, that’s like most people there having Slavic roots. it'll be Slavic continent
Thanks for sharing this
This is revealing
Good to know
Alot of slavic roots present in Europe
That is a huge population of slavic in Europe right there
Let’s do a challenge—post your best InLeo experience so far.
#newlion #inleo
Good to have join us here.
I've had amazing experiences here. Meeting strangers who have turned friends is nothing but awesome.
Strategy keeps stacking Bitcoin
20,356 BTC acquired at an average price of $97,514. Total BTC holdings now at 499,096.

High level assassination doesn't just happen in movies like many people think. They really wanted this guy dead for the hit to have been carried out in court.

Filling up another container for LeoAI.
!summarize #basf #dow #lyb #investing #stocks #money
!summarize #germany #elections #governments #coalitions #europe #cdu
!summarize #trump #maine #governor
!summarize #space #solarsystem #spacetravel #physics
The Greek Mind
What is it about the Greeks that enabled them to create the unique civilization we admire twenty five hundred years later -- a civilization some might argue has never been matched. To try and get at the answer, we look at the setting that fostered the building of a Greek identity, starting with the Greek dark ages and progressing to the classical period during the 5th century B.C. when the intellectual Greece reached its zenith.
In the time before the Greeks, man saw life as a dark and risky experience. Priests were part of each tribe and carried the responsibility for interpreting the will of the gods, which was not something that could only be understood by “specialists”.
!summarize #trump #elonmusk #email #federalworkers
The Greeks were able to escape the primitive view of the world and become enlightened as individuals. How?
Part of the story is the geography of Greece: mountainous with areas of extraordinarily fertile land, sitting at the connection of Europe to Asia, and not easy to invade. The mountains separated the people into local tribes, and those human colonies evolved into cities of equals. No aristocracy developed because there was no way to accumulate wealth; no way for a king to buy power. Military leaders ruled because each city had to be able to defend itself. Geography kept the colonies small and homogeneous -- the right setting for evolving the Polis.
Still geography does not tell us the whole story. It doesn’t tell us why the Greek mind began to wonder about man’s place in the world. To these first thinkers, the world seemed predictable and not magical. Physical events could be shown to repeat themselves meaning there must be order to the universe.
But the Greeks were thinking more broadly than the laws of physics. They adopted a unique synthesis of mind and spirit which has seldom existed before or since. Everything was looked at in terms of the whole and not its parts. Human beings were seen as part of a species even though they are individuals. The Greeks understood anatomy but realized a heart is the same in everyone. When they designed a building, the Greeks took into account its surroundings and how it fit in the space – the whole as important as the parts. Famous men were interested in everything as we see in the philosophers who were trying to learn all that could be known.
!summarize #china #exports #trade #economy #recession
The Greek spirit is what we are missing today -- the experience of the joy of life. They played games for the purity of athleticism and competition and not for any other purpose. How sad to compare the Roman games of slaughter with the Olympics! They reveled in the joy of beauty and the appreciation of beautiful things. They described virtue as “beautiful” giving an aesthetic trait to human character.
The Romans never had the Greek spirit. They were “mind” only. Look at a problem, solve it, and move on. The context doesn’t matter; only the finished product – best army, best temples, best roads – but spiritless.
!summarize #canada #politics #economy #population
The same problem exists in the world today. We have become pieces separated from the whole – there is no whole. Only the individual matters, and individual rights over the rights of the people as a whole. Our minds have produced the greatest “things” but what does owning a designer shirt mean? Only more self-serving isolation from the rest of mankind.
!summarize #Nymets #nyyankees #pitcher
There was also trouble at home. In 398, a plot was discovered which had helots and two Perioeci towns plotting to overthrow the Spartan government. At the same time, the issue of wealth began to bring out the more base instincts of Spartan men; instincts the Lycurgian laws had blocked for so long. As the spoils of the Peloponnesian War reached Sparta, its people began to forget their simple life. Some became wealthy and others coveted that wealth.
!summarize #trump #macron #france #trade #Russia
!summarize #germany #trump #metz
!summarize #joyreid #msnbc #media #fired
!summarize #nymets #clayholmes #juansoto #springtraining
!summarize #espn #mlb #entertainment
!summarize #doge #elonmusk #government #danbongino
!summarize #california #money #gavinnewsom
!summarize #trump #democrats #politics #cabinet
!summarize #espn #baseball #philadelphia #eagles #mlb
!summarize #remotework #government #jamiedimon
As the Oracle had predicted 300 years before, “Greed will be Sparta’s ruin.” Aristotle put it another way, “The Spartans always prevailed in war but were destroyed by empire simply because they did not know how to use the leisure they had won, because they had practiced no more fundamental skill than skill in war”.
The Spartans and “False Victory”
The period from 464 B.C. to 404 begins with the great Spartan earthquake and ends with the conclusion of the Peloponnesian War.
The Athenians were sent home, causing the reign of Cimon and the Athenian alliance with Sparta to come to an end. Cimon was exiled in favor of Pericles. The Athenians and Spartans went to war in 460 and fought half-heartily until 445 when they signed a thirty year peace treaty. The treaty lasted until 431, when the great Peloponnesian War began.
That war can be summed up as follows: Athens and Sparta fought to a draw between 431 and 422 when Athens sued for peace fearing defections of her allies. The war began again in 421. Two events mark this segment: the defeat of Athens and her allies at Mantinea in 418 and the failed Athenian attack on Syracuse in Sicily. In the third segment, starting in 413, Sparta invaded Attica and then allied itself with Persia who built ships for the Spartan Navy. Lysander, a brilliant Spartan admiral, defeated the Athenian allies at Aegosotami, the Athenians surrender, and the war finally came to an end.
!summarize #karolineleavitt #cpac #politics
!summarize #joyreid #msnbc #media
!summarize #tesla #fsd #china #cybercab #unboxed
!summarize #iran #nuclear #theocratic #regime #weapon
For the first time in decades, the Iranian regime is defenseless. Will President Donald Trump seize on the moment and finally depose of the brutal theocracy before it gets “the bomb” or instead pursue another “maximum pressure” campaign, cutting the ayatollah off from the rest of the world? Victor Davis Hanson lays out these options and what role the MAGA worldview may play in the Trump administration’s decision-making on today’s edition of “Victor Davis Hanson: In His Own Words”
“Remember that fable of our youth when the mice got together and they say, ‘The cat is picking us off one by one. We need to put a bell around his neck so we could be warned.’ And everybody said, ‘That's a great idea.’
“The next item of business among the mice assembly was, who will bell the cat? What I'm getting at is the Europeans, I think even the Chinese and Russians, don't want on their border a nuclear Iran. The Americans, the Israelis, everybody knows they should not—that theocratic regime should not get the bomb. But who bells the cat? ...
“Maybe the correct stance of the incoming Trump administration is to go back to the maximum-pressure campaign of Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump and have strict sanctions on oil exports, maybe even a blockade, put the pressure on so the people then throw the theocracy out itself.
“But on the other hand, people are going to argue, ‘Wait a minute, there are no Iranian air defenses. For one of the few times in history, that regime is naked. There is no Assad. There is no Hezbollah. There is no Hamas. There is no Houthis that are capable of, as surrogates, attacking the Israeli state.
“‘So, maybe you could attack Iran—just this brief window—because Israel, in a series of brilliant air responses, has destroyed its ability—Tehran's ability to defend itself.’”
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Fill the ai data feed
The Skene (original meaning “tent”) was a large wooden wall used for the backdrop. It could also be decorated as part of the set. The Skene was a substantial structure because it had to incorporate a lifting apparatus to be used to suspend actors in the air. In the case of one play, the entire chorus went to visit Zeus and “flew” to Mount Olympus. There were two (or three) openings cut in the Skene connected to long ramps called Parodos. These ramps were used for entrances and exits for the actors.
The Paraskenia was a roofed building which housed the dressing rooms and costumes for the actors. Next to the public seating was a roofed building called the Odeon of Pericles which provided shelter in case of inclement weather.
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The Theater of Dionysus was located on the southeast side of the Acropolis. Destroyed at least twice, the current remains are part of a Roman reconstruction. To its right is the Odeon of Pericles, a roofed structure designed for rehearsals and to shelter the public in case of inclement weather. The theater supposedly held as many as 17,000.
Greek Tragedy As Intellectual Expression
We’ve been talking about the intellectual accomplishments of the ancient Greeks and unique contribution they made to the history of mankind. This creative capability existed in both the Dorian and Ionian races because we know that Sparta made a contribution to the arts before its militaristic political system cut off artistic expression. Still the majority of the output occurred in Athens where the people’s sense of freedom combined with the wonder they felt about life produced a wellspring for creativity.
Tragic drama is an interesting facet of the Greek cultural contribution because the body of work is monumental. Indeed, as scholars rate the great dramatic playwrights of all time, three out of the top four were Greeks from the golden age of Athens – Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.
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The drama plays began as a part of the Festival of Dionysus in the sixth century B.C. Dionysus was the Greek god of wine, inspirer of madness and ecstasy, and the god of theater. He was celebrated in a rural Dionysia in late fall and a city Dionysia in March. The Greeks loved to dance and sing so a festival honoring the wine god would certainly be a wonderful pretext for merriment. The Dionysia was a merging of religion and joy like no other. The first day of the festival featured a grand parade ending at the Theater of Dionysus. Included in the procession were sacrificial animals, sons of those who died in battle, and the political leadership of Athens.
On the second day, the schedule of dramatic plays was announced and judges were selected by lot. Three playwrights put on three of their own dramatic plays along with one satyr play. The satyr play featured a mythology-based plot in a burlesque style probably designed to be a break for the audience after the intensity of the dramas.
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!summarize #germnay #election
The dramas were designed to teach the public the important virtues of life, validate the political system of Athens, and criticize its enemies. All the public was invited including the poor who were given money to buy their tickets. Many times the comment has been made that the drama plays were more democratic than the democracy of Athens because the plots included groups, like women and slaves, who had no rights in the political system.
The plays were very structured: in meter with a specific format to the dialog. Each play featured a chorus that sang or provided an external view of the action. The number of actors was limited to three and they wore masks. There was also a chorus included which took the role of an external observer of the action.
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Once a dramas were concluded, the judges voted and the winners were announced. Of the three giants of Greek drama, Aeschylus wrote 70-90 plays of which seven survive. All seven won first prize at the Dionysia. Sophocles wrote 123 plays of which seven survive. He won twenty-four times and never finished lower than second. Euripides wrote 91 plays of which eighteen survive. Euripides won first prize four times.
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The great period of Greek drama spanned the period from 472 B.C, when Aeschylus’ The Persians was performed, to 401, when Sophocles Oedipus of Colonus was performed posthumously. The form had been created, reached perfection, and died in a century. Because art reflects the mood of a culture, the end of classical drama in Greece is not surprising when one considers the impact of the Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.). Perhaps the Greeks found their dramas too depressing and needed comedies to help them deal with the occupation of the Spartans.
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The Greeks used these designations to relate each type to its ancient race, although it is not clear whether there was any connection. Doric columns were used in mainland Greece and Sicily: Ionic in western Asia Minor. The most famous Greek temple, The Parthenon, is constructed in the Doric style.
The Doric order is older and more simple than the Ionic. The use of a Metope (square block of stone between Triglyphs) may have been part of a transition from wooden buildings which the space occupied by the Metope was the opening between two roof beams.
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Imagine InLeo with 100K+ users. How do you think it would change?
#newlion #growinleo
Today's Motivation Quote. for #newlion
Mistakes mean you're learning. Keep trying!
Beef short ribs braised in a red wine saucegravy, over mashed potatoes. Garnished with fresh thyme.
#newlion #food #foodie
Every Web3 project needs a strong community. InLeo has one, but it’s still underrated.
#newlion #learning
Probably that is why I have never heard about the platform until this year
Big creators will eventually flood InLeo. Right now, the engagement is REAL. Take advantage of it.
#newlion #inleo #growinleo
This man is stacking BTC like it's Pokémon cards🥹🥹🙄. And I’m over here debating whether to spend $10 on lunch or save it
That is a great buy
That is a beautiful way to invest , they would make massive profit when bitcoin keeps going higher
That is a good investment
It appears that Microsoft has been holding onto @TheGregYang for quite some time.
I totally agree with her
Having a Bitcoin reserve is a right step in the right direction
She has a valid point
Wow good to hear
Keep stacking bitcoin !!
Good to know that
what a great decision
The type of news I love to hear
Let's go !!!!
Good move
Great to hear this
Good one from Dekabank
This should make more institutions to get involved with crypto
RIght step in the right direction
by @calebmarvel01Review on @thehivetuber's #jokesonleo. @winanda @luchyl can testify. lol #mcbok fine your got me on this one 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that also makes it extra super cool 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love the answer bro... Good one #entertainmentonleo
You Are welcome man, i feel in love with your activities.. pls don't tell me i'm loving what i don't do..
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 we are always comedians 🔥🔥🔥
Its or birth right because we left too early from our mothers womb by time traveling. lol
The use of Left and Right..
🤣🤣 it's out birth right 🤣
or birth right.. lol
erro in grammer is all part of the jokes.. i know i can't speak good english, thats why i decided to follow my dream as a comedy no a comedian.. lol #foodiesbeehive
To effectively leverage business case studies, consider the following steps:
This post should be pinned to the profile, emphasizing the transformation achieved to capture attention. Pinning it acts as a valuable asset to drive traffic to the profile.
“We assisted [X] in achieving [Y result] by implementing [XYZ]. Would it be worth discussing?”
This approach is an excellent strategy for securing calls on the calendar.
Bonus tip:
Engaging with the target audience or ideal clients can help maximize visibility, as it will increase the chances of appearing in their For You page alongside personal content.
Make a list of individuals and dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to engage with them.
Why are the fees for BASE network are so high today?! #freecompliments #crypto #bbh #cent
Which is Faster Hot or Cold? 👀🤔🤣 I'll tell You
by @thehivetuber #3speak #leoshorts #newlion #funny #comedy #jokes #memes #meme #jokesonleoYou are very correct man!!! lol
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 you got the joke 🔥🔥🔥🔥💪💪
Imagine What’s on Her Mind?
"Just Let Me Sleep!"
#newlion #kitten #cat
Can you give yourself 3 months?
#growth #learning #newlion
The BEARs in the mirror are closer than they appear.
Let's help #newlion and guide them about this platform.
InLeo’s reward system is still under the radar. I wonder how long that will last.
#newlion #inleo #growinleo
What do you mean by inleo reward system still under the radar?
1🧵2 #gmfrens #threadstorm
Further south on VA-29 we rode past Gretna, Galveston, and Whittles. Eldon Knolls was just beside the small population center of Chatham. Still on VA29 we rode past Tightsqueeze. Before reaching Dry Fork, we stopped in Bolivion.
Sergio ma man....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think it was puberty bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So why did you just sit there