In December, Anduril announced a partnership with artificial intelligence startup OpenAI, allowing the defense tech company to deploy advanced AI systems for "national security missions."
It's part of a broader and controversial trend of AI companies walking back bans on military use of their products and entering into partnerships with defense companies and the U.S. Department of Defense. In December, Anthropic and Palantir announced a partnership with Amazon Web Services to "provide U.S. intelligence and defense agencies access" to Anthropic's AI models.
While Anduril is still privately held, Palantir, which sells software and services to defense agencies, is publicly traded and has been one of the best performers on the stock market in the past year, jumping 370% over that stretch, lifting its market cap past $250 billion. The company reported in its latest earnings report this week that government revenue jumped 45% from a year earlier to $343 million.
Peter Thiel's Founders Fund is leading the latest Anduril financing, with a $1 billion commitment, sources said, the largest check ever for the firm. Thiel, who was a major Trump supporter in the 2016 campaign, is one of Palantir's co-founders. Trae Stephens, a partner at Founders Fund, is an Anduril co-founder.
Anduril's revenue in 2024 doubled to about $1 billion and annual contract value reached $1.5 billion, the people said.
In 2023, Anduril launched several new drones that rely on its Lattice AI-powered command and control software used by the U.S. military and allies to direct human-assisted robotics systems to perform complex missions.
Hims & Hers faces scrutiny from senators on Super Bowl ad that 'risks misleading' patients
Two U.S. senators wrote a letter to the Food and Drug Administration on Friday expressing concerns about an upcoming Super Bowl ad.
Hims & Hers is facing scrutiny from lawmakers over an advertisement for its weight loss offerings that's slated to run during the Super Bowl on Sunday.
Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Roger Marshall, R-Kan., wrote a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday expressing concerns over an "upcoming advertisement" that "risks misleading patients by omitting any safety or side effect information when promoting a specific type of weight loss medication."
The Hims & Hers ad, which the company released online in late January, is called "Sick of the System" and sharply criticizes the $160 billion weight loss industry. It shows visuals of existing weight loss medications known as GLP-1s, including injection pens that look like Novo Nordisk's blockbuster diabetes drug Ozempic.
The ad claims those drugs are "priced for profits, not patients" and points to Hims & Hers' weight loss medications as "affordable" and "doctor-trusted" alternatives.
"We are complying with existing law and are happy to continue working with Congress and the new Administration to fix the broken health system and ensure that patients have choices for quality, safe, and affordable healthcare," a Hims & Hers spokesperson told CNBC in a statement.
The senators do not mention Hims & Hers by name in their letter, but they do reference some of the visuals in the ad, including "imagery of an injection pen with distinctive characteristics reflective of an existing brand-name medication."
"Nowhere in this promotion is there any side effect disclosure, risk, or safety information as would be typically required in a pharmaceutical advertisement," the senators wrote. "Further, for only three seconds during the minute-long commercial does the screen flash in small, barely legible font, that these products are not FDA-approved."
Scott Brunner, CEO of the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding, said Friday that Hims & Hers' ad is consistent with "help-seeking" pharmaceutical advertising.
With the threat of the former king extinguished, the Republic was free to move forward in its new form. The administrative function of the king was given to a pair newly created magistrates (consuls) and religious authority was granted to a magistrate called the Pontifex Maximus. The consuls were given veto right over each other to avoid an accumulation of power and as a further brake on the latter, their term of office was limited to one year. A common element of republics throughout history has been the design of governmental structures that make it difficult to accumulate power, because republics are built by those who abhor a monarchy.
"Hims' Super Bowl ad does not promote a specific drug or medication and therefore is not required to provide information about side effects or risks," Brunner said in a statement. "Instead, it encouraged viewers to consult with a healthcare provider, which aligns with the FTC's guidelines for non-specific, 'help-seeking' advertisements."
Hims & Hers began offering compounded semaglutide through its platform in May after launching a new weight loss program in late 2023. Semaglutide is the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, which can each cost around $1,000 a month without insurance.
Shares of Hims & Hers jumped more than 170% last year, thanks to soaring demand for GLP-1s. They closed up 5% on Friday, lifting the company's market cap to about $9.5 billion.
Compounded GLP-1s are typically much cheaper and can serve as an alternative for patients who are navigating complex supply hurdles and spotty insurance coverage. Hims & Hers sells compounded semaglutide for under $200 a month.
In the first decades after the removal of the king, Rome would face twin threats to her sovereignty: wars with her neighbors and an internal class struggle. In the former case, she was attacked by almost everyone: first Etruscans, Samnites, Latins, from nearby who were conquered and assimilated; and then the Volci and Aequi, tribes from the western edge of the Apennine Mountains, who fought Rome for nearly a century. We think of Rome in later times as imperialistic, but her posture here was totally defensive, and she was just trying to survive. Those early military victories sharpened her skill in battle and honed her cultural will for the future.
The FDA doesn't review the safety and efficacy of compounded products, which are custom-made alternatives to brand-name drugs designed to meet a specific patient's needs. Compounded products can also be produced when brand-name treatments are in shortage.
Semaglutide is currently in shortage, according to the FDA.
Durbin and Marshall said advertisements for brand-name GLP-1 medications include "significant risk disclosures to patients about side effects and contraindications, including warnings about potential gallbladder, pancreas, vomiting, diarrhea, and other implications."
Class struggle would carry on for centuries and nearly everyone is familiar with the terms patrician and plebian, which survive to the present day as labels for rich and poor. The Rome of the monarchy had built a patronage system of mutual benefits -- patricians were able to use plebs to act as their agents and those plebs received protection and compensation in return. But that system was not enough to keep class differences under control once the Republic came into being. In 494 B.C, the plebs initiated a strike to demand a grain distribution to help those suffering from a famine. The Senate resisted at first, but was eventually forced to give in. Ultimately, the plebs spent a couple of centuries trying to achieve equality in office and equality in power.
The Senate fought them all along the way but reforms were gradually put in place without a major disruption or civil war. Laws were written down in 451 B.C. and displayed in the Forum, offices that were originally restricted to patricians were made open to plebs, and a new magistrate was created, the Tribune, designed to protect the people from abuses of the upper class. The political relationship between classes remained stable until the period after the Punic Wars when the economic status of the lower class plunged to a point where it acted as a catalyst for social unrest and eventually civil war.
A release on Durbin's website says that the ad in question appears to exploit a loophole "regarding promotions of compounded drugs by telehealth companies."
The senators said they believe the FDA may have the authority to take enforcement actions against marketing that could mislead patients, and they plan to introduce new legislation to address regulatory loopholes.
If you analyze the great cultures of antiquity, you’d find their success was due to geography and personality -- the geography of their physical space and personality of the people in that space. There are countless examples in history where cultures failed to develop when one of these factors was missing. Geography is the obvious contributor because you can measure its influence -- living by the sea can foster shipping; flat open land will support farming; and the presence of natural resources can build a business trading that asset. Personality is harder to pin down because it’s intangible. What is it that makes one people motivated enough to drive cultural development and another less so? There are many cases in history where two groups occupied the same space and only one flourished, but we really don’t understand the reasons for this.
“Our benchmark consists of 100,000 tasks, including household chores such as cleaning up dishes and toys,” Meta writes. “We are also releasing the PARTNR dataset consisting of human demonstrations of the PARTNR tasks in simulation, which can be used for training embodied AI models.”
Simulation has become an increasingly useful tool in robot deployment, allowing organizations to test in seconds what might otherwise take hours or days to accomplish in the real world. Meta says, however, that it has also had success deploying the PARTNR model outside of simulation. It has already been used in Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot in testing. Meta has also built a mixed-reality interface designed to offer a visual representation of the robot’s decision-making processes.
“The potential for innovation and development in the field of human-robot collaboration is vast,” Meta adds. “With PARTNR, we want to reimagine robots as future partners, and not just agents, and jump start research in this exciting field.”
Age tech holds a lot of potential for the category. Labrador’s automated serving cart, for example, offers insight into ways technology might assist older people who continue to live independently. However, many advances of the variety Meta is aiming to address will be required before such systems gain mainstream acceptance.
Humanoids are another intriguing avenue that have presented themselves in recent years. Most companies behind these bipedal robots foresee a future in which they will eventually help out in the home. That said, pricing needs to come down considerably and reliability needs to improve by leaps and bounds. That is a large part of the reason most manufacturers are looking to address corporate needs first.
With the right scaling and advancements in AI, one can imagine a world in which humanoid robots address general-purpose tasks in a way that allows them to help in both the factory and the home. A major stepping stone to that place requires solid advancements in human-robot collaboration. Meta, which has been exploring robotics amid its wider AI research, is hoping that PARTNR can help them get there.
Fluorescence is a term anthropologists use to describe a period of rapid development, when the growth of culture accelerates. Often this growth is economically driven when markets open up for skills or goods. Other times, there is no obvious economic driver and it’s just human effort that pushes things forward. In the case of Mesopotamia, for example, it was technology that triggered the advance. Its fluorescent period began when the technical problems of irrigation farming were resolved and crops could be produced in large quantities.
In most instances, geography has been the mainspring of cultural development, serving as primary influence over food production, trade, raw materials, migration, and protection from enemies. In this post, however, we’ll present a different story -- one that saw personality as the prime mover in building the Roman Republic.
Rome is located on the eastern side of the Tiber River amongst its famous seven hills.
It’s latitude is forty one degrees north, slightly south of the position of Chicago in the United States, but unlike Chicago, Rome is blessed with a Mediterranean climate. Rome’s location in ancient times put it eighteen miles from the mouth of the Tiber where the river empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea. More importantly, there was a ford over the Tiber, near the ancient settlements and situated on the crossroads of a trading route, that allowed commerce to the other side of the river. Surrounding the site of Rome was flat farmland featuring rich volcanic soil put down around 10,000 B.C.
Ng, however, was baffled by the Project Maven protestors, he told an audience largely made up of veterans.
“Frankly, when the Project Maven thing went down … A lot of you are going out, willing to shed blood for our country to protect us all,” said Ng. “So how the heck can an American company refuse to help our own service people that are out there, fighting for us?”
Ng did not work at Google when the Project Maven protests happened, but he did play a key role in shaping Google’s efforts around AI and neural networks. Today, Ng leads an AI-focused venture studio and AI fund, and speaks out frequently about AI policy.
From the original settler’s point of view, the site of Rome offered protection from the west via the Tiber and protection at the site from the hills. Two of them, the Capitoline and the Palatine, were quite steep and difficult to climb. Between these hills sat a marshy swamp. There is evidence of settlements in this area dating to 8000 B.C. and by 800 B.C, there were at least two villages: Rumi on the Palatine Hill and Titientes on the Quirinal. The local inhabitants were mostly Latin and Sabine tribes, the latter a spinoff of the Sabine hill people living on the western slopes of the Apennines. Other tribes in the area included Umbrian’s, Samnites, and Oscan’s.
A “Latin League” was formed in the eighth century, with Rome as a member, to protect the Latin villages from the Etruscans, but over time, as Rome came under control of Etruscan monarchs, it separated itself from its former allies. Etruscan kings ruled Rome from the seventh century through 509 B.C. when they were forcibly expelled, because the Romans wanted to end the monarchy and live under a Republic. The Romans rejected not only the Etruscan king, but the Etruscan philosophy and way of life, co-opting some of its useful cultural elements as they moved on. By this time, the Roman ethnicity was separate from the rest of the Latins.
There was something about those Roman Latins that made them different; perhaps the time under the yoke of the Etruscans changed their personality, or maybe it evolved on its own. From the very beginning of the Republic, the Romans had a drive that set them apart from their neighbors -- a drive to build a Republican political system that would give the people more control than they had under an outsider, and use it to advance their agrarian culture. The idea of a Republic was not unique to Rome because the trend around the Mediterranean was in that direction. Many cultures, including the Greeks, were rejecting the monarchical model, but none of Rome’s neighbors had this inclination and none had the drive to grow and diversify their culture. As Rome grew, the Etruscan time would eclipse. As Rome grew, it would take over the Greek cities. Eventually, that small village of Latins would control Europe!
The Romans had another trait that set them apart -- their engineering mindset. I don’t imagine there has ever been a people on earth with a more structured view of their world and a greater desire to build things. Roads, aqueducts, buildings, army camps, and military discipline are only some examples of the Roman structural view. Oddly, this obsession didn’t leave room for a lot of original thinking. The Romans stole whatever they found interesting in other cultures, including gods, and improved on them. Thinking-wise they were never in a league with the Greeks, but employed them as physicians, educators, and philosophers.
Let’s revisit geography for a minute. The Romans were agrarians because they had high quality soil and they lived inland away from the sea. It never occurred to them to use the sea for their own purposes until they were forced to deal with Carthage at the beginning of the First Punic War. Still, there was nothing unique in their geography that could ignite a new culture on its own.
Rome became fluorescent when it first thought of getting rid of the monarch. The Senate and Assembly were already in operation so all that remained was the creation of an administrative magistrate’s role. The healthy agrarian economy would fund the young Republic and take it places its founders could never have imagined, but it was the people and their will that served as the engine.
Ng later said he was grateful that two AI regulatory efforts — the vetoed California SB 1047 bill and Biden’s overturned AI executive order — were no longer in play. He had repeatedly argued that both measures would slow down open source AI development in America.
The real key to American AI safety, Ng argued, is to ensure America can compete with China technologically. He noted that AI drones would “completely revolutionize the battlefield.”
He’s not the only former Google executive who has spread that message. Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt now spends his days lobbying Washington, D.C., to purchase AI drones to compete with China; his company, White Stork, may eventually supply those drones.
While Ng and Schmidt seem to support the military’s use of AI, the topic has split the ranks within Google for years.
In the last post we discussed the careful effort employed by Octavian to rid himself of rivals and take control of the Roman Republic. Now we move on to the building of the Principate, which was significantly more difficult. Many revolutionaries, throughout history, have attested to the difficulty of ruling once the battle is over. Indeed, the skillset is much different between tearing down and ruling. In Octavian’s case, he had to maintain the veneer of the Republic while building an authoritarian state. The fact that he was successful puts him near the top of the list of great politicians of all time.
Octavian had the savvy to build a political system that could operate successfully, the temperament to rule fairly, and strength of will to fight off threats which could have weakened or destroyed Rome. Sadly, as so often happens in human society, the attributes of a great ruler don’t often get carried forward to his successors. But that’s another story for later.
Meredith Whittaker, now the president of Signal, led the Maven protests in 2018 while working at Google as an AI researcher. When Google made the pledge to not renew its Project Maven contracts, Whittaker said she was happy about the decision, noting the company “should not be in the business of war.”
She’s not the only Googler who’s dissented. Former Google AI researcher and Nobel laureate Geoffrey Hinton previously called for global governments to prohibit and regulate the use of AI in weapons. Another longtime and revered Google executive, Jeff Dean — now the chief scientist of DeepMind — previously signed a letter opposing the use of machine learning in autonomous weapons.
Remembering the intolerance of the ruling class for the flaunting of naked power, Octavian sought to disguise his rule under accepted Republican traditions. For the first eight years after Actium (31-23 B.C.), he served as consul using that office as a constitutional basis for power, but half way through that period, he returned control of the state to the Senate and people of Rome -- a brilliant political move which gave the appearance of restoring the ancestral system. At the same time, he was given authority to rule certain provinces, through governors, and the rest of the Roman territory was put under the authority of proconsuls nominated by the Senate. In both cases, the provincial authorities were professional administrators under tight control of Rome rather than greedy political climbers looking to line their pockets.
In recent years, Google and Amazon fell under renewed scrutiny for their military work, including their Project Nimbus contracts with the Israeli government. Employees of both cloud providers staged sit-ins last year to protest Project Nimbus, under which Google and Amazon reportedly provided cloud computing services to the Israel Defense Forces.
The Pentagon and militaries around the globe have a renewed appetite to use AI, the Department of Defense’s chief AI officer previously told TechCrunch. As Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and other tech giants invest hundreds of billions of dollars in AI infrastructure, many are looking to recoup that investment through military partnerships.
Thank you for your videos mate.... With Trump's presidency, economic shifts are expected to be significant, especially given the current recession and the potential impact of future rate cuts. Although rate cuts might not boost inflation as hoped, they may lead banks to further restrict consumer and corporate lending, contributing to a deflationary period for various assets. This environment could result in declining stock values, retail and housing sales, and rising unemployment due to layoffs. For investors, a diversified portfolio especially with stocks and cryptocurrencies offers some protection, serving as a hedge amid volatility. Both long- and short-term trading strategies can help manage risks, providing stability as markets adjust. I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 130k to a decent 732k in the space of a few months...
Amodei said he didn’t think DeepSeek’s models today are “literally dangerous” in providing rare and dangerous information but that they might be in the near future. Although he praised DeepSeek’s team as “talented engineers,” he advised the company to “take seriously these AI safety considerations.”
Amodei has also supported strong export controls on chips to China, citing concerns that they could give China’s military an edge.
Amodei didn’t clarify in the ChinaTalk interview which DeepSeek model Anthropic tested, nor did he give more technical details about these tests. Anthropic didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment from TechCrunch. Neither did DeepSeek.
DeepSeek’s rise has sparked concerns about its safety elsewhere, too. For example, Cisco security researchers said last week that DeepSeek R1 failed to block any harmful prompts in its safety tests, achieving a 100% jailbreak success rate.
Cisco didn’t mention bioweapons but said it was able to get DeepSeek to generate harmful information about cybercrime and other illegal activities. It’s worth mentioning, though, that Meta’s Llama-3.1-405B and OpenAI’s GPT-4o also had high failure rates of 96% and 86%, respectively.
I appreciate this highly enlightening video. During periods of economic instability, gold and silver have gained a reputation for their reliability. However, it's crucial not to underestimate the importance of cryptocurrencies, which bring forth unique opportunities such as liquidity, continuous market accessibility, and the potential for substantial profits. As our financial landscape undergoes its digital transformation, crypto presents a distinctive investment terrain not bound by traditional market forces. In a world filled with economic uncertainties, crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum serve as a hedge against inflation and a fresh avenue for portfolio diversification. Personally, I've reaped the benefits of adhering to Alison Bruce trading strategies, accumulating 21 bitcoins in a brief two-month span, a testament to her expertise.
Still, Octavian made sure to influence the appointment of those governors and see that “new men” were mixed in with the patricians so that the ancient families would not be able to gain too much influence. He reduced the size of the Senate to 600 and enlarged its powers to include some judicial responsibility. Moreover he transformed the Senate from a political body to an administrative body to assist with the management of the new government.
Once these changes were put in place, Octavian renamed himself “Augustus” to strengthen his myth and avoid any name or title that would imply a quest for authoritarian power. The association of his new name with the word augurium went to the heart of Roman tradition.
Great video, very informative! Unfortunately I didn't got excited the slightest about our ai-agent future. Stack our skills?.. when ai-agents can replicate and do it x10 better, faster and teamup with other ai-agents. Humans more creative?.. When ai now can produce great and super realistic songs, movies, games etc, even more creative and better than humans. Things I don't understand: 1) why should we pay ai-agents anything if they don't need to eat and pay rent, clothes etc? 2) how the f--k could the rest of us pay that if 95% of all jobs gonna disappear due to ai-agents? 3) how are tech companies really thinking in the "long run", if they want to profit from their different ai-products when 95% of us humans have no jobs/income?...
During these years the Roman Empire continued to expand both in the east and west. Galatia was developed in Asia Minor and western north Africa became a client kingdom. In 23 B.C, Augustus visited Gaul and was helping to direct a campaign in Spain when his weak constitution failed him, he fell ill, and nearly died. Now believing he had to reorganize the governmental structure further, Augustus resigned from his consular posts. But he retained authority over his provinces and had himself granted imperium maius, which placed him above all provincial governors. Augustus was also designated as tribune of the people that same year.
It remains to be seen whether safety concerns like these will make a serious dent in DeepSeek’s rapid adoption. Companies like AWS and Microsoft have publicly touted integrating R1 into their cloud platforms — ironically enough, given that Amazon is Anthropic’s biggest investor.
On the other hand, there’s a growing list of countries, companies, and especially government organizations like the U.S. Navy and the Pentagon that have started banning DeepSeek.
Time will tell if these efforts catch on or if DeepSeek’s global rise will continue. Either way, Amodei says he does consider DeepSeek a new competitor that’s on the level of the U.S.’s top AI companies.
The Age of Intelligence means those who can apply intelligence the best will be the ones is power. In order to use intelligence to make good decisions, whether it is a human or an AI agent, means you have to have access to data. This means those with the data will restrict access to that data. This is already happening. So how do we gain access to data or keep our data from being used by someone that should not be using it. Blockchains are designed to make everything transparent, but if people/companies start restricting access to the data, what good are blockchains?
It is simple to understand. Industrial revolution replaced human muscle physical effort. Human muscle cannot compete with the machines. Compute is now replacing human brain cognitive effort. Human brain cannot compete with the machines. Human muscle nor brain labor required. End of story. Our current systems do not function. We need new systems. All of them. Welcome to the post labor world. Sooner than we thought. Oops.
There exists a set of persuasive techniques that are so powerful that they can shape entire societies without people realizing it. This video uncovers the hidden principles behind mass manipulation, revealing how emotional influence, the repetition effect, and symbolic power override critical thinking. Why do certain figures seem untouchable? How do ideas become unquestionable truths? The answer lies in a work so influential it has shaped history itself. By the end, you’ll uncover the book that reveals it all.
“The new fact here is that there’s a new competitor,” he said on ChinaTalk. “In the big companies that can train AI — Anthropic, OpenAI, Google, perhaps Meta and xAI — now DeepSeek is maybe being added to that category.”
The U.S. money supply comprises currency—dollar bills and coins issued by the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury—and various kinds of deposits held by the public at commercial banks and other depository institutions such as savings and loans and credit unions.
On a phone call with FOX Sports’ Deesha Thosar, Mets owner Steve Cohen heaped praise on his president of baseball operations, David Stearns, for the way he handled the Pete Alonso contract negotiations: “That’s why I hired him. He’s very good at what he does. He’s very patient and disciplined and thoughtful and that’s the kind of thing you start to see paying dividends over time. We’re seeing it.”
The Mets won the long-lasting negotiations with Alonso, turning their original contract offer of seven-years, $158 million into two-years, $54 million with an opt-out.
Speaking to reporters in Port St. Lucie, Brandon Nimmo said he is “so excited” to have Pete Alonso back with the team.
Mets radio broadcaster Keith Raad shared the team’s spring training radio broadcast schedule in a post on X. They will call a total of 10 games with the Spanish broadcast team calling two games.
The St. Lucie Mets announced that the Fan Shop at Clover Park will re-open on Monday at 10 a.m. with a large supply of new merchandise.
On an episode of “The Show,” with Jon Heyman and Joel Sherman, 2024 Met J.D. Martinez spoke about his free agency and Steve Cohen while also revealing his ownership of the original “OMG” sign the Mets team used last year.
The currency component of the money supply is far smaller than the deposit component. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury supply the banks with the currency their customers demand, and when their demand falls, accept a return flow from the banks. The Federal Reserve debits banks' reserves when it provides currency, and credits their reserves when they return currency. In a fractional reserve banking system, drains of currency from banks reduce their reserves, and unless the Federal Reserve provides adequate additional amounts of currency and reserves, a multiple contraction of deposits results, reducing the quantity of money.
A different view is that the magnitude of the money supply is determined not by the Federal Reserve but by the decisions of the public and the banks. In this view banks supply only as much in deposits as the public wants to hold. Additional reserves cannot lead to an increase in the supply of deposits if the public does not want them. People will simply repay loans and shrink the money supply. According to this view a decline in the money supply is a response to a decline in people's demand to hold it, not an independent action by suppliers to reduce the quantity of money.
From the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913 until the end of World War II, the money supply tended to grow at a higher rate than the growth of nominal GNP. This increase in the ratio of money supply to GNP shows an increase in the amount of money as a fraction of their income that people wanted to hold. From 1946 to 1980, nominal GNP tended to grow at a higher rate than the growth of the money supply, an indication that the public reduced its money balances relative to income. Until 1986, money balances grew relative to income; since then they have declined relative to income. Economists explain these movements by changes in price expectations, as well as changes in interest rates that make money holding more or less expensive.
If prices are expected to fall, the inducement to hold money balances rises since money will buy more if the expectations are realized; similarly, if interest rates fall, the cost of holding money balances rather than spending or investing them declines. If prices are expected to rise or interest rates rise, holding money rather than spending or investing it becomes more costly.
The money supply has tended to rise more rapidly during business cycle expansions than during business cycle contractions. The rate of rise has tended to slow down before the peak in business and to accelerate before the trough.
Since 1914 an actual decline of the money supply has occurred during only three business cycle contractions, each of which was severe as judged by the decline in output and rise in unemployment: 1920 to 1921, 1929 to 1933, 1937 to 1938. The severity of the economic decline in each of these cyclical downturns, it is widely accepted, was a consequence of the reduction in the quantity of money, particularly so for the downturn that began in 1929, when the quantity of money fell by one-third, an unprecedented reduction.
The United States has experienced three major price inflations since 1914, and each has been preceded and accompanied by a corresponding increase in the rate of growth of the money supply: 1914 to 1920, 1939 to 1948, 1967 to 1980. An acceleration of money growth in excess of real output growth has invariably produced inflation—in these episodes and in many earlier examples in this country and elsewhere in the world.
To ignore the magnitude of money supply changes is to court monetary disorder. That is the lesson that the history of money supply teaches.
Both of these titles carried authority without office – novel in the history of Roman governance. During the teens B.C, we see Augustus establishing a civil service for the first time in Roman history. The beneficiaries of this expansion of government were the knights who occupied the position of a middle class – professionals who were willing to do work patricians saw as beneath them but more educated and capable than the plebs. As Max Weber has told us, bureaucracy is a dangerous thing; too structured to be efficient and fundamentally wasteful. Still, bureaucracies are stabilizing forces in society that operate separately from the politics around them. Augustus’ bureaucracy would manage the business of Rome for hundreds of years.
The Federal Reserve is carefully monitoring credit markets and is prepared to use its full range of tools to support the flow of credit to households and businesses and thereby promote its maximum employment and price stability goals. In addition to actions taken by the Federal Open Market Committee, including actions taken in coordination with other central banks, the Federal Reserve Board announced a series of actions in support of these goals. These actions are summarized below.
Reserve Requirements
For many years, reserve requirements played a central role in the implementation of monetary policy by creating a stable demand for reserves. In January 2019, the FOMC announced its intention to implement monetary policy in an ample reserves regime. Reserve requirements do not play a significant role in this operating framework.
In light of the shift to an ample reserves regime, the Board has reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective on March 26, the beginning of the next reserve maintenance period. This action eliminates reserve requirements for thousands of depository institutions and will help to support lending to households and businesses.
Augustus’ careful building of the principate had taken about fifteen years to accomplish and the end result was stability in Rome. Still, the difficult problem of succession remained. Augustus had created such a unique title and span of authority that there was no other single person who could fill his position. No one had the qualifications. And on a practical level, he had extreme difficulty lining up an heir. The first candidate, Marcellus, husband of Augustus’ daughter Julia, died in 23 B.C. Nero Drusus, son of Livia, who was probably preferred over his brother Tiberius, died in Germania in 9 B.C. Then after Julia married Agrippa and they had two sons Gaius and Lucius, those boys were seen as successors. But by extraordinary chance, Gaius died in 4 B.C. and Lucius two years later. Now there was no question that Tiberius remained the sole successor so Augustus threw up his hands, adopted him, and made him heir.
Tiberius would succeed Augustus upon the latter’s death in 14 A.D. and fail to carry out his legacy. He was a sullen personality who would not get on with the Senate and so his years were marked by regression of the Roman political system and a steady march to tyranny. Tiberius indifference to governing coupled with the ruthless methods of his associate Sejanus undid much of what Augustus had accomplished. Should we be surprised?
The great sociologist Max Weber asserted that political leadership can only achieve legitimacy through one of three forms: traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal. In this post we will discuss how Octavian, through guile and political skill, leveraged himself forward using these forms to his advantage. The history of Octavian anticipates Weber and demonstrates a classic example of political calculation.
For Weber, tradition refers to the hereditary transfer of authority from one generation to the next, as in the royal houses of Europe. These leaders are not given legitimacy for any personal characteristics they may have, but only through rights held by their family. The opposite form is the charismatic leader who obtains legitimacy based on personal characteristics he possesses that appeal to people and make them want him as a leader. One would certainly consider Alexander the Great a charismatic leader, but in his case and all others charismatic legitimacy is delicate and fleeting because it ends with the death of the individual. The third form, called rational-legal refers to legitimacy obtained through a procedure that is legally sanctioned. Elections are the most obvious example of this form because they require the public to obey leaders who have been chosen in a legally sanctified way.
Prior to the assassination of Caesar, Octavian had little going for him other than ambition. He was a member of the famous Julii family, making him a patrician by birth and almost guaranteeing a successful career in politics, but what else would he accomplish?
The day Octavian landed at Brundisium and learned about the inheritance of Caesar’s fortune, his life changed forever. Ambition was put into action so quickly one suspects a master plan behind it. Octavian immediately changed his name to C. Iulius Caesar Octavianus, creating a family connection to the deceased charismatic leader. His new name, with Caesar contained in it, forged a legal connection which could not be disputed.
At this point, we introduce a chronology documenting the moves Octavian made in his effort to take control of the Roman world. I believe that seeing these in a list helps to frame the stratagem and the extent of his efforts.
April, 44 B.C. Octavian was rebuffed in his attempts to obtain Caesar’s legacy from Antony, so he used family assets to pay off Caesar’s legacies. These efforts marked him as a decisive and honest leader who could be trusted.
Late spring, 44 B.C. Octavian launched a PR campaign to Caesar’s veterans without any legal authority to do so, raised a considerable army, and even won over two of Antony’s legions. Octavian knew that military power was needed to create political power and of course, his rivals had armies he had to offset with his own. He must have exhibited an impressive force of will to win over the army because the link with Caesar could only have carried him so far.
Summer- Fall, 44 B.C. Octavian allowed to Senate to view him as preferable to Antony who they disliked. Cicero, in particular, lauded Octavian as a champion of the Republic.
Welcome to the new era of investment management tech. Today, views across risk/return outcomes and asset allocation are table stakes. Institutions want to unlock value and scale, while uncovering insights across horizontal functions, strategies, geographies and everything in between.
April, 43 B.C. Octavian accompanied the consuls Pansa and Hirtius in their pursuit of Antony, who they defeated at Mutina and Bolonia, but both consuls were killed in battle and Octavian was left as the sole commander of the consular army. He was denied a nomination as consul and threatened to march on Rome if not given the title. The Senate relented and elected him consul suffectus along with Quintus Pedius, a relative who had given his Caesarian inheritance to Octavian.
October, 43 B.C. Octavian agreed to a Second Triumvirate in order to define the contractual obligations between himself and his rivals and to legitimize his position as one of the three most powerful men in Rome.
October-December, 43 B.C. During the time Octavian was meeting with his fellow triumvirs, Pedius pushed two new laws through the assembly. The first confirmed the adoption of Octavian by Caesar and the use of his name. The second law made outlaws of Caesar’s murderers. Octavian’s strategy was addition and subtraction: raise himself and lower the enemy. Antony was already disliked by the Senate and now the assassins were placed on the enemies list.
November- December, 43 B.C. Octavian participated in the proscription put together by the triumvirs that gained additional wealth for each and disposed of many enemies. Whatever one thinks of Octavian’s moral character, he cannot be excused for the excesses perpetrated there.
Aladdin® Risk combines sophisticated risk analytics with quality-controlled data and highly scalable processing capabilities, allowing clients to know what they own across their portfolio, identify opportunities and make more informed decisions.
Ice storm warning issued for Bedford County until 3 a.m. Sunday
On Saturday at 1:21 p.m. an ice storm warning was issued by the National Weather Service in effect until Sunday at 3 a.m. for Bedford County.
On Saturday at 1:21 p.m. an ice storm warning was issued by the National Weather Service in effect until Sunday at 3 a.m. for Bedford County.
The weather service says to be ready for, "Significant icing. Snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations between two tenths and three tenths of an inch."
"Scattered power outages are possible due to downed tree limbs. Any untreated roads or sidewalks will be treacherous," explains the weather service. "Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1."
NY Native Pilot Among Crew Members Presumed Dead In DC Plane Crash: Reports
Relatives and loved ones have identified the four crew members on the American Airlines plane that collided with an Army helicopter over Washington, DC, according to reports.
The crew on American Airlines Flight 5342 was based in Charlotte Douglas International Airport, WSOC-TV Channel 9 reported. Among them were Captain Jonathan Campos, First Officer Samuel Lilley, and flight attendants Ian Epstein and Danasia Elder.
The plane was also carrying 60 passengers from Wichita, Kansas, when it crashed over the Potomac River near Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport just before 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 29. All 67 people aboard the PSA Airlines-operated plane and Army Black Hawk helicopter are feared dead, authorities said.
Campos, 34, was originally from New York and grew up in Florida, the Daily Mail reported. He trained at the Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, FL, earning certification as a flight instructor in 2017 and a commercial airline pilot in 2018.
New Snowfall Map: 'First Ice Storm In Years' Will Cause Dangerous Travel For Much Of Northeast
A new winter storm will bring a prolonged period of snow and ice, causing treacherous travel in most of the Northeast.
The system is due to arrive overnight Wednesday, Feb. 5 and start out with widespread snow, before transitioning to freezing rain in the early morning hours of Thursday, Feb. 6, followed by a shift to all rain, according to the National Weather Service.
Snowfall accumulation of between 1 to 3 inches is predicted in areas in the lighter shade of blue in the first image above, including parts of northern New Jersey, Pennsylvania, as well as a broad area in New York, Connecticut and New England.
In the second image above, areas where significant to severe icing is expected are shown in the darker shade, including parts of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. Localized icing is forecast in the lighter-shaded areas.
Car Fire Kills Man Outside Westchester Municipal Building: Police
An 82-year-old man died in a fiery crash outside of a municipal building Friday evening, Feb. 7 in Westchester.
Police received multiple 911 calls for a motor vehicle fire with an occupant trapped in the back of the municipal building parking lot on Maple Avenue around 5:45 p.m. in Hastings on Hudson, Chief David A Dosin said.
Officers and fire chiefs from the Hastings-on-Hudson Fire Department attempted to remove the driver from the vehicle utilizing fire extinguishers but were unsuccessful.
Additional fire trucks arrived on the scene and extinguished the fire. Ultimately, the operator of the vehicle, an 82-year-old Hastings on Hudson resident, died in the fire.
Car Flips On I-684 In Katonah
Firefighters rushed to Interstate 684 in Northern Westchester after a car overturned amid snowy conditions, causing injuries.
The crash happened on Thursday, Feb. 6 at around 10:30 a.m., when a car flipped on I-684 North near Exit 5 in Katonah, according to 511NY and the Katonah Fire Department.
Arriving first responders soon rescued the driver from the vehicle, who was then taken to Westchester Medical Center.
Fire crews stayed at the scene for a short amount of time to help tow trucks and manage traffic.
President Trump’s no-nonsense "Border Czar" Tom Homan tells Glenn Beck in an exclusive interview that he’s “very concerned” about reports that Mexico’s drug cartels are planning drone and explosives attacks against U.S. Border Patrol agents. He warns that if cartels hurt any federal agents or members of the U.S. military, President Trump will "wipe them off of the face of the earth.” He also has a message for anti-ICE politicians, like New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who suggest they're knowingly harboring or concealing illegals: “It’s a felony,” and Attorney General Pam Bondi is watching.
The American people I know LOVE TOM HOMAN!! Thank you Sir from the bottom of my heart for the work you have done and the work your going to do. My father has passed, he was WW2 VETERAN, I know he woul thank you and consider you an outstanding Man. A man who says what he means, means what he says, No bullshit, straight up aMan of his word. I pray to Jesus our Lord and Savior that he helps protect the Men and Women of Ice, Border Patrol, LAW enforcement and our Military. May The Lord Jesus Christ spread his Protective hand over these people, Donald J Trump his family, Tom Holman and his family,The entire administration of our Great President and the men and women who will get our Nation back on track. Make America Great Again!!
January 1, 42 B.C. Julius Caesar was declared a god by the Senate, making Octavian, his adopted son, the son of a god. This precedent created a political-religious link from Octavian to all of Roman history. No traditional legitimacy could have been stronger.
Summer-Fall, 42 B.C. Octavian accompanied Antony in the pursuit of Cassius and Brutus to further legitimize his reputation as a military leader and avenger of the murderers of Caesar. Lepidus, who was left to manage Rome, was now seen as inferior.
Spring, 41 B.C. Following the victory at Philippi, a contract was signed between the triumvirs which re-divided the provinces. Lepidus was denied any territory.
Projected Storm Snowfall Totals Increase: Up To Foot Possible In These Spots
Projected snowfall totals have increased for the next in a series of winter storms in the Northeast, with some locations now expected to get around a foot of accumulation.
1 to 3 inches in the lightest shade of blue,
3 to 6 inches in the next shade,
6 to 12 inches in the darkest shade.
Locations where there will be mainly a wintry mix, including significant icing, are visible by clicking on the second image.
For precipitation types by region, click on the third image above.
"The storm this weekend is just the next in a series of storms that is part of the pattern change that began late last week," AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Joe Lundberg.
Teen, 15, Found Dead: 2 Nabbed After Discovery Of Body In Westchester, Police Say (Update)
Authorities have charged two people in connection to the death of 15-year-old Jonson Temaj, a high school student who was found unresponsive on a sidewalk in Westchester, police announced.
New Rochelle Police announced Friday, Feb. 7, that two people have been charged in connection with Temaj's death after his body was found on Thursday, Feb. 6 at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Charles Street in New Rochelle, as Daily Voice reported.
The suspects are:
Hugo Perez-Gabriel, 32, of New Rochelle, who is charged with concealment of a human corpse and endangering the welfare of a child;
A 16-year-old teen from New Rochelle, whose name was not made public and is charged with concealment of a human corpse and second-degree possession of a forged instrument.
According to police, the two suspects removed Temaj’s body from a nearby residence and left him on the sidewalk, where officers later discovered him without a shirt or shoes.
The cause of death remains undetermined as authorities await toxicology reports. Detectives continue to investigate and urge anyone with information to contact the New Rochelle Police Department’s non-emergency line at 914-654-2300 or provide anonymous tips at 914-632-COPS.
111 Katonahs Wood Road, Bedford, NY 10536, Bedford, NY 10536 - $5,500,000
BEDFORD, N.Y. — A property at 111 Katonahs Wood Road, Bedford, NY 10536 in Bedford is listed at $5,500,000.
40 B.C, Octavian had his sister, Octavia, marry Antony, whose wife had just died. That marital link would serve as a temporary insurance policy to prevent any actions by Antony against him.
Winter, 39-38 B.C, Octavian attacked the rebellious Sextus Pompeius at sea and lost half his ships. Now realizing his shortcomings as a military commander, Octavian Named Agrippa as his senior commander.
36 B.C. After the Sicilian campaign and Lepidus’ defiance, Octavian forced his former partner into retirement, removing an obstacle on the path to control of Rome. Now only Antony stood in the way.
Discovery Of 12 Dead Geese Prompts Park Closure, Bird Flu Concerns In Westchester
Officials in a Westchester town are urging caution after a dozen Canada geese were found dead at a local park, prompting concerns of possible bird flu.
The dead birds were discovered on Sunday, Feb. 2, at Carroll Park on Rollings Hill Road in Thornwood, Mount Pleasant town officials said on Wednesday, Feb. 5.
The geese were removed by a professional wildlife expert and sent to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for testing.
As a precaution, town officials have closed Carroll Park until testing confirms there is no health threat to visitors. A laser device is being used to deter other geese from landing at the pond.
Town Supervisor Carl Fulgenzi and Police Chief Paul Oliva have warned residents to stay away from any dead geese and report any sightings immediately.
"Unfortunately, there are a growing number of Avian Flu cases across the state and beyond. All of us need to be aware of the potential health risks posed to humans and be sure to report but not go near a dead bird as the chances are high that it will be infected," Fulgenzi said.
Anyone in town who finds a dead goose on public or town-owned property should contact the Mount Pleasant Police Department at 914-769-1941 to have a wildlife professional remove it.
Meanwhile, dead geese on private property should be reported to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for guidance.
33 B.C. Antony took up with Cleopatra and became dependent on her fortune, Octavian started a campaign to discredit his former colleague. He painted Antony as a demoralized man under the thumb of the Egyptian queen. Then in 32 B.C, when the consuls tried to censure Octavian, the young man unleashed a vicious attack on Antony causing both consuls and three hundred senators to leave Rome and join Antony.
32 B.C. Octavian had Antony’s will retrieved from the Vestal Virgins and read aloud in public. It proclaimed that Caesarian, Caesar’s son with Cleopatra as legitimate, provided for Antony’s sons with Cleopatra, and called for Antony to be buried with her. This news was offensive to most Romans who now viewed Antony as weak.
31 B.C. Octavian declared war on Antony and defeated him at the battle of Actium.
Pets Killed, Homes Damaged: 500K Stoves Recalled Over This Fire Risk
Half a million electric ranges are being recalled after reports of the stoves accidentally turning on, causing fires and killing pets, officials said.
LG is recalling about 500,000 stoves due to a fire hazard linked to front-mounted knobs, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said in a news release on Thursday, Feb. 6. The recall includes LG Slide-In and Freestanding electric ranges with knobs that can be accidentally turned on by humans or pets.
The issue has led to at least 86 reports of unintentional activation, resulting in 28 fires, the CPSC said. At least five fires caused extensive property damage totaling more than $340,000.
Eight minor injuries, including burns, have been reported. Officials also received reports of three fires that resulted in pet deaths.
The recalled ranges were sold at major retailers, including Best Buy, Costco, The Home Depot, and Lowe's, as well as online at Depending on the model, sales ranged from 2015 through January 2025, with prices between $1,400 and $2,650.
Owners should contact LG for a free warning label that reminds users to enable the "control lock" or "lock out" function when the range is not in use. LG is also urging consumers to keep children and pets away from the knobs, check that the range is off before leaving home or going to bed, and avoid leaving objects on the cooktop.
You can find a list of affected model and serial numbers on LG's website.
Winning Numbers For Friday, Feb. 7 'Mega Millions' Drawing With Estimated $94M Jackpot
The winning numbers have been announced for the Friday, Feb. 7 Mega Millions drawing.
The estimated jackpot is $94 million with a $42.9 million cash option.
The winning numbers were 04-24-32-41-55 with a Mega Ball of 16 and a Megaplier of 2X.
If no winner wins the top prize, the jackpot will continue to roll until the next drawing at 10:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Lottery players have a 1 in 302,575,350 chance of winning a Mega Millions jackpot by matching all five balls plus the gold Mega Ball, according to officials. Prizes then range from $1 million to $2.
The steps outlined above were methodically carried out over a thirteen year period. When it began, Octavian was nineteen years old. When it ended, he was thirty-two.
How did this behavior anticipate Weber?
First and foremost, Octavian built a bridge to tradition by adopting Caesar’s name and certifying himself as Caesar’s adopted son. When Caesar became deified, Octavian became the son of a god.
Anduril has signed a term sheet to raise up to $2.5 billion at a valuation of $28 billion, according to sources close to the company.
The company is planning to raise up to $2.5 billion in the round, said the people who asked not to be named because the details are confidential. The latest funding would double Anduril's valuation from August.
Anduril, the three-time CNBC Disruptor 50 company that ranked No. 2 in 2024, aims to disrupt traditional defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman by developing its own products and selling them to clients, in contrast to the traditional military process of contracting and then building.
Luckey, who sold virtual reality company Oculus to Facebook for $2 billion in 2014, has been a public supporter of Donald Trump since long before the president's return to the White House.
"I've been on the tech-for-Trump train for longer than just about anyone," Luckey, who started the company in 2017, told CNBC's "Closing Bell Overtime" on Nov. 6, right after Trump's election victory. "The idea that we need to be the strongest military in the world is really non-partisan."
Meta on Friday announced PARTNR, a new program designed to study human-robot interaction (HRI). The research is specifically focused on how humans and robots might collaborate in the home environment. That includes mundane tasks like cleaning, cooking, and picking up food deliveries.
Automated housework is a decades-old dream, most prominently captured by Rosey on “The Jetsons.” The robot maid debuted on prime-time television more than 60 years ago but continues to be a popular touchstone when discussing the potential for sophisticated machines to remove some of the burden of household chores.
To date, however, only the robot vacuum has made significant headway in the market. There are numerous reasons why no other home robots have cracked the mainstream, including price, reliability, and limited functionality. It’s certainly not for lack of trying, nor is it due to consumer disinterest. It’s just that no other robot has hit the mark on both cost and feature set.
It’s likely that seeing more robots in the home will require improved collaboration with the people who own them. The first wave of home robots are unlikely to single-handedly manage chores. Even a good robot vacuum needs help from time to time. Meta is positioning PARTNR as both a benchmark and dataset to determine how people and robots might work together to get things done around the home.
Andrew Ng, the founder and former leader of Google Brain, supports Google’s recent decision to drop its pledge not to build AI systems for weapons.
“I’m very glad that Google has changed its stance,” Ng said during an onstage interview Thursday evening with TechCrunch at the Military Veteran Startup Conference in San Francisco.
Earlier this week, Google deleted a 7-year-old pledge from its AI principles web page, which promised the company would not design AI for weapons or surveillance. Alongside the deletion, Google published a blog post penned by DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis, who noted companies and governments should work together to build AI that “supports national security.”
Google made its AI weapons pledge in 2018 following the Project Maven protests, in which thousands of employees protested the company’s contracts with the U.S. military. The protestors specifically took issue with Google supplying AI for a military program that helped interpret video images and could be used to improve the accuracy of drone strikes.
Anthropic's CEO Dario Amodei claims DeepSeek generated sensitive bioweapons data in a safety test it ran.
Anthropic’s CEO Dario Amodei is worried about competitor DeepSeek, the Chinese AI company that took Silicon Valley by storm with its R1 model. And his concerns could be more serious than the typical ones raised about DeepSeek sending user data back to China.
In an interview on Jordan Schneider’s ChinaTalk podcast, Amodei said DeepSeek generated rare information about bioweapons in a safety test run by Anthropic.
DeepSeek’s performance was “the worst of basically any model we’d ever tested,” Amodei claimed. “It had absolutely no blocks whatsoever against generating this information.”
Amodei stated that this was part of evaluations Anthropic routinely runs on various AI models to assess their potential national security risks. His team looks at whether models can generate bioweapons-related information that isn’t easily found on Google or in textbooks. Anthropic positions itself as the AI foundational model provider that takes safety seriously.
Good morning everyone! Hope you have a great weekend! ❤️
I was outside with my dog, then made some workout, and now we are both tired. 😄
I will do some Hive stuff now and then play World of Warcraft and just chill. 🤩
Nothing beats getting some fresh air, moving a bit, and then just relaxing. Your dog is probably thinking, haaa finally nap time. Enjoy your session dear
$HIVE on toes after a price slashing storm ripples through alts, not many worries about $BTC, but alts are currently in survival mode. If $BTC goes $5K then the prices will drop further.
$LEO price has fallen a bit from its ATH price and I think it's a nice time to score up some Leo if anyone wants to build a stake. For me, I recently crossed 12,000 Leo stake and am still chasing my way to reach 15k one day.
Happy weekend to you Lions. What will you be doing today?
I'll spend time with my siblings, which I have already started, have 2 videos to work on, be present on INLEO, and get other things done. Oh, I almost forgot, I should also do some skips today, my skipping rope has been on leave, haha.
The U.S. jobs data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is out for January, and the figures positively impact Bitcoin (BTC). The data show that NonFarm Payrolls (NFP) recorded a surge of 143,000 in January.
Due to the fixes, recoding of some of Hive-Engine, I am getting errors in my DripDAy script, so dripday is delayed untill I can get my script fixed/recoded to match the changes Hive-Engine made. I won't miss any drips, just delays.
After all these have been integrated and system set well with more tokens available to exchange, this could be the best ever even against big exchange platforms
This is huge for me! 💥
52,301 monthly listeners on Spotify! 😱 🎉
That means I broke my old record, which was 52k! Numbers still seem to climb, let´s see where the new record will be! 🤩📈
▶️ Threadcast - STREAM AND GET FREE $LEO 💲 -
To be eligible for the free $LEO tokens:
Just stream my music on Spotify for longer than 30 seconds
Post a Screenshot of doing so in the reply of this post
Use the tag #raven in your reply
If you don´t have Spotify, you can also stream something on YouTube
👉 Link to my profiles are in the reply.
Thanks for all your support guys! ❤️
#music #streams #spotify #achievements #goal #raven #beatraxx
Thank you so much!! =)
Congrats. That is amazing :D
Thanks alot! =)
love seeing this! You have my support
Thank you so much! I appreciate this! :)
I really like promotions like this. Saw and X and decided to hop on by. Congrats on the 52k streams. #Raven
Thank you so much for participating! ❤️ I will send out all free $LEO tomorrow. :)
Thanks so much! =)
I'm also following you, #raven! Great music!
Thank you so much!! =)
Congrats on reaching new heights! Creative way to boost external engagement btw…genius 🤓

& Zen Garden is flames 🔥 #raven
Thank you so much!! =) Hope to reach even higher heights! :D
Still listening ;)
Thanks so much! =)
You are very welcome!
This makes me want to use Spotify. But I use other music services inatead 😬
Therefore I also posted the YouTube link. ;)
Congratulations for reaching a new milestone!
Thank you so much! =)
That's a lot of progress, don't know any music so I'll know you
Thank you =)
welcome 🤗
Thanks! =)
Well that's pretty awesome!
It is! Thank you! =)
Pass me the youtube link. Don't have spotify.
Well, it helps to read the thread till the end. ;)
#youtube #music #raven
#spotify #music #raven
The #cent project continues to be an amazing hedge for the price swings in our ecosystem!
This week I received 15 HBD for delegating #cent #leo #vyb and #pob to @centtoken (thanks!!)
!BBHThis is beautiful. I have some #cent tokens lying about. I need to get them to work.
Congratulations 🎉
it seems nice project to eanr some paassive income
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 2/8/25. The goal is to make this a technology "reddit".
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
Single paragraphs
!summarize #tesla #balancesheet #assets
In December, Anduril announced a partnership with artificial intelligence startup OpenAI, allowing the defense tech company to deploy advanced AI systems for "national security missions."
It's part of a broader and controversial trend of AI companies walking back bans on military use of their products and entering into partnerships with defense companies and the U.S. Department of Defense. In December, Anthropic and Palantir announced a partnership with Amazon Web Services to "provide U.S. intelligence and defense agencies access" to Anthropic's AI models.
While Anduril is still privately held, Palantir, which sells software and services to defense agencies, is publicly traded and has been one of the best performers on the stock market in the past year, jumping 370% over that stretch, lifting its market cap past $250 billion. The company reported in its latest earnings report this week that government revenue jumped 45% from a year earlier to $343 million.
Peter Thiel's Founders Fund is leading the latest Anduril financing, with a $1 billion commitment, sources said, the largest check ever for the firm. Thiel, who was a major Trump supporter in the 2016 campaign, is one of Palantir's co-founders. Trae Stephens, a partner at Founders Fund, is an Anduril co-founder.
!summarize fsd #tesla
!summarize #mlb #trade #rumors #arenado #cease
!summarize #data #ev #battery
Anduril's revenue in 2024 doubled to about $1 billion and annual contract value reached $1.5 billion, the people said.
In 2023, Anduril launched several new drones that rely on its Lattice AI-powered command and control software used by the U.S. military and allies to direct human-assisted robotics systems to perform complex missions.
Hims & Hers faces scrutiny from senators on Super Bowl ad that 'risks misleading' patients
Two U.S. senators wrote a letter to the Food and Drug Administration on Friday expressing concerns about an upcoming Super Bowl ad.
Hims & Hers is facing scrutiny from lawmakers over an advertisement for its weight loss offerings that's slated to run during the Super Bowl on Sunday.
Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Roger Marshall, R-Kan., wrote a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday expressing concerns over an "upcoming advertisement" that "risks misleading patients by omitting any safety or side effect information when promoting a specific type of weight loss medication."
!summarize #tariff #trade #Trump
The Hims & Hers ad, which the company released online in late January, is called "Sick of the System" and sharply criticizes the $160 billion weight loss industry. It shows visuals of existing weight loss medications known as GLP-1s, including injection pens that look like Novo Nordisk's blockbuster diabetes drug Ozempic.
The ad claims those drugs are "priced for profits, not patients" and points to Hims & Hers' weight loss medications as "affordable" and "doctor-trusted" alternatives.
!summarize #newtgingrich #trump
!summarize #ev #germany #gas #ice
"We are complying with existing law and are happy to continue working with Congress and the new Administration to fix the broken health system and ensure that patients have choices for quality, safe, and affordable healthcare," a Hims & Hers spokesperson told CNBC in a statement.
The senators do not mention Hims & Hers by name in their letter, but they do reference some of the visuals in the ad, including "imagery of an injection pen with distinctive characteristics reflective of an existing brand-name medication."
"Nowhere in this promotion is there any side effect disclosure, risk, or safety information as would be typically required in a pharmaceutical advertisement," the senators wrote. "Further, for only three seconds during the minute-long commercial does the screen flash in small, barely legible font, that these products are not FDA-approved."
Scott Brunner, CEO of the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding, said Friday that Hims & Hers' ad is consistent with "help-seeking" pharmaceutical advertising.
With the threat of the former king extinguished, the Republic was free to move forward in its new form. The administrative function of the king was given to a pair newly created magistrates (consuls) and religious authority was granted to a magistrate called the Pontifex Maximus. The consuls were given veto right over each other to avoid an accumulation of power and as a further brake on the latter, their term of office was limited to one year. A common element of republics throughout history has been the design of governmental structures that make it difficult to accumulate power, because republics are built by those who abhor a monarchy.
!summarize #stjohns #uconn #bigeast #basketball #college #mens
"Hims' Super Bowl ad does not promote a specific drug or medication and therefore is not required to provide information about side effects or risks," Brunner said in a statement. "Instead, it encouraged viewers to consult with a healthcare provider, which aligns with the FTC's guidelines for non-specific, 'help-seeking' advertisements."
Hims & Hers began offering compounded semaglutide through its platform in May after launching a new weight loss program in late 2023. Semaglutide is the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, which can each cost around $1,000 a month without insurance.
Shares of Hims & Hers jumped more than 170% last year, thanks to soaring demand for GLP-1s. They closed up 5% on Friday, lifting the company's market cap to about $9.5 billion.
Compounded GLP-1s are typically much cheaper and can serve as an alternative for patients who are navigating complex supply hurdles and spotty insurance coverage. Hims & Hers sells compounded semaglutide for under $200 a month.
In the first decades after the removal of the king, Rome would face twin threats to her sovereignty: wars with her neighbors and an internal class struggle. In the former case, she was attacked by almost everyone: first Etruscans, Samnites, Latins, from nearby who were conquered and assimilated; and then the Volci and Aequi, tribes from the western edge of the Apennine Mountains, who fought Rome for nearly a century. We think of Rome in later times as imperialistic, but her posture here was totally defensive, and she was just trying to survive. Those early military victories sharpened her skill in battle and honed her cultural will for the future.
The FDA doesn't review the safety and efficacy of compounded products, which are custom-made alternatives to brand-name drugs designed to meet a specific patient's needs. Compounded products can also be produced when brand-name treatments are in shortage.
Semaglutide is currently in shortage, according to the FDA.
Durbin and Marshall said advertisements for brand-name GLP-1 medications include "significant risk disclosures to patients about side effects and contraindications, including warnings about potential gallbladder, pancreas, vomiting, diarrhea, and other implications."
Class struggle would carry on for centuries and nearly everyone is familiar with the terms patrician and plebian, which survive to the present day as labels for rich and poor. The Rome of the monarchy had built a patronage system of mutual benefits -- patricians were able to use plebs to act as their agents and those plebs received protection and compensation in return. But that system was not enough to keep class differences under control once the Republic came into being. In 494 B.C, the plebs initiated a strike to demand a grain distribution to help those suffering from a famine. The Senate resisted at first, but was eventually forced to give in. Ultimately, the plebs spent a couple of centuries trying to achieve equality in office and equality in power.
The Senate fought them all along the way but reforms were gradually put in place without a major disruption or civil war. Laws were written down in 451 B.C. and displayed in the Forum, offices that were originally restricted to patricians were made open to plebs, and a new magistrate was created, the Tribune, designed to protect the people from abuses of the upper class. The political relationship between classes remained stable until the period after the Punic Wars when the economic status of the lower class plunged to a point where it acted as a catalyst for social unrest and eventually civil war.
A release on Durbin's website says that the ad in question appears to exploit a loophole "regarding promotions of compounded drugs by telehealth companies."
The senators said they believe the FDA may have the authority to take enforcement actions against marketing that could mislead patients, and they plan to introduce new legislation to address regulatory loopholes.
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If you analyze the great cultures of antiquity, you’d find their success was due to geography and personality -- the geography of their physical space and personality of the people in that space. There are countless examples in history where cultures failed to develop when one of these factors was missing. Geography is the obvious contributor because you can measure its influence -- living by the sea can foster shipping; flat open land will support farming; and the presence of natural resources can build a business trading that asset. Personality is harder to pin down because it’s intangible. What is it that makes one people motivated enough to drive cultural development and another less so? There are many cases in history where two groups occupied the same space and only one flourished, but we really don’t understand the reasons for this.
“Our benchmark consists of 100,000 tasks, including household chores such as cleaning up dishes and toys,” Meta writes. “We are also releasing the PARTNR dataset consisting of human demonstrations of the PARTNR tasks in simulation, which can be used for training embodied AI models.”
Simulation has become an increasingly useful tool in robot deployment, allowing organizations to test in seconds what might otherwise take hours or days to accomplish in the real world. Meta says, however, that it has also had success deploying the PARTNR model outside of simulation. It has already been used in Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot in testing. Meta has also built a mixed-reality interface designed to offer a visual representation of the robot’s decision-making processes.
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“The potential for innovation and development in the field of human-robot collaboration is vast,” Meta adds. “With PARTNR, we want to reimagine robots as future partners, and not just agents, and jump start research in this exciting field.”
Age tech holds a lot of potential for the category. Labrador’s automated serving cart, for example, offers insight into ways technology might assist older people who continue to live independently. However, many advances of the variety Meta is aiming to address will be required before such systems gain mainstream acceptance.
Humanoids are another intriguing avenue that have presented themselves in recent years. Most companies behind these bipedal robots foresee a future in which they will eventually help out in the home. That said, pricing needs to come down considerably and reliability needs to improve by leaps and bounds. That is a large part of the reason most manufacturers are looking to address corporate needs first.
With the right scaling and advancements in AI, one can imagine a world in which humanoid robots address general-purpose tasks in a way that allows them to help in both the factory and the home. A major stepping stone to that place requires solid advancements in human-robot collaboration. Meta, which has been exploring robotics amid its wider AI research, is hoping that PARTNR can help them get there.
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Fluorescence is a term anthropologists use to describe a period of rapid development, when the growth of culture accelerates. Often this growth is economically driven when markets open up for skills or goods. Other times, there is no obvious economic driver and it’s just human effort that pushes things forward. In the case of Mesopotamia, for example, it was technology that triggered the advance. Its fluorescent period began when the technical problems of irrigation farming were resolved and crops could be produced in large quantities.
In most instances, geography has been the mainspring of cultural development, serving as primary influence over food production, trade, raw materials, migration, and protection from enemies. In this post, however, we’ll present a different story -- one that saw personality as the prime mover in building the Roman Republic.
Rome is located on the eastern side of the Tiber River amongst its famous seven hills.
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It’s latitude is forty one degrees north, slightly south of the position of Chicago in the United States, but unlike Chicago, Rome is blessed with a Mediterranean climate. Rome’s location in ancient times put it eighteen miles from the mouth of the Tiber where the river empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea. More importantly, there was a ford over the Tiber, near the ancient settlements and situated on the crossroads of a trading route, that allowed commerce to the other side of the river. Surrounding the site of Rome was flat farmland featuring rich volcanic soil put down around 10,000 B.C.
Ng, however, was baffled by the Project Maven protestors, he told an audience largely made up of veterans.
“Frankly, when the Project Maven thing went down … A lot of you are going out, willing to shed blood for our country to protect us all,” said Ng. “So how the heck can an American company refuse to help our own service people that are out there, fighting for us?”
Ng did not work at Google when the Project Maven protests happened, but he did play a key role in shaping Google’s efforts around AI and neural networks. Today, Ng leads an AI-focused venture studio and AI fund, and speaks out frequently about AI policy.
From the original settler’s point of view, the site of Rome offered protection from the west via the Tiber and protection at the site from the hills. Two of them, the Capitoline and the Palatine, were quite steep and difficult to climb. Between these hills sat a marshy swamp. There is evidence of settlements in this area dating to 8000 B.C. and by 800 B.C, there were at least two villages: Rumi on the Palatine Hill and Titientes on the Quirinal. The local inhabitants were mostly Latin and Sabine tribes, the latter a spinoff of the Sabine hill people living on the western slopes of the Apennines. Other tribes in the area included Umbrian’s, Samnites, and Oscan’s.
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A “Latin League” was formed in the eighth century, with Rome as a member, to protect the Latin villages from the Etruscans, but over time, as Rome came under control of Etruscan monarchs, it separated itself from its former allies. Etruscan kings ruled Rome from the seventh century through 509 B.C. when they were forcibly expelled, because the Romans wanted to end the monarchy and live under a Republic. The Romans rejected not only the Etruscan king, but the Etruscan philosophy and way of life, co-opting some of its useful cultural elements as they moved on. By this time, the Roman ethnicity was separate from the rest of the Latins.
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There was something about those Roman Latins that made them different; perhaps the time under the yoke of the Etruscans changed their personality, or maybe it evolved on its own. From the very beginning of the Republic, the Romans had a drive that set them apart from their neighbors -- a drive to build a Republican political system that would give the people more control than they had under an outsider, and use it to advance their agrarian culture. The idea of a Republic was not unique to Rome because the trend around the Mediterranean was in that direction. Many cultures, including the Greeks, were rejecting the monarchical model, but none of Rome’s neighbors had this inclination and none had the drive to grow and diversify their culture. As Rome grew, the Etruscan time would eclipse. As Rome grew, it would take over the Greek cities. Eventually, that small village of Latins would control Europe!
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The Romans had another trait that set them apart -- their engineering mindset. I don’t imagine there has ever been a people on earth with a more structured view of their world and a greater desire to build things. Roads, aqueducts, buildings, army camps, and military discipline are only some examples of the Roman structural view. Oddly, this obsession didn’t leave room for a lot of original thinking. The Romans stole whatever they found interesting in other cultures, including gods, and improved on them. Thinking-wise they were never in a league with the Greeks, but employed them as physicians, educators, and philosophers.
Let’s revisit geography for a minute. The Romans were agrarians because they had high quality soil and they lived inland away from the sea. It never occurred to them to use the sea for their own purposes until they were forced to deal with Carthage at the beginning of the First Punic War. Still, there was nothing unique in their geography that could ignite a new culture on its own.
Rome became fluorescent when it first thought of getting rid of the monarch. The Senate and Assembly were already in operation so all that remained was the creation of an administrative magistrate’s role. The healthy agrarian economy would fund the young Republic and take it places its founders could never have imagined, but it was the people and their will that served as the engine.
Ng later said he was grateful that two AI regulatory efforts — the vetoed California SB 1047 bill and Biden’s overturned AI executive order — were no longer in play. He had repeatedly argued that both measures would slow down open source AI development in America.
The real key to American AI safety, Ng argued, is to ensure America can compete with China technologically. He noted that AI drones would “completely revolutionize the battlefield.”
He’s not the only former Google executive who has spread that message. Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt now spends his days lobbying Washington, D.C., to purchase AI drones to compete with China; his company, White Stork, may eventually supply those drones.
While Ng and Schmidt seem to support the military’s use of AI, the topic has split the ranks within Google for years.
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In the last post we discussed the careful effort employed by Octavian to rid himself of rivals and take control of the Roman Republic. Now we move on to the building of the Principate, which was significantly more difficult. Many revolutionaries, throughout history, have attested to the difficulty of ruling once the battle is over. Indeed, the skillset is much different between tearing down and ruling. In Octavian’s case, he had to maintain the veneer of the Republic while building an authoritarian state. The fact that he was successful puts him near the top of the list of great politicians of all time.
Octavian had the savvy to build a political system that could operate successfully, the temperament to rule fairly, and strength of will to fight off threats which could have weakened or destroyed Rome. Sadly, as so often happens in human society, the attributes of a great ruler don’t often get carried forward to his successors. But that’s another story for later.
Meredith Whittaker, now the president of Signal, led the Maven protests in 2018 while working at Google as an AI researcher. When Google made the pledge to not renew its Project Maven contracts, Whittaker said she was happy about the decision, noting the company “should not be in the business of war.”
She’s not the only Googler who’s dissented. Former Google AI researcher and Nobel laureate Geoffrey Hinton previously called for global governments to prohibit and regulate the use of AI in weapons. Another longtime and revered Google executive, Jeff Dean — now the chief scientist of DeepMind — previously signed a letter opposing the use of machine learning in autonomous weapons.
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Remembering the intolerance of the ruling class for the flaunting of naked power, Octavian sought to disguise his rule under accepted Republican traditions. For the first eight years after Actium (31-23 B.C.), he served as consul using that office as a constitutional basis for power, but half way through that period, he returned control of the state to the Senate and people of Rome -- a brilliant political move which gave the appearance of restoring the ancestral system. At the same time, he was given authority to rule certain provinces, through governors, and the rest of the Roman territory was put under the authority of proconsuls nominated by the Senate. In both cases, the provincial authorities were professional administrators under tight control of Rome rather than greedy political climbers looking to line their pockets.
In recent years, Google and Amazon fell under renewed scrutiny for their military work, including their Project Nimbus contracts with the Israeli government. Employees of both cloud providers staged sit-ins last year to protest Project Nimbus, under which Google and Amazon reportedly provided cloud computing services to the Israel Defense Forces.
The Pentagon and militaries around the globe have a renewed appetite to use AI, the Department of Defense’s chief AI officer previously told TechCrunch. As Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and other tech giants invest hundreds of billions of dollars in AI infrastructure, many are looking to recoup that investment through military partnerships.
Thank you for your videos mate.... With Trump's presidency, economic shifts are expected to be significant, especially given the current recession and the potential impact of future rate cuts. Although rate cuts might not boost inflation as hoped, they may lead banks to further restrict consumer and corporate lending, contributing to a deflationary period for various assets. This environment could result in declining stock values, retail and housing sales, and rising unemployment due to layoffs. For investors, a diversified portfolio especially with stocks and cryptocurrencies offers some protection, serving as a hedge amid volatility. Both long- and short-term trading strategies can help manage risks, providing stability as markets adjust. I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 130k to a decent 732k in the space of a few months...
Amodei said he didn’t think DeepSeek’s models today are “literally dangerous” in providing rare and dangerous information but that they might be in the near future. Although he praised DeepSeek’s team as “talented engineers,” he advised the company to “take seriously these AI safety considerations.”
Amodei has also supported strong export controls on chips to China, citing concerns that they could give China’s military an edge.
Amodei didn’t clarify in the ChinaTalk interview which DeepSeek model Anthropic tested, nor did he give more technical details about these tests. Anthropic didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment from TechCrunch. Neither did DeepSeek.
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DeepSeek’s rise has sparked concerns about its safety elsewhere, too. For example, Cisco security researchers said last week that DeepSeek R1 failed to block any harmful prompts in its safety tests, achieving a 100% jailbreak success rate.
Cisco didn’t mention bioweapons but said it was able to get DeepSeek to generate harmful information about cybercrime and other illegal activities. It’s worth mentioning, though, that Meta’s Llama-3.1-405B and OpenAI’s GPT-4o also had high failure rates of 96% and 86%, respectively.
I appreciate this highly enlightening video. During periods of economic instability, gold and silver have gained a reputation for their reliability. However, it's crucial not to underestimate the importance of cryptocurrencies, which bring forth unique opportunities such as liquidity, continuous market accessibility, and the potential for substantial profits. As our financial landscape undergoes its digital transformation, crypto presents a distinctive investment terrain not bound by traditional market forces. In a world filled with economic uncertainties, crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum serve as a hedge against inflation and a fresh avenue for portfolio diversification. Personally, I've reaped the benefits of adhering to Alison Bruce trading strategies, accumulating 21 bitcoins in a brief two-month span, a testament to her expertise.
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Still, Octavian made sure to influence the appointment of those governors and see that “new men” were mixed in with the patricians so that the ancient families would not be able to gain too much influence. He reduced the size of the Senate to 600 and enlarged its powers to include some judicial responsibility. Moreover he transformed the Senate from a political body to an administrative body to assist with the management of the new government.
Once these changes were put in place, Octavian renamed himself “Augustus” to strengthen his myth and avoid any name or title that would imply a quest for authoritarian power. The association of his new name with the word augurium went to the heart of Roman tradition.
Great video, very informative! Unfortunately I didn't got excited the slightest about our ai-agent future. Stack our skills?.. when ai-agents can replicate and do it x10 better, faster and teamup with other ai-agents. Humans more creative?.. When ai now can produce great and super realistic songs, movies, games etc, even more creative and better than humans. Things I don't understand: 1) why should we pay ai-agents anything if they don't need to eat and pay rent, clothes etc? 2) how the f--k could the rest of us pay that if 95% of all jobs gonna disappear due to ai-agents? 3) how are tech companies really thinking in the "long run", if they want to profit from their different ai-products when 95% of us humans have no jobs/income?...
!summarize #taxes #socialsecurity #trump #finance
During these years the Roman Empire continued to expand both in the east and west. Galatia was developed in Asia Minor and western north Africa became a client kingdom. In 23 B.C, Augustus visited Gaul and was helping to direct a campaign in Spain when his weak constitution failed him, he fell ill, and nearly died. Now believing he had to reorganize the governmental structure further, Augustus resigned from his consular posts. But he retained authority over his provinces and had himself granted imperium maius, which placed him above all provincial governors. Augustus was also designated as tribune of the people that same year.
!summarize #ai #jobs
It remains to be seen whether safety concerns like these will make a serious dent in DeepSeek’s rapid adoption. Companies like AWS and Microsoft have publicly touted integrating R1 into their cloud platforms — ironically enough, given that Amazon is Anthropic’s biggest investor.
On the other hand, there’s a growing list of countries, companies, and especially government organizations like the U.S. Navy and the Pentagon that have started banning DeepSeek.
Time will tell if these efforts catch on or if DeepSeek’s global rise will continue. Either way, Amodei says he does consider DeepSeek a new competitor that’s on the level of the U.S.’s top AI companies.
The Age of Intelligence means those who can apply intelligence the best will be the ones is power. In order to use intelligence to make good decisions, whether it is a human or an AI agent, means you have to have access to data. This means those with the data will restrict access to that data. This is already happening. So how do we gain access to data or keep our data from being used by someone that should not be using it. Blockchains are designed to make everything transparent, but if people/companies start restricting access to the data, what good are blockchains?
!summarize #Tesla #battery #optimus #megapacks
It is simple to understand. Industrial revolution replaced human muscle physical effort. Human muscle cannot compete with the machines. Compute is now replacing human brain cognitive effort. Human brain cannot compete with the machines. Human muscle nor brain labor required. End of story. Our current systems do not function. We need new systems. All of them. Welcome to the post labor world. Sooner than we thought. Oops.
!summarize #book #persuasion #success
There exists a set of persuasive techniques that are so powerful that they can shape entire societies without people realizing it. This video uncovers the hidden principles behind mass manipulation, revealing how emotional influence, the repetition effect, and symbolic power override critical thinking. Why do certain figures seem untouchable? How do ideas become unquestionable truths? The answer lies in a work so influential it has shaped history itself. By the end, you’ll uncover the book that reveals it all.
“The new fact here is that there’s a new competitor,” he said on ChinaTalk. “In the big companies that can train AI — Anthropic, OpenAI, Google, perhaps Meta and xAI — now DeepSeek is maybe being added to that category.”
The U.S. money supply comprises currency—dollar bills and coins issued by the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury—and various kinds of deposits held by the public at commercial banks and other depository institutions such as savings and loans and credit unions.
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On a phone call with FOX Sports’ Deesha Thosar, Mets owner Steve Cohen heaped praise on his president of baseball operations, David Stearns, for the way he handled the Pete Alonso contract negotiations: “That’s why I hired him. He’s very good at what he does. He’s very patient and disciplined and thoughtful and that’s the kind of thing you start to see paying dividends over time. We’re seeing it.”
The Mets won the long-lasting negotiations with Alonso, turning their original contract offer of seven-years, $158 million into two-years, $54 million with an opt-out.
Speaking to reporters in Port St. Lucie, Brandon Nimmo said he is “so excited” to have Pete Alonso back with the team.
Mets radio broadcaster Keith Raad shared the team’s spring training radio broadcast schedule in a post on X. They will call a total of 10 games with the Spanish broadcast team calling two games.
The St. Lucie Mets announced that the Fan Shop at Clover Park will re-open on Monday at 10 a.m. with a large supply of new merchandise.
On an episode of “The Show,” with Jon Heyman and Joel Sherman, 2024 Met J.D. Martinez spoke about his free agency and Steve Cohen while also revealing his ownership of the original “OMG” sign the Mets team used last year.
The currency component of the money supply is far smaller than the deposit component. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury supply the banks with the currency their customers demand, and when their demand falls, accept a return flow from the banks. The Federal Reserve debits banks' reserves when it provides currency, and credits their reserves when they return currency. In a fractional reserve banking system, drains of currency from banks reduce their reserves, and unless the Federal Reserve provides adequate additional amounts of currency and reserves, a multiple contraction of deposits results, reducing the quantity of money.
A different view is that the magnitude of the money supply is determined not by the Federal Reserve but by the decisions of the public and the banks. In this view banks supply only as much in deposits as the public wants to hold. Additional reserves cannot lead to an increase in the supply of deposits if the public does not want them. People will simply repay loans and shrink the money supply. According to this view a decline in the money supply is a response to a decline in people's demand to hold it, not an independent action by suppliers to reduce the quantity of money.
From the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913 until the end of World War II, the money supply tended to grow at a higher rate than the growth of nominal GNP. This increase in the ratio of money supply to GNP shows an increase in the amount of money as a fraction of their income that people wanted to hold. From 1946 to 1980, nominal GNP tended to grow at a higher rate than the growth of the money supply, an indication that the public reduced its money balances relative to income. Until 1986, money balances grew relative to income; since then they have declined relative to income. Economists explain these movements by changes in price expectations, as well as changes in interest rates that make money holding more or less expensive.
If prices are expected to fall, the inducement to hold money balances rises since money will buy more if the expectations are realized; similarly, if interest rates fall, the cost of holding money balances rather than spending or investing them declines. If prices are expected to rise or interest rates rise, holding money rather than spending or investing it becomes more costly.
The money supply has tended to rise more rapidly during business cycle expansions than during business cycle contractions. The rate of rise has tended to slow down before the peak in business and to accelerate before the trough.
Since 1914 an actual decline of the money supply has occurred during only three business cycle contractions, each of which was severe as judged by the decline in output and rise in unemployment: 1920 to 1921, 1929 to 1933, 1937 to 1938. The severity of the economic decline in each of these cyclical downturns, it is widely accepted, was a consequence of the reduction in the quantity of money, particularly so for the downturn that began in 1929, when the quantity of money fell by one-third, an unprecedented reduction.
The United States has experienced three major price inflations since 1914, and each has been preceded and accompanied by a corresponding increase in the rate of growth of the money supply: 1914 to 1920, 1939 to 1948, 1967 to 1980. An acceleration of money growth in excess of real output growth has invariably produced inflation—in these episodes and in many earlier examples in this country and elsewhere in the world.
To ignore the magnitude of money supply changes is to court monetary disorder. That is the lesson that the history of money supply teaches.
Both of these titles carried authority without office – novel in the history of Roman governance. During the teens B.C, we see Augustus establishing a civil service for the first time in Roman history. The beneficiaries of this expansion of government were the knights who occupied the position of a middle class – professionals who were willing to do work patricians saw as beneath them but more educated and capable than the plebs. As Max Weber has told us, bureaucracy is a dangerous thing; too structured to be efficient and fundamentally wasteful. Still, bureaucracies are stabilizing forces in society that operate separately from the politics around them. Augustus’ bureaucracy would manage the business of Rome for hundreds of years.
The Federal Reserve is carefully monitoring credit markets and is prepared to use its full range of tools to support the flow of credit to households and businesses and thereby promote its maximum employment and price stability goals. In addition to actions taken by the Federal Open Market Committee, including actions taken in coordination with other central banks, the Federal Reserve Board announced a series of actions in support of these goals. These actions are summarized below.
Reserve Requirements
For many years, reserve requirements played a central role in the implementation of monetary policy by creating a stable demand for reserves. In January 2019, the FOMC announced its intention to implement monetary policy in an ample reserves regime. Reserve requirements do not play a significant role in this operating framework.
In light of the shift to an ample reserves regime, the Board has reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective on March 26, the beginning of the next reserve maintenance period. This action eliminates reserve requirements for thousands of depository institutions and will help to support lending to households and businesses.
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Augustus’ careful building of the principate had taken about fifteen years to accomplish and the end result was stability in Rome. Still, the difficult problem of succession remained. Augustus had created such a unique title and span of authority that there was no other single person who could fill his position. No one had the qualifications. And on a practical level, he had extreme difficulty lining up an heir. The first candidate, Marcellus, husband of Augustus’ daughter Julia, died in 23 B.C. Nero Drusus, son of Livia, who was probably preferred over his brother Tiberius, died in Germania in 9 B.C. Then after Julia married Agrippa and they had two sons Gaius and Lucius, those boys were seen as successors. But by extraordinary chance, Gaius died in 4 B.C. and Lucius two years later. Now there was no question that Tiberius remained the sole successor so Augustus threw up his hands, adopted him, and made him heir.
Tiberius would succeed Augustus upon the latter’s death in 14 A.D. and fail to carry out his legacy. He was a sullen personality who would not get on with the Senate and so his years were marked by regression of the Roman political system and a steady march to tyranny. Tiberius indifference to governing coupled with the ruthless methods of his associate Sejanus undid much of what Augustus had accomplished. Should we be surprised?
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The great sociologist Max Weber asserted that political leadership can only achieve legitimacy through one of three forms: traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal. In this post we will discuss how Octavian, through guile and political skill, leveraged himself forward using these forms to his advantage. The history of Octavian anticipates Weber and demonstrates a classic example of political calculation.
For Weber, tradition refers to the hereditary transfer of authority from one generation to the next, as in the royal houses of Europe. These leaders are not given legitimacy for any personal characteristics they may have, but only through rights held by their family. The opposite form is the charismatic leader who obtains legitimacy based on personal characteristics he possesses that appeal to people and make them want him as a leader. One would certainly consider Alexander the Great a charismatic leader, but in his case and all others charismatic legitimacy is delicate and fleeting because it ends with the death of the individual. The third form, called rational-legal refers to legitimacy obtained through a procedure that is legally sanctioned. Elections are the most obvious example of this form because they require the public to obey leaders who have been chosen in a legally sanctified way.
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Prior to the assassination of Caesar, Octavian had little going for him other than ambition. He was a member of the famous Julii family, making him a patrician by birth and almost guaranteeing a successful career in politics, but what else would he accomplish?
The day Octavian landed at Brundisium and learned about the inheritance of Caesar’s fortune, his life changed forever. Ambition was put into action so quickly one suspects a master plan behind it. Octavian immediately changed his name to C. Iulius Caesar Octavianus, creating a family connection to the deceased charismatic leader. His new name, with Caesar contained in it, forged a legal connection which could not be disputed.
At this point, we introduce a chronology documenting the moves Octavian made in his effort to take control of the Roman world. I believe that seeing these in a list helps to frame the stratagem and the extent of his efforts.
April, 44 B.C. Octavian was rebuffed in his attempts to obtain Caesar’s legacy from Antony, so he used family assets to pay off Caesar’s legacies. These efforts marked him as a decisive and honest leader who could be trusted.
Late spring, 44 B.C. Octavian launched a PR campaign to Caesar’s veterans without any legal authority to do so, raised a considerable army, and even won over two of Antony’s legions. Octavian knew that military power was needed to create political power and of course, his rivals had armies he had to offset with his own. He must have exhibited an impressive force of will to win over the army because the link with Caesar could only have carried him so far.
Summer- Fall, 44 B.C. Octavian allowed to Senate to view him as preferable to Antony who they disliked. Cicero, in particular, lauded Octavian as a champion of the Republic.
Welcome to the new era of investment management tech. Today, views across risk/return outcomes and asset allocation are table stakes. Institutions want to unlock value and scale, while uncovering insights across horizontal functions, strategies, geographies and everything in between.
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April, 43 B.C. Octavian accompanied the consuls Pansa and Hirtius in their pursuit of Antony, who they defeated at Mutina and Bolonia, but both consuls were killed in battle and Octavian was left as the sole commander of the consular army. He was denied a nomination as consul and threatened to march on Rome if not given the title. The Senate relented and elected him consul suffectus along with Quintus Pedius, a relative who had given his Caesarian inheritance to Octavian.
October, 43 B.C. Octavian agreed to a Second Triumvirate in order to define the contractual obligations between himself and his rivals and to legitimize his position as one of the three most powerful men in Rome.
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October-December, 43 B.C. During the time Octavian was meeting with his fellow triumvirs, Pedius pushed two new laws through the assembly. The first confirmed the adoption of Octavian by Caesar and the use of his name. The second law made outlaws of Caesar’s murderers. Octavian’s strategy was addition and subtraction: raise himself and lower the enemy. Antony was already disliked by the Senate and now the assassins were placed on the enemies list.
November- December, 43 B.C. Octavian participated in the proscription put together by the triumvirs that gained additional wealth for each and disposed of many enemies. Whatever one thinks of Octavian’s moral character, he cannot be excused for the excesses perpetrated there.
Aladdin® Risk combines sophisticated risk analytics with quality-controlled data and highly scalable processing capabilities, allowing clients to know what they own across their portfolio, identify opportunities and make more informed decisions.
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Ice storm warning issued for Bedford County until 3 a.m. Sunday
On Saturday at 1:21 p.m. an ice storm warning was issued by the National Weather Service in effect until Sunday at 3 a.m. for Bedford County.
On Saturday at 1:21 p.m. an ice storm warning was issued by the National Weather Service in effect until Sunday at 3 a.m. for Bedford County.
The weather service says to be ready for, "Significant icing. Snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations between two tenths and three tenths of an inch."
"Scattered power outages are possible due to downed tree limbs. Any untreated roads or sidewalks will be treacherous," explains the weather service. "Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1."
NY Native Pilot Among Crew Members Presumed Dead In DC Plane Crash: Reports
Relatives and loved ones have identified the four crew members on the American Airlines plane that collided with an Army helicopter over Washington, DC, according to reports.
The crew on American Airlines Flight 5342 was based in Charlotte Douglas International Airport, WSOC-TV Channel 9 reported. Among them were Captain Jonathan Campos, First Officer Samuel Lilley, and flight attendants Ian Epstein and Danasia Elder.
The plane was also carrying 60 passengers from Wichita, Kansas, when it crashed over the Potomac River near Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport just before 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 29. All 67 people aboard the PSA Airlines-operated plane and Army Black Hawk helicopter are feared dead, authorities said.
Campos, 34, was originally from New York and grew up in Florida, the Daily Mail reported. He trained at the Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, FL, earning certification as a flight instructor in 2017 and a commercial airline pilot in 2018.
New Snowfall Map: 'First Ice Storm In Years' Will Cause Dangerous Travel For Much Of Northeast
A new winter storm will bring a prolonged period of snow and ice, causing treacherous travel in most of the Northeast.
The system is due to arrive overnight Wednesday, Feb. 5 and start out with widespread snow, before transitioning to freezing rain in the early morning hours of Thursday, Feb. 6, followed by a shift to all rain, according to the National Weather Service.
Snowfall accumulation of between 1 to 3 inches is predicted in areas in the lighter shade of blue in the first image above, including parts of northern New Jersey, Pennsylvania, as well as a broad area in New York, Connecticut and New England.
In the second image above, areas where significant to severe icing is expected are shown in the darker shade, including parts of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. Localized icing is forecast in the lighter-shaded areas.
!summarize #tariffs #government #doge #spending #cathiewood
Car Fire Kills Man Outside Westchester Municipal Building: Police
An 82-year-old man died in a fiery crash outside of a municipal building Friday evening, Feb. 7 in Westchester.
Police received multiple 911 calls for a motor vehicle fire with an occupant trapped in the back of the municipal building parking lot on Maple Avenue around 5:45 p.m. in Hastings on Hudson, Chief David A Dosin said.
Officers and fire chiefs from the Hastings-on-Hudson Fire Department attempted to remove the driver from the vehicle utilizing fire extinguishers but were unsuccessful.
Additional fire trucks arrived on the scene and extinguished the fire. Ultimately, the operator of the vehicle, an 82-year-old Hastings on Hudson resident, died in the fire.
!summarize #Trump #isis #killing
Car Flips On I-684 In Katonah
Firefighters rushed to Interstate 684 in Northern Westchester after a car overturned amid snowy conditions, causing injuries.
The crash happened on Thursday, Feb. 6 at around 10:30 a.m., when a car flipped on I-684 North near Exit 5 in Katonah, according to 511NY and the Katonah Fire Department.
Arriving first responders soon rescued the driver from the vehicle, who was then taken to Westchester Medical Center.
Fire crews stayed at the scene for a short amount of time to help tow trucks and manage traffic.
!summarize #ice #tomhoman #cartels #glennbeck #immigration
!summarize #trump #doj #taskforce #legal #justice
President Trump’s no-nonsense "Border Czar" Tom Homan tells Glenn Beck in an exclusive interview that he’s “very concerned” about reports that Mexico’s drug cartels are planning drone and explosives attacks against U.S. Border Patrol agents. He warns that if cartels hurt any federal agents or members of the U.S. military, President Trump will "wipe them off of the face of the earth.” He also has a message for anti-ICE politicians, like New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who suggest they're knowingly harboring or concealing illegals: “It’s a felony,” and Attorney General Pam Bondi is watching.
!summarize #weather #snow #northeast #Unitedstates
The American people I know LOVE TOM HOMAN!! Thank you Sir from the bottom of my heart for the work you have done and the work your going to do. My father has passed, he was WW2 VETERAN, I know he woul thank you and consider you an outstanding Man. A man who says what he means, means what he says, No bullshit, straight up aMan of his word. I pray to Jesus our Lord and Savior that he helps protect the Men and Women of Ice, Border Patrol, LAW enforcement and our Military. May The Lord Jesus Christ spread his Protective hand over these people, Donald J Trump his family, Tom Holman and his family,The entire administration of our Great President and the men and women who will get our Nation back on track. Make America Great Again!!
January 1, 42 B.C. Julius Caesar was declared a god by the Senate, making Octavian, his adopted son, the son of a god. This precedent created a political-religious link from Octavian to all of Roman history. No traditional legitimacy could have been stronger.
Summer-Fall, 42 B.C. Octavian accompanied Antony in the pursuit of Cassius and Brutus to further legitimize his reputation as a military leader and avenger of the murderers of Caesar. Lepidus, who was left to manage Rome, was now seen as inferior.
Spring, 41 B.C. Following the victory at Philippi, a contract was signed between the triumvirs which re-divided the provinces. Lepidus was denied any territory.
!summarize #jnpritzker #chicago #pambondi #politician
Projected Storm Snowfall Totals Increase: Up To Foot Possible In These Spots
Projected snowfall totals have increased for the next in a series of winter storms in the Northeast, with some locations now expected to get around a foot of accumulation.
1 to 3 inches in the lightest shade of blue,
3 to 6 inches in the next shade,
6 to 12 inches in the darkest shade.
Locations where there will be mainly a wintry mix, including significant icing, are visible by clicking on the second image.
For precipitation types by region, click on the third image above.
"The storm this weekend is just the next in a series of storms that is part of the pattern change that began late last week," AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Joe Lundberg.
Teen, 15, Found Dead: 2 Nabbed After Discovery Of Body In Westchester, Police Say (Update)
Authorities have charged two people in connection to the death of 15-year-old Jonson Temaj, a high school student who was found unresponsive on a sidewalk in Westchester, police announced.
New Rochelle Police announced Friday, Feb. 7, that two people have been charged in connection with Temaj's death after his body was found on Thursday, Feb. 6 at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Charles Street in New Rochelle, as Daily Voice reported.
The suspects are:
Hugo Perez-Gabriel, 32, of New Rochelle, who is charged with concealment of a human corpse and endangering the welfare of a child;
A 16-year-old teen from New Rochelle, whose name was not made public and is charged with concealment of a human corpse and second-degree possession of a forged instrument.
According to police, the two suspects removed Temaj’s body from a nearby residence and left him on the sidewalk, where officers later discovered him without a shirt or shoes.
The cause of death remains undetermined as authorities await toxicology reports. Detectives continue to investigate and urge anyone with information to contact the New Rochelle Police Department’s non-emergency line at 914-654-2300 or provide anonymous tips at 914-632-COPS.
111 Katonahs Wood Road, Bedford, NY 10536, Bedford, NY 10536 - $5,500,000
BEDFORD, N.Y. — A property at 111 Katonahs Wood Road, Bedford, NY 10536 in Bedford is listed at $5,500,000.
40 B.C, Octavian had his sister, Octavia, marry Antony, whose wife had just died. That marital link would serve as a temporary insurance policy to prevent any actions by Antony against him.
Winter, 39-38 B.C, Octavian attacked the rebellious Sextus Pompeius at sea and lost half his ships. Now realizing his shortcomings as a military commander, Octavian Named Agrippa as his senior commander.
36 B.C. After the Sicilian campaign and Lepidus’ defiance, Octavian forced his former partner into retirement, removing an obstacle on the path to control of Rome. Now only Antony stood in the way.
Discovery Of 12 Dead Geese Prompts Park Closure, Bird Flu Concerns In Westchester
Officials in a Westchester town are urging caution after a dozen Canada geese were found dead at a local park, prompting concerns of possible bird flu.
The dead birds were discovered on Sunday, Feb. 2, at Carroll Park on Rollings Hill Road in Thornwood, Mount Pleasant town officials said on Wednesday, Feb. 5.
The geese were removed by a professional wildlife expert and sent to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for testing.
As a precaution, town officials have closed Carroll Park until testing confirms there is no health threat to visitors. A laser device is being used to deter other geese from landing at the pond.
Town Supervisor Carl Fulgenzi and Police Chief Paul Oliva have warned residents to stay away from any dead geese and report any sightings immediately.
"Unfortunately, there are a growing number of Avian Flu cases across the state and beyond. All of us need to be aware of the potential health risks posed to humans and be sure to report but not go near a dead bird as the chances are high that it will be infected," Fulgenzi said.
Anyone in town who finds a dead goose on public or town-owned property should contact the Mount Pleasant Police Department at 914-769-1941 to have a wildlife professional remove it.
Meanwhile, dead geese on private property should be reported to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for guidance.
!summarize #douglasmurray #gaza #trump
!summarize #automotive #demographics #industry #Unitedstates #market
!summarize #bigbang #physics #cosmology #universe #history #science
!summarize #politician #chicago #mayor #johnson #illinois #pambondi #immigration
33 B.C. Antony took up with Cleopatra and became dependent on her fortune, Octavian started a campaign to discredit his former colleague. He painted Antony as a demoralized man under the thumb of the Egyptian queen. Then in 32 B.C, when the consuls tried to censure Octavian, the young man unleashed a vicious attack on Antony causing both consuls and three hundred senators to leave Rome and join Antony.
32 B.C. Octavian had Antony’s will retrieved from the Vestal Virgins and read aloud in public. It proclaimed that Caesarian, Caesar’s son with Cleopatra as legitimate, provided for Antony’s sons with Cleopatra, and called for Antony to be buried with her. This news was offensive to most Romans who now viewed Antony as weak.
31 B.C. Octavian declared war on Antony and defeated him at the battle of Actium.
Pets Killed, Homes Damaged: 500K Stoves Recalled Over This Fire Risk
Half a million electric ranges are being recalled after reports of the stoves accidentally turning on, causing fires and killing pets, officials said.
LG is recalling about 500,000 stoves due to a fire hazard linked to front-mounted knobs, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said in a news release on Thursday, Feb. 6. The recall includes LG Slide-In and Freestanding electric ranges with knobs that can be accidentally turned on by humans or pets.
The issue has led to at least 86 reports of unintentional activation, resulting in 28 fires, the CPSC said. At least five fires caused extensive property damage totaling more than $340,000.
Eight minor injuries, including burns, have been reported. Officials also received reports of three fires that resulted in pet deaths.
The recalled ranges were sold at major retailers, including Best Buy, Costco, The Home Depot, and Lowe's, as well as online at Depending on the model, sales ranged from 2015 through January 2025, with prices between $1,400 and $2,650.
Owners should contact LG for a free warning label that reminds users to enable the "control lock" or "lock out" function when the range is not in use. LG is also urging consumers to keep children and pets away from the knobs, check that the range is off before leaving home or going to bed, and avoid leaving objects on the cooktop.
You can find a list of affected model and serial numbers on LG's website.
Winning Numbers For Friday, Feb. 7 'Mega Millions' Drawing With Estimated $94M Jackpot
The winning numbers have been announced for the Friday, Feb. 7 Mega Millions drawing.
The estimated jackpot is $94 million with a $42.9 million cash option.
The winning numbers were 04-24-32-41-55 with a Mega Ball of 16 and a Megaplier of 2X.
If no winner wins the top prize, the jackpot will continue to roll until the next drawing at 10:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Lottery players have a 1 in 302,575,350 chance of winning a Mega Millions jackpot by matching all five balls plus the gold Mega Ball, according to officials. Prizes then range from $1 million to $2.
The steps outlined above were methodically carried out over a thirteen year period. When it began, Octavian was nineteen years old. When it ended, he was thirty-two.
How did this behavior anticipate Weber?
First and foremost, Octavian built a bridge to tradition by adopting Caesar’s name and certifying himself as Caesar’s adopted son. When Caesar became deified, Octavian became the son of a god.
Anduril in talks to raise money at $28 billion valuation as defense-tech booms
Anduril has signed a term sheet to raise up to $2.5 billion at a valuation of $28 billion, according to sources close to the company.
The company is planning to raise up to $2.5 billion in the round, said the people who asked not to be named because the details are confidential. The latest funding would double Anduril's valuation from August.
Anduril, the three-time CNBC Disruptor 50 company that ranked No. 2 in 2024, aims to disrupt traditional defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman by developing its own products and selling them to clients, in contrast to the traditional military process of contracting and then building.
#anduril #defense #Tech #funding
An Anduril spokesperson declined to comment.
Luckey, who sold virtual reality company Oculus to Facebook for $2 billion in 2014, has been a public supporter of Donald Trump since long before the president's return to the White House.
"I've been on the tech-for-Trump train for longer than just about anyone," Luckey, who started the company in 2017, told CNBC's "Closing Bell Overtime" on Nov. 6, right after Trump's election victory. "The idea that we need to be the strongest military in the world is really non-partisan."
!summarize #openai #workers
!summarize #andrejkarpathy #deepseek #ai
The only way to battle a bad AI is a good AI.
!summarize #robotics #meta #zuckerberg #partnr #drones
Meta is studying how humans and robots can collaborate on housework
Meta on Friday announced PARTNR, a new program designed to study human-robot interaction (HRI). The research is specifically focused on how humans and robots might collaborate in the home environment. That includes mundane tasks like cleaning, cooking, and picking up food deliveries.
Automated housework is a decades-old dream, most prominently captured by Rosey on “The Jetsons.” The robot maid debuted on prime-time television more than 60 years ago but continues to be a popular touchstone when discussing the potential for sophisticated machines to remove some of the burden of household chores.
#meta #partnr #robots #humans #housework
To date, however, only the robot vacuum has made significant headway in the market. There are numerous reasons why no other home robots have cracked the mainstream, including price, reliability, and limited functionality. It’s certainly not for lack of trying, nor is it due to consumer disinterest. It’s just that no other robot has hit the mark on both cost and feature set.
It’s likely that seeing more robots in the home will require improved collaboration with the people who own them. The first wave of home robots are unlikely to single-handedly manage chores. Even a good robot vacuum needs help from time to time. Meta is positioning PARTNR as both a benchmark and dataset to determine how people and robots might work together to get things done around the home.
Andrew Ng is 'very glad' Google dropped its AI weapons pledge
Andrew Ng, the founder and former leader of Google Brain, supports Google’s recent decision to drop its pledge not to build AI systems for weapons.
“I’m very glad that Google has changed its stance,” Ng said during an onstage interview Thursday evening with TechCrunch at the Military Veteran Startup Conference in San Francisco.
#andrewng #google #ai #weapons
Earlier this week, Google deleted a 7-year-old pledge from its AI principles web page, which promised the company would not design AI for weapons or surveillance. Alongside the deletion, Google published a blog post penned by DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis, who noted companies and governments should work together to build AI that “supports national security.”
Google made its AI weapons pledge in 2018 following the Project Maven protests, in which thousands of employees protested the company’s contracts with the U.S. military. The protestors specifically took issue with Google supplying AI for a military program that helped interpret video images and could be used to improve the accuracy of drone strikes.
!summarize #stemcells #biology #healthcare #medicine #bobhariri
Anthropic CEO says DeepSeek was 'the worst' on a critical bioweapons data safety test
Anthropic's CEO Dario Amodei claims DeepSeek generated sensitive bioweapons data in a safety test it ran.
Anthropic’s CEO Dario Amodei is worried about competitor DeepSeek, the Chinese AI company that took Silicon Valley by storm with its R1 model. And his concerns could be more serious than the typical ones raised about DeepSeek sending user data back to China.
In an interview on Jordan Schneider’s ChinaTalk podcast, Amodei said DeepSeek generated rare information about bioweapons in a safety test run by Anthropic.
#anthropic #ceo #deepseek #bioweapons #ai
DeepSeek’s performance was “the worst of basically any model we’d ever tested,” Amodei claimed. “It had absolutely no blocks whatsoever against generating this information.”
Amodei stated that this was part of evaluations Anthropic routinely runs on various AI models to assess their potential national security risks. His team looks at whether models can generate bioweapons-related information that isn’t easily found on Google or in textbooks. Anthropic positions itself as the AI foundational model provider that takes safety seriously.
!summarize #deepseek #ai #aiagents
!summarize #openai #sales #agent #b2b #jobs
!summarize #ai #aiagents
!summarize #technology #meta
!summarize #technology #AI
!summarize #technology #energy
!summarize #technology
!summarize #technology #space
!summarize #technology #tesla
!summarize #technology #robot
!summarize #technology
!summarize #tesla #modely #juniper
!summarize #markzuckerberg #deepseek #ai #meta
Just like future and spot trading have disparities, so will the disparity between paper gold,gold etf and actual physical gold
When a crisis breaks out too much theoritical things,future things chases the actual thing. Go for physical gold
Indeed, paper gold is only good if you're actively trading it, and still sus based on potential crisis. Gimme bullion
stake physical gold to remain Care free...... 😀
These are the stories we love to read about!
Good morning everyone! Hope you have a great weekend! ❤️
I was outside with my dog, then made some workout, and now we are both tired. 😄
I will do some Hive stuff now and then play World of Warcraft and just chill. 🤩
What are you up to today?
#gm #gmfrens #saturday #goodmorning #dog #walk #tired #worldofwarcraft #raven
May you have a great Saturday!
It's been a long time since I played Warcraft and for me it's a special game, as it was the first game I played on the computer. Good times...
I have the flu... now I have to try to recover, because at night things are terrible for sleeping.
Ahh that´s nice! I play it from time to time. Then I stop for a year or so and play again. :D
Hope you feel better soon!
And thank you!
Thank you, today I even woke up feeling better and I think I'll be 100% tomorrow.
Good morning reven...
My weekend is going well 🌻
I know yours is going well too.
Hello =) Happy to hear this!!
try kompete if you are up for some Kart racing ;)
I would love to! But I need to setup Metamask and have some ETH for this first?
this is a game that is free to play. you only need to connect your wallet if you want to sell or buy skins ;)
Ahh ok cool! Is there a referral link you can send me?
they have no referral program yet. you can download the game from their website or from the epic games store
Ah thank you! =)
Hi, @solymi,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
So Cute one
Thank you, yes she is! I love her. :)
It was not on purpse that I voted on my own post! :D I set it to 0%, sorry!
Nothing beats getting some fresh air, moving a bit, and then just relaxing. Your dog is probably thinking, haaa finally nap time. Enjoy your session dear
Good morning!

Preparing to go to work in a minute or two. Have a nice weekend.
#gmfrens #gm #bbh #work #weekend
Peace…kick today’s ass
😂 I'll try.
Good morning Fren. Thank you and you too. !BBH !INDEED !DOOK
Hope you had an awesome weekend
Später ein Paar Besorgungen machen #cent 🍃
Yeah! It's time to buy. LOL
Price $HBD #hive #bbh #cent #freecompliments
Daily #summarystats – February 7, 2025
Historical Data
A lot of hard work for the Lions, a big congrats to them ✌️ and to you to many
A lot of hard work indeed 🙌
We go again today. I hope to do more.
Good stats
Hi, @mightpossibly,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
es ist einfach nur hingerotzt
I have 2 achievements to celebrate today! 💃🥳
Made it to 1300 followers on Hive! 🎉😍
Thank you so much guys for this tremendous support the last weeks! ❤️
Next goal 1500! 💪
#followers #hive #achievement #goals #raven #thankyou
I made it to 15 followers next goal 20 lol congrats tho
Well, be patient, it takes time. :) Make good and valuable content and make your posts look nice with pictures etc.
yeah I will, thanks for the advice!
You deserve it
Thanks alot! =)
over 300 is really really good. Most of the coins with high trading volumes are there so really convenient
I probably should be recording some new reactions but I am feeling so lazy!
First day in heaven
Today I explored the potential of a DeFi perpetual LP Index Derivative in growing decentralized liquidity and trading.
Link below 👇
Perfect read for markets and trading enthusiasts. 👇
Gifu is my priority shopping target currently #liotes #bbh #cent #gifu
It might be wise for someone to take away Kanye's phone, just to ensure his well-being.
lol the guy is unhinged
$HIVE on toes after a price slashing storm ripples through alts, not many worries about $BTC, but alts are currently in survival mode. If $BTC goes $5K then the prices will drop further.
#crypto #btc #hive #market
One can simply take action.
"You can just do things."
1/5 Dear members of #oliodibalena community It's time to vote for the best author of the week (41° contest)
In the comments you will find links to the posts of nominations
#topauthors #polls #poll #weeklytops #aotw
07-02-2025 - Chemistry Basics - Photoelectric Effect [EN]-[IT]2/5 You can read post by @stefano.massari ->
Le avventure di Olivia the Brook...3/5 You can read post by @lozio71 ->
My Adventure in Golem Overlord: Climbing the Leaderboard and...4/5 read post by @stradaxlaliberta ->
[ENG/ITA] ANNUNCIO: OdB Engagement Contest5/5 You can read post by @bencwarmer ->
Questa volta voto @bencwarmer. In bocca al lupo a tutti i partecipanti. La qualità dei post si è alzata negli ultimi mesi
Grazie caro!
È sempre difficile scegliere qualcuno, anche oggi che siamo in pochi
$LEO price has fallen a bit from its ATH price and I think it's a nice time to score up some Leo if anyone wants to build a stake. For me, I recently crossed 12,000 Leo stake and am still chasing my way to reach 15k one day.
#bbh #cent
Happy weekend to you Lions. What will you be doing today?
I'll spend time with my siblings, which I have already started, have 2 videos to work on, be present on INLEO, and get other things done. Oh, I almost forgot, I should also do some skips today, my skipping rope has been on leave, haha.
#cent #weekend
noting haha just rest
you need to rest man
Very true... rough week ahead of me
That's still good. The body needs some rest. I guess you had a stressful week. I wish I could do more of resting and seeing movies.
This is Great
More progress from leo
The U.S. jobs data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is out for January, and the figures positively impact Bitcoin (BTC). The data show that NonFarm Payrolls (NFP) recorded a surge of 143,000 in January.
Three types of individuals exist:
Those who gain advantages from the fiat financial system
Those who lack understanding of it
And cryptocurrency enthusiasts
Due to the fixes, recoding of some of Hive-Engine, I am getting errors in my DripDAy script, so dripday is delayed untill I can get my script fixed/recoded to match the changes Hive-Engine made. I won't miss any drips, just delays.
Hello Bradley. Happy weekend and #BBH drip day.
I suspected that the fixes on Hive-engine will delay the BBH drip distribution, hopefully, it will be fixed soon.
Already got it fixed and #dripday done :) #bbh !BBH
No worries, take your time and pull the BBH drip lever once fixed.
Thanks, fixed, #dripday done :) #bbh !BBH
Love it. !LOLZ
She still thinks it's going to be a fishpond.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of lordshah
@bradleyarrow, I sent you
He wanted something *meteor*.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of lordshah
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@bradleyarrow, I sent you an
See my blog for more information @shortsegments
it's integration with InLeo is one of the best moves on the platform
I will check it 👀
After all these have been integrated and system set well with more tokens available to exchange, this could be the best ever even against big exchange platforms
What's with #elonmusk lately? Is America great again?
It's the America greatest mistake.
Not sure if Americans think that way. They are liking what #trump is doing so far
This is why this choice is their greatest mistake.
We will know in a few years for sure.
Blue Sky
It's captivatingly beautiful.
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Top Ten Cryptos on Coinmarketcap today
Bitcoin 7 day performance down 5.75%
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Blue Skys
USA Congress Stablecoin Legislation