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Time to full this up with YT videos that are summaried. Get more data into the database.

This dude changed my life forever 35 years ago when I was 15. No joke. I applied what I watched and learned from his infomercial at 1 in the morning on TV and I’m not kidding I noticed results the next day with the way people interacted with me and I was hooked, for life. I went from being painfully shy and feeling like a loser outcast to a guy who is in charge of himself, CONFIDENT and makes things happen. If people simply applied did what he tells you your life will go in whatever direction you dream of. You simply need to do it and stick with it. All the habits are positive habits and it’s like magic. Number 1 is believe in yourself.

I learned this a year ago and it took me 1 year to really know in depth the truth of this, i recommend everyone to study in depth this topic, just listening to it one time doesn't do anything, you will not buy into it when you need to use it, you will say bs that will not do anything, and even if you use this technique with willpower they will not work for you because you unconsciously believe they will not work even before you use them, so learning this is an ongoing process and one of the most powerful skills in the world. You don't have what you desire because you get negative when you go for it, if you were in a good state going for it, whatever is in your mind you will already have it. You can see this first hand when you want to push yourself in the gym, the negative emotions and self-talk pop up, and that's why you may not have the body you desire.

Don't try to remove the negative thoughts ,don't go in this direction because thn it'll become your nature and you'll always act on it ."....this is something which hit me so hard that i replayed this part again. I've been experiencing the same thing ..sometimes my thoughts make me so confused that i even forget who i actually am , what type of a person i am ?..i always find myself stuck in this loop of thoughts and it becomes so hard to get rid of them

  • a teenager

One of my favorite hobbies and things to do is running. When I’m running I feel and hear my heartbeat. I am also focused on my breathing and feel every breath go in to my lungs. I admire nature and what surrounds me when I run. Eventually once I’m in a few miles I get that runners high. In a way I feel like it’s my consciousness being fully present. Thoughts do come and go but they’re just like clouds. I feel so a live that nothing matters to me. I simply enjoy my run, myself and the world that surrounds me. I hope someday I can master something like this with meditation as well. Namaste

Thank you this reminder is on time. I am in my first weeks of pregnancy and I feel the world sitting in my chest with all its unpleasant feelings, and it is hard to ignore the heavyweight in my heart and negative words in my mind. I will do my best to separate me and the feelings in my body and the words I ponder in the mind, so I can feel at peace again and have my baby in a healthier way

In virtual attachment with Sadguru, I perfectly understand that complete detachment from the external world, and living in solitude through meditation on the self must be the only way to be free from "OCD "(obsessive compulsive disorder )which originates from negative and absurd paranoid thought and behaviour. I am very much grateful to Sadguru who spiritually encourages many people including me about the art of living in happiness trancedentally.

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